


Rift: Storm Legion Mage Soul: The Harbinger

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 06:40 PM PDT

Storm Legion Mage Soul: The Harbinger

Earlier today we hosted an exclusive developer reveal with the Rift team. During the chat, devs talked about the Harbinger, a new mage soul that will be forthcoming in the Storm Legion expansion. Check out the video if you missed the live event!

Firefall: eSports Toolkit Announced

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:31 PM PDT

eSports Toolkit Announced

Red 5 Studios is preparing an "eSports Toolkit" for Firefall frag fans everywhere. The kit includes spectator modes and streamlined shoutcaster controls. The team has released a video to show off the unique kit that "takes competitive gaming to the next level".

RaiderZ: The Game Cooler: Grakulen Blogs on RaiderZ

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:29 PM PDT

The Game Cooler: Grakulen Blogs on RaiderZ

MMORPG.com's prolific streamer, Grakulen, is breaking the ice on his new blog, The Game Cooler, with some thoughts on Perfect World Entertainment's free-to-play monster-hunting MMO, RaiderZ!

Forge: Face-Punchingly Good PVP

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 04:28 PM PDT

Face-Punchingly Good PVP

Many MMO players are looking for a -great- PvP experience. Forge is billing itself as a PvP-centric game. We've got a preview to share that just might get you excited about it. Check it out!

World of Warcraft: Bill's Least Favorite Classes to Level

Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:33 PM PDT


Every MMO has classes that are more difficult to play, that maybe require more micromanagement than others. In The WoW Factor today, we take a look at five classes that are annoying as hell level up, even if the game itself isn't all that hard. See if you agree and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

City of Heroes: Issue 24 with Matt Miller

Posted: 08 Aug 2012 07:30 PM PDT

Issue 24 with Matt Miller

City of Heroes is expanding again with Issue 24: Resurgence. We had the opportunity to chat with Senior Lead Designer Matt Miller about the expansion, what it brings to the game and much more. Check it out and then discuss the interview in the comments.

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