
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Brawl Busters Expands With "The 16th Warrior"


Brawl Busters Expands With

Rock Hippo Productions announced today that Brawl Busters has launched an exciting new update, "The 16th Warrior". This raucous update will raise player limits; introduce gameplay features and a new map.

Knight Age Saddles Up for Open Beta Contests


Knight Age Saddles Up for Open Beta Contests

Joymax unveiled a slew of exciting open beta events for Knight Age. Players will be able to once again mount up and enter into a daring combat in this fantasy MMORPG beginning August 28th.

ArcheAge: New Video Shows Off Character Customization for CBT5


ArcheAge: New Video Shows Off Character Customization for CBT5

A new video has been released by the ArcheAge team that show off the races and custmization options for each.

Bounty Bay Online Shutting Down


Bounty Bay Online Shutting Down

Bounty Bay Online has announced that it will be shutting down in the near future, with the servers currently sheduled to go dark on September 20th.

Firefall Announces eSports Toolkit


Firefall Announces eSports Toolkit

Red 5 Studios has announced a special eSports Toolkit for Firefall. The eSports Toolkit brings competitive gaming to the next level with unique spectator modes and streamlined shoutcaster controls.

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