Guid Wars 2: The Lore of it All Posted: For some reason... I can't stop nerd writing about this game. I'm sure many people have by now grown sick of seeing these articles. Well too bad! You're going to have to see another one! Anyways, today I'm going to give some of my (not so wise) insight into the lore of Guild Wars 2. Some of things I found interesting was the naming of asura.  |
[Gamescom] Chinese Game Pavilion to Exhibit at GamesCom 2012 Posted: A Chinese delegation consisting of the most competent and representative game companies will exhibit in the B2B Hall of GamesCom 2012, which will open on August 15 and close on August 19.The Chinese Delegation, initiated and approved by General Administration of Press and Publication of the People's Republic of China and co-organized by the Foreign Trade Development Bureau of MOFCOM and Howell International Trade Fair Ltd., is China's first national game pavilion to join a European exhibition.  |
C9 Europe Finalists Win $10,000 and a Ticket to G-Star 2012 Posted: WEBZEN Inc. announced the winners of the 'C9 (Continent of the Ninth Seal) Europe Championship' tournament at Gamescom 2012 held in Cologne, Germany.  |
Korea Dragon Nest - Royal's Dark Summoner Guide Posted: Hi, my main is named RoyaleDeath you may seen my youtube videos. I have gotten a lot of requests for my build, a guide, or whats good and not good for Dark Summoners. This will hopefully answer all your questions. In this guide I will go over my build, what good gear to use for kali, PvP builds, and how to use kali to her best potential.  |
Onlive Officially Confirms Layoffs, Dissolution Posted: After a full day of denials and dueling rumors, OnLive has finally issued an official statement (via The Verge):  |
Dungeon Fighter Online Released New Class "Avenger" Trailer Posted: Nexon has released a new Dungeon Fighter Online video showing off the origin story of the new Priest class advancement, the Avenger.The Avenger is a Priest who is able to turn himself into a demon and inflict enormous pain on enemies and, for a short while, become invincible. The video shows how warrior priest were cursed by the evil Ozman to become transformed into a demon under his thrall.  |
Combat Arms Releases Operation: Death Row Posted: Nexon has launched Operation: Death Row, the latest update to the MMOFPS Combat Arms. This update introduces a brand new map and a new event.  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria - Raid Titles & Rewards Posted: Heroic Sha of Fear - If you defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty, you are granted the title: The Fearless.  |
Nexon Revealed a New Video for Navyfield 2: Conqueror of the Ocean Posted: Take a look to this exclusive gameplay video for the new naval simulation MMO of Nexon, Navyfield 2: Conqueror of the Ocean.  |
Blade and Soul (KR) May Have A Dim Future Posted: The popularity of NCsoft's latest MMORPG Blade and Soul may fade sooner than expected due to lackluster content updates, according to Korean game industry observers last week.The massive multiplayer online role-playing game took five years to develop and cost 55 billion won. It was launched commercially in June to rave reviews.  |
Serenia Fantasy Open Beta Imminent Posted: JoyoPark has announced that the open beta for Serenia Fantasy will be arriving shortly. Serenia Fantasy is a Browser based classic JRPG style MMO. Set in the lands of Serenia Continent, players will take on a whole host of different quests and missions, taking them across the continent from the hazardous icy plains right the way to the underwater land of the Nagarian.  |
Small Vanguard Content Update Soon Posted: While the initial relaunch of Vanguard in its new free-to-play format seems to be going along swimmingly, players are understandably wondering what the next step for this fantasy title will be. Sony Online Entertainment came on its official forums and promised that, among other things, a small content release was on its way to the game.  |
Community Voice: What can other MMO Devs learn from Square Enix...? Posted: We all know that when an MMO is dying, (or have crashed so hard that the possibility of reviving is null and void) the Devs/Publishers of those MMOs pull the plug or go free to play (And sometimes shut down afterward). Fast forward to a half a year later and the team has been replaced and the new director Naoki Yoshida, takes the helm.  |
Knight Age Packed With New Game Content For Open Beta Test Posted: Joymax, leading online game developer and publisher widely known for Silkroad Online and Digimon Masters, unveiled some of the additional content being added to the upcoming free-to-play 3D MMORPG, Knight Age. With open beta starting on August 28th, Joymax is also pleased to announce players will be able to carry their open beta progress straight into commercial launch later this year!  |