


ArcheAge: Facebook Page Debuts

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:33 AM PDT

Facebook Page Debuts

Fans of ArcheAge will want to keep an eye on the newly activated Facebook page. Though written in Korean, Facebook provides a handy translation option that by all accounts works very well. Check it out for yourself!

Continent of the Ninth Seal: Create Your Character Ahead of OBT

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:16 AM PDT

Create Your Character Ahead of OBT

Webzen and the C9 team have announced that players looking forward to the upcoming open beta will be able to create characters and reserve player names ahead of its commencement. From June 20-27th, players can log into their accounts to create their characters with the open beta test slated to begin on June 28th.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Initial Character Transfers Open

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:12 AM PDT

Initial Character Transfers Open

BioWare and the Star Wars: The Old Republic teams have announced that the initial round of free character transfers has opened up for players. Transfers are free of charge and must occur between approved origin and destination servers.

Pirate 101: Avast! Our E3 2012 Preview

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 07:48 PM PDT

Avast! Our E3 2012 Preview

Not long ago KingsIsle announced that Pirate101 is the latest game to come out of the studio largely known for Wizard101. During E3 we had a chance to check out Pirate101 so keep reading, me hearties!

Dungeons & Dragons Online: House Necro and House Warrior Screens

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:57 AM PDT

House Necro and House Warrior Screens

Turbine and the Dungeons & Dragons Online team have released several new screenshots from the upcoming Underdark expansion. The screens give players a look at the House Necro and House Warrior quests. You can find them all in our Dungeons & Dragons Online screenshot gallery.

Lord of the Rings Online: Behind the Scenes - Riders of Rohan

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:53 AM PDT

Behind the Scenes - Riders of Rohan

Turbine and the Lord of the Rings Online team have produced a behind the scenes video to show off the creative process behind creating Riders of Rohan. This video highlights some of the work that went into making the live action short as true to the source material as possible and shows a short snippet of some of the new content to come. Enjoy!

Dark Age of Camelot: Wayback Wednesday with DAOC

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 09:48 PM PDT

Wayback Wednesday with DAOC

Grakulen scored another opportunity to play and chat with the Dark Age of Camelot team during last week's Wayback Wednesday. We've got the full write up and the video to show off what they did during the event. Check it out!

SMITE: Closed Beta Key Giveaway #2!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 06:39 PM PDT

Closed Beta Key Giveaway #2!

MMORPG.com and Hi-Rez Studios have partnered up to give out 100 keys for the closed beta of their upcoming MOBA, SMITE!

Dragon Crusade: Closed Beta Gift Pack Giveaway!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 05:27 PM PDT

Closed Beta Gift Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and Aeria Games have partnered up to give out 5000 gift packs for Aeria's upcoming MMO, Dragon Crusade.

Diablo 3: Auction House Deployed in Latest Patch

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 04:28 PM PDT

Auction House Deployed in Latest Patch

The latest Diablo III patch has been deployed which most notably brings the real money auction house online. At the current time, the auction house is only available on the Americas servers with the EU auction house to be added at a later date.

Diablo 3: Make Me Fight! With Jason Turqman

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 01:57 PM PDT

Make Me Fight! With Jason Turqman

Watch our very own Jason Turqman stream some good ol' demon-slaying in our latest edition of 'Make Me Fight!' Jason will be playing Diablo III for the next little while so be sure to check out the stream!

Spirit Tales: New Update to Raise Level Cap, Adds Content

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 11:38 AM PDT

New Update to Raise Level Cap, Adds Content

The Spirit Tales team has announced that the latest game update will add new features and a level cap increase to 50. Players will have new instanced dungeons to explore, monster training battlegrounds and new legendary items.

General: RTSGuru.com | Best of E3 2012 Awards

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 10:41 AM PDT

RTSGuru.com | Best of E3 2012 Awards

RTSGuru.com editors give out the awards earned from this year's E3. What titles did their staff think were truly captivating at the industry's biggest show? Head over to RTSguru.com to find out!

DUST 514: FPSGuru.com | DUST 514 Interview

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 10:39 AM PDT

FPSGuru.com | DUST 514 Interview

Pokket/Hillary got the chance to interview Atli Már Sveinsson at E3 this year about Dust 514. You can check it out at FPSGuru.com to see what she discovered.

Divina: Open Beta Begins

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 08:33 AM PDT

Open Beta Begins

Gamania has announced that the open beta for Divina has officially kicked off. During open beta, players will get a first look at the GvG system as well as new PvP features put into place by the team based on closed beta participant feedback.

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