


The Secret World: Third Beta Weekend Detailed

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 08:23 AM PDT

Third Beta Weekend Detailed

Funcom has laid out plans for this weekend's third beta weekend for The Secret World. Players will have the opportunity to check out two new dungeons, Polaris and Hell Rising, as well as the entire Savage Coast. In addition, players will be able to experience the Dragon and Illuminati starter areas as well.

World of WarPlanes: E3 2012 Preview

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 04:39 PM PDT

E3 2012 Preview

One of Wargaming.net's next titles is World of WarPlanes. During E3 2012, we had the opportunity to check out what World of WarPlanes is ready to unleash on the world. Keep reading and then let us know what you think in the comments.

Runes of Magic: Fires of Shadowforge Launches Today

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 08:04 AM PDT

Fires of Shadowforge Launches Today

Frogster has announced that the latest Runes of Magic expansion, Fires of Shadowforge, has officially launched as of today. The expansion comes packed with a level cap increase, two new zones, new dungeons and a new playable race.

General: Dragon Knights Taking CBT Apps

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 07:58 AM PDT

Dragon Knights Taking CBT Apps

Aeria Games has announced that preparations are underway for the commencement of the Dragon Knights closed beta test. Players are encouraged to head to the official site to sign up for the combat oriented MMO. To celebrate the announcement, the team has released a teaser trailer.

The Secret World: Executioner, Ninja & Gunslinger Decks Revealed

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 05:17 PM PDT

Executioner, Ninja & Gunslinger Decks Revealed

Funcom has partnered with MMORPG.com to bring our readers a first look at three of the decks that players will be able to utilize when playing The Secret World. Decks guide players to setting up optimal characters and have the added clothing bonus as well. We've go the Ninja, Executioner and Gunslingers for your viewing pleasure so keep reading!

Guild Wars 2: Progress Shown this Beta Weekend

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 03:24 PM PDT

Progress Shown this Beta Weekend

During this past weekend's second beta event, we took some time to check out the improvements and changes to the Guild Wars 2 client. We've go the full report of our impressions in our latest column. Read on!

EverQuest II: SOEmote Revolutionizing Role-play

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 07:32 PM PDT

SOEmote Revolutionizing Role-play

During E3, we managed to get a good first-hand look at Sony Online Entertainment's new tech feature called SOEmote, a feature that is set to be implemented in EverQuest 2. Don't know what SOEmote is? You will after checking out our hands on experience. Read on!

The Repopulation: Community Q&A -- Give Us Your Questions!

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 06:21 PM PDT

Community Q&A -- Give Us Your Questions!

MMORPG.com is partnering up with the folks behind The Repopulation for a community Q&A. That's right, if you've got a question (or questions!) for the developers just drop 'em in the comments below before Friday, June 15 @ 5PM EDT and we might select one of yours for our interview!

SMITE: Closed Beta Key Giveaway!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 03:48 PM PDT

Closed Beta Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and Hi-Rez Studios have partnered up to give out 100 keys for the closed beta of their upcoming MOBA, SMITE!

The Secret World: Get Your Beta Weekend 3 Key Now!

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 11:26 AM PDT

Get Your Beta Weekend 3 Key Now!

The third Beta Weekend for The Secret World starts on June 15th, and for nearly three days you will get explore and enjoy even more of the game than ever before. In this Beta Weekend you get to play as Dragon, Templars and Illuminati, and sample the starter experience in the Seoul, London and New York hub cities. GET YOUR BETA KEY NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

Diablo 3: Asia Servers Down Due to Item Duplication Exploit

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 09:12 AM PDT

Asia Servers Down Due to Item Duplication Exploit

Blizzard Korea has announced downtime for Diablo III's servers in Asia due to the existence of an item duplication exploit.

Rift: Storm Legion Preview

Posted: 09 Jun 2012 06:53 PM PDT

Storm Legion Preview

Trion Worlds recently announced the first Rift expansion, Storm Legion. During E3, we had the opportunity to check out Storm Legion and have a full report. Read on!

General: MMOFTW - The Best of E3 2012 Awards

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 06:37 AM PDT

MMOFTW - The Best of E3 2012 Awards

This year's E3 was filled the brim with new and upcoming MMOs. In this week's MMOFTW we award the five best and brightest from the recent trade show. Take a look at the video beyond the break!

General: Five Games We Loved at E3 2012

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 01:24 AM PDT

Five Games We Loved at E3 2012

Truth be told, E3 2012 was a pretty underwhelming show overall, but that doesn't mean there weren't some awesome things to see there. Since we can't possibly list them all in one article, we've picked out five things we loved during this year's E3 for this week's The List.

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