Look! Up in the sky! They are Joining in Dota2 Stable Client Today! Posted: Welcome back old friends! Gyrocopter, Phantom Assassin and Chaos Knight are the latest heroes to join the Dota 2 cast.  |
Nexon Buys Major Share of NCsoft Posted: Korean media thisisgame reported that Nexon Japan had purchased 14.7% share at $687 million, from Korean giant NCsoft and become the major holder of the developer of AION and Blade & Soul.  |
Core Blaze - Exploration and World Events Posted: Unlike other action games that focuses on combat and dungeons, Core Blaze wants you to experience the fun of exploration and world events.  |
Renaissance Heroes Unveils a Weapon Overview Trailer Posted: ChangYou (US) has just released a brand new video featuring the weapon overview of its latest MMOFPS Renaissance Heroes. There are four types of weapons in the game: Rifles (mid-range and rapid fire), Crossbows (long-range and feature zoom), Melee (close range and include bombs), and Special weapons (heavy weapons and explosives).  |
June Update Titled Accelerate Coming to Tribes: Ascend This Week Posted: In the mid-June, Tribes: Ascend brought by Hi-Rez Studios will welcome its significant update that will go live this weekend. The June update, titled Accelerate, will dramatically speed up the process by which players unlock weapon upgrades and earn new items.  |
MMOsite The 7th Anniversary Events Launch Today! Posted: MMOsite will be turning 7 on June 17, 2012. We are holding a big birthday party to celebrate it with all our readers and our friends!  |
The Secret World: Third Beta Weekend Event Begins on June 15 Posted: Funcom today announced that the third Beta Weekend for The Secret World will start on June 15th at 9am PST and lasts until June 17th, 11.59pm PST. In this Beta Weekend you get to play as Dragon, Templars and Illuminati, and sample the starter experience in the Seoul, London and New York hub cities.  |
WoW TCG Art Gallery: Jackknife Posted: Blizzard have updated the Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.  |
Dragon Nest NA Announces New Class Tinkerer Posted: Nexon just announced the next class for Dragon Nest, the Tinkerer. Tinkerer is versatile and uses missiles and rockets for good ol' fashioned damage, chemical attacks to cripple enemies, and her robot bodyguard to lay on the hurt!  |
My Life as a Guild Leader Posted: Hi, I'm Icaras, or Alexander. I'm the leader of Genesis Gaming, a previously dominating force in the free2play MMORPG market, currently transitioning into a community and competitive team in League of Legends, Guild Wars 2 and Starcraft II, a couple of my friends said it'd be good for me and maybe for others to find interesting if I post my week to week happenings, in real life and in the virtual world of what goes on and the fun times I face.  |
Action MMORPG Dragon Knights Announced Posted: The game is developed by Korean studio RPG Factory and known as The Legend of Dragon Knights, or DK Online in Korea.  |
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online Adds New Missions and Units Posted: OGPlanet announced today that they have released two new scenario missions, implemented two new S rank units, and updated the Custom Capsule Machine for their popular multiplayer third-person shooter game, SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online.  |
Woes of Randoms - I Won't Be Pushed Around by Pre-mades Posted: I have a new "Woes of Randoms" for you all today. As you know, I like to put up little tales of the worst of the randoms I get at any period, ones that truly stand out among the crowd and make me wonder what the hell is really wrong with them.  |
Blade and Soul CBT3 Skill Information Level 1-14 Posted: The information is pulled from the Korean Blade & Soul Wiki and TIG Screenshots. The training tree format will be slightly different. Due to the date the TIG screenshots were posted, it is possible some of the information (such as cooldowns or cast times) is outdated. I assumed that any icon without a key was right click. Once again, I don't claim to be fluent in Korean, some names are literal translations.  |