TERA: A Peek Into the Future Posted: 01 Jun 2012 07:03 AM PDT 
En Masse Entertainment has posted a short blog article revealing a bit of information about what the team is working on for an update coming later this summer. Most notably, tank classes (Warrior & Lancer) will be receiving some love and two new instances will make their debut. |
Conquer Online: Dawn of a New War Announced Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:57 AM PDT 
Fans of Conquer Online will want to check out the new announcement that Dawn of War will be arriving soon. DoW comes packed with new content and also addresses several areas of concern from players, most notably class balance. |
Eudemons Online: Watch a Trailer & Win Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:52 AM PDT 
The Eudemons Online team is giving its fans a chance to win some in-game premium currency simply by watching a sixth anniversary trailer. Watch, like, comment, share and several lucky winners will be chosen randomly to win. Pretty simple. |
The Elder Scrolls Online: Team Answers Fan Questions Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:33 AM PDT 
GameInformer.com has scored an interview with members of the development team behind The Elder Scrolls Online. Community members were allowed to submit questions that the team took on in this new podcast. |
General: Closing Time Posted: 30 May 2012 06:31 PM PDT 
This has been a rough week in game development with studios closing, developers being laid off and games being canceled. In today's Developer Perspectives, we get an inside look at how it all feels and what it means. Read on! |
Guild Wars 2: Beta Weekend Event #2 Code Giveaway! Posted: 31 May 2012 08:43 AM PDT 
MMORPG.com and NCsoft have partnered to give away 500 beta codes for Guild Wars 2's second beta weekend event. The event kicks off on Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7) and will run until Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7). |
Jade Dynasty: A Month-Long Celebration Posted: 31 May 2012 02:05 PM PDT 
Perfect World Entertainment has announced that Jade Dynasty is turning three years old and that the development team has a month-long celebration for players. It will include events and prizes and more. |
Spirit Tales: Monster Boss PvP Trailer Posted: 31 May 2012 01:49 PM PDT 
Spirit Tales players will be able to take part in a novel new PvP experience in the new Monster Boss mode. In MB mode, one player becomes a dungeon boss and four others try to take them down. The team released a new trailer to illustrate the point. Check it out! |
Conquer Online: Free Gift Codes For Dawn of the New War Posted: 31 May 2012 12:37 PM PDT 
In order to celebrate the launch of the new expansion pack and to encourage more new players to join in, we provide a free luxury gift pack to help them get on the track quickly. Want to experience the most exiting PvP tournaments? Sign up for free today! |
Rift: Storm Legion Expansion Announced Posted: 31 May 2012 12:30 PM PDT 
Trion Worlds has officially announced that Storm Legion will be the first expansion to Rift. Storm Legion will introduce two new continents, four new souls and a level cap increase to 60 in addition to the new quests and adventures that players will experience. |
General: Skyrim: Dawnguard Add-On Revealed Posted: 31 May 2012 08:28 AM PDT 
Bethesda has revealed the first information for the upcoming Skyrim add-on called Dawnguard. If you're a fan of denizens of the night, this is sure to get you excited with a vampire infested content. |
Rift: It's Zombie Killin' Time Posted: 30 May 2012 04:37 PM PDT 
Caedryn the Dwarf is back and he's ventured into the Rift Gloamwood location and it's time to take on everyone's favorite bad guy: The Zombie! See what transpires in Caedryn's latest adventure! Read on. |