Valve Introduced Dota 2 In-game Store and Promised the Game won't be Pay-to-win Posted: Valve just introduced the Dota store in detail and emphasized that all heroes in Dota 2 will be free to access while all items in the store are cosmetic.  |
Draven, the Glorious Executioner Revealed! Posted: Draven has been announced with his sneak peak and art spotlight, but now we can actually see what his skills are. It is confirmed that he is indeed a Ranged DPS champion. AS said before he is also, according to the lore, the brother of Darius, the champion people are calling OP, when he really isn't.  |
Fight An Occupational War - New Battleground of Heroes in the Sky Posted: Want to become top pilots in World War II? Come to the newest battleground of Heroes in the Sky - Occupational War. More special events and rewards are waiting for you.  |
City of Heroes' Issue 23 Update Brings a Conclusion to Two Years' Storytelling Posted: As the final chapter of the Praetorian War begins, the Heroes and Villains of Paragon City must rally to halt the madness of Emperor Cole before his nefarious plans rend the dimensions asunder.  |
Niko Forecasts MMOGs to Generate $6.1 Billion in China in 2012 Posted: Niko Partners, the leader in Asian Games Market Intelligence, today released a new report which analysis of the MMORPG and advanced casual game segments, the gamers who play them and the way gamers pay for them.  |
RIFT Storm Legion is Approaching Posted: Crucia gathers her Storm Legion in the long-lost cradle of civilization. Adventure through this eldritch landscape, battle your way to the planes themselves, and conquer the dragons of Air and Death!  |
Perpetuum to Roll out Its Biggest Expansion Gamma Frontier on June 1st Posted: Since the previous expansion - Terra Incognita released in 2011, Perpetuum, a robot themed sci-fi sandbox MMOG, has not had more large-scale update.  |
Spirit Tales Released a 1v5 Monster Boss PvP Trailer Posted: KoramGame Ltd. leaked partial content of the upcoming update for Spirit Tales via a trailer for the new 1v5 Monster Boss PvP. To encourage players to experience the new Spirit 1V5 Monster Boss PvP, KoramGame prepared a lot of gaming peripherals as reward. Check the trailer below.  |
TERA: Subscription Discounts Extended Posted: A week ago, most of TERA newsletter subscribers received a newsletter with discount code with which players are able to get 25% off TERA when they buy before May 31st.  |
Win EPs by Watching EO's 6th Anniversary Tailer! Posted: Eudemons Online, a Free-to-Play fantasy MMORPG, is celebrating its 6th birthday. And the anniversary trailer is now official released by Eudemons Online team!  |
Guild Wars 2 - What's to Come? Posted: Now this is all player perspective and a little bit of experience in this article, so don't take any of this to heart but this is what I predict to happen and what they need to change to keep on top of their competitors.  |
Dragon Nest Korea Level 60 Cap Release on 7th June Posted: Prof K was a genius scientist, but after his wife died of an unknown disease, he did not trust anyone anymore. The pain of losing his wife drived him to research on unknown life science. After various trials, he attempted to use the unknown energy from meteorite to create life, at any cost.  |
Unique MMOs Entry One Posted: People are always searching for that "unique" mmo and yet no one is able to find it. I'm here to try and find some substitutes. In my first weeks "Unique MMOs Entry" we are going to ignore the traditional theme park mmos and a take a look at an mmo that a lot of people would never even consider trying.  |
Ghost Recon Online Closed Beta 3 Is Coming Posted: By the time Monday rolled around I could not wait to get on the game. When closed beta 2 ended I looked at my playtime in the game and combined with all three soldier classes I have logged over 137 hours of game time.  |