MMO Updates |
- Why I Play: RIFT
- Hands-on with The Secret World's combat system
- MindArk giving away Entropia Universe land deeds
- Marvel Heroes teases with new character silhouette
- Pathfinder Online kicks off a Kickstarter video series
- The Daily Grind: What's on your character's to do list?
- Stargate Worlds is not resting in peace as new lawsuit emerges
- The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online
- Enjin unveils in-game overlay client
- Blizzard uses a video to explain what Diablo III is
- Swashbucklers, ships, and high seas hijinks: KingsIsle talks Pirate101
- Star Trek Online adds a new flavor of cat people
- BioWare prepping another SWTOR free Weekend Pass
- Massively Speaking Episode 201: No more secrets
- If 38 Studios goes under, Rhode Island taxpayers will be footing the bill [Updated]
- Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR's James Ohlen shares the formula behind PvP nerfs
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Dynomatic
Posted: 16 May 2012 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Opinion, RIFT, Why I Play Is it possible for a top-tier MMO to come out of nowhere and bowl you over? Considering that I follow these games not only for a hobby but as a writer for Massively, I always assumed the answer to that was "no." Until it happened, that is. Until RIFT.It's not as though RIFT was a big secret or anything, but up until the late hours of 2010, it was very low on my -- and many of my friends' -- radars. I often got it confused with TERA, for Pete's sake! It wasn't until I got my hands on it at PAX that year and then saw how huge the beta got that I realized there was more to this supposedly generic fantasy title than I'd assumed. It truly felt like it came out of nowhere, and before I knew it, I was enjoying what became one of my favorite games of 2011. So why did I play RIFT, and why do I still log in on occasion today? Trust me, it's not for the Elves. Continue reading Why I Play: RIFT
Hands-on with The Secret World's combat system Posted: 16 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Horror, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, Previews, PvE, Opinion, The Secret World, Massively Hands-on, Guides The Secret World's press beta hasn't been what I expected. To be frank, I'd say there are times I wish I didn't have to play it. See, my guild pals are on either the closed beta server or the public beta weekends server, both of which are quite crowded and therefore offer quite a different experience from the forlorn existence endured by my Massively Templar.There's also the whole I-don't-get-to-keep-this-character thing, not to mention the wow-this-is-cool-and-I-don't-want-to-spoil-it-for-myself-post-launch thing. On the other hand, I've had plenty of time to muck around with game systems and minutiae, something that my card-carrying membership in the crazy carebear immersionist secret society often precludes. For this week's press beta article, then, I thought I'd give you guys a primer on The Secret World's combat system. Continue reading Hands-on with The Secret World's combat system
MindArk giving away Entropia Universe land deeds Posted: 16 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Entropia Universe, Business models, Game mechanics, Free-to-play, Promotions MindArk has given new meaning to the term phat lewt with its latest update for Entropia Universe. Players may now acquire one of a thousand Planet Calypso land deeds simply by hunting, mining, or crafting while in game.Each land deed carries a real-world value of $100 (and deeds are often sold for much more on the open market), according to a MindArk press release. The deeds also provide revenue sharing through the game's citizenship program. Deeds began dropping yesterday, and MindArk says that they will continue to do so throughout 2012. Planet Calypso is the oldest planetary playfield in Entropia Universe. The game boasts more than one million registered accounts and over $400 million in annual user-to-user transactions. [Source: MindArk press release]
Marvel Heroes teases with new character silhouette Posted: 16 May 2012 07:30 AM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, Previews, News items, Marvel Heroes Cyclops and the other revealed playable characters will soon have a another compatriot to add to their ranks in the upcoming super-hero game Marvel Heroes. Who will it be? For now, Gazillion is only teasing fans with a silhouette of the mystery woman, but guesses are already being tossed around. Is it Ms. Marvel? Could it be Phoenix? Some are even hedging a guess that it is Wonder Woman or maybe even Elektra. Mum is the official word for now, so it is up to fans to puzzle it out. Alright Marvel aficianoados, who do you think it is?
Pathfinder Online kicks off a Kickstarter video series Posted: 16 May 2012 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, News items Pathfinder Online's Kickstarter page got a video update today: the start of a promised "behind the scenes" glimpse of the goings-on at Goblinworks. The video is all about Mark Kalmes, Goblinworks' Chief Technology Officer. Kalmes is introduced as something of an industry veteran, having his hands in the City of Heroes, Champions Online, and World of Darkness pots as he progressed through his career. It was during the WoD years that he met Goblinworks CEO Ryan Dancey and -- well, you can hear the story for yourself in the video. Along with talking a little bit about himself and how he became part of the Pathfinder Online team, Kalmes says a bit about the company's goal -- to "go into beta as quickly as possible, start getting a few people in the game, and then start building the game that they enjoy" -- as well as his hopes for the game and its development. This video is the first in a series of introductions to team members and their roles within Goblinworks. Keep tabs on the project's Kickstarter page (where if you're especially passionate, you can still donate even though the team has reached its goal and then some) for further updates!
The Daily Grind: What's on your character's to do list? Posted: 16 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous There's always something to be doing to advance your character in MMOs, whether it's something as grand as epic raiding or as mundane as getting that "Litter Bug" achievement for cleaning up the in-game park. While some folks simply log in and do whatever their whim dictates, I have a feeling that many of us have elaborate "to do" lists that guide our actions.I love doing this with MMOs, because it makes me feel like a multitasking genius. Working toward six or seven goals at once generates a tsunami of accomplishment in my soul, and there is nothing quite as satisfying as crossing off tasks from my own list. So what's on your character's to do list today? What goals are you working toward, and how long do you expect them to take? Unleash your inner accountant and show us the details!
Stargate Worlds is not resting in peace as new lawsuit emerges Posted: 15 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, Stargate Worlds, News items, Legal Travel back two years to when Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment was filing for bankruptcy and (unsuccessfully) attempting to sever ties with Gary Whiting, Chairman and CEO of the company. Stargate fans watched as their hopes for an MMO were dashed.Fast forward to present day, when Stargate Worlds appears back in the news. Unfortunately for fans, it has nothing to do with offering a sliver of hope that the game itself might also revive; instead, more lawsuits are being filed against Whiting and other Cheyenne employees. The newest lawsuit filed in Arizona includes 17 plaintiffs who accuse Whiting of misleading investors in various ways to obtain their cash. Some of the allegations leveled at Whiting include "negligent misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, common-law fraud and securities fraud"; he's also accused of issuing loans to himself from the company's funds -- money that may still be in Whiting's possession, according to Cheyenne Mountain's court-appointed receiver, Keith Bierman of Phoenix-based MCA Financial Group.
The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online Posted: 15 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, The Game Archaeologist Computer RPG players in the late '80s and early '90s were surely familiar with Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) and its now-infamous Gold Box series. The series, so named because of their distinctive gold packaging, ran on a solid engine that helped the company churn out over a dozen titles within a five-year span. From Dungeons & Dragons' Pool of Radiance to Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, these titles quickly became revered among the gaming community. I personally have very fond memories of playing both Buck Rogers titles, despite not having ever watched the show.While the Gold Box series has not become as timeless or replayable as late '90s classics like Baldur's Gate and Fallout, they definitely had a huge impact on the PC scene and helped elevate the CRPG genre. Following the Gold Box engine, SSI went on to produce another engine that it used for a completely new series set in the D&D campaign setting of Dark Sun. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (1993) and Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager (1994) were both modest hits, and when it came time for a third game in the series, SSI decided to make the leap to the then-untested realm of online gaming. What followed was a wild two-year experiment in MMOs that happened prior to the Ultima Online and EverQuest generation. While ultimately unsuccessful in achieving its potential or gaining a large audience, Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands made a valiant attempt at achieving the inevitable future of gaming. Continue reading The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online
Enjin unveils in-game overlay client Posted: 15 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: News items, Miscellaneous Enjin has quickly established itself as a go-to place for players in need of a community site, and now, thanks to a partnership with Overwolf, the site has introduced the Enjin in-game client. The client works similarly to other in-game overlays such as Xfire and Steam, and it's integrated directly with players' Enjin sites, which allows them to use nifty features such as uploading screenshots and videos directly to their profiles. And hey, if you're part of Massively's awesome Enjin community, you can use the client to keep up with our community as well. The full list of the program's features, as well as a link to download the Enjin in-game client, can be found over at Enjin's official site, so head on over and give it a go. We'll see you folks there.
Blizzard uses a video to explain what Diablo III is Posted: 15 May 2012 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Launches, News items, Diablo III So what is Diablo III? Certain members of our audience are likely shaking their heads at the question, but some potential players genuinely don't have any idea. After all, the first game was released back in 1996. For those of you who have heard the name but have no idea what in the world it refers to, you're in luck, as Blizzard has just put together a short video explaining exactly what Diablo III is for the uninitiated.The short version? It's a game where you head through a lot of randomly generated dungeons, slaughter untold numbers of demons, and try to banish the forces of the Burning Hells from the mortal realm. It's not quite an MMO, but there are definitely tastes of such with the in-game worldwide auction house. But why are you relying on us to tell you? Click on past the break and find out for yourself. Continue reading Blizzard uses a video to explain what Diablo III is
Swashbucklers, ships, and high seas hijinks: KingsIsle talks Pirate101 Posted: 15 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, Free-to-play, Family, Pirate101 Recently, KingsIsle announced that the world of the Spiral was going to branch out into the high seas in the studio's newest MMO, Pirate101. There are many things about Pirate101 that will feel familiar to Wizard101 fans, but the game has several features that definitely make it stand apart as more than just a sequel. Combat is not card-based; it's more like a tactical board game. Companions, rather than trading cards, play a key role in the pirate arsenal, and of course, players will be traveling (and fighting!) on their very own pirate ships.Massively had a chance to talk with Pirate101's Lead Creative Designer Sam Johnson to hear more about what players will see from KingsIsle's upcoming MMO. So grab your cutlass, don your tricorne, and read on for more details! Continue reading Swashbucklers, ships, and high seas hijinks: KingsIsle talks Pirate101
Star Trek Online adds a new flavor of cat people Posted: 15 May 2012 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play, Races Do you like cats? Hopefully you do, as Star Trek Online has just seen the felinoid Ferasan added to the C-Store. But wait, didn't the game already add Caitians? Yes, but the Caitians are a Federation race, while the Ferasan are exclusive to the KDF, thereby allowing you to play as a kitty on whichever faction you choose. The Ferasan are related to the Caitians but apparently are not quite the same species (presumably akin to the Romulans and Vulcans).The Ferasan possess only one specific trait, Predatory Instincts, which increases jump height, melee damage, exploit damage, stealth, and perception. Unlocking the race costs 480 Cryptic Points and also unlocks new customization options for Caitian characters on the Federation side. On the other hand, if you just want to have one on the bridge, you can place a requisition for a Ferasan bridge officer for 400 Cryptic Points. So if you've felt that there's a distinct lack of feline members in the KDF, you've now got an option to rectify that situation.
BioWare prepping another SWTOR free Weekend Pass Posted: 15 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, MMO industry, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Promotions Star Wars: The Old Republic tire-kickers, this weekend's for you. BioWare is putting on another of its free Weekend Pass shindigs, and you're invited if you haven't availed yourself of a previous pass yet. The festivities kick off on Thursday, May 17th, and run through Monday, May 21st.As with the preceding promotions, no credit card is required. Your characters will carry over should you choose to convert to a full account, and you'll be able to experience SWTOR's first 15 levels as well as all the character classes and origin worlds. PvP warzones and flashpoints are yours for the taking too, so head to the official website to learn more and get started.
Massively Speaking Episode 201: No more secrets Posted: 15 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: World of Warcraft, Podcasts, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online, MMO industry, News items, Guild Wars 2, Massively Meta, The Secret World, Earthrise, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous Massively Speaking Episode 201 gets into all of your dirty little secrets -- not to mention Funcom's, as well! We're joined by Jef, who gives us the full scoop on The Secret World now that the NDA's come tumbling down. Will this be another Failcom or possibly a Fabulouscom? Only Jef knows, and he's highly resistant to torture and bribery.Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to Massively Speaking directly in iTunes. [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 201: No more secrets
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If 38 Studios goes under, Rhode Island taxpayers will be footing the bill [Updated] Posted: 15 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous Project Copernicus and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning developer 38 Studios is in some hot water, but it looks like that may be the least of your worries if you're a Rhode Island resident. Rhode Island's WPRI reports that if the studio founders and can't pay back the bonds given to it by the state, then the onus of doing so will fall upon Rhode Island taxpayers. How much moolah are we talking about? Something to the tune of $112.6 million US. According to Joystiq, "If 38 Studios can't pay, the governor is required to ask the General Assembly to repay bondholders," which means that Rhode Island taxpayers will be responsible for footing the bill by 2020. For now, though, both the studio and the Rhode Island government are tight-lipped on the studio's future, and by association, the future of Project Copernicus, so we'll just have to wait and see how this plays out. [Update: Our sister site Joystiq reports that 38 Studios "missed its latest loan payment of $1.125 million to the state of Rhode Island on May 1, effectively defaulting [on] its $75 million loan." Rhode Island's Economic Development Corporation will hold an emergency meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the situation.]
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR's James Ohlen shares the formula behind PvP nerfs Posted: 15 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Classes, Game mechanics, Interviews, Patches, PvP, Massively Interviews, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon When Update 1.2 launched for Star Wars: The Old Republic, most players witnessed some major changes to their classes. In my opinion, these changes weren't game-breaking, but they did require that some players re-evaluate how they played. Some classes were changed so drastically in this patch players claimed they felt as if they were truly playing a completely different class.Major changes like this do not happen without reason, and from my time spent with SWTOR developers, I know that they are passionately interested in making their game the best it can be. So I asked Game Director James Ohlen some questions about these mechanical changes. In true James Ohlen fashion, he was more than happy to answer in intricate detail, and I'm excited to bring you those answers here in the Hyperspace Beacon. Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR's James Ohlen shares the formula behind PvP nerfs
Flameseeker Chronicles: Dynomatic Posted: 15 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles After the first mostly-open beta weekend event, reaction to the dynamic event system of Guild Wars 2 is mixed. Some people see it as the revolution of gameplay that was promised, others think it's a refreshing and solid system, and others feel that it falls short. All of those are fair, although it mightn't be hard to guess that I don't share all of those opinions.Some people expecting the dynamic event system to be the trumpet that would herald the arrival of the salvation of the MMO world were rather let down. There've been a couple of bits of confusion about the nature and scope of dynamic events, so let's look into them. Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: Dynomatic
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