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General gaming

Suda51 Hopes to Find Fans in a New Genre With Lollipop Chainsaw

Posted: 03 May 2012 05:19 PM PDT

The plight hovering over the crazy, over-the-top antics of any Suda51 title has been the developer's inability to find a reasonably large audience willing to support his creations wholeheartedly. With last June's EA-backed Shadows of the Damned, the shooter crowd proved less-than-keen about going to Hell to save the hero's girlfriend, even if critics claimed it may be the best game the studio ever produced (1UP didn't, admittedly). Realistically, EA never expected the title to do Call of Duty numbers, but it's never a good sign when such a hyped-up game sells only 24,000 copies upon its release.

WB Interactive is clearly hoping to cash in on pop culture's renewed interest in zombies with the release Lollipop Chainsaw this June. The title falls almost a year to the day after 2011's Shadows of the Damned; and, for better or worse, WB Interactive seems to be taking the same approach in marketing Lollipop as EA did with Shadows last year.

Gungnir, Dept. Heaven, and the Greatest RPG Universe You Don't Even Know About

Posted: 03 May 2012 04:12 PM PDT

Japanese developer Sting has generally flown under the radar to this point. For the past 10 years, their domain has been almost exclusively portable handhelds like the Game Boy Advance and the PlayStation Portable. Their games have marketing-unfriendly titles... like Gungnir: Inferno of the Demon Lance and the War of Heroes (yes, that's a real name). So you could be forgiven for never having heard of their Dept. Heaven series, which is so epic that it skipped from Episode IV all the way to Episode IX. Consider this a quick primer.

? Dept. Heaven has spanned multiple games now, starting with Riviera: The Promised Land, and continuing through Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare, and now Gungnir. Common themes include a war in heaven and on earth, demons, racism, and very angry gods. Main characters frequently lead rebellions against very large empires, only to discover that their own movements are just as dubious.

The Elder Scrolls Enters the World of Multiplayer in a Massive Way

Posted: 03 May 2012 12:34 PM PDT

The Elder Scrolls MMO

After years of rumors, it's finally official: The Elder Scrolls franchise is receiving its first non-single-player game since its inception in 1994. This isn't a new Elder Scrolls game with a multiplayer mode, either; The Elder Scrolls Online is an MMORPG.

The news was made official today and confirms some of the details we heard in a March report, such as the game being set 1,000 years before Skyrim and featuring three playable factions. Game Informer elaborated on what little the press release had to say, noting the story involves Molag Bal, a Daedric Prince whom Morrowind players may remember the name of, attempting to "pull all of Tamriel into his demonic realm."

The Last Guardian Presents: A Boy and His Trico

Posted: 03 May 2012 09:16 AM PDT


For being one the most anticipated game of this generation, we know shockingly little about The Last Guardian. Over the past three years, details surrounding Fumito Ueda's follow-up to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus have trickled out at a nearly indiscernible pace. A few trailers have been unveiled at various E3s and Tokyo Game Shows throughout the years, but these did little more than create an intense craving for a mysterious experience involving a young boy and his feathered raccoon-like buddy. Matt Leone's phenomenal Cover Story on Ueda shed a some unprecedented light on the man as a creator, but The Last Guardian still remains as enigmatic as ever.

The question that continues to nag at me regarding the game pertains to the relationship between the young boy and the creature named Trico. Call me simplistic, but when I look at The Last Guardian, I see Ueda's take on the age old story of a boy and his dog. The bond between a youngster and his canine companion is one that has been tackled numerous times throughout video game history, and perhaps by looking back during this seemingly never-ending wait, we may glean some understanding of what Ueda and Team Ico has in store for the final chapter of their thematic trilogy.

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