


TERA: Enchanting Guide

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 12:31 PM PDT

Enchanting Guide

Enchanting items in TERA is going to be a big factor for many players and, at the same time, a daunting task. We've got a beginner's guide to enchanting to share with you today. Check it out!

Runes of Magic: Browser Version Officially Launched

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:33 AM PDT

Browser Version Officially Launched

Frogster and Kalydo have announced that the browser-based version of Runes of Magic is now in official release. The browser version of RoM is the same version that desktop players enjoy but can be played on any browser, any time, anywhere.

Final Fantasy XIV: Garuda, The Primal of Wind

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:26 AM PDT

Garuda, The Primal of Wind

The Final Fantasy XIV site has been updated with a new video featuring Garuda, the primal of wind. When patch v1.22 goes live, players will be able to take on Garuda in a pair of encounters. Check out the video.

Lord of the Rings Online: Fifth Anniversary Video Dev Diary Released

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:12 AM PDT

Fifth Anniversary Video Dev Diary Released

Turbine and the Lord of the Rings Online team have released a new video developer diary in celebration of the game's fifth anniversary. The video takes a look back at the last five years and how the groundbreaking game came to be. Check it out!

End of Nations: RTSGuru.com | The MMORTS Dilemma, Part 2: Persistence

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:08 AM PDT

RTSGuru.com | The MMORTS Dilemma, Part 2: Persistence

In the latest installment of the MMORTS Dilemma, the RTSGuru.com editorial team takes a look at the notion of persistence and how End of Nations devs can implement player progression, a persistent world, and social/clan features. This week, RTSG looks at End of Nations' persistent world, with some help from senior producer Chris Lena. Check it out at RTSGuru.com.

Star Legends: Our Official Star Legends Review

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 01:21 PM PDT

Our Official Star Legends Review

One of the growing trends in MMO development these days is the increasing presence of mobile MMOs. In our latest review, we take a look at Spacetime Studios' Star Legends: The Black Chronicles from every conceivable angle. Check it out and then let us know what you think in the comments.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Erickson Denies Declining Sub Numbers

Posted: 24 Apr 2012 07:01 AM PDT

Erickson Denies Declining Sub Numbers

BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic Lead Writer Daniel Erickson has denied recent claims that the number of subscribers to SWTOR are in decline. Last week, financial analyst Cowen & Company projected that SWTOR's subscriber base would likely be reduced by the end of fiscal March 2013. Erickson, however, says that this is not true.

Guild Wars 2: Progress You Can See

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 11:38 AM PDT

Progress You Can See

During recent beta events, a troubling lag issue cropped up for testers worried that their systems just might not be up to Guild Wars 2. That has been largely laid to rest. Check out what we discovered in our latest Guild Wars 2 column. Leave us your thoughts in the comments.

MapleStory: Alliance Update Complete

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 11:54 AM PDT

Alliance Update Complete

Nexon has announced that the final piece of the Alliance Update to MapleStory has been deployed that balances all classes and skills in the game. More specifically, Cygnus Knights and Explorers, including Warriors, Magicians, and Bowmen have been shown the love.

Spirit Tales: Open Beta Postponed

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 10:11 AM PDT

Open Beta Postponed

The Spirit Tales team has announced that the open beta is being delayed until May 1st due to difficulties ensuring all features could correctly be incorporated into the game.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Best of SWTOR Update 1.2

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 01:49 AM PDT

The Best of SWTOR Update 1.2

Update 1.2: Legacy has turned out to be a massive update for Star Wars: The Old Republic and frankly there are too many awesome things in the update to list them all. Instead, we're picking five of our favorite additions and changes from 'Legacy' to highlight as part of The List this week.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria: The War Back in Warcraft

Posted: 21 Apr 2012 07:56 PM PDT

The War Back in Warcraft

Possibly the most exciting aspect of World Warcraft's next expansion is currently overshadowed by Pandaren Monks. War is coming back to Azeroth, and in this week's WoW Factor, we wonder how it will affect the game and whether it will be enough to draw in those who gave up on WoW long ago.

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