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Spirit Tales announces open beta delay

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 01:25 PM PDT

KoramGame has announced that the open beta launch for Spirit Tales has been postponed to May 10. The launch was previously scheduled for April 25.

Yann Wang, General Manager, stated that “problems have occurred that have made it difficult to incorporate certain features that are vital to the release of the game.” The team remains optimistic that the delay will offer a more polished game when open beta does start.

Spirit Tales will launch its open beta for a worldwide audience, including system and server upgrades, improved content, and exclusive events in addition to the game’s core content.

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Spirit Tales Gameplay Screenshot


Spirit Tales Open Beta Postponed to May 10

Sunnyvale, Calif. — (April 23, 2012) — KoramGame Ltd., a leading developer and publisher of free-to-play online games, today announced that the launch of open beta for Spirit Tales, an upcoming cute 3D fantasy MMORPG, has been postponed to May 10, 2012. Open beta for Spirit Tales had previously been slated to start on April 25.

“It was a hard decision to make since we take our release schedule very seriously,” says Yann Wang, General Manager. “But problems have occurred that have made it difficult to incorporate certain features that are vital to the release of the game. Unfortunately, because of this, the game will not be ready on the date we had originally promised. However, the Spirit Tales team, and myself included, are optimistic that this short, but necessary delay, will ensure that we produce a much more complete and polished game.”

With this delay comes the full launch of the Spirit Tales open beta to a worldwide audience, and will include new system and server upgrades, as well as all the previously announced in-game features. There will also be better content to help guide users and events exclusive to the Spirit Tales name.

Divina Press Preview

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 12:46 PM PDT

Divina is the latest game to be reelased by Gamania (often known by the name of their gaming portal, beanfun!). Set in a world that blends Norse, Japanese, and a pinch of Chinese mythology, Divina promises the same colorful, cute experience that Gamania offers in Bright Shadow and Lucent Heart. MMOHut was escorted on a press tour to get an in-depth look at some of the surprising things that Divina has to offer.

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Change your Class in a Flash

One of Divina’s key systems is the Quick Change system, which allows you to switch freely between two classes. At level 30, after completing a series of quests, you’ll be able to choose your second class from among Divina’s five classes (including choosing your main class, if you simply want to play two different specializations of the same class). Your new secondary class starts at level 25 with a complete set of level-appropriate gear and all skills the class would have learned up to that level. Your second class also acts somewhat like its own character: it has its own health and mana (useful when swapping in battle), and it gains experience at a rate of half what your regular experience rate is, making it easy to keep your class levels even.

Once you have your second class, there’s no hassle in changing between it and your main class: all you have to do is use the quick change (or press “Z”) to swap instantly to your other class. There are a few restrictions, however: changing costs exchange points (EP), which are represented by a bar and three hearts on your character’s health frame. A change uses up one heart, but hearts are restored by fighting enemies and can be regained relatively easily. Another special note: quick change is not going to be limited in PvP arenas by the exchange point system, although each class will not regenerate health, making it harder to abuse for free health.

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Spin the Divine Wheel

Another unique aspect of Divina is the Divine Wheel. The Divine Wheel is a five-piece protection set that replaces the traditional “armor” of most MMORPGs. A wheel is made of a core and five additional pieces (each facing a cardinal direction). Each piece grants its own set of defensive and offensive stats, and some wheels offer set bonuses that grant additional boosts to their owner.

What the Divine Wheel system also means for players is that your appearance is not bounded by your equipment (except for your weapon). Instead, you’re free to dress in costume pieces as you please, freeing you up to look exactly as you’d like without the hassle of wearing some mis-matched armor from three zones. Better yet: costume pieces are found outside the cash shop, and they can also be dyed.

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Perforate My Heart

Divina also features a robust crafting and enchanting system. For players looking to better their gear, two major systems exist. The first is perforation, which allows holes to be drilled into weapons to add slots. These can then be used to embed stones into the weapons to boost their stats. The game also offers enchanting, which raises the item’s level by one if successful (up to a cap of 10). Failure is an option with enchanting, and with lower level stones, failure can mean dropping the item’s level back to one or destroying it completely. But for those who succeed in their gamble, better stats, a shiny appearance, and even a server-wide announcement await them.

Players can also craft in a simple, four-part system. Players can refine or gather materials from W-Card (weapon resources) or C-Card (armor resources) Resources found throughout the world, or send their sidekick out to do the job (more on that later). These materials can then be transformed into gear at crafting stations found in cities. The gear found through crafting is almost always better than gear from questing, so expect to spend some time harvesting and crafting if you want the best the game can offer.

Oh yes, and one more thing – there’s a potential orb system that lets you use orbs to learn permanent stat boosts just by killing monsters once it’s activated, giving you even more ways to build your character.

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Flattery and Imitation

Next up in Divina’s long list of interesting features is the Creature Tome. This additional feature, unlocked at an early level, allows you to research the many demons that inhabit Divina’s world. While not every demon is found in the Tome, there are dozens for you to research and collect. Working like a bestiary, the Tome will let you collect pages of demons from different areas. Pages come with additional bonuses when you complete research in rows and the entire page, which can include armor and more.

Underneath each creature is shown a progress bar, which grows as you kill demons of that specific type. When complete, you’re rewarded with two bonuses. The first is simply a nice bonus of concept art of that creature. The second is Mimicry, a skill with a 30 minute duration (and hour cooldown) that allows you to transform into that creature. Transformed, you retain all the skills you have, but you may also gain some additional skills from the creature (depending on the type). And, since Divina features open world PvP, you might just be able to hide among the wildlife and wait to strike.

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Your Loyal Sidekick

Of course, we also can’t forget the Sidekick. Players get their own sidekick buddy – a bunny or a mouse, although others will be available via the cash shop – to join them in their travels in game. These sidekicks have quite a bit of depth to them, and plenty of ways to build out. To start with, sidekicks have a “favor” system which can be built through talking to them. Each time you talk to them, you can choose from several topics, some of which are favorites of your particular, unique sidekick. The more the sidekick likes the topic, the more favor they will have with you; this in turn affects their mood, stats, and the efficiency of their skills.

Sidekicks can also learn stats, allowing you to assign the stats you’re most interested in building with them. Doing so helps the sidekick specialize into new classes (for instance, focusing in intelligence might end up sending your Sidekick into Magician mode). Sidekicks can also be taught skills, which will help them both in battle and outside of battle. Work skills can be taught to your sidekick to send them out for an hour (or longer) to go treasure hunting or refining, and sidekicks can also fuse stones together to make better one to socket into your weapons. There are some exclusive benefits to having a sidekick, and they become a loyal and essential pet in your travels.

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Owning Your Domain

Finally on our tour, we were exposed to the guild domain system. This system, exclusively for guilds and guilded players, is like a small cooperative MMORTS within the game. At first glance, the system allows you to build a personal domain (resources and other stations), while your guild builds its own. These systems interplay with incredible depth, and include a third area: the guild hinterland.

Both the guild and private domain allow players to build and collect resources to empower their guild. The guild domain places an upper level on each member’s personal domain based on its level, and the guild domain can also place a 1-8% tax on its members to help it grow. The guild can set buffs to help players build their own domains as a guild policy, which can be changed once per day. Guilds can eventually build structures that allow them to create essential skill books.

Meanwhile, in the guild hinterlands, the guild can expand its territory into the corresponding game zones. Guilds can maintain special bases in these areas, which offer passive buffs in certain zones in the game, and instance bases, which unlock trial ground instances exclusively for guild members to practice and challenge themselves in. In this way, guilds can expand and progress their influence through zones in a similar fashion to the way players continue to level and venture further in the world. These bonuses make guilds a key community feature.


What we saw of Divina in our short time there tells us one thing: Divina isn’t just a cutesy casual MMO. With multiple, in-depth systems, players are promised a rewarding experience as they work for real, tangible benefits from crafting to sidekicks and guilds. Divina’s special 72 hour beta may now be closed, but we can look forward to the first PvP beta as it rounds the corner soon. To see more of Divina, check out our First Look video!


More Divina Tour Screenshots:

Divina Closed Beta Gameplay – First Look HD

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 11:08 AM PDT


To Learn More About the Game Check out our Divina Page.

Divina is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG published by Beanfun – the same company behind Lucent Heart. Divina puts you in the role of an adventurer that goes back in time in order to prevent the end of the world. Along the way, players can customize their very own sidekick, easily change between two classes (even in combat!), and even transform into the monsters they face. To learn more about Divina check out the official MMOHut Divina page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

Mad May announced for RuneScape players

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 10:40 AM PDT

Jagex has announced plans for next month’s events in RuneScape.

“Mad May” will feature several events for players throughout the month. Players will get bonus spins on the Squeal of Fortune, and players who remain a member for the month of May will gain 5,000 Loyalty points. These points can be used to spend on several new rewards including costumes, titles, emotes, and gameplay-enhancements. Eligible players will also receive up to a quarter of a million bonus experience on June 1. The team will also host “Wild Weekends” throughout May, with details posted on the website.

Jagex also publishes 8Realms and War of Legends.

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RuneScape Gameplay Screenshot


Runescape announces Mad May
Jagex reveal first details of a month of craziness including competition, extra loyalty points, Bonus XP and additional Squeal of Fortune spins

Monday 23rd April 2012, Cambridge, UK – Jagex, makers of RuneScape, the World's most popular and multi-award winning free-to-play massively multiplayer online adventure game, today announced their plans for Mad May, a month long series of community events, offers and competitions.

Starting today, RuneScape players old and new will be able to benefit from a host of Mad May offers for everyone who remains a member throughout May. These promotions include additional bonus spins for the Squeal of Fortune, the new light-hearted game of chance which was introduced to RuneScape last month, offering players even more chances to win from a wide variety of in-game prizes.

As an additional bonus, all those players who remain a member for the whole of May, will also receive 5,000 Loyalty Points to spend on numerous rewards including a vast array of new costumes, titles of nobility, exclusive emotes and perhaps most exciting of all, an arsenal of gameplay-enhancing auras. What's more, all eligible players will receive up to a quarter of a million bonus XP on the 1st June.

If the free spins, loyalty points and XP weren't enough, the RuneScape team will also be hosting Wild Weekends throughout May.  Full details of each Wild Weekend will be posted in advance on the RuneScape website.

For more information about the game and to take advantage of RuneScape's May Madness, simply visit www.RuneScape.com and create your account today.

Eternal Blade classes make Facebook debut

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 07:30 PM PDT

gPotato has revealed the six character classes of Eternal Blade through their Facebook page.

In order to introduce the classes, Eternal Blade has described the classes in their own words, as follows:

The Soul Summoner:

We Soul Summoners have more power than you imagine, so don’t mess with us! We summon souls through our dark magic, turning them directly against our enemies or absorbing them to fuel devastating spells. Don’t you wish you were a Soul Summoner?


The Knight:

Knights are the only class with a shield to block enemy attacks, and that’s why we’re the best! We have the courage to charge into the heart of battle but the good sense to bring some defense along. Who wouldn’t want to be a Knight?


The Mage:

Getting in touch with the elements, and then using them to destroy enemies – now that’s the way to live! Mages like me are masters of the arcane arts who have learned how to channel fire, ice, earth, and thunder. How would you like to taste the power of a Mage?


The Archer:

When you’re an Archer, you never let your foes get close! We know how to position ourselves in battle to gain environmental buffs and we can pin bad guys to the ground with long range traps. Why risk your neck when you can use your brains like an Archer?


The Thief:

You might think being a Thief is just about being sneaky, but you're wrong! We know hundreds of ways to stun, confuse, silence, paralyze, and disable our enemies for the killing strike. Is there anyone you'd be more afraid of fighting than a Thief?


The Berserker:

Berserkers live by a simple code: when we see an enemy, we charge it head on! With each attack from our mighty Great Swords, we become further fueled by the very rage that drives us. Think you got what it takes to be a Berserker?

More information about the game is released each Friday on its Facebook page.

gPotato also publishes Rappelz and Allods Online.

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Eternal Blade Gameplay Screenshot


Eternal Blade Introduces Final Class Line-Up

Six Characters Prepare to Leap off the Page in 2012


Sunnyvale, Calif. – April 20, 2012 Not ready to wait until Eternal Blade's 2012 release, the upcoming action MMORPG's six characters have stepped out of their fairytale world and into Facebook. From the arrogant Soul Summoner to the reckless Berserker, the new classes have begun recruiting in their own unique style. Take it from the classes themselves!


The Soul Summoner: We Soul Summoners have more power than you imagine, so don’t mess with us! We summon souls through our dark magic, turning them directly against our enemies or absorbing them to fuel devastating spells. Don’t you wish you were a Soul Summoner?


The Knight: Knights are the only class with a shield to block enemy attacks, and that’s why we’re the best! We have the courage to charge into the heart of battle but the good sense to bring some defense along. Who wouldn’t want to be a Knight?


The Mage: Getting in touch with the elements, and then using them to destroy enemies – now that’s the way to live! Mages like me are masters of the arcane arts who have learned how to channel fire, ice, earth, and thunder. How would you like to taste the power of a Mage?


The Archer: When you’re an Archer, you never let your foes get close! We know how to position ourselves in battle to gain environmental buffs and we can pin bad guys to the ground with long range traps. Why risk your neck when you can use your brains like an Archer?


The Thief: You might think being a Thief is just about being sneaky, but you're wrong! We know hundreds of ways to stun, confuse, silence, paralyze, and disable our enemies for the killing strike. Is there anyone you'd be more afraid of fighting than a Thief?


The Berserker: Berserkers live by a simple code: when we see an enemy, we charge it head on! With each attack from our mighty Great Swords, we become further fueled by the very rage that drives us. Think you got what it takes to be a Berserker?


Eternal Blade releases more information every week during its Fairytale Friday event, so follow the game's official Eternal Blade Facebook page or check out the character pages to see the latest news, screenshots, videos, and more!

DOTA 2 to be free-to-play*

Posted: 20 Apr 2012 02:51 PM PDT

According to Polygon, DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) 2 will be free-to-play with a twist.

Reported in a podcast, Gabe Newell stated that the free-to-play model will be different than other models, indicating that they hope to reward players who are valuable to the community. Some possible rewarded behavior includes training other people. This should mean that we can expect players will earn some form of currency or reward value for their in-game contributions, and not just for play time or cash.

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DOTA 2 Gameplay Screenshot

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