


Line of Defense: FPSGuru.com | GDC 2012 Preview

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:18 PM PDT

FPSGuru.com | GDC 2012 Preview

Michael Bitton got a chance to check out Line of Defense at GDC this year on behalf of FPSGuru.com. Find out what he thinks of Derek Smart's latest venture.

Vindictus: Giant Raid Boss Update: The Armies of Colhen

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:11 PM PDT

Giant Raid Boss Update: The Armies of Colhen

Vindictus players will want to check into the game for the latest update. Called The Armies of Colhen, the new update features a 24-player raid featuring three brand new bosses to conquer: the Ravenous Queen and her giant spiders, Stribog the polar bear, and Elchulus, one very angry red dragon.

League of Legends: RTSGuru.com | Why You Don't Ban Kassadin

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:07 PM PDT

RTSGuru.com | Why You Don

Somewhere out there in the League of Legends universe, at this very instant, somebody just banned Kassadin. Unfortunately for them they just wasted one of their bans. If you don't understand why feel free to watch the RTSGuru.com video about why Kassadin should never, ever be banned!

World of Warcraft: 'Not Going to Significantly Change Up WoW'

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 12:33 PM PDT

In a new interview at GameSpy, Blizzard's World of Warcraft team sat down to chat about the game and what may lay in store for it in the future. In one particularly significant quote, Lead Quest Designer Dave Kosak said, "I can't say any more about that, but I'll tell you that we're not going to significantly change up WoW at any point in the future."

EVE Online: Inferno Launch Date & UK Price Drop

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 10:07 AM PDT

Inferno Launch Date & UK Price Drop

Straight out the EVE Online Fanfest: Inferno will be launching on May 22nd. In addition, UK subscription prices will be dropping to £9.99. We'll keep you posted in this thread as new information comes out.

TERA: Guild Creation & Function

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 09:57 AM PDT

Guild Creation & Function

The TERA site has been updated with new information about how guilds can be formed and customized and how they will function for players. One of the coolest things is that guilds can upload their own customized emblems that will be displayed over players' heads.

Salem: Beta Sign Ups Begin

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 09:47 AM PDT

Beta Sign Ups Begin

Paradox Interactive has announced that beta sign ups for its permadeath MMO, Salem, are now being accepted. Beta testing is slated to begin at the end of April. To celebrate the announcement, the team has also released a new video developer diary about venturing "Into the Wild".

Rift: Warfronts

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 05:56 PM PDT


Nothing says "MANLY"...er..."DWARFLY"...like participating in one of Rift's warfronts. Caedryn the Dwarf has done just that even though carded at the door for barely making the cut. He's got a full report in Chronicles of One Telaran: Warfronts. Read on!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Novare Coast Preview and Guide

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 03:55 PM PDT

Novare Coast Preview and Guide

This is Pokket's first impressions of Star Wars: The Old Republic's new warzone called Novare Coast. In addition to offering her first impressions, Pokket also provides a guide and explains the layout, some early strategies, and the objective of the match. Check out Game Face: 1st Impressions & Guide to Novare Coast Warzone.

Continent of the Ninth Seal: PvP Tournament Announced

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 08:04 AM PDT

PvP Tournament Announced

Webzen has announced that it will be sponsoring a PvP tournament just prior to the official retail launch of Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9). The team has also released an awesome new trailer to show off the action game play that C9 players can expect.

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