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MMOGaming News

DOTA2 Lycanthrope One Munite Guide


DOTA2 Lycanthrope One Munite Guide

This is mainstream skill build. Wolves are useful for Lycan to stay in jungle and increase its effectiveness and efficiency in farming. Feral Impulse is secondary important buff for Lycan. Howl do increase the damage.

WoW Fan Art: We are Prepared!


WoW Fan Art: We are Prepared!

The World of Warcraft Fan Art Section has been updated with three new pieces of fan artwork.

Permadeath MMOG Salem Opens Beta Sign-ups


Permadeath MMOG Salem Opens Beta Sign-ups

Paradox Interactive and Seatribe today announced the opening of Beta sign-ups for upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game, Salem.

WoW Art Gallery: The Unstoppable Force


WoW Art Gallery: The Unstoppable Force

Blizzard have updated the Trading Card Game art gallery to feature ten new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Be sure to give a shout-out to your favorite pieces in the comments.

Runes of Magic: Chapter 5 - Fires of Shadowforge Coming in June


Runes of Magic: Chapter 5 - Fires of Shadowforge Coming in June

International publisher Frogster Interactive Pictures AG has announced the upcoming release of Fires of Shadowforge, the fifth chapter to the fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Runes of Magic, for June 2012.

Legend of Souls Released Debut Trailer


Legend of Souls Released Debut Trailer

NEOWIZ Games announced new action MMO Legend of Souls two days ago and now the Korean developer and publisher released the first trailer and began to recruit closed beta testers.

GAME-X Screenshots First Exposed, With Spectacular Scene


GAME-X Screenshots First Exposed, With Spectacular Scene

The first 3D next-gen MMORPG GAME-X (codename) of Chinese MMO developer Netease is to hold next-gen concept press conference in Guangzhou, China on March 30th. The official title, game type and R&D video of the game will be released on the conference.

Queen’s Blade to Launch 2nd CBT on April 16th


Queen’s Blade to Launch 2nd CBT on April 16th

According to the latest news dated Mar. 23rd, Korea-based liveplex announced that Queen’s Blade, the brand new 3D MMORPG specially developed for females, will launch its 2nd CBT from April 16th to April 22nd for 7 days.

C9 PvP Championship Tournament Announced with Beta Test


C9 PvP Championship Tournament Announced with Beta Test

WEBZEN Inc. (WWW.WEBZEN.COM), the Next Generation of Free-to-Play Online Games, announced their first PvP Championship Tournament for the Action RPG ’C9’ (Continent of the Ninth Seal) to be held prior to the official global launch.

Stylish Action MMOTPS S4 League Season 3 Rolls Around


Stylish Action MMOTPS S4 League Season 3 Rolls Around

The third season of S4 League is good to go. Europe’s most successful free-to-play TPS goes back to the roots in Season 3 – Blade. S4 League: Season 3 – Blade offers new gameplay features, a fantastic anime look, and even more content, as well as fulfilling a number of special requests from users.

DOTA2 Community Discussion - Lycanthrope Skill Build and Items


DOTA2 Community Discussion - Lycanthrope Skill Build and Items

New patch today and Lycanthrope joins the fight. There’s also some UI upgrades such as performance bar to show how well you do with the hero. As well as new video settings.

Kritika Published by Tencent Games, New Promo Video Revealed


Kritika Published by Tencent Games, New Promo Video Revealed

China-based Tencent Games officially announced at its annual press conference that it had gained the publishing rights of Kritika in China, a cartoon-style action MMORPG developed by LuniaZ Online’s developer Allm from Korea.

[Guide] NPC Friendship Unlocking and Gifting


[Guide] NPC Friendship Unlocking and Gifting

This is a guide for people who are lazy to complete all the side quests but still want to unlock every single NPC for gifting.

C9 SP Quest Guide(English&Chinese Contrast)


C9 SP Quest Guide(English&Chinese Contrast)

We all know that we can get SP by leveling up in C9, actually, we can obtain SP by doing quest too, check out!

TERA - Archer Guide for Beginners


TERA - Archer Guide for Beginners

The archers are highly skilled marksmen able to thin the ranks of their enemies in battle. Firing volley after volley with deadly accuracy, a single archer can cause panic and discord in a battle.

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