C9(CN) Fourth Continent First Look Posted: C9 Fourth Continent background story - Paulo realized that Delpast and the Recko Mountains now are safe from the monsters and decided to start actively looking for information about the Netherworld.  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria PVP Guide Posted: The greater part of Mists of Pandaria is taken up with new ways to quest, collect and compete in the endgame. The expansion's major additions for PVP players will be a single, as-yet-unseen new arena and two battlegrounds – Silvershard Mine and Temple of Kotmogu. Both introduce new objectives to competitive play that should add a touch of variety to your ganking sessions.  |
WoW: Mists of Pandaria Beta Opt-in and Official FAQ Posted: We’re very close to beginning beta testing for World of Warcraft®: Mists of Pandaria™! Over the course of the beta test, we’ll be inviting Annual Pass holders, press, fansites, friends and family, and opt-in beta testers to participate. As there’s no NDA for this test, you’re likely to start seeing lots of screenshots and new video around the web. Please keep in mind that the game is still in development, and what you’ll see during the beta test is not necessarily representative of the final game.  |
Dungeons & Dragons Online Highlights Druid Transformation Posted: DDO’s first shape-shifting class druid will be available when the big expansion Menace of the Underdark goes live on June 25 in this year.  |
Star Wars: The Old Republic Another Free Weekend Trial Coming Posted: If you missed last weekend’s Star Wars: The Old Republic free trial pass then don’t worry as BioWare has announced another free weekend which begins from this Thursday, March 22nd, at 1:01 a.m EDT to Monday, March 26th at 3:00 a.m. EDT.  |
Lulu Patch Notes of League of Legends Posted: Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.  |
ArenaNet Explains Microtransactions in Guild Wars 2 Posted: Today, Mike O’Brien, the president of ArenaNet, has put up a new blog post detailing the framework for the microtransaction system in Guild Wars 2 and the goals ArenaNet made to assure a ’everyone wins’ situation.  |
Latest Tribes: Ascend OBT Update Brings New Maps, New Servers and Badge Posted: Today, Hi-Rez Studios introduces another significant update to the Open Beta of the free-to-play fast-action multiplayer shooter Tribes: Ascend.  |
Blizzard Admits SWTOR had Impact on WOW Posted: Blizzard says that the decrease of WoW subscribers is linked with the release of SWTOR in December 2011. Although Blizzard did not release any specific numbers that would show just how much of an impact SWTOR had on WoW, they say that...  |
Gamescom Posts Strong Demand for Exhibitor Space Posted: gamescom 2012 the world’s biggest exhibition and highlight event in the interactive games and entertainment calendar continues to record mounting interest from both home and abroad.  |
Digimon Masters Introduces New Level Cap and New Digimon Posted: Joymax’s Digimon Masters Online is ready for another content update. Announced by the publisher, their MMO that based on famous anime brings a raised level cap, several added Digimon, new items, and extra maps for players to explore.  |
Lime Odyssey: New F2P 3D fantasy MMO with World-renowned Music Composer Posted: Lime Odyssey is a 3D fantasy MMORPG from Sirius Entertainment Co., LTD. Sirius solicited a celebrated team of developers and a world-renowned music composer to bring to life this visually stunning, anime-style tale that is filled with detail and diversity.  |
DoTA 2 One Minute Guide - Shadow Demon and Purge Tutorial Video Posted: As a disabling skill level 1 Disruption is enough in early game, while Shadow Poison tends to be vital for Shadow Demon during this period.  |
C9 Screenshot: The Fourth Continent Okapia [Part I] Posted: Hey, C9 fans, good news! C9 CN official has announced the Fourth Continent released date, March 22! Meanwhile, 28 screenshots of the Fourth Continent are unveiled. Have a look at those awesome screenshots!  |
Share Your Thoughts: Aion is Going Free to Play Posted: First of all, I’d like to announce that I, JohnSanctity, am back on the Aion section as a moderator. Hello again everyone. I’ll be here to keep these forum halls clean and dandy.  |
TSW GDC 2012 Video Features Lesbian Opening Cinematics, Crafting and Combat Posted: Funcom and Electronic Arts finally released the 35 minutes long video of The Secret World presentation at GDC 2012. The video contains a rather astonishing opening cinematics about lesbian makeout scene.  |
Future Lancers in Tera Online PLEASE Use Block! Posted: Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes and in todays episode I discuss an issue. This issue has shown up to the party about 4 of 5 groups I have been in and really has shortened my patience quite a lot.  |
Guild Wars 2: The Evolution of Narrative in Personal Story Posted: As Guild Wars 2 release date draws ever closer, Leif Chappelle, a member of the content design team responsible for implementing the personal story in Guild Wars 2, illuminates in the latest development blog how your own personal story was created while you adventuring in the vast world of Tyria.  |
Xsyon - Uniquely Brilliant or Uniquely Awful? Posted: Xsyon is the newly released 'sandbox' MMO by Notorious games. Before you think this is another 'typical' mmo, it is not by any means, the best and briefest way to describe it would be apocalyptic tribes based sandbox MMO in which there isn't as much of a linear progression system as most MMO's these days.  |
SWTOR Patch 1.2 New Armors Posted: Hey everyone, patch 1.2 was recently released on the Public Test Server (PTS) and I was one of the people invited to test out the new content! There is quite a bit of stuff coming up in patch 1.2 but don't worry, I will keep you updated via a series of installments!  |