
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

ArenaNet Confirms Guild Wars 2 Beta Invites Are Under Way


ArenaNet Confirms Guild Wars 2 Beta Invites Are Under Way

Rubi Bayer confirmed that ArenaNet has indeed begun giving away beta invites to limited lucky players.

Copernicus Will Release "Later in the Year", According to Developer


Copernicus Will Release "Later in the Year", According to Developer

Although the interview didn’t just focus on Copernicus but a wide range of topics, Todd did tell about the MMO they are working on and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, the action RPG released in February.

WoW: Female Pandaren Revealed


WoW: Female Pandaren Revealed

Last week Blizzard revealed the female pandaren mystery silhouette on the Facebook page, and today Blizzard have pleased to share with us the final image! Hope you enjoy playing a female pandaren.

WoW App for Android: WoW Droid Armory


WoW App for Android: WoW Droid Armory

WoW Droid Armory is an application for Android phones which facilitates access to Blizzard's Armory official web site

13-Year-Old EverQuest Makes Transition to Free-to-play


13-Year-Old EverQuest Makes Transition to Free-to-play

Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) recently announced that it is celebrating the 13th anniversary of its landmark massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), EverQuest(EQ), by transitioning the game to a free-to-play model.

Latest AION Magazine and Subscriber Bonus Items Announced


Latest AION Magazine and Subscriber Bonus Items Announced

Those who subscribe for twelve months will receive bonus items in addition to the magazine, and depending on which server (US or EU) you are playing on, you’ll get different items.

Innovation Works-invested Chaos of Wulin Integrates Innovation and Classics


Innovation Works-invested Chaos of Wulin Integrates Innovation and Classics

Chaos of Wulin integrates the essences of previous martial-arts MMORPGs in the market and also creates special martial-arts moves for different sects and classes.

DN NA and DN SEA Update and Gigantes Nest Update


DN NA and DN SEA Update and Gigantes Nest Update

DN SEA and DN NA got this update, where PvP Domination mode, school costumes and merc skill balance were applied. The interesting part is Bow Masters being able to cancel certain skills by tumbling.

Raiderz Online First Impressions and Alpha Key Giveaway!


Raiderz Online First Impressions and Alpha Key Giveaway!

Whats up gamers im your host Zach Sharpes here with a Giveaway and First Impressions for Raiderz Online, Perfect Worlds attempt at a Open World Action MMORPG! This game has Phasing, Epic Monsters, Smooth Combat, and more which I will talk about in the video! Hope you guys enjoy!

C9 Various Styles of Hand-painted Arts by players


C9 Various Styles of Hand-painted Arts by players

C9 various styles of hand-painted arts by players: self-portraits, Q version Shaman, ghost version Shaman, Knight stylish Warrior... enjoy!

WoW Rumor: The Pandaren Female Have Been Exposed!


WoW Rumor: The Pandaren Female Have Been Exposed!

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria coming on March 19. But the Pandaren Female and the newest screenshots of MoP have been exposed by a chinese game forum! Let’s take a sneak peek!

RIFT 1.8 Fishing Preview


RIFT 1.8 Fishing Preview

One of the hottest new additions to Rift coming about with patch 1.8 is fishing. Players have been asking about it for quite a while now and it’s just about here! Through this article we’ll be taking a journey through this new system to give all the information you need to know to effectively jump into this new feature as soon as it goes live.

Continue reading RIFT 1.8 Fishing Preview.

League of Legends Lulu Patch Preview


League of Legends Lulu Patch Preview

Want to know what’s changing in the upcoming League of Legends Lulu patch? Well, Riot games have got you covered.

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