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Storm Online

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 03:43 PM PST

Storm Online is a 3D fantasy MMORPG with a focus on PvP gameplay. Chose from three base classes including the Warrior, Hunter, and Mage. Join a clan and battle for control over territory including forts. There are also Nation Wars which are on a much larger scale.

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Publisher: Cherry Credits
Playerbase: Low
Graphics: Low Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Open / Factions
Filesize: ~ 580 mb

Pros: +Varied PvP modes including Fort, Clan, and Nation battles. +Multiple skill trees per class. +Low system requirements.

Cons: -Dated graphics and interface. -Limited number of classes (3) and appearance customization options.

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Storm Online Overview

Storm Online is a Chinese developed MMORPG from Shanda Games. It has a 2.5D graphic style and a classic isometric view. Complete quests and fight monsters for experience, but be prepared to defend yourself against other players in this open PvP game world. Besides choosing from three classes, players must also select which of the four factions they want to align with. While the graphics are a bit dated, the game does have bright visuals and plenty of PvP options.


Warrior - The class with the most powerful physical attacks. Warriors can study Swordsmanship and the Art of the Sabre.

Hunter - The ranged archer class of Storm Online. Hunters can learn Archery, Auxiliary, and Crossbow related skills.

Mage - The long range, caster class. Mages can branch into three branches: Thunderbolt, Fire, and Three Realms of Eternity.

Storm Online Screenshots

Storm Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Storm Online Review

Coming soon…


Storm Online Screenshots


Storm Online Videos

Storm Online Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Storm Online Links

Storm Online Official Site

System Requirements

Storm Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: Intel Pentium 3 1 Ghz
RAM:  256 MB
HDD: 1.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce FX5200 / ATI 9200 SE

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz or better
RAM: 512 GB or more
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 6200 GT / ATI x300 or better

Rosh Online

Posted: 22 Dec 2011 06:36 PM PST

Rosh Online: Return of Karos is a fantasy MMORPG which features both classical gameplay and extra activities, including mining, hunting, and fishing. Join a guild and join massive player versus player battles, or join in an adventure in an Extreme Instance Dungeon.

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Publisher: Ignited Games
Playerbase: Low
Graphics: High
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Open World / Guild Battles
Filesize: ~5000 MB

Pros: +Alternate Advancement Systems +Multiple PvP options +Unique mount system.

Cons: -Slow experience gains. -Classes are gender locked. -Still focused on grinding.

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Rosh Online Overview

After a tenuous peace between the four races of Broccion, the world is at war again, seeking leadership. Players take up arms for their guild and for their nation to battle for land, resources, and victory. Choose from four races (Human, Shadow, Seroine, and Vaneese Human) and seven classes (Mystic, Bow Mistress, Blader, Paladin, Rogue, Sorceress, and Gunner), then gain experience to grow into an advanced class, and Fletta to improve your abilities.

Rosh Online Screenshots

Rosh Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Rosh Online Review

Warning: players may experience deja vu. Ignited Games recently launched Rosh Online, which is an updated version of Karos Online. The game is fundamentally the same as before, with some quality-of-life improvements as well as a few new options to set it apart. The game still looks and feels like Shaiya and Last Chaos, providing high quality graphics and detailed environments.

Character Creation — Still Boring

Karos Online offered six classes: Mystic, Bowmistress, Blader, Paladin, Rogue and Sorceress. Rosh Online adds a new class to the mix: Gunner. Character creation options are the same, limited choices as before, giving players only three face options, four hair style options, and eight hair color choices. Classes are gender-locked, meaning you will only ever see female mystics, bowmistresses, paladins, and sorceresses, or male bladers, rogues, and gunners.

Each class has their choice between two specializations. The level requirement for this job change has been reduced to 10 in Rosh Online (from 15 in Karos Online). A second class specialization for each of these secondary jobs can also be unlocked to further develop each character's skills, and offering a total of 28 top-level classes to choose from.

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What is Instruction?

Karos Online simply threw you into the game, with no instructions on how to move or interact with the world. Rosh Online has done nothing to correct this issue. While this poses no problem to MMORPG veterans, new players may quickly find themselves overwhelmed or frustrated by the lack of a tutorial. Almost all in-game interactions are accomplished by right-clicking: right-clicking an NPC interacts with them, and allows you to receive quests, while right-clicking on an enemy will initiate auto-attack. WASD can be used to move your character; click-to-move is also available. Skills are used off an action bar by pressing the appropriate number key.

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Tightened Progression

There is no innovation in the combat system between Karos Online and Rosh Online, and it remains fairly simple in its design. One thing new players may find confusing, however, is the dual leveling system. Character experience and levels are earned normally through killing monsters and completing quests. Rosh Online has improved this system by making monsters worth more experience than in Karos Online, but the game still requires a significant amount of grinding in order to unlock new quests.

Once you've leveled up, you receive a skill point to place in your class abilities. Each skill has five levels, which are gated by your character level. The game, however, also has what's called the Fletta system. Fletta is gained only by killing monsters. Each time you gain a fletta level, you can put a point into one of seven different stats. Yin and Yang affect magic and health regeneration, respectively. Earth increases defense and magic defense, air increases your attack speed, fire builds up your attack power, wood increases magic attack power, and water affects both run speed and critical hit chance. Fletta points can also be spent on item enhancement, just like in Karos Online.

Questing is still far more efficient in terms of leveling, when you can do so. Quests offer far more experience than simply killing monsters. Several repeatable quests also become available as you progress, and these are by far the best way to gain both character levels and fletta points, since most send you off to slaughter a lot of monsters. These quests, at least, give purpose and extra experience to your grinding.

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Inventory Woes

A major complaint with Karos Online was the limited starting inventory space. Bags were expensive to make, and many people did not sell them to other players. Rosh Online helps alleviate this problem slightly by offering a couple of bags as low level quest rewards, effectively doubling a new character's starting inventory. Even so, inventory space remains a premium, especially as all quest items take up a slot in your inventory. Crafting remains rather costly, with many items requiring uncommon or rare materials. New characters receive a very powerful set of starting equipment that will last them for a very long time, thankfully, which will help stave off crafting costs for a while.

Mounts and Pets and Fighting, Oh My!

When people think of mounts in an MMORPG, they usually don't associate them with shoulder armor. Rosh Online simplifies the mount system by doing just that: putting the item on your shoulders. Using the V key (by default) with a mount equipped allows you to summon your companion to ride. You cannot equip items, attack, or interact with NPCs and objects while mounted. Additionally, players can collect minipets for show. Pets can also help you loot items, or recover health and mana faster.

Player versus Player combat has also received a significant overhaul between Karos Online and Rosh Online. Players can turn on their PK flag at will and engage other players who also have the PK flag turned on. However, Rosh has increased the level requirement for this function to 35, far from the level 10 requirement in Karos Online. Guild versus Guild siege warfare is also promised in Rosh Online, giving players many options should PvP appeal to them.

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Final Verdict: Good

Rosh Online makes some strides in improving some of the negative aspects of Karos Online. Experience gain is much better in Rosh Online, and inventory space has been improved upon. The level to initiate PvP has been increased so lower level players aren't as punished for their decision to PvP. For all that Rosh Online has done to improve upon Karos, however, it still fails to address concerns about lack of direction for new players, or provide innovation to the original game's systems. Still, it's not a bad game by any means, and fans of Karos Online may find some welcome changes.


Rosh Online Screenshots


Rosh Online Videos

Official Gameplay Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Rosh Online Links

Official Game Page

System Requirements

Rosh Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core TM 2 Duo E6700 (2.66Ghz)
Graphics Card: GeForce FX 6200 / Radeon 9600
DirectX: 9.0c


Posted: 08 Dec 2011 12:37 PM PST

R.O.D.E. is a fantasy game of mystical characters and creatures where dragons hold the symbol of great power. It takes place in a world separated by two lord dragons, Firean (representing the West) and Azurian (representing the East).

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Publisher: Mgame
Playerbase: Low
Graphics: High
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: Battlegrounds and Open World
Filesize: 10GB

Pros: +Detailed graphics, +Aerial combat, +Advanced Pet system
Cons: -Not beginner friendly, -Dragons are difficult to attain, -Poor crafting system

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RODE Overview

Rise of Dragonian Era (RODE) offers players the ability to ride on the backs of dragons in both player-version-enemy and player-versus-player combat. Each of the four classes in game has two specializations to choose from, offering a variety of options. Additionally, the game offers a detailed mount and pet system, as well as achievements, to give players many things to enjoy while playing.

RODE Screenshots

RODE Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

RODE Review

Rise of Dragonian Era, otherwise known as RODE, is the latest offering from Netgame.  Similar to MMORPGs like Runes of Magic and Gates of Andaron (4Story), RODE promises a complex class system and fast-paced player-versus-player combat.  Oh, and you also get to fly around on a dragon and battle in the skies.

Installation Woes

Trying to launch RODE is an exercise in frustration.  First, you log into the RODE website and download a file that downloads the game client.  Then, depending on what web browser you use, there is a separate plug-in that needs to be installed to actually launch the game.  While the game is not browser-based, its browser-launch system ends up being more complicated than most desktop installed games.

The Start of a Legend

After an opening cinematic, you choose between two factions: Firean and Azurian.  Each faction has three races to choose from.  Firean has Halfkin, Asrai and Shedi; Azurians boast Kaebi, Orial and Sinkong.  The Halfkin and Kaebi are the short races; Halfkin are decidedly elfish looking, while the Kaebi are more devilish.  Asrai are definitely elvish, and the Orial's are human.  Finally, Shedi and Sinkong are bestial races – Wolf and Monkey respectively – that can only be male.

Your next choice is between one of four classes:  Fighter, Ranger, Wizard and Darkmage.  Classes are locked by race:  Orial and Asrai cannot choose Darkmage, Halfkin and Kaebi cannot be Wizards, and Shedi and Sinkong are restricted to Fighter and Ranger.

Once you've chosen your class, you get the option of a few face types, face shapes (makeup or facial hair), hair styles, and costume colors.  You'll also choose skin and hair color as well.  RODE differs from many free-to-play games, however, by offering two additional creation screens after these basic selections are made.  These screens contain various sliders that control body shape, face shape, and more, allowing you to create a one-of-a-kind character.

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Learning the Ropes

After creating a character, you will be treated to another cinematic, which details your character's backstory.  The backstory is mostly the same for both factions, with very minor differences.  When you're given control of your character, you'll find there are no tutorials to be had, except for instructions on moving your character.  No direction is given on how to interact with NPCs, how to interact with objects, how to attack, or other basic game controls.

Right click is utilized for most actions in RODE, including interacting with NPCs, gathering from crafting nodes, looting chests dropped from monsters, and using skills on your action bars.  You're given three starting quests in the first area, which, while designed to teach you these controls, fail in their intended role.

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Them's Fightin' Words

Combat in RODE follows a classical MMORPG format.  You auto-attack with your equipped weapons, and can use a variety of class skills.  Skills are activated using the number keys, or by right clicking on the icon on the action bar.  Most basic enemies are defeated easily; however, expect to take a lot of damage.  RODE is designed with grouping in mind, and tougher monsters are nearly impossible to solo.  Fortunately, anyone who attacks the tougher monsters will get quest credit, although only the first person to attack it will get loot.  Targeting can also be a major problem; using Tab to find the nearest target can and will target things behind you, not just in your field of vision.

All enemies drop chests upon death, which are then looted for money, and occasionally, items.  Money is very tight early on, and training becomes more costly as you rank up your skills. At higher levels, chests gain the ability to sometimes be a mimic, which attack you when you try to open them.  Defeating a mimic rewards you more money and better loot.

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I Don't See Nothing Wrong …

Leveling up in RODE is slow.  Each level earns your character a new skill.  At level 10, you can choose one of two specializations for your character, each with a different playstyle. Every level after 10, you also earn a talent point that you can use to enhance your specialization's abilities.

There are many quests to do in RODE to help you level, though they seem to taper off at higher levels. An achievement system offers a plethora of achievements to obtain, as each area you discover, each monster you defeat, and each node you gather from are tallied.  This always means there's some task you can perform while playing.  There is also battleground and open-world PvP for players to engage in.

RODE also features crafting in the form of gathering and crafting skills. Gathering from resource nodes levels up the specific gathering skill (mining, fishing, and extracting), and you can select a crafting skill from Alchemy, Metalworking, Jewelcrafting and Tailoring. You can only learn one crafting skill, but you automatically learn all three gathering skills.

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Butterfly in the Sky

RODE's primary focus is its dragon system.  Before you reach level 10, you'll obtain a dragon egg that requires your help to hatch. The egg is a minipet that follows you around.  When you use your pet in combat, its loyalty will rise. To hatch your dragon egg, you must raise its loyalty to 100%, and obtain an item rarely dropped by difficult monsters. Eventually, this dragon is supposed to become your companion in the skies, although the system has not yet been implemented.

You'll also receive a mount from a quest fairly early on, which also functions off the loyalty system. Mounts can be used to fight with, which is a nice departure from many games where they are merely transport.  Using mounts to attack builds their fatigue, which can only be reduced by purchasing items from a vendor.  The mount and pet system is woefully unexplained in the game, leaving you to figure them out on your own.

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Final Verdict:  Fair

RODE does some things well:  NPCs have at least one voice-acted line when you interact with them, the game's graphics are high quality, and the ability to fly on a dragon is quite appealing.  The game is, however, bogged down by a variety of issues.  Death carries a stiff experience loss to it, taking away huge chunks of progress and time.  Crafting items requires an additional fee, on top of the fee to learn the recipe, and the cost of the materials you must purchase from a vendor.  Finally, various graphical issues, such as objects not being solid, allow for many situations where players can get stuck and must wait for a GM to free them.  If the idea of challenging, party-based play sounds appealing, though, you might get some mileage out of RODE.


RODE Videos

Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

System Requirements

RODE System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows (R) Vista/ XP/2000 (95/98/ME/NT/Server are not supported)
Graphics Card: GEFORCE 4600GT 256MB
DirectX: 9.0c

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows (R) Vista/ XP/2000 (95/98/ME/NT/Server are not supported)
Graphics Card: GEFORCE 9800GT 512MB
DirectX: 9.0c or better

Heroes of Newerth

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 12:53 AM PST

Heroes of Newerth is a 3D fantasy MMO with team based, competitive gameplay. Inspired by DotA, Heroes of Newerth allows players to chose from a large rooster of heroes and battle it out as part of the Legion or the Hellbourne.

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Publisher: S2 Games
Playerbase: High
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Slow
PvP: Open World / War Fronts
Filesize: 569 MB

Pros: +Thrilling team-oriented, skill-based gameplay. +Many heroes to choose from. +In-game guides and tutorials. +Interesting, well-furnished money store. +Monthly release of new content. +Complete, extensive tutorial.

Cons: -Competitive style not for everyone. –Limited selection of maps. –Considerable learning curve. –Temperamental players can, and do ruin games.

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Heroes of Newerth Overview

Originally based on the Warcraft 3 custom map Defense of the Ancients, Heroes of Newerth has its ties divided between its map predecessor, and S2 Games' previous series of games called Savage who's universe Heroes of Newerth is set in. Extremely competitive and community oriented, Heroes of Newerth provides a refined and polished experience destined to keep players entertained for many a sleepless nights. With a great diversity of characters spread over two factions (Legion & Hellbourne) and three categories (Strength, Agility & Intelligence), many of which require different play styles and skill sets, this is a game that ultimately rewards a player's mastery over his character, and his capacity to use this character in conjunction with his team mates'.  If you enjoy a bit of challenge, you should not miss this one.

Heroes of Newerth Screenshots

Heroes of Newerth Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Heroes of Newerth Review

In ye ole' days when "free to play" was more likely referring to newgrounds flash games than fully developed products, Warcraft 3 held one of the top seats on the most-played games list, partly due to this little mini-game called DotA. Most likely you've heard of this, but if you haven't, the principle is simple; two bases send equal amounts of warriors at each other in an automated manner, and the players pick one of many heroes, killing these warriors, gaining experience, buying items and essentially powering up until one team is strong enough to break the status quo, and push all the way to the other team's base in order to destroy it and thus win. The concept was fun, simple, and most importantly, extremely popular. However, it wasn't until Heroes of Newerth that this idea reached the game market in any successful manner. Released at first for the meager sum of 30$, Heroes of Newerth at last turned free to play in summer 2011. The question is; does it manage to keep the experience entertaining through the free-to-play transition?

This Looks Familiar

Heroes of Newerth lets you enter the role of a member of the alliance of the previous games two opposing forces (Legion and Beasts), or as the Hellbourne, an invading force of demonic and other fellows of doubtable repute as you duke  it out over a handful of maps, but most likely, Forest of Caldavar, the traditional DotA style, community favorite map. It all functions exactly like the Defense of the Ancients described above, albeit with a bit more of complexity. You start out in the very complete menu interface, where you either get to play through matchmaking or by joining a custom, listed game. This is also the place where you get to check your stats, the Herodex and the store, but more on that later. Custom games have up to 4 playable maps, while matchmaking only has two. Most games turn out to be 5v5, but 3v3 is the second most popular, usually played on Grimm's Crossing. There is a fair amount of modes, such as All Pick, All Random, Single Draft, Banning Draft, etc. most of which are centered on which hero you pick. This is a fairly important phase too, as which characters your team picks and how they synergize can very easily make the difference between victory and defeat, and let me tell you, the hero selection is not only huge, but also constantly growing. The downside however, is that unless you've purchased the heroes for use, only a limited amount of them are unlocked on a rotation each week. Once that's done however, the fun starts.

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Roll The Dice!

Games generally play out over anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, informally divided as early game, mid-game and late game. This is fairly important, as some heroes are specifically designed to excel in one of those over the others. For an example, intelligence heroes will excel in early and mid-game, using powerful non-scaling spells to slam their opponents into submission, while agility heroes specialize in late-game, and whose role is specifically to carry their team to victory after the 30 minutes mark, which they could not do earlier due to their fragility. Gameplay can generally get quite complex, and most players can expect to lose the majority of their early games. Those who do not enjoy this style of play will find out very quickly whether this is for them, as they are immediately put face to face with the learning curve and simultaneously the pressure to perform. Your performance depends directly on what kind of items you build, and your capacity to use your abilities at the right time, and the right place. Thankfully, Heroes of Newerth comes with a fairly complete tutorial geared at explaining the basics, like denying (killing your own creeps to deny the enemy money) and last hitting (in order to get money). Even more helpful is the presence of in-game character and item guides, written and approved by the community. A quick trip to the game's forums can also explain more advanced concepts like juking, creep pulling and backdooring.

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What's Better Than Two Barrels? FOUR!

In the end however, the learning curve remains, and this is partly what contributes to Heroes of Newerth being such a competitive experience. Team members are constantly pressured to succeed, and indeed the presence of a weak link can drag an entire team down. Kills and victories are thrilling and rewarding, with buyable announcer packs sending a variety of taunting one-liners, including one voiced by Duke Nukem voice actor Jon St. John. After every game, you earn a certain amount of experience (mostly used as a measure of gameplay time), PSR (Skill rating, for bragging and matchmaking) and most importantly; silver coins, which lets you buy from the in-game store. The after-game screen lets you see just about everything you'd want to know; ranging from kill rate, to gold acquired, and even the amount of actions you did per minute. It also makes your replay available to be downloaded by yourself and the public for a certain amount of time afterwards. You can also check out your own long-term statistics! There is most definitely a lot of information that can be checked concerning game details and performance.  Unfortunately, you might notice at this point that a few important features are restricted to verified accounts (Level 5 or higher, or has purchased something from the store), such as the ability to report griefing players. Similarly, you'll find out that there are game modes you cannot play unless you have purchased a special access pass from the store. This is a very small downside, though it does lead us to…

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The Goblin Store

The money store. Yes, it's chock full of very neat stuff. And the best part is that to get the majority of it, you don't even need to spend real money, you can use your silver coins. That said, purchasing in-game currency (gold coins) is more time efficient and lets you get more stuff than you would otherwise. The store contains a truckload of vanity goodies, ranging from name colors, name icons, stat resets, to new models for heroes, new voice sets, new couriers and even new in-game announcers. There are some amazingly hilarious buys, with famous ones such as pimp Witch Hunter, leprechaun Blacksmith, or even a flying pig to courier your items around. You'll also find a bundle section with a fair amount of rotating deals available, including holiday deals, when special skins are unlocked for purchase (Giant easter bearwolf with carrots for claws anyone?). This is also the section where you can unlock individual heroes to add to your collection. The downside with it all is that it does not come cheap if you are using gold. At the time of writing this, 10$ is about 450 gold pieces, which lets you unlock two heroes, one skin, or a cheap name color. Announcers range from 560 to 980 gold pieces, whereas bundles are more likely to hang around the 1,300ish price tag. Few things in this store come cheap, but the advantage is the selection available to you. Is it a deal breaker? Not at all, and players can fortunately not acquire any sort of in-game advantage through the store (Unless you consider Duke Nuken's voice a tactical advantage).

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Final Verdict: Great

Heroes of Newerth is great, and just one tip-toe away from being excellent. All that holds it back is its learning curve, limited maps and the occasional glitch. That said, it's an amazing experience that successfully combines RPG and Strategy elements into a successful, addicting product. It has created around it a solid, competitive community, and as a Savage fan, I am proud to see Heroes of Newerth carry the series forward. If you have not tried it yet, there never was a better time!


Heroes of Newerth Screenshots


Heroes of Newerth Videos

Heroes of Newerth 2.0 Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Heroes of Newerth Gameplay [ReMo] P1

Click here to view the embedded video.

Heroes of Newerth Gameplay [ReMo] P2

Click here to view the embedded video.


Heroes of Newerth Links

Heroes of Newerth Official Site

System Requirements

Heroes of Newerth System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: 2.2GHz Pentium 4 / AMD 2400+
HDD: 1  GB free
Graphics Card: GeForce 5 / ATI 9800

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo / AMD 3500+ or better
RAM: 1.5 GB or more
HDD: 2 GB Free or more
Graphics Card: 256MB Geforce 7800+ / Radeon X1900+ or better

Elsword Online

Posted: 26 Feb 2011 03:29 PM PST

Elsword Online is a 2D fantasy MMORPG side-scroller. Work with other players to clear stages in this anime inspired action oriented beat ‘em up!

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Publisher: Kill3rCombo
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Arena
Filesize: 1,230 MB

Pros: +Stylish graphics and art work. +Action oriented gameplay. +Co-op and competitive game modes. +Multiple class paths.

Cons: -Similar to other side-scrollers already available. –Strange translations. Combat can get repetitive. –Few classes compared to Korean

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Elsword Online Overview

North American gamers are finally able to get their hands on Elsword, a side-scroller similar to Grand Chase and Fists of Fu. With a manga series already running in Asia, Elsword is a popular franchise which offers players story-driven action with various co-op missions. There’s also a PvP mode where gamers can battle each other and compete for rankings. Equip your character with an assortment of gear, accessories, and cosmetic items earned as you progress!


Elsword - A master swordsman with powerful melee attacks. He can deal damage, but also adsorb a lot of it.

Aisha - A mage who relies on active skills in deal damage to opponents. Armed with a staff, she can attack multiple targets at once.

Rena - A trained marksman, Rena’s favored weapon is the bow and arrow. She is also capable of kicking opponents who get too close.

Elsword Online Screenshots

Elsword Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

By: Guillaume Barbeau

Let's say it now: Elsword is a beautiful game. Hand-drawn cutscenes, cell-shaded graphics and flashy effects, all using bright, vivid colors, make for a very satisfying visual experience. You start out in the character creator where you choose your name along with your preferred persona. Considering the differences between each of the characters, this is a fairly important step; Elsword is the melee/tank character, Aisha is a mage with the capacity of attacking a lot of foes at once, and Rena is the long ranged character (Who could also be built for melee). The tutorial is complete, and accessible from the character menu afterward if you need a refresher. It explains efficiently the ins and outs of the system while peppering you with bits of the story, and introducing the characters to each other. Here you might also notice that Elsword indeed has voice acting, which is definitely an uncommon trait for free-to-play MMOs, and something we hope to see more. The sound in this game isn't especially striking, the music is similar to other anime-ish games, and the sound effects are fair. The story is simple but deliberate in its style and pace; the anime inspirations ooze from every pixel.

Fire up your fighting spirit!

Profiting from previous experience with Grand Chase, KOG was successful in designing this combat system in a way that lessened the repetition slightly. To this end, they implemented a combo system which, depending on what key you hit (Z for light/fast hit, X for heavy), will chain up differently, and allow you to follow-up with special moves of your choice. The fighting here is truly the thick of the action, it's fluid, fun, though a bit repetitive. Apart from combos, a significant part of the fighting system is the skill tree which has you put points into skills of your own choosing, some of which are entirely new special moves. One of these is a defensive move specific to each character, for an example, Aisha's is a teleport,and Elsword's is a counterattack block. These special moves use varying amounts of your mana bar(regenerated with time, or through fighting) to perform sort of "limit break" effects. You have four slots to put skills of your choosing, allowing you to diversify your play style, to a certain extent.

Wally's Castle

The game essentially functions in the usual Kill X, Collect Y, go to Z fashion. You'll acquire your quests in town, and then proceed to the outskirts of town where you create or join dungeon groups. Apart from PvP, all of the action happens in instanced, 4-players dungeons. These are fairly simple, go from point A to point B killing everything in-between, including a boss at the end. Before these, you may choose your preferred difficulty level, as many quests require you to play on Hard or Very Hard. This does not make much of a difference however, barring the time and length of the dungeon, and the difficulty remains fairly tame. A big part of the fun here comes from doing them in a group, as repeating dungeons solo turns them into a chore fairly quickly. The action truly shines in this instance, with flashy moves flying left and right, and bosses often going down to your teammates before you can even lift a finger. The PvP is just as entertaining, and much faster paced! The fighting happens in smaller arenas where you either compete in a free-for-all, or in a team deathmatch in which the objective is to have the best kill count. One strange thing about the action is how resilient the players are. Taking down a player takes a long time due to humongous amounts of hit-points, which tend to make matches longer, and slightly more tiresome than they need to be.


From dungeons and PvP, you acquire XP, VP, and coins. The XP is used to level up (Surprise, surprise!), while the VP and coins are used in purchases. The character progression here is fairly fun, as the skill tree allows for slight divergence. Where the real fun starts however, is when you get to choose your progression path, at level 15. As an example, Elsword can become either a Sword Knight, or a Magic Knight, both which use different sets of skills, and have distinct appearances. Items in Elsword are divided in two: most items that carry significant statistics do not have an aesthetic counterpart. This means that if you put on a +30 Melee shirt, it will not physically show up on your character. Instead, your character's appearance is decided by an alternate set of items. What this means is that you can look exactly like you want, without having to sacrifice item stats. Most of these items are acquired by…


Ka-ching is the in-game currency purchased with real money, whose main function seems to be either to purchase some of those appearance items, or utility items. There –is- a certain amount of stat gained from having these appearance items, which can range from being minimal; to being very significant(Some items allow you entirely new abilities, usable during PvP matches). There is a good variety toka-ching items, most certainly enough to keep you interested until new content arrives. Items can be sold in a sort of central, instanced market. You may also perform crafting, though this is not a skill in itself, as simply bring the material to a merchant in order to craft, or enhance an item. One thing must be mentioned about content however; it's that the Korean version currently has –double- the amount of classes this version has, a detail that could make a significant difference in a player's game experience.

Final Verdict: Good

Overall, this is a good game with a straight focus on flashy action and excellent looking graphics. It has a good pace, sharp action, and a healthy community, but is essentially very similar to Grand Chase,and other side-scrollers. That aside, if you can enjoy Elsword's style and get past the eventual feeling of repetition from the dungeons, then small flaws like strange translations should be no issue to you. So grab up your sword, and fire up your fighting spirit!


Elsword Online Screenshots


Elsword Online Videos

Elsword Online Teaser Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Elsword Online Links

Elsword Online Official Site

System Requirements

Elsword Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3000 MHz / AMD Athlon 64 3000+
RAM:  2 GB
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon Х1600

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3000 MHz  / AMD Athlon 64 6400+ or better
RAM: 4 GB or more
HDD: 4 GB or more
Graphics Card: GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 4700 or better

Battlestar Galactica Online

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 07:57 PM PDT

Battlestar Galactica Online is a browser based 3D Sci-Fi MMORPG based on the popular Battlestar Galactica franchise. Play as a Cylon or Human and battle it out in space. Players can explore various worlds, and unlock new weapons, ships, and parts as they progress.

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Publisher: Bigpoint
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Faction Based
Filesize: N/A

Pros: +Based on a popular Sci-Fi franchise. +Great looking graphics powered by the Unity engine. +Plenty of weapons and ship customization options.

Cons: -Limited information available. -No release date set. -Some features will cost real cash. -No land based combat.

transcreate accountofficial site


Battlestar Galactica Online Overview

Battlestar Galactica Online is a new browser based MMORPG being developed by Bigpoint. Its set during season 2 of the popular TV series and gameplay centers on the ongoing conflict between the Cylons and humans. Like Bigpoint’s Dark Orbit, Battlestar Galactica Online is real-time combat and allows players to purchase various ships and outfit them with dozens of parts. But unlike previous Bigpoint titles, Battlestar Galactica Online was build using the powerful Unity engine which means the game has beautiful 3D graphics that are on par with client based games. Players will be able to get off their ships to explore the BSG universe, but there’s no land based combat component. The game scheduled for release in Fall 2010 and the level cap will be 20. Expect more information on Battlestar Galactica Online in the months ahead.

Battlestar Galactica Online Screenshots

Battlestar Galactica Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Battlestar Galactica Online Full Review

Coming Soon…


Battlestar Galactica Online Screenshots

Coming soon…


Battlestar Galactica Online Videos

Battlestar Galactica Online Teaser Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Battlestar Galactica Online Links

Battlestar Galactica Online Official Site

Ministry of War

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:56 PM PDT

Ministry of War is a 2D browser based strategy game with real time combat and four playable civilizations. Build up an empire throughout the ages while making alliances and waging war with neighbors. Fight for supremacy in Ministry of War!

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Publisher: Snail Games
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: Open
Filesize: N/A

Pros: +Four playable civilizations. +Real time combat. +Endgame goal to work towards. +Advance through four ages. +PvP and PvE content.

Cons: -Slow paced progression.  -Paying players receive large advantages. -Repetitive gameplay.

transcreate accountofficial site


Ministry of War Overview

Ministry of War hopes to take the browser based strategy genre to the next level. The game is developed by Snail Game, the same Chinese studio behind Heroes of Gaia. MoW boasts real-time combat where players can battle other users, or computer controlled opponents. Chose from four ancient civilizations and progress from the Wild Age to the Imperial Age. Like Travian, Ministry of War has an end-game goal. After one civilization conqueors the rest, they will be declared the winner and a new age will begin. With a huge world to explore, oceans to sail, and tons of gamepaly features to experience, Ministry of War is defiently one of the most impressive free to play browser based strategy games.

Civilizations - Rome, Egypt, Persia, China

Ministry of War Screenshots

Ministry of War Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Ministry of War Full Review

By Jaime Skelton

Build a nation from the untamed, savage land to a prosperous, booming empire: this is what Ministry of War, published by Snail Games USA, promises. Similar in nature to other games such as Lord of Ultima, Tribal Wars, or Travian, Ministry of War sets itself apart through the use of world domination. While you want to grow your nation, Ministry of War adds a unique twist by also allowing players to "beat" the game by banding with their fellows to conquer their enemies. While not perfect, Ministry of War does remarkably well to set itself apart by offering a unique, progression-based system.

Entering a Savage Age

Character creation in Ministry of War is fairly simple. You choose from one of four historical kingdoms – Persia, Egypt, Rome or China – and select one of four or five preset faces of either gender to create your starting hero. The kingdom you choose also has an impact; different units and bonuses to production exist between the four civilizations. Leveling up your heroes allows you to further customize your abilities as you see fit. Aside from the four primary attributes of power, command, physique, and intelligence, you are able to choose which skills your hero learns along the way.

Once you’ve created a character and have entered the game, you’re launched right into a tutorial on how the game operates. The tutorial teaches how to build and upgrade structures, as well as soldier recruitment and combat. This tutorial is both simple and in-depth, allowing new players to easily grow accustomed to the systems.

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Reinventing the Wheel

The game controls do take some getting used to. Unlike many RTS games, you do not scroll the screen by moving your mouse to the edges of the field; you must click and drag the window around in order to pan the screen. Additionally, control during combat sequences is often clunky and non-responsive when it comes to targeting your enemies, leading to unnecessary loss while you struggle to attack the correct target.

The interface may seem cluttered at times; however, having everything readily available is also a very nice touch. Knowing you can access almost every menu from the main window helps you control the flow of the game considerably. Additionally, many features are available in multiple locations, which allows you to make quick decisions as well as careful planning.

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Know Yourself; Know Your Enemy …

The combat system is fast-paced with detailed animation, but suffers from aforementioned targeting issues. Against a player, this can be quite disastrous. The game does have an auto battle feature that will use the game’s AI to fight for you. While this will suffice against most NPC opponents, it’s a quick way to lose against other players. It’s best to practice against the computer in manual mode to ensure you are prepared to PvP.

Drive Your Enemies Before You!

Ministry of War focuses on the PvP aspect of the game – called CvC, or Civilization v. Civilization. Unless you spend a lot of money on items from the cash shop to prevent other players from attacking you, there will be conflict. The first type of PvP combat comes in the form of plundering, in which players attack another city to gain resources. During a plunder, you have to contend with that city’s defenses, and any allies called to help. In this case, allies may be as simple as someone seeing your invading force and wiping you out.

The second form of conflict is the large scale battle of the four civilizations to conquer the world. The more areas your civilization controls, the larger the bonus your civilization’s cities receive. When you’re well and able to venture out in these wars, it pays to do so for the rest of your civilization on a whole. If your civilization manages to capture all 50+ zones, you’ve won, and the world will restart on that server.

The third form of PvP in the game is the Arena – a one v. one skirmish between you and another player. Fights are determined randomly, so you may face overwhelming odds, or you may face an easy opponent. Win or lose, you gain rewards in the arena: experience and arena badges. Winning consecutively in the arena also increases the experience awarded. Badges are used to buy random equipment for your hero.

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Travelling Across the Ages

Quests are fairly typical for an MMORTS; most tasks are simple develop a specific technology or building to certain level. Others involve getting a hero to a higher level. All tasks award resources,and there are many tasks available as you build your empire. There are times, however, where the upgrading process to complete the quest seems to take too long. Additionally, some buildings take a lot of resources (most commonly the hero monuments, which take – pardon the pun – monumental amounts of gold to complete) to the point where it may take hours to days to complete a task.

The benefit of the task system as it exists in the game, however, is it guides you to each new age in your kingdom. The tasks you get in the Savage Age directly guide you to advancement to the Dark Age. Likewise, the Dark Age tasks progress you to the Feudal Age, and onwards to Castle and Empire Ages as well. Progressing through these ages earns access to new buildings and troops. This lends a natural flow to the game, and generally ensures you’re advancing properly to protect yourself from your opponents.

Swords to Plowshares

Ministry of War offers a rather unique system with influence. By utilizing missionaries and praying at religious sites, your culture gains influence. In turn, influence helps your city’s production levels, allowing you to construct buildings and upgrades faster. In addition, your missionaries act as heroes in their own right, and they also level up and develop their own skills.

Likewise, you can be a trade prince if you so choose. By developing merchants, you can gain vast amounts of wealth and resources, which you can use to trade amongst your Civilization, or utilize to build your own cities further. Merchants can also be leveled up like heroes, allowing them to be more successful in their dealings.

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Let Us Band Together

Despite being a PvP game, we found Ministry of War to be quite social. Much of our time spent in game was filled with discussion from other people online in the civilization. This interaction was beyond simple hellos – many times, other players were informing fellows of opportune targets to strike, or warning against invaders on their way. It was a refreshing camaraderie not found very often in similar RTS games.

Minimum Deposit Required

One thing to be aware of, however, is a slight reliance on cash shop items in order to do well. The shop offers several bonuses, such as increased production speeds, additional troop recruitment slots, instant HP/MP restoration and better hero recruitment. Increased speed alone will make a large difference in advancement versus being constantly raided. You receive a fair amount of cash shop items as you complete tasks; proper timing in their use can also be quite advantageous.

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Overall Rating: Good

Ministry of War is a fairly polished game, though it has a few rough edges to be addressed. Character creation is simple and effective, and the tutorial teaches you exactly what you need to do to start your empire. The game enforces its PvP nature through various systems, particularly through world conquest. While manual combat needs some improvements, it is better than many other RTS games’ formulaic battle systems. The reliance on cash shop purchases later on to be competitive does hinder a true free-to-play experience. If you’re a fan of other browser-based RTS games, you owe it to yourself to give Ministry of War a look.


Ministry of War Screenshots


Ministry of War Videos

Ministry of War Gameplay Video

Click here to view the embedded video.


Ministry of War Links

Ministry of War Official Site

Iris Online

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:21 PM PDT

Iris Online is 3D fantasy MMORPG with a gypsy theme. Players can chose between three races and can explore the anime-inspired world of Arcana. Experience a unique environment centered on 22 tarot cards, including The Fool, The Chariot, and Wheel of Fortune.

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Publisher: gPotato
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Duels / Colosseum Matches
Filesize: ~ 2400 mb

Pros: +3 playable races, 6 starting classes. +Unique tarot card feature. +Transform into monsters using cards. +Themed instanced dungeons.

Cons: -Limited inventory space. -Familiar gameplay and character progression. -Visual style may not appeal to some players.

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Iris Online Overview

Iris Online is a free-to-play MMORPZG developed by Eyasoft, the same studio behind Luna Online. Like Luna, Iris boasts a cute, anime-inspired visual style. But don’t let the graphics fool you, Iris Online is a full-feature MMORPG with a unique gypsy theme. Tarot cards effect much of the world, including the twenty-two instanced dungeons, each of which have a different theme based off one of the cards. Players can collect monster cards off almost any enemy in the game and use them to transform into those monsters. PvP battle zones pit up to fifteen players near the same level against each other. Players progress by gaining experience and skill points. The game has a variety of races and classes to choose from.

Human - Easily adaptable race that possess great strength and excels at technology.

Fighter - Fighters rely on brute strength and large weapons to deal heavy damage at melee range.

Mage - Arcane spellcasters who fight from a distance. They can buff allies, but are fragile in combat.

Hybrid - Half-human, half-animal. Hybrids have high strength and stamina, though their knowledge of magic is limited.

Warrior - Equipped with heavy armor, warriors are always at the forefront of battle where they can defend their allies.

Rogue - Shrewd combatants that rely on speed and cunning. Rogues exploit vulnerabilities in their opponents.

Elf - Elves are the oldest race in Arcana. They have unmatched knowledge and an affinity for nature

Ranger - Trackers and outdoorsmen. Rangers are masters of stealthy movement and the gun. They can also use daggers.

Shaman - Masters of fire, air, earth, and water magic. Shamans can summon elementals to aid them.

Iris Online Screenshots

Iris Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Iris Online Review

By Erhan Altay

Most anime-themed fantasy MMORPGs tend to be very similar, but once in a while a game like Iris Online comes along and adds a new twist to the genre. Iris Online is developed by the Korean studio Eyasoft and published in North America on Gala-Net's gPotato portal. Eyasoft is behind a number of anime styled games including Luna Online and the recent Legend of Edda, but Iris Online is different from those titles. It has a 'Gypsy' theme, which means the world is filled with tarot cards, carnivals, and circus themed areas and instances. Behind the brightly colored visual style is an in-depth MMORPG with varied races, classes, PvP options, and other features.

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Races of Arcana

Iris Online entered beta testing in the middle of October in 2010, and with a 2.4 gb client size, its a fairly large game. Each account has five character slots per server, which is almost enough to cover the six starting classes. There are three playable races to chose from: Human, Hybrid, and Elf. Each of these has two distinct classes available, for a grand total of six. There are a few face, hair, and hair color options, but appearance customization is very limited overall. The character models themselves look great. After character creation, the game prompts players with an option to take part in the tutorial. It's short, and explains some of the original features found later in the game. There's also a reward for completing it, so new players should run through it at least once.

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Sign Up for the Circus

The tutorial in Iris Online takes place in a circus-themed zone where players are introduced to a new aspect of gameplay in each room. The game supports both keyboard (W,A,S,D) and point-and-click controls which will please many gamers. Better still, the keyboard controls actually feel fluid. This is one of the few Asian developed free-to-play MMORPGs where I felt more comfortable using W,A,S,D over the mouse. Players can even jump by hitting the space bar, but this propels them far into the air and is rarely practical. After learning to move, the next quest explains a bit about the game's lore. Most gamers will skip past this, but just remember that the world is called Arcana, and the races had to work together to defeat some evil force long ago. Next, players can choose between three cat mounts. Mounts come in all shapes and sizes in Iris Online including giant cats, crabs, and so on. Newbies won't be able to keep their tutorial mount, it only serves to show them how to use one. The interface in Iris Online is simple, the map is opened by hitting 'M', the quest log opens with the 'L' key, and inventory with the 'I' key. The only major complaints with the interface are the limited inventory space of twenty-five slots that new players start with, and the inability to view maps beside the one a character is currently in.

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Fortune Telling

One major feature that distinguishes Iris Online from other free-to-play games is its Gypsy theme. Tarots cards, which are still used by fortune tellers today, have perhaps the most well known aspect of Gypsy culture. These cards, and especially the twenty-two major ones, play an important role in Iris Online. Each of the original twenty-two instanced dungeons in the game are based off one of the twenty-two major Tarot cards. Veteran gamers may have come across these cards before in other games like the Persona or Ultima series. They include cards like 'The Fool', 'Judgment', and 'The Emperor.' The order that a person draws these cards is supposed to reveal something about their fortune, but in Iris they play a role in weapon customization, crafting, and monster summoning. The tutorial explains most of these features, but its important to note that besides the twenty-two major tarot cards, there are fifty-six minor ones. On top of that, nearly every monster in the game (including raid bosses) have a chance of dropping cards. The cards monsters drop come in two forms: one type can be attached to equipment Ragnarok Online style, while the other kind is used to temporarily transform into the particular monster that dropped it. Each monster has a unique set of skills, and buffs. Cards are also used in crafting and can be combined with other items to create completely new items.

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Character Growth

Progression in Iris Online is fairly linear. Players gain experience by hunting and completing quests, but they also gain SXP (skill experience) independently of their base experience. When the SXP bar fills, players are rewarded with a skill point which can be distributed among the multple skill trees each class has. Each starting class has access to two or more weapon/spell types, and each is represented by its own skill tree. Rogues, for example, can use rifles or dual daggers. Shamans can specialize in divine or offensive magic. Fighters can specialize in two-handed swords, dual swords, or sword & shield skills. All classes have a passive skill tree which contains permanent boosts to health, damage output, or particular stats. It is possible to spread skill points across multiple specializations, but this is not recommended. Players can a free skill reset at level 30, when they can make their first job change, but must use a cash shop item if they mess up before or after that time. Base experience is a lot simpler. Players don't receive stat points as they level, they increase automatically and can be raised further with magic equipment and buffs. Besides skills, there is one extra layer of customization in the form of an elemental 'Force.' There are four forces to chose from: Helen (fire), Nero (water), Annes (wind), Dera (ground.) Why does Nero represent water? I'm not quite sure, but there are several translation quirks throughout the game and this may just be one of them.

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Point A to Point B

Gameplay in Iris Online is heavily quest-based, and players are usually lead from one zone to the next in a linear path. New players start in the town of Terminus, which is in perpetual night and progress to hunting grounds that are at different times of the day. The assortment of quests should be familiar to MMORPG fans; kill quests, item gathering quests, and talk to NPC X quests. To auto-move to a location, players must bring up the map and click on a certain area. There's no quest objective to quest objective auto-navigation, which is actually a good thing since too much automation can make a game boring. Combat relies on actively using a variety of skills, as they usually have cool downs of a few seconds. Luckily, every class is equipped with an assortment of skills and mana regeneration is pretty high. Interestingly, spells and skills cost a percent of total mana, not just a set amount. This makes the MP recovery rate a very important stat for every class. The constant use of skills keeps combat exciting, and monsters in Iris Online start aggroing at an early level, which makes things more challenging. Early quests reward players with dozens of HP/MP potions, but these will run out eventually. There's no death penalty until level 10, and players are free to spawn right where they died. After level 10, death carries a small exp penalty, and resurrecting where you fell causes a debuff for several minutes.

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Carnival Games

Iris Online has many small features that help round it out as a full-feature MMORPG. These include an auction house, the ability to open personal shop stalls, and a title system. Titles are earned in a variety of ways, the most common being consuming tokens dropped by monsters. Titles effect the stats of a character when equipped, and can have both positive and negative effects. A title geared towards casters may increase magic damage and intelligence, but may decrease strength. Iris Online also has several PvP modes on top of the standard duel. Every so often, players are prompted on whether they want to participate in a capture the flag or team deathmatch event. If enough players within a certain level range agree, everyone who chose to participate is teleported to an instanced Colosseum field where two sides (each with up to eighteen players) duke it out. The game keeps track of PvP stats, including total kills, deaths, and also rewards points towards the player's currently chosen 'Force.' Besides large-scale PvP events, players can also group up to clear instanced dungeons scattered across the world.

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You've Come a Long Way

The visuals in Iris Online are very reminiscent of earlier anime-styled games, particularly Fiesta Online, Seal Online, and perhaps a bit of Rose Online thrown in. Being a newer game, it’s not much of a surprise that the graphics in Iris are better than those previous games. It’s a high quality title, and a slightly more mature alternative to Eyasoft's more chibi-oriented titles.

Final Verdict: Great

Iris Online may feel familiar at first glance, but it has a lot of depth and a unique theme. With three races and a large assortment of classes, Iris Online offers varied gameplay options but with a simple to understand progression system. Instanced dungeons, instanced PvP battlegrounds, and the multi-purpose card system all add up to make Iris Online a top-notch MMORPG. It doesn't breakthe mold enough to earn the top score, but it’s still a game well worth checking out.


Iris Online Videos

Iris Online Cinematic Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Iris Online Gameplay Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Iris Online Gameplay – First Look

Click here to view the embedded video.


Iris Online Links

Iris Online Official Site

System Requirements

Iris Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows  XP / Vista / Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz
RAM:  1 GB
HDD: 3 GB Free
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 9500 / nVidia 5200 (128mb memory)

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz or better
RAM: 2 GB or more
HDD: 4 GB Free
Graphics Card: Geforce 6600 GT / 256 mb video memory or better


Posted: 16 Jul 2010 10:19 PM PDT

4Story is a 3D fantasy MMORPG that looks and plays a lot like WoW. Join one of three warring factions and explore the world of 4Story as a Human, Werebeast, or Fairy. The game has plenty of quests to complete, regions to explore, and massive PvP battles to get involved in!

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Publisher: Zemi Interactive
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: Realm vs Realm / Duels / PvP Zones
Filesize: 1.2 GB

Pros: +Tutorial allows players to test out high level characters. +Realm vs Realm PvP. +Quest driven progression.

Cons: -Slow paced gameplay. -Limited appearance customization options. -Poor English translations. -Item mall sells weapons & armor.

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4Story Overview

Despite having a visual style and interface design similar to World of Warcraft’s, 4Story stands out as a unique free to play MMORPG. The game offers players a massive world to explore through quest driven progression. Earn a mount, learn new talents, and work your way up the ranks until you’re strong enough to particiapte in realm vs realm battles. There are three factions in 4Stroy vying for control. Each faction has its own geography, but shares the same three race and six class options.

Factions – Defugel, Craxion, Broa

Races – Fairy, Human, Werebeast

Classes – Assassin, Archer, Summoner, Priest, Warrior, Wizard

4Story Screenshots

4Story Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

4Story Full Review

Coming soon…


4Story Videos

4Story PvP Music Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

4Story Class Previews

Click here to view the embedded video.

4Story Boss Battle Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

4Story Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


4Story Links

4Story Official Site

System Requirements

4Story System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 2000/XP
CPU: Pentium4 1.6GHz
RAM: 512MB
Graphics Card:  Geforce FX5700 128MB

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows 2000/XP
CPU: Pentium4 2.0GHz or better
RAM: 1024MB or more
HDD: 3 GB free
Graphics Card: GeForce FX6600 256MB or better

Uncharted Waters Online

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 09:19 PM PDT

Uncharted Waters Online is a 3D fantasy MMORPG with a nautical theme. Travel on land or sea and make your living as a sailor, pirate, merchant, or trader!  Set sail for adventure in Uncharted Waters Online!

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Publisher: Netmarble
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium Quality
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: Open / Factions
Filesize: 3200 mb

Pros: +Battle on land and sea. +In-depth economy/trade system. +Based on a popular series, already big in Asia. +Unique gameplay.

Cons: -Already several years old, only now coming to America. -Steep learning curve. – Slow-paced gameplay.

download nowcreate accountofficial site


Uncharted Waters Online Overview

Uncharted Waters is an MMORPG based on sailing, trade, and conquest. Set between the 15th and 17th centuries, the game allows players to build or buy ships and sail them across the seas. Trade goods, explore uncharted territory, make discoveries, and conquer neutral cities across the world to expand the wealth and influence of your nation! Uncharted Waters Online is slow-paced and requires a hefty time investment, but those looking for a more involved MMORPG experience will enjoy what UWO has to offer.

Nations - Spain, Portugal, Venice, France, The Netherlands, England.

Skill Types - Adventure, Trade, Battle

Uncharted Waters Online Screenshots

Uncharted Waters Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Uncharted Waters Online Review

By Erhan Altay

The Age of Exploration was a pivotal moment in human history. European nations sent forth their boldest merchants, explorers, and conquerors around the world during this time period. Uncharted Waters Online is not the first free-to-play MMORPG set in the era, but it offers another take on the exciting setting. The game is set between the 15th and 17th centuries and is deeply involved; expect a steep learning curve and plenty of depth. For those looking for a more immersive MMORPG experience, Uncharted Waters Online is worth checking out.

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From East to West

Uncharted Waters Online may be set in the West, but it was developed in the East. The Japanese studio behind the game is KOEI (best known for their Dynasty Warriors series) which has its own MMORPG version appropriate titled Dynasty Warriors Online. Uncharted Waters was first released in 2005, but is only now making its way to North America thanks to Netmarble, the South Korean studio that also publishes Mini Fighter Online and Prius Online. Despite its age, Uncharted Waters Online still has attractive graphics, and a depth of gameplay rarely seen in free-to-play titles. There are a wide variety of supported resolutions, and players can chose to play in either full screen or windowed mode. The client download process is simple, but Netmarble does require players to install a browser plug-in. Character creation involves selecting between one of the six major European powers of the time including Spain, Portugal, Venice, France, The Netherlands, and England. Next up, players must chose which set of skills to start with. There are three basic job paths to chose from, Adventure, Trade, and Military. While each starts with a different batch of skills, any character can learn any skill in Uncharted Waters. Besides ship and combat-based skills, players can master different world languages, or trade related skills such as keeping accounts. Appearance customization is diverse; players choose from several body types, face styles, skin tones, hair colors, and hair styles.

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Back to School

New players aren't just left to fend for themselves in Uncharted Waters. Players start in a school with three NPC instructors, each corresponding with one of the three job types. These NPCs offer quests which explain the game's basics and offer small rewards along the way. It is vital for beginners to complete these quests, despite how slow-paced they are. Uncharted Waters is not an easy game to figure out and players who decide to drop out of school will find themselves aimlessly wandering their starting city, or the seas nearby. The interface is functional at best; for some reason it reminded me of a console RPG. Moving from one interface menu to another takes a split second, and when NPCs reward players with items, they're received one at a time. It's hard to explain, but it just has the JRPG feel. Movement can be controlled with either the keyboard (W,A,S,D) or point and click via the mouse. Both methods work well, and characters will actually walk for a moment before breaking out into a jog. It's a nice touch, but it does nothing to speed the game along. There's no way to jump or roll forward either, but players can auto-walk by clicking an icon on the minimap.

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Land and Sea

Of all the sailing-themed MMORPGs available, Uncharted Waters Online is most similar to Voyage Century, developed by Snail Game and published in the US by IGG.  Both are 'realistic' compared to the animated Florensia and Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Rather than hacking and slashing at groups of zombies right away, players in Uncharted Waters will be able to make discoveries, trade goods between ports, and take part in naval battles. The game supports both land-based and sea-based combat. But before to getting to that, players will have to go through a long tutorial process that methodically explains each basic aspect including equipment, eating food to restore vigour, skills, and ship maintenance. Besides teaching the basics, these steps provide experience. There's actually more to equipping armor in Uncharted Waters than most other MMORPGs. The clothes you wear effect not only your stats and appearance, but also your 'formality' and 'disguise' rating. Certain NPCs won't talk to player who don't have high enough formality. When exploring Turkish controlled lands, players will need to wear the native garb to fit in. Their 'disguise' stat will determine if they fit in well enough to avoid drawing suspicion.

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Fitting A Vessel

Just as characters can be equipped, so can ships. Besides sails, cannons, and rams, players will have to stock their ships with munitions, food, sailors, and timber before heading out to sea. Port passes are required before docking at cities, so players shouldn't venture too far before they've earned them. Eventually the game will introduce naval combat. When at sea, there are two ways for a battle to begin. Either a player can initiate a battle, or have someone else start one with them. In either case, a large circle forms around the participants and acts as the arena. If either participant manages to sail past the circle, they manage to retreat and end the battle. The most common form of combat involves trading cannon shots from a distance. The larger a ship, the more cannons it can equip. Smaller ships are more maneuverable which makes it easier for them to ram opponents. If ships come in contact, their crews will fight it out in melee combat.

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The Life of a Lord

Uncharted Waters Online isn't just about combat. There's a whole host of other activities, and goals to aim towards. Players can own farms, private residences, and make riches by trading. There's a banking system that actually pays interest on deposits and offers different levels of insurance that protect valuable vessels and cargo. A third of the game's skills are dedicated to 'Adventuring', which mainly boils down to scouring the world for discoveries in the form of ancient ruins, works of art, religious relics, rare animals, plants, and so on. This is definitely not a game for everyone, it can take days just to get a grip of whats going on, but those looking for something deep, more involved than the typical grind fest should give Uncharted Waters a serious look. It's a game players can invest their time in for years; it’s already proved successful in Asia and shown that it has lasting power. The localization has been pulled off very well, all the text was in perfect English and actually made sense. In that regard, its way ahead of Voyage Century, but it is also older. The graphics are not quite as vibrant, and it can take longer before players experience any of the action. For those willing to put in the time, Uncharted Waters Online will prove rewarding.

Final Verdict: Good

Uncharted Waters Online is a unique MMORPG that stands out from the crowd thanks to its nautical, and trade-based gameplay. Sailing the seven seas takes patience as much as boldness, but players willing to invest the time won't be disappointed by the depth Uncharted Waters Online offers. Those looking for something faster paced or action oriented need not bother.


Uncharted Waters Online Screenshots


Uncharted Waters Online Videos

Uncharted Waters Online Cinematic Trailer

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Uncharted Waters Online Character Creation

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Uncharted Waters Online Overview

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System Requirements

Uncharted Waters Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP2
CPU: Pentium 3 800MHz
RAM:  256 MB
HDD: 9 GB Free
Graphics Card: 32mb

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows Vista / 7
CPU: Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or higher
RAM: 1 GB or more
HDD: 10 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForge 6600 GT or better

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