MMO Updates |
- The Soapbox: That's the way it should be!
- Flameseeker Chronicles: How do trinities work?
- The Game Archaeologist discovers the Island of Kesmai
- TERA offers answers, launching with level 60 cap
- The Daily Grind: How many MMO betas are installed on your machine?
- Get a job in Final Fantasy XIV
- Not So Massively: D3 launches European beta and HoN celebrates 100th hero
- Lineage II brings a full update of Harmony
- Guild Summit for Star Wars: The Old Republic fielding a plethora of revelations
- TERA's Poporis wreck face in the most adorable possible way
- Rumor: Diablo III releasing April 17th
- Leaderboard: Playing same gender vs. opposite gender
- RIFT celebrates its first year by looking back... and looking beyond
The Soapbox: That's the way it should be! Posted: 06 Mar 2012 09:00 AM PST Filed under: MMO industry, Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.Every fandom has it. In Transformers fandom, it's the segment of the population that insists the franchise peaked with the original G1 cartoon (and its numerous animation errors, bad scripting, and downright ridiculous plots). Star Trek fans will insist that the franchise should be more like the original series, where every plot revolved around Kirk's trying to bone someone or Spock's acting stoic. And then there are the tabletop gamers who miss the days of early Dungeons & Dragons, as if the books stopped working once the line stopped being active. Some fandoms have terms just for this crowd; some don't. But they're all in the same general group -- they're the One True Way crowd. They're fans who insist that one particular incarnation was the right way to go and everything afterward has been a poor imitation. The camp exists with MMOs, as well, and just as with any other franchise, it's arguably the most harmful portion of the fanbase. Continue reading The Soapbox: That's the way it should be!
Flameseeker Chronicles: How do trinities work? Posted: 06 Mar 2012 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Opinion, Guild Wars 2, Flameseeker Chronicles People have had varying reactions to Jon Peters' post on ArenaNet's blog last week, which explained the newest system of traits and attributes for Guild Wars 2. There've been all sorts of thoughts about it: that it's awesome, that it's unnecessary, that it's a whole lot of words to keep track of (I'm saying that, in fact, and I'm firmly in the camp of folks who think it's all pretty great). Specifically, the inclusion of the compassion attribute, which improves a character's healing output, has raised a glaring red flag for some players who are afraid this is the first step toward holy trinities and dedicated healers. I respectfully disagree.Continue reading Flameseeker Chronicles: How do trinities work?
The Game Archaeologist discovers the Island of Kesmai Posted: 06 Mar 2012 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Culture, MMO industry, The Game Archaeologist It was the mid-'80s, and I was just a kid in love with his family's IBM PC. Not having a wealth of capital at the time, I relied on hand-me-down copies of software that rolled in from friends and family and probably the Cyber-Mafia. Practically none of the disks came with instructions (or even labels, sometimes), and as such I felt like an explorer uncovering hidden gems as I shoved in 5 1/4" floppy after 5 1/4" floppy. Some titles were great fun, some were so obtuse I couldn't get into them, and some were obviously meant for those older and wiser than I.One game that fell into the latter category was a brutally difficult RPG that smelt of Dungeons & Dragons -- a forbidden experience for me at the time. It was just a field of ASCII characters, jumbled statistics, and instant death awaiting me around every corner. I gave it a few tries but could never progress past the first level, especially when I'd keep running out of arrows, so I gave up. Unbeknownst to me, I had my first brush with Rogue, an enormously popular dungeon crawler that straddled the line between the description-heavy RPGs and arcade titles like Gauntlet. Rogue defined the genre when it came out in 1980, spawning dozens of "Roguelikes" that sought to cash in on the craze. Not five years after its release, Rogue got a worthy successor that decided it could bring this addicting style of gameplay to the larva form of the Internet. It was called Island of Kesmai, but you may call it "Sir, yes sir!" Continue reading The Game Archaeologist discovers the Island of Kesmai
TERA offers answers, launching with level 60 cap Posted: 06 Mar 2012 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Launches, TERA Western players have two new things to look forward to when TERA launches on May 1st: level 59 and level 60. That's right, according to a forum post by Producer Brian Knox, the level cap for En Masse's launch will be bumped up by two levels.As a result of the level cap increase, the team's had to rework the formerly max-level dungeons. "We have shuffled them around -- some up and some down," Knox writes. "We will have more detailed information on it closer to open beta but it should create a much smoother progression to 60 as well as a good amount of content at level 60." For those with many questions about the game, En Masse has launched a new section of the official site called TERA Answers. TERA Answers is a knowledge base that allows players to submit and search for questions and answers to game issues. It's meant to supplement the official forums, as helpful answers may be buried in the latter's case.
The Daily Grind: How many MMO betas are installed on your machine? Posted: 06 Mar 2012 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Sci-fi, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Daily Grind, TERA Oh man, betas! There are so many nowadays that I have trouble keeping track. Not only that, but my attitude towards actual betas and "marketing" betas has softened somewhat. It used to be that I wouldn't touch a pre-release MMO with a ten foot pole. They were buggy, laggy, and frankly they spoiled my launch-day joy by wiping any progress I'd made during the testing phase.Now, though, many firms allow your beta characters to live on post-launch, and most late beta phases are more about stressing the servers and getting the game in the public eye than they are about system testing and bug reporting (which, let's face it, isn't much fun even when you're being paid). Right now I've got TERA, Tribes: Ascend, and a couple of other hush-hush MMO beta icons on my desktop. What about you, Massively folk? Are you a beta fiend, and if so, how many do you currently have installed?
Get a job in Final Fantasy XIV Posted: 05 Mar 2012 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV With patch 1.21, players in Final Fantasy XIV will have a new way to improve their characters. Leveling a class won't be changing, but the job system will allow characters to reach the full potential of a given discipline. The latest preview goes into depth about the process of unlocking and improving each of the new jobs, with each job requiring a primary class at level 30 and a supplementary class at level 15.Once a job is unlocked, players can equip the job's Soul Crystal to switch to the specific job. This will allow the player access to job-specific skills, but it will also carry limitations -- players will be limited in the number of actions that can be equipped from other classes, and they can only use actions from specific classes. If you're more of the crafty sort, of course, you won't be getting in on the new jobs, but you will be able to take advantage of the newly streamlined recipes for accessories, food, and medicines. So there's a little something for everyone.
Not So Massively: D3 launches European beta and HoN celebrates 100th hero Posted: 05 Mar 2012 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, New titles, PvP, News items, Not So Massively, MOBA, League of Legends League of Legends announced a new photo contest this week and continued its world tour series with a look at the game's French playerbase. Fans have also been preparing for the Intel Extreme Masters world championship. Dota 2 implemented a new co-op matchmaking mode that pits players against bots, and the studio released classic hero Atropos, the Bane Elemental.The Diablo III beta grew significantly this week with the first round of European invites making its way to potential players. Blizzard confirmed that a big game announcement is almost here and discussed its recent layoff of over 600 employees. Blacklight: Retribution celebrated its open beta this week with a new an impressive new trailer filmed with entirely in-engine footage. Heroes of Newerth celebrated its 100th hero this week with the gripping intelligence hero Kinesis, who deals massive damage by hurling trees and creeps at foes. Rise of Immortals released its spotlight on Kaos and revealed details of upcoming immortal Azcadelia. Continue reading Not So Massively: D3 launches European beta and HoN celebrates 100th hero
Lineage II brings a full update of Harmony Posted: 05 Mar 2012 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Lineage 2, Patches, Previews, News items, Free-to-play Harmony is a good thing wherever you can find it. It's true in work, it's true in friendship, and it seems to be true in Lineage II as well. The latest patch, Harmony, will be launching on March 7th and bringing a number of improvements to the upper tiers of leveling: new quests, a new dungeon, and several updates for skills. If you're already near the top of the leveling game, the new dungeon of Kartia's Labyrinth is your primary destination, with the option to enter solo or in a party at level 85, 90, or 95.There are also a variety of new quests introduced, starting at level 76 and moving up. For lower-level characters, new Campaigns have been added; Campaigns are special zone-wide events that happen on a regular schedule and give everyone a chance at some bonus experience and Marks. New mentoring skills are also available to help low-level characters reach their full potential, the sort of thing that really inspires some harmonious behavior among players.
Guild Summit for Star Wars: The Old Republic fielding a plethora of revelations Posted: 05 Mar 2012 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Events, real-world, Patches, Previews, Endgame, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic Would you like to be able to Force Choke people on your Bounty Hunter? Do you want your orange modifiable gear to be viable in the endgame? Are you looking for a little more variety in your Warzones? The first Guild Summit for Star Wars: The Old Republic is promising all of these things, with new information coming in a mile a minute. And if you're missing the livestreams due to work or other obligations, there's thankfully a summary available on Darth Hater covering the big points being hit.The developers are heavily discussing the upcoming patch 1.2 and all that it brings as well as fielding several player questions regarding the design philosophy. Operations are being more finely tuned and polished starting with 1.2, with future Operations meant for two tanks and potentially splitting the group into two teams for two objectives. PvP players will be getting a new set of gear to bridge the gap between fresh 50s and veteran players; there will also be gear with more pure PvP stats to minimize crossover. And if you're more the sort to roll alts, the Legacy system promises more options and combinations than you might have imagined possible. There's a great deal to digest and a lot for Star Wars: The Old Republic players to anticipate, and the event isn't nearly over yet.
TERA's Poporis wreck face in the most adorable possible way Posted: 05 Mar 2012 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, News items, Races, TERA Last week, En Masse Entertainment introduced TERA fans to the deceptively childlike Elins. Now we've got some new details on the Elins' brothers-in-arms, the Poporis. These bestial creatures were once nothing more than feral animals until they were granted sentience by the Elins. Since then, the two races have joined forces to create the Popori Nation, which seems a smidge arrogant considering the Poporis wouldn't even have a nation if it weren't for the Elins, but we digress. The Poporis are characterized by their candid nature and show uncompromising ferocity in the defense of nature. Today, the Poporis fight alongside the Federation -- at least as long as the Federation's goals coincide with their own. To get a glimpse of these adorably ferocious (or ferociously adorable) critters in action, just click on past the cut for the new Popori-centric trailer. But remember, Arboreans: Just because something is cute and fuzzy doesn't mean it won't maul your stupid face. Continue reading TERA's Poporis wreck face in the most adorable possible way
Rumor: Diablo III releasing April 17th Posted: 05 Mar 2012 01:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, Launches, Rumors The rumor mill is churning fast and furious today as heavy speculation is swirling about a possible release date for Diablo III: April 17th. This comes from Italian website mmorpgitalia, which reports that retailers are clearing space for their shelves on the 17th after a tip from Activision Italy.Blizzard, of course, is declining to comment on the rumor, although Game Director Jay Wilson says that an "all-important announcement" -- most likely the release date -- is imminent. When asked on Twitter how soon the announcement would arrive (on a scale of 1-10), Wilson replied with a simple "9." Tomorrow begins the CeBIT 2012 trade show in Europe, and Blizzard will be present to show off the Diablo III beta. If an announcement is to be made, this event might make a good a platform as any from which to tell the gaming world which day it's going to need to take off from work.
Leaderboard: Playing same gender vs. opposite gender Posted: 05 Mar 2012 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Polls, Culture, Opinion, Miscellaneous, Leaderboard It amazes me that I still get weird looks/comments in 2012 whenever I mention that I typically play a female character even though I live and breathe pure testosterone. My wife used to rib me about it, but then she rolled a male Sith Warrior in SWTOR, decked him out with tattoos, and said, "This? Here? Is a REAL MAN. And now I'm going to spend 300 hours with him." This will probably come up in our marriage counseling sessions at some point in the future.In any case, I thought we were past the era when rolling a character of the opposite gender was an oddity, but these discussions over whether or not this is appropriate or weird roll through the community more regularly than the tide. Some people simply identify more with an avatar of the same gender, but some enjoy roleplaying into a different sex entirely. So today's Leaderboard is real simple-like, see? Are you compelled to roll your gender in (almost) every game, or do you more often than not take walks on the wild side of the bathroom stalls? Let's hear it for the boys! Or girls! Continue reading Leaderboard: Playing same gender vs. opposite gender
RIFT celebrates its first year by looking back... and looking beyond Posted: 05 Mar 2012 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Events, in-game, RIFT It's been a tremendous first year for the RIFT team, and as the devs embark on year two for the game, they have taken a moment to look at the progress the title has made and where they intend to take it from here. "We built a really good foundation," Technical Design Director Peter Ju said, "and now we're just going to keep expanding it, expanding it, expanding it."Apart from the expected proud testimonies from RIFT's developers, a new anniversary video shines some light on the development process. Ever wonder how Trion Worlds can pump out updates in such rapid succession? One of the reasons is that the tech is structured so that every dev can run -- and experiment upon -- a server on his or her own computer. The team is excited about a brand-new 20-man raid that includes a dragon made entirely of treasure, not to mention a zone that's composed entirely of a city. A brief shot of a marker board suggests that the team is mulling over trapping and fishing professions as well as a possible mentoring system. You can get pumped up for RIFT with this video after the jump! Continue reading RIFT celebrates its first year by looking back... and looking beyond
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