
MMO News

MMO News


Posted: 20 Mar 2012 04:40 PM PDT

Einherjar offers players the opportunity to play as a viking leader and conquer the northern seas. With an innovative, strategic combat system, players much select their units carefully to come out victorious. Players will also feel the effects of aging, as your character’s strength weakens over time. However, wisdom also comes with age, revealing a whole new set of abilities that develop as you grow older. Pass on your strengths to your children as well, and stand the test of time.

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Publisher: KBMJ
Playerbase: ??
Graphics: Medium
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: ??
PvP: Yes
Filesize: N/A

Pros: +Turn-based combat. +Simple to play. +Browser Based. +Unique Elements such as marriage, cold sleep, etc.

Cons: -Not enough information available.

official site


Einherjar Overview

Einherjar, by KBMJ, is a translation of the original Japanese web-game. Players control a viking leader and must recruit warriors and build a thriving village in order to survive. You may then conquer territories from monsters and players alike, utilizing the grid-based combat system. Much like many console strategy games, the game uses a grid system for combat, allowing you strategic control over where your units end up. Einherjar Online also offers a marriage system to allow children to have access to more advanced skills earlier. There is also a Cold Sleep option that will freeze a character for use later on, as characters do age, become weaker, and eventually pass away in game.

Einherjar Screenshots

Einherjar Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Einherjar Full Review

Coming Soon…


Einherjar Screenshots

Coming Soon…


Einherjar Videos

Einherjar: The Viking’s Blood Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Einherjar Links

Official Game Page

System Requirements

Einherjar System Requirements

Coming soon…


New update hits Digimon Masters

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 02:42 PM PDT

Digimon Masters Online has launched a new content patch with a raised level cap and more.

The update raises the level cap to 85 (up from 75), and introduces four new maps for players above level 55. New Digimon are also becoming available, including Guilmon, Candlemon, and Sakuyamon. Players can also find new items in the Digishop, including a Premium EXP Boost (100%) and  Premium Packages with 140% and 200% boosted experience.

Digimon Masters is published by Joymax, which also publishes Silkroad Online and Karma Online.

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Digimon Masters Online Artwork



Increased Level Cap Arrives With New Digimon To Collect!

March 20, 2012— Joymax, leading online game developer and publisher, announced today the launch of the biggest content patch yet for their online massive multiplayer title, Digimon Masters. A fantastic universe where our world and the Digital World are closer than anyone would have imagined is about to change in ways never expected! Digimon Masters continues the story and heightened sense of urgency found in the Digimon anime. This update brings a raised level cap, several added Digimon, new items, and extra maps for players to explore. Tamers who want to join in on the fun can sign up at www.joymax.com?value=40BB0F7C40D1B712DC414690C6E6E8E3

Feeling glum because your Digimon can only reach level 75? Despair no longer, as the level cap has been lifted and now tamers can train their way up to 85. Only the most dedicated will reach this auspicious goal, but it is well worth it to rise to the occasion, as the increased levels may unlock hidden potential in Digimon not previously seen!

Joining the vast array of available Digimon is the famous Guilmon! Introduced in Series 3, Guilmon is the result of one child’s vivid imagination, and from there he has grown into a fan favorite, and Joymax is pleased to bring him to the Digmon Masters audience. Also joining the fray is Candlemon and Sakuyamon, also popular choices among Tamers around the world.

Need a boost to get through? Load up on one of the several new items added to the Digishop this update, including the Premium EXP Boost (100%), or for those prepared for serious grinding, Joymax is now offering two additional Premium Packages of 140% and 200% EXP boosts respectively, allowing players to triple their experience gain for a short period of time!

Veteran tamers aren’t being left out either – four new maps have been introduced for the most elite characters. Each of these zones targets a needed area above level 55, but be warned: the Mercenary Digimon who roam these locations are some of the toughest opponents available yet, so be prepared to fight for your life. Begin exploring Digimon Maze B1, and Digimon Maze B2 today, and there’s a chance to get Digiclone[A] to enchant your Digimon to the highest level on updated enchantment system.

Players can see full event details at www.joymax.com?value=40BB0F7C40D1B712DC414690C6E6E8E3

Digimon are well known all over the globe as part of the famous Japanese TV animation series. Digimon Masters is the first ever 3D online game based on the Digimon universe with more than 1,000 characters featured from seasons 1 through 5 of the series. Not only is it faithful to the art design, Digimon Masters closely follows the original story that will satisfy both loyal fans of the series as well as the average gamer. The game seamlessly combines pet training simulation with role-playing elements to deliver a one of a kind gaming experience. Featuring real-time combat, Gamers will be thrilled with the challenges brought forth by real-time combat which requires quick thinking and good reflexes. Players can also become one of 8 Royal Knights. Royal Knights are Digimon who are in charge of each area in the Digital World. Leaders of a guild that conquers one of these areas can become a Royal Knight who has the right to impose taxes along with other perks and obligations.


To get the latest information and regular contests for amazing prizes, players are encouraged to follow the official Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/digimonmasters Players can also check out more details at http://twitter.com/dmojoymax/

More Druid class info revealed for Dungeons and Dragons Online

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 02:02 PM PDT

Turbine has revealed more information about the druid class, arriving in Dungeons and Dragons Online with the Menace of the Underdark expansion in June.

The Druid is the first shape-shifting class, which uses staves, daggers, clubs, and sickles, and can also cast powerful spells. They wear lighter armor and gain greater natural resistances. Druids can transform into the Winter Wolf, Dire Bear, Water Elemental, or Fire Elemental, granting diverse and powerful changes to use in battle.

The class will be free to VIPs or purchased as a premium character.

Turbine also publishes The Lord of the Rings Online.

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Druid Transformation

Dungeons and Dragons Online Gameplay Screenshot


Dungeons & Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark (launching June 25th)
Druid Class Details

At last, players can challenge the Drow of the Underdark as a Druid from the wilds of Eberron. Starting with Menace of the Underdark, DDO's first shape-shifting class, the Druid, will be available as a premium playable class — and free to all VIPs!

Proficient with staves, daggers, clubs, sickles, and more; the Druid is a powerful caster who is able to fill a variety of party roles.

Take the Druidic oath and get closer to nature. Shed your heavy metal armor in exchange for resistance to the harsh aspects of nature like entanglement, poison, and other natural dangers.

Harness animal instincts to transform yourself into a vicious Winter Wolf, or defend allies as sturdy Dire Bear. Expand your physical limitations and rain down lighting as the Water Elemental, or incinerate the foes of nature as the Fire Elemental. Each wild shape has its own specialized set of spells to cast!


Tribes: Ascend launches new map and servers

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 12:33 PM PDT

Hi-Rez Studios has released a new update for their soon-to-release shooter, Tribes Ascend.

The update introduces a new map, Sunstar, for Capture the Flag, and also makes revisions to Temple Ruins (CtF) and returns it to Quick Play. New European and Asian servers were added, along with server performance optimizations. The patch also polishes HUD and reticule icons and options, and saves user settings server-side for player convenience.

Hi-Rez Studios also announced that all beta players who reached level 10 by the time the game launches on April 12 will earn an exclusive in-game Beta badge.

Hi-Rez also publishes Global Agenda.

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 Temple Ruins Map

Tribes: Ascend Gameplay Screenshot


Hi-Rez Studios Releases Latest Update To Tribes: Ascend

New Capture The Flag Maps, New Servers, and Badge for Beta Participants

ATLANTA.  March 20,  2012.  Today, Hi-Rez Studios introduces another significant update to the Open Beta of the free-to-play fast-action multiplayer shooter Tribes: Ascend.
Patch Highlights include:

·  Added Sunstar, a new Capture the Flag map.
·  Temple Ruins, a Capture the Flag map, has been revised based on community feedback and returns to the Quick Play rotation.
·  Additional European servers added.  Region selection includes Europe – London and Europe – Amsterdam.
·  Additional Asian servers added.  Region selection includes Asia – Japan, and Asia – Singapore
·  Server performance optimizations.
·  More polished reticules and HUD icons.  Also, users may now disable unwanted HUD elements using SETTINGS menu.
·  User settings now stored server-side.  Setting may be reset with this patch but settings should be preserved upon future patches.

Other balance changes, features, and bug-fixes are detailed in the patch notes.
Hi-Rez Studios also announced their intent to reward the very active Beta community.  When Tribes: Ascend officially releases on April 12th, all Beta players who have reached level 10 will receive an exclusive in-game Beta badge.

To play Tribes: Ascend Open Beta today visit: http://www.tribesascend.com.  All player progress and unlocks in Beta will be preserved through release with no planned character wipes.

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