Eudemons Online: New Update Brings More Content Modifications Posted: Two months after the launch of Trumpet of the Legionnaire, Eudemons Online is going to launch a new update for this latest expansion, aiming to modify the content and bring more new fun features!  |
New AION NA Trailer Remembers the Past and Teases New Content Posted: 'They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die.' The 40 second long video with sorrowful tune tries to remember the day the game has passed.  |
Fantasy MMORPG Royal Quest New Trailer Showcases Gameplay Moments Posted: First announced back in 2010, fantasy MMORPG Royal Quest today releases a new trailer of "gameplay moments" including combat skills.  |
Waiting is Over! The Second Closed Beta for TERA(NA) Coming Soon! Posted: Action MMO TERA's first round of closed beta test starting from February 10th to February 12th has come to an end. Recently, En Masse Entertainment announced schedule for the upcoming second phase of closed beta test, as well as the details of the 2nd CBT events.  |
Dragon Nest - Yak's Semi-hybrid Adept Build (In Progress) Posted: Alchemist isn't out (in cDN) yet, but after watching many videos of gameplay I feel that I know enough about them to create a build. This will most likely NOT be my final build, as I haven't been able to test it myself yet. Chaos explains each skill here.  |
Tera-EU: CBT1 PK Server Review Posted: I thought I would write this as there is yet to be a review by someone that did the EU PvP server, so this is just my impressions and possibilitys on what could change on next betas/release.  |
C9 VS. Dragon Nest/Blade and Soul/Vindictus/TERA Posted: Unavoidably, since global C9 is available to play, players will compare it with some other action games. And it seems that Korean action games are similar, but when contrast details, each game has advantages. Let us have a look  |
Real Life Goldeneye 64! Posted: If you've ever played the original GoldenEye on the Nintendo 64 - or even seen someone playing it - you'll quickly see just how great this clip is.  |
Warrior Changes in 1.8 are Going Up to PTS Posted: Happy Friday everyone, I wanted to drop by and let you all know that we have the first pass of AP changes in for the Warrior calling and you will be getting to play with them in the next PTS patch. The intention of these changes is to get the Warrior AP scaling to a solid baseline foundation so that we can make sure they are scaling properly and in a balanced way to other callings.  |
Which Will be the Most Popular Race and Class in TERA? Posted: From the article, we know the popularity rank of races: Castanic > High Elf > Human > Aman > Popori > Baraka. Although it is an old thread, we still can see the tendency from it.  |
Blacklight: Retribution Open Beta Coming February 27 Posted: The upcoming sequel to Blacklight: Tango Down is heading to Open Beta testing on February 27. The final round of Closed Beta testing ended at 5:00 PM PST on February 17.  |
Wemade: Chunryong Story OBT Slated This Summer Posted: During a recent financial conference, Korea-based Wemade revealed that they are working on the mobile version of Chunryong Story, an all-new MMORPG adapted from ChangChun 2. And NED, another highly-anticipated Korean game of 2012 of Wemade, is also going to be brought to cell phones.  |
SWTOR: I Had My Doubts about This Game Posted: Star Wars: The Old Republic finally came out about a month ago, after nearly five full years in development. Shotgunned by Bioware, Star Wars implements the constant trends of the company with Role-Playing features, rarely seen in an MMORPG. As a fan of Bioware,  |
Explore New Class, New Zone and More in Allods Online: Game of Gods Posted: Explorers have discovered the fourth layer of Astral Space, a zone guarded by giant demons and populated with 15 unique allods, and stumbled upon the long lost Dead City raid with its 10 legendary bosses.  |
Webzen 2011 Financial Report: MU Online 2 to Kick off 1st CBT in 2013 Posted: Recently, Webzen announced its Financial Report for the Year of 2011. In 2011, Webzen's operating income stood at 61.1 billion won (approx. USD 54.3 million, up by 48.7% over 2010), 59.1 billion won (approx. USD 52.5 million) of which was contributed by games, with an operating profit of 9.5 billion won (approx. USD 8.4 million, up by 177% over 2010) and a net profit of 5.4 billion won (approx. USD 4.8 million).  |
Guild Wars 2 Leaked WvWvW Map Posted: Here is a leaked WvWvW map with all fort locations.  |