WoW: Wonderful Blood Elf Cosplay Posted: A pure girl cosplayed the blood elf priest in TBC's opening animation. Does it cater to your taste?  |
Flyff's Sequel F2 Unveiled, 1st CBT Testers Recruiting Coming Soon Posted: Today, Flyff's developer Gala Lab made public its latest online game F2, an orthodox sequel to Flyff, in company with an all-new teaser poster featuring in-game characters representing different classes in F2.  |
Square Enix Reassessing Final Fantasy XIV Server Merger Posted: Square Enix decided to remove the original FFXIV merger announcement and they will be reassessing the method of the merger process according to the official website.  |
Blacklight: Retribution Pulls the Trigger on Open Beta in the End of February Posted: Three new maps, custom built Hero characters, and the Data Node system will be added to OBT, besides, many changes, tweaks, and additions have been implemented based on tester feedback.  |
You Will be Part of a World Record Today in RIFT! Posted: RIFT introduced wedding feature before Valentine's Day for this big even. I constantly appreciated the community events hold by RIFT Team from the first day. They really worked hard on them.  |
Maplestory Romance Both In Game and In Real Life Posted: For the upcoming Valentine's Day, MapleStory has released a romantic short film showcasing two players fall into love through maplestory. What a romantic thing for players to find their true love though a game.  |
League of Legends Reveals Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths Posted: Riot Games, the developer and publisher behind the critically acclaimed online game League of Legends, has announced the release of the latest champion - Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths to join the ever growing roster.  |
Why are YOU Interested in Guild Wars 2? Posted: Well the big one for me are the dynamic events+no monthly fee. Also the combat is a bit different as you can dodge and what not. But they are really wanting to change up how MMOs work, and not just copy the EQ or WoW style... that every company seems to do, except the indie ones.  |
Wakfu Open Beta Reveals An Extensive New Quest Posted: Ankama announces details about WAKFU's main quest: conquer Ogrest. This ogre is responsible for the flood that destroyed the World of Twelve.  |
Valentine's Day Cheer Spreads to Online Action Game Elsword Posted: Just in time for the sweetest holiday of the year, Elsword is offering players the chance to get ready for Valentine's Day the virtual way. For a limited time only, staples including heart-shaped boxes and chocolates will give gamers health bonuses and award them with special, themed items.  |
C9 VIP Test: Interview with GM’s Posted: Friends from had a great time to spend last days interviewing popular C9 GM's! They said few things we didn't know, their feelings, greetings and many more! So lets go  |
Multi-faceted PvP Modes Update for Martial Empires Posted: Martial Empires, gamigo's action MMORPG, will be getting a massive update with a wealth of exciting new content. Highlights of this update are the multi-faceted PvP modes, including a tournament mode and region wars.  |
Valentines Day In-game Shop Purchases, YES or NO? Posted: Over the years of playing various MMOs with in-game cash shops I always wondered how much do game companies make off Valentines day. This one day 'event' is usually backed with different items in shops that either have an expiration date or are permanent, so it made me think, is it worth spending a few bucks for items that you alone will use on a day that is for lovers.  |
TERA(KR) To Conduct the Update 'Alkun's Queen' in 2012 Posted: NHN's blockbuster TERA which reaped a good harvest in 2011 is going to make another giant leap in 2012. Recently, the official company has held a grand conference to interact with the media and TERA players.  |
C9 - BladeDancer And Shadow Will Be Released in JP Version Posted: There is an exciting news for C9 JP players, the last advanced class of Hunter and the third advanced class of Witch Blade, Shadow and Bladedancer, will be released soon.  |
The Secret World Has the Most Complex Skill Systems In MMOs Posted: One of The Secret World's most unique selling points has been its lack of a traditional class system. Unlike most RPGs, which assign players to damage, tank, and healer roles, FunCom's MMO has opened up its bank of skills to allow complete player customization.  |