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Heroes of Newerth player sets world record

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:46 PM PST

This past weekend, pro-gamer Sam “Milkfat” Braithwaite set a new world record for Longest Strategy Game Marathon.

Sam played a 76-hour marathon run of Heroes of Newerth, beating the original world record of 52 hours. The attempt ran four days and was held at Howie’s Game Shack in Mission Viejo, CA, and was sponsored by S2 Games’ Marketing Team and GUNNAR Optiks.

The event was also held on behalf of Doctors Without Borders, a charity organization created to provide impartial medical aid across the world for people threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. The event raised $3,700 in donations, which will be matched by S2 Games, and completed by Sam’s donation of ad revenue from his twitch.tv live stream.


Heroes of Newerth Gameplay Screenshot


Heroes of Newerth Community Member Smashes Guinness World Record

76-Hour World Record Set for Longest Strategy Game Marathon

(Kalamazoo, MI) – February 3, 2012 History was made this weekend when pro-gamer Sam "Milkfat" Braithwaite finished a 76-hour marathon run of Heroes of Newerth (HoN) – the session-based, multiplayer, action-RPG title, developed by S2 Games – breaking the former World Record of 52 hours for Longest Strategy Game Marathon. The World Record breaking attempt lasted 4 days from January 26-29th at Howie's Game Shack in Mission Viejo, CA. S2 Games’ Marketing Team was on location to sponsor and support Sam throughout the entire event. GUNNAR Optiks was also in attendance supporting Sam and ensuring his eyes were well protected for the long haul.

"I've been training for this for months," said an exhausted Sam after breaking the record without sleep for the first 52 hours, "Even at the hardest times, I felt like I had to keep going for the charity and accomplish what I had set out to do." Sam's goal for the event, in addition to setting a World Record, was to promote Doctors Without Borders (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org), a medical humanitarian organization providing independent, impartial aid in more than 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. Sam helped raise over $3,700 in donations during the event, which will be matched by S2 Games.  Sam will also donate all ad revenue generated from his twitch.tv stream during the event to the charity.

The World Record attempt was streamed in its entirety through Sam's personal www.twitch.tv/milkfat stream, which garnered over 1.5 million views over the weekend.  Footage of the event is currently being processed into DVD format for submission to Guinness, who will validate the world record run.  The validation efforts will not only verify time spent playing, but will also maintain that a conditional rule set designed specifically for a World Record marathon of HoN, was followed at all times.

"Sam's commitment to his World Record goal has been extremely inspirational," said Laura Baker, Director of Marketing at S2 Games.  "When Sam approached us with this idea and told us about the Doctors Without Boarders charity, we immediately knew we wanted to support his efforts. It's amazing to have devoted community members such as Sam."

Lime Odyssey reveals the Muris

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:22 PM PST

Aeria Games has revealed more about the Muris, one of the three playable races in Lime Odyssey. This includes new screenshots and the race’s opening cinematic.

The Muris are described as “fun-loving, mischievous, and spread trouble wherever they go.” Located in Pripet, a town in the Shimmering Island of East Orta, the Muris will encounter areas including Star Bridge, Thistlebury Tea Garden, and more. Muris will have all battle classes available to them: Warrior, Thief, Mage, and Cleric. Each race in Lime Odyssey has its own unique starting location.

Aeria Games also publishes Dream of Mirror Online and Eden Eternal.

Lime Odyssey Muris Race Screenshots:


Aeria Games Spotlights the Muris Race for Lime Odyssey: The Chronicles of Orta

New Cinematic Featuring the Muris Race Has Been Revealed for Highly Anticipated Free-to-Play 3D MMORPG

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Feb. 3, 2012 – Aeria Games, a leading global publisher of free-to-play online games, today revealed the opening cinematic for the Muris race, one of the three playable races in Lime Odyssey: The Chronicles of Orta, its highly-anticipated 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). Lime Odyssey is currently in production and will be published in North America by Aeria Games in 2012.

As the cinematic demonstrates, the Muris in Lime Odyssey are fun-loving, mischievous, and spread trouble wherever they go. However, they are good-natured about their tricks and are so charismatic that they prove difficult to dislike. The Muris are centralized around the town of Pripet in the Shimmering Island of East Orta from which they begin their journey. From a Star Bridge and Thistlebury Tea Garden to windmills and forests, this floating world features many surprises.

These curious tricksters have all current Lime Odyssey battle classes available to them:

  • Warrior – Warriors are tanks, but also fairly balanced between defense and offense. Warriors are the masters of straightforward battle.
  • Thief – Masters of shadows, misdirection, and speed, Thieves are powerful characters when properly implemented.
  • Mage – Standing in both darkness and light, the great mages of the land wield the elements and the power of necrosis.
  • Cleric – Useful in battle in more ways than just support, Clerics provide powerful ranged support in addition to their strong healing abilities.

The vast continent of Orta is home to a diverse collection of races and tribes. Players can choose from a variety of customization options to design their ideal character – create a bold young Human thief, a battle-hardened Turga, or a diminutive Muris- the choice is theirs! Each race begins their quest in a unique starting location.

Lime Odyssey: The Chronicles of Orta will be free to download and free to play. Interested players can learn more about Lime Odyssey and sign up to participate in the upcoming closed beta test at: http://limeodyssey.aeriagames.com.

Super Monday Night Combat Gameplay – First Look HD

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:18 PM PST

To Learn More About the Game, Check out our Super Monday Night Combat Page.

Super Monday Night Combat is a Third Person Action MOBA published by Uber Entertainment. SMNC has a similar playstyle to League of Legends with the camera and combat style of LOCO. However instead of spells players use guns and futuristic abilities to push waves of robots towards the enemies money ball (base). The game features a high level of customization allowing a player to customize each game character individually to support their playstyle. In the video above I play the character Karl. To learn more about Super Monday Night Combat check out the official MMOHut Super Monday Night Combat page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

Super Monday Night Combat

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:53 PM PST

Super Monday Night Combat is a new, free-to-play version of the original Monday Night Combat emphasizing strategy. With upgrades across the board, players can expect intense, third-person combat with unique game modes.


Publisher: Uber Entertainment
Playerbase: ??
Graphics: High
Type: MMO – Third Person Shooter
EXP Rate: ??
PvP: Multiple game modes
Filesize: ??

Pros: +Players can upgrade and customize their characters. +Lethality reduces from the original MNC. +Diverse game modes.

Cons: -No more one-hit-kills. -Weapon upgrades are cosmetic. -Gameplay rules are significantly different from the original MNC.


Super Monday Night Combat Overview

Get ready to earn your sponsorship, gunners – choose a Pro and get to work in the relentless arenas of Super Monday Night Combat! Carrying on the tradition from the original Monday Night Combat, Super MNC upgrades the game from the user interface and graphics to weapons, skill balance, pro choice, map selection, and game modes. Players select a character (known as a “Pro”) from one of six classes: Assault, Tank, Support, Assassin, Gunner, and Sniper. Each class comes with its own unique skill set, and Pros in Super Monday Night Combat can also upgrade their skills, level up, and work toward earning endorsements and more in the metagame.

Super Monday Night Combat Screenshots

Super Monday Night Combat Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Super Monday Night Combat Full Review

Coming Soon…


Super Monday Night Combat Screenshots

Coming Soon…


Super Monday Night Combat Videos

Super Monday Night Combat PAX Announcement

Click here to view the embedded video.


Super Monday Night Combat Links

Official Game Page

System Requirements

Super Monday Night Combat System Requirements

(estimates based on Monday Night Combat)

Minimum Requirements:

OS: XP(SP3)/Vista/Windows 7
CPU: 2 GHz Processor
RAM:  1GB of RAM
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible, VRAM 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7800 series or ATI Radeon X1900

Brick-Force closed beta announced

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:10 PM PST

A  new game publisher and developer, Infernum, has announced the closed beta for its first online offering: Brick-Force.

Brick Force calls itself a “sandbox shooter,” and will be available for the browser, iOS, and Android. Players can build maps and even worlds with bricks, creating their own comical world. These same environments can then be used in matches against computer or player opponents. This means that players will be able to build their own arenas for shooter-style combat.

Brick Force will begin its closed beta on February 28, with open beta and release coming later this spring. Players can register for the closed beta at the game’s website, brick-force.com. Players who participate will get an exclusive in-game helmet for open beta.


Brick-Force Gameplay Screenshot


Brick-Force Closed Beta Will Begin This Month

Start date for the sandbox shooter is announced

BERLIN, Germany – February 2nd, 2012 – The Berlin based publisher and developer Infernum announced today the start date of the closed beta for its sandbox shooter, Brick-Force. Selected players will be able to experience the sandbox shooter starting February 28th. The open beta and official release of the online game will follow in the spring.

Fans that wish to participate in the closed beta can register on the official website www.brick-force.com. But there is another brick in the wall: All players who register for the beta will be rewarded with an exclusive in-game helmet, once the open beta is underway. Blasting through Brick-Force‘s shooter mode, beta participants will be equipped perfectly for the cross-platform online game.

Those who prefer building instead of blasting still have much to look forward to with the satisfying sandbox mode. This creative mode will be playable not only in the browser but also on iOS and Android. Brick by brick, players will have the freedom to create the worlds and maps that they’ve always dreamed of, limited only by their imagination.

Brick-Force – Build, Share, Play

This sandbox shooter allows players to create worlds and maps that they’ve always dreamed of, brick by brick. They can also share these virtual playgrounds with the community and use them as the backdrop for fast paced shooter hunts against fellow players or computerized opponents. This comic style online game is built on the ‘Unity 3D’ engine and will be playable directly in a web browser. The ‘sandbox’ mode, in which players use simple building blocks to construct complex environments, can be played on social networks and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Brick-Force is being developed by Korean game developer EXE Games as a co-production with Infernum. Beta and launch of the free-to-play title in Europe and North America are planned for spring 2012. www.brick-force.com

Carte reveals new card art

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 12:29 PM PST

GamesCampus has released new screenshots of some of Carte’s card art, along with descriptions of each nation.

Carte will feature a 65-card deck system, featuring one hero and an assortment of attack, defense, and utility cards. The game divides players into five nations, which have been given further descriptions today, as follows:

* The Sacred Empire of Saike is led by its priesthood and defended by angels. In the last war, Saike was ravaged by the army of Kaideron, the Kingdom of Darkness. While Saike’s populace continues to suffer in the aftermath, the angel Irene Belle has declared a holy crusade against Kaideron. As the knights and angels of Saike march forth, the entire continent is once again plunged into conflict.

* The kingdom of Kaideron exists for the glory of its master, Belial. Belial has ruled the Kingdom of Darkness with a cruel and unforgiving hand since the ancient days when gods still walked amongst men. Even with the armies of Saike on his doorstep, Belial shows no weakness and merely waits patiently for the next of his innumerable plots to come to fruition.

* The nation of Archan has traditionally been devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, but newly appointed general Pietro Frigo has greater ambitions. He has spread a web of secret alliances throughout the continent, and this war is the fulcrum upon which his destiny turns.

* The forest union of Sierrion proclaims neutrality in the current war. Their leader, Serya Tasdelen, shows public support to neither side, but there are whispers of an army gathering in the depths of the forest and secret meetings between her and the mages of Archan.

* The empire of Aspire, home of the finest warriors and strongest steel in all of Arcadia, seeks conquest. Emperor Torsten II sees the war as an opportunity to strike when the other nations are weak and expand his empire’s grasp. But there are those within the empire who have a different vision for Aspire, one that does not include Torsten II.

GamesCampus also publishes Shot Online and Asda 2.

Carte: Card Art:



Sunnyvale, Calif. (February 3, 2012) – Armies, Heroes, Weapons, and Stories are all awaiting you in a deck of 65 beautiful cards! Leading online game publisher GamesCampus.com (www.GamesCampus.com) tipped their hand with new assets for their first global online trading card game, Carte, due to go into closed beta later this month. Players in Carte can build the deck they want to build, all wrapped in a story dripping with rich lore full of drama, betrayal, and valor. Pre-registration is now open and card gamers can dash over to http://carte.gamescampus.com and become among the first to experience all of the card-slinging action when Carte enters beta in February 2012.

Carte takes place on the continent of Arcadia, a land the gods have abandoned, where five nations battle for supremacy. Players joining Carte will be gifted a starter deck for each nation, so they can explore both the deck building possibilities and the underlying story expressed through the cards. Each nation in Arcadia has its own heroes, villains, and plots to be unveiled as the game progresses.

The Sacred Empire of Saike is led by its priesthood and defended by angels. In the last war, Saike was ravaged by the army of Kaideron, the Kingdom of Darkness. While Saike’s populace continues to suffer in the aftermath, the angel Irene Belle has declared a holy crusade against Kaideron. As the knights and angels of Saike march forth, the entire continent is once again plunged into conflict.

The kingdom of Kaideron exists for the glory of its master, Belial. Belial has ruled the Kingdom of Darkness with a cruel and unforgiving hand since the ancient days when gods still walked amongst men. Even with the armies of Saike on his doorstep, Belial shows no weakness and merely waits patiently for the next of his innumerable plots to come to fruition.

The nation of Archan has traditionally been devoted to the pursuit of knowledge, but newly appointed general Pietro Frigo has greater ambitions. He has spread a web of secret alliances throughout the continent, and this war is the fulcrum upon which his destiny turns.

The forest union of Sierrion proclaims neutrality in the current war. Their leader, Serya Tasdelen, shows public support to neither side, but there are whispers of an army gathering in the depths of the forest and secret meetings between her and the mages of Archan.

The empire of Aspire, home of the finest warriors and strongest steel in all of Arcadia, seeks conquest. Emperor Torsten II sees the war as an opportunity to strike when the other nations are weak and expand his empire’s grasp. But there are those within the empire who have a different vision for Aspire, one that does not include Torsten II.

Carte is a fast paced global online trading card game. Choose a Hero, build a deck and launch into exciting battles with fierce weapons and allies from the deep storyline. Create and master endless strategies with an arsenal of spells and creatures to conquer your opponents. The continent of Arcadia is entering the greatest conflict it has ever seen, and the battles will play out on the card table of Carte.

For more information about GamesCampus.com or Carte, please visit carte.gamescampus.com

Perfect World International: Descent unveiled

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 11:43 AM PST

Perfect World Entertainment has released information for its next expansion for Perfect World International – Descent.

Descent will launch on February 15. The content is geared for high level players, and introduces a new zone, Morai, for players above level 95. The new area includes new quest hubs and two new dungeons. New tier sets will be available for players through both the main storyline, reputation, and more. There are three factions in the region (Order of Corona, Order of the Shroud, and Order of Luminance) that players can ally with.

All classes will receive new skills that are promised to be “game changing,” such as Archers being able to cloak, as well as a skill rebalancing. All territory maps will also be reset on February 14 to prepare for the new game systems. From then on out, territory maps will be reset every six months, with a prize for the faction that wins at the end.

Perfect World Entertainment also publishes Jade Dynasty and Forsaken World.

Perfect World International: Descent


Perfect World Entertainment is happy to announce its latest Perfect World International expansion — PWI: Descent!

Launching on February 15th, Descent will bring a host of new features and content to the beautiful and robust game that started it all.

Head over to the Teaser Site to watch the video, view screenshots, and sign up for the special launch gift!

Descent’s Storyline

Long ago, evil specters roamed about the universe aimlessly. Perfect World's creator, Pan Gu, having mercy on them, created a world just for them – the distant realm of Morai. The sole gateway to Perfect World from Morai was placed in Elysium Village, and a protective enchantment ensured that creatures remained in their respective worlds.

Until now.

Elysium Village lies in ruins, the protective enchantment destroyed, its inhabitants' lifeless corpses scattered on its stone paths. Someone is organizing the evil specters of Morai, amassing a terrifying army in preparation for a full-scale assault on the cities of Perfect World. The leaders of the allied races have conferred, and a preliminary expedition mission into Morai has been planned. It now falls on the shoulders of Perfect World's mightiest heroes to enter the portal into hostile territory…

Main Features

Much of PWI:Descent’s new content is geared toward higher level players, so if you’re looking for a new angle in high-end PvP or a new path to 105, you’ll be very pleased with what you see come launch day.

Beautiful New Zone

The land of Morai, accessible to players level 95 and above, can only be reached via an NPC in Elysium Village, and then afterwards via a special Teleporter NPC in each of the main racial cities. Morai is a vast land with a dynamic landscape, many new quest hubs, dozens of new quests, and two new dungeons. Upon arrival, you will be tasked with finding out who destroyed Elysium Village, as well as the evil force behind the sudden organization of Wraiths in Morai.

Powerful Brand New Gear

PWI: Descent will bring the addition of several brand new high-level gear sets of varying quality. While the lowest tier sets will be attainable simply through the main story-line, the more powerful sets will require a bit more skill and persistence, as well as a good relationship with the Order that you choose.

Join an Order

As you begin questing in Morai, you’ll happen upon three Orders vying for control of the region – the wise Order of Corona, the scheming Order of the Shroud, and the mercurial Order of Luminance. Upon choosing an Order to enlist in, you’ll gain access to a number of distinct perks, from powerful gear to unique high-level skills, to special vanity pets.

New Class Skills and Existing Skill Balancing

Easily one of the most exciting aspects of the Descent expansion is the fact that all ten character classes will be receiving brand new skills. These aren’t your run of the mill new skills either — we’re not talking about a second heal or another DoT, we’re talking about real game-changers; things like Archers gaining the ability to cloak and Clerics gaining the ability to lay waste. In addition to these brand new skills, there will also be balance changes to currently existing skills. Tactics and strategies will no doubt be changing when Descent hits, and players will have to adapt or be destroyed.

Territory Map Reset

And finally, get ready, because we will be resetting the territory maps on all US and EU servers on February 14th during that night’s maintenance! For each server, one champion will be declared — the faction holding the most territories come Monday the 13th.

From here on out, we would like to make Territory Map resets a regular, more frequent occurrence because it promotes competition, reduces the opportunity for a long-standing server monopoly, and creates a more dynamic TW landscape. So from now on, Territory Wars will be broken up into 6 month-long seasons.

And what of the champion? The faction crowned at the end of each season will receive a special prize which will likely change from season to season. In the event of a tie, the champion will be determined by 3v3 armed combat between the factions’ most powerful warriors. We’ll also be working on a way for champions and past champions to be displayed proudly on the PWI website.

Now, for this reset, although technically there was no “season”, we would still like to reward the dominant faction on each server. So to this end, after this reset occurs on the 14th, we will be sending each server champion:

10x Shadow Fox
20x Scarlet Fox

So as you can probably tell, we’re extremely excited to be bringing this expansion to you — we feel that it’s truly some of our best work yet, and we can’t wait to see you all in Morai on February 15th.

See you there!

-The PWI Team

Official Lime Odyssey Opening Muris Cinematic

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 11:29 AM PST

To Learn More About the Game, Check out our Lime Odyssey Page.

Lime Odyssey is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG published by Aeria Games. Said to be the spiritual successor to Ragnarok, Lime Odyssey and features 3 races and 4 base classes to choose from. Lime also has a unqiue crafting system with specific crafting outfits and gear. This trailer highlights the starting area and backstory of the Muris race. Lime Odyssey is set to come out later in 2012. To learn more about Lime Odyssey check out the official MMOHut Lime Odyssey page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

C9 Continent of the Ninth – First Look HD

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 10:25 AM PST

To Learn More About the Game, Check out our C9 Page.

C9 Continent of the Ninth is a fantasy MMORPG published by Webzen. In C9 players can fight hordes of monsters in dungeons using action combat moves and combos similar to that of action console games. There is no auto attack or lock on aim in C9 every attack must be executed and aimed manually. Players can play up to three classes each with a unique fighting style and abilities.

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