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Surprisingly Constructive Protest Planned for Half-Life 3

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 06:47 AM PST

I love Half-Life, but somewhere around E3 2010 I resigned myself to the fact that Half-Life 3 won’t see the light of day anytime soon. Steam, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Dota 2, Counter-Strike, as well as some projects we’ve probably never heard of seem to keep Valve busy (and rich) enough for the time being. Not all fans are so patient. A Steam group named, A Call for Communication (CFC), is hosting an event called “A Red Letter Day” and asking players around the world to play Half-Life 2 this weekend at 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 11 P.M. Pacific, with the hope that Valve will take notice and begin to share more information about the future of the series.

Years of listening to forum-posters demand things of game makers with a remarkable sense of entitlement and lack of shame has led me to expect little constructive work to come fans, but CFC’s positive tone and earnest message managed to shake me of my cynical world view (if only for a few moments). The group even goes out of their way to encourage positive interaction between Valve and fans on their official site:

“The lack of communication between Valve and the Half-Life community has been a frustrating experience. While continued support for current and future products is greatly appreciated, fans of the Half-Life series have waited years for a word on when the franchise will return. So, Instead of focusing efforts in a negative and disrespectful way, we have decided to gain Valve’s attention by delivering a basic message:

Your oldest and longest running fanbase would like better communication.”

While fans have attacked Valve for various things in the past, these conflicts usually result in a cadre of spoiled man-children embarrassing themselves by demanding that cater to their exact tastes or wishes. A hacker stole Half-Life 2′s source code and then tried to justify his actions by claiming Valve faked their E3 2003 HL2 demo, “I’d like to point out this is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03…I’d like to point out the E3 demo was one big fake by Valve.” I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than the time fans threatened to boycott Valve because they announced a sequel to a game they loved.

I sincerely hope that protesters maintain the respectful tone throughout the rest of the process. Reddit and other gaming communities seem to be following in the spirit of the event, at least for the time being. Whether or not Valve responds, CFC is taking a step in the right direction for the industry.

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.1up.com/news/surprisingly-constructive-protest-planned-half-life_2

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Taiwanese man dies after 23 hours of gaming

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 06:46 AM PST

It is not common for me to post about gaming-related deaths and accidents, but the way this unfortunate gamer passed away is something I would really like to share and warn you gamer folks about.This Taiwanese man was playing League of Legends (LoL) for 23 hours straight in an internet cafe (or cybercafe), and no one was aware of his death till a couple of hours later.

As you can see, his whole body is frozen in a fixed position, with both hands apparently still holding on to the mouse and keyboard. There were around 30 other gamers around who were oblivious to his demise, each engrossed in their own games. Without pointing fingers at anyone, League of Legends Taiwan was having a 400% bonus IP event for a couple of days during the wee hours.

A pack of medicine related to heart attack was found in the deceased’s belongings. I urge everyone, be it you are healthy or currently suffering from some illness, to take appropriate breaks after a few room-based games or after a couple of hours of dungeon raiding.

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.mmoculture.com/2012/02/taiwanese-man-dies-after-23-hours-of.html

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APB Reloaded Giveaway

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 06:46 AM PST

APB Reloaded GiveawayJust a wee competition for our readers: we're giving away a retail copy of APB Reloaded: The Boxed Special Edition plus an APB Reloaded t-shirt to one lucky totalpcgaming reader drawn from the proverbial hat.

The APB Reloaded Boxed Special Edition includes the full game,  a permanent Magnum for all characters on one account, a Cisco Car, 500 G1 credits and a 30-day premium account pass. That's more than £30 worth of in-game goodies.

To win these prizes, simply send us an email with your address in the body and 'APB Reloaded comp' in the subject header. Competition closes 10 February. Good luck!

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.totalpcgaming.com/competition/apb-reloaded-giveaway/

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Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:26 AM PST

(Beta signup) As some of you folks might know, the Closed Beta for the much anticipated Free to Play online shooter, Firefall, is now going on. Under strict NDA rules, there is not much information being leaked *smiles* until further notice. To feed those hungry players who are not in Closed Beta 1, Shacknews (link) has posted a recent interview footage with the CEO of Red 5 Studios, Mr Mark Kern, talkng more about the game’s development.

Hoping for a shot at the game’s Closed Beta still? From what I read, more keys will be given out after the first phase ends, so signup at the game’s official website (link) now! Before I forget, players will also stand a chance to win an exclusive in-game pet (link) as well. What are you waiting for?

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.mmoculture.com/2011/09/firefall-shacknews-interview-with-mark.html

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Senseless Bill Would Tax "Violent" Games Based on ESRB Ratings

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:42 PM PST

Oklahoma Legislature

Reflecting the fact that last year’s Supreme Court decision, which reaffirmed videogames qualify for First Amendment protection in the United States, wasn’t quite clear enough for everyone, Oklahoma state representative William Fourkiller has introduced a new piece of legislation sure to draw the ire of gamers.

HB #2696, as reported by Gamasutra, would see an excise tax of one percent levied against the sale of any and all violent videogames in the state of Oklahoma. That immediately raises the question of what constitutes a violent videogame — Call of Duty is undeniably violent, but would a game where bears can punch each other count as violence? Fortunately the proposed bill provides specific criteria: a violent videogame is considered to be any game to have received a Teen, Mature, or Adult Only rating from the ESRB.

This is problematic in that a Teen rating especially is not reflective of the level of violence in a game. Guitar Hero World Tour was rated Teen, as was The Sims 3, though would anyone consider either of those to be violent videogames? In the case of movies it would be like taxing a comedy without a hint of violence that is rated PG-13 or R because it contains nudity and/or profane language. It doesn’t make sense.

The money collected from this tax would be going to a good enough cause: half of it would go to the Childhood Outdoor Education Revolving Fund, while the other half would go to the Bullying Prevention Revolving Fund, both of which would be created as a part of the act.

If the bill were to be passed — and at this point it has not gone anywhere — it would be put into effect as of July 1, 2012.

The Entertainment Software Association, the same group that was in support of SOPA not long ago but was involved in the fight against the California law that reached the Supreme Court last year, is obviously displeased with the bill.

“Taxing First Amendment protected material based on its content is misguided,” said Dan Hewitt in a statement shared with Gamasutra. “We are disappointed that even in the wake of an overwhelming decision in the United States Supreme Court finding proposals such as this to be patently unconstitutional, there are those who still try to attack video games with outdated notions of our industry.”

It was, perhaps, wishful thinking to believe these sorts of bills would go away following the Supreme Court’s ruling. But if not for that reason, the state of California being ordered last month to pay the ESA’s legal fees should have been a wakeup call. California has in total been forced to pay in excess of $1.3 million to the ESA, while other states have paid more than $1.7 million to cover the cost of the ESA’s legal fees.

While I can’t claim to be intimately familiar with Oklahoma’s financial status, the potential for paying out hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in legal fees can’t be considered a good use of taxpayers’ money — particularly when that money could go directly to groups like the ones this proposed tax would fund.

[Image courtesy of Oklahoma Legislature]

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.1up.com/news/bill-tax-violent-games-esrb

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Angels Online Review

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 01:26 PM PST

Angels Online, or Angel 'Love' Online, is a 2D Fantasy MMORPG.  Perhaps the game's most notable features are its unique graphic style and its incredibly large selection of playable classes (fifteen).  The premise of the game's story is original as well.  Angels Online is set in the world of Eden, an obvious biblical reference to the Garden of Eden, where there is no division between heaven and the human world.

Publisher: IGG
Playerbase: High
Graphics: Low Quality
EXP Rate: High
PvP: Arena / Event only
Filesize: 999 MB

Website: http://ao.igg.com/

Pros: +Unique graphic style. +Catchy music. +Fifteen playable classes. +Players can upload their own avatars. +Extensive crafting system.

Cons: -One character per server per account. -No option to change controls. -Stats and skills level passively.


Angels Online is a unique 2D Fantasy MMORPG by IGG.  The game is set in the mythical world of Eden where both angels and humans roam the world.  The game's most notable features are its original graphical style and the large number of playable classes.  Start your adventure in Angels Online in Angel Lyceum, a college that trains angels, and work your way up to becoming an angel protector!  Like Magic World Online, Godswar Online and With Your Destiny, Angels Online has a built in game bot called 'Angel Baby' which can be set to level up automatically while away from the computer.  The game's fourteen playable classes are:

Combat Classes

Protector - Protectors have the highest physical defense and hitpoints in the game.  They are the most powerful tanks in Angels Online.
Warrior - Warriors have the highest melee damage of all the combat-oriented classes.  They can use dual axes or hammers and have fairly high hitpoints.
Spearman - Spearman can deal the most damage to heavily armored enemies, as their weapons can ignore some armor.  Spearman have less hitpoints than warriors and protectors but they have more MP.
Swordsman - Swordsmen have the highest speed and agility of the melee-oriented classes.  They can deal incredible amounts of damage in a relatively short period of time, but they have low defense and less hit points than the other melee classes.
Archer - Archers are the only class that can deal physical damage from a distance.  They are very capable of dealing large amounts of damage from a distance but are extremely vulnerable in melee range.

Magic Classes
Summoner - Summoners wield powerful curse and summoning spells.  They can summon powerful undead minions and cast dark spells.
Wizard - Wizards are the primary offensive spellcasting class in Angels Online.  They can cast destructive direct damage spells, but they consume a lot of MP, so keep some MP potions on hand.
Magician - Magicians are a balanced spell casting class.  They have strong nature spells and a mix of recovery and buff related spells as well.  Like all of the other magic oriented classes, Magicians have low hitpoints and are vulnerable in melee range.
Priest - Priests are the primary 'healing' and 'buffing' class in Angels Online.  They are extremely valuable to their party, but are weak by themselves.

Crafting Classes
Weaponsmith - Weaponsmiths are good at forging powerful metal weapons, digging ore and controlling robots.  They are melee-oriented classes that can wear leather armor.
Armorsmith - Armorsmiths, as the name implies, are capable of forging armor and controlling robots.  Like the weaponsmith, they can wear leather armor.
Tailor - Tailors are good at weaving magician robes and leather armor.  They are also capable of fishing, as well as controlling robots.  Like the other crafting classes, Tailors can wear leather armor.
Technician - Technicians can develop robot accessories and ornaments.  They are adept at collecting and controlling robots.
Chef - Chefs are proficient at cooking healthy food that enhances abilities.  They are adept at collecting, fishing and controlling robots.



Angels Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / 98 / 95 /ME / Vista
CPU: 800 MhZ Pentium 3 or Equivalent AMD processor
RAM: 256 MB Memory
HDD: 1.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: Any Direct X 8.0 compatible VGA Card

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / 98 / 95 /ME / Vista
CPU: 1 GhZ Pentium 3 or Equivalent AMD processor
RAM: 512 MB Memory
HDD: 1.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: Any Direct X 8.0 compatible VGA Card


Posted: 02 Feb 2012 12:42 PM PST

(Beta signup) Just to be clear, GFACE is a separate entity itself but the company is being backed by Crytek, the famous game engine developer behind CryEngine. So what is GFACE? Well, for me it looks like a harmonious merge between Steam, EA Origins, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Yes, all 4 of them combined. Excited yet?

For the gaming part,  it reminds me of Google Plus, adding contacts into “circles”, but now able to launch games straight from the browser. Basically, the game lobby is the browser (GFACE page) itself. And no, this function is not limited to just casual web games. Even Crytek’s upcoming CryEngine 3 online shooter, Warface (link), is available to be played on your browser without downloading the game client!

Like I mentioned, GFACE is really the ultimate combination of some of the most popular social media websites and programs now. Do take a closer read at some of its functions at the official website, given in the link above. And sign up for beta now!

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.mmoculture.com/2012/02/gface-crytek-aims-to-merge-gaming-and.html

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