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Yakuza: Dead Souls Wants to be Every Zombie Game

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 07:13 AM PST

When I was in junior high school (centuries ago), I always found the metalhead clique at my school intimidating. Rangy boys with long, oily hair and a collective uniform consisting of boots, black-washed jeans, and black T-shirts imprinted with art from album covers by bands whose names bore gratuitous double consonants and lent themselves to harsh, angular logo designs, the metalheads always hung out together at the side of gym class, discussing their heroes’ latest wailing guitar concoctions and glowering at the rest of the world. They sported the shifty desperation unique to 14-year-olds jonesing for a drag on a stolen cigarette.

It was all kind of alarming for us clean-cut students whose main ambition for gym class was to avoid notice by the jocks and dropouts while hanging out on the sidelines discussing the latest Zelda strategies with each other (dude, if you just keep going up when you get to that one spot in the mountains, there’s a dungeon there!). In hindsight, though, I realize that the metalhead kids were harmless. They never picked on anyone; they never caused trouble outside of skipping class to hang out and listen to noisy music. They were as geeky as the video-game-fixated A-students; the only difference between us was that their obsessions were wrapped up in an affected antisocial style. Their music may have been about volume and screaming and satanic posturing, but it was just that: Posturing. Underneath it all, those guys just wanted to do their own thing, and they wore their ragged Dokken shirts with pride because they sincerely thought that airbrushed zombie warriors chained to naked, guitar-wielding sex slaves was, like, so awesome.

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.1up.com/previews?cId=3186661

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Posted: 05 Feb 2012 01:26 AM PST

(Beta signup) Yesterday, Shacknews posted a video interview with Red 5 Studios’ CEO, Mr Mark Kern on the company’s maiden MMO, Firefall (link). Earlier today, a 2nd interview video was posted (source), this time with the latest recruit to join Red 5, Morgan Romine. Assuming a role as the focus of Firefall’s e-Sports (competitive gaming), she is otherwise known as the founder of Frag Dolls, perhaps the most famous all-female gaming team in the industry. Check out the video on what she has to say!

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.mmoculture.com/2011/09/firefall-shacknews-interview-with.html

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Skyrim Predicts the Super Bowl

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 06:56 PM PST

beat me to it

Posted: 1 day ago by  Heed

i was coming up with such a list!  my selections:

Steelers - blacksmiths

Redskins – Forsworn

Jets – dragons

Colts/Broncos – horses

49ers – miners

Bears – …

Rams – horned goats (tenuous i know, but meh)

Raiders – bandits

Buccaneers – pirates

Saints – Vigilants of Stendarr

Panthers/Lions/Bengals/Jaguars – sabercats

Chargers – storm atronochs

Chiefs – the Jarls

Vikings – take your pick of any other unaffiliated Nords

GrandCommander, good call on the Ravens and Packers… i thought my list was pretty thorough, but i didn’t catch the connections with those two.  +1 to you!

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.1up.com/news/skyrim-predicts-super-bowl

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Star Trek Online

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 06:56 PM PST

(Register now) Remember a few months back when Perfect World bought over Cryptic Studios (link)? Well, the transition has slowly but surely began, as the developer’s original games are now all Free to Play (F2P), with Star Trek Online the latest to join the bandwagon.

I guess I will be giving the game a shot early next week, as I have not played the game myself. Will it be worth the time, especially since I am getting on age and becoming extremely choosy? We shall see. For the differences between a paying and non-paying player, you can see the comparison chart here (link).

Posted by: admin in Gaming News
Find related article at: http://www.mmoculture.com/2012/01/star-trek-online-free-to-play-begins.html

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ArchLord MMO Review

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 01:28 PM PST

Archlord is a PvP oriented 3D Fantasy MMORPG currently being published by Codemasters. The game was originally released a pay to play title and has since been re-released as a free to play MMORPG. Play as one of the game's three races and defeat your enemies to claim the throne as 'Archlord', who rules over the server.


Publisher: Webzen
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Realm vs Realm / Duels / Open PvP
Filesize: 1500 MB

Website: http://archlord.webzen.net/

Pros: +Innovative 'player rules server' system. +Simple controls. +Mounts. +Varied PvP options. +Nicely animated character models. +Good crafting system.

Cons: -Minimal character customization. -Poor interface. -Limited control over graphic options. -Clumsy controls.

ArchLord is a PvP heavy3D Fantasy MMORPG. The game was originally released as a pay to play game in North America in October 2006 and has since been re-released as a free to play game. The game originally released with terribly poor game reviews by nearly all large game critics upon launch, but the game has since evolved considerablly and is now well worth checking out. The is currently on it's third major content updated called 'Spirits Awakening' and there are surely more to come. The game's playable classes are:


Knight - Knights are the generic 'warrior' archetype. They are the most proficient melee characters and have the largest pool of hit points.
Archer - Archers are capable of dealing damage quickly from a distance but are vulnerable in melee combat.
Mage – Mages are the standard offensive spell caster in ArchLord. They are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage incredibly quickly but are extremely vulnerable to melee attacks, as they have the least hit points in the game.


Berserker - Berserkers are similar to human knights, in that they are the primary melee class of the 'orc' race. Unlike knights though, they are better at dealing damage quickly, but they sacrifice some defensive capabilities for this benefit.
Sorcerer - Sorcerers are the 'mage' of the Orcs. They are capable of casting deadly spells and killing their enemies from a distance, but they are incredibly vulnerable to melee attacks as they have incredibly low hit points and low defense.
Hunter – Hunters are the 'Archers' of the Orc race. They are extremely agile and are capable of dealing damage from a distance with the use of a bow. They are however, vulnerable to melee combat.

Moon Elves

Elementalist - Elementalists are perhaps the most powerful 'magician' class in the game, as their spells tend to be a bit more powerful than their Human and Orc counterparts. But unlike the other two races, Moon Elves can only select two classes while the others can select three.
Ranger – Rangers are the equivalent of 'archers' for the Moon Elf race. They can deal damage quickly from a distance using their ranged weaponry, but they are vulnerable to melee attacks.


ArchLord System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
CPU: Pentium or Athlon 800 MHz
RAM: 256 MB Memory
HDD: 4.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: Geforce FX 5200 or Radeon 9500 series VGA Card

Recommended Specifications:

OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHZ
RAM: 512MB or more
HDD: 4.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: Geforce FX 5700 / Radeon 9600 Series or better VGA Card

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