MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

WoW 4.3 PTR Notes: Dungeons and Raids Changes


WoW 4.3 PTR Notes: Dungeons and Raids Changes

Recently, Patch 4.3 PTR notes made a big change. It'll be easier to go through the dungeons after Patch 4.3 befalls. You wanna know the reason? Read the following information.

WoW 4.3: Valor Changes


WoW 4.3: Valor Changes

With the 4.3 patch we'll be introducing some changes to the way Valor Points (VP) are obtained, as well as the items that they can purchase.

Continue reading WoW 4.3: Valor Changes.

Bright Shadow(EU) Gets Halloween Expansion


Bright Shadow(EU) Gets Halloween Expansion

Gamania Digital Entertainment Europe is happy to announce that it's popular free to play MMORPG Bright Shadow will get a long awaited Halloween expansion today.

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