
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

Ninjago arrives to Lego Universe

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 10:57 AM PDT

LEGO Universe, is bringing the Ninjago-themed world to the game. In this new addition to the game, players can look forward to a total of over one hundred new missions, both familiar and fresh new Ninjago faces, and the level cap will be raised to 45. "LEGO devotees are already closely connected to the world [...]

The new expansion of Dragonica, New Origin: Rise of Drakan will go live today

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 08:14 AM PDT

Gala Networks Europe has announced that the New Origin: Rise of Drakan expansion for Dragonica will go live this afternoon. New Origin will see the implementation of a whole new race, the Dragonkin that will receive both new classes, Shaman and Amazonian, this race is unlocked once players reach level 20 with any character . [...]

Dawn of fantasy presents its new Scenario Design Editor tool

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 05:56 AM PDT

Dawn of Fantasy latest beta patch presents the new Scenario Design Editor. The Dawn of Fantasy editor is a powerful tool that will ship with the game come September 30th, allowing fan designers to craft their own playable scenarios with all the power of the Lua scripting language. This scenario design editor is the very [...]

Vindictus Europe exclusive screenshots

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 04:24 AM PDT

Take a look to this exclusive screenshots of Vindictus Europe. Vindictus is the first physics-based multiplayer action role-playing game that combines stunning visuals with high-speed combat. The storyline, inspired by Celtic mythology, is slowly uncovered as players progress in the game. Players join a mercenary unit called, "Crimson Blades" to battle Fomors, or monsters in [...]

Star supremacy has started its closed beta

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 03:50 AM PDT

Star Supremacy has started its closed beta yesterday.The game is MMO Browser Game set in a distant future, where the tensions rise as the limited resources of earth run out and the three major human factions compete to survive and expand. Remember that you can get a closed beta key here.

Blacklight Retribution first developer diary

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 02:09 AM PDT

After the successful showing of Blacklight Retribution at PAX, the Zombie Studios team has presented its first developer diary that unveils their thoughts about the game and their experiences working on it.

Aion exclusive Asmodian and Elyos character creation videos

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 01:42 AM PDT

Take a look to this exclusive videos of AION showing the Asmodian and Elyos character creation. AION is a MMORPG that game combines PvP and PvE (a concept the developers call PvPvE) in a fantasy game environment. Asmodian character creation Elyos character creation

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