
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

Darkfall presents its new dungeon, Niflheim with a video

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 01:59 AM PDT

Aventurine has released a video to discover the interior of the new dungeon Darkfall, Niflheim, a place full of iced monstuos as yetis and in which we can also find dragons and giant ice winter. The dungeon will include dynamic elements that will equip more complex than the old, so the players will enjoy a [...]

Exclusive Asda 2 beginner pack giveaway

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Asda 2 with FREEMMORPG and MMO Reviews is giving away an exclusive beginner pack. The beginner pack includes(only 1 pack per account): -Summer Festival Avatar Set (Exclusive to coupon) -[7-Day] Premium Potion -[7-Day] Dragon Doll Vehicle -10x Teleport Scrolls -10x HP Recovery Potions To get this pack you only have to create an account and [...]

Heroes in the Sky is giving away 500 packs of items

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 09:53 AM PDT

Heroes in the Sky with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews, is giving away 500 packs of items worldwide less DE, CH and AT. Description of the pack: Magazine 7D - Larger Maximum Secondary Weapon Ammo for 7 days. Durability Protect 7D – Protect your gear from breaking down for 7 days. Improved Reload I 7D [...]

Immortal King Closed Beta Keys Giveaway

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 09:11 AM PDT

Immortal King with FREE MMORPG and MMO Reviews is celebrating a closed Beta Key Giveaway. Immortal King will begin its closed beta test today and is giving away a limited number of beta keys. To get your beta key, create a Immortal King account and login Here, and when you are there click on “Activate [...]

The open beta of Rusty Hearts arrives the September 13

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:32 AM PDT

Perfect World Entertainment Inc. has announced today that their much anticipated free-to-play hack and slash dungeon-crawling MORPG, Rusty Hearts, will be launching into open beta for North American and European players on September 13, 2011. The open beta will feature major updates including the removal of the Stamina system and completely customizable gamepad button layouts. [...]

BlackLight Retribution PAX video

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 07:03 AM PDT

Take a look at this video of the next-generation, adrenaline-pumping first person shooter Blacklight Retribution where you can see the views of several players as well as the game itself.

Star Trek Online goes free-to-play

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 06:41 AM PDT

Star Trek Online, is going to be free-to-play in 2011. Later this year, when Star Trek Online free-to-play launches, anyone can download and play the game for free without purchasing a retail copy or subscription. All players will be able to take advantage of Star Trek Online’s many features for free, from customizing avatars, crews [...]

Ace Online is receiving a new update

Posted: 07 Sep 2011 04:13 AM PDT

ACE Online thanks to Wicked Interactive and the developer MasangSoft, is getting a massive update, complete with new maps and a new weapons tier. “ACE Online is a great competitive game that takes players to the furthest reaches of the galaxy,” said Sam Ho, Director, Wicked Interactive. “With this update, the ACE Online community not [...]

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