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Diablo 3 Beta Demon Hunter Gameplay Footage


Diablo 3 Beta Demon Hunter Gameplay Footage

Diablo III beta video reveals a newly created demon hunter in action. An awesome Diablo III beta gameplay video was released earlier today by someone who obviously got a Friends & Family Diablo III Beta invite. At the beggining of video you can enjoy Demon Hunter's character creation scene. Soon after that, newly created Demon Hunter goes into combat slaying the minions of hell!

WoW: New TCG Art Gallery Update


WoW: New TCG Art Gallery Update

The Blizzard have updated Trading Card Game art gallery to feature10 new pieces. Each image is taken directly from the official World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Be sure to give a shout-out to your favorite pieces in the comments.

Snail Games USA Talks About The Chosen and Other New MMO Projects


Snail Games USA Talks About The Chosen and Other New MMO Projects

We just interviewed Blake Midstokke, director of product development in Snail Games USA, talking about The Chosen, the MMORPG that released in July.

Infinity Chronicle to Be Brought to PCs and Smartphones


Infinity Chronicle to Be Brought to PCs and Smartphones

The South Korean game developer Jellyoasis has recently released certain info and screenshots regarding its new project Infinity Chronicle, which is still in development and will be brought to different platforms including smartphones and PCs.

Frogster Online Gaming: A Walkthrough of TERA Dungeon at Gamescom


Frogster Online Gaming: A Walkthrough of TERA Dungeon at Gamescom

Frogster Online Gaming GmbH, the pyblisher of TERA in Europe, released a video guiding players through the dungeon highlights today. The video allows you to catch up on everything that was shown at this year's Gamescom.

New Warface Trailer Shows You All The Awesomeness of CryEngine 3


New Warface Trailer Shows You All The Awesomeness of CryEngine 3

The war's face is shown with the help of CryEngine 3.

Gamania Game Show Brings Four Self-developed Titles


Gamania Game Show Brings Four Self-developed Titles

Due to the tremendous positive reception of Gamania's four self-developed titles at Tokyo Game Show in 2010, Gamania has decided to return to its roots to hold the first ever Gamania Game Show in Taipei, Taiwan on September 8th to 9th.

John Smedley Talks About PlanetSide 2 Gameplay, F2P Model, and Beta


John Smedley Talks About PlanetSide 2 Gameplay, F2P Model, and Beta

Recently, SOE's president John Smedley shared more details about the gameplay and beta schedule in the interview with Chinese media 17173.com.

Sometimes is Annoying Reading Item Properties


Sometimes is Annoying Reading Item Properties

Many times, it is rly annoying that I have to read the property of items carefully when I get some new items. And I wonder if there are some games that could give you visible recommendation if the item you get is better than your current item.

New Details About Warhammer Online: Warth of Heroes Unveiled


New Details About Warhammer Online: Warth of Heroes Unveiled

Ever since Warhammer Online: Warth of Heroes was unveiled at PAX, its developer Mythic has indicated that this new game would be totally different from previous Warhammer products.

More Information on Star Trek F2P


More Information on Star Trek F2P

No doubt by now you have at least heard some things about Star Trek going free to play. It isn't really a surprise really, being that the trend of mmos lately seems to be switching form pay model to free ones. Though this one is a bit more of a surprise, being that it has only been around for a year.

Brand New Trailer Released for Vindictus Europe Closed Beta


Brand New Trailer Released for Vindictus Europe Closed Beta

The wait is almost over: From 15 September 2011 NEXON Europe reveals access to its highly anticipated release of Action RPG hit, Vindictus. Players can choose which character suits them the most by checking out the new trailer here.

Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead Launches OMG Cash Event


Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead Launches OMG Cash Event

Joymax, a leading online game developer and publisher, announced today that in its first-person shooter World War II game, Karma Online: Prisoners of the Dead, players have the chance to win a slew of cash shop prizes - OMG! This is in addition to events which are already taking place from now until September 20th.

2012 Football Online Games


2012 Football Online Games

NHN announced the cooperation with Konami for Winning Eleven Online last week, two days later, KTH revealed that they cooperated Football Manager Online with SEGA. And we know FIFA Online is cooperated between EA and Neowiz. It seems that Korea will have a football storm. Football Manager Online will be released this autumn, Winning Eleven Online starts Closed Beta in next year, and a Korea game developer AniPark will release their football online game, Chagu Chagu, in next year too.

Continue reading 2012 Football Online Games.

RIFT 1.5 Chronicles of Telara Solo Commentary


RIFT 1.5 Chronicles of Telara Solo Commentary

This two are the best solo commentary videos so far. First one is DPS and the second one is Tank. Both can solo this new dungeon Chronicles of Telara. Details are in the videos. Enjoy them!

Blade & Soul: How to Make an Excellent Stealth Assassin?


Blade & Soul: How to Make an Excellent Stealth Assassin?

Before we get to the topic, a brief explanation is probably needed, in case some audience are not familiar with Blade & Soul.

Atlantica Online Mercenary Review: Witch


Atlantica Online Mercenary Review: Witch

Might as well finish this one up while the servers are still down for maintenance. I might get around to the main characters after I finish all the mercenaries. Main characters have their own set of skills as well.

WoW: The Protagonist of The Assassin's Creed in WoW


WoW: The Protagonist of The Assassin's Creed in WoW

A lot of players like cosplay, and some WoW players love to cosplay in the game. The protagonist of the Assassin's Creed appeared on WoW? Recently, there is a cool wow player who cosplayed the protagonist of the Assassin's Creed in WoW. So cooool, right?

Vindictus EU Beta Site Will Be Up From September 15 to 19


Vindictus EU Beta Site Will Be Up From September 15 to 19

Nexon EU just announced at facebook that the beta site will be up from September 15th to 19th.

Soul Master Expansion Updated with 3 New Instances


Soul Master Expansion Updated with 3 New Instances

Recently, Japanese publisher Arario announced Soul Master would update a new expansion and add 3 featured instances soon. In the meantime, up-to-date game screenshots and trial videos have been released. Players who are interested in this game can keep a close eye on it!

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