WoW Patch 4.3: Red Drake Mounts Posted: New items of 4.3 PTR are still released time after time, and this time we got Red Drake Mounts here, it's directly drop from Deathwing.  |
WoW Patch 4.3: New Loading Screens Posted: We know there'll be 3 new dungeons and 1 new raid in Patch 4.3, and below are related loading screens. Enjoy!  |
Uncharted Waters Online - Things to Do as An Adventurer (Part1) Posted: Some players are left confused after graduating from the long tutorial. Adventurers need to know where to start or get their first push, one way Is to get guild quests, but I want to show you another way.  |
Ghoul Mode and Dark Lair Now Opens in Dragon Nest SEA Posted: Now Dragon Nest SEA players can also try out this mode as a new patch had been implemented on September 27.  |
Square Enix: Final Fantasy Brand Was Damaged by Final Fantasy XIV Posted: SE boss Yoichi Wada directly pointed out yesterday at a Tokyo press conference that 'the Final Fantasy brand was damaged'.  |
LOTRO: The Rise of Isengard Expansion Launches Today! Posted: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine announced today the launch of The Lord of the Rings Online: Rise of Isengard, the next expansion to the award-winning free-to-play MMORPG. Players across North America and Europe can purchase and play Rise of Isengard starting today.  |
New Waren Story Content Revealed and New Server to Be Launched Posted: Waren Story, a highly-anticipated MMORPG title of South Korea-based Alt 1 has become a craze among players since it launched open beta. With more and more players paying attention to the game and its click rate continuing to break new records, Alt 1 decided to open a new server named "Rasphi" (literarily translated) starting from 7:30 p.m. tonight.  |
Vindictus EU Open Beta Kicks Off Tomorrow Posted: Nexon Europe has announced that Vindictus Xtreme closed beta is over, pre-launch stage(open beta) opens from Sep.28th! The long wait for European players is finally over.  |
C9 - Instances Strategy Guide Posted: I found a guide of some instances in a C9 forum, so I just translated and share it here. More instances' guide will be added one by one.  |
City of Heroes Freedom Is Now Live for Everyone! Posted: NCsoft and Paragon Studios are excited to announce the launch of City of Heroes Freedom, the new gameplay model that offers existing and new players unparalleled access to acclaimed content found within the world's most popular super heroic MMO.  |
ARGO Player-Made PvP Tournament Picked up by Company Posted: alaplaya caught wind of this player-created tournament, and in recognition of 'acvx's' dedication and passion, as well as the overwhelming love for the game being displayed in this tournament, they made this competition of fun into an official in-game event!  |
Facebook Conquer Online Coming Soon - Preview Released Posted: NetDragon Websoft Inc. and Kalydo will be joining forces to bring the full-featured client-based MMO - Conquer Online to Facebook users at the end of this month  |
Troy online Will be Updated in October Posted: ALT1Games has announced that there will be updates for adding new and improving contents for Troy online. For the convenience of the users, they have provided a tentative changelog for the next 4 weeks.  |
WoW New Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner Story Available! Posted: It was a bitter blow. She had expected to venture here in triumph, not to discover another defeat. The victory was hollow. But she backed away from the throne, straightened up, and accepted that the cycle would go on. Arthas was dead. What did it matter if another corpse filled his vacant throne? Sylvanas Windrunner had her vengeance. The vision that had driven her and her people for years had finally been realized. And not a single fiber of her desiccated, animate corpse cared where the world went from here.  |
Tier 13 Preview: Priest and Hunter Posted: MMO released two photographs of T13 Priest and Hunter. Therefore, may be not exactly identical with Official, but almost the same. Now, let's have a look at them.  |
Lucent Heart Scaena Expansion Launched in Europe Posted: Lucent Heart, the zodiac-inspired Free to Play MMO, has upped the ante! On 27th September Gamania Europe launches its latest expansion pack to the UK and European markets.  |
Wizardry Online to Kick Off Open Beta on Oct. 7 Posted: Japan-based Gameport has just announced that Wizardry Online, the latest maze-exploration MMORPG developed all by themselves, will officially kick off open beta on Oct. 7. If you are fond of this game, join me for the details.  |
MU Online 2 & Archlord 2 to Spice up G-Star 2011 Posted: Webzen, a time-honored online game company noted for the MU Online series, is going to take action again by exhibiting several blockbusters at this year's G-Star.  |
Kingdom Under Fire 2 to Kick off a CBT in Late 2011 Posted: The anticipated project Kingdom Under Fire 2, which hasn't released further info since its first trial version was made available at the South Korean game expo G-Star 2010, will kick off its CBT at the end of this year. How are things going with it? The following info is based on an interview done with the CEO of Kingdom Under Fire 2's developer Blueside. Just check!  |
Classical Turn-based MMORPG Ask Tao Oversea New Server Goes Live Posted: The classical turn-based MMORPG Ask Tao, which is developed by China-based Xiamen G-bits(site: and published by Beijing Guangyu Huaxia Technology Co., Ltd, once set a brilliant record of over 1 million concurrent online users in Mainland China. As for Ask Tao Oversea, the simplified Chinese oversea version of Ask Tao, Mikiti is licensed to run it in North America and provide service for all overseas Chinese people throughout the world.  |