[TGS 2011] Sega Revealed a New Trailer for Phantasy Star Online 2 Posted: Japan-based Sega released the latest promotional trailer for Phantasy Star Online 2 on the first day of Tokyo Game Show 2011.  |
Allods Online Upcoming October Expansion Announced Posted: This upcoming expansion includes a wide range of significant changes for low and high level players, from optimisations for the game's overall levelling curve to the introduction of a new zone for end-game players that offers the biggest challenge yet seen in the Allods Online universe.  |
Let's Share Funny Pictures, Just For Fun! Posted: Everyone loves funny pictures. And there are just so many humorous things round you particularly in the web. Upload and show off the funny pics to others on MMOsite MicroBlog, also we will choose the funniest pics every day and reward them 500 coins each.  |
Exclusive Screens Showcase Lucent Heart's Steps Up Dance Competition Posted: There's a little over 2 weeks left to enter in Lucent Heart's "Step up Dance Competition" to win cool prizes like a permanent Battle Mount, permanent costumes and more! Enter in Best Solo Dance, Best Guild Dance or Best Group Dance!  |
Digimon Masters Online Review Posted: Digimon Masters Online is a slightly newer Digimon MMORPG. It plays more like a traditional one rather than like the turn based Digimon Battle Online.  |
Hellgate Global to Launch Tokyo Expansion on September 22nd Posted: T3fun today announced the upcoming release of Hellgate Global's major expansion, Hellgate Tokyo, on September 22nd. As demons start to raze the city of Tokyo, heroes from London decide to help the remaining Tokyo soldiers in their war against demons.  |
Project Blackout Hatches New Dinosaur, Unleashes Mall Madness Posted: SG Interactive's online free-to-play first-person shooter (FPS), Project Blackout, now offers players new opportunities to engage in the mayhem with the introduction of a new cash dinosaur and an upcoming death match tournament.  |
Customizable NPC in Blade and Soul? Posted: We know that last time NcSoft announced the sixth class Summoner will be released in next Test, what is more, they said players can define something without any limits. But they didn't explain the customizable field, players only can define character appearance, somatotype or even can define skills and attributes?  |
PayPal Partners with Blizzard to Offer Payment Service for Diablo III Posted: Blizzard has just announced that PayPal will become their partner to provide payment service for Diablo III auction house in most countries and regions.  |
Rusty Hearts Open Beta Begins with a New Launch Trailer Posted: After a successful closed beta testing period, Rusty Hearts is finally live in open beta! Now anyone can download the free-to-play, hack and slash dungeon crawler and begin playing immediately.  |
F.E.A.R. Origin Online Releases Its First Trial Video Posted: Recently, the first trial video for F.E.A.R. Origin Online was officially released. It is a horror MMOFPS adapted from the popular PC game F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin under the joint efforts of Inplay Interactive and a subsidiary of Warner Bros  |
APB – Random Lulz with the Dump Truck Posted: Hey guys, check out this pics and take a look at how I manage to get the dump truck on top of wall, I don't know if this should be a reason to laugh, I got the truck up there because the game have a bunch of fail physics when you smash someone against a wall, a light pole or any other object like a fence.  |
WoW 4.3: Shaman Tier 13 and Visual Retrospective Posted: The best shaman sets are a mix of the animal and the elemental. This tier combines huge wolf-skull shoulder pads, bone fetishes, and fur with glowing shards of amber crystal. The entire set is lashed together with lengths of rope and heavily stitched leather, which lends the set a savage bearing.  |
The Secret World Group and Raid Sizes Unveiled Posted: In an interview with The Electric Playground, lead content designer Joel Bylos explains their idea about the The Secret World group and raid sizes.  |