


LEGO Universe: New Level Progression System Introduced

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:44 AM PDT

LEGO Universe players will want to check into the game to experience the new level progression system. Players will have the opportunity to level a bit faster, gain achievements and rewards for milestone levels and will be able to hit the new cap of level 40. Additionally, new factions, character capes and new quests will be arriving soon.

Final Fantasy XIV: Firefall Festival Begins Soon

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:38 AM PDT

Final Fantasy XIV fans are invited to participate in the Firefall Festival scheduled to begin on August 11th and run through August 29th. The festival includes a chain of quests sending players across Eorzea in search of Bombards. Participants will win terrific awards including swimsuits and personalized wallpapers.

General: City of Transformers to Launch Closed Beta

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:18 AM PDT

Destiny Development and Huoca have announced that a new free to play MMO based on an 'alternative' Transformers universe is slated to begin beta testing sometime later this month. Called City of Transformers, the story evolves on a planet called Amicron, site of a bloody conflict against Quintessons. Developers have launched a teaser site to celebrate the announcement.

MapleStory: Echoes of Triumph Ends the Chaos

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:09 AM PDT

MapleStory devs have spent most of the summer deploying incremental updates to the game. The Chaos update will draw to a close with the launch of the final segment called Echoes of Triumph on August 10th. A new story arc called The Silent Crusade brings, according to devs, hours of game play for players level 37 and above.

Ragnarok Online: Single Player App Launched

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:01 AM PDT

Gravity Interactive has announced the release of a free iOS application to allow fans of Ragnarok Online to play a single player version of the game. Called "Ragnarok Violet", the game is free to download with in-game purchases available.

Dragon's Call: Vampire Class Incoming

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 06:52 AM PDT

On August 18th, Dragon's Call will be patched to version 2.0. With the arrival of the update, the Vampire class will arrive in game. Other features to be added or overhauled in the new patch include the Wage System, an auto-sell option, the ability for players to reset skills at level 40 and more.

General: Ether Saga Odyssey: Future's End Content Update Unveiling

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 01:39 AM PDT

MMORPG.com and Perfect World Entertainment have teamed up to give you an exclusive first look at the upcoming 'Future's End' content update for Ether Saga Odyssey.

DC Universe Online: Mega Servers Interview With Mark Anderson

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 02:46 PM PDT

MMORPG.com's own Drew Wood had the opportunity to sit down and have a conversation with DC Universe Online Game Director, Mark Anderson, to talk about the Roll Out of the Mega Servers, which start today with the European PC market. Check out what Drew had to ask and see what Mark had for his answers in the interview!

League of Legends: Interview with FNaticMSI - Part 2

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 12:47 PM PDT

FNaticMSI are the reigning world champions of League of Legends. Last week we heard from two of their members on the current rise of MOBA gaming, and this week we chat with the remaining three and hear their thoughts on all things eSports.

World of Tanks: The Official Review - A Different Kind of Tanking

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 12:26 PM PDT

In the Official MMORPG.com Review, our own Adam Tingle takes a look at the tank simulation MMO that's taking the world by storm and divulges whether you should even bother with the download. The short answer? Yes. Read on!

Rift: The Chase for Dragon Motes

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 12:01 PM PDT

The Chase for Dragon Motes, the event coming in with update 1.4, Legacy of the Fallen, now has some stellar lore up on the Official Rift Website to go with it. Check it out.

Champions Online: July 2011 Ask Cryptic

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 11:54 AM PDT

Late last month, Robobo took some questions from the Cryptic/Champions Online community about the game and so very much more. Read along as they address questions about comics, game tweaks, the Steam achievement list, the new PvP map and more.

CrimeCraft: Update for the Cheaters - The CrimeCraft BanHammer

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 11:49 AM PDT

The CrimeCraft team have unveiled their plans as to how they'll be dealing with cheaters within the game. Be sure to head over to the website to see what measures are being taken to ensure that you have the most balanced experience possible in the game.

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