


Guild Wars 2: The Sylvari Return Next Week

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 03:50 PM PDT

The plant-like Sylvari, who have been in the process of a major rework for some time, will see their return next week in what ArenaNet is calling 'Sylvari Week.' Sylvari Week, like Charr Week before it, will be a full week blow-out of all things Sylvari, leading up to Gamescom where players will be able to take control of the race for the very first time.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Friday Update: The Jedi Consular

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 03:40 PM PDT

This week's Friday Update is a full blow-out on the Galactic Republic's Jedi Consular, including details on the class' companion, Qyzen Fess, the addition of the Mirialan species to the HoloNet, a tour of the Jedi starship, the Corellian Defender-class Light Corvette, and last but not least, the highly-anticipated Jedi Consular class video.

Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet Blog Details Sound Design

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 03:22 PM PDT

A trio of updates to the official ArenaNet blog give us an inside look at the extremely involved process of creating the sounds and music of Guild Wars 2.

General: BAG Entertainment and Bungalo Interactive Partner

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 03:02 PM PDT

BAG Entertainment and Bungalo Interactive have announced a partnership to develop and publish games on Facebook.

World of Warcraft: Down 300,000 Subscribers

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 02:27 PM PDT

Develop is reporting that World of Warcraft has lost 300,000 subscribers between May and July, bringing the total count down to roughly 11.1 million subscribers.

Firefall: Red 5 CEO Compares Launch Process to G-Mail, Beta After PAX

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:09 AM PDT

In an open letter published on the official Firefall website, Red 5 CEO Mark Kern offers some clarification regarding the reports coming out of the ChinaJoy convention that Firefall will launch in December. You see, Firefall has already launched, sort of.

ArcheAge: Open World and Battleground PvP Videos

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 09:54 AM PDT

A pair of videos showing off both open world and battleground based PvP for the fantasy sandbox MMO ArcheAge have appeared on YouTube.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Playable at Gamescom

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 09:25 AM PDT

BioWare's new European Community Manager Chris Collins shared plans for a 'community room' at Gamescom with The Old Republic community recently. The room will be dedicated to 8 vs. 8 PvP matches in the Alderaan Civil War Warzone.

General: Troy Online - An Interview With Sejin Park

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 10:24 PM PDT

Recently the folks at Alt1 Games sent us an interview from Korea with their company's Director of Development, Sejin Park. Stalwarts of the F2P industry, Alt1 Games have several MMOs under their belt, but Troy Online will be their first foray into a PvP-centric offering. Read on to find out more about Troy Online and what the PvP experience will be all about.

Wakfu: Hoodlums Update Exclusive Preview

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 09:40 PM PDT

We had the chance to talk shop with Ankama Games about their upcoming MMORPG, Wakfu. A brand new update is hitting the closed beta quite soon, and we got all the juicy details. Take a look inside.

General: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Heroes

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 05:54 PM PDT

In this week's Player Perspectives, MMORPG.com's Isabelle Parsley is taking a look at the concept of the hero, a mighty warrior stepping forward, with destiny behind them, waving about their mighty sword... and how they might be played out? Check out what Isabelle has to say about it all and let us know your thoughts.

General: The Shape of the Marvel Universe MMO

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 05:24 PM PDT

In this week's column, Managing Editor Bill Murphy takes a look at what we know so far about Marvel Comics' upcoming MMO, and questions whether or not gamers have anything to worry about.

General: Guild Sores: Creepy

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:49 PM PDT

In this week's Guild Sores webcomic, David North continues the adventure of his three stalwart guild-mates. After a previously less-than-exciting adventure, it seems our intrepid heroes have something more interesting ahead of them.

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