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MMO updates

Ixion Saga - Sneak peek at Alpha Test phase

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 04:29 AM PDT

Ixion Saga is a new online game by Japanese game developer, Capcom. The company's other hit online title will be the familiarly known Monster Hunter Frontier, which never made it outside of Japan and Korea (closed now). I posted a brief look at the game's storyline previously, so have a look here (link).

The Alpha Test phase recently ended and Taiwanese gaming website, Bahamut Gamer, managed to join in the fun. Do note that this Alpha client is only 200MB, hence many features are not available.

↑ Character creation screen, with gender, name, basic clothing, hair etc.
↑ I think this is for the Alpha phase only, every players get 9 sets of different armors and 3 models for each of the 3 types of weapons.
↑ Sword and Shield. There is apparently no active block, since the right mouse button is to use the shield and knock back enemies. Players will get ranged skills as well, and pressing the "F" button changes the character to Defensive mode, where the block rate is higher. Players will also have AOE skills, and in the Alpha test, there are two, one bring a straight line AOE while the other a tornado skill launching players around into the sky.
↑ The gunblade, sort of the one seen in Final Fantasy which Cloud uses. Right click of this weapon will be using the blade to attack. Pressing the spacebar will allow players to auto-aim at a target (and left-click for gun of course). Pressing the "F" button allows players to retreat and roll back, avoiding contact from incoming enemies. There will be AOE skills as well, and the one above displays one where the player jumps into the sky and rain bullets down.
↑ Staff's controls are quite similar to the gunblade's. While having much lower attacks be it melee or projectiles, the staff grants players with a wide range of melee skills and magic spells, including AOE freeze, AOE energy balls and healing. By pressing "F", the HP and AP (or MP) will be switched with each other.
↑ The mission NPC. Before I forget, Ixion Saga plays similar to DOTA and League of Legends. Players create mission rooms and wait for others to enter.
↑ There are various options to choose from when creating a room. Timing can be set from 5min to 10, 15 and 20min, while the maximum number of players can be adjusted between 8 (4 Vs 4), 12 (6 Vs 6) and 16 (8 Vs 8). There are currently 5 different maps available and players may enter an ongoing battle as well.
↑ The waiting room while waiting for players to join and get ready for the match.
↑ The match is starting!
↑ Own character and team members.
↑ The game controls play pretty much similar to online shooters, with special commands like the "E" button removing obstacles, Shift + W sprinting forward and the spacebar targeting and locking on enemies.
↑ Kneeling down.
↑ The "E" button helps players to climb up ledges as well.
↑ When team mates or enemies are about to die, this weird aura can be seen around him. If a team member goes within range and press "Q", the dying team mate will be rescued. If any enemy press the "Q" button instead, a finishing move will be performed. Note that these 2 actions take 5 seconds, making the 2nd party vulnerable as well.
↑ Saving dying team mates.
↑ Dealing a stylish finishing blow to a dying enemy.
↑ Skills and spells require AP (the game has a special name for it, can't translate). There will be these stones scattered around the map where players can recharge, but do take note that you will be vulnerable to enemies when absorbing!
↑ Apparently, these AP stones can be damaged. If explodes, everyone on the field will be damaged.
↑ The explosion!
↑ Players will gain class experience points and other rewards after winning. The experience points will be accumulated and level up classes and get players ready for job advancements.
↑ Well, the losing team gets much lesser rewards of course.
↑ The battle's result showing all the stats.
↑ The main ranking window, showing players with the top kills in the server.
↑ Apparently a NPC item shop which has yet to open during the Alpha phase.
↑ That is all for now!

Lineage II Japan celebrates 7th anniversary

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 09:31 PM PDT

I don't really report much on Japanese MMOs, but I happen to chance upon this while doing my daily internet scanning routine. Lineage II is currently celebrating its 7th anniversary in Japan, and to commemorate the event a special 7th anniversary game package was released. Coming in very limited quantities, it is being retailed at a price of 5,040 Yen, around 65 USD.

The package includes a DVD client, specially designed 30-days subscription card (like anyone will use it), a special in-game weapon of your choice, Siege Golem origami and a game soundtrack. The store below at Akihabara apparently only has 300 copies on sale! There is also a raffle (or lucky draw) going on where 30 winners will get exclusive in-game armor parts.

The Penguins War - Game modes revealed

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 09:04 PM PDT

Perhaps one of the most bizarre MMO shooters I have seen in my life, The Penguins War was first officially revealed at ChinaJoy 2011. Developed by Snail Game, creator of Age of Wulin, this title is said to be the company's "testing" game dipping into the rather quiet third person shooter genre. With a booming MMO first person shooter genre in China, it is indeed a strategic move by Snail Game.

This unique MMOTPS features, well, humanoid penguins and various famous game characters, which can be seen in the trailer here (link). I have no idea if Snail Game has gotten any licensing from the original creators, but... Oh well. The Penguins War apparently is confirmed for a localized Russian server, as Mental Games signed a USD 80 million contract with Snail Game to bring their titles over (link).

[gamescom 2011] Preview - Hi-Rez Studios' Smite

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:03 AM PDT

(Source) Smite is a really interesting name for a MMO, don't you think? Short and sweet first came into my mind. So, this is a new title from Hi-Rez Studios, who developed Global Agenda. Using the Unreal 3 Engine, Smite was first revealed a few months ago. It will be a 3D (duh) battle arena genre game, pretty much the same as League of Legends, DOTA and Heroes of Newerth.

However, players' views are locked at eye level, behind the character. You can categorically label Smite as a third-person action battle arena game if you want to. Hence, the biggest challenge for players will be the inability to see who is exactly behind you, needing team members to watch over each others' back.

Players spawn from 2 different points on the map, with mobs, defensive structures etc. Smite will be showcased at the upcoming gamescom 2011 later this month. Before I forget, it is a Free to Play game with players needing to fork out cash to buy certain characters and the usual cash shop stuff.

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