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Moonlight Online - Ingame screenshots revealed

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:21 AM PDT

How many vampires and werewolves 3D online games do you know? Well... I think I have only heard of Dark Eden, but then again it is not 3D. Moonlight Online should be quite a unique MMORPG in this genre. Announced several months ago, not much was shown until these few days when screenshots were posted by the developer, China-headquartered I Got Games, otherwise knwon as IGG (link) in the English online gaming market.

For those who have been online gaming should have heard of this company before, but IGG is not really known to be big on 3D online games. This apparent has changed, with the new screenshots for Moonlight Online looking surprisingly promising. There are 3 races for players to choose from, the Human, Werewolf and of course, Vampire.

All 3 races will have special maps of their own. For example, Humans will start off in a normal town, Werewolves on the grasslands while Vampires start on in an elegant but creepy castle. The article given to me stated that all 3 races are at each others throat, yet at the same time able to form a guild and conquer areas together... I do hate Chinese sources. But till more info is given, have a look at the artwork and screenshots!

Black Gold Online - English preview site opens

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 11:47 PM PDT

Black Gold Online was first officially revealed to the world just before ChinaJoy 2011 started. One of the game's developer, China-based Snail Game, showcased the title at gamescom 2011 on a rather low note ( in the Business to Business section) looking for potential business partners for the game, most probably for the English servers. Mental Games, which is the other developer and invested USD 80 million (link) into Snail Game at ChinaJoy 2011, will be the publisher for the Russian (maybe Europe?) server.

An English preview site was also released recently, although with no new information available. However, 2 new artwork (above) was displayed officially, showing the un-released Punisher class and male Gunslinger. More information can be found at my previous posts (link).

Blade & Sword 2 - New PvP trailer

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 10:50 PM PDT

First announced last month at ChinaJoy 2011 (link), Blade & Sword 2 has since entered its first Closed Beta test recently. With that, a new trailer showcasing the game's core PvP system was revealed. Well, the trailer, though explaining each step made during the PvP sequence, did not reveal actually much new information. Do note that the game does not have any class, but instead depends on what weapons users wield. I will post some footage once the game goes into Open Beta.

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