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MMO News

Rohan Online launches Rise of the Elements

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:58 PM PDT

Rohan Online has launched the first part of its “Rise of the Elements” free expansion as part of the new portal relaunch at PlayRohan (that includes the relaunch of K.O.S. Secret Operations).

The update adds the new Elemental Dungeon, an instanced dungeon with three stages based on five elements; the Hero, a level cap increase to 110 plus new Hero skills for all classes; and a level reward system. New weapons, armor, and quests have also been introduced.

Events to celebrate the expansion are underway, include the ability to become a “legend” for the first player of each class to reach 110; and rewards for the first parties to defeat each Elemental Dungeon stage.

The second part of the expansion, set to launch in the next few months, adds an Honor System, Mercenary System, and item recycling.


Rohan Online Gameplay Screenshot



Rise of the Elements Launches in the New PlayRohan Portal

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. – August 24, 2011 – Online PC game publisher YNK Interactive today announced the first part of the Rise of the Elements Expansion for R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud in the newly released PlayRohan Portal.

"Rise of the Elements is the rise of a new beginning for R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud," said Derrick Lee, Project Manager of YNK Interactive.  "This new expansion brings unprecedented content changes that will stimulate our loyal players along with our new ones. Given this is only the first part of the expansion, there’s a lot more to come."

Rise of the Elements Expansion consist of several game updates and interface changes including the Hero, Elemental dungeon, and level reward system.  The Elemental dungeon is instanced with minor, intermediate, and superior stages based on the 5 elements, where players can enter in a party to battle new monsters for exclusive rewards.  The Hero is a level cap increase to 110 along with new Hero skills for each class that coincide with new armor, weapons, and quests.

To celebrate the expansion, many events are scheduled, such as Race to the Top, where the first to reach level 110 from each class become legends, and Flawless Victory, where the first parties to defeat each Elemental Dungeon stage gets rewarded.  A double drop rate for the weekend is also planned dependant on the number of Facebook fans reached by end of today.

The 2nd part of the update will be followed by an Honor System, Mercenary System, and item recycling, which is scheduled to be added in the next couple of months.

For details and info on the update and events, visit the new portal at www.PlayRohan.com.

War Inc.

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:25 PM PDT

War Inc. Battle Zone is an independently developed first person shooter MMO. Build a soldier through skills, abilities, and a variety of weapons to challenge players head-on in team matches that support up to 32 players per map.


Publisher: Arktos Entertainment Group
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP: Rate: Medium
PvP: Four game modes
Filesize: ~1000 MB

Pros: +High production value. +Balanced gameplay. +Large maps with high environmental detail.

Cons: -High system requirements. -No character customization. -No FPS innovation.

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War Inc. Overview

War Inc. Battle Zone is an MMOFPS designed to offer a high quality combat experience similar to Call of Duty or Battlefield. Players may choose two of several starting weapons, and enjoy a class-free, team-based combat experience. The game features several modes including Conquest (capture and defend style), Sabotage (bomb run), and Deathmatch (free-for-all). Players can rank up their soldier through participating in matches and demonstrating tactical and combat skill. They can then use the money they earn to buy temporary or permanent weapons, protective gear, skills, and temporary buffs.

War Inc. Screenshots

War Inc. Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

War Inc. Review

By, Jaime Skelton

A truly good online shooter is hard to come by. Consider that an online shooter must encourage and reward progress on a permanent level, yet must balance each game carefully so that skill, and not gear or overall experience, proves the deciding factor in a battle. For free-to-play shooters, this becomes more challenging as companies must balance fairness versus profit; in short, they must find ways to offer enticing items to players without offering a "pay to win" model. Yet War Inc. Battle Zone, published by Arktos Entertainment, seems to have snuck out of hiding to deliver a solid, balanced first-person shooter experience.

First to Arms

War Inc. is installed quickly and easily, either through their website or through Steam. Once the game is run for the first time, you’ll be capable of setting up your soldier for battle; the game does not offer character creation, customization, or multiple character slots. The game will take you through a series of tutorial screens, during which you will also be able to choose your starting gear. This starting gear is permanent, and gives you a good variety of primary and secondary weapons and some basic armor (you’ll also get some temporary bonus armor to give you a head start for the first two weeks). The screens also let you choose your first skill point and ability, both of which are permanent. From there, you’re kicked into the lobby and on your own.


Managing Your Merc

While the tutorial gets you off to a great start, it doesn’t introduce you to managing your mercenary. In the main interface of War Inc., you’ll find two important menu options: My Merc and Armory. My Merc allows you to assign your skill points; these are earned at each level ("rank") up and allow you to specialize in multiple trees that give you bonuses in combat, from increased gun damage and player detection to breath holding, armor, and health bonuses. Ranking up also grants you rewards including gold, dollars, and temporary items. My Merc also lets you look at your stats and ranking, achievements, game calendar, rewards, and more.

The Armory is where your soldier can change their equipment. You can equip weapons in "loadouts," which act as saved sets of gear as you enter battle. While you cannot change skills or mercenaries, you can change loadouts during battle, letting you switch between weapon sets (for example, switching between an assault-focused and a sniper-focused gear set) when you respawn. Each mercenary can carry into battle a primary weapon (machine guns, assault rifles, and support weapons), a secondary weapon (shotgun or submachine gun), a pistol, two items (including grenades), and two abilities. Your mercenary can also equip a set of armor (not included in load outs) which grant some armor and occasional extra boosts, such as night vision.


Rushing into Battle

So you’ve equipped your favorite weapons, and now you’re ready to enter battle. The game’s main lobby is found under the glowing "Play Game" menu option. Here, you can choose to create practice games (unranked games that offer no experience), ranked games, see active games, join a sabotage match, or choose "quick match." While there’s merit in creating your own games, or browsing the active games (which include server pre-made games based on region and level range), your best bet is to join a "quick match," which will throw you into a game in your preferred region and game type.

There are four game modes in War Inc.: Conquest, Deathmatch, Sabotage, and Siege. All games are team-based and designed for at least eight players, although they can run with at least two players on each side. Conquest is a capture-and-defend style map with five control points, and is the most popular game mode. Deathmatch is a team free-for-all on a small, tight-quarters map. Sabotage challenges teams to plant a bomb while preventing the opposing team from planting theirs; while Siege is a defend-or-conquer style map.


Green, Not Dead

It’s expected that any newbie in a shooter is going to spend their first few minutes not only wet behind the ears, but eating a lot of dirt. Thankfully, War Inc. does a masterful job in making sure that newbies are competent once they gain their bearings. Controls are typical for an MMOFPS (using the mouse to aim and fire, moving with WASD, using Ctrl to crouch and Shift to sprint, for example), so any amateur FPS player should feel at home quickly. The greatest challenge is in learning each map, along with learning the way each game mode works the first time you play it (particularly Sabotage).

While War Inc. doesn’t seem focused on balancing teams based on rank alone, there’s no reason to look at your team and panic if the numbers initially seem off. In fact, weapons are also fairly balanced within reason so that even cash-shop only weapons are only marginally better overall than their lesser counterparts. Advantage on the battle field comes down to skill, personal experience, and map knowledge and awareness.


Gearing Up

The game’s store offers weapons, armor, abilities, and other perks and account features. While designed primarily as a cash shop, the shop accepts both earned in-game currency ("gold dollars") as well as paid currency ("gold points"). Both of these currencies can be earned in game, and are refreshingly easy to earn. While many MMOFPS games reward gold dollars only on winning, or very sparingly on a loss, War Inc. also rewards players for headshots, avenge kills, capturing flags, and special "VIP" style achievements each match. Gold Points can also be earned for ranking up, joining Clans, and meeting other challenges, making it so that a single cent doesn’t need to be spent in game to enjoy play.

Almost all items in the shop accept both currencies as payment. Weapons are available from 1-day to 30-day rentals at very low, affordable prices with the in-game currency, and are also available as permanent weapons (sometimes with both currencies, sometimes only with gold points). Cosmetic items, experience and gold boosts, and abilities are also available on this dual basis.


Final Verdict: Great

On the surface, War Inc. is a standard MMOFPS with good graphics. In fact, the game’s graphics are so good, they have high system requirements – possibly pushing a lot of potential players out of consideration, or forcing them to play at low, suboptimal specs just to get smooth enough frame rate to aim. None of the game modes particularly shine as unique, and the game lacks additional "wow" features, such as crafting, social interaction (there’s no chat lobby), or vehicle combat. What stands out the most is War Inc.’s map designs: they are substantially different from each other, well-designed, and allow players to use the entire environment to their advantage – from climbing atop cliffs to find an ideal sniping spot to spying on the enemy through a hole in the wall.

Despite its vanilla-ness, War Inc. is surprisingly good for a free-to-play MMO; it aspires to be what Battlefield Play4Free should have been – and succeeds. The game balances play evenly between newbies and veterans, offers unique maps that require strategy instead of zerging, and plays smoothly with no downtime between matches. War Inc. delivers a great experience that keeps you logged in for hours, and is well worth checking out for any FPS fan.


War Inc. Videos

Mercernary Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


War Inc. Links

Official War Inc. Site

System Requirements

War Inc. System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP3 or higher
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz or similar AMD
Memory: 2GB of RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2GB of HDD space
Video Card: nVidia 9600 or similar ATI, 512MB dedicated video memory, Pixel Shader 2.0

K.O.S. Secret Operations relaunches

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 01:52 PM PDT

YNK Interactive has relaunched K.O.S. Secret Operations onto their new PlayRohan Portal.

The game has seen a new update that has improved maps, game interface, weapons, and more, along with new modes including Ghost Hunter, Free For All, Infiltration and Melt Down. Several events will be held in the coming weeks, including a top 10 Ranker contest, a special “Amped Package” given to the first 1,000 to log in after the relaunch, and a special 10% bonus RP coupon (NEWPORTAL code).

YNK Interactive also publishes Rohan Online and Seal Online.


K.O.S. – Secret Operations Gameplay Screenshot



YNK Interactive announces the re-launch of the FPS in the new PlayRohan Portal

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. – August 23, 2011 – Online PC game publisher YNK Interactive announced the re-launch of the first person shooter, K.O.S.-Secret Operations on August 24, 2011 in the new PlayRohan Portal.

"We amped up everything in the game, including weapons, costumes, maps, & game interface," says Dae Kim, Project Manager of YNK Interactive.  "Gamers better start their target practice because K.O.S. just went up a notch."

On August 24th, K.O.S.-Secret Operations will be joining the popular MMO titles, R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud, Seal Online: Eternal Destiny, and Hellgate in the newly released PlayRohan portal.  All games can be accessed through the same website and will use the same currency for the players' convenience.  All past K.O.S. players will be able to transfer their old currency to the new ones, which are now Rohan Points (RPs).

K.O.S.-Secret Operations is a fast paced competitive game built with the Source Engine.  It is a free FPS with the option to purchase cosmetic and utility items to enhance fire fights.  The re-launch of K.O.S.-Secret Operations includes new weapons, gear, and modes with an addition of a brand new mini game on the web, where gamers receive in game items.  The newly added features aid players in conquering added maps with combat modes like Ghost Hunter and Free For All and recon modes like Infiltration and Melt Down.

Many events are in schedule with the reopening, including a Top 10 Ranker Contest and a special "Amped Package" for the first 1000 players that log in at launch.  All RPs through Playspan in the month of August get a 10% bonus with the coupon code: NEWPORTAL.

To register and for details, visit the new portal, www.playrohan.com

Remnant Knights Gameplay HD

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 12:10 PM PDT

To Learn More about the game check out our Remnant Knights Page.

Remnant Knights is a 3D anime inspired fantasy MMORPG published by GameSamba – the same company behind Realms Online and Tribal Trouble 2. The game Remnant Knights was developed by a company called Minn Communications – the same developer behind the school themed Ran Online. Like Ran Online, Remnant Knights features two schools, which act as factions, that are in perpetual war (Owl school and Dragon school). Graphically, the game looks a bit like Eden Eternal and Grand Fantasia from Aeria Games. To learn more about Remnant Knights, check out the official MMOHut Remnant Knights page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

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