MMO updates |
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Jake Song's view on MMO generations
- [ChinaJoy 2011] A closer look at Red 5 Studios' booth
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Snail Game receives USD 80 million
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Tencent Games reveal Blade & Sword 2
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Archeage - iOS application revealed
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Showgirls of Perfect World
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Duke of Mount Deer - Tons of collectibles
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Firefall - Million dollar statue revealed
- [ChinaJoy 2011] From the Ground - Part 1
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Mysterious title at Shanda Games' booth
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Transformers Online
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Black Gold Online Part 2
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Interview with Jake Song
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Firefall
- [ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Dungeon Keeper Online
[ChinaJoy 2011] Jake Song's view on MMO generations Posted: 28 Jul 2011 06:34 AM PDT Well, I know I have been reporting too much about Jake Song and his visions for the future of online gaming, but I can't help but to admire the man and his goal sometimes. During his speech at the China Game Developer Conference, Jake Song listed out some points of what makes a first, second and third generation online game and the difference each has. You may read more about it in this interview as well (link). Here is a summarized list I compiled. While I understand not everyone will agree with his categorization, it seems quite true to me, especially the part about developers providing content updates all the time and unable to catch up with the consumption rate by players. I wonder why is there no announcement for an English server thus far... |
[ChinaJoy 2011] A closer look at Red 5 Studios' booth Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:42 AM PDT In my previous post (link), the million dollar status was the main focus. Since 2 of the Chinese websites I frequent has nothing but good words for Red 5 Studios' booth, let me now post more pictures taken at the ChinaJoy 2011. There was also a short interview about the game as well here (link). For the English crowd in the official forums, you might notice one or two familiar faces in the early pictures, while the Asian will be Tony Park from The9 Interactive. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Snail Game receives USD 80 million Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:28 AM PDT Snail Game, developer of the much anticipated martial arts MMORPG, Age of Wulin, signed a deal worth USD 80 million with Russian gaming company Mental Game earlier today. This deal will see Mental Game acquiring Snail Game's various MMO titles, apparently including those which are yet to be announced publicly. The 2 companies are currently co-developing 2 online games, including Black Gold Online (link). Below are pictures taken from the signing ceremony. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Tencent Games reveal Blade & Sword 2 Posted: 28 Jul 2011 02:15 AM PDT Before I continue, the game is not Blade & Soul, which Tencent Games also has the rights for in China. Blade & Sword 2 is instead developed by a China studio, Pixel Soft. There are several highlights for the game, including advanced AI for all mobs and bosses, 9 different weapons to choose from including a sub-weapon system and the ability to grab, toss, float, block and start combo movements using an advanced development engine.The game is scheduled to enter its first beta phase late August. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Archeage - iOS application revealed Posted: 28 Jul 2011 06:04 AM PDT After ChinaJoy 2011's China Game Developer Conference (CGDC), XL Games revealed a new trailer which showcased Archeage's very own iOS application. This app will allow players to search for character details and messaging services. More features are expected to be added on in due time. The service is apparently teased for the Korean server at this point of time. Jake Song, the founder of XL Games, gave a much anticipated speech at CGDC, but I shall not translate it as the content is pretty much similar to what I posted yesterday (link). |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Showgirls of Perfect World Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:57 AM PDT I was going to actually do 1 or 2 parts of showgirls special right at the end of ChinaJoy 2011, but one company's showgirls are just too hot to be without their own post. I am talking about Perfect World, and god knows how did they manage to gather so many beauties at the same time and day. So, without further a due, feast your eyes upon them! |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Duke of Mount Deer - Tons of collectibles Posted: 27 Jul 2011 11:08 PM PDT Arguably one of the most expensive Free to Play online games to be developed, costing upwards of USD 80 million (link), ChangYou's Duke of Mount Deer Online is one of the main highlights in ChinaJoy 2011. The game went into Open Beta just a few days ago, and the company has brought along quite a number of purchasable collectibles to the game convention. And yes, those are bolster covers. I think there is a Japanese term for it, but I seem to have forgotten the word. Here are some pictures of Duke of Mount Deer Online's booth design and of course, the showgirls stationed there. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Firefall - Million dollar statue revealed Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:14 PM PDT In the preview for Firefall at ChinaJoy 2011 (link), I mentioned about a USD 1 million statue being custom made for the event. The status has now been revealed and is the centerpiece of Red 5 Studios' booth. According to reports, the Firefall status came out tops when comparing with others around due to its life-likeness. Well, for a million bucks it better be! As for the 4th Battleframe, it is currently not revealed yet. ![]() |
[ChinaJoy 2011] From the Ground - Part 1 Posted: 27 Jul 2011 08:29 PM PDT Obviously, I am not at ChinaJoy 2011 (sigh), but I am armed with around 10 websites with updates from the latest news and happening at the convention. To kick things off, here are some pictures taken there to give you guys a feel how does the event looks like during preparation and setting up. From what I read, most models only had one day (yesterday) to rehearse for the event.I am sure there will be Part 2 *fingers crossed*, so stay tuned! |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Mysterious title at Shanda Games' booth Posted: 27 Jul 2011 07:45 PM PDT The first official news I am posting on ChinaJoy 2011. In my previous post (link), many industry veterans were expecting Shanda Games to reveal its new title as TERA China. But that might not be the case, as this new ink-inspired game (think Street Fighter 4) was spotted at the company's booth. While not confirmed to be the mysterious new 9th and final title, the game looks pretty awesome. It is said the game is also aiming to hit the Xbox Live Arcade in the future. I have no name for it, as the directly translated one will sound weird... like... Tornado Cloud =.= |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Transformers Online Posted: 27 Jul 2011 07:00 PM PDT Before I forget, I think I missed out on Transformers Online. Licensed only to Asia regions, with Jagex developing Transformers Universe (browser MMO), Transformers Online is a MMOTPS, or online third person shooter. If you have missed out my previous posts on the game, do click on the (link) here. Developed by China's NetDragon, also the company behind Dungeon Keeper Online, a new third faction was revealed besides the Autobots and Decepticons. It is now officially known as Pirates, a group of renegades loyal to neither side led by their leader, Thundertron. Thundertron blames all inhabitants of Cybertron for his planet's demise, hence he destroys all no matter if they are Autobots or Decepticons. The storyline is actually much longer, but I am lazy. There are currently 6 selling points of the game listed, which includes the TPS mode supporting a clear 260 degrees view for players, various PvP modes, exciting new concept PvE modes, up to 5 different types of builds available and over 100 kinds of vehicles to transform into. The first Closed Beta starts in August, but I am sure I won't be able to get in given the stringent rules imposed on getting suck keys nowadays in China. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Black Gold Online Part 2 Posted: 27 Jul 2011 06:06 PM PDT As mentioned in my previous post (link), Black Gold Online is a new steampunk MMORPG developed by Russian studio Mental Games and China's Snail Game (Age of Wulin fame). I was surfing around the internet on my daily routine when I realized I did not pay a visit to Mental Games' website. True enough, there were more accurate details there. The game story starts in an interesting and unusual world full of adventures. In this world there exists a special resource, which is called "Black Gold". This resource doesn't only give power to steam engines, but also to the shamans and casters for magical use. From the "Black Gold" one can make a "Black Steam" – which combines the energy of steam and magic. Below are more screenshots from the website and I am sure more will be available when ChinaJoy 2011 starts in... a few minutes' time! Black Gold Online is currently scheduled for a released @ end 2012. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Interview with Jake Song Posted: 28 Jul 2011 12:48 AM PDT Probably final post before ChinaJoy 2011 officially begins in a few hours' time! If you didn't know, Jake Song is the creator of Lineage and ArcheAge is the maiden title of his own development company, XL Games. Licensed to Tencent Games in China, the man himself is at ChinaJoy 2011 and a reporter from gaming website 17173,com managed to have an interview with him. Read on! Please note that not all parts are translated. Q: You are still playing World of Warcraft regularly after setting up XL Games. What kind of inspiration did the game has on ArcheAge? A: I was once a loyal World of Warcraft player too. I remembered when I first started playing, the game fulfilled everything I had in mind for a perfect game. But as time passed by, I realized that although World of Warcraft is a masterpiece, it couldn't exceed the its generation, hence players can only play whatever content which is already set for them. No matter how we respect World of Warcraft, there is bound to be a new product which will be totally different and break the ceiling set, giving players a whole new gaming experience. Q: You coined ArcheAge as a 3rd generation MMO, so what differences does ArchAge have compared to the previous generation games? Which content found will give players a refreshing touch? A: A third generation MMO consists of all positive points from present titles, exceeding all in terms of quality and adding in brand new concepts. As development engines improve, we have the chance to showcase a stunning game world to the players. Hence, most features which were limited by technology in the previous generations will be made possible in ArcheAge, giving players a never-before experience in terms of graphics, sound effects and more. The important thing is the change in concepts and values, players can now convert from playing fixed content to becoming part of the game's creator, customizing a game world in his vision. Q: Other than World of Warcraft, the Korean media frequently compared ArcheAge and NCsoft's Blade & Soul. Which do you think are the games' main selling points? A: Both games have their own unique points, but different from previous online games, ArcheAge allows players to create their own content and world, making the gameplay more fun. Blade & Soul is a very excellent title, its graphics and combat left me deep memories. Q: You previously told the Korean media (link) that you wish Blade & Soul to "let you off", why is that so? Both games are now under Tencent Games in China, do you foresee an internal "war"? A: When a better product is available, players will have more options, which is a good thing for the China players. A really excellent title, especially with new concepts and styles of playing, is never afraid of competition. I believe Tencent Games will operate both games very well. Blade & Soul and ArcheAge are going in different directions in terms of aim, hence there will be 2 different groups of players the games are catering to. Q: You are known in the industry as a talented developer, Father of Lineage and once an influential figure in both Nexon and NCsoft. Will XL Games be the bext Nexon or NCsoft? A: NCsoft and Nexon are both excellent companies while XL Games still has a long way to go. Success depends on what kind of products we have and if players accept them. Hence, my biggest wish now is to make a good MMORPG. No matter what, I will do my best in developing ArcheAge, continue to explore and discover new concepts and ways of playing, and through ArcheAge present them to players. The acknowledgement of players is the biggest success in my life. Q: ArcheAge is an online game focusing strongly on personal growth, hence players will have to invest more time into the game. Will this lead to the business model leaning more towards having a regular fee? A: The final business model is not confirmed as of now., but we will keep players' suggestions in mind. Our core objective is to let more players enjoy what ArcheAge has to offer, so this will be the main point when settling on a business model eventually. Q: The time players spend consuming game content is always much faster than the time developers can add in new content. For developing content from level 60 to 70, a few hundred developers may take up to several months to develop the required game content only to be consumed by players within a few nights. How do you view this problem? How will ArcheAge minimize this problem? A: If the core content of a game is focused on questing, storyline, characters and lore, this game will find it hard to sustain in the long run. As mentioned, the speed of developing new content will never catch up with the time players use to consume them. In order to let the game operate in the long run, development of the game's final content should be started at the beginning phase. For example, ArcheAge in its early development phase already has housing, naval wars, castle siege etc. The aim is to let players change the world after reaching a certain point, coming up with new playing styles, from communicating with the system to communicating with fellow players. The concept must be changed from "playing what is being provided" to "changing the original concept, content and play style". This will allow a game to run for the long term. Overall, a game's content is still the key to its longevity. Q: You once that to you, being a gaming industry veteran is better a hundred time than being a doctor or lawyer. What is the biggest joy in being a gaming person? Is there any dream you will like to fulfill in the gaming world? A: Games, especially MMORPG, is being played by many people and can is said to be one's second life. In a game's world, it is as if I am in a different world, allowing me to live differently in another way. Developing a game is like creating anew world to me, this kind of joy is not something which can be achieved in real life. Coming up with new concepts and play styles and thus creating happiness for the players is my ultimate aim. Q: What kind of requirements should one have to be recognize as a talented developer? In the global gaming industry, is there anyone you look up to? A: My idea of a talented developer is that he should be extremely passionate, a creative mind coming up with new concepts and takes care of a game's main focus point. The 2 person I look up to most will be Shigeru Miyamoto (creator of the Mario franchise) and Sid Meier (both of them are developing Civilization Online). Q: In the actual world, what are the events which will give you inspirations? Will you choose to play more of other online games or get outside of gaming to search for them? A: Discussions with my team, experiencing all kinds of games will all provide me with inspirations. Since MMORPG is like a second life, I will use some of the real world's understandings and implement it into the game. At the same time, I like to read comics, novels, dramas, movies etc. Q: A trouble with online games in China is the serious case of many products getting too similar with each other. Which is the right way to go, a "small" revolution or a "big" one? A: Either option is a step forward for the industry, hence it is hard to determine which is "right". A creative game similar to Lineage (Jake smiled) will bring a "big" revolution to the industry, following that with both "big" and "small" changes in creativity to reach the stage we are at now. Q: In your opinion, are online games a form or entertainment or a product? A: Games consist of both. It is a form of entertainment and a product at the same time. Online gaming is an affordable choice of entertainment, with almost no boundaries to prevent people from playing. The philosophy is the same, if a dish is very good but the place's service is not up to par, not many people will go try the dish. |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Firefall Posted: 27 Jul 2011 10:15 AM PDT Previously (link), I posted about how Red 5 Studios will be setting up its own mega booth at ChinaJoy 2011 without the help of its biggest investor, China-based The9 Interactive. Earlier today, a Korean reporter managed to get hold of Red 5 Studios' James MaCauley, also the Executive Producer for Firefall, for a short interview (not at ChinaJoy). Please note that this interview is translated from Chinese. Q: There are currently 3 Battleframes revealed. Is there any new one coming? A: Adding to the current list (Recon, Medic and Assault), there will be a new Battleframe revealed on 28th July at ChinaJoy. Q: Will larger PvP maps holding more people be added? 5 VS 5 maps seem to be small. A: Yes, there will be. 5 VS 5 maps will be the smallest PvP maps we have in Firefall. Larger PvP maps holding more players will be added and we are planing to implement a world map system to allow players from all over the world to join in (no idea what is this about). Q: If there are too many players in the same map at the same time, doesn't it mean more powerful systems are needed? What are the required specs for Firefall? A: Firefall is still in the development phase and no specs are being set yet. The minimal requirement at this stage is a GF9800 graphics card. Q: Other than PvP, what other features will players get to enjoy? A: We will be adding new modes to cater for single-players as well as gathering resources and more. Q: Will there me a mount or transport system in Firefall? A: We are currently developing the mount system, which will be added into the game soon. The official name for this system is not finalized yet. Q: With Firefall going to Free to Play with a cash shop, will this be the same for Korea? A: We will not be collecting fees for items which are regularly used and we are still observing the Korean online market's business models. Q: What kind of online game is Firefall exactly? A: We started development of the game as a FPS/TPS and long the way added in RPG and RTS elements. Even if people see it as a hybrid, we prefer to know Firefall as a FPS/TPS title. Q: We heard that Firefall will support real 3D technology. Is this news real? A: Yes, we are currently testing the 3D technology which will be available in Firefall. We are currently having some troubles with regards to optimizing the resolutions no matter the distance. Back to ChinaJoy, the company's USD 1 million statue is already at the convention hall and looking ready to stun the crowd. Be back in a few hours for more news as ChinaJoy 2011 kicks off! |
[ChinaJoy 2011] Preview - Dungeon Keeper Online Posted: 27 Jul 2011 09:45 AM PDT Originally directly translated as Dungeon Keeper World, the name was changed to Dungeon Keeper Online some weeks back. The game, developed jointly by NetDragon and Electronic Arts (EA), is currently in its official Closed Beta phase which will last till 15th August. Below are some photos taken while the stage is being set up at ChinaJoy 2011. If you have not read my previous posts (link), Dungeon Keeper Online retains the old dungeon building features, but added in a 3D RPG function as well, playing just like any other online MMOs (think World of Warcraft). Players will get to alternate between the dungeon and land modes, with this feature called "Dual Core" system. For example, players may gather materials or kill mobs for drops to be used in building and expanding their dungeon. When in the dungeon, players will be in a RTS mode. You can see this system in the trailer below. At ChinaJoy 2011, there is even merchandise on sale for the game!And yes that is a bolster you see. No, I am not kidding. I wonder when will I get to attend any gaming conventions... The game is set for an English release, which I posted before (link). The game is looking good, and I hope I get the chance to try it once Open Beta starts. Getting a Closed Beta key for China MMOs is a chore nowadays! Below are the previously released trailers for the game. Enjoy! |
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