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Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:35 PM PST - Get Karnataka Revenue Department Land Surveyor Syllabus & Village Clerk Exam Patten Here!!
- Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj M.Phil, B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, B.P.Ed, LL.B & Other UG/PG Results Here
- Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result 2020 [Released] | Bihar Police Cut Off Marks & Merit List Here
- Updated DAVV Result 2020 [Released] | M.A History, Economics & Other UG/PG Results @
- RGU Result 2020 [Released] | Download Latest UG & PG Semester Exam Results @
- Barkatullah University Result 2020 [Declared] | BU Bhopal BA LL B, BA BED, MA, M.Sc, LLB & Other Results Here
- WBPSC Admit Card 2020 – Download all West Bengal PSC Exam Hall Tickets
- SBI Apprentice Result 2020 [Declared] | State Bank of India Apprentice Marks, Cut Off & Merit List
- Jiwaji University Results 2020 [Declared] – M.PHARMA, B.ED. M.ED, B.SC, & Other UG/PG Exam Results
- BECIL Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 143 Surveyors, Programmer & Other Posts
Get Karnataka Revenue Department Land Surveyor Syllabus & Village Clerk Exam Patten Here!! Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:26 PM PST Karnataka Revenue Department Syllabus and Exam Pattern are given below. Check Karnataka Revenue Department Exam Syllabus pdf, Test Pattern, and exam date details from the following section. Aspirants can also download the Syllabus Pdf and Test Pattern using the download links available on the below page. Karnataka Revenue Department Syllabus & Exam Pattern | Karnataka Revenue Department Exam Syllabus & Pattern for the Village Accountant Post written examination is updated below. Personnel who have applied for the Government of Karnataka Revenue Department Village Accountant Jobs catch up on the syllabus & exam pattern details here. For the better preparation of the exam, we have provided the details required to crack it & garb the job.  Karnataka Revenue Department Village Accountant Syllabus | Organization Name | Revenue Department, Karnataka | Post Name | Village Accountant/ Clerk | No.of.Posts | 69 | Exam Date | Updated Soon | Category | Syllabus | Job Location | Karnataka | Official Website | | Karnataka Revenue Department Village Clerk Exam Pattern 2020 | Subject | Category | General English | Objective Type (Multiple Choice Questions) | Aptitude Test | General Knowledge | Reasoning | General Awareness | Syllabus for Revenue Department Karnataka Recruitment 2020 | General Awareness - Socioeconomic
- Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on Indian National Movement
- Indian Constitution
- Indian Political System
- Governance and Public Policy
- Logical Reasoning
- Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
- International Relations and Events
- Movement and formation of the Haryana state, Current Affairs – Regional, National, and International, Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts, and Literature of Haryana, Social and Economic Geography, Physical and Demography of Haryana, Environmental issues
- Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
English - Prepositions
- Transformation
- Fill in the blanks
- Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
- Sentence Completion
- Error Correction (Underlined Part)
- Substitution
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Passage Completion
- Sentence Arrangement
- Idioms and Phrases
- Active and Passive Voice
- Spotting Errors
- Spelling Test
- Joining Sentences
- Sentence Improvement
- Para Completion
Aptitude - Ratio and Proportion
- Simple Interest
- Probability
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Indices and Surds
- Mensuration
- Percentages
- Compound Interest
- Areas
- Time and Distance
- Problems on Trains
- Averages
- Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F
- Problems on Numbers
- Time and Work Partnership
- VolumesProfit and Loss
- Races and Games
- Mixtures and Allegations
- Odd Man Out
- Numbers and Ages
- Permutations and Combinations
- Simplification and Approximation
- Boats and Streams
- Simple Equations
- Quadratic Equations
Reasoning - Logical Reasoning
- Data Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
- Analytical Reasoning
- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- PuzzlesVerbal Reasoning
General Knowledge - Indian History
- Indian Economy
- Botany
- Famous Days & Dates
- Indian Parliament
- Chemistry
- Geography
- Zoology
- Environment
- Famous Books & Authors
- Sports
- Basic GK
- Inventions in the World
- Indian Politics
- Indian Culture
- Basic computers
- Physics
{DOWNLOAD: Karnataka Revenue Department Village Clerk Syllabus Pdf} Karnataka Revenue Department Land Surveyor Syllabus | Karnataka Revenue Department Syllabus Details are updated here. Check the Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details for the Land Surveyor Exam. With the help of below-given information make your exam preparation plan perfect to reduce the wastage of time in preparing the unwanted topics to qualify the Karnataka Revenue Department Exam. Get ready well and give your best in the written examination. Revenue Department of Karnataka Land Surveyor Exam Syllabus | Organization Name | Revenue Department, Karnataka | Post Name | Land Surveyor | No.of.Posts | 2072 | Exam Date | Updated Soon | Category | Syllabus | Job Location | Karnataka | Official Website | | Karnataka Revenue Department Land Surveyor Exam Pattern 2020 | Category | Subject | Marks | Duration | Paper-I | General knowledge | 200 | 02 Hours | Paper-II | Special Paper (Technical Subject) | 200 | 02 Hours | Paper-III | Kannada Language | 150 | – | Interview | 50 | – | Karnataka Revenue Department Exam Syllabus for Land Surveyor 2020 | General Knowledge - International & National Organizations
- Science & Technology
- Awards and Honors
- Indian Economy
- Indian History
- Countries & Capitals.
- Current Affairs – National & International
- Science & Technology
- Important Days
- General Science
- Books and Authors
- Indian National Movement
- General Polity
- Budget and Five Year Plans
- Abbreviations
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
- Sports
Technical Subject Arithmetic Number System - Permutations and Combinations
- Matrices
- Cubes and Cube Roots, Square and Square Roots
- Statistics
- HCF and LCM
- Sequence
- Set Theory
Algebra - Co-Ordinates Plane Geometry
- Multiplication for Algebraic Expressions
- Quadratic Equations
- Factorization and Algebraic Expressions
- HCM and LCM of Binomials and Trinomials
- Linear Equations
- Basics of Algebra
Geometry - Right Angles Triangle
- Concurrent Lines of Triangle
- Axioms and Postulates
- Polygons
- Areas
- Types of Quadrilaterals
- MidPoint Theorem
- Surface Areas and Volumes of Solids
- Cyclic Quadrilaterals
- Theorems on Triangles and Circles
- Circles
- Theorems
- Congruence of Triangles
- Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Theorems on Quadrilaterals
Physics - Electronics
- Electricity
- Dynamics
- Sound
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Light
- Gravitation
- Heat
- Magnetism
Geography - Maps
- Lithosphere
- Earth
- Physical Features of India
Kannada Language - Vocabulary
- Comprehension
- Translation of Sentences
- Fill in the Blanks
- Phrases/Muhavare
- Grammar
- Plural Forms etc
- Error Detection
- Essay Writing
{DOWNLOAD: Karnataka Revenue Department Land Surveyor Syllabus Pdf} | Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj M.Phil, B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, B.P.Ed, LL.B & Other UG/PG Results Here Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:23 PM PST Uniraj Result 2020 Released for M.Phil, M.A. LL.B., M.P.Ed, B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, B.P.Ed., and also various other Courses on 25th January 2020. This is good news for the candidates who are looking for the Uniraj Result. Here we are providing direct Rajasthan University Result link for M.Phil, M.Sc, M.A, MBA, MCA, B.A. L.L.B, Dual Degree, etc. Candidates can download the Uniraj Result from here and can attain their respective marks. Rajasthan University had declared the Uniraj Result on 17th December 2019 for various courses. The University of Rajasthan released Uniraj Results 2020 for all courses that are released. All the candidates who are seeking for the Uniraj UG and PG Result can get the Uniraj result name wise here. ![sarkariresult Uniraj Result 2020 [Declared] | Uniraj M.Phil, B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc, B.P.Ed, LL.B & Other UG/PG Results Here]( University of Rajasthan – Overview Description | Details | Name of the University | University of Rajasthan | Courses Offered | UG, PG Programme, Diploma, Ph.D. others | Established Year | 1948 | Category | Sarkari Results | Location | Jaipur, Rajasthan | Mode | Online | Official Site | | Rajasthan University Results 2020 Rajasthan University or Uniraj had recently declared the result of B.A, B.Ed, B.Sc Semester exams. Also, it had earlier declared M.A. M.Sc., B.Ed. M.Sc. B.A., LLM exam result. Candidates who had appeared for these courses can check their result/qualifying status as well as marks from below given link. We will update with recently released Uniraj University Results 2020 with a direct link. Just by clicking the Results link you will get the direct updated Uniraj Result New from this webpage. Check out the below section and get to know the recently Updated Uniraj Rajasthan University Exam Results 2020. Additionally, candidates can also get the Uniraj Admit card, Time table for upcoming sem Examination from this page. Latest Uniraj Result 2020-21 @ Name of the Examination | Release Date | Results Link | M.PHIL. SOUTH ASIA STUDIES II SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019) | 25-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. HISTORY I SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019) | 21-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION II SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019 | 18-01-2020 | Click Here | LL.B. I YEAR (SUPPL.) EXAM.-NOV. 2019 | 17-01-2020 | Click Here | LL.B. II YEAR (ACAD.) (SUPPL.) EXAM.-NOV. 2019 | 17-01-2020 | Click Here | LL.B. III YEAR (PROF.) (SUPPL.) EXAM.-NOV. 2019 | 17-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. B.Adm. II SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019) | 16-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. ENGLISH II SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019) | 16-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. SANSKRIT II SEMESTER EXAM.-2018 (HELD IN OCT. 2019) | 16-01-2020 | Click Here | B.A. B.Ed. PART-I (INTEGRATED COUSE) – 2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.A. B.Ed. PART-II (INTEGRATED COUSE) – 2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Ed. PART-I EXAM.-2019 | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Ed. PART-I EXAM.-2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Ed. PART-II EXAM.-2019 | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Ed. PART-II EXAM.-2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Sc. B.Ed. PART-I (INTEGRATED COUSE) – 2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | B.Sc. B.Ed. PART-II (INTEGRATED COUSE) – 2019 (Reval.) | 21-12-2019 | Click Here | M.A. (SOCIOLOGY) II-SEMESTER EXAM.MAY-2019 (Reval.) | 17-12-2019 | Click Here | Other Results | – | Click Here | How to Download Uniraj Result 2020? - Visit the official website of University of Rajasthan ie.
- Check out the Examination tab and go for the Results link.
- The Results page will open up.
- Check for the results you want to get.
- Click on the desired link, you will be directed to next page.
- Enter your Enrollment Number OR Serial Number
- The results will appear on the screen.
- Take the printout of the Uniraj Result until the official marks card is released by the Uniraj Board.
About the University of Rajasthan (Uniraj) College of Rajasthan is probably the most established college situated in Jaipur, Rajasthan. It is an open and state college associated with the University Grants Commission. Uniraj was once known as the University of Rajputana. It offers different courses at UG, PG and Ph.D. level. There are numerous orders like Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Fine expressions, Law, Management and so on. Competitors who are intrigued to think about Rajasthan University can wait for the confirmation warning. And then you can apply through online mode. Understudies who are intrigued to ponder in Rajasthan can pick this college for higher examinations. Applicants can allude to the notice and different subtleties in the legitimate site of the University of Rajasthan. The official site of Rajasthan University is Also, Check CSJM Kanpur University Results 2020 Raj University Results 2020 for Revaluation/ Supplementary Those students who have attended the regular examination under the University of Rajasthan and still failed. Here comes one more opportunity to clear the examination. To increase your scoring along with that students to fail in the previous examination will get a chance to clear through Revaluation Exams Uniraj Results. For each and every semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. The University of Rajasthan will take possibly more than seven days to process the test papers. Once the process gets completed the Rajasthan University Revaluation Results will be declared. Do stay updated with the University to know about the Revaluation Results. | Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result 2020 [Released] | Bihar Police Cut Off Marks & Merit List Here Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:17 PM PST Bihar Police Result 2020 is available for various Bihar Police vacancies. The candidates who attended the Bihar Police Exams can check the result. A huge number of Contenders attend for the Bihar Police Exams, the result page will be busy on the day of Results. So, here we provide you with a direct link to check the Bihar Police Result 2020. Also, we provide results in PDF. Furthermore, get other details like Exam Pattern, Cut Off Marks, Merit List in the sections below. Also, check the official website of Bihar Police for more detailed information about the Bihar Police Result 2020. Bihar Police Result 2020 Post/Exam Name | Result Date | Result link | Constable Driver | January 2020 Tentatively | Click Here | Sub Inspector and More | 28th January 2020 | Click Here | Excise Sub Inspector (SI) | 25th November 2019 | Click Here | Steno Assistant Sub Inspector | 25th November 2019 | Click Here | Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) | 22nd November 2019 | Click Here | Bihar Police Constable Driver Result 2020 @ Therefore, the Bihar Police Department is planning to release the CBSE Driver Result 2020 in February 2020 (Tentatively). The Bihar Police Department has commenced the CBSE Driver Examination for recruiting 98 vacancies of Constable Driver. All the Job Seekers attended the Bihar Police Constable Driver Examination on 29th December 2019. Aspirants are waiting for the Bihar Police Constable Driver Result 2020. This is the best place to get the Bihar Police Department Result 2020. Here on this page, we will update the direct link to get the Result and the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. Bihar Police Constable Driver Result 2020 ![sarkariresult Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result 2020 [Released] | Bihar Police Cut Off Marks & Merit List Here]( Description | Details | Organization Name | Bihar Police Department | Post Name | Constable Driver | No of vacancies | 98 Posts | Category | Sarkari Result | Exam Date | 29th December 2019 | Result Date | February 2020 (Tentatively) | Selection Process | Written Test, Physical Test, Interview | Job Location | Bihar | Official Website | | Bihar Police Constable Driver Result 2020 – Click Here | Bihar Police SI Result 2020 Released: The Officials of Bihar Police Department has released the Bihar Police SI Result on 28th January 2020. So the candidate who eagerly waiting to see their result can download their result from the below given direct link. Only the cleared candidate’s names have presented on the result. Based on the result the candidates will get placed for the required posts. So to get to know about the Bihar Police SI Result 2020 now, aspirants need to visit our website daily basis. Candidates can also get the Bihar Sub Inspector Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 from here. Bihar Police Sub Inspector Result 2020 Description | Details | Organization Name | Bihar Police Department | Post Name | Police Sub Inspector, Assitant Supredant, Sergeant | No of vacancies | 2446 | Category | Sarkari Result | Exam Date | 22nd December 2019 | Result Date | 28th January 2020 | Job Location | Bihar | Official Website | | Bihar Police SI Result 2020 – Click Here | Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2019 Released @ | CSBC Vanrakshak Cut Off Marks, Merit List: The Bihar Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) Result declared by the Bihar Police Department officials. The Bihar Police Forest Guard Examination 2019 was conducted on 16th June 2019. Most of the candidates have appeared for the examination and eagerly waiting for the Results. The Bihar Police Forest Guard Final Results 2019 announced on 22nd November 2019. Bihar Police Forest Guard Result 2019 Description | Details | Organization Name | Bihar Police Department | Post Name | Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) (Advt. No. 01/2019) | No of vacancies | 902 Posts | Category | Sarkari Result | Exam Date | 16th June 2019 | Result Date | 22nd November 2019 | Selection Process | Written Exam, PET/ PST/ Physical, Medical Check-Up | Job Location | Bihar | Official Website | | Bihar Police Forest Guard Final Result 2019 – Click Here | Bihar Police Excise Sub Inspector Final Result 2019 @ The Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission has announced the Bihar Police Excise Sub Inspector Final Result Cut Off Marks on 25th November 2019. Applicants who have appeared for the Excise Sub Inspector Posts can download Final Result Cut Off now. Here we have provided a direct link to access your Bihar Police Excise Sub Inspector Final Result Cut Off Marks 2019. Bihar Police Excise Sub Inspector Final Result 2019 Description | Details | Name of the Organization | Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission | Name of the Post | Excise Sub Inspector | No of Vacancies | 126 | Categories | Sarkari Result | Exam Date | August 2019 | Final Result Cutoff Marks | 25th November 2019 | Final Result Date | 25th October 2019 | Official Website | | BSSC Bihar Police Excise Sub-Inspector Final Result, Cut Off 2019 – Click Here BSSC Bihar Police Excise Sub-Inspector Final Result, Marks 2019- Click Here BSSC Bihar Police Sub Inspector Final Result 2019 – Click Here | Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Final Result: The Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission has recently uploaded the final result for the Post of Steno Assistant Sub Inspector on the 25th November 2019. Those who have appeared for this recruitment can check and download your Final Cut Off result from the below link, Along with this, applicants can check the complete details about Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Recruitment from the official website i.e, Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub Inspector Final Result 2019 Description | Details | Name of the Organization | Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission | Name of the Post | Steno Assistant Sub Inspector | No of Vacancies | 174 | Typing Test Result | 07th September 2019 | Final Result Release Date | 19th September 2019 | Final Cut off Marks | 25th November 2019 | Official Website | | Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub-Inspector Final Cut off Marks 2019- Click Here Bihar Police Steno Assistant Sub-Inspector Final Result 2019 – Click Here | Bihar Police Cut Off Marks 2020 The officials first release the cut off marks before the declaration of result. Hence, applicants, those who have dreamed of going to the further levels must acquire the Bihar Police Cut Off Mark 2020 for the post of Driver Constable, Fireman Driver. As cut off marks is the minimum qualifying marks contenders must score to get qualified for further rounds. However, the Bihar Police Cut off marks will be prepared by the examiners based on some aspects like - Previous Year cut off marks.
- Exam paper toughness.
- No of vacancies that are available
- Performance of the exam participants in the written exam.
Bihar Police Merit List 2020 As the exam was held for various posts lakhs of interested candidates have appeared for the exams. So the exam controllers will take some time to release the Bihar Police Merit List 2020. Moreover, the Bihar Police Exam Result 2020 is released by the Bihar Police Subordinate Service Commission officials and hence there can be no ambiguity. Follow some procedures given below to check your results. How to Download Bihar Police Exam Results 2020? - Initially, log on to the official website of Bihar Police Department @
- Now check for the new updates on the home page.
- Search for the Bihar Police Exam Result 2020 online link.
- Check whether it is the proper link or not.
- After confirming, enter the required details like name, hall ticket number, password, etc.
- Cross-check your details and click on the submit button.
- Now, Bihar Police Result 2020 will available on the screen.
- Check your result and take the print out of the result if necessary.
| Updated DAVV Result 2020 [Released] | M.A History, Economics & Other UG/PG Results @ Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:16 PM PST DAVV Result 2020 Released for M.A History, Economics, B.A.LLB, M.SC Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Maths and also Other Exams on the Official Website. Aspirants who are interested in downloading the DAVV Exam Results 2020 can check out the below section. Get the complete UG/PG Semester exam marks through result 2020. We advise the students to take the complete details regarding the DAVV online Results 2020 from our webpage. Students make use of this page to know all the DAVV time table, DAVV Admit Card, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyala DAVV Result 2020. Go through the entire article to get all the latest updates of DAVV University Results 2020. ![sarkariresult Updated DAVV Result 2020 [Released] | M.A History, Economics & Other UG/PG Results @]( Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya – Overview Description | Details | Name of the University | Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya | Courses Offered | Medical, Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Technology & Others | Established Year | 1964 | Category | Sarkari Results | Location | Madhya Pradesh | Mode | Online | Official Site | | DAVV Result 2020 @ देवी अहिल्या विश्वविधालय डीएवीवी परिणाम 2020 Announced. Therefore, students of Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya University its time to check out your DAVV Result 2020. Aspirants those who have attended the Annual and Semester Examination conducted by the Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya can check out the DAVV UG/PG Semester Exam Result 2020 provided on this page. Here, we have updated the recently released DAVV Results 2020 on this webpage now candidates can check out the Result through Online mode. Moreover, we have provided direct links to check the latest DAVV Results 2020 in the below section. Latest Updated DAVV Results 2020-21 Examination Name | Result Release Date | Result Link | M.A. HISTORY SEM.1 (MARK LIST) / (PASS LIST) | 27-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.PRE.HISTORY SEM.1 (PVT) (MARK LIST) / (PASS LIST) | 27-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. ECONOMICS SEM.1 (MARK LIST) / (PASS LIST) | 27-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.PRE.PUBLIC ADMN. SEM.1 (PVT)(MARK LIST) | 24-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. PUBLIC ADMN. SEM.1 (Reg.) (MARK LIST) | 24-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL BIO.CHEMISTRY (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL CHEMISTRY (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL MATHEMATICS (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.PRE.MILITARY SCIENCE SEM. 1 (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL PHARMA.CHEMISTRY (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | B.A.LLB (HONS.) SEM-4 (MARK LIST) | 21-01-2020 | Pass List | B.COM.PART I 3 YDC EXAM. (SUPP.) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.(H.SC.)SEM-3TEXTILE & CLOTHING (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.(H.SC.)SEM-3FOOD AND NUTRITION (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.(H.SC.)SEM-1FOOD AND NUTRITION (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.(H.SC.)SEM-3HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.(H.SC.)SEM-1HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.INDIAN MUSIC VOCAL SEM.1 (PVT)(MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.INDIAN MUSIC (VOCAL) SEM.1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.PRE. PSYCHOLOGY SEM.1 (PVT) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. PSYCHOLOGY SEM.1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. DRAWING & PAINTING SEM.1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. DRAWING & PAINTING SEM.1(PVT) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. PRE. URDU SEM.1 (PVT) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A. URDU SEM.1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | MA-YOGA SEM-I (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.A.FINAL ECONOMICS SEM. 3 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL MICROBIOLOGY (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.PRE.MICROBIOLOGY SEM. 1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL PHYSICS (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC. PRE. PHYSICS SEM. 1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL BOTANY (SEM3) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.FINAL ZOOLOGY (SEM3)(MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC. PRE-ZOOLOGY SEM. 1 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.COM.FINAL SEM-4 MAY-JUN 19 (PVT.) (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | M.COM.FINAL SEM-4 MAY-JUN 19 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | B. ED. EXAMINATION SEM. 1 (OLD) MAY-2019 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | B. ED. EXAMINATION SEM. 1 MAY-2019 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | B. ED. EXAMINATION SEM. 4 JUL-2019 (MARK LIST) | 20-01-2020 | Pass List | B.A.LLB (HONS.) SEM-2 JULY-2019 (MARK LIST) | 18-01-2020 | Pass List | M.SC.PRE.SEED TECHNOLOGY SEM. 1 (MARK LIST) | 17-01-2020 | Pass List | Online Results | – | Click Here | Other Results | – | Click Here | Courses Offered by Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya - MBA/PGDM
- B.Com
- B.E. / B.Tech
- M.Sc.
- B.Sc.
- B.A. LL.B.
- B.M.C.
- M.A.
- B.A.
- M.E./M.Tech
- LL.B.
- B.Com (Hons)
- B.J.
- Executive MBA/PGDM
- M.M.C.
- B.Lib.I.Sc.
- LL.M.
- M.Com
- M.Lib.I.Sc.
- Ph.D.
Also, Check Mumbai University Results 2020 How to Download the DAVV Result 2020? - Visit the official website of Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya i.e
- On the home page, you will find the results tab and click on the results.
- In the result page, you can find the results for various courses.
- Click on the result link for which course you want to check.
- The results will appear on the screen.
- Take the printout of the DAVV Result until the official marks card is released by the DAVV Board.
About Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya is a State University whose jurisdiction was initially restricted to Indore city. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya formerly the University of Indore was established in 1964 by an Act of Legislature of Madhya Pradesh. It regulates all the schools within the three campuses. There are many other colleges affiliated to the university in Indore. The university has more than 300 affiliated colleges imparting education at undergraduate and post-graduate levels in basic and professional disciplines. It has 9000 students on campus and a total of over 300,000 students in affiliated colleges. DAVV Supply/Revaluation Results Students have a chance to apply for the revaluation, if the students may get low marks in the examination, they can apply for the DAVV Revaluation Results. So again the head of the Examiner will review the answer paper. After revaluation, students may get high marks. Still, if anyone got low marks, they can apply for the Supplementary Examinations. For Revaluation/Supplementary, students should pay the fee. Students can get all the results from this page Regular, Revaluation and Supplementary Results. Moreover, Students of Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyala University, Indore can also get the MBA Results Also. Just we are advising the Students to frequently visit this page to get the latest updated DAVV Result 2020. | RGU Result 2020 [Released] | Download Latest UG & PG Semester Exam Results @ Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:56 PM PST RGU Result 2020 Declared: Dear Students !!! It’s the right time to check your results from here. Rajiv Gandhi University has declared the results for various Courses, anyone can check the results on the official website. Students can check the RGU Results here. Here we have provided a direct link to download and verify the RGU Result from the below table. The University has published the results of Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Regular, Supplementary Students. Students can check the results from here at any time. Check the complete detail of Rajiv Gandhi University Result on the official website i.e, ![sarkariresult RGU Result 2020 [Released] | Download Latest UG & PG Semester Exam Results @]( Rajiv Gandhi University – Overview Description | Details | Name of the University | Rajiv Gandhi University | Courses Offered | Science, Engineering, Management, and others | Established Year | 1997 | Category | Sarkari Results | Location | Punjab | Mode | Online | Official Site | | Latest RGU UG/PG Exam Results 2020 Available Here Rajiv Gandhi University Results 2020 @ The University has declared the results of some courses. And the results of the remaining courses will be declared very soon by the University and will be uploaded on the website. Students Can Check University Website Regularly for know about RGU Results 2020. Currently, RGU announces the results for UG/PG Semester Examination conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University. Students can check their results from the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University. By using the enrollment number, Students can view their results online. All affiliated colleges students can check results from the Rajiv Gandhi University official web portal. Students can check the below table for the Rajiv Gandhi University Results 2020. Latest Updated RGU Exam Results 2020 Name of the Exam | Download Link | UG Examination Results | BHMS I & III Year Supplementary Exam results-held in the month of Dec 2019 | Click Here | LLB-VI Sem Results (New and Old Course) held in the month of November 2019 | Click Here | Re-checking LLB & BALLB II, IV, VI, VIII Semester Examination held in the month of June’ 2019 | Click Here | Re-Checking BHMS III Year Examination held in May’ 2019 | Click Here | BA LLB IX Sem (5 Year Course) -LLB V sem (3 Year Old Course and LLB V sem 3 year New Course | Click Here | LLB and BA LLB result held in the month of June/July 2019 | Click Here | MBBS 1st Year Supplementary Exam Result | Click Here | BHMS Results III & IV Year | Click Here | Re-checking Results B.Com II, IV & VI semester | Click Here | Re-checking Results BA II, IV & VI semester | Click Here | Re-checking Results BA II, IV & VI Semester – held in May/ June 2019 | Click Here | Re-checking Result: II & IV Sem Exam held in May/June 2019 (B. Sc Geology/ Fine Arts/ Music/ Social Work/BA) | Click Here | BA VI Sem Exam held in May/June 2019 | Click Here | Top Ten result BA VI semester-held in the month of May/June 2019 | Click Here | Supplementary Exam March/ April 2019 Result – B.Sc Nursing 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year | Click Here | BA III Year IDE Results-Exam held in the month of May 2019 | Click Here | BA II Year IDE Results-Exam held in the month of May 2019 | Click Here | BA IV sem-IGGC and DBC | Click Here | PG Examination Results | III Sem – M.Com/ B.Ed and I Sem – MA (Economics)/ DCA/ PGD in Geoinformatics/ Ph.D Course Work (Physical Education, CSE, Botany, Hindi)/ MSc (Chemistry, Botany)/ M.Phil (Hindi & Botany) | Click Here | B.P Ed I-MA Psychology I MA Commerce I MBA I M. Tech CSE I MCA I, III & V BCA I III & V PGDYTE I PGDBI I Ph.D. Management & Social Work Course Work M.Sc Physics III Ph.D. Chemistry Course work -Exam held in the month of Dec 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil III Sem (Geography) Examination Results held in May 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil III Sem (Political Science & AITS) Examination Results held in May 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil III Sem (Hindi/ Commerce) Examination Results held in May 2019 | Click Here | (M.Phil- Anthropology/Economics/Sociology/History) & PGDFH II Semester held in the month of May 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil III Sem (Mass Communication/ Mathematics) Examination Results held in May/ June 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil II & IV Semester (Anthropology/ Commerce/ Mass Communication/ Sociology/ Political Science) – May/ June 2019 | Click Here | M.Phil Result-II sem Mass Communication | Click Here | Corrigendum-the over-all topper-PGD in Tourism Management & B.Ed. IV semester | Click Here | CORRIGENDUM – MA HINDI IV semester examinations held in the month May/June 2019 | Click Here | B. ED II semester Rechecking Result held on May/June 2019 | Click Here | CORRIGENDUM – Over-all Topper/Rank holder Master of Social Work IV semester | Click Here | PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy Education (PGDYTE) II Semester Exam May 2019 | Click Here | MA Final Year IDE – held in May/June 2019 | Click Here | MA Previous Year IDE Held in the month of May/June 2019 | Click Here | Corrigendum – B.Ed IV Sem Special Education & MA Education IV Sem | Click Here | Other Results | Click Here | How to Download RGU Results 2020? - Visit the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University i.e
- In the home page, you will find the Academics in the bottom of the page
- Then click on the results, and a new page will be open
- In the result page, should select UG /PG Results
- Finally, we can click the appropriate results and download it
- The results will appear on the screen.
- Take the printout of the result until the official marks card is released by the RGU Board.
Also, Check TMBU Results 2020 About Rajiv Gandhi University Rajiv Gandhi University is Central University, known as Arunachal University, established in 1984, is the oldest university in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Rajiv Gandhi University has been a Central University under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India since 9 April 2007. Rajiv Gandhi University, formerly known as Arunachal University, was established by the state government of Arunachal Pradesh, in 1984. In 2005 the same has been renamed as Rajiv Gandhi University. RGU Supply/Revaluation Results Students have a chance to apply for the revaluation, if the students may get low marks in the examination, they can apply for the RGU Revaluation Results. So again the head of the Examiner will review the answer paper. After revaluation, students may get high marks. Still, if anyone got low marks, they can apply for the Supplementary Examinations. For Revaluation/Supplementary, students should pay the fee. Students can get all the results from this page Regular, Revaluation and Supplementary Results. Students of the Rajiv Gandhi University can also get all Results Also. Just we are advising the Students to frequently visit this page to get the latest updates of all RGU Revaluation Exam Results 2020. | Barkatullah University Result 2020 [Declared] | BU Bhopal BA LL B, BA BED, MA, M.Sc, LLB & Other Results Here Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST BU Bhopal Result 2020 [Released]: Dear Students !!! Barkatullah University released UG and PG Semester Exam Results on 27th January 2020. Get the latest update about the Barkatullah University Results for all the Under Graduate and Post Graduate Degree Courses. Latest Barkatullah University Results 2020 released for all the Bachelor and Master Degree Semester Examinations @ Students can get the Live and Upcoming Updates of BU Bhopal Online Result 2020 Available Here. ![sarkariresult Barkatullah University Result 2020 [Declared] | BU Bhopal BA LL B, BA BED, MA, M.Sc, LLB & Other Results Here]( Barkatullah University – Overview Description | Details | Name of the University | Barkatullah University | Courses Offered | B.Tech, BA, BCA, BBA, MCA, MBA & Others | Established Year | 1970 | Category | Sarkari Results | Location | Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh | Mode | Online | Official Site | | BU Bhopal Results 2020-21 @ Students those who are doing their UG, PG and Diploma Courses under the Barkatullah University its time to check out your exam results. Barkatullah University has released the BU Bhopal Result for UG and PG semester wise exam results on 27th January 2020. Students just click on the Result link to download the BU Bhopal Results. Once the examination results are out by Bhopal University, students can check out our webpage to gather BU Bhopal Results 2020. We provide you with the direct link to download the BU Bhopal Results without any hurdles. Scroll the entire article to gather more detailed information about the latest updated Barkatullah University Bhopal Result 2020-21 Here. Latest Updated BU Bhopal Results 2020 Examination Name | Release Date | Results Link | BA LL B HONS PART I SEM I | 27-01-2020 | Download | BA BED SEMESTER 7 | 27-01-2020 | Download | BSC BED SEMESTER 7 | 27-01-2020 | Download | MSC CHEMISTRY I SEMESTER CBCS | 27-01-2020 | Download | B.PHARMACY SEMESTER V 4YRS | 27-01-2020 | Download | MASTER OF PHARMACY PHARMACEUTICS I SEMESTER | 27-01-2020 | Download | LL M PART I SEM I | 27-01-2020 | Download | MSC IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS YOGIC SCIENCE SEM I CBCS | 27-01-2020 | Download | MA IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS YOGIC SCIENCE SEM I CBCS | 27-01-2020 | Download | BEDMEDRIE INTEGRATED COURSE SEMESTER I | 24-01-2020 | Download | MA SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER 1 REGULAR | 24-01-2020 | Download | BSC BED SEMESTER 5 | 23-01-2020 | Download | BA BED SEMESTER 5 | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA POLITICAL SCIENCE SEMESTER I PRIVATE | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA POLITICAL SCIENCE SEMESTER 1 REGULAR | 23-01-2020 | Download | BSC HOME SCIENCE FIRST YEAR REGULAR | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA HISTORY SEMESTER I REGULAR | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA HISTORY SEMESTER 1 PRIVATE | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA ECONOMICS SEMESTER 1 REGULAR | 23-01-2020 | Download | BEDMEDRIE INTEGRATED COURSE SEMESTER III | 23-01-2020 | Download | BED2 YEAR COURSE RIE SEMESTER III | 23-01-2020 | Download | MA HINDI SEMESTER 3 REGULAR | 20-01-2020 | Download | Other Results | – | Click Here | How to Download BU Bhopal Result 2020? - Firstly, go to the Barkatullah University Official Site at
- On the homepage, find the Online Result tab.
- Click on the tab and a new page opens up.
- Check out the result you want for and click on it.
- A new Result page will open up.
- Now Enter your Roll Number and hit on the search for results.
- Within a few minutes, your BU Bhopal Results appear on the screen.
- Students can take a print out of the Sarkari Result BU Bhopal for future reference.
Also, Check GGSIPU Results 2020 About Barkatullah University Barkatullah University was established in 1970 as Bhopal University is a public university situated at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. In the year 1988, it was renamed in as Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya after the name of freedom fighter Prof. Barkatullah who belongs to the state of Madhya Pradesh. University campus covers an area of nearly 400 acres that include academic buildings, residential buildings, and other necessary infrastructure. University is focused on interdisciplinary teaching and research. The funding of university is done by the Government of MP and the Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya has a residential campus and serves as an affiliating university for 494 colleges in 7 other districts of Madhya Pradesh. Apart from Bhopal, it has affiliated colleges in Vidisha, Raisen, Betul, Hoshangabad, Harda, and Rajgarh. BU Bhopal Revaluation Results 2020-21 Those students who have attended the regular examination under Barkatullah University and still failed. Here comes one more opportunity to clear the examination. To increase your scoring along with those students who have failed in the previous examination will get a chance to clear through Revaluation Exams at Barkatullah University Bhopal Results. For every semester examination conducted by the Barkatullah Bhopal University, Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. The University will take a week or more to process the exam papers to announce the Revaluation results. Do stay updated with this page to know about the BU Bhopal Revaluation Result 2020. | WBPSC Admit Card 2020 – Download all West Bengal PSC Exam Hall Tickets Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:40 PM PST WBPSC Admit Card 2020 for various West Bengal Public Service Commission Recruitment direct download links are updated here. Applicants who had applied for the WBPSC vacancies can make use of this page and download WBPSC Exam Admit Card 2020. Candidates can also visit the official website of West Bengal PSC for details regarding the hall tickets. WBPSC Admit Card 2020 Candidates who are looking for WBPSC hall ticket online download link can find here. The direct download links for West Bengal PSC written exam, interview, and document verification are listed below. To make it easy for the visitors we have given the vacancy wise details in the table below. Hence, check the details and click on the respective link to download the WBPSC Admit Card 2020. Interested aspirants can visit the official page. WBPSC Exam Admit Card Details 2020 WBPSC Principal Admit Card 2020 The West Bengal Public Service Commission will release the admit card for the post of 38 Principals on January 2020. Thus, the admit card will be available at the bottom of the table for download. Therefore, Aspirants are suggested to get the WBPSC Principal Admit Card after its release. Moreover, the exam commencement is in the month of January 2020. Description | Details | Post Name | Principal | Vacancy Count | 38 | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Admit Card Date | January 2020 (Expected) | WBPSC Exam Date | January/ February 2020 (Tentative) | Official Website | | WBPSC Principal Hall Ticket 2020 – Download | WBPSC Civil Services Admit Card 2020 The West Bengal Public Service Commission has issued the admit card for the post of Civil Services (Executives) on 27th January 2020. Therefore, the hall ticket is now available to download at the bottom of the section. Moreover, the commission has decided to conduct the exam on 09th February 2020. Description | Details | Post Name | Civil Services (Exe) | Vacancy Count | Various | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Admit Card Date | 27th January 2020 | WBPSC Exam Date | 09th February 2020 | Official Website | | WBPSC Civil Services (Exe) Admit Card 2020 – Download  | WBPSC Clerk Admit Card 2020 Candidates can download the admit card for the post of Clerk on its official website on 20th January 2020. Therefore, Aspirants are suggested to download the admit card from the below table. Hence, the Clerk exam will be held on 25th January 2020. Description | Details | Post Name | Clerk | Vacancy Count | Various | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Admit Card Date | 20th January 2020 | WBPSC Exam Date | 25th January 2020 | Official Website | | WBPSC Clerk Admit Card 2020 – Download  | WBPSC Works Accountant Admit Card 2020 Download the WBPSC Admit Card on 10th January 2020. Thus, the admit card is now available at the bottom of the table to download. Make sure to get the hall ticket before the exam date i.e. 11th January 2020. Hence, the West Bengal Public Service Commission will issue the admit card to the successful applicants of Works Accountant on its official portal. Description | Details | Post Name | Works Accountant | Vacancy Count | 200 | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Exam Date | 11th January 2020 | Official Website | | WBPSC Works Accountant Admit Card 2020 – Download | WBPSC Audit & Accounts Admit Card 2020 The West Bengal Public Service Commission is going to conduct the examination from 20th to 26th February 2020. So, the commission is going to issue the admit card on 03rd February 2020. Thus, the exam appearing candidates can download the WBPSC Admit Card from the bottom of the section. Description | Details | Post Name | Audit & Accounts | Vacancy Count | Various | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Exam Date | 20th to 26th February 2020 | Official Website | | WBPSC Audit & Accounts Hall Ticket 2020 – Download | Industrial Development Officer & Clinical Instructor The West Bengal Public Service Commission is going to conduct the examination from 22nd December 2019 & 29th December 2019. So, the commission is going to issue the admit card on 12th December & 19th December 2019, for different posts. Thus, the exam appearing candidates can download the WBPSC Admit Card from the bottom of the section. Description | Details | Post Name | Industrial Development Officer & Clinical Instructor | Vacancy Count | 129 | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Exam Date | 22nd December 2019 & 29th December 2019 | Official Website | | WBPSC Development Officer & Clinical Instructor Hall Ticket 2019 – Download | WBPSC Admit Card 2020 – Lecturer Download the admit card for the Lecturer exam from now onwards. Here is the direct link to download the WBPSC Admit Card 2020. Hence, the WBPSC Lecturer Admit Card has been issued on 31st December 2019. Get the exam date after printing the hall ticket. Make sure to download it soon to avoid the last time rush. Description | Details | Post Name | Lecturer | Vacancy Count | 598 | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Exam Date | Available on Admit Card | Official Website | | WBPSC Lecturer Hall Ticket 2020 – Download  | WBPSC Admit Card 2020 – Assistant Professor West Bengal Public Service Commission is allowing to applicants of assistant professor vacancies to download admit card. Hence, find the links for West Bengal PSC Asst Prof exam admit card below and download it today. Aspirants need to enter the login details to download the hall ticket. Description | Details | Post Name | Assistant Professor | Vacancy Count | Various | Category | Admit Card | WBPSC Exam Date | 19th January 2020 | Official Website | | WBPSC Assist Professor Admit Card 2020 – Download | | SBI Apprentice Result 2020 [Declared] | State Bank of India Apprentice Marks, Cut Off & Merit List Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:21 PM PST SBI Result 2020 Released @ Check the Provisionally Selected SBI Trade Apprentice Candidates List here. Here, we will help you to find the SBI Trade Apprentice Result 2020. The State Bank of India (SBI) has released the Trade Apprentice Final Result on 15th November 2019. Now, the officials have announced the SBI Apprentice Marks on 27th January 2020. So, all the Candidates can check and download the SBI Results, Cutoff Marks, and Merit List 2020 from this page. ![sarkariresult SBI Apprentice Result 2020 [Declared] | State Bank of India Apprentice Marks, Cut Off & Merit List]( SBI Result 2020 – Download Here The Officials of State Bank of India has announced the Trade Apprentice Result for various regions. The Board Authority of State Bank of India has released the SBI Trade Apprentice Marks on 27th January 2020. Now all those candidates are looking for the result, here any one can find the SBI Trade Apprentice Result. We have provided a direct link to check and download the SBI Apprentice Result and Marks 2020. As well as candidates can get your Cutoff Marks and Merit List from the below link. State Bank of India Apprentice Result 2020 – Overview Description | Details | Organization Name | State Bank of India (SBI) | Post Name | Trade Apprentice | Number Of Vacancies | 700 | Category | Sarkari Results | Exam Date | 23rd October 2019 | Final Result Release Date | 14th November 2019 | SBI Apprentice Marks Release Date | 27th January 2020 | Location | Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh | Official Website | | Aspirants can know the information about the results, cut off marks, and merit list here. To check results candidates should have their roll number along with them. The State Bank of India has released the Apprentice Marks based on the performance of the candidates. Candidates can get a direct link for the SBI Clerk Result 2020 here. The Roll Numbers of Provisionally Selected Candidates list has been announced. SBI Apprentice Cut off Marks 2020 All the aspirants can have detailed information about SBI Cut off Marks 2020. The SBI Board has not yet released the exact cutoff marks. The higher authority of State Bank of India will be releasing the SBI Trade Apprentice Cut off Marks 2020 according to the categories of the aspirants SC, ST, BC, OC. The candidates should know the cutoff marks before appearing in the examination to score high marks. The board will soon announce the cutoff marks in their official web page. SBI Trade Apprentice Merit List 2020 Generally, the Merit List will be released after the announcement of the results by the authority. The contenders who score maximum marks in all the sections will be listed on the merit list. Here you can check and download your merit list from this page. By using the roll number can access the SBI Trade Apprentice Merit List 2020. Aspirants with maximum score in the Main exam will be shortlisted for the next round that is Interview according to the Merit List. In the upcoming section, we have given the stepwise procedure to check the SBI Trade Apprentice Result 2020. How to Download the SBI Trade Apprentice Result 2020? - Visit the official website of the State Bank of India @
- The homepage of the SBI, Click on the Careers section.
- A new page will open, scroll down the page and click on the Recruitment Results section
- Search for the link related to SBI Trade Apprentice Result 2020.
- The Roll Numbers of Provisionally Selected Candidates list will display on your screen
- Check and download the SBI Trade Apprentice 2020 Result.
Direct Links to Download SBI Result 2020 You May Check With This: | Jiwaji University Results 2020 [Declared] – M.PHARMA, B.ED. M.ED, B.SC, & Other UG/PG Exam Results Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:14 PM PST Jiwaji University Results 2020 Released @ Therefore, Jiwaji University has announced the M.PHARMA, B.ED. M.ED, B.SC, & Other Results and other UG/PG Results. Jiwaji University has conducted the UG and PG Semester Examination. Those candidates who have appeared for the semester examination of Jiwaji University can check out the Exam Results from the below section. Students can download the Jiwaji University Gwalior Results 2020 from the below section. Also, get the Jiwaji University New Updates right here on this webpage. ![sarkariresult Jiwaji University Results 2020 [Declared] M.PHARMA, B.ED. M.ED, B.SC, & Other UG/PG Exam Results]( Jiwaji University – Overview Description | Details | Name of the University | Jiwaji University | Courses Offered | BA, B.Sc,, BCA, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, Ph.D, M.Phil & Others | Established Year | 1964 | Category | Sarkari Results | Location | Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh | Mode of Results | Online | Official Site | | Jiwaji University Results 2020 @ Check out the updated semester exam results for all M.PHARMA, B.ED. M.ED, B.SC, & Other Courses Offered by the Jiwaji University. Our webpage will provide you with all the updated information about the results as soon as it is updated on the main page. We have gathered and updated the results links which will direct you to the result page of Jiwaji University. Students can check out the Jiwaji University Results 2020 through Online. Students can take a print out of Jiwaji University Results for future verification. Follow this page to know more updates regarding the Jiwaji Result 2020. Latest Updated Jiwaji University Results 2020-21 Examination Name | Release Date | Download Link | M.PHARMA. (PHARMACEUTICS) SEM-1 (ATKT) (CBCS) EXAM. DEC.2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHARMA. (PHARMACEUTICS) SEM-3 (ATKT) (CBCS) EXAM. DEC.2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | B.ED. M.ED. SEM-5 EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | B.SC. 1ST YEAR PVT-SUPP. EXAM MAR-2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | M.J.M.C. SEM-1 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC.-2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | P.G. DIPLOMA IN MUSEOLOGY SEM-1 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 27-01-2020 | Click Here | M.SC. (PHYSICS) SEM-2 (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE 2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | M.A. HINDI SEM-1 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | M.A. SANSKRIT SEM-1 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | B.E. (COMPUTER SCIENCE) SEM-1 (ATKT) EXAM. JUNE 2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | B.E. (CHEMICAL) SEM-2 EXAM. JUNE-2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | B.E. (COMPUER SCIENCE) SEM-2 EXAM. JUNE- 2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | B.E. (ELECTRONICS) SEM-2 EXAM. JUNE-2019 | 24-01-2020 | Click Here | B.P.ED. SEM-2 EXAM.JUNE-2019 | 23-01-2020 | Click Here | B.P.ED.SEM-4 EXAM.JUNE-2019 | 23-01-2020 | Click Here | M.P.ED. SEM-2 EXAM.JUNE-2019 | 23-01-2020 | Click Here | M.LIB. & INFO.SC SEM-2 REGULAR EXAM JUNE-2019 | 23-01-2020 | Click Here | M.B.A. BUSINESS ECONOMICS SEM-1 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 23-01-2020 | Click Here | Retotaling Result | 20-01-2020 | Click Here | B.ED.M.ED. SEM-2 EXAM.JUNE-2019 | 20-01-2020 | Click Here | B.PHARMA SEM-3 (ATKT) (CBCS) EXAM. JUNE 2019 | 20-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORK (FIRST YEAR) EXAM. MAR-APR. 2019 | 20-01-2020 | Click Here | M.PHIL. (PHYSICS) SEM-2 (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2019 | 20-01-2020 | Click Here | Online Results | – | Click Here | Other Exam Results | – | Click Here | How to Download Jiwaji University Results 2020? - Visit the Official Website of Jiwaji University
- Check out for the Exam Results tab at the bottom of the page.
- A new page opens with various links.
- Check out for the required link you want for & a new page opens up.
- Select the required details asked on the page.
- Click on the Submit button.
- Within a few minutes, you will get the required results.
- Students can now download OR take a screenshot for future use.
Also, Check Durg University Results 2020 About Jiwaji University Jiwaji University Gwalior is started on 23rd May 1964. Ist established through M.P. Govt. Ordinance no. 15 of 1963. This was a generous contribution of the Scindia family, in particular, Kailashwasi Maharaja Shrimant Jiwaji Rao Scindia and late Rajmata Shrimati Vijayaraje Scindia. The institution was christened after the name of Kailashwasi Shrimant Jiwajirao Scindia as a standing memorial to his persona. The motto of the university in its logo Vidyaya Prapyate Tejah. It is now almost forty-seven years. University has witnessed a logarithmic phase of growth. It has also seen the strides that can parallel to any other national/ international academic institutions. The university fraternity has contributed with full strength for the growth of this institution which is flourishing and fragrancing in the tough terrain of Chambal and Gwalior region and promoting higher education for the better quality of life of the people. Jiwaji University Supplementary/Revaluation Results 2020 Those students who have attended the regular examination under Jiwaji University and still failed. Here comes one more opportunity to clear the examination. To increase your scoring along with that students to fail in the previous examination will get a chance to clear through Jiwaji University Revaluation Results. For every semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. Jiwaji University will take a week or more to process the exam papers to announce the Revaluation results. Do stay updated with the University to know about the Revaluation Results. | BECIL Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 143 Surveyors, Programmer & Other Posts Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:13 PM PST BECIL Recruitment 2020 BECIL Surveyor Jobs 2020: Apply Offline | 77 Surveyors, Programmer Posts | Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has released a Job Notification for 77 Vacancies on BECIL Careers. These 77 Vacancies are allotted for Surveyors, Programmer Jobs. Interested candidates can make use of this opportunity and start applying from 27th January 2020. Candidates make a note, the last date to apply for BECIL Jobs is 17th February 2020. Candidates can download the application form from the below link and send the duly filled application to the prescribed postal address. BECIL Recruitment 2020 Applications will be accepted only in the Offline mode. Before applying, a candidate must check if s/he is eligible for BECIL Jobs. The candidates can check eligibility using the details given below. They can also refer to the BECIL notification using the link below. Before the last date, applicants can start applying for the BECIL Recruitment 2020. Start applying today!! ALL THE BEST!! Overview of BECIL Jobs 2020 Name of the Organization | Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited | Number of Vacancies | 77 | Name of Post | Surveyors, Programmer | Application process | Offline Mode | Starting date of application | 27th January 2020 | Closing date of application | 17th February 2020 | Job Category | Central Government Jobs | Job Location | Noida, Uttar Pradesh | Official Website | | Details of BECIL Vacancy 2020-21: The details of the vacancy as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2020 is as below Name of the Post | Number of Posts | Surveyors | 75 | Programmer | 02 | Total | 77 | Eligibility Criteria for BECIL Surveyor Recruitment 2020 Candidates interested in BECIL Careers can check their eligibility with the details below to apply. Job seekers who are looking for a career in Noida – Uttar Pradesh Government can make use of this opportunity. Academic Qualification: Name of the Post | Education Qualification | Surveyors | Diploma or Two Years National Trade Certificate in surveying from a recognized institute or equivalent and two years' experience in survey work | Programmer | Engineering Degree in Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Electronics from a recognized university by Engineering Institute OR Master Degree in Computer Science/Computer Application | Refer to the BECIL notification for more details. Age Limit: - Surveyors & Programmer – should not be more than 30 Years
Selection Process: - Written Test
- Interview
- Document Verification
BECIL Vacancy 2020 Salary Details: Name of the Post | Pay Scale | Surveyors | Rs.19000/- | Programmer | Rs.31,000/ | BECIL Online Application Fee: - General/ OBC Candidates – Rs. 500/-
- SC/ ST Candidates – Rs. 250/-
How to apply for BECIL Jobs 2020? - Visit the Official website @
- Click on Careers
- Click on Vacancies
- Find the advertisement for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Surveyor
- Read it carefully and make sure you are eligible
- Pay the application fee, as applicable
- Download the Application form pdf
- Fill in all the details correctly
- Submit the application form to the following Registered Postal address on or before the last date, i.e., 17th February 2020
Postal Address: Deputy General Manager (HR) in BECIL's Corporate Office BECIL Bhawan, C – 56/A – 17, Sector – 62, Noida – 201307 (U.P). Important Links for BECIL Recruitment 2020-21: BECIL Recruitment 2020: Apply Online for 66 Medical Officer Posts at Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has released a Job Notification for 66 Vacancies on BECIL Careers. The 66 Vacancies are allotted for Medical Officer. Interested candidates can make use of this opportunity and start applying from 16th January 2020. Candidates make a note, the last date to apply for BECIL Jobs is 31st January 2020. Applications will be accepted only in the Online mode. BECIL Medical Officer Recruitment 2020-21 Before applying, a candidate must check if s/he is eligible for BECIL Jobs. The candidates can check eligibility using the details given below. They can also refer to the BECIL notification using the link below. Apply now for BECIL Recruitment 2020. Start applying today!! ALL THE BEST!! Overview of BECIL Jobs 2020 Name of the Organization | Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited | Number of Vacancies | 66 | Name of Post | Medical Officer | Starting date of application | 14th January 2020 | Closing date of application | 31st January 2020 | Job Category | Central Government Jobs | Job Location | Noida, Uttar Pradesh | Application process | Offline Application | Official Website | | Details of BECIL Vacancy 2020-21: The details of the vacancy as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2020 is as below Name of the Post | Number of Posts | Medical Officer (Ayurveda) | 7 | Panchakarma Vaidya | 2 | Assistant Library Officer | 1 | Physiotherapist | 1 | Staff Nurse | 17 | Dresser | 2 | Ward Attendant | 13 | Operation Theatre Nurse | 4 | Mid Wife | 4 | Museum Keeper | 1 | Workers | 6 | Panchakarma Technician | 8 | Total | 66 | Eligibility Criteria for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Candidates interested in BECIL Careers can check their eligibility with the details below to apply. Academic Qualification: Name of the Post | Education Qualification | Medical Officer (Ayurveda) | MD Ayurveda | Panchakarma Vaidya | MD Panchakarma | Assistant Library Officer | MLib | Physiotherapist | BPT Degree | Staff Nurse | BSc Nursing | Dresser | 10th Pass | Ward Attendant | 8th Pass | Operation Theatre Nurse | BSc Nursing | Mid Wife | BSc Nursing | Museum Keeper | Degree | Workers | 12th Pass/ DPharma | Panchakarma Technician | 10th Pass | Refer to the BECIL notification for more details. Age Limit: Name of the Post | Maximum Age | Medical Officer (Ayurveda) | 40 Years | Panchakarma Vaidya | 40 Years | Assistant Library Officer | 30 Years | Physiotherapist | 30 Years | Staff Nurse | 30 Years | Dresser | 30 Years | Ward Attendant | 30 Years | Operation Theatre Nurse | 30 Years | Mid Wife | 30 Years | Museum Keeper | 30 Years | Workers | 32 Years | Panchakarma Technician | 30 Years | Selection Process: - Written Test
- Interview
- Document Verification
Pay Scale for BECIL Recruitment 2020: Name of the Post | Salary | Medical Officer (Ayurveda) | Rs. 50,000/- | Panchakarma Vaidya | Rs. 50,000/- | Assistant Library Officer | Rs. 35,000/- | Physiotherapist | Rs. 30,000/- | Staff Nurse | Rs. 25,000/- | Dresser | Rs. 16,000/- | Ward Attendant | Rs. 14,842/- | Operation Theatre Nurse | Rs. 25,000/- | Mid Wife | Rs. 25,000/- | Museum Keeper | Rs. 24,000/- | Workers | Rs. 17,991/- | Panchakarma Technician | Rs. 24,000/- | BECIL Online Application Fee: - General/ OBC Candidates – Rs. 500/-
- SC/ ST Candidates – Rs. 250/-
How to apply for BECIL Recruitment 2020? - Visit the Official website @
- Click on Careers
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- Find the advertisement for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Medical Officer
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- Pay the application fee, as applicable
- Download the Application form
- Fill in all the details correctly
- Submit the application form to the following Registered Postal address on or before the last date, i.e., 31st January 2020.
Postal Address: Deputy General Manager (HR) in BECIL's Corporate Office BECIL Bhawan, C – 56/A – 17, Sector – 62, Noida – 201307 (U.P). Important Links for BECIL Recruitment 2020-21: Other Important Central Government Jobs: BECIL Recruitment 2020 Notification released!! Job Seekers Alert|| Apply Online for 4000 Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Posts at Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has released a Job Notification for 4000 Vacancies on BECIL Careers. The 4000 Vacancies are allotted for Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Posts. Interested candidates can make use of this opportunity and start applying from 27th December 2019. Candidates make a note, the last date to apply for BECIL Jobs is 11th January 2020. Applications will be accepted only in the Online mode.  BECIL Recruitment 2020-21 Applications are invited For Urgent Placement after Training of 4000 approx. (Skilled and Unskilled Contractual Manpower). BECIL has come up with a golden opportunity to provide the candidates with a Certified Job Oriented Skill Development Training. The above trade will be permitted based on their ranking of MERIT TEST. The Merit Test includes Written Test/Group Discussion on Power-Point Presentation (PPT) about Electricity Distribution Lines/Sub-stations. Before applying, a candidate must check if s/he is eligible for BECIL Jobs. The candidates can check eligibility using the details given below. Overview of BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs 2020 Name of the Organization | Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) | Number of Vacancies | 4000 Posts | Name of Post | Skilled and Unskilled Man Power | Starting date of application | 27th December 2019 | Closing date of application | 11th January 2020 | Job Category | Central Government Jobs | Job Location | Across India | Application process | Online Mode | Official Website | | BECIL Vacancy 2020-21 Details: The details of the vacancy as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2019 is as below Name of the Post | Number of Vacancies | Unskilled Manpower (Assistant Lineman) | 2000 | Skilled Manpower (Electrician/Lineman/SSO) | 2000 | Total | 4000 | Eligibility Criteria for BECIL Recruitment 2020-21 Candidates interested in BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs can check their eligibility with the details below to apply. Academic Qualification: - As per BECIL official notification candidate should have completed ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wireman as recognized by NCVT or SCVT or higher technical degree diploma in engineering, And or with shall possess Overhead Certificate for Electrical Safety, 08th Pass at any state education Board or equivalent institutional from any of the recognized board or University.
Read the official notification for more details on BECIL Careers. Age Limit – BECIL Recruitment: - For age limit as given in the BECIL Recruitment 2020, refer to the official notification
Selection Process: The candidates will be selected for training based as per their merit list Pay Scale for BECIL Recruitment 2019: Trade/Training Program | Course Fees (in Rs.) | Stipend During Training | Basic Concept plus the use of Personal Protective Equipment | 6,000/- | No | Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and safety measures | 11,000/- | No | Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and use of Personal protective Equipment (Safety measures) | 15,000/- | Yes | Basic knowledge of Electrical equipment of 33/11 KV Substation and use of Personal protective Equipment (Safety measures) | 15,000/- | Yes | BECIL Jobs – Application Fee: Category | Application Fee | General and OBC | Rs. 500/- | SC/ST/PH | Rs. 250/- | How to apply for BECIL Skilled and Unskilled Man Power Jobs 2020? - Visit the Official website @
- Download the official notification and read the details carefully
- Check the eligibility details and click on the apply online link
- Fill in all the details correctly
- Pay the application fee, as applicable
- Enter all the details with required documents
- After successfully completing the application form, you can download it for further reference.
Important Dates for BECIL Recruitment 2020 Notification Starting date of application | 27th December 2019 | Closing date of application | 11th January 2020 | Important Links for BECIL Vacancy 2020 About Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) Communicate Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 guaranteed, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was built upon 24th March 1995. BECIL gives venture consultancy administrations and turnkey arrangements incorporating the whole extent of radio and transmission building viz; content creation offices, earthly transmission offices, satellite and link broadcasting offices in India and abroad. It additionally gives related administrations like structure plan and development identified with broadcasting, human asset-related exercises like preparing and giving labour. BECIL additionally attempts supply of specific correspondence, observing, security and reconnaissance frameworks to barrier, police and paramilitary officers. The local office is in Bangalore. Throughout the years, BECIL has deliberately prepared and built up a group of in-house, adaptable and devoted specialists and developed and outfitting a tremendous store of experts drawn from different fields of broadcasting industry which incorporates open and private supporters, resistance and link industry. Through this system of creative specialized experts, BECIL has set up its skillet India nearness to serve the necessities of the business. BECIL has a tremendous repository of specialists and coordinates the ability of All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD), the national supporter of India, making one of the biggest Radio Networks taking into account almost a billion people and the world's biggest Terrestrial Television Network enhanced by Analog and Digital satellite Broadcasting administrations connecting with a large number of TV homes in India and abroad. |  |
financial dictionary pdf - financial terminology dictionary - financial dictionary app Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:06 PM PST Saver's Tax Credit: A Retirement Savings Incentive Posted: Here's another reason to put money toward your retirement nest egg. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | 6 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle Posted: You can help save the planet and maybe even make a little money by getting rid of your old stuff the right way. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Separate Return Posted: A separate return is an annual tax form filed by a married taxpayer who is not filing jointly. It is one of five filing options for federal tax filers. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Boeing Stock Fails to Break Out as Macro Picture Worsens Posted: Boeing shares failed to move above key support levels, but traders will be keeping an eye on the stock ahead of earnings this week. | Human Development Index (HDI) Definition Posted: The Human Development Index (HDI) is a tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries' levels of social and economic development. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Form 1099-C Definition Posted: Form 1099-C is used to report canceled debt, which is generally considered taxable income, to the IRS. | The World's Most Valuable Private Companies Posted: In spite of the rewards going public can bring, some companies prefer to remain private, and they are very successful in this. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Why Volatility Plunging Near 20-Year Low Is Red Flag for Stocks Posted: Massive injections of liquidity from central banks are raising stock prices and lowering volatility, despite weak fundamentals. A reversal is likely. | Paying Off Debt With a Balance Transfer Posted: Learn the best situation in which to do a balance transfer, enabling you to pay off your credit card debt more quickly while paying less interest. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Form 1040-V Definition Posted: Form 1040-V is a payment voucher that you send to the IRS along with your tax return if you make a payment with a check or money order. | Hypothesis Testing Definition Posted: Hypothesis testing is the process that an analyst uses to test a statistical hypothesis. The methodology employed by the analyst depends on the nature of the data used and the reason for the analysis. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Form 1099-G Definition Posted: If you received unemployment compensation or a tax refund, you might get Form 1099-G. Find out what it is, why you received one, and more. | Top 5 Fund Families in 2020 Posted: Although there are other excellent picks, these five leading fund families have what most people want. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Cloud on Title Definition Posted: A cloud on title is any document or encumbrance that might invalidate a title to real property or make the title doubtful. | Surrender Rights Posted: Surrender rights refer to the right to cancel an annuity or life insurance contract in exchange for its cash value. | Statutory Employee Definition Posted: A statutory employee is an independent contractor that is treated as an employee for tax withholding purposes if they meet certain conditions. | Alternative Mortgage Instrument (AMI) Posted: Alternative mortgage instrument (AMI) is any residential mortgage loan with different terms than a fixed-rate, fully amortizing mortgage. | Annuity Unit Definition Posted: An annuity unit represents the time accumulated during an annuity contract. | Rule 72(t) Definition Posted: Rule 72 (t), issued by the Internal Revenue Service, allows for penalty-free withdrawals from an IRA account and other specified tax-advantaged accounts. | Facebook Stock at Major Resistance Ahead of Earnings Posted: Facebook stock has completed a round trip into the 2018 high near $220 and could sell off into $190 in the coming weeks. | Blind Entry Posted: A blind entry is an accounting item that includes basic data such a dollar amount and time & date, but which fails to record any additional information or justification. | Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) Definition Posted: A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a retirement savings and investing vehicle for employees and the self-employed in Canada. Pre-tax money is placed into an RRSP and grows tax free until withdrawal, at which time it is taxed at the marginal rate. | 7 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Financial Advisor Posted: SmartAsset's new tool makes it easy to find the right financial advisor near you in just a few minutes. | Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit—GMAB Definition Posted: The guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit (GMAB) is a variable annuity rider that guarantees a minimum value to the annuitant after a specified period. | Federal Insurance Office (FIO) Posted: The Federal Insurance Office (FIO) is a federal-level national office created in 2010 to address gaps in insurance regulation. | 3 Biotech Stocks Nearing Support Posted: Pricing concerns have resurfaced among biotech stocks this month. The recent pullback could offer a buying opportunity. | Credit Loss Ratio Definition Posted: Credit loss ratio is the ratio of credit-related losses to the par value of a mortgage-backed security. | Apple Stock Could Enter Multi-Month Correction Posted: Apple shares could sell off in coming weeks, entering a correction that shakes out the enormous supply of weak hands. | Big Money Index Shows Markets Are Ready for Pullback Posted: While U.S. stocks had a down week for the first time in a while, a pullback is healthy and overdue. | Rule 10b-5 Definition Posted: In order to address securities fraud through manipulative practices, rule 10b-5 was created under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. | 9 Signs You Are Not Financially OK to Retire Posted: Use these 9 signs to gauge the state of your investments, find strategies to improve them, and get on course to a financially successful retirement. | How Did Richard Branson Make His Fortune? Posted: Learn how Virgin Group tycoon Richard Branson earned his billions. Follow his journey from Virgin Records to the corporate giant Virgin Group. | The World's 10 Most Famous Traders of All Time Posted: Here is a review of the most famous and infamous traders in history and how they affected the world. | The Lottery: Is It Ever Worth Playing? Posted: Is it ever worth playing the lottery? Discover the probability of winning and the best way to collect the funds if you happen to win. | The Best ETFs for the Shanghai Composite Index Posted: Foreign investors have several ways to tap into China's booming economy via exchange-traded funds. | Star Wars: The Economics Of The Galactic Empire Posted: The Galactic Empire in Star Wars was not always so powerful. Intergalactic businesses were always at loggerheads with intergalactic banking cartels. | Who Benefits from Prepaid Expenses? Posted: Learn who benefits when expenses are prepaid. Individuals and businesses often make payments, such as rent or insurance, in advance. | Annuitization Definition Posted: Annuitization is the process of converting an annuity investment into a series of periodic income payments, and is often used in life insurance payouts. | Transferring Common Stock From One Broker to Another? Posted: Understand how common stock assets are transferred from broker to broker using the Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS). | 4 Smart 529 Plan Alternatives to Consider Posted: Learn about some alternatives to the popular college-saving 529 plan that may also make sense, such as prepaid tuition plans and Coverdell accounts. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Roth IRA Contributions with No Job? Posted: Even if you don't have a conventional job, you may be able to contribute to a Roth IRA, using these unconventional income sources. | Index ETF Posted: Index ETFs are exchange-traded funds that seek to track a benchmark index like the S&P 500 as closely as possible. | The Truth About Endowment Life Insurance Policies Posted: Endowment life insurance is a way to save for your child's college education, but is it as beneficial as the insurance industry wants you to believe? | 10 Cities That Are Bitcoin Hotspots Posted: Bitcoin has a strong presence in these 10 cities, as indicated by the number of ATMs that dispense it and merchants who accept it. | Tax-Advantaged Posted: Tax-advantaged refers to any type of investment, account, or plan that is either exempt from taxation, tax-deferred, or offers other types of tax benefits. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Amazon Earnings: What to Look For From AMZN Posted: Amazon (AMZN) reports Q4 2019 earnings after market close on January 30. Will the company's Amazon Web Services segment deliver when it comes to revenue? | Form 2848 Definition Posted: Form 2848: Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative is used to authorize an individual to appear before the IRS to represent a taxpayer. | How to Set Up Your Trading Screens Posted: Well-organized trading screens can speed up complex decision making. | Top 3 Platinum ETFs for 2019 Posted: These 3 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are great choices for investors interested in exposure to platinum. | What Does a Real Estate Attorney Do? Posted: .A real estate attorney prepares or reviews all of the paperwork involved in buying or selling property and represents the buyer or seller at closing. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | How a Federal Bond Gets Issued Posted: Why should you care about federal bond issues? Because Treasury bonds (T-Bonds) tend to be the safest fixed-income investments available. | Variable Annuities: A Good Retirement Investment? Posted: Variable annuities provide lifetime payments and tax-deferred growth, but – given their hefty fees – are they right for you? | Special Assessment Tax Definition Posted: A special assessment tax is a local surtax in addition to regular property taxes that is levied on homeowners to pay for a specific project. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | 529 Strategies That Maximize Student Aid Options Posted: Paying for college isn't just about putting savings into a 529; how that money is spent can determine whether there will be enough for all four years. | Is Annuitization Your Best Strategy? Posted: Annuitization provides an income stream annuity owners can't outlive, but there are pitfalls to consider before deciding if this is the right move. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Millage Rate Definition Posted: Learn more about millage rates, the amount per $1,000 of property value used to calculate local property taxes. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Substitute Check Defined Posted: Substitute checks are copies of checks used by banks in lieu of the original. They were made legal by the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Tenancy-at-Will Definition Posted: A tenancy-at-will is a property tenure that has no lease or written agreement and can be terminated anytime by either landlord or tenant. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | IRS Publication 571: Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans) Posted: IRS Publication 571: Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans) provides tax information for filers who have a 403(b) retirement plan. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | How Do 401(K) Loans Work? Posted: Individuals in a tight spot financially can turn to 401(k) loans, where they can borrow $50,000 or 50% of the total amount of the 401(k), whichever is greater. | Microsoft Earnings: What to Look For From MSFT Posted: Microsoft is set to report earnings after close on January 29, and investors will be looking for continued strength in cloud revenues, which are key to keeping its stock rising. | Can You Deduct Your IRA Contributions? Posted: In many cases, yes, that's what makes an IRA a great savings option. But your eligibility to claim a tax deduction depends on a number of factors. | Investment in the Contract Definition Posted: Investment in the contract as applied to annuities is the principal amount the holder has invested. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Annuitization Phase Definition Posted: The annuitization phase of an annuity refers to the period when an annuitant starts to receive payments from his or her investment in the annuity. | Want to Retire in Five Years? What You Must Know Posted: Here's how to do a retirement-needs analysis to know if you will have enough money to retire when you want to. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Understanding Your Mortgage Posted: How to buy your own home without getting saddled with the wrong mortgage or whacked with unnecessary fees. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Implicit Rental Rate Definition Posted: Implicit rental rate refers to the opportunity costs a firm incurs as a result of using its own assets for ongoing operations. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) Posted: A Coverdell Education Savings Account is a tax-deferred trust that assists families with educational expenses. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Transaction Deposit Definition Posted: A transaction deposit is a bank deposit that has immediate and full liquidity, with no delays or waiting periods. | Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) Posted: Revenue per available room (RevPAR) is a hotel industry performance metric, calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Price-to-Rent Ratio Definition Posted: The price-to-rent ratio is the ratio of home prices to annualized rent in a given location and is used as a benchmark for estimating whether it is cheaper to rent or own property. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Series I Bond Definition Posted: Series I bond is a non-marketable, interest-bearing U.S. government savings bond that earns a combined fixed interest and variable inflation rate (adjusted semiannually). This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Posted: Financial Risk Manager (FRM) refers to a professional designation issued by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Definition Posted: Artificial intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Floating Stock Definition and Example Posted: Floating stock is the number of shares available for trading of a particular stock. It doesn't include closely-held shares or restricted shares. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Adjusted Underwriting Profit Posted: Adjusted underwriting profit is profit an insurance company generates after paying out any claims and expenses. | Tax Deductible Interest Definition Posted: Tax-deductible interest is a borrowing expense that a taxpayer can claim on a federal or state tax return to reduce taxable income. Types of interest that are tax deductible include mortgage interest, mortgage interest for investment properties, student loan interest, and more. | Money Purchase Pension Plan Definition Posted: A money purchase pension plan is a type of retirement savings plan that has some of the attributes of a company profit-sharing plan. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Reverse Convertible Bond (RCB) Posted: A reverse convertible bond (RCB) is a bond that can be converted to cash, debt, or equity at the discretion of the issuer at a set date. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Facebook Earnings: What to Look For From FB Posted: Facebook (FB) reports Q4 earnings after close on January 29. Will the company deliver when it comes to monthly active users? | Using Time Horizons to Reach Your Goals Investing Posted: Time horizon investing is all about planning, thinking about your goals and selecting investments based on the amount of time you have to meet them. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Racketeering Definition, Examples and The RICO Act of 1970 Posted: Racketeering typically refers to crimes committed through extortion or coercion. The term is typically associated with organized crime. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Joint Tenancy: Benefits and Pitfalls Posted: Joint tenancy is an arrangement that allows beneficiaries to access your account without having to go to court. Learn about the benefits and pitfalls to joint tenants with rights of survivorship (JTWROS). This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Spot Rate Treasury Curve Definition Posted: The spot rate treasury curve is defined as a yield curve constructed using Treasury spot rates rather than yields. The spot rate Treasury curve can be used as a benchmark for pricing bonds. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 2008 Credit Crisis Posted: What was the extent to which Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and their allies in Congress contributed to the largest economic crisis since the Great Depression? This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Clawback Definition Posted: A clawback is a situation in which an employer or benefactor reclaims money that has already been given out, sometimes with a penalty. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Inside National Payment Systems Posted: Investopedia explains: The global interconnection of U.S. payment systems makes commerical and financial transfers possible. | Goods and Services Tax (GST) Definition Posted: The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | The Risks Of Sovereign Bonds Posted: Sovereign debt can play an important role in providing international diversification to individual investors. | Calculating Yield to Maturity of a Zero-Coupon Bond Posted: Find out how to calculate the yield to maturity of a zero-coupon bond, and learn why this calculation is simpler than one with a bond that has a coupon. | IRA Contribution Limits in 2020 Posted: The limits for contributions and income thresholds for individual retirement accounts are out for 2020. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Amortized Bond Definition Posted: An amortized bond is one that is treated as an asset, with the discount amount being amortized to interest expense over the life of the bond. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Netflix Earnings: What Happened with Netflix Posted: Netflix (NFLX) reported Q4 earnings after markets closed on January 21, 2020. It hit subscriber estimates this quarter, but expects growth to slow next quarter. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Noncumulative Definition Posted: Noncumulative, as opposed to cumulative, refers to a type of preferred stock that does not pay the holder any unpaid or omitted dividends. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Roth IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Posted: You don't have to take required minimum distributions from a Roth IRA during your lifetime but eventually, your heirs will eventually have to. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Can You Fund a Roth IRA After Filing Taxes? Posted: Find out if it's too late to contribute to a Roth IRA after you've already filed your income tax return. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Can IRAs Reduce Your Taxable Income? Posted: Contributions to a traditional IRA can reduce your adjusted gross income (AGI), but Roth IRA contributions do not. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | For Older Investors, Tips on How to Beat Inflation Posted: How can investors close to retirement protect their savings against inflation? Here are some tips. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Why Should I Consider Investing? Posted: Learn how investors hold the advantage over non-investors, with growing wealth allowing them to enjoy the lifestyle that others cannot afford. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Irrevocable Trust Posted: An irrevocable trust cannot be modified, amended or terminated without the permission of the grantor's named beneficiary or beneficiaries. | What Is the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust? Posted: The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) can help simplify investing in cryptocurrency, but it also poses some major disadvantages. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | Writing An Option Posted: Writing an option refers to an investment contract in which a fee, or premium, is paid to the writer in exchange for the right to buy or sell shares at a future price and date. | When You Can Lose Your Rights Over Your 401(k) Posted: Can you can be forced out of your 401(k) or banned from contributing to it? Know your rights to avoid unexpected taxes or penalties. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now | 6 Important Retirement Plan RMD Rules Posted: The rules for required minimum distributions (RMDs) can be tricky, and failing to comply with them can mean a 50% tax penalty. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |  |
economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST Rakesh Jhunjhunwala being probed for insider trading Posted: Mumbai: Billionaire investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is being probed by Sebi for alleged insider trading in the shares of Aptech Ltd, an education firm owned by him and family, said two people familiar with the development.The markets regulator is also investigating the role of other family members who are shareholders, as well as some board members, including investor Ramesh S Damani and director Madhu Jayakumar, the persons added.ET couldn't ascertain the details of the Sebi probe, such as the period during which the alleged trading took place or the information based on which it was carried out. In its notice to Jhunjhunwala and others, the regulator has sought cooperation in its investigation. 73682551 Besides Jhunjhunwala, wife Rekha, brother Rajeshkumar and mother-in-law Sushiladevi Gupta were called for questioning by Sebi on January 24. Jhunjhunwala appeared before Sebi's investigating officer and was questioned for at least a couple of hours at the regulator's headquarters in Mumbai's Bandra-Kurla Complex.Bought into Aptech in '05Jhunjhunwala, along with his lawyers, told the investigating officer that he was representing his family.Jhunjhunwala's sister, Sudha Gupta, was called for questioning on January 23. Ushma Sheth Sule, sister of Rare Enterprises CEO and Aptech director Utpal Sheth, has been asked to appear for questioning on January 28. Rare Enterprises is Jhunjhunwala's asset management firm.Jhunjhunwala, often referred to as India's Warren Buffett for his ace stock-picking skills, is one of the country's richest individual investors, holding shares worth almost Rs 11,140 crore, according to Bloomberg estimates. He first bought into Aptech in 2005 at Rs 56 a share. Since then, his stake — along with his family members — has risen to 49% with a market value of Rs 690 crore based on Aptech's closing price of Rs 173 on the BSE on Monday. Aptech is Jhunjhunwala's only investment where he wields management control.In response to an emailed query, Jhunjhunwala's office called to say that he and his wife had "no comments" to offer. His brother Rajeshkumar, in an emailed response, also said he had no comments to make. Sushiladevi Gupta, Ramesh Damani, Madhu Jayakumar, Sudha Gupta, Ushma Sheth Sule, Aptech and Sebi didn't respond to emailed queries.Also summoned by Sebi on January 20 were Rare Enterprises' employee Amit Shah and Geojit Financial Services' Satish Anam. Shah and Anam didn't respond to queries. Geojit's role in the affair is not clear as of yet. This is not the first time Jhunjhunwala has come under Sebi's scanner. The regulator had questioned him in 2018 for suspected insider trading in Geometric, which is now a part of HCL Technologies. Jhunjhunwala later settled the case through consent by paying Rs 2.48 lakh. Consent is a mechanism through which alleged violations can be settled by paying a fee to Sebi without admission or denial of guilt. | Chinese firms cross the Great Wall to India Posted: BENGALURU: Over a dozen new China-domiciled corporations, venture funds and family offices are aggressively stepping up investment conversations with Indian startups as they look to move beyond the slowing market for technology investment in Asia's largest economy.The heightened interest in early-to-growth-stage Indian firms coincides with fewer Chinese startups going public, uncertainty caused by the country's ongoing trade war with the US and overall sobering of valuations after the WeWork debacle, said multiple founders and startup investors.Take part in ETRise Top MSMEs, India's definitive ranking for Micro, Small & Medium EnterprisesBoyu Capital, Horizons China, Sinovation Ventures, Legend Capital, ZhenFund, XVC Capital and Integrated Capital are among the new funds scouting for deals, people who have engaged with these companies told ET.Corporate venture capitalists such as "Jingdong, Kunlun, Kuaishou, Ping An and, which have been evaluating India from the sidelines, are also looking at the country as a top investment market beyond China", said one of the persons.To be sure, India is not a fresh hunting ground for Chinese investors. Mega corporations, from Alibaba's Alipay to Didi Chuxing, Xiaomi and Tencent, are well-entrenched in the Indian startup ecosystem, having backed the likes of Paytm, Swiggy and Ola.But now these tech giants and other early entrants such as CDH Investments, BAce Capital, Qiming Venture Partners, Morningside Ventures, Fosun, Hillhouse Capital, GGV Capital and Meituan are also accelerating investment activity.This has led to a near-doubling of Chinese investments in Indian startups to $3.9 billion in 2019 up from $2 billion in the previous year, as reported earlier by ET."These investors have seen a similar bull cycle play out in China 5-8 years ago, and believe that India is now at an inflection point with enormous potential for technology and consumer investing," said Pratik Poddar, principal at Nexus Venture Partners, an early-stage fund. 73683491 India-based investors believe slowing returns from venture and private equity deals in China over past five years is also a big reason why Chinese firms are looking away from their home country. In the fourth quarter of 2019, venture investments in tech startups in China dropped 51.5% over the previous year, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government-backed research institute."At the same time, early investors such as Shunwei Capital, Xiaomi, Fosun, Ant Financial and their large investments in (India's) Zomato, Delhivery, ShareChat and Paytm have spurred interest in the Indian ecosystem," said Anup Jain, managing partner, Orios Venture Partners.Though India is also seeing some rationalisation in valuations, political stability and positive macro indicators like smartphone penetration, implementation of GST as well as the network created by Aadhaar have boosted investor confidence, said experts.MOVING FASTER ON DEALSIndian entrepreneurs are of the view that Chinese investors are now moving faster on deals, matching up valuations and are open to striking more flexible investment rights. This is especially true in sectors such as fintech, social commerce and content, said a founder who recently raised money from Tencent. The tech major, which operates messaging app WeChat, is one of the most active strategic investors in India, having taken fresh wagers on insurance marketplace PolicyBazaar, business-to-business ecommerce portal Udaan and video streaming platform MX Player, aside from writing smaller cheques.MX Player is owned by Times Internet, a part of The Times Group, which publishes ET.With a portfolio of more than a dozen companies, Tencent is in talks to back education technology startup Doubtnut and online self-publishing platform Pratilipi."Most of these funds already have a small exposure to India, and the intent is to accelerate their presence wherever they see parallels with China," said a fund manager.While Qiming made its first bet in India last year with Pratilipi, GGV backed KhataBook and Udaan, and CDH invested in startups such as Cashify and GlowRoad."Some funds and corporate VCs have tasted success in fintech, social commerce, gaming and content businesses in China, and want to leverage those learnings and take a similar path in India," said Ashish Sharma, CEO at venture debt fund InnoVen Capital India. "However, even with this exposure, their India allocation is quite small compared with the overall corpus," he added.HIRING PROSOver the past few months, Chinese venture funds like Shunwei Capital, CDH Investments, Hillhouse, GGV, Mount Judi Ventures, Morningside Ventures, Tencent and Fosun have hired investment professionals in India as they look to step up deals.Others are relying on investment banks and networks to reach out to entrepreneurs. In October, ET had reported that China's investment banking majors, including TH Capital, China International Capital Corporation and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, are on the lookout for deals in India. Also keen on investing are emerging investment banks such as Fanzhou Capital and Fusion Capital. | Modi may let go of some silverware in Budget Posted: NEW DELHI: Budget 2020 is expected to give a renewed push to disinvestment and asset monetisation as the government strives for capital creation and investment promotion in the economy by augmenting non-tax revenue.A top official told ET that the budget is likely to relax long-term capital gains tax and dividend distribution tax norms, besides setting a clear road map for the government to sell or significantly cut its stake in select PSUs and giving the proceeds to other shareholders for funding their capex. "The focus will be to create more space for private sector through disinvestment and asset monetisation," the official said. Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget on February 1."Disinvestment proceeds from listed PSUs with other stakeholders cannot be sent to the Consolidated Fund of India. This money should go back to them to help fund their expansion plans," the official explained. 73674749 NITI Aayog had proposed disinvestment in 26 sick PSUs, out of which the Cabinet has approved almost 20. However, delays at line ministries have meant disinvestment in the current financial year so far has remained low.While work has started on divestment of Air India, Bharat Petroleum and Concor, efforts are being made to bring down stakes in other PSUs to below 51%, including in BEML, Pawan Hans and Projects India.Against the disinvestment target of Rs 1.05 lakh crore for FY20, the government has raised Rs 18,094.59 crore so far. That compares with Rs 84,972.16 crore obtained from disinvestment in FY19 against the budget estimate of Rs 80,000 crore.With two months to go, the government is aggressively pushing to monetise assets of the Centre and central public sector enterprises, including guest houses, office space, apartments, factories, land, power transmission assets and sports stadiums.Stock market experts have sought abolition of long-term capital gains tax on equities and mutual funds, and a shift from dividend distribution tax levied on companies to taxing dividend in the hands of investors. According to the official, pushing investment demand in the domestic market and increasing exports can help improve the economy. "The worst is over and the economy will start looking up in the fourth quarter."India's exports fell 1.96% to $239.29 billion in the April-December period and imports declined 8.9% to $357.39 billion, leaving a trade deficit of $118.10 billion. It is estimated that overall exports for the current financial year will be $330-$340 billion, compared with last year's level of $331 billion.Economic growth fell to a 26-quarter low of 4.5% in the second quarter. The government has projected FY20 growth at 5%, which is a multi-year low. 73675960 | Meet the brains behind Budget 2020 Posted: By Vrishti Beniwal and Siddhartha SinghIndia's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a keen interest in the preparation of the government's upcoming budget to help spur growth in Asia's third-largest economy.Modi and his Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman have separately held meetings with dozens of economists, industry leaders and farmers' groups, among others, to hear views on measures needed to solve the growth slowdown puzzle.As Sitharaman prepares to deliver her budget speech on Feb. 1, here's a look at five key people in the government who are working behind the scenes to draw up the income-and-spending plan.Rajiv Kumar, Finance SecretaryKumar, the top bureaucrat in the finance ministry, has overseen bold banking reforms, including a plan to merge state-run banks and a massive recapitalization drive to help lenders laden with one of the worst bad-loan ratios in the world. He is expected to provide vital inputs to steer the shadow banking sector out of crisis, and give a push to credit growth to boost consumption in the economy.Atanu Chakraborty, Economic Affairs SecretaryChakraborty, a government-assets sale expert who took charge of the economic affairs department in July, consigned India's maiden overseas sovereign bond sale plan to the back-burner. While economic expansion slipped below 5% under his watch, a panel led by him prepared a more than $1 trillion infrastructure investment program to revive growth. His inputs are critical to determining India's budget deficit goal, as also raising resources to pump- prime the economy.T.V. Somanathan, Expenditure SecretarySomanathan, the latest entrant to the finance ministry, has his task cut out: rationalizing government spending in a manner that it boosts demand and minimizes wasteful expenditure. Having worked in the prime minister's office earlier, he would probably understand better what kind of a budget Modi would like to see.Ajay Bhushan Pandey, Revenue SecretaryPandey is assigned with raising resources and is probably the bureaucrat most under pressure, given lower-than-estimated revenue collection amid a slowdown. With $20 billion worth of corporate tax cuts last year yet to yield results in terms of investments, he might influence the adoption of some of the proposals in the Direct Tax Code, which has suggested doing away with some of the exemptions.Tuhin Kanta Pandey, Disinvestment SecretaryHe is responsible for the strategic sale of Air India Ltd. and other state-owned companies, with divestment forming a major chunk of the government's income mobilization efforts. Although the current year's target of 1.05 trillion rupees is likely to be missed by a mile, a huge target next year isn't ruled out. | Cipla, PAG eye Wockhardt’s formulations business Posted: New Delhi| Mumbai: Cipla and Asian buyout fund PAG are vying with each other to acquire a big chunk of Wockhardt's domestic formulations business for Rs 2,100-2,800 crore ($300-400 million) as the indebted pharmaceutical company looks to deleverage its balance sheet, said people aware of the matter.Both submitted binding offers recently, they said. Habil Khorakiwala-led Wockhardt is expected to finalise one bidder and begin final negotiations to conclude the transaction.The company has a significant presence in major therapeutic segments including cardiology, dermatology, diabetes, respiratory diseases and ophthalmology. A carveout of the portfolio is being planned, said the people cited above. The stock surged 20% on Monday to end at Rs 358.80.Co Posts Q3 Net of Rs 19 crIn the nine months ended December 2019, the company repaid ?768 crore toward various long-term debt obligations as per schedule, up from Rs 750 crore in the year earlier. Debt repayment in the December quarter was Rs 359 crore, up from Rs 347 crore a year earlier. The gross debt-equity ratio on December 31 was 0.95. Total debt at end of September 2019 was Rs 2,211 crore. ET was the first to report on July 4 last year that Khorakiwala had appointed investment bank Moelis to initiate a formal process for a stake sale in the business. Last year, the company tried to raise money through foreign bonds, sale of its hospital division and a private equity fundraise in its listed entity.Lack of investor interest forced the company to eventually spin off its cash cow — and sell it to raise capital.The company didn't respond to queries. Spokespersons for PAG and Cipla declined to comment.Wockhardt, which launched nine new products for the domestic market in FY19, has incurred losses in the past three years on a consolidated basis. On Monday, however, it reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 19.21 crore in the December quarter against a net loss of ?71 crore in the year-ago period. This is the company's first quarterly profit in three years. 73683754 Revenue though dropped to Rs 869 crore from Rs 1,046 crore. Wockhardt said business performance showed a marked improvement with sales growth of over 8% from the previous quarter. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (ebitda) for the quarter showed a substantial improvement to Rs 109 crore in the December quarter from Rs 19 crore in the year earlier. Ebitda in the first nine months of FY20 improved to Rs 208 crore from Rs 100 crore.BACK IN BLACK"While the company has been reporting steady ebitda quarter-on-quarter, the company bounced back into profit for the first time in the past three years due to a marked improvement in operational performance and cost rationalisation," it said in a statement.Earlier in the month, the drugmaker announced it had received approval from the country's drug regulator to market Emrok IV and Emrok (oral) to treat acute bacterial skin infections, including diabetic foot, caused by superbug methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Their launch is expected in the next few months and will be primarily used on the critically ill.Wockhardt employs more than 7,000 people and has a presence in the US, Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Mexico, Russia and other countries. It has manufacturing and research facilities in India, the US and Britain, and a plant in Ireland.For Asia-focused private equity fund PAG, this could be its first buyout in India after its 2019 entry. PAG is looking at deploying more than $1 billion in India over the next three years, a senior company executive told ET in a recent interview.SPENDING ON MEDICINESAs per an August 2019 research report by ICICI Securities, Cipla currently has a 5% share of the domestic formulations business. The company has been trying to expand its market share organically and inorganically."With this transaction, Cipla will be able to speed up its growth. Cipla has a significant presence in urology, respiratory and antibiotics segments. However, it is facing incremental challenges. They need a portfolio and this acquisition will help boost its domestic presence," a pharma analyst said.ET could not independently verify the portfolios for divestment.Spending on medicines in India is projected to grow 9-12% over the next five years, putting it in the top 10, according to the Indian Brand Equity Foundation's October 2019 report on the country's pharmaceutical sector. India's pharmaceutical industry is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.4% in 2015–20 to reach $ 55 billion."Going forward, better growth in domestic sales would also depend on the ability of companies to align their product portfolio towards chronic therapies for diseases such as such as cardiovascular, anti-diabetes, anti-depressants and anti-cancers that are on the rise," the report said. | Clashing dreams of MDR and digital Posted: Digital payments growth in India in the past five years has registered a CAGR of 128%. But on a larger base and with increased penetration, the drive toward a digital economy is showing signs of plateauing. Last year, growth was 35% across all channels.The number of debit cards has stagnated at 900 million, while the number of UPI transactions — nearly doubling every month until 2018 — has also stabilised at singledigit monthly growth rates."But it is to be noted that growth is on a higher base; much more sustainable and assured. There are more industry players now and stronger fundamentals," said Vijay Shekhar Sharma, chief executive and founder, Paytm. "Any which way, the business of digitisation of retail and wholesale payments will allow incremental addition of financial services to reach places where they have not."It is natural for growth to slow on a larger base due to compounding effects. But it also means that customer acquisition will become more expensive. Now, in the absence of merchant discount rate (MDR) charges, these companies will have to evolve models that depart from the traditional fee-based income. That shift in business strategy is necessary to ensure profitability for these companies, and establish them as attractive investment options. In 2019 alone, payment companies attracted $1.6 billion worth of investments.However, collective losses for leading payment companies, backed by Alibaba, Walmart and Amazon, exceeded $1 billion in FY19. In all likelihood, FY20 would also be the same."The debate on how zero MDR will help in expansion of payment networks is for another day. There is no doubt, however, that operating a payment company without any fee income would eat into revenues, at least in the short run," a senior executive at a leading payments company told ET, requesting anonymity.The size of the player and nature of its operations would determine losses suffered. "Different players will be impacted in different ways," the official said.Paytm is the largest payments gateway in the country by far, with over 40% market share in terms of the number of transactions processed. In FY19, just its cost of acquiring new customers and merchants exceeded its revenue. The SoftBank-backed payments major had spent almost half its total expenditure on customer acquisition, at Rs 3,508 crore, which is Rs 275.88 crore more than its total operational revenue of Rs 3,232 crore. Net loss came at Rs 4,217 crore.Similarly, Google Pay spent Rs 1,028 crore just for cashback on daily transactions in FY19. PhonePe's loss of Rs 1,905 crore was nearly five times its revenue, whereas Amazon Pay had Rs 1,161 crore loss."Only those companies would survive that can provide a layer of value-added services for its customers," said Ashneer Grover, cofounder, BharatPe. "Without a flexible and evolving business strategy, where new merchant and customer acquisition cannot be monetised, it would be hard for most companies to survive in these tough market conditions."BharatPe, for instance, has tied up with non-banks to provide credit facilities to the 6 lakh-plus merchants it has acquired. It uses transactional data on its platform to underwrite loans for these merchants, providing them easy credit and debt facilities.Such neobanking services may become the norm as the payments industry moves away from bread and butter solutions. Today, all major payments companies are trying to diversify product portfolios, either offering or piloting services related to credit, insurance and even wealth management.The challenge is not just to keep acquiring customers at hefty costs, but to face the reality that the payments business in India will fetch no gains as long as the revenue model is primarily fee-based."While, I am on the side of MDR becoming zero being a good thing for the merchant, the government should reimburse the people who are acquiring merchants," Sharma told ET in a recent interview. "Traditionally, the acquiring side has worked on a thin margin, which is the reason it has not spread to nooks and corners. If you look at Paytm's merchant acquisition model, it has come at the cost of our equity. And we have invested ?15,000 crore in the past."As opposed to those with deep pockets and funded by global giants, several domestic payment services providers are more modest and circumspect. "Why would anyone, or rather, who is that anyone that is going to acquire merchants now? On the acquiring side, who will bell the cat and give merchants POS terminals without any remuneration?" asked Anand Bajaj, chief executive, PayNearby, a payments company.To be sure, MDR is the collective transaction fee levied from merchants processing the digital transactions by payments companies, banks and network providers such as Visa and Mastercard. Until 2019, this was capped at 0.3% of the transaction amount on payments made through UPI above Rs 1,000 and 0.6% for debit card transactions above Rs 2,000.Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman all but ruled out budgetary support on MDR losses at a recent private meeting with a delegation of top payments firms executives that included Paytm's Sharma and PhonePe's Sameer Nigam. That would raise the pressure on payments companies to alter revenue models. The message that was delivered to the six-member representation was the same given by Sitharaman in her debut budget speech in July: "Banks will be asked to invest the money they save on account of having to handle less cash, on their acquiring business and deploying POS machines," she had then said. | US PE firm Vista unfair to us: Accelya minority shareholders Posted: Mumbai: Accelya Solutions' minority shareholders, including SBI Mutual Fund, VLS Finance and Alpha Alternatives Advisors, have complained to market regulator Sebi, alleging unfair treatment by US private equity firm Vista Capital Partners in the buyout of the Indian company.Minority investors claimed the open offer price announced by Vista Capital Partners for buying out Accelya is at a significant discount to the fair value of the company, and that the valuation methodology used by the valuers is wrong.Vista Capital officials could not be reached for their comment.Vista Capital Partners, a US-based investment firm focused on enterprise software, data and technology-enabled businesses, acquired 100 per cent of Accelya Topco in November last year from Warburg Pincus. Accelya Topco, in turn, holds 74.66 per cent stake in India listed Accelya Solutions (ASIL).SBI Mutual Fund and VLS Finance held 2.08 per cent and 1.75 per cent, respectively, in the company as on December 31, 2019. Shares of Accelya Solutions ended at Rs 1,050.35 on Monday.On January 9, Vista Equity Partners filed the offer to acquire 25.34 per cent shares of ASIL from public shareholders at Rs 956.09 per share. The letter by minority shareholders said that the open offer price is at a significant discount to the fair valuation of the company, and unjust to minority owners."In February 2017, Warburg Pincus had made an open offer to minority shareholders at Rs 1,250 per share. Since then the revenue/EBITDA and PAT of the company have increased by 28 per cent. Also, the company would benefit from the corporate tax cut announced in September 2019. Despite the above, the open offer price in current open offer has been reduced by 25 per cent compared to February 2017," said a letter jointly signed by SBI Mutual Fund, VLS Finance and Alpha Alternatives Advisors.Minority shareholders requested Sebi to appoint an independent valuer. For stocks not frequently traded, the valuation of shares must be done by independent merchant bankers other than the manager of the open offer, they said. | The big-will-get-bigger thesis on D-St is bound to fail. Here’s why Posted: N Jayakumar, MD, Prime Securities, says those who invested in top 10-15 index stocks are in a classic Venus flytrap. If everybody invests in the same 10-15-20 stocks or the index, can everybody make money? he asks. What do you want to discuss first: coronavirus, Budget or Nifty50 numbers?The Budget is the easiest to get out of the way. Walk in with zero expectations and you will not be disappointed.But is it really that easy? The market does not seem to be going into the event with zero expectations?The market will not react to any stimulus, which it may or may not be expecting from the Budget. There are very limited expectations. The market is definitely talking about some tweaking of the taxes, and maybe hoping for a few sops in certain pockets. For instance, an income-tax cut seems to have been factored in and taken for granted. What has changed in India is the structural way of doing businesses. Zero equity or negative equity projects, where the Indian promoter did not bring in his own equity but essentially borrowed from banks and used that as his own equity, have completely gone. Capex is dramatically down, and banks are now very clearly asking searching questions on equity. Today, there is no dearth of debt. The system has to be recapitalised with more and more equity coming in from promoters. The banking system needs to be capitalised by the government and the private sector lenders bringing in their own capital. The entire lending process has undergone a dramatic change. There is surplus liquidity, but people are not lending easily as the risk appetite has gone down. You could say, animal spirits are dead. Now, for new projects to come up, there has to be a cycle. The first sign of that is old projects getting bid for. That is the IBC process, where existing capacities are being taken up by people who have got some amount of equity – be it JSW acquiring Bhushan or Tata Steel acquiring a couple of names. Once that process of resolution goes in, capacity goes back to different hands. Then over the next couple of years, people would start talking about greenfield projects and new capacities. Until that time, this system is going to be awash with debt, which will not come without equity being thrown in. That is a big structural change. People have been crying hoarse that the top 10-15 index stocks are not reflecting the economy. And why will they reflect the economy? At the end of the day, the thesis was that the big will get bigger, which is what people are playing for. How long will you keep having money flow, ratify your thought process, saying if everybody invests in the same 10-15-20 stocks or the index, everybody will make money. That thesis has to fail. This is the what I call the classic Venus flytrap, where everybody walked in and said we are feeling safe because night or day, hail or sunshine, we invest in HDFC, HDFC Bank and a bunch of such stocks and we are good to go at 15 per cent a year compounded. Our portfolio will grow! The index has got a lot of headwinds in the 12,300-12,400 range, and we may well be in a range, which to my mind stands broadly at 11,500-12,500. So we are at the top end of this range. So, where does this money move? As people realise this hiding in security numbers is not the way to move forward, people will go back to stock picking. That is why I said leave the Budget out. Coronavirus is an unknown, in a manner of speaking. We do not really know how far this can go. So that is difficult for me to talk about it. The communication from China itself is reasonably moderated and articulated, we are not sure of the impact. Among these known and unknown, what is fairly clear is that you got to go back to stock picking; instant gratification will not come. There are pockets which offer a lot of comfort, but beyond all these noisy inputs, a few green signals are emanating. If I look at the stocks that are at 52-week high, I have gone beyond Nifty50: there is an Info Edge, a Spencer, a Bata, a Relaxo, PVR, Jubilant Foodworks, Hawkins. The screen is telling you, let us move outside Nifty50. Stocks that are now at 52-week highs, even in this midcap rally, are largely consumer-facing niche brands, low debt, high return-on-equity businesses?And non-equity diluting. So you have actually answered the question in a way. You have gone back to fundamentals, where there is limited equity dilution and there is a price or a premium to pay for survival. I would not say 60 PE is not too high, but 50 PE is the right number. That is not the argument here. The argument here is, there is a price for survival. All the names you have read out are names that have not just survived, but increased market shares, maybe not grown at the pace that you would have liked, but in some sense given some sort of leg-up to the theory that some of the big will get bigger, some of the small will possibly get better. These did not perform well in the past because of Sebi recategorisation of top 100 and the next 150. Frankly, that needs to have been dispensed with a long time ago. Ultimately, people should invest in market leaders; it does not really matter whether their market is Rs 1,000 crore or Rs 10,000 crore. Having said that, you will find a lot of midcaps where value will continue to make new highs, when it is clear that they have survived, they have done own internal funding and they are not short on debt. For good companies demonstrating decent balance sheets, there is no dearth of debt. You can negotiate the terms, because banks ultimately want to lend. But that's not the case for a lot of the sectors, including the capital-intensive ones like infrastructure, where debt is vital and where companies have recently gone from AAA to D in a month. Equity, as the word itself suggests, was meant to be the buffer when times were tough. It was meant to be the cushion that banks had to dip into. And really that is the hypothesis in this Swachh Bharat sort of cleanup. We have really cleaned up much of that. We have in a sense overshot this, but none of us is really complaining or cribbing. We are in the advisory space, whether is equity raising or restructuring. I think businesses could not be better, because people are literally – I mean borrowers are -- scared that the lenders will not stop at any length to recover their money, because they are emboldened to do so. By the same logic, if the lenders in the PSU space get emboldened to lend, we are on a good wicket. So I think the worst has played out, and the market seems to have bottomed out in July-August. So, it's time to go back to the good old theory that has lasted for last 30 years. Green shoots are showing in a number of pockets, be it steel, cement or infrastructure; new orders coming. There is some activity here which indicates that the economy as a whole is turning. The real truths are beyond this noise. The signals are that the market did bottom out and the economy is turning. Can RBI use this to cut interest rates further? Two-thirds of the world is still in negative interest rates and thirsting for yields. We are in a happy position: We are searching for inflation and probably getting a little bit of it, while the rest of the world would give their right arm to have some inflation.Given all that, there are some tailwinds going into the Budget. The policymakers can realise that in between them and RBI, they can stoke this economy back into a more prosperous-looking one, if not a roaring one. In last three months, we have been seeing everybody come to you and say things are terrible and that it is an echo chamber that we need to step out of. We kind of convinced each other into believing that it was more terrible than you could imagine. It is like that famous American Economist who said you can walk yourself into recession…That is correct.That is what is happening?That is absolutely correct. I have been categorised as permabull forever in life. The big bullish takeaway here is that with the cleansing of business and the ease with which you can do business, if you got a decent balance sheet, things have never been better. |  |
How to of the Day Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:07 PM PST How to Make an Origami Whale Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST An origami whale is a fun project for anyone who loves marine life. Making a whale is relatively simple for anyone who knows some basic origami folds. You will need a piece of origami paper and a pair of scissors. Carefully fold the paper to create the whale's body and small details like the flippers and tail. [Edit]Making the Guidelines - Lay a square piece of origami paper on a flat surface. A good starting paper size to use is . If your piece of paper has a white side and a colored side, place the colored side face down on the table. That side will form the outer part of the whale.[1]
- Bigger pieces of paper are easier to work with. If you're a beginner, practice folding techniques with a bigger piece of paper.
- Fold the paper in half, open it, and fold it in half the other way. Rotate the paper until it looks like a diamond with 1 corner pointing towards you. Bring the bottom point to the top point and flatten the page. Afterward, open the paper and repeat the fold with the opposite corners.[2]
- The paper will have a horizontal and vertical crease running through its center. These creases are guidelines you can use to help you fold the paper into the shape of a whale.
- Fold the top edges to the center crease. Start with the right side. Bring the right edge over until it aligns with the vertical center crease. Carefully flatten the paper to create another crease. Repeat this with the top left edge without opening the paper back up.[3]
- Make sure the paper is oriented in a diamond shape before you fold it.
- To make a good crease, hold the paper still with a free finger. Pin the flap of paper in place as you smooth it out.
- Flip the paper over and bring the tail to the top point. Your paper will look like a kite at this point. Position it so the thin tail points toward you. Then, bring the tail up until it is over the uppermost corner and crease the fold.[4]
- If your paper has a white backside, you will be making this fold on the colored side.
[Edit]Creating the Whale's Shape - Turn the paper over and open the pockets with your finger. The folded kite will have 2 little pockets along its bottom edge. Grasp the flaps by their free edges in the center of the paper. Use your finger to move the pockets away from the table. Push against their free edges to make them stand up.[5]
- For the best result, work with 1 pocket at a time.
- Bring the pocket's tip over to the center and flatten it. When you lift the pocket flaps away from the page, the paper's left and right corners will also lift up. Push against the outside edge of each pocket to bring the corner over to the center of the paper. Then, smooth them out to form a crease.[6]
- When this fold is done correctly, the pockets will form big triangles. The paper will look like an uneven diamond.[7]
- Fold the paper's top layer straight down. Slide your fingers around the edges of the paper. Separate the top layer from the paper underneath it, then bring the point down. The paper will have a crease about ¼ of the way up from the bottom, level with the diamond's left and right corners. Fold the paper down along this line.[8]
- Make sure you only fold the top layer, or else the paper won't be in the correct shape for the next step. After you make the fold, the paper will be in the shape of a perfect diamond.
- Flip the paper over and push the fin flaps to the left. After you turn the paper over, orient it so the diamond's longer corners point to the right and left. The flaps are in the middle. Push them over and flatten them against the paper.[9]
- Turn the paper over and fold the left point to the center. Flip the paper vertically, keeping the fin flaps pointed towards the left. Then, grab the left corner and align it with the paper's center point. Crease the fold to finish it.[10]
- Be careful about how you flip the paper. Flipping it the wrong way can affect how your whale turns out.
- Fold the bottom edge about ⅓ of the way up the paper. Hold the paper still with the sides of your hands. Carefully bring the bottom edge up slightly, pushing it onto the whale's body and flattening it. This fold determines how wide the whale's body will be.[11]
- Making the fold too big can make the whale's body look too small. You only need to fold the edge up a little, enough to make it horizontally flat.
- Bring the top half of the whale down over the bottom half. Fold the entire whale in half along the horizontal crease running through the center. Once you do this, you will be able to see the shape of the whale's body.[12]
- The top half of the paper will overhang the bottom half slightly. This is okay and will be fixed in the next step.
- Turn the overhanging top edge down and tuck it into the whale. Flip the whale over so pointed edge is on top and the flat edge is on the bottom. Grasp the pointed edge and fold it down against the whale's body. Then, unfold it and open the whale's top edge. Put the fold inside the whale to finish its basic shape.[13]
- Take a look at your work. Make sure both sides of the whale look even. The top and bottom edges will both be level.
[Edit]Finishing the Flippers and Tail - Move the whale onto its back and pull the fin flaps out. The whale's back is the shorter side. You will see 2 flaps of paper near the whale's head. Move each flap back away from the head at a diagonal angle, taking care not to pull them too far. Pull them about ⅔ of the way towards the whale's body and down.[14]
- If you move the flippers too close to the body, they won't stand out. Also, pull them down a little so the tips reach above the body.
- Fold the flippers carefully, since the thin origami paper can tear.
- Fold the whale's tail straight up. Grasp the tip and move the tail up, away from the whale's body. When you do this correctly, the tail's inner edge will form a perfect diagonal. Press down hard on it to make a good crease.[15]
- Adjust the fold to change the tail's size. Folding more of the tail makes it bigger. Change it according to how you want your whale to look.
- Open the whale and cut a slit in the tail. Unfold the tail, then spread apart the whale along its top edge. Look for the crease in the tail you made with your last fold. Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut along the center of the tail to that crease.[16]
- If you don't like doing scissors, you can skip this part. Instead, leave your whale's tail folded.
- Fold the whale's tail flaps up against one another. Close the whale back up, then separate the tail flaps. Grasp the flap closest to you, folding it so it points up towards the ceiling. Fold the other flap in the opposite direction until it is behind the first flap, perfectly aligned with it.[17]
- Push the flaps hard together so they stay in place, or else the tail may unfurl.
- Open the tail flaps up and crease them in place. You can adjust the tail flaps to whatever angle you like. Separate them, bringing each flap down so it points out towards the side. When you get them where you want them, press them between your fingers to crease them and hold them in place.[18]
- Your whale is done! You can try decorating yours, drawing on an eye or mouth if you'd like, or you can start over and make another one.
- There are many different ways to make an origami whale. You may discover a different fold that gives your whale a unique appearance.
- Practice makes perfect. If you make a mistake, get another piece of paper and start again.
- Using bigger sheets of paper can make the project easier. Also, try using paper that has different colors or patterns on each side.
- If you're having trouble making the whale, study some basic origami folds first. Practice with easier projects, such as dogs or butterflies.
[Edit]Warnings - Be cautious when using scissors and other sharp tools. Keep children away from them.
[Edit]Things You'll Need - Flat surface
- Paper
- Scissors
[Edit]Related wikiHows [Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary | How to Be Happy After a Breakup Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:00 AM PST Breakups are incredibly difficult. If you've just broken up with someone you care about, you may feel sad, angry, lost, or scared. The good news is that these feelings won't last forever. After the breakup, give yourself some time and space to process your grief. When you're ready, use the wisdom and experience you gained from the relationship to move forward with your life. Take time to reconnect with things that brought you joy before the breakup, and look for new forms of fulfillment as well. [Edit]Coping with Negative Feelings - Give yourself time to grieve. Don't try to force yourself to move on or "get over it" before you are ready. No matter what the circumstances of the breakup were, you've experienced a loss, and it's natural to have a lot of feelings to work through.[1]
- You will probably experience ups and downs during the grieving and healing process. You may feel much better one day, and then depressed or angry again the next. This emotional roller coaster can be frustrating or even frightening, but it is totally normal.
- Acknowledge how you feel without judgment. Whenever you feel really overwhelmed or down, find a quiet place to sit and just allow yourself to feel. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and mindfully make note of the thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations you are experiencing. Don't criticize or analyze what you're thinking and feeling—just recognize it.[2]
- For example, you might think to yourself, "I'm thinking about Madeline again. There's a knot in my upper back. I feel so sad."
- Release your feelings in a healthy way, such as by crying or talking to a friend. You might also find it helpful to write down what you are feeling or express it through art or music. You can even write a letter to your ex pouring out all your feelings (but destroy it when you're done so that you won't be tempted to send it).
- Being mindful of your feelings and being able to identify them can help them feel less overwhelming.
- Tell yourself that what you are feeling is temporary. It may be hard to imagine right now, but you will not feel this way forever. Think of your sadness about the breakup as an injury that is healing. It will hurt for a while and the pain may be worse some days than others, but the hurt will eventually fade.[3]
- The amount of time it takes to move beyond a breakup varies from one person (and breakup) to another. Just take it one day at a time.[4]
- Replace negative thoughts with more realistic ones. When you hear that negative or self-critical voice inside your head, stop and ask yourself, "Is that thought realistic? Is it helpful? Is it something I would say to a good friend?" If the answer to any of those questions is "no," replace the thought with something more realistic and constructive. This way, you can help your unhappy brain make the transition to positive thinking.[5]
- For example, if you find yourself thinking, "Nobody will ever love me like Bert did. I'll be alone forever," replace that thought with something like, "What I had with Bert was great in a lot of ways, but we broke up for a reason. I'm going to try and make the most of being single for now and see what happens next."
- Avoid blaming yourself for what happened. Self-blame is common after a breakup, but you probably both had a part to play in what happened. It's okay (and, in fact, healthy) to acknowledge the mistakes you made in the relationship, but try to think of those mistakes as an opportunity to grow and do better in the future.[6]
- You might also blame your partner for what happened, especially if they broke up with you. Remind yourself that it's probably for the best that they let you go, since you're now free to find someone who's a better match for you (if that's what you want).
- Reach out to family and friends for support. Whenever you feel overwhelmed and lonely, pick up your phone and call or text a close friend or relative. Talking to someone can distract you, help you work through your feelings, or just remind you that you're not alone.[7]
- Chances are you know someone who has been through a breakup. They can lend you a sympathetic ear and offer advice for dealing with your feelings.
- If you don't have anyone to talk to, consider calling a crisis line or joining an online discussion group for people going through breakups.
- If you do join an online group, look for one that is moderated, like the forums at PsychCentral. Moderated forums have administrators who monitor the discussion to ensure that there is no bullying or other forms of abuse in the community.
- Use positive self talk to combat negative beliefs about yourself. A breakup is personal, so it's normal for you to wonder what you did wrong. However, the breakup shouldn't change the way you feel about yourself. Everyone goes through breakups, and many relationships aren't meant to last. Don't let thoughts like "I'm not good enough," "No one wants to go out with me," or "I'm not attractive enough" take root in your mind.
- Don't let these types of thoughts follow you into your next relationship. They aren't true, so don't allow them to negatively impact your future.
- If you notice any of these negative thoughts, challenge them and replace them with positive self talk. First, look for 3 pieces of evidence against the negative statement. Then, replace it with a positive statement about yourself. You can find worksheets online to help you do this![8]
- For example, let's say you're thinking "I'm unlovable." Your 3 pieces of evidence that this isn't true might be that your parents, best friend, and pet all love you. You might tell yourself, "I'm deeply loved by the people in my life, plus I love myself."
[Edit]Moving Forward with Your Life - Make peace with the reasons why your relationship didn't work out. At first, it can be hard to see the cracks in your relationship, but there's likely a reason it didn't work out. Recognizing this reason can help you move on. Think about why your relationship ended, such as due to incompatibility, different goals, bad timing, or unmet expectations. Write down why you think the relationship ended to help you find closure.
- When you start to feel emotional again, use this exercise to help you rationalize why the relationship was meant to end. Tell yourself, "I'm feeling sad about the breakup again, but we had different goals for the future. I want a partner who wants the same things I do."
- Focus on caring for yourself. Help yourself heal after your breakup by practicing self-care. It's hard to be happy if you're not taking care of your basic physical, emotional, and practical needs. Self-care can mean a lot of things, but a few of the basics include:[9]
- Work on achieving some personal goals. Think about things you've always wanted to accomplish, or set some new goals for yourself and create a realistic plan to work on them. It's easy to put your personal goals and ambitions aside while you're caught up in a relationship, so now is the perfect time to start working on them.[10]
- Working on your goals can help boost your confidence, give you something to focus on aside from the breakup, and remind you of who you are as an individual.
- Your goals don't need to be anything big or grandiose. You could start with simple things like reorganizing your desk or taking a 15-minute walk every day.
- Keep a list of your daily accomplishments, and remember to reward yourself when you meet a goal!
- Do things you find fun and fulfilling. Now is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or rekindle your interest in an old one! If you want to try something new, consider signing up for a class or joining a local group that shares your interests.[11]
- If you're the creative type, you could try painting, doing crafts, or learning a musical instrument. If you're more athletic or outdoorsy, try taking up a new sport or going on hikes.
- Doing group activities is also a great way to make new friends and grow your support network.
- If there are any activities that you particularly associate with your ex, you might want to take a break from them for a while.
- Resist the urge to check in on what your ex is doing. If you find yourself agonizing about how your ex is feeling and what they are up to, look for ways to distract yourself or channel those feelings elsewhere. For example, if you are fighting the temptation to look at your ex's Facebook page, you might call a friend or write about it in a journal.
- If you and your ex are connected on social media, it may be a good idea to unfriend or even block them. That will help reduce the temptation to torture yourself by checking their profile.
- Look at the relationship as a learning experience. Once you've had some time and distance from the relationship, take time to think about it from a wiser and more objective point of view. Think about how to use your experiences, both good and bad, to help you in future relationships or even in your life as a single person.
- For example, maybe you've picked up on some red flags to avoid in future potential partners. You might also think of ways you can improve your own behavior in relationships going forward.
- It might help to make a list of what things were good and bad about the relationship. Think about specific changes you might make based on your insights. For example, "Lucy was funny and exciting to hang out with, but she didn't really share many of my interests. In future relationships, I'll prioritize finding someone who has more in common with me."
- After some reflection, you might even decide that you prefer being single for now, and that's perfectly valid! Don't let anyone pressure you into looking for a new relationship if you don't want one.
- See a counselor if you feel you need extra help. Ask your doctor to recommend a therapist, or do an online search for a counselor who has experience dealing with relationship issues. A counselor can help you work through your feelings and recommend good strategies for dealing with them.
- You may need to see a counselor if your grief is interfering with your ability to function in your daily life, work, or relationships, or if you feel like you aren't making enough progress on your own.
- Don't rush into any new relationships before you've had some time to heal. A breakup can leave you feeling confused and emotionally vulnerable. You may also still be dealing with feelings for your ex, which could have a negative impact on other relationships.[12]
- Even if you're the one who initiated the breakup, it's still natural to feel a sense of grief and loss.
- It is possible to stay friends with someone after breaking up with them. Don't try to force it, however. You and your ex will probably both need a lot of time and space after the breakup, and it's possible that you'll never be able to fully connect as friends.
[Edit]References __ [Edit]Quick Summary | How to Access Bixby on Samsung Galaxy Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST This wikiHow teaches you how to open the Bixby Home page, activate voice commands, and use Bixby Vision to detect objects with your camera, using a Samsung Galaxy. [Edit]Accessing Bixby Home & Voice - Swipe all the way to the right on your home screen. This will open your Bixby Home. You can view your notifications, reminders, and some daily information like the weather here.
- Press the Bixby button on the side of your Galaxy's casing. It's located just below the Volume buttons on the side. Pressing this button shortly will open Bixby Home.
- Press and hold the Bixby button to give a voice command. While you press and hold the side button on your Galaxy, you can ask Bixby to tell the time, make a call, save a reminder, or search a word.
- Say "Hey Bixby" to give a voice command. If you have the Hey Bixby feature enabled, you can just say "Hey Bixby" and follow up with a voice command.
[Edit]Accessing Bixby Vision - Open your Galaxy's camera. Find and tap the camera icon on your home screen or on the Apps menu.
- Tap on the bottom-left. You can find this option in the lower-left corner of your camera screen.
- On some versions, you may see the Bixby Vision eye icon here instead.
- Point the camera at something for Bixby to detect. Bixby Vision will determine what it is, and give you relevant information like nearby locations, similar images, text translations, or QR codes.
[Edit]Quick Summary | How to Do the Surya Namaskar Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:00 PM PST The Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) is a series of 12 yoga poses meant to give praise to the sun. Traditionally, you do these poses in the morning to greet the rising sun and celebrate the start of a new day. After you move through the poses, go back through the same poses in the opposite direction until you return to your beginning pose. The Surya Namaskar A is just one of many variants on this sequence. [Edit]Opening the Surya Namaskar - Start with the mountain pose. This pose is also known as the Tadasana Namaskar. Stand up straight and tall with your feet planted firmly on the floor, hip-distance apart. Balance your weight evenly on both feet. Let your hands hang at your sides with the palms facing forward and the fingers open, in a receiving position.[1]
- Alternatively, you can bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer position. Press the tips of your thumbs against your sternum, over your heart chakra.[2]
- Once you are in the mountain pose, breathe slowly and steadily, and focus on finding your center.[3]
- Raise your arms in an upward salute (Urdhva Hastasana). Inhale deeply and look upward. Slowly raise your arms above your head with the palms together and your fingers pointing straight upward. Push your hips forward a little so that you enter a slight backbend.[4]
- Keep your shoulders back and down while you are in this pose.
- Move into a standing forward bend (Uttanasana). Exhale and bend forward at the hips, keeping your back and legs straight. If you can, bring your chest against your thighs and aim the crown of your head at the floor. Place your hands flat on the floor, or rest them on a block if you cannot reach the floor.[5]
- Try to line your fingertips up with your toes, with your hands positioned on the outsides of your feet.
- Keep your back as straight as possible while you are in this pose. Your back should not be rounded.
- Enter a half-standing forward bend (Ardha Uttanasana). Inhale and slowly slide your hands up along your shins. Raise your head so that you are looking slightly forward and unbend slightly at the hips so that your chest is no longer resting against your thighs. Keep your back flat and straight. Create a triangle between your feet, head, and hips.[6]
- Alternatively, you can keep your fingertips resting on the floor for this pose.[7]
[Edit]Moving through the Middle of the Routine - Exhale and return to the forward fold. From the half-standing forward bend, slowly return to your previous position. Slide your hands back down your shins so that you are grasping your ankles. Make sure to keep your back straight as you bend forward and rest your chest against your thighs.[8]
- Get into a plank pose. Inhale and place your hands flat on the floor. Carefully step back with both feet, one foot at a time, extending your legs straight out behind you with your toes curled under you. Keep your arms straight and your shoulders directly above your wrists, and keep your back straight and flat.[9]
- Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, and your feet should be hip-distance apart.
- Lower yourself into a low pushup. This is also known as the 4-limbed staff pose or Chaturanga Dandasana. Exhale and bend your arms at the elbows so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Push back through your legs into your heels, keeping your legs straight out behind you.[10]
- If you're not strong enough to do a low pushup, lower yourself down so that your knees, chin, and chest are on the floor.
- Inhale and enter an upward dog pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana). Push your toes out behind you so that the tops of your feet are resting flat on the floor. Keeping your arms straight and your hands resting flat on the floor, raise your head and push your chest forward and your shoulders back so that you enter a backbend.[11]
- Allow your shins to rest on the floor, but try to keep your thighs and hips slightly elevated.
[Edit]Returning to the Opening Pose - Get into a downward dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Exhale and roll your feet back onto your toes, keeping your legs straight out behind you. Let your head hang down and move your hips up and back, pushing through your shoulder blades. Keep your hands flat on the floor and your arms straight.[12]
- Keep your back and legs straight and aim your hips directly at the ceiling.
- Move back into the standing forward bend. From the downward dog position, inhale and step forward with one foot, then the other. Move your feet so that they are in line with your hands and closer to the front of the mat. Keep your legs and back straight, and bend at the hips.[13]
- Inhale and move back into the upward salute. Slowly straighten up until you are standing upright, then raise your arms above your head, turning your gaze upward. Keep your hands facing each other or touching, palm to palm. Push your hips forward and your shoulders back so that you enter a slight backbend.[14]
- Keep your knees very slightly bent during this pose.
- Exhale and return to the mountain pose. Slowly lower your arms and straighten your back. Let your hands hang at your sides in the forward-facing receptive position, or hold them in front of your chest in the prayer position. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed between both your feet.[15]
- This will return you to the original pose and bring the Surya Namaskar sequence full circle.
- Use fluid, connected movements to move between positions.
[Edit]References [Edit]Quick Summary |  |
Today Crunch News, News Updates, Tech News Posted: 27 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST NASA taps startup Axiom Space for the first habitable commercial module for the Space Station Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:58 PM PST NASA has selected Houston-based Axiom Space, a startup founded in 2016, to build the first commercial habitat module for the International Space Station (ISS). This module will be used as a destination for future commercial spaceflight missions, potentially housing experiments, technology development and more performed by commercial space travelers taking rides up to the ISS via human-rated spacecraft like the SpaceX Crew Dragon and Boeing Starliner, once those start regular operational service. Axiom Space was founded in 2016, and is led by co-founder and CEO Michael T. Suffredini, who previously acted as program manager for the ISS at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. The company boasts a lot of ex-NASA talent on its small team, and eventually it plans to make its in-space modules the basis of its own private space station, after first attaching them to the ISS while it’s still operating. NASA has extended the planned service life of the ISS, but the plan of the agency’s current leadership is to eventually encourage private orbital labs and commercial facilities as an ultimate replacement. In 2018, Axiom teamed up with designer Philippe Starck (yes, the same one who famously designed a luxury yacht for Apple founder Steve Jobs) to provide a look at what their future space station modules might look like, including crew quarters with interactive displays and a cupola that provides a breathtaking view of Earth and surrounding space.  This ISS module may not be a full-fledged private space station, but it is a step in NASA’s goal of further commercializing the existing space station and ultimately paving the way for more commercial activity in low Earth orbit. Axiom’s mandate also includes providing “at least one habitable commercial module,” with the implication being that it might be awarded extensions to build more in the future. Next up for the new partners is negotiating terms and price for a contract for the module, which will also include a timeline for delivery. | ‘Star Trek: Picard’ breaks streaming records on CBS All Access Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:19 PM PST CBS’ streaming service, CBS All Access, credits a trio of high-profile events — including the premiere of its new Star Trek series, “Star Trek: Picard,” as well as the 62nd annual Grammy Awards, not to mention a busy month of football — with helping it to achieve a new record for subscriber sign-ups in a given month. The company says January 2020 surpassed the service’s previous record in February 2019 for subscriber sign-ups. In addition, last week was the second-best sign-up week ever, closely behind the week of the 2019 Super Bowl. Much of the record-setting had to do with the launch of the highly anticipated show, “Star Trek: Picard,” which brings back fan-favorite Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, now a retired Starfleet Admiral whose quiet life on his family’s vineyard is about to be disrupted. The show, set 18 years after the events of the final “Star Trek: The Next Generation” movie, “Star Trek: Nemesis,” not only capitalizes on Stewart’s draw, it also brings back previous “Star Trek” actors including Brent Spiner (Data), Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine), Marina Sirtis (Troi), and Jonathan Frakes (Riker). But unlike other reboots, which hope nostalgia alone will bring the viewers, “Picard’s” creators have actually given thought to the story the show is trying to tell, resulting in a 95% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes. CBS says the premiere of “Picard” also marked a new record for total streams and drove the highest volume of subscribers to stream a CBS All Access original series to date. “Picard” was up by more than 115% in terms of total streams, when compared to CBS All Access’s first record, which was by its other “Star Trek” show, the less well-received “Star Trek: Discovery.” It was also up by 180+% over “Discovery’s” prior record for subscribers streaming a CBS All Access original. Meanwhile, CBS said last night’s Grammys were the most-streamed to date and a new record for sign-ups on a Grammys Sunday, surpassing 2019 by more than 80% in new sign-ups and more than 30% in unique viewers on the service. However, what CBS won’t talk about is the total number of subscribers for CBS All Access alone, nor does it break out how many have upgraded to the ad-free tier. Instead, the company only shares that CBS All Access and Showtime’s over-the-top service, combined, have more than 10 million total subscribers. In any event, that figure puts it far behind streaming rivals like Netflix and Hulu, with 61 million U.S. subscribers and 29 million subscribers, respectively. Even newcomers like Disney+ and Apple TV+ have boomed. Disney+ is estimated to have somewhere between 23.2 million and 25 million subscribers. One estimate believes Apple TV+ could be even bigger, but the analyst firm’s methodology is questionable. (After all, Apple TV+ may be available to users with a new Apple device for free for a year, but that doesn’t mean users are watching the service, nor will pay for it later on.) In short, what these figures mean is CBS needs more than football, seasonal events and a new “Star Trek” series in order to grow. Even if “Star Trek: Picard” becomes a hit, fans who come for “Star Trek” alone are likely to sign up only when the show is airing, then unsubscribe in the off-season. Some may even wait to watch the series until they can binge it all — possibly even during a free trial period. But as the newly combined ViacomCBS, the company now has options. ViacomCBS’ top execs have indicated they could bring Nickelodeon, BET, MTV and Comedy Central shows to CBS All Access as a result of the Viacom-CBS merger. The company believes it can hit 25 million CBS All Access subscribers by 2022. “We've seen tremendous continued growth in the service, and the new records we've experienced due to ‘Star Trek: Picard,’ the Grammy’s and a fantastic season of football are a phenomenal way to kick off what will be a fantastic year for CBS All Access," said Marc DeBevoise, chief digital officer, ViacomCBS, and president and CEO, CBS Interactive. “CBS All Access continues to build upon its great mix of programming — from original series, to sports and special events — and we've strategically programmed 2020 to bring subscribers an 'always on' calendar of must-watch series and events,” he added. | With $5 million from international backers, Mexico’s Moons brings its Invisalign killer to YC Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:59 PM PST Moons, a Mexico City-based startup that’s angling to be the Invisalign for the Latin American market, has joined the ranks of Y Combinator as part of the accelerator’s latest cohort. The company already has $5 million in financing in the bank from an international group of investors, including Jaguar Ventures, Foundation Capital and Tuesday Capital, along with a whole host of strategic individual investors from Latin America’s dental community. “We provide dental services throughout Mexico, Colombia and soon throughout Latin America,” says Moon co-founder and chief executive officer, Tommaso Tomba. Like Invisalign, Moons conducts free initial conversations with potential patients and does a free scan of their teeth. “We have a team of orthodontists that take a look at the patient and determines whether the patient is a good candidate,” says Tomba. If there’s a good fit, then the company creates a treatment plan and consultation schedule with a patient and fits them out with a pair of 3D-printed aligners — all for around $1,200. That’s far lower than the treatment costs using established vendors, says Tomba. Already the company has 18 locations in Mexico and another two in Colombia — where Tomba expects operations to expand at a rapid clip. “We’re turning more cases than Invisalign in Mexico because we’ve brought the price right down,” says Tomba. A graduate of Cambridge and Oxford Universities, Tomba and his founding team chose Latin America to launch their dental business after months of market analysis. Latin America is host to three of the most active destinations for cosmetic surgeries in the world. Tomba market-tested by creating a website advertising the launch of his new business and taking pre-orders for the service in Europe, Latin America and the U.S. He settled on Mexico in part because of the demand he saw and in part because he’d had experience in the market previously as an early employee of Linio — a Rocket Internet-backed competitor to Amazon on the continent. During his time at Linio, Tomba met his co-founder Leonardo Miron, a serial entrepreneur whose previous business was a mobile phone repair service called Rescata. Alex Clapp, a university friend of Tomba’s with experience in investment banking and healthcare-focused private equity in London and New York, rounded out the founding team. The team chose to apply to Y Combinator because of the firm’s access to capital and ability to open doors in the U.S., Tomba said. “In LatAm, access to capital to build long-lasting companies is still relatively limited compared to the U.S., so we think it makes sense to YC so that they help us with investors and attracting talent going forward,” he said. And Moons has bigger dreams than just the dental market. “We plan to go into other healthcare verticals,” says Tomba. “Always with the core tenet of providing high-quality healthcare and making it accessible.” | PrimaHealth Credit will now lend to borrowers looking to pay for addiction treatment Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST PrimaHealth Credit, which offers loans to borrowers to pay for medical treatment, is expanding its pitch to cover addiction treatment centers. Currently, PrimaHealth offers loans for elective healthcare procedures like plastic surgery, LASIK, dental surgery and orthodontics. The move into addiction treatment is both a sign of how broken the American healthcare system is when it comes to substance abuse and addiction — and mental health therapies more broadly — and an indicator of the potential size of the market. According to the company, PrimaHealth won’t charge any interest for most of its loans — depending on the creditworthiness of the borrower. Instead, the company will make money by charging a fee to the treatment center. If the borrower has poor credit, the APR on loans is 19.99%, according to a spokesperson for the company. "Addiction treatment centers are under-served in relation to viable financing options to offer their patients," says Brendon Kensel, founder and chief executive of PrimaHealth Credit, in a statement. “The burden of out-of-pocket costs falls on their patients, who often are unable to start the treatments they urgently need." Spending on substance abuse treatment in the U.S. is expected to reach $42.1 billion this year, with patients paying about $3.7 billion out-of-pocket for treatment and services, according to data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration cited by the company. "Out-of-pocket expenses are often a key barrier to patients proceeding with care," says Fritz Quindt, marketing director at A Better Today Recovery Services, a leading addiction treatment provider based in Scottsdale, Ariz., in a statement. "PrimaHealth Credit offers a new approach to helping patients fund the treatment they need. Their easy-to-use platform, customer support, and results speak for themselves." The company wouldn’t comment on the number of loans it has issued for elective surgeries. PrimaHealth uses an algorithm to determine the credit-worthiness of potential borrowers and provides a payment management solution for treatment centers. Using underwriting models that use 200 determining factors, the company can issue instant credit decisions and offer different payment plans for borrowers, according to a statement. For providers, the company offers reduced administrative costs and manages payment services, accounts receivable and credit reporting. PrimaHealth also said it would help addiction providers meet regulatory requirements to collect co-pays and deductibles. The company’s services are currently available in Arizona, California, Florida and Texas. | Diet autopilot Thistle raises $5M for health food subscriptions Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST What if it was easier to eat salad than junk food? Most diet routines take a ton of time, whether you’re cooking from scratch, making a meal kit or seeking a nutritious restaurant. But on-demand prepared food delivery companies like Sprig that tried to eliminate that work have gone bankrupt from poor unit economics. Thistle is a different type of food startup. It delivers thrice-weekly cooler bags customized with meat-optional, plant-based breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, sides and juices. By batching deliveries in the less-congested early morning hours and optimizing routes to its subscribers, or by mailing weekly boxes beyond its own geographies, Thistle makes sure you already have your food the moment you’re hungry. Whether you heat them up or eat them straight out of the fridge, you’re actually dining faster than you could even place an Uber Eats order.  The food on Thistle’s constantly rotating menu is downright tasty. You might get a sunrise chia parfait for breakfast, a chicken tropical mango salad for lunch, a microwaveable bulgogi noodle bowl for dinner, with beet hummus and kale-cucumber juice for snacks. Thistle’s not cheap, with meals averaging about $14 each. But compared to competitors’ on-demand delivery markups and service fees, wasting ingredients from the grocer and the hours of cooking for yourself, it can be a good deal for busy people. “We see Thistle as part of a movement to make health convenient rather than a high willpower chore,” CEO Ashwin Cheriyan tells me. What Peloton did to shave time off getting a great workout, Thistle does for eating a nourishing meal. It makes the right choice the easiest choice.  Thistle COO Shiri Avnery and CEO Ashwin Cheriyan with their daughter The idea of a button you can push to make you healthier has attracted a new $5.65 million Series A round for Thistle led by its first institutional investor, PowerPlant Ventures . Bringing the startup to $15 million in funding, the cash will expand Thistle’s delivery domain. Dan Gluck of PowerPlant, which has also funded food break-outs like Beyond Meat, Thrive Market and Rebbl, will join the board. Currently Thistle delivers in-person to the Bay Area, LA metro, San Diego and Sacramento while shipping to most of Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Arizona. Thistle actually held off on raising more since launching in 2013 to make sure it hammered out unit economics to prevent an implosion. It’s also planning broader meal options, additional product lines and fresh distribution strategies like getting stocked in office smart kitchens or subsidized by wellness plans. “The reasons that so many food delivery companies have failed likely fall into two buckets: one, a lack of focus on margins and unit economics, and two, premature geographic expansion before proving out the business model,” says Cheriyan. “Thistle makes money similar to how a well-run restaurant would make money — by having strong gross margins, efficient customer acquisition costs and solid customer retention / lifetime metrics. We currently deliver tens of thousands of meals on a weekly basis to customers on the West Coast and our annual average growth rate since launch has been 100%+.”  It’s nice that Thistle hasn’t gone out of business, because I’ve been eating its salads 6X a week for three years. It’s been the most efficient way for me to get healthier and lose weight after a half-decade of ordering takeout sandwiches and then feeling sluggish all day. I legitimately look forward to each one since they often have 20+ ingredients and only repeat every few months, so they’re never boring. It has helped me keep my work-from-home lunches to about 20 minutes so I have more time for writing. Thistle is one of the few startups I consistently recommend to people. When asked how I lost 25lbs before my wedding, I point to Peloton cycling, Future remote personal training and Thistle salads — none of which require me to leave the house. Cheriyan tells me, “We wanted the better-for-you and better-for-planet choice to be the default choice.” Growing out of on-demand Thistle has already pivoted past the business model burning tons of cash across the startup world. The company started as an on-demand cold-pressed juice delivery service, sending hipster glass bottles of watermelon and charcoal extract to doors around San Francisco. It was 2013, yoga was booming and people were paying crazily high prices for liquified lemongrass. Health made simple seemed like a sure bet to the founding team of Alap Shah, Naman Shah, Sheel Mohnot and Johnny Hwin, some of whom run Studio Management, a family office and startup incubator. [Disclosure: Hwin and Alap Shah are friends of mine, but didn’t pitch or discuss this article with me.]  Thistle eventually straightened things out with a shift to subscriptions and batched delivery under the leadership of the newly added co-founders, Cheriyan and his wife and COO Shiri Avnery. “I came from a family of physicians — both my parents, brother, and enough aunts, uncles, and cousins are doctors that they could start a small hospital,” Cheriyan, a former corporate attorney in M&A tells me. “A common point of frustration was about patients suffering from diet-related illnesses who were unable to make a lifestyle change because it was too hard.” Avnery, a PhD in air pollution and climate change’s impact on agriculture, had become exasperated with the slow pace of policy change and the inaction of governments and corporations. The two quit their jobs, moved to San Francisco, and searched for a point of leverage for positively influencing people’s diets and interaction with the environment. They teamed up with the founders and launched Thistle v1. A lack of experience in logistics led to the initial detour into on-demand. But rather than trying to fix the problem with VC money, Thistle stayed lean and discovered the opportunity nestled between Uber Eats and Blue Apron: sending people food they don’t have to eat now, but that takes low or no time to prepare when they’re peckish. Through its app, users can customize their meal plans, ban their allergens, pause deliveries and see what they’ll eat next.  A sample of Thistle 8 meal plans “The unit economics problem most heavily plagued the early on-demand food companies. Food / labor waste and inefficient deliveries were likely the biggest reasons why the economics were unsustainable without venture life support. We know this personally as Thistle started our delivery service as an on-demand company before quickly realizing that the unit economics couldn't sustain a healthy business,” Cheriyan explains, regarding companies like Sprig, DoorDash and Grubhub. Beyond unsold food, “the margins very likely did not support ordering a $12-$15 single meal for immediate delivery when average hourly driver wages reached $18-20.” Meal kits were supposed to make dining healthier and cheaper, but they proved too much of a chore and led customers to boxes of ingredients piling up unused. Munchery and Nomiku went out of business while giants like Blue Apron have incinerated hundreds of millions of dollars and seen their share prices sink.  “The meal kit companies fared a little better from a gross margin perspective (due to pre-orders and more efficient deliveries), but suffer most from an easy-to-copy business model. This led to a rise in copycats, and, as a result, heavily rising customer acquisition costs, low switching costs and poor retention,” Cheriyan tells me. “Fundamentally the meal kit companies face another challenge, which is that people have less and less time to cook and are increasingly looking for ready-to-eat options.” Push-button health A slower, steadier approach with less overhead, more convenience and fewer direct competitors has helped Thistle grow to 400 employees, from culinary to engineering to logistics. Still, it’s vulnerable. It may still be too expensive for some markets and demographics. Logistics experts like Amazon and Whole Foods could try to barge into the market. Cloud kitchens without dining rooms are making restaurant food more affordable for delivery. And another startup could always take the gamble on raising a ton of cash and subsidizing prices to steal market share, especially where Thistle doesn’t operate yet.  Thistle could counter these threats by further eliminating delivery costs by selling through partners like office smart fridges where employees pay on the spot, or equipping gym lobbies with more than just Muscle Milk. “One opportunity we're excited to test is attended and unattended retail — it would be great to be able to pick up Thistle products at your local grocery store, gym or coffee shop,” Cheriyan says. As for offices, “Today's corporate lunchtime solutions often require a trade-off between health and convenience: either wait in line for 30+ minutes at your favorite salad spot for a healthy option, or opt into catered restaurant meals that leave you feeling sluggish and unproductive.” Thistle could help employers prevent the 3pm energy lull.  The startup’s focus on plant-forward meals also centers it in the path of another megatrend: the shift to environmentally conscious diets. Almost 60% of Americans are trying to eat less meat and 50% are eating meat-alternatives like Impossible Burgers. That stems both from interest in the humane treatment of animals and how 15% of green house emissions come from livestock. But 45% of Americans say they hate to cook. That’s why Thistle makes pre-made meals where meat and egg are optional, but the food is healthy and delicious without them. In the age of Uber, we’ve acclimated to an effortless life. The new wave of “push-button health” startups like Thistle could finally take the hassle out of aligning your actions in the gym or kitchen with your intentions. | NASA’s advanced vision system for its supersonic test jet is undergoing a key stress test Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST NASA is keeping things moving with its X-59 program — the one where it’s developing a modern supersonic aircraft that proves the viability of lessening the traditional supersonic “boom” to a mere supersonic “thump,” in order to show that supersonic commercial passenger flights over land could be a real thing. The agency has already developed and flight-tested an innovative eXternal Vision System (XVS), which replaces a traditional transparent windshield to provide the X-59 pilot with a view as they fly, and now they’re subjecting that system to a high-frequency shake test to ensure it’s rigorous enough to work under the typical range of in-flight conditions. The XVS has actually already flown — last August, it was loaded aboard a decidedly non-supersonic aircraft (the Beechcraft King Air UC-12B to be exact), which let the team working on the system show that it could do everything they needed it to in terms of providing pilots with real-time visibility of the air in front of them. Those tests showed that the XVS theory, technology and implementation all worked as intended, through use and feedback from real test pilots, but they didn’t show that the XVS hardware was able to withstand the kinds of stresses it might encounter when loaded in a fully built X-59 that’s flying faster than the speed of sound. Obviously, NASA doesn’t want to wait until the X-59’s first flight to figure out if the XVS can handle said flight. That’s why things like the shake testing it’s doing now are so important. The shake test will expose the VS computer, displays and cameras to the kinds of vibrations it would experience during a typical flight. This is technically “pre-qualification” testing, which just means that it’s not supposed to strain the equipment to any extremes just yet. Provided everything goes to plan with this round of vibration tests, the next step will be qualification testing — in which the equipment will indeed be tested to its failure point on purpose. All of this is prelude to the XVS being installed on the X-59 itself (there will still be temperature and altitude testing before that happens, though) and eventually, flying the aircraft. That’s when NASA hopes to show that the technologies it has developed in building the X-59 could usher in an entirely new era of commercial air travel — one in which supersonic planes regularly zip across populated stretches of land without scaring the crap out of the people on the ground. | Pantheon bets on WebOps as it charts a course to an IPO Posted: 27 Jan 2020 11:24 AM PST It has been 10 years since Pantheon launched. At the time, it was mostly a hosting service for Drupal sites, but about six years ago, it added WordPress hosting to its lineup and raised more VC money as some of its competitors did the same. After its 2016 Series C round, things started quieting down, though the company has clear ambitions to become a public company in the next few years. To chat about those plans and the overall state of the business, I sat down with Pantheon co-founder and CEO Zack Rosen and new Pantheon board member Elissa Fink, former CMO of Tableau. Maybe the biggest change at Pantheon is that when it launched, its team was almost solely focused on the developer experience. And while Pantheon was essentially a hosting service and offers personal plans, its focus was never on individuals who wanted a WordPress blog (which a lot of companies focused on, especially in the pre-Twitter days). Its efforts always revolved around businesses, large enterprises and the agencies that serve them. “Back then, our overriding focus was really around the developer experience — the practitioner experience — of using our product,” Rosen explained. “And frankly, at the time, we actually really didn’t know what to call it. It really didn’t have a category, but we always felt it was something new.” He noted that over the last few years, Pantheon started talking to a lot of marketers and realized that the needs of these marketing leaders are driving this space. | Kidtech startup SuperAwesome raises $17M, with strategic investment from Microsoft’s M12 venture fund Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST Kidtech startup SuperAwesome has raised an additional $17 million in funding, which includes a new strategic investment from Microsoft’s venture fund, M12. Others participating in the round include existing investors Mayfair Equity, Hoxton Ventures and Ibis, along with other angels. To date, SuperAwesome has raised $37 million in outside investment. SuperAwesome has been tapping into the need for more kid-friendly technology on the web that’s now used just as much by younger children as it is by adults. “Historically the internet was designed to be used by adults, but now over 40% of new users are kids,” said SuperAwesome CEO Dylan Collins. “We're in the middle of a structural shift in the composition of the internet that requires investment in privacy and kidtech to support children. This is as big a transition as mobile was for the desktop internet,” he noted. The company’s platform includes products for kid-safe advertising, social engagement tools, authentication and parental controls. The breadth of this lineup has attracted big-name kids’ brands as customers, including Activision, Hasbro, Mattel, Lego, Cartoon Network, Spin Master, Nintendo, Bandai, WB, Shopkins maker Moose Toys, WPP, Omnicom, Dentsu, Niantic and Wildworks, among others. Today, the company has more than 300 customers in total. SuperAwesome’s technology has arrived at a critical time for many working in the kids’ app space, as governments are newly enacting and enforcing a range of kids’ privacy laws like COPPA (the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule) and GDPR-K in the E.U., as well as other laws in major markets like China, Brazil and India. In the U.S., for example, the FTC has slapped apps like (now TikTok) and YouTube with record fines for violations of children’s privacy regulations. These changes have been a boon to SuperAwesome, which is now fully profitable and powering more than 12 billion kids’ digital transactions per month. Last year, the company pulled in $55 million in revenue and is on track for $80 to $90 million in revenue in 2020, Collins told TechCrunch. SuperAwesome and Microsoft aren’t yet talking in detail about how the two companies will be teaming up, following the strategic investment. One thing being discussed by the two, however, are the opportunities around family identity, we’re told. In addition, Microsoft today is focused on both privacy and kids across its products — for example, with its web browser as well as with its educational efforts involving Minecraft, among other things. “After we spent time with the M12 team and folks in Microsoft, it was clear we shared the same vision of where the internet is going: more kids and more privacy,” Collins said. “We are proud to welcome the SuperAwesome team to the M12 portfolio. Dylan has cultivated a mission-driven team dedicated to keeping the internet safer for kids—a critical priority for digital-first generations,” said Nagraj Kashyap, Microsoft corporate vice president and global head of M12, in a statement about the funding. “Given Microsoft's footprint in the identity management space, we're excited to explore opportunities for partnership with SuperAwesome as well,” Kashyap added.  | Daily Crunch: Tech notables react to Kobe Bryant’s death Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 9am Pacific, you can subscribe here. 1. LA tech industry mourns Kobe Bryant The Los Angeles startup community is joining the rest of the world in mourning the death of NBA superstar, entrepreneur and investor Kobe Bryant who was killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, Calif. on Sunday. Bryant launched his venture career with partner and serial entrepreneur Jeff Stibel back in 2013, making investments in Los Angeles-based companies like LegalZoom, Scopely, Art of Sport, The Honest Company, RingDNA, FocusMotion, DyshApp and Represent. 2. N26 reaches 5 million customers, including 250,000 in the US N26 expanded to the United States during the summer of 2019. It represents a huge market opportunity, even though N26 faces competition from local players, such as Chime. 3. AI-powered voice transcription app Otter raises $10M, including from new strategic investor NTT DOCOMO The two companies are teaming up to support Otter's expansion into the Japanese market, where DOCOMO will be integrating Otter with its own AI-based translation service subsidiary, Mirai Translation. 4. Samasource CEO Leila Janah passes away at 37 Janah, a serial entrepreneur who was the CEO and founder of machine learning training data company Samasource, passed away at the age of 37 due to complications from epithelioid sarcoma, a form of cancer, according to a statement from the company. She focused her career on social and ethical entrepreneurship with the goal of ending global poverty. 5. As the venture market tightens, a debt lender sees big opportunities David Spreng spent more than 20 years in venture capital before dipping his toe into the world of revenue-based financing and realizing there was a growing appetite for alternatives to venture capital. (Extra Crunch membership required.) 6. Clayton Christensen, author of ‘The Innovator's Dilemma,’ has passed away at age 67 Christensen’s most famous book put forth a theory about why people buy products that are often cheaper and easier to use than their more sophisticated and more expensive predecessors, a theory resonated widely as one incumbent after another — Xerox, U.S. Steel, Digital Equipment Corp. — stumbled while other companies began rising in their dust: Think Amazon, Google and Apple. 7. This week’s TechCrunch podcasts The Equity team looks at a big funding round for email collaboration startup Front, while the shorter Monday episode discusses coronavirus-spurred equity selloffs in Asia and Europe. And on Original Content, we review “Little America,” which has been described as the best show on Apple TV+.  | Bird confirms acquisition of Berlin scooter rival Circ Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:00 AM PST If you didn’t see this coming, then clearly you didn’t have your eyes on the road. Bird, the LA-founded e-scooter giant, has confirmed that it is acquiring European competitor Circ, the micromobility company founded by Lukasz Gadowski of Delivery Hero fame. The deal, for which terms remain undisclosed, was first reported by FT late last week. Meanwhile, TechCrunch revealed in late November that Circ was facing difficulties and had issued a round of layoffs following so-called “operational learnings.” At the time, Gadowski put on a brave face, telling TechCrunch that Circ needed to learn how to operate a micromobility service across many European markets simultaneously. "Basically figure out how to be more efficient, how to run a micromobility operation; it's not optimized yet and we learned over the summer,” he said. He also conceded that, within the micromobility space more generally, there had been something of a land grab strategy that is now perhaps inevitably shifting toward greater emphasis on capital efficiency. "When we started this there was a focus on time to market, but now it is not about time to market but efficiency," he told TechCrunch. We also understand Circ was in the midst of trying to raise a Series B, which is what prompted talks with Bird. Early last year, the startup closed a Series A north of $60 million, funding it used to push into 12 countries and 43 cities, a spokesperson tells us. On the funding front, Bird is also taking this announcement as an opportunity to share that they’ve added to their own funding, tacking on another $75 million onto their Series D, which now sits at $350 million. Micromobility companies have been hard-pressed to cut spending and push toward profitability. One of Bird’s chief competitors, Lime, announced earlier this month they were laying off 100 employees and leaving 12 markets with the goal of becoming profitable in 2020. Three hundred employees will be added to Bird’s European operations as a result of the deal, the company says. | Los Angeles’ AmazeVR raises more cash, heads to Incheon for first location-based VR installation Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST AmazeVR, the Los Angeles-based virtual reality entertainment distribution service, is taking its first steps into the world of location-based virtual reality experiences with an installation in Seoul’s Incheon International Airport. The company, which also scored an additional $2.5 million commitment to expand its total funding to around $9 million, made the announcement last week. The company, which launched last May with backing from the Korean hardware manufacturer LG, has added Partners Investment and YG Investment, the financing arm of YG Entertainment, which manages a stable of Korean pop artists and owns a record label, talent agency, production company and events management and concert production company. Founded by a cadre of seasoned Korean technology executives, AmazeVR soft-opened an 11,000-square-foot entertainment hub in Incheon’s airtrain station on the way to Terminal 1. It’s a mix of meditation areas and relaxation-focused VR videos, the company said. There’s also a performance stage to display immersive performances from popular musicians (hence the YG investment) and an indoor playground for kids and the kids-at-heart. "As leaders in the online VR consumer market, one of our key objectives is to broaden our distribution and expand capabilities towards immersive experiences offline as well," said Steve Lee, AmazeVR’s chief executive, in a statement. "Through this location-based hub at Incheon International Airport, we can expose an untapped market not just to the great content that AmazeVR produces, but also to the wonders of VR in general. Our investors recognize this and have deep connections within the music and entertainment industries, which will help us develop unique VR experiences with even more incredible content that will extend VR adoption globally." The company has inked partnerships with two of the last remaining immersive entertainment studios, Atlas V and Felix & Paul Studios. “Our mission, is that we believe in the consumer market,” says Earnest Lee, AmazeVR’s chief content officer. “We have seen the VR market is still fairly nascent and we’re moving forward with location-based entertainment. This is a start to get into the location-based industry.” | Boston Dynamics’ new and former CEOs discuss the future of the robotics pioneer Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST After more than a quarter century, Boston Dynamics has a new CEO. The transition (which quietly occurred late last year), saw founder Marc Raibert step aside to become chairman, as longtime employee Rob Playter took the reins. The key personnel change comes at a pivotal time for the company, which recently began the process of commercializing a pair of its extremely advanced robots. Along with the C-level shift, Boston Dynamics also announced that it's making the SDK for its Spot robot available to all via GitHub. Boston Dynamics has already begun producing commercial versions of its quadrupedal robot. Among its earliest adopters is former Mythbuster Adam Savage, who is set to release a series of videos featuring the machine. Ahead of making all of these announcements official, Raibert and Playter sat down with TechCrunch to discuss their new roles and what the future may hold for Boston Dynamics. | Casper’s valuation could fall 40% in IPO as it reports 2019 results Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST Hello and welcome back to our regular morning look at private companies, public markets and the gray space in between. Today we’re taking stock of the latest from Casper, the D2C mattress company that is going public. The unicorn announced its initial IPO price range this morning, targeting a $17 to $19 per-share IPO price range — an interval that dramatically reprices the firm. When Casper first filed to go public, questions regarding its unprofitability, growth rate and economics quickly arose. Whether the firm would be able to go public at a flat price to its final private round was not obvious, and today’s news makes it clear that that is not likely. Let’s explore the pricing and the company’s new valuation range, then figure out what the hell went wrong. To understand the new pricing, we’ll dig into the company’s preliminary full-year 2019 results. Let’s go! Prices, ranges Casper is hoping to sell 8.35 million shares at $17 to $19 apiece, with another 1.25 million shares reserved for its underwriting banks. Without the option, Casper could raise from $142 million to about $159 million. Including the underwriters’ shares boosts those results to $163 million to $182 million. | Get ready to see Spotify’s looping videos on Instagram Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:27 AM PST Following Spotify’s confirmation of a new Stories feature, initially being tested by social media influencers, the company this morning announced it will now allow artists to reach their Instagram fan bases in a new way, too. However, in this case, they aren’t creating Spotify Stories they can market elsewhere on their social media, but instead are able to share their unique video art from Spotify’s Canvas feature directly to their Instagram. Canvas launched into beta last fall, allowing artists to replace the album art that appears when a song is playing with a moving, visual experience that plays in a short loop. Canvas videos have had mixed reviews, as some users find the imagery distracting while others seem to prefer it. Starting today, the thousands of artists in the Canvas beta will be able to share their looping videos to Instagram with just a tap. From the app’s Artists profile, each track that included a Canvas will have a “Share” icon next to it. By tapping that icon, artists can share the song and its Canvas to Instagram Stories. The post will look like a regular Spotify share, with cover art and a link to play the track on Spotify. However, now their looping video will be the backdrop. Currently, the Canvas beta is only available to those using the Spotify for Artists app on iOS. Spotify says it’s working to bring the sharing feature to Android users soon. In addition, fans seeing the Canvas on Instagram aren’t counted in the Canvas metrics, unless they click through to Spotify, the company says. The feature itself is intended to aid artists who are marketing their new songs to fans on Instagram, as well as for highlighting updates to Canvas — like those that are updated to include clips from a new music video, new art or live performances, for example. One high-profile artist who’s taking advantage of Canvas is Billie Eilish — the artist who just swept last night’s Grammy Awards by winning the four biggest prizes — best new artist, record of the year, album of the year and song of the year. Eilish has used Canvas to share animated versions of fan art, which helps her to better engage with her fan base. Spotify claims that adding a high-quality Canvas has increased track shares by up to 200%, in addition to lifting streams, saves and artist profile visits. By expanding Canvas to Instagram, those shares should bump up even higher, the company believes. Despite its social media media-inspired features, like the new Stories addition or the looping videos of Canvas, Spotify doesn’t intend for its streaming app to become a new social platform. Instead, its focus is on building features that artists and listeners can leverage to better connect with social media fan bases elsewhere — either to help market themselves and their music or to improve discoverability of new music among their followers. Artists interested in Canvas can sign up for the waitlist here. | Max Q: Lego Space Stations and robot astronauts Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST Max Q is a new weekly newsletter all about space. Sign up here to receive it weekly on Sundays in your inbox. This week saw a huge funding round for a new space startup that’s working on the problem of distribution and use of the new data networks made possible by the explosion in the small satellite and satellite constellation industry. But we also saw one of the next wave of launch startups encounter a bit of a setback on their path to actually delivering their first rocket to orbit. Lego is putting a new official International Space Station kit up for sale starting next month, after the project was originally suggested on its Ideas crowdsourcing platform. The new kit comes in at an impressive 864 pieces, and includes astronaut mini-figs for simulated spacewalks, plus a Space Shuttle and a capsule. It’s bound to be a hot item once it’s actually released, so I would say it’s probably best to get an order in fast once this goes on sale in February if you want to pick one up.  There’s been a huge increase in the number of satellites and satellite constellations in operation, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy for devices here on Earth to access the data networks many of those new satellites operate. Previously stealth startup Skylo aims to make it much easier for these networks to provide useful services here on Earth, and they’ve raised a new round of $103 million to make that happen, bringing their total raised to $116 million.  Visitors take selfies with ‘Vyommitra,’ the first prototype half humanoid robot developed by the Inertial Systems Unit of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for its planned ‘Gaganyaan’ unmanned mission, at an exhibition during a symposium on Human Spaceflight and Exploration – Present Challenges and Future Trends in Bangalore on January 23, 2020. (Photo by Manjunath Kiran / AFP) (Photo by MANJUNATH KIRAN/AFP via Getty Images) India’s Space Research Organization is getting ready for its first human spacecraft launches, set for 2022. The path to that goal includes sending up a half-humanoid robot called “Vyommitra,” whose face resembles that of a human woman. This robot is able to perform all the in-flight procedures that a real human pilot would be required to do, and will help test the agency’s Gaganyaan spacecraft before any people give it a go. Launch startup Firefly Aerospace has overcome its fair share of difficulties, including a bankruptcy filing, but now it’s underway with hot-fire testing of its Alpha launch vehicle. Unfortunately, its first test of the engines that power this rocket with the spacecraft assembled resulted in a fire on the launch pad, which will mean an investigation to figure out how not to do that in the future.  NASA’s first lunar lander missions provided by commercial contractors are set to fly this year — two landers should launch if all goes to plan, including one from Astrobotic and one from Intuitive Machines. Both of these are partners with the agency through its Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) sourcing program, and their landers will hopefully prove the viability of using private suppliers to get key experiments and cargo to the Moon’s surface ahead of the planned return of human astronauts. Startup Capella Space has a new satellite design that can provide best-in-class resolution on a spacecraft of its size, which should unlock lots of additional demand for its services from clients who want to be able to image parts of the Earth on demand with fast turnaround time and plenty of detail.  The National Reconnaissance Office is Rocket Lab’s first client of 2020 for a launch, and the mission is set to take off from the company’s New Zealand launch pad at the end of this month. This is also the first mission the NRO has awarded under its Rapid Acquisition of a Small Rocket. or RASR. contract model, which basically aims for cheap and fast launch vehicle sourcing. | Mural raises $23M Series A after history of capital-efficient growth Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST This morning Mural, a software startup focused on visual collaboration,1 announced that it closed a $23 million Series A round of capital. The funds come after Mural, formerly, had raised just a few million dollars previously. That fact made its round interesting: How did the company raise 10 times its prior total in one round, and why did it pursue so much money in a single shot? TechCrunch chatted with the company’s CEO, Mariano Suarez-Battan, and Weston Gaddy, the round’s lead investor hailing from Radian Capital, to better understand the investment. Endeavor Catalyst and Google’s Gradient Ventures also put money into the round. Efficient growth Around the time when WeWork’s IPO was collapsing under its own hubris, the venture market changed. In a flash, growth lost its shine, and efficient growth became the new hot thing. Mural got there a little earlier than its market, which appears to have put it in a strong position today. Asked why the company had put together a $23 million round when it did, Suarez-Battan told TechCrunch that after growing the company on the back of customer revenue, it felt in 2019 that it was time to add more capital to the bank. “We grew with our customers,” the CEO said, going back in time to explain: “Starting in 2014, IBM became our first and biggest customer. And since then we’ve been selling to large firms, [today] most of our revenue comes from large firms.” The CEO went on to cite “six-figure deals and a couple that are more than a million bucks a year” as evidence that his company’s approach to growth has worked. Where does the new capital come in? According to Suarez-Battan, in 2019, the company started to notice that customers wanted to buy more from it. This was evidence, he said, that the company’s “land-and-expand motion” was working. He says that enterprise momentum was the impetus to bring in a great team to “build a group of people that can help, interact with consultants, and go to market together.” So on the back of customer momentum and proven demand, the firm is going to staff up. That’s a pretty traditional use of venture capital, but one that, given the firm’s history of capital efficiency, seems to fit the current climate. Gaddy also answered the why now, and why so much question, saying that Mural is riding a “secular trend in terms of how people are going to produce creative work.” He also said that the company’s user traction, product traction and revenue traction were evidence of product-market fit. Investors love product-market fit. The market Mural is a tool that can be seen as a remote-work-friendly service. It’s also workplace collaboration software, putting it smack-dab in the middle of two current trends in Startuplandia. Remote work is growing, albeit more slowly than its acolytes might have you think, while workplace collaboration tooling has seen tremendous venture interest. Recall that the hottest startup out of the last Y Combinator batch was Tandem, which calls itself a “virtual office for remote teams,” making another company that helps remote staffs and others collaborate. We haven’t heard much from, or about, Tandem lately, but Mural is certainly now richer than it ever has been. We’ll pester for some growth metrics in a few quarters. - Object-oriented, remote-friendly, team-work? Team-oriented, object-friendly, work for teams? Digital whiteboards gone mad! You get the idea.
| GM commits $3 billion to build electric and autonomous vehicles in Michigan Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST GM said Monday it will invest $2.2 billion into its Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant to produce all-electric trucks and SUVs, as well as a self-driving vehicle unveiled by its subsidiary Cruise. The automaker will invest an additional $800 million in supplier tooling and other projects related to the launch of the new electric trucks. GM will kick off this new program with an all-electric pickup truck that will go into production in late 2021. The Cruise Origin, the electric self-driving shuttle designed for ridesharing, will be the second vehicle to go into production at the Detroit area plant. Detroit-Hamtramck will be GM’s first fully dedicated electric vehicle assembly plant. When fully operational, the plant will create more than 2,200 jobs, according to GM. The investment announcement follows a recent spate of electric and autonomous vehicle-related news by GM, including the formation of a joint venture with LG Chem to mass produce battery cells for its electric vehicles. The two companies said in December they will invest up to a total of $2.3 billion into the new joint venture and will establish a battery cell assembly plant on a greenfield manufacturing site in the Lordstown area of Northeast Ohio that will create more than 1,100 new jobs. Groundbreaking is expected to take place in mid-2020. This joint venture will supply battery cells for the electric vehicles manufactured at Detroit-Hamtramck. Cruise unveiled January 21 a driverless vehicle called Origin — the product of a multi-year collaboration with parent company GM and investor Honda that is designed for a ridesharing service. The shuttle-like vehicle — branded with Cruise's trademark orange and black colors — has no steering wheel or pedals and is designed to travel at highway speeds. “Through this investment, GM is taking a big step forward in making our vision of an all-electric future a reality,” GM president Mark Reuss said during a press event. “Our electric pickup will be the first of multiple electric truck variants we will build at Detroit-Hamtramck over the next few years.” Detroit-Hamtramck employs 900 people who build the Cadillac CT6 and the Chevrolet Impala. GM plans to idle the plant for several months, starting at the end of February, as renovations begin. | Adding India to your business Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST Kumar Shah is the founder of Transit Capital, a cross-border VC firm that partners with growth-stage entrepreneurs building global champions. At the start of recruiting season in business school, a top-tier consulting firm sent an invite to the entire class: "over your career, you will either be sitting with us or across from us. We would like to get to know you.” If you’re building a large-scale technology startup, sooner or later, you should be having a conversation about the Indian market. India's growth is often compared to China's, but the big difference between these two markets is that India has an open internet infrastructure, where the best product wins. In the last decade, Indian consumers have enjoyed the trifecta of cheap smartphones (courtesy of Android), some of the lowest data rates on the planet (courtesy of Mukesh Ambani's telecom firm Jio) and rising disposable income. Most consumer startups from the U.S., Europe and China have already seen a large number of users organically adopt their product as hundreds of millions of Indians have come online. Some examples: - for most of 2018 and 2019, Tinder was the highest grossing app in India
- Quora and Pinterest are consistently in the top 30 most visited websites
- India is the largest or second-largest user base for Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Linkedin, Twitter, Snapchat and many other platforms
Snapchat, in particular, has seen tremendous growth in the Indian market. In March 2019, Snap launched eight new languages — five of which are spoken in India. Consequently, the company reported in Q3 2019 that 6 million out of the 7 million new Daily Active Users added were from outside the U.S. Snapchat's stock is up almost 3x in the last year, well ahead of Nasdaq's performance in the same period. As a cross-border investment firm investing in U.S. and European companies to help them grow in India, we thought it would be useful to share our conversations with growth-stage entrepreneurs about the Indian market. In this article, we will focus on consumer-facing (B2C and B2B2C) companies. What segment of India do you want to target first? While everyone thinks of India as a singular 1.3 billion-consumer market, there are, in fact, multiple sub-segments that have their own characteristics and are acquired differently. The India 1 segment, arguably the most lucrative, constitutes the 25+ million Indians who have credit cards, form the 10 million iPhone install base and were Netflix's first 500,000 users in the country. The India 2 segment requires products that work in languages other than English and potentially different product features (such as voice input). Snapchat is now focused on acquiring India 2 users with its new language strategy. What are the best ways to acquire users in this segment? The short answer is — it depends. If you are in a category (such as gaming) that appeals to a broad demographic and geography, strategic partnerships with mobile OEMs or unicorns building super apps (Paytm and PhonePe for example) will give you a high-volume distribution channel. If you are a wellness app that is focused on India 1 users only, then it makes sense to prioritize channels or partnerships, such as hospital chains in Tier 1 cities, to acquire that segment of users. If you already have organic traction in the country, look at your analytics (for example, cities where your users are based, price range of phone models being used and so on) to understand your initial set of power users. What is your monetization and pricing strategy? The monetization strategy that worked in your existing market(s) may not work in the Indian market. From both an addressable base of paying customers (see the install base of credit cards above) to the ARPU, Asian markets have significantly lagged their western counterparts. The good news is that with the strong adoption of Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a first-of-its-kind payments protocol that can be implemented by third-party applications, there is almost no friction (or costs) to receive payment amounts as small as two cents. When in India, you should be using UPI. While Tinder found success with subscription billing at U.S. prices, Netflix entered India with a ~$7/month billing plan in line with their global rates but realized that growth would only come through innovations such as mobile-only plans at $2.80/month. Apple and Spotify have been clear that they want to target the mass market and launched with plans that are close to $1.50/month, a significant discount to their U.S. and European plans. While these companies have found success with subscription billing, more likely monetization models are advertising led (YouTube) or freemium. Are there features in your product that you can charge a premium for while still offering a subset of the product for free (and cover your direct costs through advertising)? Are there partnerships (such as the ones that Netflix and Amazon Video have signed with Indian telcos) where you can get paid indirectly for your core product? Build your costs in line with your target segment and pricing Now that you have a better idea of your target market size and expected pricing, you should build a cost structure that is in line with expected revenues. Most of the companies we track have acquired their first five million customers (or more) in India with an initial team of one to three people on the ground. From both a team build out as well as customer acquisition cost point of view, most companies have been disappointed that they have invested in resources well ahead of understanding the size of their target market and expected revenues. Find a local partner If you aren't setting up a local team in the near term, we recommend having a local partner/shareholder that is aligned with your business and plans. From regular follow-ups on strategic conversations to keeping tabs on changes in regulations, having someone local who understands your business is critical to your entry and expansion plans. Similar to the scrutiny that internet companies face in other countries, India is also drafting regulations for localized data storage and mandating a local point of contact for companies that have more than 5 million users. For entrepreneurs building global champions, having an India strategy is essential and can form the beachhead to expand into Southeast Asia and the Middle East. As Mary Meeker has repeatedly noted in her annual report, India and Indonesia will be the first and third-largest open internet markets in the world. What excites our team is that India is already home to significant user bases for early and growth-stage private companies such as Truecaller (100 million daily users), Quora (second largest market), Duolingo (10 million users), Brainly (20 million users), Wattpad (3 million users) and Vyng (14 million installs), while others such as FlixBus are actively setting up operations. We hope you found the above information helpful. And if you are building a global technology company, we would like to get to know you. | 4 days left to save $150 on tickets to TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020 Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST The countdown to savings continues, and you have just four days left to score the best price on tickets to TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020. Join 1,500 of the brightest minds and innovators in robotics and machine learning — technologists, founders, investors, engineers and researchers. Buy an early-bird ticket now before prices go up on January 31, and you'll keep $150 in your pocket. Why spend more when you don't have to? Get ready for a full day focused on the future of two technologies with the potential to change everything about the way we live. We have an outstanding lineup of speakers, interviews and panel discussions covering a range of topics. And of course, plenty of demos, too. We won't just parrot the hype, either. Our editors will ask the hard questions, and the conference agenda includes discussions about the ethics and ramifications inherent with these potent technologies. Here's a just sample of what's on tap: - Saving Humanity from AI: Stuart Russell, a UC Berkeley professor and AI authority argues in his acclaimed new book, "Human Compatible," that AI will doom humanity unless technologists fundamentally reform how they build AI algorithms.
- Bringing Robots to Life: This summer's Tokyo Olympics will be a huge proving ground for TRI-AD (Toyota Research Institute – Advanced Development). TRI-AD's CEO James Kuffner and its VP of Robotics, Max Bajracharya will join us to discuss the department's plans for assistive robots and self-driving cars.
There's plenty more waiting for you, including the finalists of our first Pitch Night. This group of intrepid robotics and AI startup founders made the cut (10 teams will pitch the night before the conference at a private event). The finalists will pitch again at the conference from the Main Stage. Think your startup has what it takes to throw down in a pitch-off? We're accepting applications until February 1. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for focused exposure — apply right here today! TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020 draws the top people in the industry, which makes it prime networking territory. Whether you're looking for funding, hunting for the perfect startup to add to your portfolio or searching for the next generation of engineers, this is where you need to be. Come work it to your advantage. TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020 takes place in Berkeley on March 3, and we've packed a lot of value and opportunity into one day. Make the most of it — and remember, you'll save $150 if you buy an early-bird ticket before prices go up on January 31. Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Robotics & AI 2020? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form. | AI-powered voice transcription app Otter raises $10M, including from new strategic investor NTT DOCOMO Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST, an AI-powered transcription app and note-takers’ best friend, has received a strategic investment from Japan’s leading mobile operator and new Otter partner, NTT DOCOMO Inc. The two companies are teaming up to support Otter’s expansion into the Japanese market, where DOCOMO will be integrating Otter with its own AI-based translation service subsidiary, Mirai Translation, in order to provide accurate English transcripts, which are then translated into Japanese. The investment was made by DOCOMO’s wholly owned subsidiary, NTT DOCOMO Ventures, Inc., but the size was undisclosed. However, the new round was $10 million in total, we’re told. To date, Otter has raised $23 million in funding from NTT DOCOMO Ventures, Fusion Fund, GGV Capital, Draper Dragon Fund, Duke University Innovation Fund, Harris Barton Asset Management, Slow Ventures, Horizons Ventures and others. Otter launched its service in 2018, offering a way for users to search voice conversations as easily as they can today search their email or their text. Otter CEO and founder Sam Liang, along with a team hailing from Google, Facebook, Nuance and Yahoo as well as Stanford, Duke, MIT and Cambridge, developed a technology specifically designed to capture conversations — like meetings, interviews, presentations, lectures and more. This is a different sort of technology than what’s used in today’s voice assistants, like Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa, as it’s focused on transcribing longer, human-to-human conversations, which are spoken naturally. The product itself creates automated transcriptions in real time, as speakers are talking. The resulting transcript is searchable, and identifies the different speakers and key phrases. You also can upload photos alongside the recording. Since launch, Otter has expanded its product to millions of users and now offers both an Otter for Teams and enterprise tier. With the new NTT DOCOMO partnership, the goal is to bring the Otter enterprise collaboration services to the Japanese market, explains Liang, the former Google architect who later sold his location startup Alohar Mobile to Alibaba. “DOCOMO and other large companies have a large international workforce who communicate in English for their international conference calls,” says Liang. “They will use Otter to take automatic meeting notes, and improve meeting and communication effectiveness… The goal is to further enhance communication and collaboration on top of Otter‘s automatic English meeting note services,” he adds. has similar partnerships with U.S. businesses, including Zoom Video Communications and Dropbox. As a result of the new partnership, Otter’s Voice Meeting Notes application is being used on a trial basis in Berlitz Corporation's English language classes in Japan. Students are using Otter to transcribe and review their lessons, click on sections of text and initiate voice playback. DOCOMO, and Berlitz are also expanding their collaboration in language education to verify Otter's effectiveness in the study of English, the company says. “The Japanese market values high-quality detailed meeting notes, and Otter’s highly accurate A.I.-powered note-taker overcomes language barriers and improves the operating efficiency of Japanese companies with global operations,” said Tomoyoshi Oono, senior vice president and general manager of the Innovation Management Department in the R&D Innovation Division at DOCOMO, in a statement about the deal. “There is a large business market opportunity for and DOCOMO's translation service.” DOCOMO is also featuring Otter during demonstrations at DOCOMO Open House 2020 taking place in the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition complex January 23 and 24, 2020. Here, Otter will transcribe the English-language presentations in real time, which will then be translated into Japanese using DOCOMO’s machine translation technology. Both the English transcription and Japanese translation will be projected on a large screen for attendees to read. While Otter’s transcriptions aren’t perfect in real-world scenarios, like where there’s background noise or muffled speaking, it does better when it can be connected directly to the audio source, like at big events. (TechCrunch, for example, has used Otter’s service to transcribe audio at TechCrunch Disrupt.) Otter’s new funding will also used to hire more engineers and further enhance its AI technologies in speech recognition, diarization, speaker identification and automatic summarization, Liang tells TechCrunch. And the team will work to accelerate Otter’s adoption by enterprise customers in professional services, media and education. |  |
Kishor embarrasses NDA again Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST Kishor embarrasses NDA again Prashant Kishor, a leader of the Janata Dal(United), which is an ally of the BJP, on Monday again caused embarrassment to the alliance, while respondi Source: TH  |
‘Mumbai Bagh’ anti-CAA protests continue gaining momentum Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST 'Mumbai Bagh' anti-CAA protests continue gaining momentum Taking inspiration from Delhi's Shaheen Bagh, the protests started at midnight on January 26 and has since swelled with men and women from across professions and religions joining in. Source: TH  |
Analysis | LDF buoyed by response to anti-CAA protest, determined to sustain its tempo Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST Analysis | LDF buoyed by response to anti-CAA protest, determined to sustain its tempo It succeeded in disseminating a message that the human chain was to protect the secular fabric without hidden interests. Source: TH  |
Around 100 students from Gujarat stuck in epidemic-hit China Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST Around 100 students from Gujarat stuck in epidemic-hit China "My daughter says she has not been getting food, water since the last two days as markets have been shut down. We have appealed to the government to intervene for their safe return," a parent said. Source: TH  |
Congress to raise CAA-NRC-NPR in Budget session Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST Congress to raise CAA-NRC-NPR in Budget session It will try to bring back narrative to bread-and-butter issues such as employment, food inflation Source: TH  |
AI sale offer a desperate attempt to meet revenue shortfall: Opposition Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST AI sale offer a desperate attempt to meet revenue shortfall: Opposition Government only trying to profit the corporate world, says Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari Source: TH  |
Onion production to grow 7% this year despite kharif crop losses Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:37 PM PST Onion production to grow 7% this year despite kharif crop losses Overall, vegetable production set to rise but fruit production expected to fall Source: TH  |
Congress govt in Madhya Pradesh announces plan to build ‘grand’ Sita temple in Sri Lanka Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST Congress govt in Madhya Pradesh announces plan to build 'grand' Sita temple in Sri Lanka Source: TIE  |
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