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Top Stories Today

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:07 AM PST

Top Stories Today

Why Child Care Is So Ridiculously Expensive

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:20 AM PST

What the hell is going on? And what should we do about it?

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I Let AI Choose My Outfits For A Week. Here's What It Did To Me

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:25 AM PST

The algorithm is coming for your clothes, with the launch of data-led subscription box services. But do they really make you look good?

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Dad Very Stressfully Fries Turkey For The First Time, Does Not React Well When His Daughter Wanders Out

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

Sometimes when you want to keep your kids safe, you go a little bit extreme.

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Guy Checks Out Some Attractive Women, Slams Bike Into A Car

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

A distracted biker slows down to gawk at some women and forgets to check himself before wrecking himself.

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The 'Mess Of Complexity' In Directing Your Partner In A Porn Movie

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:16 AM PST

There remains an essential incongruity: Kross and Ferrara seem in a constant flux of balancing power, especially at work. As she put it, "Manuel gets to perform with other women while I don't with other men."

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'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Script Leaked Onto eBay After Actor Left It Under Their Bed

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PST

"One of our actors, I won't say which one — I want to, but I won't —left it under their bed and it was found by someone who was cleaning their place," J.J. Abrams says

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Construction Workers Discover The Dumbest Way To Exit An Aerial Work Platform

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:49 AM PST

This seems like the most ill-advised way to climb off a cherry picker.

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Supreme Court Blocks House From Receiving Trump Financial Records For Now

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PST

The House of Representatives will not get President Donald Trump's financial records for now, the Supreme Court said on Monday.

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Should Teen School Shooters Spend The Rest Of Their Lives In Prison?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

More than 20 states have banned sentencing juveniles to life without parole, but many victims of school shootings say it's their only chance for closure.

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Tom Hiddleston Reacts To Jimmy Fallon Unearthing His Original Audition Tape Trying Out For 'Thor'

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:47 AM PST

The actor gets completely red-faced when Jimmy Fallon shows his original audition tape for "Thor."

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Why Science Needs To Catch Up With What Dog-Trainers Know

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

Trainers working with dogs every day have documented extraordinary talents and skills. Will science ever catch up?

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Would You Dare Take A Talent Assessment Inspired By The Testing Methods Of The Israeli Defense Forces?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

What if you could learn to improve your thinking to make better decisions?

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This Beautiful Japanese Knife Set Is Less Than $60 Now

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

Every kitchen needs a great set of knives, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a better deal than this Damasukasu Japanese 3-Piece Master Chef Hanshu Knife Set. Get it for just $59.50 with code BFSAVE15.

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VFX Artists Remake 'Star Wars' Into Bloody R-Rated Movies

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:50 AM PST

At the most, movies from the "Star Wars" franchise have received PG-13 ratings, but what happens if we make certain scenes in these movies much more R-rated?

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The Five Stages Of Being Adapted By Martin Scorsese

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

What is it like to have one of cinema's most renowned directors turn your book into a movie? Dennis Lehane ("Shutter Island"), Joe Connelly ("Bringing Out the Dead"), and Brian Selznick ("Hugo") explain the emotionally overwhelming process.

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Someone Made An Adele Made Out Of A Goldfish Give A Concert To A Room Full Of More Goldfish, And The Result Is Truly Heartwarming

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

What an incredible show.

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Why Can't I, An Average Guy Who Works Fairly Hard, Work Just As Hard, But Over The Span Of A Four-Day Workweek?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

Seriously, how did we end up with this five days on, two days off bullshit, anyway?

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When Mom Slams A Brand On Instagram

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

Mom influencers hold great sway over their loyal audiences. So how much research should they do before criticizing a company?

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Corgi Puppy Learns From Husky How To Howl

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST

If you're going to learn, might as well learn from the best.

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Trump Got His Wall, After All

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

A small, dedicated crew of hardliners has put up bureaucratic barriers that are far harder to overcome than any hunk of concrete on the southern border.

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Please Quote Tweet This With Your Most Controversial Quote-Tweet Opinion: An Explainer

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:54 PM PST

This weekend's tweet that launched a thousand other increasingly exhausting tweets was an invitation to a food fight.

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Guys Drop A Nokia 3310, An iPhone 11 And A Samsung S10 From 1000 Feet Up High To See Which Would Survive

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:53 AM PST

The Nokia 3110 is famously indestructible. Let's see if that is really the case.

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If You Can Only Have One Lego Set, Make It The Ultimate Millennium Falcon

Posted: 17 Sep 2019 11:20 AM PDT

Made up of 7,541 pieces, this massive Lego ship measures 33 inches long. It's a wildly intricate set that Star Wars fans new and old can ogle.

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Sacha Baron Cohen Is The Latest Powerful Voice To Misunderstand Section 230

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:22 AM PST

The law helps companies like Facebook remove hate speech — so why does Cohen want it to go away?

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Australia Is Economically Dependent On China — That's A Problem

Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:05 AM PST

Exploring Australia's relationship with China and comparing it to the United States's, both historically and current.

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Megan Rapinoe: The Righteous Arrival Of An American Superhero

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

In one summer, the soccer star went toe to toe with the president, achieved World Cup glory and became a part of something bigger.

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A Pill For Loneliness Isn't The Answer To Our Modern 'Epidemic'

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:11 PM PST

The experience of loneliness varies from person to person — something that is not often recognized in conversations about it.

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Extraordinary Thanksgiving Feast Hosted Right In The Middle Of A Busy NYC Subway Car

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

A lot of out-of-the-ordinary things happen in New York City every day, but this one is actually incredibly wholesome.

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How 'Calming' Drinks Like Recess, Made With Adaptogens And CBD, Took Over

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

The love child of the anxiety economy and the wellness industry, a new category of beverage promises a calming antidote to the unease of modern life.

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Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath Breaks Up With A Woman's Boyfriend For Her And Boy, Is This Awkward

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

As breakups go, having the lead singer of Sugar Ray be the bearer of bad news is pretty awkward.

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Ta-Nehisi Coates On Obama's Decade, Reparations And Colin Kaepernick

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

Coates's writing has cemented his status as a writer through whose eyes many Americans have come to understand the modern era.

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Federal Judge Rules That Former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn Must Testify

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:43 PM PST

A federal judge decided Monday that President Donald Trump's former White House counsel Don McGahn must testify to the House of Representatives in its impeachment probe.

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Ruthless Quotas At Amazon Are Permanently Maiming Employees

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST

This holiday season, Amazon will move millions of packages at dizzying speed. Internal injury reports suggest all that convenience is coming at the expense of worker safety.

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Let Me Show You The World

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:22 AM PST

Almost everything you think you know about Aladdin is wrong.

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Watch One Car After Another Get Destroyed By An Icy Patch On The Road

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

We hope nobody was seriously injured by this series of accidents.

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How Holiday Decorations Became The Elite's New Competitive Sport

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:57 AM PST

From Calabasas to the Upper East Side, 'tis the holiest season of all: the Olympics of competitive holiday decorations among the one percent.

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The Damaging Double Standard Behind Intermittent Fasting

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:45 AM PST

Is intermittent fasting a wellness practice, or just another double standard?

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Why Tesla's Cybertruck Might Flop

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

Tesla's Cybertruck ignores everything the automotive industry has learned about marketing trucks.

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High-Profile Men Can't Seem To Stop Defending The Sexual Abuse of Children

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

Alan Dershowitz, Richard Dawkins, Richard Stallman and John Grisham frame themselves as brave challengers of the status quo. That's not how it reads to the rest of us.

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Can Bee Stings Treat Lyme Disease?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

Treatments for chronic Lyme disease are controversial and expensive. As a last resort, some patients are pursuing this unproven and painful alternative.

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Let This Video Of Post Malone Dancing Blissfully To Shania Twain At The AMAs Inspire You To Live Your Truth

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

Dare you not to start those feet a-tappin'.

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How This Decade Broke American Politics

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

Remember when we had cash, hope and jobs?

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What Does Emotional Intelligence Really Mean?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

Alain de Botton on what existential maturity looks like and how to gracefully acknowledge our inadequacies.

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Driver Gets Clipped By A FedEx Truck On Highway, Makes Complete Mistake By Pulling Over In An Active Lane

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:28 AM PST

Everything this driver does in the clip — do not do.

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The Anti-Bros Keeping Comedy Alive On The Internet

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:14 PM PST

Meet the guys who are trying to make the worst places on earth just a little funnier.

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What Do We Call Boomers Who Are Just As Screwed As Millennials?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

The rise of hustle culture is often attributed to millennials, but when it comes to grinding in the gig economy these days, boomers are leading the way.

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Guy Deeply Regrets His Decision To Carbonate Milk

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

"It's not the worst drink I've had, but it's very close to the worst drink I've had."

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Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:48 AM PST

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Tweets For Today

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:30 PM PST

U.K. Defence Chiefs Want To Slash The Army And Lend Aircraft Carriers To The US

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:09 PM PST

The army numbered 3.1million at the end of World War Two and then shrank to 159,000 in 1980 and was at 102,120 in 2003, during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

Daily Mail: Boris Johnson vows to maintain the size of UK's military after claims that defence chiefs will slash the Army to its smallest size in a century and lend aircraft carriers to the US

* Military top brass are considering cutting the army down to between 60,000 and 65,000
* Sources said the army is pressing for an aircraft carrier to be leased to the US
* Navy chiefs are understood to be furious and want RAF numbers cut instead
* Tories pledged in 2015 to maintain force of 82,000 but it is already at 73,000

Boris Johnson has today vowed to maintain the size of the UK's military after claims that defence chiefs would slash army numbers and lend a new aircraft carrier to the US.

'We will not be cutting our armed forces in any form. We will be maintaining the size of our armed services,' Mr Johnson said as he unveiled the Tory manifesto in Telford.

A report in The Sunday Times had claimed that the Tories were scrapping a commitment to 'maintain the overall size of the armed forces' made two years ago by Theresa May.

It said that high-ranking officers are considering an army between 60,000 and 65,000, shrinking it to the smallest force in centuries.

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Update #1: British army to see number of troops slashed (The Week)
Update #2: British Army wants Royal Navy flagship super carrier 'leased to USA' (Plymouth)

WNU Editor: The U.K. Defense minister is denying these reports .... 'No Plans To Shrink British Army', Defence Secretary Says (Forces Network).

Picture Of The Day

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:58 PM PST

A demonstrator throws a Molotov cocktail during ongoing anti-government protests in Baghdad, Iraq November 25, 2019. REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... Security forces crack down on Iraqi protesters (The Reuters).

Is Canada Facing The Possibility Of Breaking Up?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:55 PM PST

A man buys a hat to raise funds at a rally for Wexit Alberta, a separatist group seeking federal political party status, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, earlier this month. Photograph: Todd Korol/Reuters

Leyland Cecco and David Agren, The Guardian: Wexit: Alberta's frustration fuels push for independence from Canada

The oil-producing western province has suffered years of recession and now a new party is channeling resentment towards the federal government.

The day after Justin Trudeau won re-election, Larry Kitz – a farmer in the western province of Alberta – went online and donated money to a political party with one central goal: separating from Canada. As Kitz tells it, secession was the only cause that matched his growing frustration with the country's federal government.

"It's like a bad relationship with someone that's just draining you all the time," he said. "On one hand they'll take the money from you and the other hand they want to knock down [our energy industry]. Eventually you're gonna have to just call it quits."

Years of recession and a tepid energy market have helped fuel a growing separatist movement in Alberta, where a fossil fuel industry which once powered a boom is now dragging the economy into bust.

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WNU editor:  I live in Canada, and while people out West are definitely angry, separatism is not going to happen. But the ruling Liberal party under Justin Trudeau have definitely lost Alberta and Saskatchewan, and this is going to last a few generations.

Africa Is Drowning In Debt To China

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:38 PM PST

Zero Hedge: As Africa Drowns In Debt To China, IMF Sounds The Alarm

With China's total debt most recently clocking in at a record 300% according to the IIF...

... the country that a decade ago managed to pull the world out of a financial depression thanks to its massive debt issuance, finds itself severely constrained in how much new debt it can dish out, and the result is a now paltry credit impulse...

... which has so far been unable to push China out of its PPI slump, which in turn means that Beijing will continue dumping its exports abroad in a deflationary wave.

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WNU Editor: And the sad part is that if the trend lines continue, Africa will be even more in debt to China in the coming years.

Will The U.S. Succeed In Ending China's 'Dream' Of Military Domination In Space

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

The second Long March 5 heavy-lift rocket at Wenchang, Hainan, on July 1, 2017. CNS

Washington Times: Pentagon races to end China's 'dream' of military domination in space

The United States and China are rapidly building space warfare capabilities as part of a race to dominate the zone outside Earth's atmosphere.

Air Force Gen. John W. Raymond, commander of the Pentagon's new Space Command, said last week that the threat of attacks against vital American satellites is real.

"I can tell you from my perspective, the scope, scale and complexity of that threat is alive and well and very concerning," Gen. Raymond told an audience Nov. 18 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

China's strategy for dominating space was detailed this month in the annual report of the congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. The commission report warned that China wants to dominate the zone between the Earth and the moon, known as cislunar space, as part of what the ruling Communist Party of China calls the "Space Dream."

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WNU Editor: The Chinese have made it a priority to be the dominant power in space in the next decade or two. As for The U.S. space program, if it is a priority, I have yet to see it articulate as such.

Will Iran's Military Buildup Bankrupt The Country?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:17 PM PST


Michael Peck, National Interest: Will Iran Become the Next Soviet Union (As In Bankrupted by Massive Military Spending)?

While Iran's rulers have no aspirations to be a superpower, they do seem to covet being a regional hegemon as the Persian Empire was. So far, Iran has waged war on the cheap by using proxies rather than massive troop commitments as the U.S. did in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. But as Hezbollah has discovered when its Iranian subsidies were slashed, even war on the cheap can be expensive.

Iran's military is switching from unconventional warfare to more conventional weapons.

That means more ballistic missiles to hit its enemies, as well as mines and other naval weapons to close the Persian Gulf to oil tankers, according to a new report on Iranian military power by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon's pet spy service.

But the question is whether Tehran can afford to develop these capabilities.

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WNU Editor: Arms buildups are never cheap. Iran is going to learn that lesson very quickly.

Wall Street Three Major Averages Closed At Record Highs Today

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

Reuters: Wall Street sets records on trade progress optimism

Each of Wall Street's three major averages kicked off the trading week with record closes on Monday as signs pointed to progress between the United States and China on a trade truce, while a round of merger deals also helped buoy sentiment.

A Chinese state-backed tabloid said Beijing and Washington were "moving closer to agreeing" to an initial pact, which lifted trade-sensitive semiconductor stocks, including Applied Materials Inc (AMAT.O), up 4.18%, and Lam Research Corp (LRCX.O), which gained 2.68%. The Philadelphia Semiconductor index .SOX jumped 2.43% and was on pace for its best day in just over three weeks.

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Update #1: US stocks jump to records as tech, small companies lead way (AP)
Update #2: S&P 500 and Nasdaq climb to record highs on hopes for trade deal, ASX to rise (ABC News Online)

WNU Editor: This should be the headline story of the day. But it is not.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 25, 2019

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:19 PM PST

James Pomfret, Reuters: Fresh headache for China after Hong Kong democrats rout pro-Beijing candidates

HONG KONG (Reuters) - After months of sometimes-violent unrest in Hong Kong, an election with record turnout handed a big victory to pro-democracy local district council candidates, posing a new conundrum for Beijing and adding pressure on the city's leader.

In the run-up to the citywide elections on Sunday, extreme clashes had broken out between riot police and anti-government protesters who had barricaded themselves in several universities.

The standoffs were stoked in part by the death of a protester after a fall, and the shooting of another by a policeman at point-blank range.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 25, 2019

Pro-China Forces 'Annihilated' in Hong Kong Election -- Gordon G. Chang, National Interest

Hong Kong: What's the significance of the local election results? -- Ci Zhang (Interview), DW

Analysis: Hong Kong election shows desire for change -- Ken Moritsugu, AP

Beijing needs to listen to HK's 'silent majority' -- Stephen Vines, Asia Times

How China Influences Media in Central and Eastern Europe -- Ivana Karásková, The Diplomat

Beijing's cultural genocide in Xinjiang -- DW

Lebanon clashes threaten to crack open fault lines -- Bassem Mroue and Zeina Karam, AP

US dollar shortage and Lebanon's economic crisis -- Zeina Khodr, Al Jazeera

Russia not ready for northern Syria -- Neil Hauer, Asia Times

The War in Ukraine Must End -- Lyle J. Goldstein, National Interest

As Zimbabwe's Economy Sinks, Mnangagwa Ramps Up Repression -- A. Green, World Politics Review

Angela Merkel Must Go -- Timothy Garton Ash, Guardian

Democracies on the verge of a nervous breakdown -- Blake Hounshell and Bryan Bender, Politico

When will 'peak oil' hit global energy markets? -- Uwe Hessler, DW

World News Briefs -- November 25, 2019 (Evening Edition)

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:02 PM PST

Reuters: Clashes, gunfire in Lebanon in second night of violence: state news agency

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Clashes between supporters of Lebanon's caretaker prime minister, Saad al-Hariri, and Shi'ite groups Hezbollah and Amal erupted into gunfire in Beirut late on Monday, state news agency NNA reported.

The clashes marked the second consecutive night of violence linked to Lebanon's political crisis, threatening to tip largely peaceful demonstrations directed at the country's ruling elite in a more bloody direction.

A video posted by Lebanese broadcaster LBCI showed heavy gunfire around Cola bridge in Beirut. The source of the gunfire was not immediately clear. No injuries were reported.

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Iraqi parliament debates draft electoral law as protests escalate.

Turkey not resuming military operation in northeast Syria: security source.

Clashes, gunfire in Lebanon in second night of violence: state news agency.

Lebanon protesters defiant despite Hezbollah attack.

Iran Guard chief warns US and allies not to 'cross red lines'.

Thousands in Iran back gov't, oppose U.S. amid fuel crisis. Tehran launches pro-government protests in Iran.

Iran rejects US order to pay $180 mn over reporter's jailing.

Turkey's Erdogan in Qatar on first Arab trip since Syria offensive. Turkey's Erdogan in Qatar calls for 'swift' end to Gulf crisis.

Saudi detains nine academics, writers in new crackdown.


Hong Kong's democrats sweep local elections in snub to Beijing-backed establishment.

China tries to brush off pro-democracy victory in Hong Kong election and blames 'foreign forces' for interfering.

China's UK ambassador: Uighur camps leak is 'fake news'.

UK calls for UN access to Chinese detention camps in Xinjiang.

Protests in Kyrgyzstan over alleged corruption.

North Korea says artillery fired in possible violation of 2018 pledge.

North Korea says it's gained nothing from US but 'betrayal'.

Australia probes Chinese political interference plot.


Official in Haftar's LNA says US drone shot down by mistake.

DR Congo protesters storm UN base in Beni.

West African states reject Guinea-Bissau ballot-stuffing claims.

Hundreds of Sudanese women march against violence.

Plane crashes into homes in Democratic Republic of Congo, killing at least 29 people.

Tanzania's ruling party sweeps 99% of seats in local vote.

Egypt police raid news outlet after journalist arrest.


Spain election: Catalan party moves to back coalition in return for talks.

'China Cables': Germany under pressure to respond to Beijing's Uighur internment.

Report links Russian agents with 2015 poisoning in Bulgaria.

France unveils new measures to fight deadly domestic abuse.

Italian coast guard saves nearly 150 people from sinking migrant ship.

Thieves strike priceless treasure trove in Dresden museum heist.

Maurice Johnson, driver of truck found with 39 dead bodies east of London, pleads guilty to lesser charges.

Storms in France, Greece and Italy leave 'biblical destruction'.


Schiff: Judiciary Committee to receive impeachment report 'soon after' Thanksgiving recess.

Bloomberg campaign chief: Trump is winning 2020 election right now.

US Congress to target Russian pipeline in defense bill.

Trump presents Conan the dog, 'incredible' hero of Baghdadi raid.

Trump defends intervening in war-crimes cases.

Uruguay opposition leads presidential vote with slim margin.

Bolivian leader agrees to withdraw military in deal to 'pacify' country.

Peru court orders release of opposition leader Keiko Fujimori.

Colombia: Protesters sceptical of Duque's call for dialogue.

Canada rail workers stage huge strike over fatigue and safety concerns.


French and Sahel soldiers step up campaign against jihadists.

Europol disrupts Islamic State propaganda machine.

Philippine troops rescue couple abducted by Islamic militants.


Wall Street sets records on trade progress optimism.

Louis Vuitton buys jeweller Tiffany for $16bn.

Cybertruck: Tesla truck gets 150,000 orders despite launch gaffe.

British regulator denies Uber license to operate in London.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 25, 2019

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

Daily Mail: Navy Secretary Richard Spencer accuses Donald Trump of jeopardizing 'order and discipline' after he is FIRED for defying the president by trying to kick SEAL Eddie Gallagher out of the elite unit

* Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer has been fired after alleged private proposal
* In a stinging rebuke to Trump, Spencer said that he 'cannot in good conscience' obey an order he believes 'violates the sacred oath' he took
* However, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper said that he had asked Spencer to step down because he had gone behind his back
* Esper said that Spencer had promised White House officials that Gallagher would retire with his SEAL trident if they did not interfere with his review board
* Gallagher, who was accused of war crimes in Iraq, is due to face a disciplinary board that has the power to kick him out of the elite unit

Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer has been fired after he defied President Donald Trump by refusing to halt a disciplinary process against SEAL Eddie Gallagher.

In a stinging rebuke to the president, Spencer said in statement tonight that he 'cannot in good conscience' obey an order he believes 'violates the sacred oath' he took.

He said that he disagrees with Trump on the 'key principle of good order and discipline'.

However, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper tonight said that he had asked Spencer to step down because he had gone behind his back.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 25, 2019

Pentagon chief says Trump ordered him to allow accused Navy SEAL to keep elite status -- The Hill

Esper says Trump ordered him to allow SEAL to keep status -- AP

Top US general says Navy SEAL case is now 'closed' -- The Hill

Trump taps Ambassador to Norway Kenneth Braithwaite to replace ousted Navy chief -- The Hill

A SEAL, his commander, their CNO and the boss -- Capt. Lawrence Brennan (retired), Navy Times

Report Warns Chinese Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles Outclass US Navy Radars -- Sputnik

Ford-class carrier John F. Kennedy christening announced for next month -- UPI

Report calls out US Navy for surveillance and targeting shortfalls -- Defense News

Two years later, still no answers about what caused a fatal mishap -- Navy Times

Former 4-Star Fleet Commanders: Don't give up on carriers -- Adms. (Ret.) Robert J. Natter and Samuel J. Locklear, Defense News

United Technologies awarded $762.5M for Air Force, Marine Corps F-35 engines -- UPI

Trump Awards Conan the Hero Special Forces Dog a Medal at the White House -- Military.com

Amazon files lawsuit against Pentagon's decision to award $10B contract to Microsoft -- The Hill

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Milley meets with Israeli, Jordanian leaders -- UPI

Trump's Top Security Official Won't Confirm 2020 Ukraine Aid -- US News and World Report

No US plan to exit South Korea, says Indo-Pacom chief -- Defense News

'Tired of Picking Up Pieces': Merkel Berated Macron Over His 'Brain Dead' NATO Jab - Report -- Sputnik

British prime minister's party practically ignores defense issues as it preps for elections -- Defense News

Boris Johnson vows to maintain the size of UK's military after claims that defence chiefs will slash the Army to its smallest size in a century and lend aircraft carriers to the US -- Daily Mail

America-Japan security alliance 'a problem' in talks over Kurils, says Russian foreign minister -- Military times/AP

Russia, Nepal seek to deepen ties with new military pact -- UPI

Commander of Russian Ground Forces Presents New Military Robot -- Sputnik

Russia to start mass deliveries of T-90M main battle tanks to troops -- TASS

Drills involving Russian, Chinese and South African ships kick off in Cape Town -- TASS

Chinese ships and radar boost navies of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka -- SCMP

North Korean artillery drills violated inter-Korean military agreement, MND says -- NK News

Kim Jong Un visits frontline units, orders military to step-up "war-like" drills -- NK News

Japan Is Modernizing Its Military, but Can It Do More? -- National Interest/Stratfor

This Is Mexico's Most Ruthles Drug Lord

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:58 PM PST

In this wanted poster, the U.S. announces a rare $10 million reward for help finding El Mencho, a ruthless cartel boss and billionaire. Courtesy of the DEA

USA Today/Louisville Courier Journal: A ruthless Mexican drug lord's empire is devastating families with its grip on small-town USA

With unparalleled speed, the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, or CJNG, has set up shop in cities, towns and unsuspecting communities across America.

Somewhere deep in Mexico's remote wilderness, the world's most dangerous and wanted drug lord is hiding. If someone you love dies from an overdose tonight, he may very well be to blame.

He's called "El Mencho."

And though few Americans know his name, authorities promise they soon will.

Rubén "Nemesio" Oseguera Cervantes is the leader of Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, better known as CJNG. With a $10 million reward on his head, he's on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Most Wanted list.

El Mencho's powerful international syndicate is flooding the U.S. with thousands of kilos of methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl every year — despite being targeted repeatedly by undercover stings, busts and lengthy investigations.

The unending stream of narcotics has contributed to this country's unprecedented addiction crisis, devastating families and killing more than 300,000 people since 2013.

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WNU Editor: The U.S. death toll from drugs is truly staggering.

President Trump Honors Conan The Hero Dog That Helped Corner ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:25 PM PST

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump honors Conan the hero dog that helped corner al-Baghdadi as the 'ultimate fighter' at White House Rose Garden ceremony – but pooch takes immediate shine to Mike Pence

* Trump appeared with Conan the hero dog
* The timing of the surprise appearance was kept under wraps
* First Lady Melania Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were there, along with the dog's handler
* Pence repeatedly petted the animal although the president did not
* The event was not on Trump's public schedule
* He called Conan the 'ultimate fighter'
* Vice President Mike Pence petted the dog repeatedly during appearance
* Conan chased down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before the ISIS chief blew himself up
* Earlier Trump had posted a photoshopped image of the animal receiving a medal
* President was attacked because it superimposed the dog on a Vietnam veteran
* But the veteran, James McCloughan, laughed when a reporter showed it to him

President Donald Trump honored Conan the hero dog who helped run down terror leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with a ceremony at the White House Rose Garden Monday where he saluted the animal's toughness in the field as it solicited pats from Mike Pence.

Trump appeared with Conan outside the Oval Office and lauded his accomplishments, after the military flew the highly-trained animal to Washington from the the Middle East, where the U.S. continues to try to take down the remnants of ISIS.

'Conan is a tough cookie. No one is going to mess with Conan,' said Trump – who famously broke precedent by failing to get a pet to live with him at the White House.

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WNU Editor:
A beautiful looking dog. Conan definitely likes Vice President Pence, even licking his hand and encouraging him to scratch his head/ears. Melania Trump kept her distance.

Update: Oh oh. The GF just text me if we can get a Belgian Malinois (we already have a rottweiler).

More News On President Donald Trump Honouring Conan The Hero Dog That Helped Corner al-Baghdadi

Conan the dog gets hero's welcome at White House after raid -- AP
Trump welcomes hero dog at the White House: 'Conan is a tough cookie' -- NBC
'So brilliant, so smart': Trump meets his match in hero dog wounded in Isis raid -- The Guardian
Trump honors military dog from raid that led to ISIS leader's death -- The Hill
Conan, dog injured in al Baghdadi raid, honored by President Trump at White House -- FOX News
Trump honors Conan the hero dog in White House appearance -- CNN
Trump praises Conan, hero dog injured in al-Baghdadi raid, at the White House -- CNBC
'The ultimate fighter': Trump shows off Conan the military dog from Baghdadi raid -- Politico
Troops, canine from raid that killed ISIS leader get White House welcome -- Military Times

Former Vice President Biden Warns U.S. Senator Graham That He Will 'Regret' Investigating His Family's Business In Ukriane

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST

CNN: Biden: Lindsey Graham will 'regret his whole life' doing Trump's bidding on Ukraine

bbeville, South Carolina (CNN)Joe Biden said he is "embarrassed" for South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham over the Republican's willingness to do President Donald Trump's bidding and investigate the former vice president's actions in Ukraine.

"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he's going to regret his whole life," Biden told CNN's Don Lemon in an interview Friday in South Carolina.

Asked what he would say to Graham, who in the past had expressed his admiration for his long-time Senate colleague, Biden said: "I say Lindsey, I just -- I'm just embarrassed by what you're doing, for you. I mean, my Lord."

The interview comes as the House's impeachment inquiry dominates national headlines -- with Trump's effort to convince Ukraine to investigate the Bidens as its focal point. Republicans, including Graham, have rallied to Trump's defense less than a year from the 2020 election.

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Update #1: Joe Biden says Lindsey Graham will regret backing Trump amid Ukraine controversy: 'I'm embarrassed for you' (USA Today)
Update #2: Biden camp: Graham 'forfeited his conscience' over Ukraine (Politico)

WNU Editor: Former Vice President Biden was reacting to this .... Graham requests State Department documents on Bidens, Ukraine (The Hill). More here .... Graham asks State Department for documents related to the Bidens and Ukraine (CNN). I know a threat when I see or hear one, and this is a threat. As for Senator Graham, he has already responded .... Graham defends call to investigate Bidens: 'My conscience is clear' (The Hill). More here .... Graham defends requesting Biden docs: 'That's the way it works in politics' (Politico).

What Do Ukrainians Think Of Trump’s “Quid Pro Quo”

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

Quartz: Three charts showing what Ukrainians think of Trump's "quid pro quo"

As Americans turn their attention to the first public hearings in the House impeachment investigation, there is another country that has been affected by the scandal that's fueling the investigation: Ukraine.

What do the Ukrainian people think of the impeachment controversy?

The congressional investigation centers on Trump's attempts to pressure Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy into opening a corruption investigation into presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Trump allegedly threatened to withhold $400 million in US foreign military aid aimed at countering Russian aggression. The ongoing military conflict with Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region of Ukraine has claimed more than 13,000 lives to date.

Reportedly, Zelenskiy was prepared to bow to this pressure, until luck spared him making such a decision.

What decision do Ukrainians think their president should have made when faced with Trump's apparent "quid pro quo?" Do they believe the Trump administration supports Ukraine?

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WNU Editor: I do not have to read US administered polls to know what Ukrainians think. They are angry right now, which is why they voted overwhelming for Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy earlier this year. They are angry because their country is poor, 40% of the government's budget goes to pay off debts that have nothing to show for, endemic corruption, and they want an end to the war in the east. And as for their relations with the U.S. and President Trump. They see Trump as a tool who may help them in fingering and identifying those in Ukraine (and outside) who looted the treasury dry .... Ukraine widens probe against Burisma founder to embezzlement of state funds (Reuters).

State Department Document Release Reveals Giuliani-Pompeo Communications, But Also Details Accounts Of Biden-Ukraine Corruption

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

Zero Hedge: State Department Releases Detailed Accounts Of Biden-Ukraine Corruption

A liberal watchdog group's attempt to nail Rudy Giuliani has backfired in spectacular fashion after their FOIA request resulted in the US State Department releasing detailed accusations of corruption against the Bidens - based on interviews with former Ukrainian officials who were in charge of the investigations.

Responding to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the group American Oversight, the State Department on Friday night released almost 100 pages of records detailing efforts by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to investigate corruption, which include contacts with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) earlier this year.

Read more ....

Update #1: State Department Files Show Giuliani, Pompeo Contact Before Ukraine Ambassador's Exit (NPR)
Update #2: New Documents Reveal Details of Pompeo's Role in Ukraine Affair (The New York Times)

WNU Editor: The US media is focusing on this document release as proof that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had contacts with Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine. But they are ignoring the content that outlines the Biden family's business involvement in Ukraine, and none of this is pretty. The above Zero Hedge post outlines all of these details nicely.

Former Ukraine President Poroshenko: Giuliani Did Not Ask Or Raise The Issue Of Burisma Or A Probe Into Hunter Biden

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

CTV/Canadian Press: Former president of Ukraine reveals details of 2017 meeting with Rudy Giuliani

HALIFAX -- The former president of Ukraine confirmed Sunday he met with Rudy Giuliani in late 2017, but Petro Poroshenko told a security conference in Halifax he and President Donald Trump's then-adviser talked only about U.S. support -- and he insisted Giuliani did not ask for anything in return.

Poroshenko, who in April was defeated by Volodymyr Zelensky in a presidential election, said he spoke with Giuliani about increasing American support for the Ukrainian military, cybersecurity and financial reforms.

During a question and answer session at the annual Halifax International Security Forum, moderator Robin Shepherd asked Poroshenko if Giuliani had imposed any conditions on U.S. support.

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Update #1: Poroshenko says he met twice with Giuliani – media (Ukraine/Interfax)
Update #2: Poroshenko comments on Giuliani's promises (UNIAN)

WNU Editor: Former President Poroshenko is certainly not supporting the Democrat and media narrative that President Trump was looking for favours in Ukraine.

What Is Next In The Impeachment Inquiry Of President Trump?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:31 AM PST

NPR: Schiff: Impeachment Report Now Being Written, But More Hearings Still Possible

After two weeks of public hearings, the House impeachment inquiry into President Trump is approaching its next stage: lawmakers are now writing a report that could lead to articles of impeachment.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., made the rounds on Sunday television programs outlining the case for impeachment without outright saying whether Trump will be the third president in United States history to be impeached.

"The evidence is already overwhelming," Schiff said on CNN's State of the Union. "The facts are really not contested. It's really not contested what the president did."

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Update: Schiff says more hearings, witnesses possible (AP)

WNU Editor: I still believe that the House will be voting along partisan lines on the impeachment of President Trump. But I do not think House Speaker Pelosi is going to get all Democrats on board, which I am sure is giving her pause. Polls are also not encouraging for those who favour impeachment (see below).

Poll: Opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points (The Hill)
November National Poll: Support for Impeachment Declines (Emerson Polling)
Marquette Poll shows support for impeachment has slipped in Wisconsin as Trump leads 4 top Democratic rivals (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
OCTOBER 2019 Suburban white working class voters focus groups (House Majority Report)

Update: This is now the line I would use to make my case (i.e. the other guy would do it, so that means I can) .... Adam Schiff claims Republicans would vote to impeach Barack Obama 'with a fraction of the evidence'– and slams John Bolton for not having 'courage' to testify and instead putting his story 'in a book' (Daily Mail).

Update #2: We shall see .... Trump impeachment: Republicans dig in as hopes of bipartisan support dashed (The Guardian).

Ambassador To Norway Kenneth Braithwaite Will Replace Fired US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

The Hill: Trump taps Ambassador to Norway Kenneth Braithwaite to replace ousted Navy chief

President Trump announced Sunday that Kenneth Braithwaite, the current ambassador to Norway, would replace Richard Spencer as the secretary of the Navy shortly after Spencer's ouster earlier in the day.

Trump's announcement came hours after Spencer was fired by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, with Esper claiming that Spencer had met behind his back with White House officials and offered to allow a SEAL convicted of a war crime to retire at his current rank.

"I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher's trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges. I then restored Eddie's rank," Trump tweeted Sunday evening, referring to Gallagher's trial and acquittal on murder charges.

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WNU Editor: Many in the media are rushing to condemn President Trump's firing of the Navy Secretary .... 'Recklessly crossed a line': Washington Post columnist blasts 'irascible, vengeful' Trump for firing Navy chief (Washington Examiner). More here .... Navy Secretary forced out after Trump's war crimes intervention causes division and chaos in military (CNN). I disagree. Civilian control of the military is paramount, and the Commander in chief is the US President. In this case President Trump was very blunt on what he wanted, but the US Navy Secretary and a number of Admirals had a different point of view, and were public and vocal about it. When that happens people have to be fired. The precedent of the military defying the civilian leadership is a road that you do not want to follow.

Israel And The U.S. Issue Warnings That Iran Is Planning More Attacks

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley shaking hands with IDF chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi after landing in Israel, November 24, 2019.Israel Defense Forces

Haaretz: Netanyahu, Top U.S. Commander Warn of More Attacks by Iran in the Middle East

'The attack on the oil fields in Saudi was stunning in the depth of its audaciousness,' General Kenneth McKenzie said. Netanyahu: Iran planning 'additional attacks'

U.S. Central Command chief General Kenneth McKenzie spoke over the weekend about the probability of a large-scale attack by Iran in the Middle East. "My judgment is that it is very possible they will attack again," General McKenzie said in an interview ahead of an international security conference on Saturday.

"It's the trajectory and the direction that they're on," he added. "The attack on the oil fields in Saudi was stunning in the depth of its audaciousness," he said speaking in a series of interviews. "I wouldn't rule that out going forward."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted McKenzie's remarks at the opening of a cabinet meeting Sunday and said that Iran was planning "additional attacks."

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More News On Concerns That Iran Is Planning More Attacks

Iran planning attacks on Israel: Netanyahu -- AFP
Top US General warns it's 'very possible Iran will attack again' following strike on Saudi oil facilities -- Daily Mail
U.S. and France vie to bolster Gulf security after Saudi oil attack -- Reuters
Intensity of U.S. military visits shows urgency of Iran threat - analysis -- Jerusalem Post

Inside Iran’s Plot To Attack Saudi Arabia

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:24 AM PST

Workers are seen at the damaged site of Saudi Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia, September 20, 2019. REUTERS/Hamad l Mohammed/File Photo

Reuters: Special Report: 'Time to take out our swords' - Inside Iran's plot to attack Saudi Arabia

Four months before a swarm of drones and missiles crippled the world's biggest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia, Iranian security officials gathered at a heavily fortified compound in Tehran.

The group included the top echelons of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, an elite branch of the Iranian military whose portfolio includes missile development and covert operations.

The main topic that day in May: How to punish the United States for pulling out of a landmark nuclear treaty and re-imposing economic sanctions on Iran, moves that have hit the Islamic Republic hard.

With Major General Hossein Salami, leader of the Revolutionary Guards, looking on, a senior commander took the floor.

"It is time to take out our swords and teach them a lesson," the commander said, according to four people familiar with the meeting.

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WNU Editor: Even if this report is half true, it is a surprise. Iran has a long history of keeping secrets, but now it looks Iran is becoming a place where nothing be kept secret.

Editor's Note

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:00 AM PST

Stuck in meetings this morning. Blogging will return later today.

Presinde Trump Prefers To Do Business In The White House

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:40 AM PST

President Donald J. Trump speaks on the phone in the Oval Office Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018, with Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long to receive the latest update on the devastating wildfires in California. (Official Whte House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

Politico: Forget the Oval. The real Trump action is in the residence.

Fixated on impeachment proceedings against him, Trump is increasingly taking his official business to the White House's executive residence to escape perceived risks of his formal office space.

The Oval Office is the traditional epicenter of power for American presidents, but a new one is emerging that's more exclusive, more secluded and more convenient.

President Donald Trump is increasingly morphing the White House residence into a second Oval. It's become the place where Trump feels most productive, where he avoids meddling by his staff and where he speed-dials his network of confidantes, GOP lawmakers and TV pundits.

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WNU Editor: It fits his style. He had a small office in his condo in New York City, so why not the White House residence. And he is not alone, a lot of people are like that. Richard Branson from Virgin always boasts that he runs his office through his gym bag where he keeps his cell phone and his small black book of about 1,000 contacts. In my case I have an office in the basement of my home where I feel comfortable to do my business and blogging .... albeit it is not the White House. :)

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:22 AM PST

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Bosnia earthquake: 5.4 magnitude quake rocks Bosnia after Albania devastated

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:47 AM PST

EARTHQUAKE monitors have reported a magnitude-5.2 shock centred in Bosnia, hours after deadly Albanian quake.

Albania earthquake latest: Has a tsunami warning been issued after massive earthquake?

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:43 PM PST

ALBANIA has been rocked by a massive earthquake, with at least six people dead and building crumbling. So has a tsunami warning been issued?

Albania earthquake LIVE: Scores of aftershocks - 7 dead, 300 injured after 6.4 quake hits

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST

ALBANIA has been struck by a strong magnitude-6.4 earthquake in the early hours of Tuesday morning, with early reports of seven dead and 300 wounded. Read below for the latest updates.

Albania earthquake MAPPED: Which countries felt magnitude-6.4 quake? Shake map

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:10 PM PST

A POWERFUL earthquake struck Albania this morning causing seven deaths and injuring to more than 300 as residents are trapped beneath the rubble of collapsed buildings. But which countries were rocked by the massive quake on Tuesday?

Albania earthquake: Horror damage of killer 6.4 quake seen in devastating aftermath video

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:10 PM PST

ALBANIA was left devastated after a 6.4 magnitude quake hit overnight leaving four people confirmed dead and at least 150 injured, with footage shared on social media showing the catastrophic impact of the tremors.

Albania earthquake: 6.4 magnitude tremor leaves six dead and hundreds injured

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:40 PM PST

AT LEAST six people have been killed and hundreds more injured in a powerful earthquake in Albania. Firefighters and army personnel are leading the rescue efforts with scores of people feared trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

Albania earthquake latest: Is Albania on the Ring of Fire? Does it get a lot of quakes?

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:57 AM PST

ALBANIA has been hit by a devastating earthquake, claiming at least seven lives and leaving hundreds injured or homeless. So is this region prone to earthquakes?

Iran on brink: How Tehran's furious outburst is huge boost for Trump's foreign policy

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:58 AM PST

IRAN issued another volatile rant in the direction of US President Donald Trump last night – and the fury coming out of Tehran suggests Washington have turned the tide and seized the initiative in the Middle East.

Earthquakes today: Albania shaken as 6.7 tremors felt through Europe

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:09 AM PST

ALBANIA was rocked by a deadly magnitude-6.7 earthquake today which levelled parts of the country's capital city Tirana and rumbled around Europe.

World War 3: Iran shouts ‘Death to UK’ - vows to annihilate countries crossing ‘red lines’

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:00 AM PST

IRAN will "annihilate" the UK, US, Israel or any other country which crosses its red lines, Major General Hossein Salami, Commander of the country's elite Islamic Revolution Guards Corps , has warned.

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

Current Plans to Stem Climate Change Will Still Lead to Catastrophe, U.N. Warns

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:00 AM PST

As the world has reeled from crisis after crisis in recent years, world leaders have, with only a few exceptions, repeatedly insisted that they remain committed to tackling climate change. But they are failing to keep that promise, says a bleak new United Nations report, and the globe may soon feel the dire effects of inaction—including temperatures that rise to double the target set in the Paris Agreement—without “rapid and transformational action.”

The report, from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), points directly at most of the world’s largest economies as the chief culprits in the global failure to stem greenhouse gas emissions. Only five countries in the G20—a forum representing 20 of the world’s biggest economies—have committed to eliminating their carbon footprints. Seven, including the U.S., Brazil and Canada, are failing to meet even their feeble commitments made under the Paris Agreement four years ago while still others, like Russia and India, are keeping their promises but only because they set low targets at the outset.

Collectively, if countries around the world meet their current commitments, it would still result in more than 3°C of warming over pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, blowing past the “well below” 2°C target set in the Paris Agreement, according to the report, which comes ahead of this year’s U.N. climate conference in Madrid.

Last year, a landmark U.N. report warned that the world would face catastrophic consequences—from the destruction of the world’s coral reefs to the impoverishment of hundreds of millions of people—if temperatures warmed significantly more than 1.5°C. Temperature rise of 4°C would drive a humanitarian calamity, including sea level rise that tops 10 meters (32 ft), frequent droughts and heatwaves that make parts of the world unlivable, and the extinction of half the planet’s species.

“While there’s been progress on policies, there’s been progress on ambition, we still have not seen a peaking of emissions,” says Niklas Hagelberg, UNEP’s climate change coordinator, highlighting the need for aggressive action. “There is much more that needs to be done.”

Most specifically, global greenhouse gas emissions need to peak next year and then almost immediately decline precipitously. To keep temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C by the end of the century, emissions would need to drop more than 7% each year for the next decade, the report says. Over the last decade, worldwide emissions rose on average 1.5% each year. And the longer countries wait to make these necessary changes, the more difficult and expensive they will become to implement in time to stave off more than 1.5°C of warming.

“The bottom line is governments are not where they need to be today. That’s a fact,” says Robert Orr, an advisor to the U.N. secretary general on climate and dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy.

UNEP produces this so-called “gap report” annually, but this year’s iteration comes at an especially critical time as the dire scientific reality converges with a thorny political one. Under the Paris Agreement, countries are supposed to announce new and improved plans to reduce emissions before next year’s U.N. climate conference in Glasgow. That process occurs only once every five years, and, because of the urgency outlined in the gap report, climate scientists and policymakers say 2020 may be the last opportunity to prevent a 1.5°C-increase scenario.

Many world leaders remain committed to that process. This year, more than 60 countries across the globe committed to reduce their carbon footprints to zero by 2050, but the majority of those nations are small countries with relatively low per-capita and overall emissions. The G20 economies produce 78% of the world’s emissions, according to the report, and local political and international geopolitical developments have distracted leaders of a number of those large emitters. Internally, the U.S. is dealing with impeachment; China with protesters in Hong Kong; and the European Union with Brexit. Internationally, the world is entangled in a trade war.

But there are some indicators that the reality of climate change may be stark enough to wake up those countries. Protests and youth activism have changed political dynamics, particularly in Europe, and a slew of extreme weather events from the Arctic to Australia are creating pressure on leaders to take bolder steps to reduce emissions. A few specific geopolitical developments may be key in changing the debate. The EU and China are holding a landmark summit in Germany in September, which climate experts say could yield an important bilateral climate deal that cements the two powers as the world’s climate leaders, and the EU has promised to unveil a border carbon tax that imposes a fee on imports from countries that refuse to act on climate.

Whatever happens, the cold, hard truth remains that given today’s current political reality, from China’s commitment to building coal-fired power plants to the continued inaction in the U.S., the aggressive goals needed to stymie catastrophic climate change are very likely out of reach.

But that’s not an excuse to step back, say climate scientists and policymakers. The results of 2°C of warming will be worse than 1.5°C, and the results of 3°C far worse than 2°C. “Every degree, every half a degree counts,” says Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and a key framer of the Paris Agreement. “We don’t have to be more optimistic or pessimistic, we have to be activists; and we have to win every battle.”

Clashes in Lebanon Threaten to Crack Open Fault Lines Between Pro- and Anti-Hezbollah Factions

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:53 PM PST

(BEIRUT) — Clashes between Lebanese protesters and supporters of the Shiite militant Hezbollah group are putting Lebanon’s military and security forces in a delicate position, threatening to crack open the country’s dangerous fault lines amid a political deadlock.

For weeks, the Lebanese security forces have taken pains to protect anti-government protesters, in stark contrast to Iraq, where police have killed more than 340 people over the past month in a bloody response to similar protests.

The overnight violence — some of the worst since protests against the country’s ruling elite began last month — gave a preview into a worst-case scenario for Lebanon’s crisis, with the country’s U.S.-trained military increasingly in the middle between pro- and anti-Hezbollah factions.

By attacking protesters Sunday night, Hezbollah sent a message that it is willing to use force to protect its political power. Confronting the powerful Iranian-backed Hezbollah, however, is out of the question for the military as doing so would wreck the neutral position it seeks to maintain and could split its ranks.

“The army is in a difficult position facing multiple challenges and moving cautiously between the lines,” said Fadia Kiwan, professor of political science at Saint Joseph University in Beirut.

She said the military has sought to protect the protesters and freedom of expression but is increasingly grappling with how to deal with road closures and violence.

The U.N. Security Council urged all actors in Lebanon on Monday to engage in “intensive national dialogue and to maintain the peaceful character of the protests” by respecting the right to peaceful assembly and protest.

Calling this “a very critical time for Lebanon,” the U.N.’s most powerful body also commended Lebanon’s armed forces and state security institutions for their role in protecting the right to peaceful assembly and protest.

Sunday night’s clashes brought into full display the political and sectarian divisions that protesters have said they want to end.

“Shiite, Shiite, Shiite!” Hezbollah supporters waving the group’s yellow flag shouted, taunting the protesters, many of them Christians. The protesters chanted back, “This is Lebanon, not Iran,” and “Terrorist, terrorist, Hezbollah is a terrorist” — the first time they have used such a chant.

The violence began when supporters of Hezbollah and the other main Shiite faction, Amal, attacked protesters who had blocked a main Beirut thoroughfare known as the Ring Road — a move the protesters said was aimed at exerting pressure on politicians to form a new government after Prime Minister Saad Hariri offered his resignation Oct. 29.

Carrying clubs and metal rods, the Hezbollah followers arrived on scooters, chanting pro-Hezbollah slogans. They beat up several protesters. Both sides chanted insults, then threw stones at each other for hours.

Security forces stood between them but did little to stop the fighting. Finally, after several hours, they fired tear gas at both sides to disperse them. The road was eventually opened before daybreak Monday.

By that time, protesters’ tents were destroyed in areas close to the Ring Road. The windshields of cars parked near Riad Solh Square and Martyrs Square — the central hubs of the protests — were smashed as were the windows of some shops.

The nationwide protests have so far been overwhelmingly peaceful since they started Oct. 17.

Politicians have failed to agree on a new Cabinet since Hariri’s government resigned Oct. 29. Hezbollah and Amal insist Hariri form a new government made up of technocrats and politicians, but Hariri — echoing protester demands — says it must be made up only of experts who would focus on Lebanon’s economic crisis.

As the deadlock drags on, tempers are rising.

“The situation is moving toward a dangerous phase because after 40 days of protests, people are beginning to get tired and frustrated and might resort to actions that are out of control,” Kiwan said.

One person has been killed by security forces during the protests, while six have died in incidents related to the demonstrations. In the latest, a man and his sister-in-law burned to death Monday after their car hit a metal barricade erected by protesters on a highway linking Beirut with the country’s south.

Hezbollah issued a blistering statement Monday condemning the road closure, painting the protests as a danger to the country. It called the deaths the result of “a militia attack carried out by groups of bandits who practice the ugliest methods of humiliation and terrorism against people.”

In the increasingly tense atmosphere, “the role of the army is getting bigger,” Kiwan said.

The army is one of the few state institutions that enjoy wide support and respect among the public as it is seen as a unifying force in the deeply divided country. It has for the most part worked to defuse tensions and protect protesters, though on two occasions it allowed Hezbollah and Amal supporters to wreck tents at the main protest site in downtown Beirut.

Hisham Jaber, a retired Lebanese general who heads the Middle East Center for Studies and Political Research, said the army is in a “delicate” position and could not have done more than it did Sunday night.

The military is already at the center of a debate in U.S. policy-making circles. The Trump administration is now withholding more than $100 million in U.S. military assistance to Lebanon that has been approved by Congress, without providing an explanation for the hold.

That has raised concerns among some in the U.S. security community who see the aid — largely used to buy U.S.-made military equipment — as key to countering Iran’s influence in Lebanon. Others, however, including pro-Israel lawmakers in Congress, have sought to defund the military, arguing it has been compromised by Hezbollah, which the U.S. designates as a terrorist organization.

U.S. administrations have long believed that a strong Lebanese army could be a counter to Hezbollah’s weapons and could deprive the militants of the excuse to keep their arms.

The 70,000-strong force split along sectarian lines during Lebanon’s 1975-90 civil war. Since then, it has largely succeeded in achieving a level of stability by maintaining a tough balancing act that includes coordinating with Hezbollah on security matters.

Jaber said it is impossible for the security forces to clash with Hezbollah because “this will lead to divisions within the army.”

“Hezbollah is a main part of the Lebanese people,” he said. “Getting the army into a battle with them would lead to pulling away part of the Lebanese army, and this could be followed by other groups splitting from the army.”

“The Lebanese army is the pole of the tent. If the pole collapses, the whole country will collapse. It is the duty of the army to protect state institutions.”

The U.K. Suspect Charged Over Migrant Deaths Pleads Guilty to Lesser Charges

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:34 PM PST

LONDON (AP) — A truck driver charged with manslaughter over the deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants whose bodies were found in the back of a vehicle he had allegedly been driving pleaded guilty Monday to lesser charges, as police made a new arrest in the case.

Northern Irish trucker Maurice Robinson, who is accused of being part of an international people-smuggling ring, admitted plotting with others to assist illegal immigration and acquiring criminal property.

Robinson, 25, appeared at London’s Central Criminal Court by video link from prison. He wasn’t asked to enter pleas to 39 counts of manslaughter and conspiracy to traffic people, and he faces another court hearing Dec. 13.

The bodies of 39 people were found Oct. 23 in the English town of Grays, east of London. Police say the victims were all from Vietnam and were aged between 15 and 44.

The 31 men and eight women are believed to have paid people traffickers for their clandestine transit into England.

Prosecutors allege Robinson drove the cab of the truck to Purfleet, England, where he picked up the container, which had arrived by ferry from Zeebrugge in Belgium.

Late Monday, police said they had arrested a 36-year-old man from Purfleet on suspicion of manslaughter, conspiracy to traffic people and conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration.

Two other men have been arrested in Britain and Ireland in connection with the case, and several people have been arrested in Vietnam.

Thieves Steal ‘Priceless’ Jewels From German Museum

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:44 AM PST

(BERLIN) — Thieves broke into Dresden’s Green Vault, one of the world’s oldest museums, early Monday morning, making off with three “priceless” sets of 18th century jewelry that German officials said would be impossible to sell on the open market.

The treasury of Augustus the Strong of Saxony was established in 1723 and today contains around 4,000 objects of gold, precious stones and other materials on display in Dresden’s Royal Palace.

Authorities said it appeared the thieves had broken open only one glass case containing three sets of Baroque jewelry made up of dozens of gems each.

“This is a bitter day for the cultural heritage of Saxony,” the state’s interior minister, Roland Woeller, told reporters.

He said the thieves “stole cultural treasures of immeasurable worth — that is not only the material worth but also the intangible worth to the state of Saxony, which is impossible to estimate.”

Police are still carrying out forensic exams of the crime scene and museum officials said they have not yet been able to determine whether all the 100-or-so pieces were missing, but that the sets included intricate and dazzling broaches, buttons, buckles and other items.

Green Vault director Dirk Syndram stressed that the collections in the museum have “invaluable cultural value” — particularly their completeness.

“Nowhere in any other collection in Europe have jewels or sets of jewels been preserved in this form and quantity,” he said. “The value is really in the ensemble.”

Police said they were alerted shortly before 5 a.m. by unarmed museum security guards who had spotted two burglars inside the downtown museum on video surveillance cameras.

The first officers arrived on the scene within minutes but the thieves had already fled in a waiting getaway car, which managed to elude immediate attempts to find it in the surrounding area and on the nearby highway, Dresden police chief Joerg Kubiessa told reporters.

“It’s not just the State Art Collections that was robbed, but us Saxons,” Michael Kretschmer, the governor of Saxony, where Dresden is located, tweeted. “One can’t understand the history of Saxony without the Green Vault.”

Investigators are currently looking into whether a fire at an electrical junction box near the museum, which took out the streetlights at the time of the robbery was linked to the crime, said Volker Lange, whose department is leading the probe.

He said the outage affected lights in front of a window through which the thieves gained entrance, somehow getting through bars and safety glass.

Lange said they were also trying to determine whether an unregistered car, found on fire nearby with all four doors open and smelling of gasoline, may have been the getaway car.

Dresden’s State Art Collections director, Marion Ackermann, said it was impossible to estimate the value of the items.

“We cannot give a value because it is impossible to sell,” she said, appealing to the thieves not to break the ensembles into pieces. “The material value doesn’t reflect the historic meaning.”

A special team of investigators has been established to pursue the case, Woeller said.

“We will do everything in our power not only to bring the cultural treasures back, but to capture the perpetrators,” he said.

Exhibition rooms at the museum focus on treasures featuring jewels, ivory, silver and amber among other objects.

One of its most famous and precious treasures, the Dresden Green Diamond, is currently on loan with other valuable pieces to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York for an exhibit.

The 41-carat green diamond was acquired by Augustus III, the son of Augustus the Strong, in 1742, according to the museum.

The museum said that at the time of its purchase it cost 400,000 thalers, compared to the 288,000 thalers it cost to build Dresden’s lavish Frauenkirche church at around the same time.

Rescuers Scramble to Save 14,600 Sheep After Transport Ship Capsizes in the Black Sea

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:26 AM PST

Rescue workers are rushing to save roughly 14,600 sheep after a cargo ship carrying the animals capsized Sunday in the Black Sea off the coast of Romania.

Emergency services from the coastal city of Constanta managed to rescue all 21 crew members, including 20 Syrians and one Lebanese national, soon after the Queen Hind, a vessel built in 1980 that was sailing under the flag of the island nation of Palau, began to sink around noon local time, Ana-Maria Stoica, a spokeswoman for the rescuers, told AFP.

At least 32 sheep were also rescued — some after they were found swimming near the ship — which was headed from the Romanian port of Midia to Saudi Arabia.

But the fate of most of the sheep remained uncertain as emergency services restarted their operation Monday morning after an overnight break.

Many of the sheep are believed to have drowned, with livestock experts pointing out that the animals’ thick fleeces can easily become waterlogged, making it difficult to swim.

Romania is the third-largest producer of sheep in the E.U., after the U.K. and Spain. Around 100 livestock transport vessels leave the Midia port each year.

The country’s exporting of live sheep has long drawn criticism from animal rights activists, who claim the often cramped, hot and unsafe transport conditions inflict unnecessary suffering on the animals. Some have labeled the transport vessels “death ships.”

In July, after the leak of footage showing sheep being transported in extreme summer heat, the European Commission’s Health and Food Safety chief wrote to Romania’s agriculture minister to urge the halt of planned transports of 70,000 sheep to the Gulf region.

Authorities do not yet know what caused the Queen Hind to capsize, the BBC reports. An investigation will begin after rescue and salvage efforts have finished.

Here’s How to Order a Car in London if Uber Ban Is Enacted

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:01 AM PST

The ride-hailing app Uber has lost its license to operate in London, after officials identified a “pattern of failures” including more than 14,000 trips taken with bogus drivers.

Transport for London (TfL), the British capital’s transportation authority, made the decision not to renew Uber’s license after an investigation into passenger safety.

It comes after TfL refused to grant Uber a full operating license in September, saying it had to address passenger safety issues.

On Monday, TfL said Uber had made some improvements but failed elsewhere, including by allowing unlicensed drivers to upload their profile pictures to authorized drivers’ accounts, resulting in passengers taking roughly 14,000 trips with a driver other than the account holder.

“Despite addressing some of these issues, TfL does not have confidence that similar issues will not reoccur in the future, which has led it to conclude that the company is not fit and proper at this time,” TfL said in a statement.

Uber cars will still be available for hire while the firm appeals the decision. But if Uber does get banned, here are some alternatives if you need to hire a car in London:


The Estonian ride-hailing firm launched in London this year.

Rides have a £2.50 ($3.20) base fare, and you’re charged £1.25 ($1.60) per mile and £0.15 ($0.20) per minute.

The company boasts that it’s “safe and reliable,” takes less of a commission from drivers than its rivals, and that all its rides are carbon-neutral.

Sign up here.


The French ride-hailing firm, acquired by German auto-makers Daimler and BMW, launched in London this year.
Rides have a £2.50 ($3.50) base fare, and you’re charged £1.50 ($1.90) per mile and £1.15 ($1.47) per minute.
The company says it covers the “congestion charge” drivers pay to operate in central London, saving riders at least £2 ($2.57) for each trip. Kapten also rewards loyal customers with “points,” which can be redeemed for free rides.


The on-demand ride-sharing firm launched in London in April 2018 after start-up Via and Mercedes-Benz Vans joined forces.

Customers can share their rides with others heading in the same direction in a bid to save money and reduce carbon emissions. ViaVan also offers a private ride option when available.

The firm doesn’t have a base rate available on its site — the fares depend on how far customers travel, when they ride, and the number of plus-ones in their party— but customers can view how much the ride will cost before they book.

Sign up here.


The Israeli-owned Gett app launched in London in 2011 as a tech-savvy alternative to hailing one of London’s traditional black cabs, which cannot be ordered in advance.

The app has no minimum fares; riders pay the fare shown on the taxi’s meter, either by card or cash to the driver.

Gett says the average wait for one of their cabs is three minutes, and boasts that its drivers are the “highest rated” in the capital.

Get the app here.

Addison Lee

Addison Lee launched as a private minicab company in 1975, and now offers users a ride-hailing experience similar to newer startups with its own app.

The company boasts it has “the largest fleet in London” and free Wi-Fi and phone charging in all its cars.

The firm doesn’t have a base rate available on its site, but tells you the exact cost of a journey before you book.

Make a booking here.

The Tube

More environmentally-friendly than taking a private car, London’s underground metro system is fast and (usually) efficient.

Paper tickets are expensive, so get cheaper rides by buying an Oyster card at a machine, or by using your contactless debit or credit card at the barriers. Rides in the central “zone 1” of the city start from £2.40 ($3.10) and increase slightly the further afield you go.

Find the cost of traveling between two stations here.

Imprisoned Julian Assange Urgently Needs Medical Treatment, Doctors Say

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

(LONDON) — More than 60 doctors have written to British authorities asserting that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange urgently needs medical treatment at a university hospital.

The doctors said in a letter published Monday that Assange suffers from psychological problems including depression as well as dental issues and a serious shoulder ailment.

Assange is in Belmarsh Prison on the outskirts of London in advance of an extradition hearing set for February. He is sought by the U.S. on espionage charges relating to his WikiLeaks work.

The letter was sent to Home Secretary Priti Patel.

Dr. Lissa Johnson of Australia said an independent medical assessment is needed to determine if Assange is “medically fit” to face legal proceedings.

The letter was distributed by WikiLeaks.

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Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:28 PM PST

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How to Deduct Stock Losses from your Tax Bill


Learn the proper procedure for deducting investment losses and get some tips on how to strategically structure them to lower your income tax bill.

Anti-Dilution Provision Definition


An anti-dilution provision protects investors from dilution resulting from later issues of stock at a lower price than the investor originally paid.

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Libel is publishing a statement about someone in written form or via broadcast that is untrue and would harm the reputation or livelihood of that person.

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Stocks Break Higher, and Small Caps Lead the Charge


The top three small-cap stocks are on a tear, while Teledoc is flashing a warning signal.

Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA)


Canadian Securities Administrators is a collective forum composed of all the territorial and provincial securities regulators of Canada.

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Post-Retirement Risk Definition


Post-retirement risk is the potential damage to financial security that a retired individual could encounter.

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Top 5 Podcasts for Home Buyers


Buying a home can be confusing - here are 5 podcasts to offer some advice along the way.

Support (Support Level) Definition & Example


Support refers to a level that the price action of an asset has difficulty falling below over a specific period of time.

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Hard Fork (Blockchain) Definition


A hard fork is a radical change to the protocol of a blockchain network that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid (or vice-versa).

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Laffer Curve Definition


The Laffer Curve is the relationship between tax rates and tax revenue collected by governments.

Possibility Of Failure (POF) Rates


A possibility of failure rate is likelihood that a retiree will run out of money.

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Morgan Stanley's Top Picks as Growth Shifts to Emerging Markets


Morgan Stanley favors non-U.S. stocks at this point, and suggests that investors tilt their U.S. equity holdings towards defensive stocks.

Hawthorne Effect Definition


The Hawthorne Effect is when people, who are the subjects of an experimental study, change or improve their behavior because it is being studied.

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Will You Pay Taxes During Retirement?


Whether you'll pay taxes—and how much—after you retire depends on your sources of retirement income and how much you'll draw on them each year. Here are the details.

Why Do Bitcoins Have Value?


Bitcoin is touted as a private, decentralized digital currency. But what gives the leading cryptocurrency value?

Biotech Stocks Awaken From Long Slumber


Biotech stocks have joined the fourth quarter rally and could post strong gains in the coming months.

Charles Schwab to buy TDA for $26 billion


Charles Schwab is buying TD Ameritrade for $26 billion as the online brokerage industry consolidates in the era of zero commissions for trades.

Stocks Are Getting Bought, but Not Overbought Yet


Markets are going up because of big buying, and this should continue until the sellers show up.

Retirement Contribution


A retirement contribution is a payment into to a retirement plan, either pretax or after tax.

Walmart Beats Earnings, Stock Fails at a Risky Level


Although the retail giant beat earnings estimates and its holiday outlook was positive, sales fell slightly versus estimates.

Direct Rollover


A direct rollover is a distribution of eligible assets from one qualified plan to another.

NVIDIA Stock Tests Key Level on Post-Earnings Strength


Analysts now project renewed year-over-year growth for NVIDIA, and this notion is supported by a "golden cross" on its daily chart.

Applied Materials Stock Declines on Industry Downgrade


UBS downgraded Applied Materials and several peers on concerns that wafer fab equipment run rates would weaken.

Pension Risk Transfer Definition


Pension risk transfer is when a defined benefit pension provider offloads the risk and retirement payment liabilities to former employee beneficiaries.

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Simple Steps to Open an IRA


Opening up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a simple move that will save you tax money today and help you save for tomorrow.

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Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Definition, Types


An individual retirement account (IRA) is an investing tool individuals use to earn and earmark funds for retirement savings.

Tax Season


Tax season is the time period between January 1 and April 15 of each year when taxpayers traditionally prepare financial reports for the previous year.

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How to Convert a 401(k) to a Roth 401(k)


Understand the benefits and the rules of converting your 401(k) to a Roth. You'll owe taxes on the money now, but enjoy tax-free withdrawals later.

Early Social Security: When Does it Make Sense to Start Early?


Early Social Security means you start taking benefits before full retirement age. The checks are bigger if you wait, but sometimes early Social Security makes sense.

How Roth IRA Taxes Work


Roth IRAs boast big tax perks. Learn how they work so you can take full advantage of them.

What to Expect in the Markets Next Week


It will be a shortened trading week for U.S. stock exchanges leading to the busiest shopping day of the year on Black Friday.

Are qualified dividends included in ordinary dividends for tax-reporting purposes?


"Qualified" and "ordinary" dividends are taxed differently and reported in separate boxes on Internal Revenue Service Form 1099-DIV.

How to Find the Best Roth IRA Rates


The interest rates you'll earn in a Roth IRA account depend on what you invest in. There are a number of investment options to consider for a Roth IRA.

How to Open a Roth IRA


It's really easy to open a Roth IRA account. The hard part is deciding how to invest your money. Here's how to get started.

Certain and Continuous Definition


Certain and continuous refers to a type of annuity that guarantees a number of payments, even if the annuitant dies.

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Understanding Real Estate Agents vs. Brokers vs. Realtors


Real estate agents, brokers, and realtors are often considered the same. In reality, these positions have different responsibilities and duties.

Top Real Estate Stocks for December 2019


These are the real estate stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for December.

How Aramco IPO Will Change Oil Dynamics


The coming Initial Public Offering (IPO) for ARAMCO, the Saudi Arabian oil company, has captured the attention of Wall Street regarding just how much the company is worth.

Top Communications Stocks for December 2019


These are the communications stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for December.

Are Mutual Funds or Index Funds Better for Roth IRAs?


If you have a Roth IRA, index funds and mutual funds are two of your options. But one is the clear winner when it comes to the fees you'll pay.

How Much Medicaid and Medicare Cost Americans


Medicaid and Medicare cost Americans plenty out of their paychecks. Find out how much Americans pay and what it covers.

How Do I Report SIMPLE IRA Contributions on a W-2?


Small employers that offer SIMPLE IRAs must report salary deferral contributions on each employee's W-2. Here's how.



A gorilla is a company that has managed to dominate an industry or sector without necessarily achieving a monopoly.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Definition


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers the United States' major health care programs.

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Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Definition


The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a set of business laws that regulate financial contracts and transactions employed across different states.

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Variability Definition


Variability is the extent to which data points in a statistical distribution or data set diverge from the average, or mean, value as well as the extent to which these data points differ from each other.

To Be Announced (TBA)


To be announced is a phrase used to describe a forward-settling mortgage-backed securities trade.

Personal Interest Definition


Personal interest is interest that individuals pay on personal and consumer loans. Some types of personal interest are tax-deductible.

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Personal Capital vs Vanguard Personal Advisor Services: Which Is Best for You?


Personal Capital and Vanguard Personal Advisor Services are both excellent robo-advisors, provided you have the money to use them.

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Definition


A Renewable Energy Certificate is proof of the production of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from a renewable energy resource.

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Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Line Definition


The magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) line on a check includes the information that appears at the bottom of a check and is read by computers.

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Null Hypothesis Definition


A null hypothesis is a type of hypothesis used in statistics that proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations.

Bonferroni Test


A Bonferroni Test is a type of multiple comparison test used in statistical analysis.

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Roth IRA Calculator: 2019 Contribution Limit


Use this Roth IRA calculator to determine your contribution limit for the 2019 tax year.

Can Teenagers Invest in Roth IRAs?


No matter how old—or young—you are, you can open a Roth IRA as long as you have some earned income.

Introduction to Investing


Learning where different assets stand on the investment risk ladder is the first step to understanding investments.

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Can You Have a Pension and a 401(k)?


Pensions and 401(k)s are two ways to save for retirement. But just because they're both employer-sponsored plans, doesn't mean you can't (or shouldn't) have both.

How Baby Boomers Can Stop Worrying About Retirement


Many baby boomers worry they won't have enough to retire. Find out how to boost your nest egg now and strategies to help make your money last during retirement.

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How Does the New Tax Law Affect Your Estate Plan?


The tax reform enacted at the end of 2017 will have a far-reaching impact on many areas of tax and financial planning.

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Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) Definition


Primary insurance amount is a calculation, used with the Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME), to determine a person's Social Security benefits.

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Escheat Definition


Escheat is the flow of estate assets to the state when a person dies without a will or legal heirs. State laws on escheat vary widely.

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6 Books for Estate Planning


A well-constructed estate plan requires a lot of work, but it is worth it. These six books can help make the task less daunting.

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A Guide to Social Security Dependent Benefits


Advice on the program tends to focus on payments to the retiree, but Social Security benefits are also available to their dependents.

What are the Three Phases of a Completed Initial Public Offering (IPO) Transformation Process?


An initial public offering (IPO) represents a private company's first offering of its equity to public investors. Learn the IPO process phases.

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12 Steps of a Real Estate Closing


A number of things need to happen before a home becomes yours. Find out what to expect when closing a real estate deal.

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Capital Markets Group Definition


A capital markets group is a division within a larger company that uses its financial expertise to provide financial services to certain clients.

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Which Income Class Are You?


Which income class do you belong to and what defines the different classes? We hear it all the time, the middle class is shrinking, but what does the data say?

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Why Roth IRAs Make Sense for Millennials


Millennials can take advantage of decades of tax-free earnings and then tax-free withdrawals during retirement with a Roth IRA.

Top Materials Stocks for December 2019


These are the materials stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for December.

Housing Market: The Effect of Millennials


Defying the stereotype, analysis by Fannie Mae shows the generation that came of age during the Great Recession has started to invest in real estate.

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Refinance Your Mortgage: When It Makes Sense and How to Do It


There are both good and bad reasons to refinance, and they are not just based on interest rates. Find out when refinancing makes the most sense and when it could be a bad move.

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Understanding The U.S. Tax Withholding System


Understanding the origins of our tax withholding system is crucial to getting the most out of it.

Top Financial Stocks for December 2019


These are the financial stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for December.

Can I Get a Loan Against My Pension?


Avoid taking out an advance against your pension; interest on these loans is steep, and you could take a huge tax hit—possibly even lose your pension.

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The Affluent Millennial Investing Survey


Investopedia surveyed affluent millennials to learn how this generation views investing, who taught them, and how that education influences where they spend, save, and invest.

What to Do After Maxing Out Your 401(k) Plan


Fear not: There are smart ways to ensure that your retirement nest egg keeps growing. Just be aware of the risks and be sure to read the fine print.

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25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S. for 2019


Discover the 25 highest-paying jobs in the United States for 2019, based on the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

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Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)


A simplified employee pension is a retirement plan that an employer or self-employed individuals can establish.

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Can I Contribute to an IRA if I’m Married Filing Separately?


If you're married filing separately, living together or apart has a big effect on whether (or how much) you can put in an IRA and what's deductible.

How Do Living and Death Benefit Riders Work?


Living and death benefit riders are optional add-ons to an annuity that offer contract holders protection, but they come at a cost.

Unit Benefit Formula Definition


Unit benefit formula is a method of calculating an employer's contribution to an employee's defined-benefit plan based on years of service.

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How to Convert to a Roth IRA - Rollover Rules


A Roth IRA rollover transfers money from a traditional IRA into a Roth. There are lots of good reasons to make the switch, but watch out for the taxes.

Transfer of Physical Assets (TPA)


A transfer of physical assets (TPA) is a type of property sale in the United States that requires the assumption of a loan sponsored by HUD.

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Quiet Title Action Definition


A quiet title action is a court action (lawsuit) intended to establish or settle the title to a property, especially during a disagreement on the title.

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Carried Interest Definition


Carried interest is a share of any profits that the general partners of private equity and hedge funds receive as compensation.

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Bidding War


A bidding war is a situation in which potential buyers of a property vie for ownership via a series of increasing price bids.

Aging Schedule Definition


An aging schedule classifies assets and liabilities by date (or age), which is useful for managing and assessing finance, operations, and credit standards.

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Lindahl Equilibrium Definition


Lindahl equilibrium is the price paid by an individual for his or her share of public goods.

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How Can I Start or Set up a Roth 401(k)?


You can open a Roth 401(k) if your employer offers one as part of its retirement-plan choices. You can also have both a Roth and a traditional 401(k).

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Top S&P 500 Stocks for November 2019


These are the S&P 500 stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for November.

What Are the Roth 401(k) Withdrawal Rules?


Understanding the rules for withdrawals from a Roth 401(k) will keep you from losing part of your retirement savings to taxes and penalties.

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Best Brokers for Roth IRAs: November 2019


The best brokers for Roth IRAs offer an easy-to-use platform with retirement tools, educational materials, and clear reports.

Timing Markets With 401(k) Stocks? Bad Idea


Investors considering selling stocks in their 401(k)'s as they try to time the market might be making a mistake.

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How to Choose the Best Mortgage for You


Finding the right house is only half the battle. The other half is choosing the best type of mortgage. Learn how to pick a mortgage based on your needs.

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After-Tax Balance Rules for Retirement Accounts


When after-tax assets in a retirement account are distributed, the amounts will be tax and penalty free, but only if specific steps are taken.

The Benefits of Starting an IRA for Your Child


Both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs can be opened for kids of any age, and the benefits range from the savings themselves to learning about money.

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408(k) Plan Definition


A 408(k) account is an employer-sponsored, retirement savings plan similar to but less complex than a 401(k).

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Can I Use Money from My IRA to Donate to Charity?


Yes, you can use money from your IRA to donate to qualified charities. Better yet, you can get a tax break by doing so if you follow IRS rules.

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Are Social Security Benefits a Form of Socialism?


Socialism is a loaded word in the U.S., but Social Security, one of the nation's most popular benefit programs, is wholly government-run.

Roth TSP vs. Roth IRA: How Do They Compare?


Roth TSPs and Roth IRAs are similar, but there are key differences that could make one a better choice for you.

Can I Use Profit-Sharing Plan Funds for a Down Payment on a Home?


Whether you can use funds from your profit-sharing plan for a down payment, or anything else, depends on how the plan is set up and your age.

Are 401(k) Loans Taxed?


Any money you borrow from a 401(k) account is typically tax exempt, making 401(k) loans a better alternative to withdrawals or high-interest credit.

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Retiring: Is $1 Million Enough?


Find out why this magic number has lost some of its luster as a retirement savings target.

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How To Calculate (and Fix) Excess IRA Contributions


Here's what to do if you contribute to a Roth IRA and your income is too high, or you contribute more than you're allowed to any IRA.

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How Do 401(K) Loans Work?


Individuals in a tight spot financially can turn to 401(k) loans, where they can borrow $50,000 or 50% of the total amount of the 401(k), whichever is greater.

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NPU Result 2019 – Get Nilamber Pitamber University Latest Exam Results

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

Dear Students!! It’s time to check your NPU Results 2019 from this page. Yes, Nilamber Pitamber University has published the results for various Courses. Currently, the University has released the results of MCA B.Ed MBA B.Tech LL.B and other Courses results are available here. Students those who have done for this examination can check their results from the official website of the University i.e, npu.ac.in. The University has announced the results for all the Students like, Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Regular and Supplementary Students. Here on this page, we have provided a direct link to download and verify the NPU Result 2019 from the below table. We advise the Students to regularly check the official website of the University to get the latest updates regarding Examination results.

NPU Result 2019   Get Nilamber Pitamber University Latest Exam Results

NPU Result 2019

Students can check the NPU Examination result for various UG & PG courses. All the updated Nilamber Pitamber University UG Results, NPU PG Results, NPU M.Phil Results, NPU Ph.D. Results, Regular, Supplementary, Improvement are available on this webpage. Here, we have provided the direct links to find your results through individual links on this page. Also, we will be updating the Upcoming University Results link, it will work once the University will announce it by officially. Here on this page, Students may find the Admit card, Syllabus, Previous Paper, and others. The University announces the NPU Exam Result Part 2 and the NPU Daltonganj Result on its official website. So, get your NPU BA Part 2 Result 2018 and the NPU Result BA Part 1 by entering your registration number. Get Direct link to download npu.ac.in result 2019 from our webpage.

Latest NPU Exam Results 2019

Name of the Exam Result Release Date Download Link
MA(Psychology) and M.Sc.(Mathematics) Ist Semester result of Academic Year 2018-19 18-06-2019 Click Here
UG (Vocational) final year result of Academic Year 2018-19 15-06-2019 Click Here
UG (Gen.) final year result of Academic Year 2018-19 15-06-2019 Click Here
UG (Hons.) final year result of Academic Year 2018-19 17-06-2019 Click Here
MCA IInd Semester result of Academic Year 2017-18 26-05-2019 Click Here
MA(Sanskrit) Ist Semester result of Academic Year 2017-18 26-05-2019 Click Here
LLB VI Semester result of Academic Year 2017-18 26-05-2019 Click Here
M.Sc.(Chemistry) Ist Semester result of Academic Year 2018-19 23-05-2019 Click Here
PG IInd Semester result of Session 2017-18 23-05-2019 Click Here
M.B.A. IInd Semester result of Session 2017-18 23-05-2019 Click Here
UG (General) Ist year result of session 2017-18 23-05-2019 Click Here
Other Results Click Here

How to Download NPU Results 2019?

  1. Visit the official website of Nilamber Pitamber University i.e npu.ac.in
  2. In the home page, you will find the Examination tab
  3. Then click on the results, and a new page will be open
  4. Now, Students can click on the appropriate results and download the pdf file
  5. NEHU Results will appear on the screen.
  6. Take the printout of the result until the official marks card is released by the NPU Board.

Overview of Nilamber Pitamber University

Name of the University Nilamber Pitamber University
Courses Offered Science, Engineering, and others
Established Year 2009
Category Sarkari Results
Location Jharkhand
Mode Online
Official Site npu.ac.in

About Nilamber Pitamber University

Nilamber-Pitamber University is a state university located in Medininagar, Jharkhand, India. It established in 2009, it operates 15 Post-graduate departments besides the usual undergraduate, technical and vocational curricula like Journalism, Dental, Engineering, and B.Ed., to fulfill the long-standing needs of higher education for the talented but generally deprived populace of this underprivileged area. With a distinguished and dedicated faculty cluster in each of the postgraduate departments, the university is looking forward to establishing a new benchmark of excellence and achievement in the academic world.

NPU Supply/Revaluation Results

Students have a chance to apply for the revaluation, if the students may get low marks in the examination, they can apply for the Revaluation results. So again the head of the Examiner will review the answer paper. After revaluation, students may get high marks. Still, if anyone got low marks, they can apply for the Supplementary Examinations. For Revaluation/Supplementary, students should pay the fee. Students can get all the results from this page Regular, Revaluation and Supplementary Results. Students of the Nilamber Pitamber University can also get all Results Also. Just we are advising the Students to frequently visit this page to get latest updates of all NPU Results 2019.

MSRTC Results 2019 – Download Junior Engineer (Electrical) Cut Off Marks @ msrtcexam.in

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

MSRTC Results 2019 @ msrtcexam.in | Check MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result here – The Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) will soon announce the MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019 in the month of November 2019 (Tentatively). The Re-Exam for the Junior Engineering (Electrical) Posts has conducted on 28th July 2019. Candidates who are waiting for the MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result can check on the official website i.e, msrtcexam.in.

MSRTC Results 2019   Download Junior Engineer (Electrical) Cut Off Marks @ msrtcexam.in

MSRTC Results 2019 | Available Here


The candidates who have attempted the Junior Engineering (Electrical) Posts Re-exam can check your result from this article. Here we have provided a direct link to download your results. Along with the MSRTC JE Result 2019 link, we have given some additional steps to download your result through the official website easily. Also, we will be updating the latest result link and it will activate at the time of the result announced officially. Moreover, the candidates can get your MSRTC JE Cut off marks and Merit list from this page. After the Result announcement, the MSRTC officials will release the Cut off and Merit List on the official website.

MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019 – Overview

MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019 | Check Junior Engineer (Electrical) Cut Off Marks, Merit List
Description Details
Organization Name Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC)
Post Name  Junior Engineering (Electrical)
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 28th July 2019
Result Date November 2019 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Examination
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website msrtcexam.in

All the applicants who have participated in the MSRTC Recruitment 2019 can get the highlighted points from the above table. Candidates can check your MSRTC JE Re-Exam Results 2019 from the below link. Also, we have provided a direct link Check Junior Engineer (Electrical) Cut Off Marks, Merit List. The exact date to release the MSRTC Junior Engineer Result 2019 had not declared by MSRTC Authority.

MSRTC Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks 2019

Applicants who will get minimum marks obtained in the written exam can be shortlisted to the further round. The Cut off marks will be decided by the MSRTC officials and they have some categories to set up. It will be based on the number of vacancies available, the number of candidates attended the exam, candidates category (General, OBC, SC, ST), level of difficulty of the paper, previous year cut off marks.

All the participants in the MSRTC JE Merit List 2019 called to the next phase of the selection process which is the Interview. All the candidates should check their Cut off marks and Merit list to attend the further round of Interviews. Anyone can find the results, Cut off marks and Merit List from the official website after the announcement.

How to check MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019?

  1. Candidates must visit the official website of Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) @ msrtcexam.in.
  2. Click on the "Result" tab which is on the top of the home page.
  3. Then, search for the link related to download the MSRTC JE Result 2019 and click on that link.
  4. Enter the registration number, password, and date of birth of the candidate
  5. Click on the submit button and check the result
  6. Download the MSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019 for further reference.

Direct links to download MSRTC Results 2019

MSRTC Results 2019   Download Junior Engineer (Electrical) Cut Off Marks @ msrtcexam.inMSRTC JE Re-Exam Result 2019 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

Assam GDS Results 2019 | Download Assam Postal GDS Merit List, Cut off Marks @ appost.in

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:23 PM PST

Assam GDS Result 2019 will be declared soon @ appost.in. Assam Postal Circle is planning to announce the result for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) in the month of November 2019. Many Candidates have applied for this post and waiting for the resultCandidates those who have applied for the post can check and download your result from the below link. Here on this page, we will be updating the latest result link and it will be activated at the time of the result announcement. Assam GDS Result will declare in the form of a merit list of the candidates who submitted their applications successfully.

Assam GDS Results 2019 | Download Assam Postal GDS Merit List, Cut off Marks @ appost.in

Assam GDS Result 2019 – Download Here @ appost.in

The Recruitment process for the Assam Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) was started in the month of August 2019 to fill 919 vacancies. So, Many Aspirants have applied for this post. The Assam Post circle GDS merit list will be purely based on the marks of the candidates in SSLC. On this page, anyone can check the All-State Postman & Mail Guard Result Result 2019 by using the direct link Indian Post Office Result 2019. Registered candidates can download their result from this page directly by visiting this page. The Assam Postal Circle GDS Merit List pdf link will activate at the time of the official announcement.

Assam Postal Circle GDS Result 2019 – Overview

Assam Postal Circle GDS Result 2019 – Get Cut off Marks
Description Details
Organization Name India Post GDS Online Engagement Portal
Post Name  Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
Number of Posts   919 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Postal Circle Assam Postal Circle
Assam GDS Result Date Under Process
Official Website www.appost.in

The Postal Circle will select the Applicants with a High score on the 10th Board Examination. Many Candidates have applied for this post. Assam GDS Final Selection list will decide, after the completion of the Document Verification Process. This article includes all the crucial information to check Assam GDS Results Merit List PDF. Therefore, Candidates will get details about Assam GDS Result Online announcements here. And also, you will get details about downloading the Assam GDS Results 2019, document verification and other related details.

Assam Postal Circle GDS Merit List 2019

The Authority will decide the Merit List based on some rules. The candidates get selected based on the Merit qualify in the 10th/SSLC Examination. Moreover, Selection will be purely based on merit. The Assam GDS Merit list will prepare by provisional, and the final selection list will announce later. Here we have provided some simple steps to download your Assam GDS Result & Merit Lists. Here we have provided Assam Gramin Dak Sevak Result PDF link.

Assam Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Cut Off Marks 2019

In this section, we can have an idea about the Assam Post Office GDS BPM ABPM Results Cutoff. This recruitment fully depends on the Candidate’s Marks in the class 10th/ SSLC Examination. Applicants with high marks in SSLC will get the chance in Assam Postal Department. From the upcoming section, we have provided a stepwise procedure to download Assam Post Office GDS Result 2019.

How to access Assam Postal GDS Result 2019?

  1. Initially, Candidates must visit the official website of the Gramin Dak Sevak Engagement portal www.appost.in.
  2. On the home page, search for the "Results" tab.
  3. And Click on the "Assam (919 Posts)" link.
  4. The desired merit list for Assam GDS will be download by clicking the respective result link
  5. Finally, Check the name in the Assam Postal Circle Gramin Dak Sevak Results 2019.

Direct link to download Assam GDS Result 2019

Assam GDS Result 2019 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

You may check with this:

Karnataka GDS Result 2019 – Click Here

Punjab GDS Result 2019 – Click Here

Kerala GDS Result 2019 – Click Here

Bangalore University Result 2019 (Announced) Revaluation Results for 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Exams

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

Bangalore University Results 2019 for UG PG Semester Examination is released on 20th August 2019 @ bangaloreuniversity.ac.in. As recently the Bangalore University has conducted the Semester Examination for all the Under Graduate and Post Graduate Courses. Those Students who have attended the Semester Examination do stay in touch with our webpage. We will give you the regular updates regarding the Bangalore University Exam Results 2019-20 for all Semester. Moreover, we have included steps to download the Bangalore University Results 2019 in this article. Students can make use of this article and can also check the Bangalore University Revaluation Results without any confusion.

Latest Update 26th November 2019: Bangalore University Revaluation Results for 6th Sem (CBCS) has been released. All students can check their results from the below link. The result of the 2nd & 4th Sem Revaluation will be released soon.

Bangalore University Result 2019 (Announced) Revaluation Results for 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Exams

Bangalore University Results 2019

Bangalore University has successfully conducted the Last Semester Examination. Currently, Students are waiting for the results, Yes, now Bangalore University has released the result for Bachelor of Education Exam March 2019. Also, this is an opportunity to predict the students’ individual performance. With the help of the Results, Students will lead to the next Semester. Bangalore University has published the Results and Time Table for the upcoming Examination. We have updated all the information regarding the Examination from this Website. Students can check Time Table, Results, News and any updates from this page recruitment.guru We advise the Students to keep checking on this page to get all the latest updates. Also, we will update the upcoming Exam Results once the University will announce it officially by the official website of the University.

Latest Bangalore University Exam Results 2019

Name of the Exam Result Release Date Download Link
Bangalore University Result 2019 (Announced) Revaluation Results for 2nd, 4th, 6th Sem Exams6th Sem Revaluation Results 18-11-2019 Click Here
1st & 3rd semesters of all UG courses Examination of December 2018 12-09-2019 Click Here
4th-semester M.A  Political Science, M.Sc. Computer Science and 6th semester MCA Examination of June 2019 29-08-2019 Click Here
5th semester UG Courses and 2nd & 4th sem B.Ed  Examination of December 2018 & March 2019 20-08-2019 Click Here
4th-semester M.A  Hindi & M.Sc. Biochemistry Examination of June 2019 20-08-2019 Click Here
4th-semester M.A  Kannada Examination of June 2019 09-08-2019 Click Here
Results of 3rd Semester M.Com (Financial  Accounting)  Examinations of December 2018 06-08-2019 Click Here
3rd-semester M.B.A Examination of December 2018 29-07-2019 Click Here
1st Semester M.Com (Finance & Accounting)  Examinations of December 2018 10-07-2019 Click Here
1st-semester M.B.A & M.Com  Exams of December 2018 05-07-2019 Click Here
Results of M.Sc Computer Science, MCA  & M.A in Journalism & Mass Communication Exams of December 2018 28-06-2019 Click Here
3rd Semester of M.A in Political Science, History, Philosophy, M.Sc. in Psychological Counselling; 1st & 3rd semester of M.Sc. in Life Science; 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th semester of Integrated Biological Science Examinations held in the month of December 2018 25-06-2019 Click Here
Other Results Click Here

How to Download Bangalore University Results 2019?

  • Visit the official website of Bangalore University i.e bangaloreuniversity.ac.in
  • On the home page, you will find the Examinations tab and click on the Results Notification.
  • In the result page, you can click the appropriate results.
  • Click on the result link for which course you want to check.
  • The results will appear on the screen.
  • Take the printout of the result until the official marks card is released by the Bangalore University Board.

Overview of Bangalore University

Name of the University Bangalore University
Courses Offered Engineering, Geography & Others
Established Year 1964
Category Sarkari Results
Location Karnataka
Mode Online
Official Site bangaloreuniversity.ac.in

About Bangalore University

Bangalore University, or BU, is a public state university is located in Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka, India. Bangalore University is the largest university in South-Asia. Faculties of the Civil Engineering, Geology, Geography, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany and Microbiology have been involved in making Bio-park a reality. Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharging are a part of Bio park as also aquaculture and ornithology. It has 43 Post Graduate Departments, a Postgraduate Centre at Kolar, (Started during 1994-95), three constituent colleges, 665 affiliated colleges (of which 115 have PG Courses) and several other Centres and Directorates of higher learning and research under its purview. At present, the university offers 50 Post Graduate Courses and Employment Oriented Diploma and Certificate Courses.

Bangalore University Supply/Revaluation Results

Those students who have attended the regular examination under Bangalore University and still failed. Here comes one more opportunity to clear the examination. To increase the scoring along with that students to fail in the previous examination will get a chance to clear through Revaluation Exams Bangalore University Results. For each and every semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. The Bangalore University will take a week or more to process the exam papers to announce the Revaluation results. Do stay updated with the University to know about the Revaluation Exam Results.

RBI Result 2019 Declared | Check RBI Grade C Officer Final Result, Cut Off here @ rbi.org.in

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:17 PM PST

RBI Result 2019: Welcome to our Reserve Bank of India Careers Result 2019 page. The Aspirants who applied for RBI Vacancies 2019 and the Candidates who appeared the RBI Exams can check the Result below. Here we Update all the RBI Results 2019 for Various Recruitments. Also, keep visiting we provide all RBI Exam Results News and Up to date information below. Furthermore, we provide you an RBI Vacancy wise link to check the result. Hence, click on the respective RBI Result 2019 link and check the result.

RBI Result 2019

Post Name RBI Result Link
Grade B Officer (DR) for General, DEPR, DSIM streams RBI Grade B Officer Result
Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) RBI Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Final Result & Marks
RBI Result 2019 Declared | Check RBI Grade C Officer Final Result, Cut Off here @ rbi.org.in Officer Grade C RBI Officer Grade C Final Result
Assistant RBI Assistant Result
Bank Security Guards RBI Bank Security Guards Result
Assistant Manager RBI Asst Manager Result
Manager RBI Manager Result
Grade B DEPR & DSIM RBI Result
Office Attendant RBI Office Assistant Result
Special Drive Assistant RBI Assistant Special

RBI Grade B Result 2019 @ rbi.org.in | Check Officer Grade B Cut Off Marks, Merit List: The Department of Reserve Bank of India has announced the RBI Grade B Exam Result 2019 on 18th November 2019. Candidates who have appeared for the exam on 9th November 2019, they can check this entire article. We have included the RBI Grade B Result 2019 download link for 199 General, DEPR, DSIM streams at the bottom of this page. After released on the official website, we will update the RBI Grade B Exam Result 2019 on this page.

RBI Grade B Officer Result 2019 (General, DEPR, DSIM)

Organization Name Reserve Bank of India
Post Name Grade B (DR) for General, DEPR, DSIM streams
Number of Posts 199 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam date 9th November 2019
RBI Grade B Results Date 18th November 2019
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Grade B Officer Result 2019 – Click Here

RBI Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Final Result & Marks 2019 – Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai (RBI) has recently uploaded the result for the Post of Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Final Result & Marks on 30th August 2019. As we know applicants who have appeared for this post may be waiting for the RBI Bank Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Final Result & Marks. We are here to help you out, Yes, we have provided a direct link to verify and download your Result. Apart from this, we will be updating all the RBI Post Result in this article. Moreover, applicants can get complete details about RBI Result from the official website i.e, rbi.org.in.

RBI Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Final Result & Marks 2019

Organization Name Reserve Bank of India
Post Name RBI Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical)
Number of Posts 24
Category Sarkari Result
Exam date 23rd February 2019
RBI JE Marks Release Date 30th August 2019
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical) Marks/ Score Card 2019 – Click Here

RBI Officer Grade C Result 2019 – Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai (RBI) has recently uploaded the result for the Post of Officer Grade C Recruitment on 25th November 2019. As we know applicants who have appeared for this post may be waiting for the RBI Bank Officer Grade C Final Result. We are here to help you out, Yes, we have provided a direct link to verify and download your Result. Apart from this, we will be updating all the RBI Post Result in this article. Moreover, applicants can get complete details about RBI Result from the official website i.e, rbi.org.in.

RBI Officer Grade C Final Result 2019

Organization Name Reserve Bank of India
Post Name Officer Grade C Result
RBI Officer Grade C Vacancy 61
Category Sarkari Result
RBI Officer Grade C Result Date 02nd August 2019
RBI Officer Grade C Final Result Date 25th November
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Officer Grade C Final Result 2019- Click Here
RBI Officer Grade C Result 2019 – Click Here

RBI Result 2019 for Assistant is out now!! Applicants can click on the link below to download RBI Assistant Result 2019. The result was declared on the official website @ www.rbi.org.in. However, you can download your RBI Result 2019 from the link present below. The RBI Assistant Result 2019 was declared on 28th May 2019. Please click on the link below to download your Result before the link expires.

RBI Result 2019

RBI Assistant Result 2019
Post Name Assistant
No of Vacancies 623
Category Sarkari Result
Result Date 28th May 2019
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Assistant Result 2019

RBI Result 2019 for Bank Security Guards is out now!! Applicants can click on the link below to download RBI Bank Security Guards Result 2019. The result was declared on the official website @ www.rbi.org.in. However, you can download your RBI Result 2019 from the link present below. The RBI Bank Security Guards Result 2019 was declared on 27th May 2019. Please Click on the link below to download your Result before the link expires.

RBI Result 2019

RBI Bank Security Guards Result 2019
Post Name Bank Security Guards
No of Vacancies 270
Category Sarkari Result
Result Date 27th May 2019
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Bank Security Guards Result 2019

RBI Result 2019 for Assistant Manager is out now. Click on the link below to download RBI Assistant Manager Result 2019. The result was declared on the official website @ www.rbi.org.in. However, you can download your RBI Result 2019 from the link present below. The RBI Asst Manager Result 2019 was declared on 2nd Nov 2019. Please click on the link below to download your Result before the link expires.

RBI Result 2019

RBI Asst Manager Result 2019
Post Name Asst Manager
No of Vacancies various
Category Sarkari Result
Result Date Update Soon
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Assistant Manager Result 2019

Reserve Bank of India Result for Manager Exam 2019 is available now. The Applicants who appeared for the RBI Manager Exam 2019 can check the result from the link provided below. Just Click on the Manager Result link. Also, visit the official Reserve Bank of India website if you find any error while checking the RBI Manager Result 2019.

RBI Result 2019

Post Name Manager
RBI Careers various
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date Update Soon
RBI Result Date Update Soon
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Manager Result 2019

Reserve Bank of India Result for Grade B DEPR & DSIM Exam 2019 is available now. The Applicants who appeared for the RBI Grade B DEPR & DSIM Exam 2019 can check the result from the link provided below. Just Click on the RBI DEPR & DSIM Result link. Also, visit the official Reserve Bank of India website if you find any error while checking the RBI DEPR & DSIM Result 2019.

RBI Result 2019

Post Name DEPR & DSIM
RBI Careers various
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date Update Soon
RBI Result Date Update Soon
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Opportunities Result 2019

Reserve Bank of India Result for Office Attendant 2019 is available now. The Applicants who appeared for the RBI Office Attendant Exam 2019 can check the result from the link provided below. Just Click on the RBI Office Attendant Result link. Also, visit the official Reserve Bank of India website if you find any error while checking the RBI Officer Attendant Result 2019.

RBI Office Attendant Result 2019

Post Name Office Attendant
RBI Careers 526
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date Update Soon
RBI Result Date Update Soon
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Office Attendant Final Result 2019 

RBI Assistant Result – Score Card 2019 Details

RBI Result 2019: Check RBI Assistant Exam Marks/Score Card. The RBI Recruitment Board is now allowing the aspirants to check the Assistant Exam Marks. Hence, we have Updated the Direct link for RBI Assistant Score Card 2019 in the table below. However, Click on the link and check your RBI Assist Exam Marks 2019.

Organization Name Reserve Bank of India
Post Name Assistant (Special Drive) for PWD
Category Sarkari Result
Pre-Exam Date Update Soon
Main Exam Date Update Soon
Result Date Update Soon
Official Website rbi.org.in
RBI Special Drive Assistant Merit List 2019

RBI Exam Result 2019

Results are important for those contenders who have taken up the examination. The RBI Result 2019 will be available here. However, the RBI Exam Results 2019 will be available here to download for only those contenders who have taken up the examinations. We have here provided direct links and steps to help applicants easily download their results. By checking results contenders can evaluate their performance in the exams. Hence get ready with your hall ticket number to check your RBI Merit List 2019.

The officials of Reserve Bank of India has released its notification to fill in up contenders for the post of office attendant. Those applicants interested in bank jobs had made use of this opportunity. However those interested and eligible aspirants had made use of this chance and had applied for the post on or before 7th December 2017. The mode of application for the post is online. The selected contenders will get respectable pay from the board. However, those applied applicants had taken up the exams and are now waiting to view their RBI Results 2019. Stay tuned on our page and check your results here as soon as possible. Moreover, the results sheet consists of the name of the shortlisted aspirants who can take up further rounds.

RBI Opportunities Exam Result 2019

Name of the organization Reserve Bank of India
Post Name Various
Category Sarkari Result
Result Available Soon
Official Website www.rbi.org.in

RBI Cut Off Details

Every year the officials of Reserve Bank of India has will prepare the cut off list for those contenders who have taken up the examination. The cut off varies for different categories. However, the RBI Cut Off marks is the minimum qualifying marks aspirants will score to get qualified for further rounds. Moreover failing to meet the required marks will not be allowed to take up upcoming rounds. However, the cut off marks are decided by the board and hence there would be no ambiguity. Hence applicants appearing for exams must prepare well to meet the required qualifying marks.

RBI Merit List 2019

RBI Merit List 2019 is prepared by those officials who have taken up the examination. However, the result is prepared by the board and hence there would be no ambiguity. However, the RBI Exam Results 2019 contains the names of the shortlisted candidates. Only those names of the applicants present in the result sheet can take up further rounds. The RBI Result 2019 plays a major role for those contenders who have taken up the examination. However to help individuals easily check their results we have provided direct links and steps. Hence stay tuned on our page and check your results here.

Steps to Download RBI Result 2019

  1. First, candidates have to visit the official website ie. www.rbi.org.in
  2. Then check the RBI Merit List 2019.
  3. The result page appears
  4. Enter your hall ticket number carefully and click on the submit button.
  5. A result page appears.
  6. Check your name on the RBI Exam Results 2019.
  7. Download the results.
  8. Finally, take the printout of the RBI Results 2019.

RBI Opportunities Result 2019

CCS University Result 2019 Out- CCS University Latest Exam Results here

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:17 PM PST

CCS University Results 2019 Declared Chaudhary Charan Singh University has announced the results for B.Sc Home Science I Sem, B.P.E.S I & II Sem, BCA I Sem, BBA I Sem, MBBS III Sem and other Semester Exam Results. Students who have appeared for the Examination can check the results from the official website of the University i.e, ccsuniversity.ac.in. Also here on this page, we have provided a direct link to get the results from the below table. Students need to just click on the link provided below. Apart from this, we have provided instructions on how to check the CCS University Results 2019. We advise the Students to keep connected to this page to know more about the CCS University Results.

CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results here

Latest Results Update: Get all CCSU Results available here CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results here

CCS University Results 2019 @ccsuniversity.ac.in

Students can check their Chaudhary Charan Singh University Exam Results 2019 from the official website of the University as well as on this page recruitment.guru. Because we used to update all the latest information regarding the Examination results on this page. Apart from this, we have provided the Exam Schedule, Admit Card, Syllabus, Previous Paper, and others. Chaudhary Charan Singh University has published the CCS University Results for B.Sc Home Science I Sem, B.P.E.S I & II, BCA I, BBA I, MBBS III and others. The University has published the CCS University Exam Results for some Courses, still, any Course results will be announced by May/ June Month. We will be updating the Upcoming CCS University Results link, it will work once the University will be released officially. Students can check the University website regularly to get more latest updates related to the CCS University Exam Results 2019

Latest CCS University Exam Results 2019

Name of the Exam Announcement Date Download Link
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereB.A.(Private)-I, II Year 22-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereBABED-I, II, III Year, BLED-I, II, III Year, BFA-I, II, IV Year, B.LIB.-I, BMLT-I, II, III Year, BMRDIT-I, II, III Year, BOT-I, II Year, BPT-I, II, III, IV Year, B.SC.(BIOTECH)-I, II, III Year, B.SC.(MICROBIOLOGY)-I, II, III Year, B.SC.(NURSING)-I, II, III, IV Year, BPE-III Year, MPT-I, II Year, M.Lib.-I Sem, M.Sc.(NURSING)-I, II Year, POST BASIC NURSING-I, II Year, BMM-I, III – Special Semesters Exam-2019; M.Ed.-I & II Sem 20-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereB.A.(Regular)-I, II Year, M.A.(Pvt.)-I Year 18-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereB.Sc.(Physical Edu.)-I, II & III Year, B.Com.(Pvt.)-I & II Year, M.Com.(Pvt.)-I Year 17-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereM.A..(Private-Back Paper) – Final Year 15-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereB.A. (Regular & Private) – Final Year, B.Lib, B.Ed.-II Year 14-11-2019 Click Here
CCS University Result 2019 Out  CCS University Latest Exam Results hereB.Sc.(Back Paper)-I Year; B.Com.-I Year (Regular – Back Paper) – II Year 13-11-2019 Click Here
B.Sc.(Back Paper)-II Year; B.Com.-II Year (Regular – Back Paper) – II Year 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.Sc.(Back Paper)-III Year; M.Com.-II Year (Private) 05-11-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.-I Year 04-11-2019 Click Here
B.Com.-III Year (Regular & Private) 04-11-2019 Click Here
BPED-I Year & BPED-II Year 04-11-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.-II Year 24-10-2019 Click Here
MD/MS -October-2019 23-10-2019 Click Here
BBA, BCA & LLB (3 Years) & BALLB (ALL Semesters) -Special Semesters Exam-2019 20-10-2019 Click Here
B.Ed. – I Year, Year – 2019; M.Phil (Education June 2018) 19-10-2019 Click Here
BCA – V Sem 17-10-2019 Click Here
B.P.Ed.- I & II YEAR 16-10-2019 Click Here
BPES-II Sem, B.Sc.Home Science-II Sem 14-10-2019 Click Here
MBA – I, IV; MCA – V, BTech. – I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII Sem 13-10-2019 Click Here
M.P.Ed.-I Sem. BP.Ed. – I & II Year 10-10-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.(Special Education) – I – YEAR – 2019 09-10-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.-I Year 09-10-2019 Click Here
BPED-I Year, BPED-II Year, B.Lib – June 2019 05-10-2019 Click Here
B.Sc.(Ag.) – II Sem, B.Sc. (Home Science) – VI Sem 03-10-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.-I Year 01-10-2019 Click Here
BPES-II & IV Sem 28-09-2019 Click Here
M.Sc. (Biotechnology) – IV Semester 26-09-2019 Click Here
BDS- II Year 25-09-2019 Click Here
B.Com.(Hons.)-I & II Sem, B.Sc.Nursing–I & II Year 24-09-2019 Click Here
B.Ed.-I Year 2019 21-09-2019 Click Here
B.A.(Regular) -III Year/ BPES-VI Sem./ B.Sc.Ag.-II, IV Sem./ M.Ed.-II Sem. 21-09-2019 Click Here
 BPED-I & II Year, B.Lib. June 2019 19-09-2019 Click Here
BBA (H.A.)-II Sem, MBA(H.A.)-II & IV Sem, B.Sc. (Nursing) – I Year, LLB-IV Sem. 18-09-2019 Click Here
B.P.Ed.-I & II Year, B.M.R.D.I.T.-I & II Year, M.P.Ed.-I & III Semester – Dec 2018 17-09-2019 Click Here
MBBS-II Prof, MBBS-III Prof. Part-I, MBBS-III Prof. Part-II, – JULY – 2019; B.Sc.Ag.-II Sem, B.Sc.Ag.-VI Sem, M.Sc.Ag., Nursing-II Sem., MFA – IV Sem. 13-09-2019 Click Here
B.P.Ed. – I & II Year 10-09-2019 Click Here
B.A.–I Year./ B.Sc.Home Science(CND)-II Sem./ B.Sc.(Home Science)-II Sem./ M.Ed.-II Sem. 07-09-2019 Click Here
B.Sc.Ag.-IV Sem./ M.A.(Music)-II & IV Sem./ BPES-IV Sem./ M.Sc.Ag.(Group code-005, 011, 041, 051, 061)-II Sem./ M.Sc.Nursing-II Sem. 05-09-2019 Click Here
MDS – I & III –JULY – 2019 M.Sc.(Bio-informatics) – IV Sem.– JUNE-2019 03-09-2019 Click Here
LL.M. – III Semester/ BPES-II Sem./ B.Sc. (Home Sci.)-II Sem./ B.Sc.Home Science(CND.)-IV Sem. 30-08-2019 Click Here
M.A.(Drawing & Painting, English, Geography)-II Sem./ M.A.(Home Sci., English)-IV Sem./ BPES-VI, IV Sem. 30-08-2019 Click Here
B.A. – I Year. 29-08-2019 Click Here
MBBS – Ist Prof./ LLM-II Sem, M.A. (Def. Studies)-II & IV Sem./ BPES-II & VI Sem./ B.Sc.Home Science-II Sem./ BPES-I, III & V Sem. 28-08-2019 Click Here
B.Sc.Ag.-II, IV & VI Sem./ BPES-VI Sem/ BCA-VI Sem 27-08-2019 Click Here
B.El.Ed. – IV Year – 2019 26-08-2019 Click Here
LL.M. – I Semester – DEC. – 2018; B.Sc.(AG.) – VI Sem. (Released College code-047) – JUNE – 2019 25-08-2019 Click Here
BBA – II Sem, M.Sc. (Biochemistry) – II & IV Sem, M.A. (Political Science) – II & IV Sem, M.Sc. (Math) – II Sem, (Chemistry) – IV Sem 22-08-2019 Click Here
BPE-I, II & III Year (Ex & Back), B.Sc.Ag.-II, IV & VI Sem. 21-08-2019 Click Here
BPES – II Sem, BCA-II Sem, B.Sc. (Home Science) – IV Sem, M.Ed.-II Sem 20-08-2019 Click Here
MD/MS & Diploma & D.M., BABED-IV Year, B.Sc.(Optometry)-I, M.Sc.(Zoology)-II Sem, M.Sc. (Chemistry) – II Sem., M.A.(English, Sociology)-II & IV Sem, M.Sc.(Microbiology)-II Sem, B.Sc.(Biotechnology)-I, B.Sc.(Home Science)-I Sem 19-08-2019 Click Here
B.A.LL.B.. – VIII Semester 17-08-2019 Click Here
Other Results Click Here

How to Download CCS University Results 2019?

  • Visit the official website of Chaudhary Charan Singh University i.e ccsuniversity.ac.in
  • On the home page, you will find the Results tab, in that click on Results.
  • The result page will be open, in that click appropriate Results.
  • The results will appear on the screen.
  • Take the printout of the CCS University Results for the future reference.

Overview of Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Name of the University Chaudhary Charan Singh University
Courses Offered UG, PG Programme, M.Phil/Ph.D. Programmes
Established Year 1965
Category Sarkari Results
Location Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Mode Online
Official Site ccsuniversity.ac.in

About Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Chaudhary Charan Singh University (formerly, Meerut University) was established in 1965, to cater to the needs of higher education in western Uttar Pradesh. The University celebrated its silver jubilee in 1991. Presently, it is one of the premier educational institutions of the country encompassing a vast, botanical garden, the beautiful and pollution-free campus which sprawls over 222 acres of land having vast playgrounds and experimental fields, a rose garden with a life-size statue of the late Prime Minister Ch. Charan Singh, Indoor Stadium, Gymnasium, well-equipped Library, Hostels for both girls and boys, Administrative Block, Spacious Auditorium, Guest House, Community Center, Medical Center, Residential

CCS University Supply/Revaluation Results

Students have appeared for the Chaudhary Charan Singh University Semester Examination can check their results, if they got low grades, still Students can apply for the Revaluation. The higher level Examiner will check the results and announce the Revaluation results. Still, if any students will get low marks again they can write the exam. For that, they should apply for the Supplementary Examination. For each and every semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. Students can keep in touch with the University website to know more information about the CCS University Revaluation Results.

Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam Results

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:14 PM PST

Jiwaji University Results 2019 Released for B.Ed, M.Sc, MA 2nd, 4th Sem, and other Courses. Jiwaji University has conducted the UG and PG Semester Examination. Those candidates who have appeared for the semester examination of Jiwaji University can check out the Exam Results from the below section. This webpage will provide you with all the updated information about the university as soon as it is updated on the main page. Students can download the Jiwaji University Gwalior Results 2019 from the below section. Also, get the Jiwaji University New Updates right here on this webpage.

Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam Results

Jiwaji University Exam Results 2019-20

Check out the updated semester exam results for all BA, B.Sc, B.Ed, B.Sc, MA, M.Sc, Ph.D., M.Phil & Other Courses Offered by the Jiwaji University. We have gathered and updated the results links which will direct you to the result page of the Jiwaji University. Students can check out the Jiwaji University Exam Results 2019 through Online mode. Candidates can take a print out of the Jiwaji University Results for future verification.

Latest Jiwaji University Exam Results 2019-20

Examination Name Release Date Download Link
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.A. GEOGRAPHY SEM-2 (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE-2019 25-11-2019 Click Here
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.A. PSYCHOLOGY SEM-2 (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE-2019 25-11-2019 Click Here
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.A.(SANSKRIT) SEM-2 (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE-2019 25-11-2019 Click Here
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.COM. SEM-2 (PRIVATE) (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE-2019 25-11-2019 Click Here
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsB.PHARMA 1ST YEAR REG-ATKT EXAM JUNE-2019 23-11-2019 Click Here 
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.A. HISTORY SEM-4 REGULAR EXAM. JUNE-2019 22-11-2019 Click Here
Jiwaji University Results 2019 Declared for M.A, M.Sc, M.Com 1st, 2nd & 4th Sem Exam ResultsM.SC. BOTANY SECOND SEMESTER EXAM. JUNE-2019 21-11-2019 Click Here
B.ED. SEM-2 ATKT EXAM. JUNE-2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC.(MATHEMATICS) SEM-2 (PRIVATE) EXAM. JUNE-2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC. HOME SCIENCE (FOOD & NUTRITION) SEM-4 EXAM. JUNE-2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
M.A. ECONOMICS SEM-4 REGULAR JUNE 2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
B.SC. HOME SCIENCE 1st YEAR REG-ATKT MAR 2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
B.A. ARTS SEM-2 REG-ATKT EXAM JUN-2019 20-11-2019 Click Here
B.ED. SEM-2 ATKT EXAM. JUNE-2019, M.ED. SEM-4 EXAM. JUNE-2019 18-11-2019 Click Here
 UFM Result 15-11-2019 Click Here
Reopening Result 14-11-2019 Click Here
P.G.D.C.A. SECOND SEMESTER (ATKT) EXAM.JUNE-2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
B.C.A. SEM-6 REG-ATKT SOS EXAM. JUNE 2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
M.J.M.C. SEM-2 REG-ATKT (CBCS) EXAM JUNE 2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC. CHEMISTRY SEM-1 REG-ATKT (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2018 13-11-2019 Click Here
M.A. DANCE SEM-4 REGULAR EXAM. JUNE 2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
M.A. ECONOMICS SEM-4 PRIVATE EXAM. JUNE 2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
M.ED. SECOND SEMESTER EXAM. JUNE-2019 13-11-2019 Click Here
B.A.B.ED. SEM-3 REGULAR EXAM. DEC. 2018 13-11-2019 Click Here
LL.M. SEM-2 EXAM. JUNE.-2019 11-11-2019 Click Here 
M.J.M.C. SEM-1 REG-ATKT (CBCS) EXAM. DEC. 2018 11-11-2019 Click Here 
M.B.A. (FULL TIME) SEM-4 EXAM.JUNE-2019 11-11-2019 Click Here 
M.SC. INDUS. CHEM. (PHARMA) SEM-4 EXAM. JUNE.-2019 11-11-2019 Click Here 
M.SC. HOME SCIENCE EXTN. & COMM. SEM-2 EXAM. JUNE-2019 11-11-2019 Click Here 
Reopening Result 11-11-2019 Click Here
Retotaling Result 11-11-2019 Click Here
B.SC. B.ED. SEM-1 REGULAR EXAM. DEC. 2018 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.A.B.ED. SEM-1 REGULAR EXAM. DEC. 2018 08-11-2019 Click Here
 M.B.A. H.R.D. SEM-4 REGULAR (CBCS) EXAM. JUNE 2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.SC.SEM-4 REG. EXAM. JUNE-2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.SC. 2ND YEAR PRIVATE EXAM. MAR-2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.A.LL.B. SEM-10 (REG-ATKT) EXAM. JUNE-2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC. ZOOLOGY SEM-2 REGULAR (CBCS) JUNE 2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC. ZOOLOGY SEM-2 REG-ATKT (CBCS) JUNE 2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
M.SC. COMPUTER SC. SEM-4 REG-ATKT EXAM. JUNE 2019 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.A. LL.B. Sem 2,4 exam 08-11-2019 Click Here
B.COM. LL.B. Sem 4,6,8 exam 08-11-2019 Click Here
 M.B.B.S. 1ST YEAR EX EXAM SEP-2018 05-11-2019 Click Here
Reopening Result 05-11-2019 Click Here
Reopening Result 25-10-2019 Click Here
B.ED. Second Sem Exam. June-2019 23-10-2019 Click Here
Retotaling Result 22-10-2019 Click Here
Reopening Result 22-10-2019 Click Here
M. P. Ed Sem 3 Reg-ATKT Exam Dec 2018/ BE Computer Science Sem 4 Reg-ATKT Dec 2018 25-09-2019 Click Here
M. Sc Pharm Chemistry Sem 2 Regular/ M. Sc Botany (CBCS) Sem 4 Regular Exam June 2019 24-09-2019 Click Here
M.Phil Sociology Sem 3 Regular / M. Sc Mathematics Private Sem 1 20-09-2019 Click Here
B.E. ELECTRONICS SEM-2 REG-ATKT EXAM. DEC. 2018 20-09-2019 Click Here
B. Sc. B. Ed Sem 3 Regular Exam Dec 2018/ B.A.B.ED. Sem-4 Regular Exam June-2018/ B.P.T. III year (ATKT) Exam. DEC.-2018 19-09-2019 Click Here
B. Com (Hons) 2nd/ M.Sc Computer Science (CBCS)/ BBA, LLM Sem 4/ MA Political Science/ MCom Sem 2 18-09-2019 Click Here
Re-totaling Results 17-09-2019 Click Here
M.Sc Biotechnology Sem 2 & Food Technology Sem 4 16-09-2019 Click Here
Online Results Click Here
Other Exam Results Click Here

How to Download Jiwaji University Results 2019?

  • Visit the Official Website of Jiwaji University @jiwaji.edu
  • Check out for the Exam Results tab at the bottom of the page.
  • A new page opens with various links.
  • Check out for the required link you want for & a new page opens up.
  • Select the required details asked on the page.
  • Click on the Submit button.
  • Within a few minutes, you will get the required results.
  • Students can now download OR take a screenshot for future use.

Jiwaji University – Overview

Name of the University Jiwaji University
Courses Offered BA, B.Sc, B.com, BCA, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, Ph.D, M.Phil & Others
Established Year 1964
Category Sarkari Results
Location Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Mode of Results Online
Official Site www.jiwaji.edu

About Jiwaji University

Jiwaji University Gwalior is started on 23rd May 1964. Ist established through M.P. Govt. Ordinance no. 15 of 1963. This was a generous contribution of the Scindia family, in particular, Kailashwasi Maharaja Shrimant Jiwaji Rao Scindia and late Rajmata Shrimati Vijayaraje Scindia. The institution was christened after the name of Kailashwasi Shrimant Jiwajirao Scindia as a standing memorial to his persona. The motto of the university in its logo Vidyaya Prapyate Tejah. It is now almost forty-seven years. University has witnessed a logarithmic phase of growth. It has also seen the strides that can parallel to any other national/ international academic institutions. The university fraternity has contributed with full strength for the growth of this institution which is flourishing and fragrancing in the tough terrain of Chambal and Gwalior region and promoting higher education for the better quality of life of the people.

Jiwaji University Supplementary/ Revaluation Results 2019

Those students who have attended the regular examination under Jiwaji University and still failed. Here comes one more opportunity to clear the examination. To increase your scoring along with that students to fail in the previous examination will get a chance to clear through Jiwaji University Revaluation Exams Results. For each and every semester Students can apply for the revaluation after the announcement of the main examination results. Jiwaji University will take a week or more to process the exam papers to announce the Revaluation results. Do stay updated with the University to know about the Revaluation Exam Results.

TS High Court Office Subordinate Results 2019 – Check Cut off Marks, Merit list @ hc.ts.nic.in

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:01 PM PST

Telangana High Court Results 2019, Check Selected Candidates List @ hc.ts.nic.in for 1539 Office Subordinate, Junior Assistant, Copyist, Typist, Process Server, Stenographer Gr-III, Field Assistant, Examiner, Record Assistant Posts. Applicants who have appeared for the TS High Court jobs Written Examination can check your results from this page. The High Court for the State of Telangana will release the Telangana High Court Result Expected in November/December month tentatively.

TS High Court Office Subordinate Results 2019   Check Cut off Marks, Merit list @ hc.ts.nic.in

Telangana High Court Results 2019 – Download here

High Court of Telangana State going to declare results for 1539 Junior Assistant, Typists, Field Assistant, Examiner, Copyist, Record Assistant, Process Server & Office Subordinate Posts. The Telangana State High Court has conducted the Recruitment Examination for various Posts from 4th to 7th November 2019. All the exam participants are eagerly waiting to know their result status. We can expect the Result will declare by the officials on 02nd Week of December 2019. For sure, here we will be updating the latest Telangana High Court Office Subordinate Results link, the link will be activated at the time of the result announcement by officially.

Telangana High Court Result 2019 || Junior Assistant & Other Posts

Download TS High Court Result 2019, Qualified Candidates List 
Organization Name High Court for the State of Telangana
Exam Name  Stenographer, Junior Assistant, Typists, Field Assistant, Examiner, Copyist, Record Assistant, Process Server & Office Subordinate Posts
Number of Vacancies 1539 Posts
Category Sarkari Results
Exam Date 4th to 7th November 2019
TS High Court Exam Result Date 2019 Expected in 02nd Week of December
Selection Process Online Computer Based Exam
Skill Test
Location Telangana
Official Website hc.ts.nic.in

Telangana High Court Result 2019 Date

Candidates who have attended the written examination can check this page frequently to get all the latest updates. This is the biggest recruitment for job seekers who are looking for Telangana High Court Jobs. Applicants must know their results to attend the next round of Interviews. Candidates can get a direct link for the TS High Court Results 2019 from this page. Here on this page, all the candidates can get the updates regarding TS High Court Exam Result Date 2019.

TS High Court Merit list 2019

Candidates who are looking for the TS High Court Merit List pdf 2019 can check from the TS High Court website. The Merit list will be set on the basis of the written exam marks. After the TS High Court Office Subordinate Results 2019, candidates can get the www.hc.ts.nic.in Office Subordinate Merit list. The qualified candidate’s list will select by the Cut off Marks. Applicants whose name appeared in the Merit list can attend the next round of Interview process.

Check Here: TS High Court Office Subordinate Result 2019Available Soon

TS High Court Cutoff Marks, Selected Candidates List 2019Available Soon

TS High Court Office Subordinate Cutoff Marks 2019

Applicants should get the minimum or maximum marks in the written examination to achieve the Cut off marks. The Cut off marks list contains the applicant’s name and roll number. All the candidates can check your Telangana High Court Expected Cut off Marks from this page. Here we have provided some steps to download your Telangana High Court Office Subordinate Result 2019 from the official website.

How to check Telangana High Court Junior Assistant Result 2019 Online?

  1. Initially, Applicants should visit the official website of the High Court for the State of Telangana hc.ts.nic.in
  2. On the home page, Applicants can see the Recruitment section at the bottom of the page
  3. Click on the view all option
  4. A new page will open with various Posts Results
  5. Search the link related to Telangana High Court Office Subordinate exam result 2019
  6. Candidates can download the Telangana High Court Office Subordinate Results.

Direct Links to Telangana High Court Results 2019

Telangana High Court Result 2019 Click Here
Stenographer Grade – III Available Soon
Junior Assistant Available Soon
Typists Available Soon
Field Assistant Available Soon
Examiner Available Soon
Copyist Available Soon
Record Assistant Available Soon
Process Server Available Soon
Office Subordinate Cluster 1  Available Soon
TS High Court Office Subordinate Answer Key 2019 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

You may check with this:

TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2019 – Click Here

TS SBTET Revaluation Results 2019 – Click Here

TSPSC Result 2019 – Click Here

Telangana University Results 2019 – Click Here

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:14 PM PST

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

No help coming, govt panel on AGR hangs up on telecom firms


New Delhi: The Committee of Secretaries (CoS) set up to suggest relief measures for the telecom sector has been 'disbanded', a top government official said, indicating that the two-year moratorium on spectrum payments is possibly all that the sector will get for now."They (telcos) have been given a two-year moratorium (from spectrum payment), they've got relief of Rs 42,000 crore," the official said, adding that nothing more should be expected. When asked specifically if the CoS had been disbanded, the official said "yes".On whether a new inter-ministerial panel could be constituted to provide relief for the Rs 1.47 lakh crore adjusted gross revenues (AGR) dues, the official said, "No, it is a SC-defined matter".This official also appeared to rule out any relief for non-telecom companies including staterun units such as Power Grid, Gail and RailTel that have been affected by the AGR order."...why didn't they (non-telcos) fight (in court), who asked them not to do it? Elementary accounting procedure is that if there are pending dues, then contingent provision should have been kept in books of accounting. It is their statutory obligation," he said. 72233099 COAI Still HopefulThe government, on the recommendations of the CoS, last week cleared a two-year moratorium on payments for spectrum bought in auctions, a move aimed at providing cash flow relief to carriers such as Vodafone idea ( Rs23,920 crore) and Bharti Airtel (Rs 11,746 crore).But the government didn't reduce the 8% AGR that the telcos pay as licence fees, as was widely expected. Neither did the panel nor the government provide any relief on the AGR-based dues that mobile phone companies face after a recent Supreme Court order. Carriers need to pay the dues in less than three months.Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel, who face combined AGR dues of over Rs 89,000 crore to be paid in less than three months, have filed review petitions seeking a review of penalties and interest on the dues, and questioning some components of the non-core items that the court said should be included while computing AGR of telcos. If forced to pay the whole amounts, the telcos say they have doubts over continuing as going concerns."We trust this does not mean the government has ceased to look at the long-term relief and sustainability of the industry. We hope these issues will continue to be looked at and decided upon by DoT through existing channels of decision making," said Rajan Mathews, director general of Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). COAI represents all private telecom operators.Analysts last week said the sector needs more measures."While deferment of spectrum auction payment is in line with our expectations, no decision on licence fees reduction is clearly negative…We note that if the Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel face challenges in paying the annual spectrum payment of Rs 12,000 crore and Rs 6,000 crore, respectively, then it will be more challenging for them to pay AGR dues of Rs 53,000 crore and Rs 35,600 crore immediately," Credit Suisse said in a report.Telecom companies have also asked the government to reduce their total incidence of tax and levies from the present levels of 33%, and reduce spectrum usage charge to 1%, respectively. ET had reported previously that the DoT may ask the finance ministry to refer the pending issue of refunding input tax credits of telecom companies worth Rs 36,000 crore to the GST Council, which the telcos have been asking for as well.

Volkswagen's Chakan pause has Motown worried


MUMBAI: Skoda Auto Volkswagen India has decided to shut down production from mid-December to mid-January, a second month-long 'no production' period is unprecedented in the Indian auto sector. Earlier, it had shut its Chakan plant for a month from mid-October to mid-November.With its India 2.0 project another 18 months away, Volkswagen brand is in for prolonged pain. Its export markets are slowing down, domestic volumes at a decade low and discontinuation of diesel and Ameo sedan is expected to pull down the brand to a new low.As against the plan of delivering volumes of close to 1 lakh units, Skoda Auto Volkswagen (formerly Volkswagen India) is likely fall short of its annual target by 15% in 2019 to 85000 units (production) said several people in the know of the company's plans."With its modular MQB architecture being implemented in more markets around the world, the demand for Indian products, which are based on the old generation PQ25, has been gradually going down. The low offtake in the domestic market in not helping either. There is a pressure to install the MQB line in India at the earliest to align with global production," said one of the five people in the know of the company's plan.This prolonged shut down happens at a time when the Indian passenger vehicle market is witnessing it's steepest decline in sales in the last two decades. While overall exports so far this year has remained in green with 3% increase, VW India has seen its shipment fall 11% from April to October of FY-20.The plan is to move to a new generation MQB line by 17th Week of 2020 in order to be ready for the future, added another person who is aware of the company's plans and this shut down may be in sync with the shift planned.An email sent to Volkswagen India's brand team that oversees sales and marketing did not elicit any response. A Škoda Auto Volkswagen India Private Limited spokesperson said the company is preparing for the next generation of products within the India 2.0 project."Several upgrades are in progress at our facilities to accommodate changes in the production lines for MQB A0 IN platform. We are systematically planning our non-production days to sustainably meet our customer deliveries without any delay," added the spokesperson. 72233145 Tata Motors was the only other automaker that had shut down its Sanand plant for little over a month to prepare the Nano plant to manufacture vehicles like Tiago and Tigor in its Gujarat factory in 2014.ET also learnt that earlier this month, the company had stopped production of Ameo sub-4 metre sedan which Europe's largest carmaker had categorically built for India and the group is already running late to upgrade its mass-market models - Polo, Vento and Rapid for BS-VI. Not all engine options may be available immediately from 1st of April 2020.With the portfolio of 4-5 cars, Volkswagen's monthly sales have dropped to an average of 2500 units. In a market that has declined 15% in January to October of 2019, Volkswagen India registered a steeper decline of 18% to about 25000.The company had invested specifically for sub-4 metre vehicle for India and also for diesel engine localisation, the end of life for both the car and diesel engine within 4-5 years will have an impact on return on investment and the company will be compelled to write them off.The drop in sales in Mexico has hit production the hardest for VW in India. Mexico is the biggest overseas market for Volkswagen India, with sales falling significantly in the Central American market, there isn't any plan B in place.The exports to Mexico had so far kept the manufacturing operation viable, supporting the company to keep its sales and marketing function competitive. With annual production almost halving, the pressure to keep the business operation viable is mounting for the company.

What clients of Karvy should do now?


Investors having broking relationships with Karvy Stock Broking are scared and wondering what should be their future course of action after the regulator acted against the firm last week.What has gone wrong at Karvy Stock Broking?The capital markets regulator, Sebi, on November 22 banned Karvy from taking new clients. It alleged that Karvy has misused client securities by pledging them with banks and financial institutions to raise funds. The total default is estimated to be to the tune of Rs 2000 crore. Out of this, an amount close to Rs 1100 crore is believed to have been transferred by Karvy Stock Broking to its real estate arm Karvy Realty Private Limited.What should you do if you are a Karvy demat account holder?First, you must check if all your demat holdings are in order. You can do this by asking for a statement or logging into your account online. If they are intact, consider moving the demat holdings away from Karvy. Opening another demat account is easy and many brokers do it instantly. Investors can do an off-market transfer of all securities to the new demat account and close the old account. If the securities are held in identical names, there will be no charges that the investor has to bear. Also this will not be considered a sale transaction, and the investors will not have to pay taxes. If you have another demat account, you can immediately shift your securities to the other account. The entire process will take 1-2 working days.An investor has sold shares a few days back via Karvy and the money has not yet come to her bank account… What should she do?As per regulatory guidelines, brokerages are supposed to return client money at the end of every quarter or whenever the investor makes a demand after selling her shares. In case, you have sold shares at Karvy and have money lying in the account, you could place a request for the same. Once you get this money back, you could look at closing the account. In case the money does not come back to you from Karvy, investors have the option to approach the exchange which will address their concerns through the Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism.Where should the new demat account be opened?There are number of brokers with whom you could open a broking and demat account. Investors could choose to open a new account with a financially strong firm, discount broker or bank-based broker. Before choosing a new broker, investors can do the basic checks like going through SEBI website to check if there are any enquiries pending against the broker, check exchange websites to see for unresolved complaints or check social media websites for complaints. It would be better to avoid brokers who also run proprietary books or are into business other than broking that are difficult to understand.

Most Aadhaar holders believe data safe


NEW DELHI: Most adults in the country have an Aadhaar card and trust that their data is safe, a report by social impact advisory group Dalberg has found.Around 80% of people with an Aadhaar card also believe the unique identity has made government subsidies, such as rations and pensions, more reliable, the report, funded by the Omidyar Network India, said.It, however, also highlights that 90% of people with Aadhaar believe, incorrectly, that providing the unique identity number is mandatory for bank accounts.Around 33% of the people who have tried to update details related to their Aadhaar identity also said the process was difficult, according to the report, titled State of Aadhaar 2019. Aadhaar's newer digital features have also yet to be embraced, it said, with nearly 77% of holders never using features such as mAadhaar, QR code, virtual Aadhaar or masked Aadhaar.The report sought to understand the usefulness of Aadhaar — launched ten years ago from Tembhli in Maharashtra — since the government's national household data has been sketchy on its usage so far. "There is a huge opportunity for Aadhaar-enabled inclusion of vulnerable segments, whether it is enrolling the balance section of people, updation of their records or creating awareness about new features of Aadhaar, which is currently low right now. So, that is the great unfinished agenda," Roopa Kudva, managing director of Omidyar Network India told ET.Aadhaar has been a game-changer, and is a significant feature in the lives of nearly 1.2 billion people, she added. The report points out that 95% of people have Aadhaar and use it once a month on average, while around 8% of people — an estimated 102 million people, of whom 75 million are children — still do not have the unique identity.Retired Supreme Court Justice BN Srikrishna, who was present during the launch of the report, highlighted some implementation issues with the unique identity number. He said that immediate solutions should be found to issues such as biometrics of old and poor people not being accepted. The potential linking of Aadhaar, which can be used to profile people and lead to snooping, also "worries" him, he said, adding the personal data protection Bill should be passed soon.RS Sharma, Chairman of Trai and former director general of UIDAI said, there will always be a certain percentage of people who experience issues with a new solution. "It's a governance issue, not a technology one. And a solution is what is necessary." He also said common service centres should be re-allowed to update Aadhaar details to address the lastmile issue "pain point".The report also said that 30% of homeless and 27% of third-gender residents do not have Aadhaar. Also, 90% of residents in Assam and 61% of residents in Meghalaya do not have an Aadhaar card."Almost 90% of the people trust that their data is safe with Aadhaar, but that may also be their prime concern. People worry that too many things are linked to the same number and they may lose access to it someway," said Gaurav Gupta, partner and Asia regional director of Dalberg.One big lesson for policy makers from this report is that 95% of people who do not have Aadhaar want one, but do not know how to get it, he said. Reaching the last mile will make Aadhaar more inclusive, Gupta added. According to the report, improvements in on-the-ground processes related to Aadhaar can significantly enhance the lives of many residents. "The social safety net could be appreciably strengthened for the nation's most vulnerable groups — such as people who have low levels of education, are homeless, or identify as third gender — by offering additional support to those who need Aadhaar but cannot acquire it," it said.The Aadhaar updating process also needs to be streamlined. "As more services are linked to Aadhaar, easy access as well as seamless updating and authentication will become only more critical," the report has suggested. While digital troubleshooting could be one of the options, it may not work for a substantial percentage of the population due to low digital awareness.There is also potential for Aadhaar to support greater interstate integration and portability of welfare and other services, it said.

‘Non-employees’ to power companies, says survey


MUMBAI: The use of nonemployee talent, or employees not on the rolls of organisations, is expected to grow dramatically in India over the next three years, according to the findings of a survey by global advisory firm Willis Towers Watson.At the same time, full-time employees' share of the total workforce is expected to drop 3.3 percentage points in India and 4.1 percentage points globally over the next three years, stated 'The 2019 Pathways to Digital Enablement Survey'."There are two things increasingly happening in work. First is work is increasingly being pulled out of the organisation and being done elsewhere and then being brought in. The second is the growing plurality of means of getting work done," Willis Towers Watson managing director Ravin Jesuthasan said. "Today, business leaders have a lot of choices on how they get work done. Automation is just one of the different options for them. The various other options could include sending work to talent marketplace, tapping gig workers, using volunteers, etc.," he added.72233872 The non-employee workforce in India that is seen growing in the next three years includes free agent workers (15%), parttime reduced hour (32%), worker on loan from other organisation (3%) and free agents on talent platforms (230%), the survey said.Several large companies as well as mid- and small-sized companies including startups in India are increasingly using contingent workers to get a lot of their work done, led by specialised time-bound projects that need specific skillsets and urgent delivery."20-22% of our customers have shifted their payrolls to gig payrolls (hourly or monthly basis payrolls)," said Pankaj Bansal, a co-founder of HR technology and solutions company PeopleStrong. "These include companies across sectors such as manufacturing, IT, IT services, financial services, professional services firms, etc.," he added."Enterprises in India do not want to mix hundreds and thousands of people and put them on the payroll; instead they want quality talent to get the work done without having to manage them by themselves," said Annanya Sarthak, a co-founder at Awign, a technology platform to get work done through gig workforce, which works with companies across sectors such as FMCG, consumer durables, food and beverages, hospitality, banking and financial services, construction and allied services. "We bill the client on the basis of deliverables, not manpower," said Sarthak, whose company has grown nearly 20 times in turnover since January 2018.A large number of the Indian organisations studied as part of the Willis Towers Watson survey said increasing digitisation was enabling them to use more nonemployee talent and they saw the trend catching up over the next three years. However, the survey also showed that organisations in India struggle to integrate contingent workers and automation.This year's survey includes responses of more than 6,000 workers from 1,000 organisations globally and 45 organisations in India, across a range of industries."Business leaders today have various options of getting work done and curating the optimal set of experiences from every human being is one of the biggest leadership challenges," said Jesuthasan.For Indian organisations, the changes that are happening today due to digitisation include improving collaboration and information sharing, and increasing work flexibility.The areas that, according to Indian companies, would change rapidly in the next three years due to automation and digitisation include the way companies design jobs so they can only be done by employees with more skills and the need to have fewer employees, enabling them to use more nonemployee talent.

Demand for CXOs bucks downtrend


New Delhi: Demand for top executives at corporate India seems to have bucked the downturn trend in the economy.Executive search firms such as Korn Ferry, EMA Partners, Transearch, Insist and Head Hunters said they are all witnessing an at least 20% increase in search mandates for CXOs over last year.The demand is primarily being driven by promoter-led firms and midsized companies, as they look for professional talent to drive their business to the next level. Another set of CXOs with digital or tech expertise is also in high demand, as companies across sectors are digitising or automating their operations.72233787 "Market matrix may not look that good but companies are not stagnant, especially in terms of leadership hiring," said K Sudarshan, regional managing partner-Asia at EMA Partners. Apart from technology and digital, hiring in consumer and retail domain is also picking up, he said.A study carried out by staffing specialist firm Xpheno traced 100 CXO movements between April and July, confirming the trend."The CEO movements in tech companies are due to these companies seeking top talent with technical expertise … to replace the current CEOs who are just managers," Xpheno co-founder Kamal Karanth said.Much of the CXO demand is from mid-size firms, promoter-driven companies and startups that are well-funded, according to the findings of the study shared with ET. It shows the need to onboard senior professionals to try and influence consumer behaviours and to acquire more consumers."There is demand all across the sectors for leadership talent," Korn Ferry International chairman Navnit Singh said. "Some of the searches are due to performance-related exits, but most are planned."Head Hunters India is currently involved in three searches where promoter-led companies are looking for professional talent, founder-CEO Kris Lakshminath said. On its client list are a Rs 400-crore revenue Vadodara-based manufacturer of dieselengine components that is looking for a chief executive; a Rs 500-crore rubber chemical maker in Mysuru that too is looking for a CEO and a Rs 350-crore Madurai auto ancillary company that wants to fill the position of chief financial officer.There is a regime change across companies and sectors where the old guard is giving way to new talent, said R Suresh, managing director at Insist.About 35% of the CXO movements, according to the Xpheno study, was for newly created positions, suggesting that companies are increasingly onboarding professionals to drive growth.The study, 'CXOs on the Move-2019', has tracked verticals like technology, media, consumer/retail, BFSI and healthcare. The exits are more than the hires in the technology vertical, as per the study. "This confirms the high demand for tech talent, especially digital," said Xpheno's Karanth.Some prominent hires in the last six months include Royal Enfield's appointment of Vinod K Dasari as its CEO, Vipin Sondhi's joining the global leadership team at Hinduja Group, Tractors & Farm Equipment's appointment of Sandeep Sinha as its CEO and Rudratej Singh's appointment as the president and CEO at BMW India.Other recent appointments include that of Mandar Vaidya as the CEO for Southeast Asia and the Middle East at Oyo Hotels & Homes, Abhinav Kumar as the vice president for product marketing at Paytm and Aishvarya Murali as the chief marketing officer of Ola.There has been pent-up demand for top talent for some time and now with signs of an uptick in business, companies are taking a call on the searches that had been pending, said Transearch managing partner Uday Chawla.

Multiple signals suggest Nifty is set for a tryst with 12,200


The benchmark Nifty could encounter some resistance at 12140-12150 as it's poised to surpass its record high of 12103.05 of June 3 on Tuesday itself. From 12150-odd, the market could test new highs of 12200 or so, as 12100 and 12000 level call writers rush to cover their short positions on the index. From around 12200-12250, profit booking could set in, said analysts.Odds shortened of the Nifty testing its June 3 record high as index put option sellers on Monday raised sales significantly across puts of 11900-12100 strikes expiring on November 28. Along with this, significant short covering of 11900 and 12000 calls implies that the Nifty hitting a new high Tuesday is just a matter of formality.Massive put writing was seen at the 12000 strike which saw open interest (OI) addition of 30.47 lakh shares to 50.48 lakh shares (75 shares make a lot). The 12050 strike put also saw 10.9 lakh shares added to the total 12.3 lakh shares. The 12000 strike call with highest OI saw 18.9 lakh shares being covered which helped push the market towards a fresh high. 72233447 Derivatives experts, like Chandan Taparia of Motilal Oswal Financial Services, believe that shorts will get further "squeezed" forcing them to cover their positions at both 12000 and 12100 levels once the market breaks 12140.An increase in open positions (OI) of puts and decline in OI of calls signals bullish momentum. Nifty futures expiring November 28 also saw short covering with OI declining by 10 per cent to1.18 crore shares as the futures contract closed up 1.6 per cent to 12102.75.Profit booking might set in once the index tests the 12250 odd level, believes Rajesh Palviya, derivatives head at Axis Securities.Fear gauge India Vix inched higher to 15, which signals that uncertainty could increase.

Despite demonetisation, RERA, builders still asking for cash


Indians' love affair with cash purchases shows little signs of abating. Especially when it comes to buying real estate. The incidence of high cash component in property sales in metros has come down sharply since 2016, but it continues to be rampant in smaller and even some bigger cities like Ahmedabad and Indore.Builders continue to ask for a hefty cash pay-out in property and land purchases forcing customers to either drop plans or raise cash from other sources. And all this is happening when large property markets with established realty developers are moving towards cheque payment in a big way. Smaller cities like Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Noida, Aurangabad, Kochi and Indore are still witnessing large-scale usage of cash in property sales."Large property markets, being under the direct glare of authorities, have seen the proportion of cash and instances of deals involving cash going down. However, relatively smaller markets have not seen a decline like this as yet," said property broker operating in Jaipur.A late October survey conducted by a community platform LocalCircles, based on over 50,000 responses across 220 districts across India, pointed out that cash continues to dominate the real estate market despite the demonetisation of high-value currency notes 3 years ago. Approximately 42% of the respondents were from tier 1 cities, 28% from tier 2 cities and 30% were from tier 3 and beyond cities or rural locations.When asked about the mode of payment for any realty transaction undertaken by respondents over the last one year, 57% said they paid 25-50% in cash and rest via e-payment or cheque. Around 33% said they paid the full amount by e-payment or cheque, while 10% said they paid less than a quarter portion of the consideration in cash and rest via e-payment or cheque.Limiting it around 10-12% is an improvement as against pre-demonetisation level of up to 30-35% cash component that was demanded by builders irrespective of which markets they were operating in.A developer in Vadodara said that cash usge is more prevalent in deals related to vacant land parcels. Most of the landlords are either farmers or related to unorganised sectors and therefore are fine with receiving certain part of consideration in cash.In most of the land transactions, cash is usually insisted by either parties to avoid the tax incidence."Lower taxes would lead to better compliance, higher revenue and less usage of cash. Reduction in long term capital gains tax (LTCG) from current 20.8% to 10% would encourage more deals' registration at actual value as against keeping a cash component," said Jaxay Shah, national chairman of the Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India (CREDAI).Builders operating in these cities may not agree to accepting or asking for cash as part of total consideration but they do admit anonymously that they need to have a stream of cash component for specific reasons"If every vendor accepts cheque payments, why do we need cash? But seriously, can we really put permissions, approvals and liasoning work under this category?" asked a builder operating in Noida market.According to an estate agent operating in Indore, higher stamp duty rates and the mismatch between circle rates and actual market rates has been prompting deals with higher cash component."If the actual market rate is higher than circle rates, both buyer and seller find it convenient to add cash component to the deal. There are many such localities in Madhya Pradesh where this situation exits. Also, the recently hiked 12.5% stamp duty rate is also encouraging cash deals indirectly," said the agent.

69% Indian companies at risk of data breach


A CIO survey by Forcepoint and Frost & Sullivan found that 69% of Indian organisations are at risk of data breach, with 44% of them encountering a data breach before and 25% failing to perform any breach assessment in the last 12 months. It also found that not enough C-level teams are involved in cyber security preparations , with only 34%, mainly at BFSI, telecom and IT& BPO companies, involved in it. 72234000 72234003 For firms that have executed their digital transformation projects…56% have encountered a security incident.20% firms that didn't conduct breach assessment regularly in the last 12 months.61% Indian firms' progress hindered by risk of cyber attacks. 72234012 Organisations today need to urgently embrace "secure-by-design" into their digital transformation projects. Adopting a behaviour-centric security approach that focuses on understanding users' behaviour on the network and within applications to identify behavioural anomalies can mitigate cyber-attacks before they happen, said Alvin Rodrigues, Senior Director and Security Strategist, Forcepoint Asia Pacific.

Hitler-Stalin echo in Maharashtra’s politics, as troika comes together

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:19 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Better to get explosives and kill everyone: SC

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Minister defends marshals but not the women they manhandled

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Mumbai: Minor held for raping model in Oshiwara flat

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Maha govt Formation: Confident on the outside, but jittery from within

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:04 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 for all Zodiac signs by astrologer Nilikash P Pradhan

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:54 PM PST

Source: FPJ

Two held for sending Rs 15 lakh lottery fraud to Pakistan handlers, says ATS

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

Two held for sending Rs 15 lakh lottery fraud to Pakistan handlers, says ATS

Source: TIE

Home guard scam: Officer held, commander surrenders in Lucknow court

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

Home guard scam: Officer held, commander surrenders in Lucknow court

Source: TIE

And pop goes America

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

And pop goes America

Source: TIE

UP: Special session on Constitution Day today, all parties to attend

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

UP: Special session on Constitution Day today, all parties to attend

Source: TIE

Address our concern before revolt turns big: Expelled Congress leaders to Sonia

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

Address our concern before revolt turns big: Expelled Congress leaders to Sonia

Source: TIE

Donald Trump presents Conan the dog, ‘incredible’ hero of Baghdadi raid

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:40 PM PST

Donald Trump presents Conan the dog, 'incredible' hero of Baghdadi raid
According to the US account of the raid on Baghdadi last month, Conan cornered the jihadist leader in a dead-end tunnel in his Syrian hideout, where Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and two children.

Source: TFE

Gujarat farmers stage protests demanding crop insurance

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

Gujarat farmers stage protests demanding crop insurance
Huge damage to crops due to unseasonal rains

Source: TH

Congress’ Jitin Prasada focuses on aggrieved Brahmin families in U.P.

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

Congress' Jitin Prasada focuses on aggrieved Brahmin families in U.P.
Former minister touring State to help overturn party's fortunes

Source: TH

‘Bharat Mata’ temple to come up in Haryana

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

'Bharat Mata' temple to come up in Haryana
The Haryana government will build a 'Bharat Mata' temple at Kurukshetra as part of its attempts to develop the city as a tourist destination of intern

Source: TH

Change in Jyotiraditya Scindia’s Twitter bio triggers rumours

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:33 PM PST

Change in Jyotiraditya Scindia's Twitter bio triggers rumours
His Twitter bio had earlier stated, "Former Member of Parliament Guna (2002-2019). Former Minister for Power (I/C); MoS Commerce and Industry; MoS communications, IT and Post." And now it simply reads, "Public servant, cricket enthusiast."

Source: TH

US Supreme court extends block on Trump financial records dispute

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:25 PM PST

US Supreme court extends block on Trump financial records dispute
Donald Trump has until December 5 to file his appeal.

Source: TFE

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