TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Syllabus 2019: Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited Officials are going to conducting a Written Examination for filling Various Vacancies of Sub Engineer & Junior Lineman Post. Good News for all the candidates who had applied for the Sub Engineer & Junior Lineman Posts. We have provided the complete TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Syllabus 2019 and the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus 2019 on this page. All the applied candidates can happily download the TSSPDCL Syllabus 2019 PDF along with the Exam Pattern from the direct link given below.
The exam syllabus plays an important role during preparation. So, job seekers must collect TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Syllabus and the TSSPDCL Junior Lineman Syllabus and also Exam Pattern to start their preparation. Individuals are suggested to prepare all the concepts without fail to score the maximum marks in the examination. With these Telangana State SPDCL Syllabus and Exam Pattern, all the applied candidates can happily start their preparation to score more marks in the exam conducted by the Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited. Go through the entire page for more detailed information on the TSSPDCL Sub Engineer & Junior Lineman Syllabus 2019.
TSSPDCL Sub Engineer Exam 2019 – Details
Name of the Organization
Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited
RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019 will be released soon. The RBI Grade B Admit Card is only to the candidates whose application is accepted by the Higher Officials. Moreover, Aspirants can download the hall ticket from the end of the section. All the applicants should download the admit card through Online Mode. No Admit Card will be sent through the post. Candidates do check with the official website to get the admit card status. In the below section aspirants can get the tentative date of RBI Grade B Admit Card and also for the exams.
RBI Grade B Hall Ticket 2019-20
Candidates who have submitted their application and eligible to attend the examination can download the admit card. The Bank will release the admit card for Phase I and Phase II Exams separately. At first, contenders can download the hall ticket for the Phase I Exam. Likewise, Qualified of Phase I exam will get a chance to participate in the Phase II exam. Those Eligibilities can download the RBI Phase II Hall Ticket.
RBI Grade B – Overview
Name of the Board
Reserve Bank Of India
Name of the Exam
Grade B Exams
RBI Phase I Exam Date
09th November 2019
RBI Phase-II Exam Date: General
01st December 2019
RBI Phase-II Exam Date: DEPR / DSIM Paper-II & III
Details to be Noticed in RBI Grade Exam Admit Card 2019
Aspirants who have applied for the post of Grade B Officers only will get the admit card. From this article, candidates can get all the necessary details regarding RBI Grade B Admit Card for all the 3 stages. Moreover, Aspirants must enter the valid information of below-listed categories. Make sure to fill the details as in the registration form. Do check with the RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019 before downloading it.
Candidate’s Name
Date of Birth
Exam Venue and Address
Exam Timing
Date of examinations
RBI Grade B Examination 2019
The exam date for RBI Grade B Officer has been tentatively given in the Overview table. Moreover, the Bank is yet to release the exact date for Phase I, Phase II Exams. Thus, the Officials will release the exam date on its official website. Therefore, Aspirants need to check the exam details and also admit card details from the official portal. Therefore, Applicants must go through the exam details such as exam pattern, syllabus to get qualified in the RBI Grade B Exams. Download the RBI Grade B Call Letter to participate in the exam.
Important Things to Download RBI Grade Exam Hall Ticket 2019
Candidates would check to the admit card details before downloading it. Moreover, Aspirants should download the valid RBI Hall Ticket to attend the examination. Take a photocopy of the admit card along with the original identity proof.
Original Photograph
Voter Card
Pan Card
Employee ID
College ID
PAN Card
Driving License
Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Bank Pass Book with the photograph
How to Download RBI Hall Ticket 2019
Visit the “RBI Call Letter 2019”
Enter the User Name/ Mobile Number.
Enter the valid Password.
Fill the Captcha given.
Log in to the RBI Grade B Admit Card.
An Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
Enter all the valid details in the RBI Admit Card
Finally, Submit the Admit Card.
Click on to the Download option to get the hall ticket.
Take a print out of the RBI Admit Card and carry for the exam.
Direct Links to Download RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019
UKPSC SEO Hall Ticket 2019 – Uttarakhand Public Service Commission has announced the exam date tentatively in the month of November 2019. Therefore, the admit card will be available on the official website before 10 days of the examination. Download the hall ticket from the below section those who are going to participate in the examination.
UKPSC Admit Card 2019 is available for various UKPSC Jobs 2019. All the released and upcoming UKPSC Hall Tickets is here to download. Hence, all the eligible aspirants can download the admit card from the respective sections. Moreover, Aspirants will get the exam details of respective posts and the details regarding the UKPSC Exam. Here you can get the UKPSC Prelims, Mains and Interview Call Letter for various UKPSC Job Vacancies. Read the complete article to update more details.
UKPSC ACF Admit Card 2019
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission will release the admit card for the post of Assistants Conservator of Forest. As the board decides to conduct the exam on 06th October 2019. So, the board will issue the admit card on 21st September 2019. Thus, the direct link to download the UKPSC Hall Ticket from the below table.
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission is yet to announce the admit card for the post of Civil Judge. The admit card will release on 16th August 2019. The UKPSC Exam will be held on 01st September 2019. Download the hall ticket from the below table.
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission Admit Card will be issued to only the candidates who submitted the applications and got eligible to attend the exam. Hence, provide the necessary and valid information to download the Uttarakhand PSC Hall Ticket. So, all the eligible aspirants can download the admit card before the exam date. We will direct you to the UKPSC Official Website to clear the queries regarding the UKPSC Admit Card Download. Utilize all the information given by the board given by Recruitment. Guru.
UKPSC Hall Ticket 2019
These are the particulars that are printed on the UKPSC Hall Ticket 2019. Hence, all the applicants have to enter the details in the hall ticket correctly. Details entered should be same as in the application form. UKPSC Hall Ticket is a very important document to participate in the exam. Aspirants without the admit card will not be allowed to take down the examination. So, its candidate’s responsibility to download his/ her admit card on their own.
Name of the Applicant.
Exam Date, Time & Centre.
Post Applied for.
Application or Registration Number
Father Name and
Important Instructions.
Download Uttarakhand PSC Admit Card 2019
To take down the exam aspirants must carry any of the document. The original ID proof will be asked at the doorstep verification process. Invigilators will not allow the candidates who fail to carry the UKPSC Admit Card and the original documents. If aspirants found any mistakes after downloading the admit card can inform to the board immediately. Use the helpline numbers to get the corrected UKPSC Hall Ticket 2019.
BARC Work Assistant Admit Card 2019 – Bhabha Atomic Research Center will release the admit card in the month of October 2019. Hence, Aspirants must download the hall ticket from the below table or from the official link. The BARC Hall Ticket 2019 will be available soon to download. Fill the needed details to download the admit card.
BARC Admit Card 2019: BARC Recruitment board is yet to release the admit card for the post of Fitter and Others. Hence, the BARC Fitter exam date will be announced soon on the official website. Moreover, Candidates can get the hall ticket from the official website. As per the notification released by the board, the exam date and admit card link will get activated on the official website.
BARC Fitter Admit Card 2019 – Download Here (Available Soon)
BARC Admit Card 2019 – Bhabha Atomic Research Center is mandated to release the admit card for the written examination. The BARC Hall Ticket will be released on its official website in the Month of August 2019. Hence, Aspirants must keep in touch to know the updations about the BARC Admit Card 2019. The Board will declare the exam date in soon. Candidates should complete the registration process successfully to download the admit card.
BARC Hall Ticket 2019
Candidates will get the admit card link on the official website i.e. barc.gov.in. Hence, the BARC written exam date has to be announced by the board. After declaring the exam date, the board will release the BARC Hall Ticket. Participants have to look for the admit card and also for the exam date on the official website. As per the latest declaration, Aspirants who are seeking to get the job in Bhabha Atomic Research Center must register their application in the recruitment process.
Aspirants can download the admit card by the direct link given below. Moreover, Applicants must note down the unique registration number and the password to download the admit card. Hence, Eligible aspirants will be shortlisted by the selection committee. Lately, while downloading the admit card its necessary to enter the application registration number and also the needed details asked in that. So, Candidates have to keep all the login details safe until the completion of the selection process. All the latest announcements can be noticed on the official website. We will direct you to the official website to arise the queries regarding the BARC Admit Card Download 2019.
Name of the Applicant.
Exam Date, Time & Centre.
Post Applied for.
Application or Registration Number
Date of Birth
Important Instructions.
BARC Work Assistant Written Exam 2019
BARC Work Assistant Written Exam will be declared in the Month of August 2019. Make sure to check the exam details in the admit card. Hence, Contenders have to appear for the exam along with the BARC Admit Card. Work Assistant Written examination will be the first round of the selection process. Moreover, Aspirants have to clear all the selection rounds to get placed in the Bhabha Atomic Research Center. Gather all the information about the written exam revealed by the officials. Make use of the exam pattern to prepare well for the exam. We Recruitment. Guru wishes you All the Best for BARC Work Assistant Exam.
Needed things to Download BARC Hall Ticket 2019-20
All the examiners should download the admit card once it released. Enter the viable details which are asked in the BARC Admit Card to appear for the exam. Those who failed to carry the admit card will not be allowed to write the exams. Therefore, Applicants need to update the status of the BARC Call Letter by their own responsibility. Candidates should take down the exam along with any of the ID proofs stated below. Note that BARC Admit Card details should be as in the Application form you had registered. If any mistakes found in the admit card after the download, immediately contact the Higher Officials to make the corrections. Applicants can get the contact number in the BARC Admit Card itself.
Aadhar Card
College ID
Ration Card
Driving License
PAN Card
Voter ID
Any Valid ID Proof Issued By Gazetted Officer
Bank Passbook
How to Download BARC Hall Ticket 2019-20?
Click on the direct link of Bhabha Atomic Research Center Admit Card
Enter the Unique Registration Number in BARC Admit Card.
Enter the Date of Birth in the Hall Ticket.
Give the Captcha shown on the page.
Then Log in to get the admit card.
BARC Admit Card will appear on the screen.
Enter all the details in the admit card.
Then Submit the BARC Admit Card to download it.
Valid BARC Hall Ticket will appear on the screen.
Get a glance at that.
Download the BARC Call Letter.
Take a print out and carry for the BARC Written Exam.
BARC Work Assistant Admit Card 2019 on October 2019 @ barc.gov.in. Thus, the exam will be held in the month of October 2019. Candidates who have applied for the post of Work Assistant Group C should download the admit card to take down the exam. Examiners are suggested to get ready to download the BARC Assistant Admit Card from the official website or through the direct link provided below.
BARC Work Assistant Admit Card 2019
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre will issue the admit card at any date of this month. The BARC Admit Card contains the details of candidates and also the exam details. Moreover, Aspirants must provide the Registration Number and the Password to download the hall ticket. The registration number had been provided at the time of application submission. Hence, the BARC Work Assistant Admit Card direct link will be active in the below section once the board releases it on the official website.
Download the BARC Work Assistant Admit Card from the direct link section. Before submitting the admit card aspirants are suggested to check to the details that you have given. Follow the steps given below to download the hall ticket.
Candidates Name
Name of the Candidate's Father
The venue of the Exam Centre
Date & Time of the Test
Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
Gender (Male/ Female)
Roll Number
Duration of the Online Test
Space for Invigilator's Signature
Registration Number
Name of the Test Centre
Category of the candidates
Space for Applicant's Signature
Name of the Exam Conducting Board
Photograph of the Candidate
Applicant's Date of Birth
Name of the Written Test
Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
Full Name of the Applicant
Examination Centre Code
Signature of the Board Counselor
BARC Work Assistant Exam
BARC has announced the exam date in the month of October 2019. The exact date will be declared soon by the officials on their official portal. Stay tuned with our webpage to get the BARC Work Assistant Exam Date 2019. Download the BARC Work Assistant Syllabus PDF 2019 from this section. Get down to get the BARC Admit Card link.
BARC Work Assistant Exam Pattern: Preliminary Test
Sl No
No of Questions
General Awareness
Total Marks
Documents Along with BARC Assistant Admit Card
The below-listed documents are important to enter the exam hall. Competitors are suggested to download the admit card before the last date ends. If any mistakes found with the BARC Work Assistant Admit Card contenders must inform the board immediately to get the corrected admit card.
Original Photograph
Voter Card
Pan Card
Employee ID
College ID
PAN Card
Driving License
Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Bank Pass Book with the photograph
BARC Admit Card Download Steps 2019
Click on the BARC Hall Ticket 2019.
Enter the Registration Number and Password on the home page.
Now enter the image in the box that is available on the page.
Log in to get the BARC Assistant Admit Card.
Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
Fill the needed credentials into the hall ticket which are asked.
After filling recheck the details that you have entered.
Once done with the checking Submit the admit card.
Finally, download the hall ticket after the submission.
Take a photocopy of the BARC Exam Admit Card.
Carry for the exam and for the upcoming selection rounds.
IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Syllabus 2019 Pdf
IOCL Jr Engineering Asst Syllabus 2019: The Indian Oil Corporation Limited is going to conduct IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Written Examination. Candidates who had applied for IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Written Test must check the syllabus and begin the preparation. Now aspirants need to prepare well and get a good score in the written examination. Refer to the IOCL Syllabus 2019 and Exam Pattern from the below section. Candidates who want to get a job in Central Government Sector must prepare well. There is heavy competition for IOCL Jobs. Before going to the written examination the syllabus is useful for the aspirants who are preparing for IOCL Junior Engineer Assistant Written Test.
Both Syllabus and Exam Pattern play a key role. For better preparation, we are providing complete details about IOCL Junior Engineer Assistant Syllabus 2019. All the candidates have to prepare well for the written examination. To crack a good score in the written examination all the applicants must know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern. For the convenience of the candidates here in this post, we have provided all the necessary information like syllabus and Exam Pattern. After the submission of the application of IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Recruitment, the candidate who wants to check IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Syllabus can see here.
Get IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Exam 2019 – Details
Aspirants before going to take the IOCL Written Exam candidates are advised to have a look at the given IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Exam Pattern 2019. We keep updating the details of exam pattern and topic wise details and exam guide useful for the candidate for the preparation of the IOCL Junior Engineer Assistant exam. This helps you to what are the subjects included in the Written Test, What is the weightage of each subject and also the time duration of the Written Test.
Name of the Subject
Number of Marks
Time Duration
English Language
3 Hours
General Studies
Technical Subjects
Selection Procedures:
Candidates will have to score a minimum of 40% marks in the written test to qualify for further consideration. So to get maximum marks in the IOCL Written Test aspirants must Know the IOCL Syllabus 2019. By knowing the IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Syllabus 2019 competitors can easily qualify in the written exam. Then the candidates move to the final process of selection.
Aspirants who had a desire to get a job in the IOCL, those competitors can download the given IOCL Syllabus 2019. And also begin your preparation from now onwards. Therefore the participants can practice according to the IOCL Junior Engineering Assistant Syllabus and exam pattern those can easily qualify written exam with high score. So, the Applied candidates can check the IOCL Junior Engineering AssistantSyllabus.
EPFO Assistant Mains Admit Card 2019 – The board has released the admit card for the Assistant Phase II Mains examination. Therefore, the exam date has been scheduled on 07th November 2019. Hence, All the aspirants must download the hall ticket from the below section. We Recruitment. Guru has provided you the direct link to download the EPFO Admit Card.
EPFO SSA Admit Card 2019 is yet to release for the post of Social Security Assistant Officers. Candidates can download the admit card for the prelims exam 0n 21st August 2019. Hence, Aspirants can download the admit card from the below table once the board releases it. Thus, the board has decided to conduct the examination on 31st August & 01st September 2019.
EPFO Admit Card 2019 – Candidates who have applied for EPFO Prelims Examination get ready to download your EPFO Admit Card from the below link. Thus, the Employees Provident Fund Organization has conducted the recruitment process for 280 Assistants posts. So, those who submitted their application have to clear the prelims and mains exam conducted by the board. Moreover, now the organization has released the admit card on the official website.
EPFO Assistant Admit Card 2019
The Organization has published the admit card to the applied candidates. Now everyone can refer to the Official Website to download the admit card. For the Candidate’s convenience, we provide you the direct link to download the EPFO Hall Ticket 2019. Moreover, Aspirants should have valid Mobile Number and Email ID on which the intimation will be sent for downloading the Call Letter.
Hence, the board has issued the admit card for the Prelims Examination now. Later, the Board will issue the hall ticket for the Mains Examination. And now the organization has published the admit card on the committed date i.e. 19th July 2019.
Prelims Exam admit card is yet to release. Hence, the EPFO Hall Ticket will be released one week before the examination date. However, Admit Card link given below has been activated on Today. So, Candidates concentrate on your exam preparation after downloading the EPFO Hall Ticket. Use the EPFO Syllabus link given below to get high scoring in the exam and to get placed as Assistants in Employees Provident Fund Organization.
Name of the Applicant.
Exam Date, Time & Centre.
Post Applied for.
Application or Registration Number
Father Name and
Important Instructions.
EPFO Assistant Exam 2019
The board has decided to conduct the exam on 30th July and 31st July 2019. Hence, download the EPFO Exam Pattern to get a clear view of the examination. Moreover, for the preliminary exam, there will be less syllabus to cover. So, make your study easy by reading the syllabus given in this section. There is a lot of time to prepare for the exam. So, make use of the time to prepare well for the exams.
Phase I: Preliminary Exam
Name of test
Numerical Ability
Phase –I is qualifying in nature and marks will not be reckoned for final merit.
For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of the mark assigned to that question.
The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-II in the ratio of 1:10 i.e. about 10 times the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in Phase – I.
If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions will be equated following standard practice to adjust for slight differences in the difficulty level of different test batteries used across sessions.
Required things to Download EPFO Assistant Admit Card 2019
Candidates can download the EPFO Admit Card from the below section. Hence, Candidates should carry any one of the Identity Card from the below list. Original ID proof is a very important factor to enter the exam hall.
Aadhar Card
College ID
Ration Card
Driving License
PAN Card
Voter ID
Any Valid ID Proof Issued By Gazetted Officer
Bank Passbook
How to Download EPFO Hall Ticket 2019?
Click on “EPFO Admit Card” Link.
Enter the Registration Number and DOB.
Enter the Captcha given.
Now Login to get the admit card.
An Admit Card page will be available on the screen.
Fill all the mandatory details.
Click on to the download option and download the admit card.
Take a print out and carry for the exam.
Direct Links to download EPFO Assistant Call Letter 2019
MIDC Admit Card 2019. Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation is going to issue the hall ticket for the post of Junior Engineer, Stenographer & Others. The Corporation has announced the tentative date to release the admit card in the month of October 2019. Moreover, the recruitment exam will also be conducted in the month of October 2019. So, Make sure with the exam dates by referring to the official portal of MIDC. Through this article, candidates can get the exam date, exam syllabus and more details about the exam.
MIDC Admit Card 2019
Applicants of 865 MIDC Jobs can download the MIDC Exam Admit Card on its official website. Hence, Aspirants can get a direct link to download the admit card at the end of the section. Though, Candidates are suggested to download it by providing the required details. Make sure to get the MIDC Hall Ticket before the exam date. Check with the overview table to get the exam date and MIDC Admit Card Date details.
The below-listed details will be available on the MIDC Hall Ticket. Candidates should take down the examination along with the admit card. Thus, Contenders are suggested to download the MIDC Exam Admit Card by filling the details as in the MIDC Application Form.
Candidates Name
Name of the Candidate's Father
The venue of the Exam Centre
Date & Time of the Test
Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
Gender (Male/ Female)
Roll Number
Duration of the Online Test
Space for Invigilator's Signature
Registration Number
Name of the Test Centre
Category of the candidates
Space for Applicant's Signature
Name of the Exam Conducting Board
Photograph of the Candidate
Applicant's Date of Birth
Name of the Written Test
Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
Full Name of the Applicant
Examination Centre Code
Signature of the Board Counselor
MIDC Exam Pattern
To get placed in Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, candidates have to clear the selection process conducted by the board. Therefore, Contenders need to take down the examination along with the MIDC Admit Card. Get the MIDC Syllabus from this section and start making your preparations. The MIDC Exam will be held in the month of October 2019.
Download the admit card from the end of the section by following the steps stated below. Make sure to download the MIDC Hall Ticket before the link gets disappear.
MIDC Selection Process:
Written Exam
Documents Along with MIDC Hall Ticket 2019
Get the required details from this webpage and take down the examination along with the required details. Don’t forget to carry the original identity proof along with the MIDC Admit Card.
Original Photograph
Voter Card
Pan Card
Employee ID
College ID
PAN Card
Driving License
Any other ID proof issued by a Gazetted Officer
Bank Pass Book with the photograph
MIDC Admit Card Download Steps 2019-20
Click on the MIDC Admit Card Link.
Enter the Registration Number and Password on the home page.
Now enter the image in the box that is available on the page.
Tap on Login to get the MIDC Hall Ticket.
Admit Card page will appear on the screen.
Fill the needed credentials into the hall ticket which are asked.
After filling recheck the details that you have entered.
Once done with the checking Submit the admit card.
Finally, download the hall ticket after the submission.
Take a photocopy of the MIDC Exam Admit Card.
Carry for the exam and for the upcoming selection rounds.
IOCL Syllabus 2019 for Various Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV, Apprentice, Junior Operator, Non-Executive Posts & Other is available here. The candidates who have applied for the various posts under IOCL need to undergo Written Examination as well as Interview. Hence, to help you in reaching your goal we are providing you the complete Syllabus and Exam Pattern Details for Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV, Apprentice, Junior Operator, Non-Executive Posts & Other here.
IOCL Syllabus 2019 & Exam Pattern Details
Name of the Organization
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Name of the Posts
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV, Apprentice, Junior Operator, Non-Executive Posts & Other
Aspirants who are applying for the given posts under IOCL need to start their preparation for the written examination as soon as possible. For that, we have provided here the complete Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details. Candidates can download the Indian Oil Corporation Exam Syllabus Pdf from the links given below.
IOCL JE Assistant IV Syllabus 2019 Pdf is updated now. Candidates can download the Syllabus Pdf from here. Aspirants can also check the Exam Syllabus & Pattern from the below section. The candidates can also check the Detailed Syllabus @ iocl.com
Hence, syllabus plays a worth role in every exam preparation. Through this Syllabus, candidates can able to estimate the questions obtained in the Examination from a particular topic. By this, aspirants can able to plan preparation perfectly for the JE Written Test to get the best score. Candidates must clear the Written Exam to go for further rounds. So, Aspirants can use the provided syllabus and exam pattern to qualify for the Jr. Engineering Assistant Exam. The candidates can also check more updates at Sarkari Naukri.
IOCL Junior Engineer Assistant Exam Selection Process
The candidates who are willing to attend the exam can check the IOCL Jr Engineering Assistant Syllabus along with the selection procedure. The candidates should qualify for all the rounds given below to attain employment.
Written Examination.
Skill/ Proficiency/ Physical Test.
Indian Oil Corporation JE Asst Exam Pattern
Exam Type
Subject Name
Written Exam (Objective)
100 marks.
3 hours.
General Studies
Candidates who have scored 40% of marks in the written exam are only promoted for further rounds.
Score relaxation is up to 5% for reserved candidates.
Download IOCL Junior Engineer Assistant Syllabus 2019 pdf
Candidates who are appearing for the IOCL JE Asst Exam can check the test syllabus in this section. We have provided the required syllabus for your reference only. Aspirants must refer the official advertisement for more details.
IOCL Syllabus – Technician Apprentice & Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2019. Check the last IOCL Recruitment 2019 for Apprentice Vacancies. Looking for the lastest IOCL Apprentice (Technical/Trade) Syllabus and Exam Pattern details 2019. However, we updated the IOCL Syllabus and Exam Pattern for Apprentice in the sections below. Have a clear look and understand the IOCL Syllabus and Exam pattern details.
The Selection Process of Indian Oil Corporation Limited for Trade & Technician Apprentice is mentioned below. However, the applicants of IOCL Trade Apprentice Recruitment can go through the details in the tables following. Also, don’t forget to check the topic wise reference Syllabus for Trade and Technician Apprentice details. Moreover, for more details, candidates can check Official India Oil Corp Ltd careers page.
IOCL Trade Apprentice Exam Pattern – Human Resource
No of Questions
General Aptitude & Reasoning
General English
Numerical Aptitude and General Knowledge Etc.
Questions: Objective Type Multiple Type Choice.
Each Question carries one Mark.
No Negative marking for Wrong Answers.
Duration of Exam 120 Mins (2 Hrs).
Question Paper Language – Hindi & English.
Download IOCL Exam Syllabus 2019 Pdf
In order to read the detailed syllabus of the IOCL Exam, here we have mentioned the Syllabus of IOCL 2019 in a detailed manner. Refer the IOCL Apprentice syllabus to know the topics to be prepared for the exam.
IOCL Apprentice Syllabus for Reasoning Ability
Similarities and Differences.
Problem Solving.
Space Visualization.
Visual Memory.
Decision Making.
Relationship Concepts.
Discriminating Observation.
Figure Classification.
Arithmetical Number Series etc.
IOCL Apprenticeship Training Syllabus for Numerical Ability
Problems on Ages.
Profit and Loss.
Time & Work.
Time & Distance.
Boats & Streams.
Pipes & Cisterns.
Data Interpretation etc.
General Awareness IOCL Apprentices 2019 Syllabus
Economic Scene.
Indian Constitution.
General Polity.
Scientific Research.
Current Events – International & National etc.
IOCL Syllabus for Mechanical Subject
The Strength of Materials.
Heat Transfer,
Machine Design.
Theory Of Machines.
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
Fluid Mechanics.
Fluid Machinery & Steam Generators.
Engineering Materials.
Industrial Engineering etc.
Apprentice Syllabus for IOCL Exam – Electrical Engineering
Transducers, Mechanical Measurement, and Industrial Instrumentation.
Signal and Systems.
Analytical, Optical and Bio-medical Instrumentation.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements.
Analytical, Optical, and Biomedical.
IOCL Apprentice Exam Syllabus – Physics
Laws of motion.
Thermal properties of matter.
Units and measurements.
Kinetic theory.
Work, energy, and power.
Wave optics.
Physical world.
Mechanical properties of solids.
Ray optics and optical instruments.
Motion in a straight line.
Motion in a plane.
Mechanical properties of fluids.
Systems of particles and rotational motion.
Electric charges and fields.
Moving charges and magnetism.
Electromagnetic induction.
Electrostatic potential and capacitance.
Magnetism and Matter.
Current electricity.
Alternating current.
Dual nature of radiation and matter.
Electromagnetic waves.
Semiconductor electronics.
Communication systems.
Chemistry Syllabus for IOCL Exam 2019
The s – block elements.
P-block elements – group 14 (carbon family).
Organic chemistry-some basic principles and techniques and hydrocarbons.
Surface chemistry.
Chemical equilibrium and acids-bases.
Hydrogen and its Compounds.
Atomic structure.
D and f block elements & coordination compounds.
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties.
Environmental chemistry.
Chemical bonding and molecular structure.
Solid state.
States of matter: gasses and liquids.
Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics.
General principles of metallurgy.
Organic compounds containing c, h, and o.
P- block elements group 13 (boron family).
P-block elements.
Chemistry in everyday life.
Haloalkanes and haloarenes.
Organic compounds containing nitrogen.
IOCL 2019 Apprentice Syllabus – Mathematics
Number Systems.
Computation of Whole Numbers.
Decimals and Fractions.
Relationship Between Numbers.
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations.
Ratio & Proportion.
Profit & Loss.
Simple Interest.
Time & Work.
Time & Distance.
Use of Tables and Graphs.
IOCL Syllabus – Chemical Syllabus:
Chemical Arithmetic & Atomic Structure.
Chemical Equilibrium.
Chemical Kinetics.
Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry.
Chemical Thermodynamics.
Solid State & States of Matter.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure.
Chemistry of Representative Elements.
Surface Chemistry.
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties.
Transition Elements Including Lanthanides.
Nomenclature and Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry.
Organic Chemistry Based On Function Group-II.
Organic Chemistry Based On Functional Group-III.
Organic Chemistry Based On Functional Group-I.
Co-Ordination Chemistry and Organometallics.
Molecules of Life.
IOCL Junior Operator Syllabus 2019
Are you the one who is in search of IOCL Syllabus? Then you are on the right page. Here is the updated IOCL Junior Operator Syllabus. Download it now and start your preparation. Get the Indian Oil Corporation Limited Syllabus along with the Exam Pattern. Therefore, candidates need to start their preparation to crack the exam. Hence, applicants can approach the IOCL 2019 Syllabus Pdf, Exam Pattern.
IOCL Junior Operator Syllabus 2019 Details
Organization Name
Indian Oil Corporation Limited
No. of Vacant Posts
Post Name
Junior Operator Posts
Apply Mode
Official Website
Selection Process:
The applicants have to undergo the following rounds,
Written Exam.
Skill Test.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Junior Operator Exam Pattern
Junior Operator:
Subjects Name
Exam Duration
Technical Knowledge in Relevant Disciplines
90 Minutes
Generic Aptitude and Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Abilities
Basic English Language Skills
Junior Operator (Aviation):
Subjects Name
Exam Duration
Generic Aptitude and Quantitative Aptitude
90 Minutes
Reasoning Abilities
Basic English Language Skills
Download IOCL Junior Operator Syllabus Pdf
The topic wise IOCL Syllabus Pdf 2019 is provided here. Applicants who are going to start their preparation for Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Exam can refer the syllabus here. The IOCL Junior Operator Syllabus will help the aspirants to score good marks in the online written test. Also, it will give an idea of important topics. Hence, read the IOCL JO Syllabus 2019 Pdf carefully.
IOCL Exam Syllabus – Aptitude:
Time and Work.
Problems on Trains.
Problems on Ages.
Compound Interest.
Time and Discount.
Square Root and Cube Root.
Surds and Indices.
Volume and Surface Area.
Boats and Streams.
Profit and Loss.
Allegation and Mixture.
Pipes and Cisterns.
HCF and LCM.
Ratio and Proportion.
Reasoning Syllabus for IOCL Exam:
Inserting The Missing Character.
Eligibility Test.
Number, Ranking, and Time Sequence.
Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle.
Puzzle Test.
Arithmetical Reasoning.
Clocks and Calendars.
Data Sufficiency.
Situation Reaction Tets.
Alphabet Test.
Coding and Decoding.
Statements and Conclusions.
Logical Sequence of Words.
Logical Venn Diagrams.
IOCL Jr Operator Syllabus – English
Phrase Replacement.
Para Jumbles.
Reading Comprehension.
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Cloze Test.
Error Spotting.
Word Formations.
Missing Verbs.
Unseen Passages.
Idioms & Phrases.
Sentence Corrections.
Fill in the Blanks.
Sentence Rearrangement.
IOCL Exam Syllabus – Mechanical
Applied Mathematics – I.
Applied Chemistry.
Communication Skills -I.
Applied Mathematics -II.
Production Management.
Theory of Machines.
Applied Physics.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering Drawing -I.
Engineering Drawing.
Workshop Practice.
The strength of Material.
Introduction To IT.
Computer Application -I.
Applied Machines.
Material Science.
Computer Application -II.
Electrical IOCL Syllabus:
Basic Electrical & Electronics.
DC Machines.
Electric circuits.
Electrical Utilisation.
Power Systems.
Industrial Drives.
Electrical & Electronic Measuring Instruments.
General Mechanical Engineering.
A.C. Machines.
Electrical Engineering Materials.
Basic Electrical Engineering.
Digital Electronics.
Maintenance of Electrical Systems.
Power Systems – I (Generation).
Electrical Installation and Estimation.
Electronics -II.
Power Electronics.
Micro Controllers and Applications.
Industrial Automation.
Industrial Management.
Electric Traction.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Syllabus – Civil:
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering.
Environmental Engineering.
Building Materials and Building Construction.
Estimation, Construction, Planning and Management.
Candidates looking for IOCL Syllabus Pdf can check here. We have updated the syllabus as per the official notification. The board officials are going to conduct the online written examination, therefore applicants need to study well by referring to the IOCL Non-Executive Technical Syllabus 2019. Referring syllabus will help the people to understand the scheme of the question paper. Aspirants can also the IOCL Exam Pattern 2019 updated in the following section.
The applicants need to undergo the following rounds,
Written Exam
Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test.
Indian Oil Corp Ltd Exam Pattern for Non-Technical Posts
Name of the Subjects
No. of Questions
Total marks
Total Duration
Concerned Subjects
90 Minutes
General Paper
Download the IOCL Technical Exam Syllabus Pdf
General English
Sentence Rearrangement.
One Word Substitutions.
Sentence Structure.
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Shuffling of Sentences parts.
Error Correction.
Fill in the Blanks.
Unseen Passages.
Idioms & Phrases.
Direct and Indirect Conversion.
Miss Spelled words Detection.
Cloze Passage.
General Knowledge
Current Affairs – Regional, National, & International.
General Science.
Environmental issues.
The economy of India.
Indian Constitution and Polity.
Arts and Literature of India.
History of Modern India.
History of India and Movement for India Statehood.
International Relations & Events.
Science and Technology.
Disaster Management.
Geography of India.
Society, Culture & Heritage of India.
Policies of the India State.
Indian National Movement.
Fundamental Arithmetical Operations.
Ratio & Proportion.
Decimals and Fractions.
Ratio and Time.
Profit and Loss.
Number Systems.
Interest & Discount.
Use of Tables and Graphs Mensuration.
Computation of Whole Numbers.
Time and Work.
Time and Distance.
The relationship between Numbers.
Visual Memory.
Decision Making.
Syllogistic Reasoning.
Non-Verbal Series.
Number Ranking.
Clocks & Calendars.
Mirror Images.
Embedded Figures.
Number Series.
Statement Conclusion.
Alphabet Series.
Arithmetical Reasoning.
Cubes and Dice.
Blood Relations etc.
IOCL Non-Executive Personnel Exam Syllabus
Download the IOCL Syllabus 2019 Pdf from the link given below. We have also updated the Latest IOCL Exam Pattern. Hence, refer the article carefully. The online written examinationwill be sceduled soon. Therefore, applicants need to start their preparation. Also, if aspirants want to get a good score, then they must know the Latest IOCL Non-Executive Personnel Syllabus.
BECIL Recruitment 2019 – Apply Offline for 53 Operation Theatre Technician & Assistant Vacancies. New Job Notification has released for the Central Government Job Seekers. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited administrative announced 53 Vacancies for the Operation Theatre Technician & Operation Theatre Assistant Post. Aspirants can send their duly filled BECIL Application form with self-attested photocopies of educational and experience certificates to the concerned address from 09th October 2019.
Applicants are invited from the candidates who are having experience in the relevant filed. Candidates will be recruited on a contract basis for deployment in AIIMS, Delhi/NCR/Jhajjar. The last date for the receipt of Application form for the BECIL Recruitment is 25th October 2019. Candidates under 40 years and completed 10+12/ Degree in relevant field with good experience can apply for the BECIL Recruitment.
Highlights of BECIL Recruitment 2019 – 53 Openings
Name of the Organization
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)
About Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL)
Communicate Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 20000:2012 guaranteed, Mini Ratna, Central Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India was built upon 24th March 1995. BECIL gives venture consultancy administrations and turnkey arrangements incorporating the whole extent of radio and transmission building viz; content creation offices, earthly transmission offices, satellite and link broadcasting offices in India and abroad. It additionally gives related administrations like structure plan and development identified with broadcasting, human asset-related exercises like preparing and giving labor. BECIL additionally attempts supply of specific correspondence, observing, security and reconnaissance frameworks to barrier, police and paramilitary officers. The local office is in Bangalore.
Throughout the years, BECIL has deliberately prepared and built up a group of in-house, adaptable and devoted specialists and furthermore developed and outfitting a tremendous store of experts drawn from different fields of broadcasting industry which incorporates open and private supporters, resistance and link industry. Through this system of creative specialized experts, BECIL has set up its skillet India nearness to serve the necessities of the business. BECIL has a tremendous repository of specialists and coordinates the ability of All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD), the national supporter of India, making one of the biggest Radio Networks taking into account almost a billion people and the world’s biggest Terrestrial Television Network enhanced by Analog and Digital satellite Broadcasting administrations connecting with a large number of TV homes in India and abroad.
In a freewheeling interview with TOI, Nobel laureates Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo share their thoughts and anecdotes on a wide array of subjects from how the bhindi became the centre of a principled battle for Abhijit in jail to their new book 'Good Economics for Hard Times', and why providing Universal Basic Income makes sense.What is it that the Nobel prize will help you do more, and better in future?AB: I think what it will hopefully do is open more doors. We have a lot of enthusiastic young professors as part of our network and they are excited to do more work and more challenging work. Hopefully it will open up the right doors, more people will be open to the idea of doing RCTs (randomized controlled trials). That's our core business.Do you think the Indian government will take you more seriously now?AB: To be honest, the central government has made the right noises but many state governments have as well. Most of our business is with state governments, and across parties. Whoever is a ruling party in a state is our partner. If it is Gujarat, it is BJP, if it is West Bengal, it is Trinamool. We don't really pick and choose states. We work wherever work is interesting and the social or economic challenge is important and worth taking on. Hopefully, all of these people will not decide to become our enemies as a result of this. We are reasonably well connected to many governments and they see that we come and do our work professionally with a fair amount of commitment and patience.ED: The defining characteristic of JPal (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab which she co-founded along with Abhjit)) is that we have played the long game. Most of the work is done by a dedicated staff who, in turn, work with governments and departments. Sure, the prize is going to draw some attention to us personally, and this attention needs to be turned into great work.In your new book, you start off by saying how economists are among the least trusted experts and this seems to be true globally. You also point out that alarmingly they continue not to be believed even when the facts are presented to people. Given that reality, how will the book really help?AB: It is an excellent question. I think one thing that economists do is they act as oracles. In the book, we don't try to say here is the answer. We say this is the reason why the answer may be different from what you think. Let us try to improve all our intuitions by listening a bit more carefully to the unfolding of the logic. The book is not about answers but about arguments to get to the answers. If people pay attention to the arguments, they might be little less sceptical of the answer. We try very hard to be not oracular.ED: We are trying to bring a lot of data to this debate. What we are saying is that our intuitions are often wrong, and questioning these intuitions by confronting them with what happens in reality is a good way of starting a conversation.You've spent a lot of time studying poverty across the world. How would you evaluate India's anti-poverty programmes?AB: We have so many less poor, and that's a positive. There is no magic wand to make all the poverty go away. Given that growth is skewed towards the rich, the impact on poverty has been substantial. Whether we like the real estate boom or not, it created jobs in cities and money flowed back to the villages. Another part of it is policies like NREGA. It's not that we did stupid things, and got lucky. I don't think what is being tried is totally off target under any of the governments. Of course, there are bad policies like growing rice in Punjab but the state is trying to resolve this issue. Sometimes, the implementation of some policies is ham-handed, and we don't know how much initiatives like Jan Dhan will actually enrich people. Is it a sensible idea for everyone to have a bank account? Probably. Is it the first priority I would give to something? Maybe not, but we're not talking about insane ideas. Our policies are not coming out of someone's left ear. It's broadly sensible stuff. Of course, you can disagree with the implementation or the measurement of certain things or the claims being made etc, but overall we are not in a bad place.Has China been more pro-poor than India?AB: I think China has done one critical thing which we have failed to do, and that is going for labour-intensive manufacturing. We did create jobs in real estate, services but not in manufacturing. And that's one sector that can absorb millions of people. We missed that bus, and Bangladesh picked it up.Is caste an external constraint that prevents labour mobility in India?AB: When you look at the data, it doesn't look like people are waiting for that Brahminical job to fall into their lap. Everybody is doing something. At 32, our unemployment rates are extremely low - just 2-3% as per the last round of NSSO data. Once they get to their early thirties, all men are working.Even if they are pakoda sellers?AB: It's not that pakoda making is a bad thing to do but just that there are too many pakoda sellers which drives down prices.What's your position on effectiveness of short-term subsidies to induce behaviour change versus continuing with subsidies endlessly? If India were to opt for a Universal Basic Income scheme, should it replace subsidies?AB: I don't think anyone has tested this, and there are good arguments to be made on both sides. UBI is predictable and a person can take risks because they know that they have something to fall back on. Right now, among economists there is a strong view in favour of UBI. We are doing a very large experiment in Kenya to find out whether income transfers work. We should wait for the evidence.Apart from being Nobel laureates, you're now famous as the person who advised Rahul Gandhi on the NYAY scheme. In retrospect, do you think it was a tactical error to be associated with any one political party even as an advisor?AB: I don't feel defensive about it. You can't control the spin people give to things but I also don't like living my life thinking of every possible spin that people can give to my actions. They asked me a perfectly legitimate question - how much money would it take to implement a guaranteed income. That is a question for someone like me with some competence in looking at data and making computations. If the BJP had asked me for the same numbers I would have given it to them. I absolutely don't believe in restricting good policy out of political prejudice. We were trying to play the role of an honest broker, and that's our calling card. We shouldn't let political biases come in the way of doing things.ED: We are working with various state governments - Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab and Tamil Nadu - across the entire political spectrum. In our work, we are not fighting ideological battles. We describe our work as plumbing. When a government wants to help the poor, we can help with figuring out and testing solutions.You've made an interesting point that even if CEOs are taxed more, reducing their income, it doesn't disincentivise them from working harder. Are you in favour of a salary cap for top CEOs?AB: I think a salary cap would be a good idea but it's a difficult one to implement. What I am very much in favour of is higher taxes at high incomes. There should be a way to use the tax system to deal with inequality. That's absolutely the first choice but we need to close the legal loopholes. In the US, Warren Buffet keeps saying I pay low taxes because you have set up the tax system so that I can pay low taxes. He is the champion of saying that there is a war between the rich and poor and the rich are winning.ED: If taxes are high, then no salary cap is needed. Shareholders will not pay high salaries to CEOs to see most of it taxed away. In the US, the explosion of top CEO salaries happened when the tax rates were slashed at the top. It is important to have a simpler, transparent and well-designed tax system.How do you deal with a situation where high tax rates in one jurisdiction lead to people migrating to other jurisdictions precisely for that reason?AB: It is very important that you shouldn't have a choice where you declare your income. You can't have all the production of India being attributed to the Maldives. You have to somehow think of ways to declare income where it is produced, some value added share or something. But you can't just say that we will assign it anywhere.ED: In the US when you are a citizen, you are liable to US taxes no matter where you are. So there is precedent.In India, the maximum tax rate for the rich is already about 43.5%. Do you think that is high enough or can it go higher?AB: Well, it can surely go higher than that. Political pressures will be substantial, and the loopholes have to be plugged well. The US under Eisenhower had a marginal tax rate of 95%. Even the Republican governments - Nixon had 70% tax rates. We are not talking about some Communist doing it. It is the extreme right that had these policies. Somehow we have forgotten about all that and are conned into believing that there is no possibility of having tax rates over 40% without a massive disaster happening. I don't think there is any evidence of that.ED: In the US, it's not true that the rich are paying more taxes than poor. The data in a new book by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman shows that in 2018, for the first time in 100 years, billionaires paid a lower tax rate than ordinary workers. This is not how it was intended to be. Nobody thinks that it is the way it should be. It is an accumulation of bad decisions.AB: In other words, Indian tax rates are high but what income is it incident on? You should do the calculation that Warren Buffet talks about in India.What worries you more - the economic slowdown or the move towards majoritarianism?AB: I think both feed into each other. I think the slowdown is real, and the government is gradually accepting it. Five per cent is now good and soon there will be even less. The core message earlier was that India is doing great. Now that we are obviously not doing so great, then the danger is that since the government can't sell the economic message, there are other messages to sell to win elections.ED: It is not an India-specific problem. The slowdown is not just in India, it's also in China. There are also fears of recession in the US and Europe. If you can't boast about the economy, you find something else - and that problem is everywhere. The thing is to acknowledge it and not do silly things. China has revised its growth target to 7% (from double digit levels), the Premier has called it "The new Normal", and the press is dutifully echoing it. Governments can do two things in bad times to protect the poor - not slashing social programmes, and using the existing money even better.AB: And the answer isn't immediately cutting corporate taxes. The corporate sector is always happy to offer itself as a miracle solution to problems. I think neither interest rate cuts neither tax rate cuts are going to have an impact on any growth outcome. Even in short-term macroeconomics, the best thing to do is to put money in the hands of the poor, the economy will revive and the corporate sector will start investing once they see that.You credit your mothers (Nirmala Banerjee and Violaine Duflo) for leading you into development economics. Can you elaborate?ED: Maybe I'll start because Abhijit's mother has already had her big moment in the news already. So everybody knows that Abhijit didn't call his mother, but now we can say that I tried to call my mother but failed because she was in Guatemala without network. Both of us are extremely fortunate to have mothers who are wonderful people. Interestingly, they have many similarities although Abhijit's mother is an economist and mine is a doctor. They are both deeply committed to understanding the problems of those who are left behind. Abhijit's mother may have been quite unusual in her time for spending time in the field when few city-based economists did so. My mother is unusual for spending a lot of time outside working for kids who are victims of war and right now for kids in Latin America. We will never quite measure up to that, but we are trying.Esther, you've written about how your first introduction to Kolkata was through a comic book, and you landed in the city as a young student thinking people only got nine square foot per person to live in. So, how has your association with Kolkata and India changed you, both as a person and as an economist?ED: Where do I begin? So my interest and my commitment to trying to understand poor lives with a view to helping is because of my mother but my ability to do anything about it started in Kolkata. On my first trip to Kolkata I spent a lot of time in Metiabruz in the (garment) district, and it made me realise that everything I ever thought about how the poor work and live is completely wrong. These people had a level of sophistication and smarts that was quite impressive. I still spend a lot of time there. We also spent a lot of time working with Seva Mandir and Pratham. These experiences made me realise that you have to think big, and it is possible to make a real difference in the lives of many, many people.There is an interesting anecdote about Abhijit playing war games with flowers since his parents didn't believe in toys. You use that to illustrate that his pleasure wouldn't be captured by the definition of GDP. Do you feel we should rethink how we measure growth?AB: We should definitely rethink it. I don't know of a good way of doing it, but clearly we need more quality of life issues. When you think of kids growing up in India now, one of the things that we absolutely directly deny them, unless you happen to be very rich and live in some gated colony, is access to nature.They live in such dreadful places. I feel like it's cruelty in a sense to make people grow up in dusty real estate with nothing pretty or aesthetic around them. I was lucky to grow up in Kolkata when it was still relatively slow and there were lots of trees etc. That's part of me, it constitutes me as much as anything else. I think the quality of life issues in India right now are massive. We haven't even wrapped our heads around it because we are so obsessed with growth.Is there any clear memory you have from the 10 days you spent in Tihar Jail for a student protest?AB: We were this relatively socially committed group of students, but the big fight we took on once we got to the jail was whether we should get bhindi or not. In the extraordinarily hierarchical prison system in India, if you happened to have a BA degree you were entitled to bhindi and if not, you didn't get it. I am not joking. I said, come on, we can live for ten days without bhindi but the others just ignored me. So I do remember our passionate fight for the right to bhindi.So did you eat the bhindi or not?AB: Of course, as a byproduct I got bhindi, but I was against it. I was saying you can't possibly be all for social change but want to stick to our 90-year-old British-given right to bhindi.So you had the best of both worlds - the moral high ground as well as bhindi.AB: But I would have settled for the moral high ground.Your brother told us next you can win Masterchef, you are that good a cook.ED: He is that good a cook, actually better. What his friends are most impressed by is that every time they come to our house, they get a different five-course meal without repetition, which is a combination of two of Abhijit's skills. One is that he is a fantastic cook and the other one is that he has an amazing memory. So he will remember. The other thing, though I don't know whether that is a skill, is that he thinks of food all the time.AB: You know, actually the key is that I think of food all the time.And economics?ED: Kind of a sideshow…(laughs).Coming back to economics. how do you react to the charge that the RCT approach ducks the whole issue of what causes poverty in the first place?AB: I think that is wrong. I think it ducks the question of there being a single cause of poverty. What it says is that there is a bunch of different reasons why people are poor. But it's not at all taking the view that poverty is unsolvable, it's very much taking the view that rather than looking for one solution, if you look for many solutions, you'll solve many things and in fact that's how a huge amount of progress has happened. I think the nature of the thing is that a bunch of stuff got thrown up and some stuck with A and some stuck with B and some with C and everybody got better off. It's not that one day the god of anti-poverty came and pressed this one button and it all got fixed. That never happens.It is said that if you want faster growth, you'll have to live with increase in inequality at least for some time. Given that inequality is rising almost everywhere including in India, do you think there is merit in that argument?ED: I don't think it is true. When you look at the data worldwide, there is no correlation between growth and changes in inequality. There are growth episodes that go with increase in inequality, growth episodes that go with reduction in inequality, inequality reduction episodes that go without growth and anything in between. I think there is absolutely no economic law of any kind that says that there is a trade-off there.Some headlines here read 'Abhijit and wife win Nobel'. Did that upset you?ED: No, it does not upset me. The headline in the French press was "Esther Duflo and two economists, including husband, win Nobel Prize". In this particular instance it all has to do with national pride. Nothing to get upset about. And, in fact, the Indians have shown more class: PM Modi did graciously congratulate me and Michael Kremer in a tweet (after he sent one tweet for Abhijit). In his own tweet, President Macron just mentioned me and then said it was a testimony to the strength of economics in France. So...
Apple CEO Tim Cook has called for the passage of Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, which favours removal of country caps for green cards in the US.The Bill is currently stuck in the Senate."Immigrants make this country stronger and our economy more dynamic. As a first step toward needed comprehensive reform, I urge the Senate to move quickly to pass the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act," Cook said in a tweet Thursday night. "The contributions of these workers are critical to America's future."Cook is the first high-profile CEO to speak out in favour of the legislation, which if passed, will ensure Indian & Chinese nationals receive green cards faster.Apple has actively been hiring workers on H-1B visas, and was among the top five sponsors of employee green cards in the first six months of financial year 2019 (September 2018-March 2019).Apple was the second-highest recipient of H-1B visas in the first three quarters of the fiscal year, according to data from the Office of Foreign Labor Certification.The Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, HR1044 was passed by the House of Representatives in July but has not been able to get past the Senate. The last two attempts for a vote by unanimous consent were blocked by Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Rand Paul, both of whom have proposed their own Bills aimed at increasing the number of green cards annually. If the vote on unanimous consent had gone through, the Senate could have bypassed committees, amendments and resulting public debates, and passed the Bill.The Bill calls to do away with the current 7% annual country cap on the number of green cards. If passed, this would have a huge impact on the Indian and Chinese communities in the US, many of whom are stuck in 10-20 year wait cycles for their green cards.
ET Intelligence Group: On Friday, the country's most valuable company Reliance Industries (RIL) created a new valuation benchmark, vaulting past the Rs 9-lakh-crore market-cap barrier for the first time and also another record in superlatives: Of the highest quarterly net profit. Its performance is likely to stay robust if refining margins remain superior to a key regional gauge, and consumer businesses continue to expand at current rates.Expectedly, the RIL stock has outperformed benchmarks by 9% in the past three months, thanks in no small measure to the proposed sale of its energy assets to Saudi Aramco. A cut in corporate taxes also helped.Quarterly earnings have surpassed Bloomberg's consensus estimates, although upside potential for the stock would depend on the core energy vertical. RIL has beaten Bloomberg consensus estimates 14 times out of the last 18. 71658468 Analysts are focused on RIL's gross refining margins (GRM), or what the company earns from turning every barrel of crude oil into motor fuel or other energy forms. GRM improved to $9.4 per barrel in the September quarter, compared with $8.1 in the previous quarter. Its premium over the Singapore GRM, a regional benchmark, was $2.9 per barrel against a sixquarter average of $4.33 per barrel.Analysts believe a tight global market reduced the cost competitiveness of heavy crude that has higher sulphur content, something RIL's state-of-the-art refinery can process.To be sure, global macro headwinds continue to weigh on RIL's refinery & petrochem businesses. The latter vertical witnessed lower realisation due to falling margins on mono-ethylene glycol, paraxylene, polyethylene and polypropylene. This caused operating profit in the division to contract 6.3%, despite a volume growth of 5.3%.But RIL's consumer-facing businesses are helping more than offset the global headwinds. The telecom and retail businesses accounted for 28% of RIL's revenue in the September quarter, logging gains of 545 basis points from a year ago.RIL's retail business appears to have upended the broader consumption-slowdown story in India, with revenue growth at Reliance Retail climbing 27% to Rs 41,202 crore.Retail stores reported a 13% increase in footfalls, while 337 new stores were added, taking the total store count to 10,901.At present, the quarterly revenue of RIL retail is higher than the annual revenue at the next largest retailer in the country.Reliance Retail operations reached 24.5 million square feet, a gain of 25.6% on a year-on-year basis. Nearly two-thirds of its stores are in tier 2-4 cities.In the telecom space, Reliance Jio's revenue expanded 5.7% sequentially, with net subscriber addition of 23.9 million during the quarter under review. Average revenue per user remained largely unchanged at Rs 120 in the September quarter, compared with Rs 122 in the previous quarter.RIL's quarterly capital expenditure run-rate has come down to Rs 19,095 crore, as compared with about Rs 30,000 crore in the past six quarters. Total debt increased to Rs 2.91 lakh crore in September 2019 from Rs 2.58 lakh crore in the same quarter last year. The company's net debt, which takes into account the cash in hand, is about Rs 1.57 lakh crore.
WASHINGTON D.C.: Increased trade integration, geopolitical uncertainties, and high accumulated debt levels necessitate strong global coordination, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said. "We need not wait for the slowdown to become a crisis," she said adding that trade wars and protectionism have generated uncertainties that will ultimately impact the flow of capital, goods, and services. Addressing the annual meetings at the plenary session of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group held here on Friday (local time), Sitharaman called for concerted action to mitigate the disruption on account of synchronous slowdown and invoked the spirit of multilateralism for global growth. She also attended the working lunch session of the Development Committee, the ministerial-level committee of the IMF and the World Bank, in which members discussed the global economic outlook. The 40th meetings of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) are being held at this year's annual meetings. During the day, three sessions of the IMFC took place. The IMFC introductory session was focused on global developments and prospects and the discussions centred on the World Economic Outlook released on October 15. The early warning exercise discussed upcoming risks to a global economy and stability. A special session on IMF resources and governance was also held early in the day in the context of the 15th round of the quota discussions concluding this year. Secretary at the Department of Economic Affairs Atanu Chakraborty led the Indian delegation. Sitharaman also led the Indian delegation at G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting in which the deliberations centred on international taxation and stablecoins. The ministers and governors also took updates from G20 deputies on quality infrastructure investment, debt sustainability, financing for universal healthcare and building effective country platforms, and from the Africa Advisory Group on the Compact with Africa (CwA) initiative. On the discussions at the session regarding the work underway on developing a consensus solution on tax challenges arising from digitalisation, Sitharaman said a unified approach to the nexus and profit allocation challenges is a promising one that merits serious attention. A solution that is simple to implement, simple to administer and simple to comply with is needed. On the sidelines, she held several bilateral meetings, including with First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Russia Anton Siluanov, Finance Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Baktygul Jeenbaeva, Finance Minister of Switzerland Ulei Maurer, Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Finance Minister of Maldives Ibrahim Ameer. Chakraborty also held one-on-one meeting with Director General of the French Treasury Renaud Basso and Chief Financial Officer of the World Bank Anshula Kant. He also addressed investors in a session organised by JP Morgan.
New Delhi: Reliance Jio customers have to buy four top IUC top-up vouchers to be able to call another network post its decision to charge 6 paise a minute for such calls to rivals.Jio will provide additional data entitlement of equivalent value based on IUC top-up voucher consumption. This will ensure no increase in tariff for customers, the company has announced.Broking firm Emkay Financial said under an update on "Jio's strategic 'MOVE'; Tariff hike strategy or counter to TRAI on IUC? that "JIO has launched 4 top-up recharge plans ranging from Rs 10-50, with 124-1,362 mins (exJIOPhone users) and per-minute cost to consumer at 12 paisa (double that of IUC charge)" . The IUC top-up voucher amounts are Rs 10 which gives 124 IUC minutes to non-Jio mobiles with 1GB free data. A Rs 20 voucher gives 249 IUC minutes to non-Jio mobiles and with 2 GB data. Rs 50 top-up entails a Jio customer 656 IUC minutes to non-Jio mobiles and 5 GB data. A 100 top-up voucher has 1,362 IUC minutes to non-Jio mobile and 10 GB of data. This is as per company announcement on October 9 when Jio suddenly and immediately announced to go pay for calls to other networks after being free on voice for three years.This will be the first time that Jio users will pay for voice calls. Jio announced a strategic move to start charging 6 paisa/min for Off-net calls until IUC is scrapped (January 20 for now).Jio said post-paid customers will be billed at 6 paise per minute for off-net outgoing calls with increase in free data entitlement to the extent as per their top-up IUC voucher. "As per our calculations, Jio's ARPU Increase stands at Rs 17. In our view, Bharti and VIL (Vodafone Idea) will also go for hikes for its bundled subscribers (48-57 per cent of subs base)", Emkay said. "We believe competition will follow suit with tariff hikes for their bundled plan subscribers, which should result in an ARPU increase of Rs 7 and Rs 4 for Bharti and VIL, respectively. Jio, on the other hand, will witness an ARPU increase of Rs 17 following the move," it added. Jio has said that its network receives 250-300 million missed calls on a daily basis. The 250-300 million missed calls per day should have resulted in 650-750 million minutes of incoming traffic to Jio. Instead, the call backs made by the JIO customers result in 650-750 million minutes of outgoing traffic."But for the effects of the tariff differential, especially the missed call phenomenon, the offnet voice traffic is already symmetrical now for Jio. It is being made asymmetric by the other operators by keeping their 2G voice tariffs high," is the argument of Jio as per the Emkay report. Untitled Carousel 71659451 71659611 71660550 71646405
NEW DELHI: Reliance Jio mobile services are no longer completely free as the company in an unexpected decision announced recently that it would charge 6 paise/minute from its customers for outgoing calls to other network operators to recover the Interconnect Usage Charges (IUC).But in the immediate period, there may not be any possibility of a tariff hike as Jio awaits the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's (TRAI) final decision on the IUC in January 2020.The IUC is basically the cost paid by one mobile telecom operator to another when its customers make outgoing mobile calls to the other operator's customers. The company said that it has paid IUC to Airtel, Vodafone Idea and other operators while offering free voice calls to its customers. So far in the last three years, Reliance Jio has claimed to have paid nearly Rs 13,500 crore as NET IUC charges to the other operators. But in return, it has received none from them. Customers will have to pay IUC charges until the TRAI brings the fee down to zero, which is expected to take place on January 1, 2020.In its move to charge customers for the first time since its launch, Jio has put the enitre blame on incumbents and the TRAI."While the incumbent operators reduced voice tariffs for their 4G customers, they continued to charge exorbitant tariffs to their 35-40 crore 2G customers, and in fact increased the tariffs for voice calls to around Rs 1.50/ minute," said Jio."The price differential of free voice calls on Jio network and exorbitantly high tariffs on 2G networks causes the 35-40 crore 2G customers of Airtel and Vodafone Idea to give missed calls to Jio customers. Jio network receives 25 to 30 crore missed calls on a daily basis. This huge missed call phenomena converts the incoming calls to Jio into outgoing calls from Jio to other operators. The 25 to 30 crore missed calls per day should have resulted in 65 to 75 crore minutes of incoming traffic to Jio. Instead, the call back made by the Jio customers results in 65 to 75 crore minutes of outgoing traffic," it added.The trigger for Jio's decision is that the TRAI recently decided to seek views on delaying zero IUC as there were still millions of 2G subscribers who have not moved to VoLTE, so it seems unlikely that the zero-IUC regulation will come into effect any time soon.The telecom regulator had stated that the IUC may be eliminated/made zero by January 1, 2020 if a limited amount of traffic is terminated on 2G/3G networks and there was a limited imbalance in voice traffic among operators. TRAI recently started a consultation process to defer IUC elimination from January 1, 2020, given that both these preconditions were not met. Reliance Jio's current change appears to be a protest of the regulator's move and will likely exert pressure on the TRAI to abolish IUC by January 1, 2020, broking firm CLSA said.Analysts and experts have reacted to the Jio's move and have said that it would benefit bleeding rivals Airtel and Vodafone Idea who were hit hard due to the ultra-low tariffs offered by Jio. Now, Airtel and Vodafone Idea are likely to use this opportunity to hike voice rates. Airtel said the telecom industry wa in a state of deep financial stress. The adoption of VoLTE has been slow while 2G subscribers were still high, causing an asymmetry in traffic. "Given the massive 2G customer base in India, the cost of the call at 6 paise is already significantly below the real cost of completing the call," it added.Airtel and Vodafone Idea have been against any reduction in IUC whereas Jio wanted the charges to go away. CLSA said that the narrowing tariff differentials positive for incumbents and "with the IUC charge reducing Reliance Jio's tariff discount to others, its subscriber additions could be impacted". "Reliance Jio's latest move will likely make incumbents' current tariffs more competitive, assuming they keep tariffs unchanged. Assuming unchanged voice usage, Reliance Jio's IUC levy will likely bring its 84 day plans' effective tariff in line with Bharti Airtel and Vodafone-Idea vs the current 13 per cent discount," the broking firm said. "Even if Reliance Jio's off-net outgoing usage declines 30-50 per cent, Reliance Jio plans' discount to Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea's unlimited plans would be lowered to 3-6 per cent. For 28-day plans, Jio's plan discount would be lowered from 25 to 14-20 per cent."The effective discount reduction should help incumbents gain 4G subscribers if the regulator defers IUC elimination. Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea will likely keep tariffs unchanged and focus more on gaining 4G subscribers," it added.Meanwhile, the industry will await the TRAI's final decision on IUC elimination, likely towards December which will determine the incumbents' course of action.Telcos Airtel and Vodafone did not respond if they will raise tariffs fowlloing this or not.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday defended the social media platform's refusal to take down content it considers newsworthy "even if it goes against our standards." But while he promoted free expression, limitations were place on coverage of his remarks at Georgetown University.Reporters were not allowed to ask questions — only students were given that chance, filtered by a moderator. Facebook and Georgetown barred news organizations from filming. Instead organizers provided a livestream on Georgetown's social media site and made available video shot by Facebook."It's quite ironic," said Sally Hubbard, director of enforcement strategy at the Open Markets Institute and a former state prosecutor.More generally, she said of Facebook, "The key to free expression is to not have one company control the flow of speech to more than 2 billion people, using algorithms that amplify disinformation in order to maximize profits."Facebook, Google, Twitter and other companies are trying to oversee internet content while also avoiding infringing on First Amendment rights. The pendulum has swung recently toward restricting hateful speech that could spawn violence.The shift follows mass shootings in which the suspects have posted racist screeds online or otherwise expressed hateful views or streamed images of attacks.Facebook also has come under criticism for not doing enough to filter out phony political ads."Right now, we're doing a very good job at getting everyone mad at us," Zuckerberg told the packed hall at Georgetown.He said serious threats to expression are coming from places such as China, where social media platforms used by protesters are censored, and from court decisions restricting the location of internet users' data in certain countries."I'm here today because I believe that we must continue to stand for free expression," he said.People of varied political beliefs are trying to define expansive speech as dangerous because it could bring results they don't accept, Zuckerberg said. "I personally believe this is more dangerous to democracy in the long term than almost any speech."Taking note of mounting criticism of the market dominance of Facebook and other tech giants, Zuckerberg acknowledged the companies' centralized power but said it's also "decentralized by putting it directly into people's hands. ... Giving people a voice and broader inclusion go hand in hand." John Stanton, a former fellow at Georgetown who heads a group called the "Save Journalism Project," called the CEO's appearance "a joke."Zuckerberg "is the antithesis of free expression," Stanton said in a statement. "He's thrown free speech, public education and democracy to the wayside in his thirst for power and profit."The social media giant, with nearly 2.5 billion users around the globe, is under heavy scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators following a series of data privacy scandals, including lapses in opening the personal data of millions of users to Trump's 2016 campaign.Facebook and other social media platforms have drawn accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that their platforms are steeped in anti-conservative bias.Zuckerberg recently fell into a tiff with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a leading Democratic presidential candidate, who ran a fake political ad on Facebook taking aim at the CEO. Warren has proposed breaking up big tech companies. With the phony ad, she was protesting Facebook's policy of not fact-checking politicians' speech or ads in the same way it enlists outside parties to fact-check news stories and other posts."We think people should be able to see for themselves," Zuckerberg responded Thursday on the fact-checking issue. "If content is newsworthy, we don't take it down even if it goes against our standards." The social media network also rebuffed requests that it remove a misleading video ad from Trump's re-election campaign targeting Democrat Joe Biden.A spokesman for Biden said Zuckerberg's speech was an effort "to cloak Facebook's policy in a feigned concern for free expression." "Facebook has chosen to sell Americans' personal data to politicians looking to target them with disproven lies and conspiracy theories, crowding out the voices of working Americans," campaign spokesman Bill Russo said in a statement.Several of the students' questions to Zuckerberg at Georgetown pointed up the conflict. One asked, if Facebook supports free speech, "why is conservative content disproportionately censored?" But another asserted that the policy of not fact-checking political ads is pro-conservative."I think it would be hard to be biased against both sides," Zuckerberg replied, smiling.Asked about the handling of questions, Facebook spokeswoman Ruchika Budhjara said, "They were submitted by students as they walked into the room. And they're being picked at random by Georgetown."
Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney are getting married this weekend.
They arrived on Rose Island for their rehearsal dinner, and will get married on Saturday at the Belcourt of Newport estate on Rhode Island.
They are expecting around 140 guests, including A-listers like Kris Jenner, singer Adele, Cameron Diaz, and Bradley Cooper, People reported.
29-year-old Lawrence and 34-year-old Maroney got engaged in February after dating for about a year. She told Entertainment Tonight "it was a very, very easy decision" to say yes.
Guests at the wedding ceremony can expect a luxurious menu of sweet potato flat cakes, pork belly, and marshmallow s'mores for dessert, TMZ reported.
Jennifer Lawrence and her fiancée Cooke Maroney arrived on Rhode Island Friday evening for their rehearsal dinner, People reported. The couple are set to tie the knot on Saturday.
They hosted 140 guests at an extravagant clambake underneath a white tent on Rose Island, according to People. Their wedding will be held at the Belcourt of Newport estate.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Terrifying Dagestani boxer Artur Beterbiev bludgeoned Oleksandr Gvozdyk in a statement light heavyweight championship win in Philadelphia's Liacouras Center on Friday.
Beterbiev was behind on the scorecards at the time of the 10th round stoppage, with ringside judges seeing Gvozdyk a slim 87-83, 86-85, 83-87 winner, but Beterbiev swung the fight fully in his favor, battering Gvozdyk with damaging blows.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
British people would prefer to stop Brexit altogether than leave the EU with Boris Johnson's deal, according to a new poll.
Just one-in-five voters (20%) would pick leaving the EU with Boris Johnson's proposed deal as their preferred scenario, according to the survey conducted by Kantar in the run-up to this week's EU summit.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Boris Johnson has agreed a deal with the European Union.
The deal sets the United Kingdom up for a significantly more distant relationship with the EU than that pushed for by Johnson's predecessor Theresa May.
Official UK government analysis published last year suggest that a deal along these lines would trigger a big economic hit for the UK.
Wages will fall and economic growth will be badly hit.
The deal means Britain will have a significantly more distant relationship with the EU than that agreed by former Prime Minister Theresa May, leaving most of the UK outside of its current trade and customs arrangements.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Pro-democracy protesters filled the stands at a preseason game between the Toronto Raptors and the Brooklyn Nets in Brooklyn, New York, Friday night. They wore shirts and masks and held signs in support of Hong Kong.
The protests in Hong Kong have been escalating for nearly five months. However, the NBA was pulled into the controversy earlier this month, after the general manager of the Houston Rockets Daryl Morey tweeted out an image of support for protests in Hong Kong.
The NBA responded to the since-deleted tweet, noting that it "deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable." However, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said in a follow-up statement that the league would not censor players or team owners.
Pro-democracy protesters filled the stands at a preseason game between the Toronto Raptors and the Brooklyn Nets in Brooklyn, on Friday night, wearing shirts and holding signs in support of Hong Kong.
The protests in Hong Kong have been escalating for nearly five months. What began as protests over a controversial extradition bill that would have allowed the extradition of Hong Kongers to mainland China, have morphed into larger pro-democracy protests.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who ran against President Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, said Friday that he supports impeaching the president — but isn't ready to call for his removal from office.
Kasich said he decided to back impeachment after hearing acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledge that Trump's decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Ukraine investigate the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign.
He first announced his change of heart on CNN on Friday afternoon, calling Mulvaney's acknowledgement the "final straw" and saying, "The last 24 hours has really forced me to review all of this."
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who ran against President Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primary, said Friday that he supports impeaching the president — but isn't ready to call for his removal from office.
Kasich said he decided to back impeachment after hearing acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledge Thursday that Trump's decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to his demand that Ukraine investigate the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Mulvaney later claimed his remarks were misconstrued.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Rudy Giuliani asked the State Department and the White House to grant a visa to a former Ukrainian official who Giuliani hoped had -"dirt" on Democrats, diplomat George Kent told congressional investigators.
During a closed-door testimony to Congress, Kent testified that Giuliani requested a visa in January 2019 for former Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin to travel to the United States, but the State Department ultimately denied the request.
Even though Giuliani couldn't provide passage to Shokin to the US, the two still spoke over a Skype call at the end of January.
"Shokin provided information, Giuliani has told CNN, about supposed coordination between Democrats and people in Ukraine, as well as claims about Biden's son Hunter Biden, who had sat on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings," CNN reported.
Several Western leaders, including former Vice President Joe Biden, pushed to have Shokin removed as top prosecutor amid concern that he was not pursuing corruption cases.
The extent of Rudy Giuliani's involvement in government institutions is coming into sharper focus.
A new report from CNN alleges that Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, asked the State Department and then the White House to grant a visa to a former Ukrainian official, diplomat George Kent told congressional investigators.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.
In the US, the in-store mobile wallet space is becoming increasingly crowded. Most customers have an option provided by their smartphone vendor, like Apple, Android, or Samsung Pay. But those are often supplemented by a myriad of options from other players, ranging from tech firms like PayPal, to banks and card issuers, to major retailers and restaurants.
With that proliferation of options, one would expect to see a surge in adoption. But that’s not the case — though Business Insider Intelligence projects that US in-store mobile payments volume will quintuple in the next five years, usage is consistently lagging below expectations, with estimates for 2019 falling far below what we expected just two years ago. See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Although competition in the US wireless carrier market remains fierce, the price war among the Big Four US carriers — Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint — began to cool over the past year.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
This is a preview of the AI in Telecommunications research report from Business Insider Intelligence. Purchase this report. 14-Day Risk Free Trial: Get full access to this and all Connectivity & Tech research reports. In the face of rising demand for data, increasingly saturated mobile markets, and stiff opposition from legacy players, tech entrants, and startups, global telecoms are locked in a battle for market share. These market pressures have led to vicious price wars for mobile services and, as a result, declining average revenue per user (ARPU).
Making matters worse, improvements in infrastructure and technology have made telecoms largely comparable in terms of coverage, connection speeds, and service pricing, meaning companies must transform their businesses if they hope to compete.
For many global telecoms, shoring up market share under today's pressures while also future-proofing operations means having to invest in AI. The telecom industry is expected to invest $36.7 billion annually in AI software, hardware, and services by 2025, according to Tractica.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
The first name in ride-hailing had a ton of hype around it for the first half of 2019 thanks to its IPO. And though the $8 billion valuation fell well short of speculations of $100 billion, Uber is still one of the biggest names on the market today.
Bob's Watches is the world's first and largest pre-owned and vintage Rolex watch exchange. The company makes buying and selling luxury watches an easy and comfortable experience.
Unlike some other watch dealers, Bob's Watches brings transparency to the luxury watch market by openly listing buying and selling prices for watches.
Every watch sold is guaranteed to be 100% authentic with authentic parts inside, and expert watch specialists and watchmakers double and triple check before any transaction takes place.
In addition to Rolex, Bob's Watches is also a reliable source for other luxury brands like Omega, Audemars Piguet, Breitling, Patek Phillip, Tudor, Cartier, and more.
More than just timepieces, luxury watches are viewed as symbols of status, and Rolex is often revered as the pinnacle of them all. It's true that some watch brands — Rolex, for one — aren't priced for everyone, but too many people completely write themselves off as being too far removed from the upper echelon who will have the luxury of owning a high-end watch one day.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Cheryl Eisen is the CEO of Interior Marketing Group and the go-to luxury-apartment stager in the New York area. The homes she stages start at $5 million and go as high as $230 million.
She works with her team to stage a $16.5 million penthouse in NoHo.
In order to attract buyers, she plans to make the space feel warmer, add sophistication to fit an upscale buyer, and include unique art pieces.
Narrator: This penthouse is listed for $16.5 million. And even though it's in a prime location in New York City, it's been on the market for a long time. The home was previously staged by a different company, but now, the building owners are bringing in the top gun, Cheryl Eisen, with the hopes that her staging expertise will get the place sold a lot faster. She's the go-to luxury apartment stager in the New York area.
Cheryl: So, some ways staging can miss the mark is really if you're telling the wrong story, and we'll have to come in and restage it, and that's what we're doing now.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
The finishing touch on a Christmas tree is the topper placed on the tip-top branch.
When purchasing a new Christmas tree topper, there are several things to keep in mind, which we detail below. I've always enjoyed looking for the most unique, easiest to position, and best value tree toppers for myself and others.
A Christmas tree topper holds a special place in holiday decorating. It is the crowning touch to the centerpiece of the season, the Christmas tree.
You may love a star like the Bailey family in "It's a Wonderful Life" or use a cherished family heirloom. I tend to change my tree topper every year or so depending on my mood. While I use many of the same ornaments that I have collected every year because they bring back such strong memories, I like switch out different tree toppers.
When purchasing a new topper, there are several things to keep in mind:
Style: Choose a topper that complements the style and profile of your tree. A star or angel looks good on a conical, full tree. A spire or elongated topper is perfect for a slim, pencil tree.
Height: Know the height of your tree and your ceiling. As a rule, the tree topper should have at least 5 inches of space between it and the ceiling. For example:
Height of tree: 4 to 5.5 feet
Recommended topper height: 5 inches
Recommended topper width: 3 inches
Height of tree: 6 to 6.5 feet
Recommended topper height: 7 inches
Recommended topper width: 5 inches
Height of tree: 7 to 7.5 feet
Recommended topper height: 4 inches
Recommended topper width: 4 inches
Support: Determine if your tree can support the weight of your chosen tree topper. Glass toppers are usually the heaviest with paper, plastic, and ribbon toppers the lightest.
Installation: Once you get your topper home, it's time to make sure it is going to stay in place and not tumble to the floor or topple your entire tree. I've had many a tilted topper and even a horizontal tree a couple of times. Both artificial and natural treetops can be reinforced with dowels to make them more sturdy. With artificial trees, several branches can be tied together to support heavier toppers. Use green floral tape to cover any wires or ties to give the tree a more natural look.
Safety: Always think safety first when placing the topper. Use a good stepladder and have someone hold the trunk of the tree in place as you add the topper. If the topper is lighted, use a UL-tested extension cord and weave it through the branches to prevent accidents. Consider using a nonbreakable topper if small children and climbing pets have access to the tree.
I've always enjoyed looking for the most unique, easiest to position, and best value tree toppers for myself and others. Read on in the slides below to discover our top picks in Christmas tree toppers for every decorating style.
Here are the best Christmas tree toppers you can buy:
Hand-crafted in silk and wool, this Silk Waldorf Angel Tree Topper from Etsy can be custom-made according to the size and hair color you desire.
I am always in awe of the talented people who sell their wares on Etsy, and it is there that I found my Custom Silk Waldorf Angel Tree Topper by artist Holly Shabtai.
Each angel is made with a wool body handcrafted from the fleece of New Mexico sheep and then topped with woolen and silk needle-felted fibers. There are poseable wire arms and wings, and the height can be customized from 10 inches to 22 inches. (For a tree topper, a 10-inch angel works best for the majority of tree heights.) You can work with Holly to select the hair color and accessories that make each angel unique.
While the angel has an opening that fits beautifully over the top branch of a tree, it can also be used as a centerpiece or part of a display. Angels are one of the two most popular tree toppers in the United States.
Nearly every one of Shabtai's reviews on Etsy gives her five stars, many citing her excellent craftsmanship. My angel brings me joy each time I see her ethereal beauty.
Pros: Handmade with natural fibers, available in a range of sizes, customizable, free shipping
Cons: Shipping is one to two weeks after the order is placed
The best star tree topper
The Lenox Glass Star is a classic tree topper that can become an heirloom Christmas piece.
Along with the angel, the star is one of the most popular tree toppers. Stars come in every iteration from simple five-points to intricate designs. The star can be flat or three-dimensional and made from paper, plastic, glass, metal, or wood. The Lenox Glass Star, which is brand new this year, combines frosted glass and metal to create a contemporary but classic star that will be gracing my tree this year
Like many star toppers, the Lenox Star is mounted on a spiral metal base. A spiral or conical base is easily adjusted to accommodate different-size tree branches. The star is 12.5-inches high from base to top tip and created from pieces of frosted glass fitted into a three-dimensional gold wire frame. Behind the glass star is a more contemporary star-burst sculpture made of gold metal. I love the juxtaposition of the two styles.
The star is translucent enough that I can place lights from the tree behind it to provide a glow without the need for a separate cord or outlet.
While I don't plan to return my star, Lenox offers a Breakage Replacement Program that guarantees that an item can be returned within 120 days for a replacement piece or refund.
Pros: Combines contemporary and traditional design, easy to attach to treetop, excellent return policy
Who couldn't "Believe" after seeing Santa guided by the North Star circling the top of your tree in his biplane as he tows a holiday banner? This Mr. Christmas animated tree topper is one of the newest and cutest illuminated toppers on the market.
I had to get one for my 2-year-old grandson's tree. He loves the movement, the lights, the plane, and of course, Santa. The star is around 8-inches wide and is lit by LED lights. Santa circles in his biplane as he tows a glittery message of "Believe".
The topper easily attaches to the tree with a unique two-band Velcro system. Simply insert Santa's guidewire between the pole and plane, and he is ready to fly. The topper is powered with an AC adapter that is plugged into an outlet and comes with an on/off switch. The topper is 20-inches tall from the base to the point of the star but can be positioned to nestle down in the tree or soar a bit higher.
Santa's biplane is brand new this year, but if you prefer his traditional sleigh, Mr. Christmas has you covered.
Pros: Animated and illuminated, quiet motor, easy to assemble, adjustable to the height of the treetop, 90-day warranty
Last week, Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin) recieved a message on Instagram calling her a "fake Christian" after she asked her followers for costume ideas and said she celebrates Halloween.
Then on Wednesday, she appeared to defend herself again by reposting a message to her Instagram story written by Hillsong Church pastor Nathan Finochio, in which he argued that Christians can celebrate Halloween despite criticism from some who see it as a pagan practice.
The model, who was raised as an evangelical Christian, reposted the message to her story, adding the word "YASSS."
With Halloween around the corner, Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin) is defending her right to celebrate the holiday as a practicing Christian.
The 22-year-old model reposted a message to her Instagram Story on Wednesday that was written by Hillsong Church pastor Nathan Finochio.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
The astronauts conducting the first all-female spacewalk in history paused their hourslong endeavor to take a congratulatory phone call from President Donald Trump on Friday.
In the conversation, the astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir wound up politely correcting the president about the history of women in space.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
Business Insider Intelligence is launching its brand new Banking coverage in early September. To obtain a free preview of our Banking Briefing, please click here. The Federal Reserve has rolled out a list of top US banks by assets, and we've broken down exactly how these banking giants manage to stay ahead of the competition. For decades banks have been merging, partnering, and expanding — so much so that the top four banks now account for 50% of all US banking assets.
Here are the top 10 banks in the US by assets, with key insights as to how they got there, where they plan to go in the future, and how smaller banks can compete in the industry.
For years, I struggled to find skin-care products that didn't irritate my super sensitive skin or leave me broke.
Simple Skincare was developed for people with sensitive skin, and products are free from harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrance, artificial color, drying alcohol, and more.
For years, I struggled to find the right skin-care products that wouldn't leave my sensitive skin with new breakouts, irritation, or dry patches, or my bank account with a negative balance. Forget haystacks — for me, finding a skin-care line that didn't irritate my sensitive skin or cost a fortune was like finding a needle in a pile of needles.
It's easy to make a no-sew ladybug costume for you or your little one using things you might already have on hand. Create red ladybug wings with black spots using fabric or cardboard and make a simple antennae headband. When you're ready to dress up, just wear the wings over a black shirt and add a few details, such as a ladybug mask or makeup spots. Pair the costume with the antennae headband and have fun!
Draw a large circle on red felt or cardboard. Decide how large you want your ladybug wings to be at their widest point. Then, lay red felt fabric or a piece of cardboard on your work surface. Use chalk or a pen to draw the circle on your material.[1]
To make little kid-sized ladybug wings, you might want to make the circle between . For an adult, try drawing a circle.
Cut out the circle and cut it in half. Use a sharp pair of scissors to carefully cut out the fabric or cardboard circle. Then, you can use a ruler to draw a straight line right down the middle of the circle. Cut the circle in half using the line as a guide.[2]
You should now have 2 halves for your ladybug wings.
Paint the wings red and let them dry if you used cardboard. Get out a bottle of red acrylic paint and dip a brush or roller into the paint. Cover the cardboard wings so they're completely red. Then, leave them to dry completely. This should take about 1 hour.[3]
If you used red fabric to make the wings, you can skip this step.
To make your ladybug wings sparkly, sprinkle a little red glitter over the red paint before it dries.
Cut out black fabric or cardboard circles. You can make the circles for the ladybug spots as big or small as you like. If you'd like perfectly round circles, set a glass on the material and trace around it. Then, cut around the circle and use it as a template to cut out more circles.
Make as many circles for your ladybug spots as you like. You might even make the spots different sizes.
Glue the black spots to the red wings. If you're using fabric, squeeze fabric glue onto the black spots before you stick them onto the wings. To glue black cardboard spots onto cardboard wings, try using wood glue.[4]
You can paint black spots onto the wings instead of attaching fabric or cardboard spots.
Glue the top of the wing tips together. Squirt a little fabric or wood glue onto the pointed end of 1 wing. Then, lay the other wing tip over the glue so the wings overlap at an angle by about . This will make the wings look as though they're spreading apart near the bottom. Remember to let the wings dry completely before you assemble the rest of your ladybug costume.[5]
To make the costume more secure, you can use hot glue to glue the wings together.
Choose a black headband. If you're going for a simple look, pick a plain headband that's comfortable to wear. You could also use a black headband that has decorative swirls or detail.[6]
You should use a sturdy headband, not a flexible fabric headband. This will help the antennae stay in place.
Twist the end of 2 black pipe cleaners onto the top of the headband. Take a long black pipe cleaner and wrap the bottom around the headband. The rest of the pipe cleaner should stick up from the top of the headband. Do this for the other pipe cleaner to make the other antenna.[7]
Try to leave between each antenna.
Tape the pipe cleaners to the headband using black tape. Tear off 2 pieces of black duct or electrical tape and stick them onto the pipe cleaners at the base of the headband. The tape will prevent the pipe cleaner antennae from sliding around.[8]
If you prefer, you could use red tape to give the headband a little more color.
Glue a red or black pom pom to the end of each antenna. Heat a hot glue gun and carefully squeeze a little glue onto the pom pom. Then, stick the pom pom onto the end of a pipe cleaner to make the end of the antenna. Repeat this for the other antenna.
Use caution when handling hot glue because it can easily burn you.
Use any size of pom poms, but keep in mind that large ones might make the antennae droop over.
You could also use black pom poms if you'd like completely dark antennae.
Twist each antenna into a curlicue if you'd like wiggly antennae. To give the antennae a sense of movement, wrap each one tightly around your index finger to curl them. Then, slide your finger out and pull gently on the pipe cleaner to unwind it a little.
Try bending the antennae to make a zigzag design too!
Pick a black shirt and pants. To make the red ladybug wings really stand out, you'll want to find a comfortable black shirt with black pants or get out a long-sleeve black leotard with leggings.
You could choose a red or black dress instead of the leotard or shirt.
Feel free to swap out red clothing for any of the black pieces. You could even cut red fabric circles to glue onto the black clothes.
Attach the ladybug wings to the back of your shirt. You can use fabric or wood glue to stick the top of the fabric or cardboard wings to the back of your shirt near your neckline. This will leave the wings so they hang down loosely. You should leave the glue to dry for at least 1 hour before you wear the costume.
If you don't want to wait for the glue to dry, use safety pins to attach the fabric wings to the shirt.
To make a longer lasting costume, sew the fabric wings onto the fabric of your shirt.
Apply spots to your face with makeup. To complete the ladybug look, use makeup or costume paint to draw small black and red dots across your face. If you'd like to cover more of your face with a design, draw red wings across your eyes and add black dots over them.[9]
You could also powder your face with a red blush before adding the black dots.
Add a tutu to make a toddler ladybug costume. Little kids love the feeling of twirling around with a bunch of tulle. Buy or make a red tutu that you can tie around your toddler's waist.[10]
You can leave the tutu solid red or glue black fabric circles to the tutu so they look like spots.
Wear an eye mask covered in spots. Buy a simple red eye mask and glue small black dots made of foam over the mask. These will look like ladybug spots. If you're short on time, draw the black dots using a permanent black marker.[11]
Espresso powder is most often used by bakers to enhance the flavor of brownies, cookies, and chocolate cakes. You can buy it from specialty stores, but you can also make a batch of your own espresso powder at home. All you need is espresso beans, a baking sheet, and a coffee grinder. Use your espresso powder to amp up baked goods, make a delicious steak rub, and even whip together a delicious hot beverage.
Use 1 cup (200 grams) of espresso beans to make 1 cup of espresso powder. Depending on how often you use espresso powder, you could make a bigger or smaller batch. Fresh beans that have been newly purchased will produce the best flavor, so try to make your espresso powder before your beans go stale.[1]
Beans generally stay fresh for about 2 weeks after they've been opened. If they're in a special container with a degassing valve, they could last for up to 6 months. for about 1 hour. Run the baked grounds through a grinder to pulverize them even further, and then store them in an airtight container.[2]}}
Preheat the oven to . The goal of baking the espresso beans is to slightly roast them while also drying them out even further. This helps them be ground to a much finer consistency.[3]
If you use a temperature lower than , you'll need to increase the total cooking time to compensate. For example, cooking at would require about 1.5 hours of baking time.
Spread the espresso beans over a baking sheet in a single layer. Use an unlined, ridged baking sheet. The ridge will keep the beans from accidentally spilling over the edge. Try to space the beans apart a little bit so that the hot air can get between all of them.[4]
A perk to baking the espresso beans is that your house will smell fantastic for a little while!
Bake the espresso beans for about 1 hour to give them a toasted flavor. Set a timer and let the oven do its work. There's no need to check on the beans or flip them during the 1-hour cook time.[5]
If you skip the baking step, the beans could create a powder that is a little too bitter for your baking needs.
Let the beans cool off for about 10 minutes once they're done baking. Once the timer goes off, use an oven mitt to remove the baking sheet from the oven. Set the baking sheet on top of the stove and let the beans cool off until they're no longer hot to the touch.[6]
If you let the beans cool off for longer than 10 minutes, that is totally fine. 10 minutes is just the minimum so that the beans aren't still hot when you go to grind them.
Grind the espresso beans in small 1/4 cup (50 gram) batches. Smaller batches will make a finer powder. If you did the entire cup at once, it would be hard to really grind things down to a fine consistency. Use a coffee grinder set to the finest grind possible and pulse each batch for 15 to 20 seconds.[7]
Transfer the espresso powder to an airtight container. Once the espresso beans have been ground into a fine, powder-like substance, use a spoon to transfer them into a storage container. Pick a container that is resealable or that has a tight-fitting lid.[8]
Keep in mind that a plastic container will absorb the smell and oil from the powder, so you may want to designate a specific container for your espresso powder.
Store the espresso powder in a cool, dry location for up to 6 months. If you made a big batch of espresso powder, rest assured that you have ample time to use it all up. Put it in a cupboard or pantry where it won't come into contact with any moisture.[9]
After 6 months, the powder will still be technically good, it just won't be as fresh or the best quality anymore.
Add espresso powder to your baking recipes for a rich, deep flavor. For most cookies, brownies, and chocolate cakes, add just a teaspoon (2 grams) of espresso powder to really enhance the flavor of the recipe. Add an additional teaspoon (2 grams) for an actual coffee flavor.[10]
Don't worry—a little espresso powder doesn't have to make your sweets taste like coffee. It really just enhances the flavors that are already in a sweet treat, especially when chocolate is involved.
Create a smokey steak rub with espresso powder, paprika, and brown sugar. Use 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of light brown sugar, 2 teaspoons (4 grams) of espresso powder, and 2 teaspoons (4 grams) of salt. Mix them together in a small bowl and sprinkle the rub onto both sides of a steak before you cook it. Cook the steak however you prefer and enjoy![11]
Feel free to mix up the rub by adding different spices. Cinnamon or chili powder would make a great addition!
Make mornings special with cinnamon-sugar-espresso toast. Combine 1 tablespoon (12.5 grams) of sugar, 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of espresso powder. Make your toast, butter it, and sprinkle the sugar mixture overtop.[12]
If you don't like butter, use a butter substitute. One or the other is necessary, otherwise, the sugar mixture won't have anything to stick to.
Enjoy a hot mocha toddy during the colder months. In a saucepan over medium heat, mix together 1/4 cup (50 grams) of light brown sugar, 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons (12 grams) of espresso powder, of milk, and of heavy cream. Heat the mixture until it is almost boiling, and then distribute it amongst mugs. Top the drink with whipped cream sprinkled with espresso powder.[13]
To add an extra kick to your hot toddy, pour of vodka into the pan along with the other ingredients.
If you don't have or can't make espresso powder, use double the amount called for of instant coffee. You could also sub out some liquid from the recipe and use that same amount of liquid espresso.
Espresso powder is caffeinated, so use decaf espresso beans if you want to steer clear of the caffeine.
Next time you're staring at your closet, thinking, "There's nothing to wear," resist your urge to blow a bunch of money on a shopping spree. Instead, re-style the clothes you already own. Mix and match outfits by layering in new ways and switching your shoes. Freshen up your plain shirts and pants with some rolling, cuffing, and tying and playing with accessories. You can also modify the clothes you own by distressing, cutting, tailoring, or dying. Soon you'll feel like you have a whole new wardrobe!
Wear pants under a dress. This look is coming back into style. You get the best of both worlds: the feminine fun of a dress with the practicality and mobility of pants. Choose fitted pants, like skinny or straight-leg jeans, and a flowy dress. Keep the pants plain in color so that the dress is still the star of the show.[1]
If you want to ease into this look, start with a shirt-dress, which looks sort of like a tunic. You'll get used to it and then go bold with a more feminine dress.
Wear leggings with a plaid shirt. You might think that leggings are only good for wearing to the gym, but you can make them into a cute, casual look by wearing a plaid shirt on top. You can layer the look by wearing a fitted T-shirt or tank top underneath, and then wearing the plaid shirt unbuttoned.[2]
This is a fun, casual look that's great for weekends.
Wear a T-shirt under a strappy dress. If you have to go somewhere a bit formal, but you really want to wear your pretty, strappy dress, put on a T-shirt underneath. It will give you the coverage you need to meet the dress code. It also shows off more of your dress than if you had to wear a cardigan on top, and it's cooler for the summer.[3]
Pick a color of shirt that goes well with your dress without distracting too much from it. Black or white shirts go well with most colors of dress.
This is a great way to make your fun and skimpy bar-hopping dress day-appropriate.
Match a blazer with jeans for date night. You don't have to only wear your work blazer to the office. Wear it with jeans and a solid-colored T-shirt for a smart-casual look perfect for date night or dinner. This works great for both men and women. You can also pair a blazer with a short, flowy dress, for a cute mashup of masculine and feminine styles.[4]
Wearing a blazer with a dress will give the ensemble a slightly tougher, edgier look than if you wore a cardigan.
Switch out your shoes. If you normally wear your outfit with casual sneakers, try it with a pair of heels or ankle boots. If you normally wear heels with it, try flats. Simply switching out your shoes can freshen up a tired outfit.[5]
Try wearing your colorful fancy heels to spice up a gray outfit.
Repurpose scarves as headbands and hair ribbons. In the spring and summer, it may be too warm for you to wear your favorite scarves around your neck, but you can repurpose them as fashionable headbands or hair ribbons. Simply tie a scarf around your head, for a headband, or put your hair up and tie the scarf in a bow around your hairstyle.[6]
This works best for small thin scarves, not blanket scarves!
Roll up your sleeves and unbutton your shirt. If you're tired of your boring old office-worthy button-down shirt, dress it up for a night on the town by rolling up the sleeves and unbuttoning the top few buttons. This works for both men and women. You'll show a little more skin, and feel like you're wearing a different shirt entirely.[7]
Pair this with jeans for a casual look, or with a flowy skirt for date night if that's your thing.
Cuff your pants. Change up the look of your jeans or other casual pants by cuffing them. Roll the bottoms of the pants up once or twice. It will look more casual than wearing them un-cuffed.[8]
Cuffing is a great way to show off stylish socks or ankle boots.
Cuff the sleeves of your T-shirt by rolling up the sleeves once or twice. This is a really popular look right now, and a great way to make a plain T-shirt look more put-together. Unfortunately, it's notoriously hard to get the rolled sleeves to stay rolled. If you really want them to stay put all day, you can put a rubber band around the base of each unrolled sleeve, and then roll them up.[9]
You could also just embrace the disheveled look of partially unrolled sleeves.
Many people claim this look is inspired by movie star James Dean.
Knot the bottom of your shirt. Instead of tucking in your button-up shirt, leave the last few buttons unbuttoned, and tie the two sides of the shirt in a pretty overhand knot. You can tuck in the sides of the shirt for a neater look, or leave them hanging for a more bohemian style.[10]
This also works for oversized T-shirts. You can gather together some of the extra fabric at the bottom of the shirt and twist it into a knot. This will make the T-shirt more fitted, and is a quick, casual look.
Elevate plain outfits with fun accessories. The plainer the outfit, the more accessories you'll look good wearing. Try a colorful belt, fun socks, a scarf, dangly earrings, a necklace, a cute watch, or a stack of bangle bracelets. Don't wear all of these at once! Just try one or two staple accessories to dress up any look.[11]
Wear a colorful belt with your black jeans and tuck in a white T-shirt. Instantly your outfit looks more interesting!
Big dangly earrings can instantly make your outfit look more formal and put-together. Wear your hair up if you really want to draw attention to your earrings.
Accessories don't have to be jewelry! If jewelry isn't your thing, try wearing a watch, a scarf, a belt, a headband, or some fun, colorful socks.
Distress your jeans. There's no need to go to the store and buy those expensive distressed jeans. You can easily distress your own jeans at home. With scissors, cut horizontal slits about away from each other in the front of your jeans. Use tweezers to pluck out the vertical blue threads between the two slits. You'll be left with only the horizontal white threads, just like you see in distressed jeans in the store.[12]
You can also rub your jeans with sandpaper to give them that soft, lived-in feel.[13]
Turn your jeans into cut-off shorts. If you're really sick of one of your pairs of jeans, you can transform it into a pair of shorts. First, put on your jeans and look in the mirror. Mark with chalk where you want the shorts to get cut off. Then take off your jeans and cut them with fabric scissors, about below where you marked, to leave enough room for error and fray.[14]
Lots of people like to cut their shorts at an angle, so that they are longer by the inner thigh and shorter at the outer thigh.[15]
Tailor your old dress. If you have a favorite old dress that you used to wear all the time, but doesn't fit anymore, you can tailor it so that it fits better. Many big clothing stores, like Macys, offer tailoring, or you can go to an independent tailor in your town. If you're skilled at sewing, you can tailor your own clothes by taking in the hems with a sewing machine.[16]
Tailoring is a great way to still wear your favorite clothes if your body has changed in shape or size over the years.
Dye your cotton or nylon shirts. Cotton and nylon are the easiest fabrics to dye at home. First fill a bucket with hot water that's about . Follow the mixing directions for the dye you're using and stir it into the hot water to make a dye bath. Test the color of the dye-bath by dipping in a paper towel, and modify it by adding more dye or more water until it reaches a good color. Wet your shirt with water, and pop it into the dye bath. Stir continuously for up to 30 minutes, until it reaches the color you want.[17]
Once you've dyed your shirt, take it out of the dye-bath, rinse it well, wash it in the washing machine, and hang it up to dry.
You can also organize a clothing-swap with your friends to trade clothes. Have each friend bring a couple items of clothes to trade. You can all take whichever pieces you want, and donate the rest.
Pumpkins are famous for being turned into jack-o'-lanterns, but this type of squash plant can also be used for making many delicious dishes. In order to do so, however, the skin must be peeled off. Pumpkins used for cooking, unlike those used for carving, have thicker skins that cover the fleshy fruit. Peeling the skin off is not a hassle with a vegetable peeler or sharp knife and a little dedication.
Wash the pumpkin to remove dirt and contaminants and soften the skin. Remove dirt and other contaminants from the skin by washing the pumpkin under warm water. Removing dirt keeps the pumpkin from beginning to rot, and warm water soften the skin, making it easier to peel off. Dry the pumpkin with a clean towel or let it air dry.
Cut the rounded top and bottom off of the pumpkin to create flat surfaces. Place the pumpkin on its side on a sturdy cutting board. Using a sharp kitchen knife, cut about off of the top and bottom of the pumpkin so that it has two flat sides.
The pumpkin should be able to steadily sit on its top and bottom after you make the cuts.
Set up the pumpkin and the peeler. Turn the pumpkin on its side on a cutting board so that one flat side faces towards you and the other flat side is away from you. Place the peeler in one hand and use the other hand to hold the pumpkin steady while you peel.
Peel the skin using the peeler, starting from the side closest to you. Similar to peeling a potato, push the peeler in a straight line, starting from the side closest to you and moving to the side farthest from you.[1]
You should aim to make peels that are about wide and are as long as the pumpkin's side.
Try to only cut off the skin and leave the flesh intact. The skin is the outermost layer that covers the thicker flesh.
Rotate the pumpkin to continue the peeling process. As you finish peeling sections, turn the pumpkin over to different sides.[2] Before continuing to peel on another side, remember to steady the pumpkin with your free hand.
Inspect the pumpkin and check to make sure all of the skin is peeled. You might have missed some spots as you were peeling. Rotate the pumpkin and check to see if you need to go back and peel places that you did not completely peel.
Prepare the pumpkin for peeling. Wash the pumpkin off and let it dry. Cut off the top and bottom to create flat surfaces.
Place the pumpkin on its side and get your knife ready. Similar to using a vegetable peeler, you will want to place the pumpkin on a cutting board, with one of the flat surfaces facing towards your body. Hold the knife in your fist with the blade pointing outwards.[3]
Cut away strips of skin by pushing the knife along the side of the pumpkin. You should be able to see where the inner flesh of the pumpkin meets the outer skin. Push the blade of your knife down the pumpkin from the end closest to you towards the other end. As you finish sections, rotate the pumpkin until it is completely peeled.
Make sure to push the knife slowly and deliberately to protect your fingers from getting cut. Doing so also reduces the risk of cutting out the flesh.[4]
Check to make sure all of the skin is peeled off. Rotate the pumpkin fully and see if there are any spots you missed before peeling them away.
Prepare the pumpkin by washing and slicing it into smaller sections. Depending on how big your kitchen appliances are, cut the pumpkin into halves or into more sections. After doing so, use a large spoon to scoop out the seeds and other fibers from the pumpkin's inside and place them into a bowl.
The inner seeds of the pumpkin are edible and make for a yummy snack! You can save them for later or choose to roast them when you cook the pumpkin.[5]
Bake the pumpkin in an oven. Pre-heat the oven to degrees. Place the pumpkin halves or sections onto a baking sheet. Once the oven warms up, put the pumpkin into it and cook for 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the sizes of the sections.[6]Check on the progress by sticking a fork into the flesh; when the fork easily punctures the flesh, take the pumpkin out and let it cool.
Cook the pumpkin using a microwave. Place the sections of the pumpkin into a microwave-safe dish with a small amount of water.[7] Microwave the pumpkin for approximately 10 minutes, checking the progress using a fork. Once the pumpkin flesh can be easily punctured with a fork. Let the pumpkin out and let it cool.
Depending on the microwave wattage and the size of the pumpkin slices, cooking time may vary. Keep an eye on it by checking on the pumpkin periodically as it cooks.
Peel the pumpkin using the vegetable peeler method or the knife method. The skin should come off much more easily, but still be cautious when using sharp kitchen instruments.[8] Look over the pumpkin and peel away any spots you may have missed.
ఏ ముహుర్తాన స్టార్ట్ చేశారో కానీ ఆర్-ఆర్-ఆర్ ప్రాజెక్టుకు అన్నీ అడ్డంకులే ఎదురవుతున్నాయి. ఇప్పటికే పలుమార్లు ఆగిపోయిన ఈ సినిమా షూటింగ్ మరోసారి నిలిచిపోయింది. అవును.. ప్రస్తుతం ఆర్-ఆర్-ఆర్ షూటింగ్ జరగడం లేదు. దీనికి ఓ ప్రత్యేకమైన కారణం ఉంది. లండన్ లోని రాయల్ ఆల్బర్ట్ హాల్ లో బాహుబలి బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ స్కోర్ ను లైవ్ కన్సర్ట్ రూపంలో ప్రదర్శించబోతున్నారు. స్వయంగా సంగీత దర్శకుడు కీరవాణి, ఈ లైవ్ కన్సర్ట్ ఇవ్వబోతున్నాడు. ఇదే ఈవెంట్ లో […]
ఒకప్పుడు రీమేక్ అంటే గొప్పగా చెప్పుకునేవాళ్లు. ఫలానా భాషలో సూపర్ హిట్ అయిన సినిమాను తెలుగులో రీమేక్ చేస్తున్నామంటూ ఘనంగా ప్రకటించుకునేవాళ్లు. కానీ ఇప్పుడీ ట్రెండ్ పూర్తిగా పోయింది. ఏ భాషలో సినిమాలైనా డిజిటల్ వేదికలపై అన్ని భాషల ప్రేక్షకులకు అందుబాటులోకి వచ్చేస్తున్న నేపథ్యంలో.. రీమేక్ అని చెబితే ముందుగానే బజ్ చేజారిపోతోంది. అందుకే మేకర్స్ ఎవరూ తమ సినిమా రీమేక్ అని చెప్పడం లేదు. ఇప్పుడీ లిస్ట్ లోకి రాజుగారి గది 3 కూడా చేరింది. […]
ఆర్టీసీ సమ్మె పట్ల కఠిన వైఖరినే అవలంభించాలని సీఎం కేసీఆర్ నిర్ణయించుకున్నారు. చర్చలు జరపాలంటూ హైకోర్టు సూచించిన నేపథ్యంలో కేసీఆర్ ఏదో ఒక నిర్ణయం తీసుకుంటారని భావించారు. శనివారం ఉదయం 10.30 గంటలకల్లా కార్మిక సంఘాలతో చర్చలు ప్రారంభించండి అని హైకోర్టు శుక్రవారం సూచించింది. దాంతో శుక్రవారం రాత్రి ఆర్టీసీ సమస్యపై చర్చించేందుకు ఉన్నతాధికారులను సమీక్షకు కేసీఆర్ పిలిపించారు. సీఎంవో నుంచి వచ్చిన ఆదేశాలతో రవాణా శాఖ ముఖ్య కార్యదర్శి సునీల్ శర్మ, కమిషనర్ సందీప్కుమార్ సుల్తానియా, […]
టెస్ట్ సిరీస్ లో సఫారీ స్పిన్నర్ల అష్టకష్టాలు 3 ఇన్నింగ్స్ లో 1000 పరుగులిచ్చి 10 వికెట్లు టెస్ట్ క్రికెట్ టాప్ ర్యాంకర్ భారత్ తో జరుగుతున్న మూడుమ్యాచ్ ల టెస్ట్ సిరీస్… మొదటి రెండు టెస్టులు, మూడు ఇన్నింగ్స్ లోనే సౌతాఫ్రికా స్పిన్నర్లు తేలిపోయారు. స్పిన్నర్ల అడ్డా భారత గడ్డపై పరుగులు ధారాళంగా సమర్పించుకొంటూ అయోమయంలో చిక్కుకొన్నారు. విశాఖ పట్నం వేదికగా ముగిసిన తొలిటెస్టుతో పాటు పూణే టెస్ట్ తొలిఇన్నింగ్స్ వరకూ సఫారీ స్పిన్ త్రయం […]
విష్ణుమూర్తికి పదో అవతారాన్ని అంటూ ప్రజలను నమ్మించి వందల కోట్లు కూడబెట్టిన విజయనాయుడు అలియాస్ కల్కి భగవాన్కు సంబంధించి భారీ ఆస్తులను ఐటీ అధికారులు గుర్తించారు. మూడు రోజులుగా ఐటీ అధికారులు కల్కి ఆశ్రమం, ఇతర కార్యాలయాల్లో దాడులు నిర్వహిస్తున్నారు. సౌత్ ఇండియాలో దాదాపు 40 చోట్ల దాడులు జరిగాయి. ఆశ్రమంతో పాటు, వివిధ కార్యాలయాల్లో గుట్టలు గుట్టలుగా డబ్బు ఉండడాన్ని ఐటీ అధికారులు గుర్తించారు. కిలోల కొద్ది బంగారం, భారీగా వజ్రాలు, కోట్ల విలువైన విదేశీ […]
నువ్వానేనా అంటున్న ఢిల్లీ, బెంగాల్ కప్పు కొడితే 3 కోట్ల రూపాయల ప్రైజ్ మనీ ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా కోట్లాదిమంది అభిమానులను అలరిస్తూ వస్తున్న ప్రో-కబడ్డీలీగ్ 7వ సీజన్ టైటిల్ సమరానికి అహ్మదాబాద్ లోని ఏకా ఎరీనా వేదికగా కౌంట్ డౌన్ ప్రారంభమయ్యింది. తొలిసారిగా ఫైనల్స్ కు అర్హత సాధించిన బెంగాల్ వారియర్స్, దబాంగ్ ఢిల్లీ జట్లు ఈరోజు జరిగే ఆఖరాటలో అమీతుమీ తేల్చుకోనున్నాయి. హాట్ ఫేవరెట్ ఢిల్లీ… 7వ సీజన్ కబడ్డీలీగ్ లో తిరుగులేని విజయాలు సాధిస్తూ నాకౌట్ […]
మరో టీడీపీ ఎమ్మెల్యే నేరం చేసి కేసుల్లో ఇరుక్కున్నారు. గన్నవరం ఎమ్మెల్యే వల్లభనేని వంశీపై పోలీసులు కేసు నమోదు చేశారు. తహసీల్దార్ సంతకం ఫోర్జరీ చేసిన వ్యవహారంలో వంశీపై కేసు నమోదు అయింది. ఎన్నికల సమయంలో ఓట్ల కోసం ప్రజలను మోసం చేసేందుకు వల్లభనేని వంశీ ప్రయత్నించడంతో పాటు తహసీల్దార్ సంతకాన్ని ఫోర్జరీ చేశారన్నది అభియోగం. ఓటర్లను ఆకర్షించేందుకు నియోజక వర్గంలోని బాపులపాడు మండలంలో వేలాది ఇళ్ల పట్టాలను వల్లభనేని వంశీ పంచిపెట్టారు. అప్పటికే బదిలీ అయిన […]
క్లీన్ స్వీప్ కు గురిపెట్టిన భారత్ ఐసీసీ టెస్ట్ చాంపియన్షిప్ లీగ్ లో భాగంగా..టాప్ ర్యాంకర్ భారత్, మూడో ర్యాంకర్ సౌతాఫ్రికాజట్ల నడుమ జరుగుతున్న తీన్మార్ టెస్ట్ సిరీస్ లోని ఆఖరాటకు రాంచీలోని జార్ఖండ్ ఇంటర్నేషనల్ క్రికెట్ స్టేడియంలో రంగం సిద్ధమయ్యింది. శనివారం నుంచి ఐదురోజులపాటు జరుగనున్న ఈ మ్యాచ్ భారత్ కు చెలగాటం…సఫారీలకు పరాజయాల హ్యాట్రిక్ సంకటంగా మారింది. మొదటి రెండుటెస్టుల్లో భారీవిజయాలు సాధించడం ద్వారా ఇప్పటికే సిరీస్ ఖాయం చేసుకొన్న భారత్..మూడోవిజయం కోసం తహతహలాడుతోంది. 200 […]
(BARDARASH, Iraq) — For months, every time Turkey threatened to invade northern Syria, Salwa Hanna told her husband they should take their children and flee from the border town of Kobani. And every time, he told her not to worry, because the Americans were there.
Now the Christian family is among an estimated 160,000 Syrians who have fled Turkey’s offensive, which began last week after President Donald Trump announced he would move U.S. forces out of the way, abandoning their Kurdish allies. The invasion transformed one of the safest parts of Syria into a war zone, leaving displaced residents with a deep sense of betrayal.
Hanna and her husband arrived Thursday at a newly reopened camp in Iraq with their children and two small bags of clothes. They said they borrowed $200 to pay a smuggler to lead them across the border and have nothing left. They were shown to an empty tent with a bare concrete floor. “I left my home, and I had just started a new home, and I left it all behind,” Hanna said. “There are no emotions anymore. We live as if we are dead.”
They are originally from Afrin, a Kurdish enclave in northwestern Syria that fell to Turkish troops and allied Syrian fighters in early 2018. There were no Americans in Afrin, and after the Kurds retreated there was no one to prevent the Syrian fighters — a motley crew of former rebels, Islamists, guns for hire and outright bandits — from looting and pillaging.
“They stole cars, they stole whatever they wanted. They even stole sandals,” Hanna’s husband, Abdulrahman Ali, said as he waved a flip-flop in the air. “They stole everything. All in the name of revolution or whatever.”
So the couple fled with their 10-year-old and their two-year-old, who suffers from asthma. “When they attacked Afrin it was winter, there were no doctors. I thought my son was going to die in front of me,” Hanna said.
The harrowing journey brought them to Kobani.
A U.S.-led international coalition had partnered with Syrian Kurdish fighters to defeat the Islamic State group, a campaign that began in Kobani after the Kurds were nearly annihilated there in 2014. Northeastern Syria, where armored vehicles mounted with American flags could be seen patrolling on the outskirts of some towns, was a rare refuge from the civil war. Hanna and her husband found work and started setting up a new home. But a shadow clouded their newfound sense of security.
Turkey views the Kurdish fighters in Afrin and northeastern Syria as terrorists because of their links to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which has waged a bloody insurgency inside Turkey since the 1980s. After Afrin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeatedly threatened to expand the offensive into eastern Syria, vowing to carve out a “safe zone” extending 30 kilometers (20 miles) deep along the border.
For months, the U.S. worked to hold it off, agreeing to joint patrols and other measures aimed at easing tensions between NATO ally Turkey and America’s Kurdish partners. The presence of small numbers of American troops in places like Kobani served as a trip-wire to deter an invasion. Then, earlier this month, after a phone call with Erdogan, Trump announced that U.S. forces would pull back. The operation began on Oct. 9.
“For a whole year the Turks threatened us,” Hanna said. “I kept saying we should escape, because with the Turks there is no security. But my husband always said there are Americans, Britain, France, and they won’t abandon us.”
And then, just like that, the Americans left, and her family’s fearful flight resumed.
The Trump administration has defended its decision against withering criticism, even from fellow Republicans, saying it was opposed to the invasion but powerless to stop it. After a senior U.S. delegation negotiated a halt to the offensive that locks in Turkey’s gains while largely removing the threat of sanctions, Trump called it a “great day for civilization.”
But nothing in the agreement will allow the family to return to either of their homes. Abandoned by America, they are trusting in an even higher and more inscrutable power. “The foreigners are not with us, neither the Americans nor the French nor anyone else,” Ali said. “Only God is with us.”
In Mexico’s big cities, drug cartel gunmen normally act like phantoms. They hide in safe houses or amid communities, suddenly striking with an assassination or a gunfight, and then disappearing again. Residents know they are there and are scared, but most the time, they can’t see them.
But on Thursday in the Sinaloan city of Culiacan, the cartel gunmen were everywhere. They openly drove in trucks with mounted machine guns, blockaded streets flashing their Kalashnikovs and burned trucks unleashing plumes of smoke like it was a scene in Syria. They took control of the strategic points in the metro area, shut down the airport, roads, and government buildings and exchanged fire with security forces for hours, leaving at least eight people dead. In contrast, everyone else had to act like ghosts, hiding behind locked doors, not daring to step outside.
And in this unusual battle, the Sinaloa Cartel won. Their uprising was in response to soldiers storming a house on Thursday and arresting Ovidio Guzman, the 28-year old son of convicted kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. In February, the U.S. Justice Department announced it had indicted Ovidio Guzman on trafficking cocaine, marijuana and meth. But after hours of cartel chaos, Mexico’s federal government gave soldiers the go ahead to release him. It capitulated.
Augusto Zurita—APBurnt vehicles used by gunmen smolder on an intersection, one day after street battles with security forces, in Culiacan on Oct. 18.
I’ve covered Mexico’s drug violence for 18 years, written two books about the subject, and seen many extraordinary episodes. In Sinaloa, the cradle of drug traffickers, I’ve repeatedly been on the crime beat chasing bullet-ridden corpses and into the mountains to Guzman’s opium-growing village. But Thursday was different. It wasn’t gangster action; it was a mass insurrection.
“There was panic, terror, the city was under siege,” says Vladimir Ramirez, a political scientist in Culiacan, who like many has continued curfew into Friday. “People slept wherever they were at. Businesses are closed, nobody wants to go out.”
This change has not come overnight. It is the result of a bloody trend of cartels developing insurgent tactics over many years. The use of burning vehicles to block roads was taken from militant protesters; cartels use it to stop the movement of troops and put pressure on the government. The cartels have armed up with stolen military weapons and an endless stream of rifles from the United States. Between 2007 and 2018, more than 150,000 firearms seized in Mexico were traced to U.S. gun shops and factories.And cartels from the Texas border to Guadalajara have learned to protect their leaders with rings of gunmen who can cause trouble to stop their capture.
Yet it was still shocking on Thursday to see how fast the cartel moved and how brazenly the gunmen stayed on the streets. Residents took dozens of photos of the armed thugs that circulated on social media, amplifying the threat. And it was almost a side note that there was a simultaneous prison break in which 51 inmates fled.
Jesus Bustamante—ReutersCartel gunmen are seen during clashes with federal forces in Culiacan on Oct. 17.
“The Sinaloa Cartel demonstrated a tremendous ability to mobilize rapidly and take effective control of the city,” says Raul Benitez, an expert on Latin America’s armed conflicts. “They showed that in Sinaloa, they are the ones who run things.”
In contrast, the Mexican military was in shambles. Officials made contradictory and confusing statements about why the soldiers had gone to Guzman’s house without enough back up. In many points in the city, the cartel gunmen went unchallenged. There were reports that the cartel had held various soldiers hostage and threatened to kill them. And in these circumstances, it was best to let the suspect go, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Friday.
“You can’t fight fire with fire…We don’t want deaths. We don’t want war,” Lopez Obrador said in his morning press conference. “With justice, we will guarantee peace and tranquility in the country.”
Lopez Obrador won power last year in a landslide election and still enjoys high approval ratings. His decision Thursday to avoid further bloodshed earned support from some. Ramirez, the political scientist in Culiacan, says that the gunmen in Culiacan were not attacking civilians but the menace was clear and they could have unleashed a bloodbath. “It was a threat of terrorism,” Ramirez says. “The government acted with great responsibility.”
Others criticized Lopez Obrador for surrendering to criminals. “His idea of peace and love doesn’t work. He is making the cartel stronger,” Benitez says. “I don’t even know what his strategy is.”
Alfredo Estrella—AFP/Getty ImagesA wall is pockmarked with bullet holes in Culiacan on Oct. 18.
The worry now is that Mexican’s government’s decision to release Guzman sets a precedent. If other traffickers are arrested, their cohorts could kidnap people to demand their release. It also raises the specter of the cartel appearing more powerful than the army, which could have implications for governability. There has long been an image of traffickers as rebels and some in Sinaloa call them “valientes” or “brave ones.” Now it appears like these rebels are almost in control.
This support for drug traffickers is reflected in songs known as narco corridos or drug ballads that celebrate their exploits. Following Thursday’s carnage, various songwriters quickly penned brand new lyrics about Ovidio Guzman and posted their verses online.
“Rumors are heard, they are taking Ovidio Guzman. In the moment, there are mobilizations,” a singer croons in one, “The señor, they won’t take him prisoner. There is war and we’re going to fight.”
The first Chick-fil-A location in the U.K. will be closing in six months. The Oracle shopping mall in Reading, England had entered into a six-month pilot period with the American fast food chain, but announced Friday — only eight days after the fast food restaurant’s grand opening — that it would not be renewing the lease, according to the BBC.
“At the Oracle, we offer an inclusive space where everyone is welcome,” said a spokesperson for The Oracle in a statement to TIME. “We always look to introduce new concepts for our customers, however, we have decided on this occasion that the right thing to do is to only allow Chick-fil-A to trade with us for the initial six month pilot period, and not to extend the lease any further.”
A Chick-fil-A spokesperson, however, says the company always intended to only be at in Reading for that six month pilot. “We have been very pleased with what we’ve seen in the U.K. in terms of customer response to our food and our approach to customer service,” a spokesperson for Chick-fil-A said in a statement to TIME. “We mutually agreed to a six month lease with the Oracle Mall in Reading as part of a longer term strategy for us as we look to expand our international presence.”
Chick-fil-A, an Atlanta-based company that has often made headlines for heartwarming stories of customer service, is owned by a family who, in 2012, faced backlash for their ties to millions of dollars of donations to anti-LGBTQ causes. The chain’s owners have publicly stated they support the “biblical definition of marriage.” WinShape Foundation, the owner’s charity foundation, had also donated $1,000 to Exodus International, according to tax records obtained by Equality Matters, an LGBT advocacy organization. Exodus International closed in 2013, but had been a proponent of conversion therapy.
The Reading restaurant opened on October 10, and Chick-fil-A told local newspaper the Reading Chronicle that “we are pleased to have already served several hundred customers in our first day.” But the backlash to its presence was swift, as local paper Berkshire Live noted.
Reading Pride, a local LGBT advocacy group, had planned a Saturday protest against the mall. “The chain’s ethos and moral stance goes completely against our values, and that of the UK as we are progressive country that has legalized same-sex marriage for some years, and continues to strive towards equality,” said organization in a public statement.
This Saturday in #rdguk we will be peacefully protesting @ChickfilA outside the broad street @OracleReading entrance from 11am.
Meeting at 10am @theblagrave for debrief and breakfast.
Chick-fil-A declined to respond on the record to TIME’s question as to whether the company had been planning to extend the lease after the six month pilot period.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he won’t forget a letter from U.S. President Donald Trump that warned him not to be a “fool,” a “tough guy” or a “devil,” and vowed a response to what he said was a missive out of line with diplomatic courtesies.
Trump penned the warnings in a letter to Erdogan dated Oct. 9 in an effort to persuade the Turkish leader not to start a military offensive in Syria. Turkey sent troops across the border to push back American-backed Kurdish fighters on the same day, and the operation was its response to Trump’s letter, according to Gulnur Aybet, an aide to Erdogan.
Erdogan’s remarks on Friday are his first public reaction to the widely ridiculed letter. They come a day after he reached a deal with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence in Ankara to halt Turkey’s offensive for 120 hours to allow the withdrawal of Kurdish fighters that Ankara considers a terrorist threat.
Erdogan said he was withholding a response at the moment.
“We don’t see this issue as our priority today,” he told press in Istanbul. But, “it should be known that when the time comes, necessary action will be taken regarding this issue.”
Erdogan is expected to meet Trump in Washington on Nov. 13.
Pastor Jules Mulindwa runs a rollicking Congolese megachurch complete with flashing lights and a live band. Walk into Sunday services and the applause is startling. Don’t even bother shouting into the ear of the person next to you as the MC — wearing a ruffled white tuxedo shirt beneath a royal blue suit — whips the crowd into an ecstatic fervor. Your neighbor is never going to hear you.
The wooden stage at the front of the Cite de Refuge church is painted the sky blue of the Congolese national flag and from it, the faithful shout long-winded testimonials into a microphone. “Those people like Ebola. They’re becoming famous and successful from it,” hollers a middle-aged male parishioner wearing a black suit, near the end of an 8-minute ramble. “They can keep it. Ebola will never reach this church,”
For more than a year, the Ebola virus has ravaged communities in the far east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – the provinces of North Kivu, Ituri, and, most recently, South Kivu — areas already wracked by dire poverty, more than 130 armed groups, widespread violence, and mass displacement. When the outbreak was declared in August 2018, it was classified as a Grade 3 Emergency, the World Health Organization’s most dire designation for public health crises. In mid-July, after the first confirmed case of Ebola Virus Disease surfaced in North Kivu’s capital Goma — a city of nearly two million people bordering Rwanda and home to the Cite de Refuge — the WHO declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. It is now the second-largest Ebola outbreak in history with 3,220 reported cases and 2,150 deaths.
Mention Ebola in Goma and you’ll hear a riot of rumors, half-truths, and conspiracy theories about the disease: that it doesn’t exist; that it’s been imported for financial gain; that it’s being used to kill people as part of an organ theft plot. A study published in September in the journal PLOS One found that 72% of respondents were dissatisfied with or mistrustful of the Ebola response and 12% believed that the disease “was fabricated and did not exist in the area.”
Misinformation is a key factor in making the outbreak so difficult to stamp out, say experts. “One of the reasons why things look so bad is the great suspicion of authorities: a great suspicion that this outbreak was propagated, that it’s not real, that it’s a big hoax,” says Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “It’s made controlling Ebola very problematic.”
Long an incurable disease, Ebola may someday be preventable and treatable thanks to recent drug advances. Still, with an almost 70% fatality rate during this current outbreak, Ebola continues to be obscenely lethal. To survive it, early medical intervention is key. But Pastor Jules Mulindwa, a compact man with a receding hairline and a thin mustache, has his own protocol. While he doesn’t discount medical science, he doesn’t believe it’s necessary. Experts say that the new Ebola drugs – known as REGN-EB3 and mAb114 – are the first clearly effective treatments for Ebola, but Pastor Jules promotes a different cure: Just bring a bottle of water from your home to his church and raise it high. “From the pulpit, I pray for the water. Then you drink it and you’ll be healed, even if you have Ebola,” he says.
John Wessels—AFP/Getty ImagesJanine Kibwana, 32-years-old, an Ebola survivor and mother to five children sits inside her living room in Beni, north eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on September 17, 2019.
In his cavernousCite de Refuge, Pastor Jules is all smiles and bombast. He gets big laughs talking about rival preachers drinking lotoko — local moonshine that looks like water but tastes like gasoline. The crowd eats it up.
At his home, the bombast remained, but the smiles were absent. He was getting a bad rap, Pastor Jules told me as we sat in the well-manicured courtyard of his large brick compound in a tony part of town along the shore of Lake Kivu. The son of a Pentacostal minister from Goma, Pastor Jules started his own church a decade ago. Now, he claims to have a huge congregation and an empire of 50 churches dotting the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pastor Jules had become wildly successful (and seemingly wealthy), but the good fortune had won him lots of enemies. Jealous preachers and priests were spreading rumors about him. “They’re using Ebola to attack me,” he complained.
More than a year ago, according to local media reports, Pastor Jules prophesied an imminent end to the Ebola outbreak in North Kivu and decreed that it would never reach the city of Goma. (Ebola is still present and surfaced twice, resulting in four cases, in Goma this summer.) More recently, he has been accused of making claims that Ebola has been weaponized by the West to “exterminate Africans” and that healthcare workers are killing people and blaming it on Ebola. But Pastor Jules says local journalists are as bad as the religious leaders who are out to get him. “They are saying that I said ‘there is no Ebola,’ but I never said that,” he explained, wagging his finger my way.
According to Pastor Jules, the Ebola virus is real, but the outbreak has been prolonged by a vast conspiracy of local journalists, doctors, and healthcare providers who are all “working for Ebola,” he said. That is, they’re stoking the outbreak and working together to make money off it. The worst offender, he told me, is the World Bank. In fact, the World Bank pledged $300 million in grants and credits immediately after the WHO’s declaration of a global public health emergency. (The money is going to support the Congolese government, the WHO, a host of other United Nations agencies, and work programs to support the local economy.) “If the World Bank stops funding it, then Ebola will stop,” said Pastor Jules. For all his ire, however, Pastor Jules wasn’t entirely against the World Bank. He was, in fact, open to sharing in the $300 million for his role in “spiritually” fighting Ebola. “If they were serious, [healthcare workers] would get one part and, myself, I would get one part,” he told me.
Pastor Jules Mulindwa is far from alone in holding unfounded beliefs about Ebola. A study published in The Lancet in March, found widespread Ebola conspiracy theories in the region and a significant belief in misinformation about the outbreak. About 85% of those surveyed had heard statements about the outbreak being “fabricated for financial gains.” About 33% of respondents believed it.
Conducted in North Kivu in September 2018 – not long after the outbreak began – The Lancet survey found a profound lack of trust in government authority. Less than a third of those surveyed trusted local authorities—a statistic that would be dismal if not for the fact that just 2.1% trusted the national government. But this is hardly surprising in a region where various official agencies and powerful politico-military forces have been enmeshed in widespread corruption and violent atrocities. Effective government services are a rarity. An estimated 15.9 million Congolese suffer severe food insecurity and struggle to feed themselves daily and 7.5 million children are in need of humanitarian assistance, with millions suffering from malnutrition.
The Lancet study found that almost 90% of respondents heard the claim that Ebola does not exist and more than a quarter of respondents believed it. Similar numbers of people were told — and believed –that the disease was created in an effort to destabilize the region.
Other Ebola conspiracy theories seem equally widespread and are rooted in misunderstandings of correlations. Because of their fears and misconceptions about the disease, many victims avoid Ebola treatment centers until they are gravely ill – often too late for effective treatment – and die at the facility, thereby perpetuating the myth that the centers are the real threat. “There is a persistent belief that we are deliberately infecting people or even if people don’t believe it’s deliberate, they believe they will get the infection by going to the Ebola health center,” said Margaret Harris, a WHO spokesperson and medical doctor who responded to the West African Ebola outbreak of 2014-2016 in addition to the current one in Congo.
Historically, medical interventions have actually been part of the problem. During the first recorded Ebola outbreak – in a different part of Congo (then known as Zaire) – the infection was spread by poorly-trained Belgian nuns operating a rural clinic where they injected pregnant women with B vitamins and calcium gluconate. The practice was popular with patients but unnecessary and the widespread use of unsterilized syringes led to the deaths of large numbers of people.
Today in Congo, private and informal clinics run by local entrepreneurs continue the tradition of doing more harm than good, said the WHO’s Margaret Harris. “People running these clinics are often not doctors and nurses. They’re often people with no health training. While medical personnel don’t have all the answers, they at least would hopefully understand infection control practices,” she told me. “There are extremely poor infection control practices in many of these health clinics. Children are made to lay in beds previously occupied by Ebola patients and the beds have never been cleaned.” It’s potentially lethal and has hampered efforts to contain the outbreak.
Pastor Jules claims his Ebola cure is rooted in science. Sort of. “They say with Ebola, ‘you have to wash your hands,’” he told me. “My church has a 6,000-liter tank, so we always use water.” For reasons that are unclear, however, Pastor Jules says the water available at the Cite de Refuge church is not used to cure Ebola. Rather, it’s the water from his followers’ homes that he transforms into an Ebola cure through prayer.
Pastor Jules responded to my incredulity about his powers by claiming he was, in fact, an everyman. “I’m a normal guy, a simple guy,” he said before letting slip that curing Ebola might not even be his most impressive feat. He told me that he can, in fact, heal just about any malady – cholera, malaria, and during a summer crusade in Kindu, a city in Maniema province, blindness in three people. Then as if an afterthought he mentioned one more feat in a torrent of talk. “I also,” Pastor Jules said as if it were all in a day’s work, “resurrected two dead bodies.”
(KABUL, Afghanistan) — An explosion rocked a mosque in eastern Afghanistan as dozens of people gathered for Friday prayers, causing the roof to collapse and killing 62 worshippers, provincial officials said. The attack underscored the record-high number of civilians dying in the country’s 18-year war.
Attahullah Khogyani, spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar Province, said the militant attack wounded 36 others. He said it was not immediately clear if the mosque was attacked by a suicide bomber or by some other type of bombing.
“Both men and children are among those killed and wounded in the attack,” he said.
Sediq Sediqqi, spokesman for Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, strongly condemned the attack on his official Twitter account. “The Afghan government strongly condemns today’s suicide attack in a mosque in Nangarhar province,” he tweeted.
“The Taliban and their partners heinous crimes continue to target civilians in time of worship,” he added.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but both the Taliban and the Islamic State group are active in eastern Afghanistan, especially Nangarhar province.
However, Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s spokesman in a statement condemned the attack in Nangarhar and called it a serious crime.
Zahir Adil, spokesman for the public health department in Nangarhar Province, said 23 of the wounded were transferred to Jalalabad, the provincial capital, and the rest were being treated in the Haskamena district clinic.
The violence comes a day after a United Nations report said that Afghan civilians are dying in record numbers in the country’s increasingly brutal war, noting that more civilians died in July than in any previous one-month period since the U.N. began keeping statistics.
“Civilian casualties at record-high levels clearly show the need for all parties concerned to pay much more attention to protecting the civilian population, including through a review of conduct during combat operations,” said Tadamichi Yamamoto, the U.N. secretary-general’s special representative for Afghanistan.
The report said that pro-government forces caused 2,348 civilian casualties, including 1,149 killed and 1,199 wounded, a 26% increase from the same period in 2018.
The report said 2,563 civilians were killed and 5,676 were wounded in the first nine months of this year. Insurgents were responsible for 62 percent. July to September were the deadliest months so far this year.
Efforts to restart talks to end Afghanistan’s 18-year war picked up earlier this month, just weeks after President Donald Trump last month declared the talks “dead,” blaming a surge in violence by the Taliban that included the killing of a U.S. soldier.
U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad visited Pakistan and met with the Taliban’s top negotiator, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. Baradar is a co-founder of the hard-line Islamic movement and was head of a Taliban delegation to the Pakistani capital.
U.S. officials said Khalilzad was only in the Pakistani capital to follow up on talks he held in September in New York with Pakistani officials, including Prime Minister Imran Khan. They insisted he was not in Pakistan to restart U.S.-Taliban peace talks.
In western Herat province, six civilians including four children were killed Thursday when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb, said Jelani Farhad, spokesman for the provincial governor. He added that five other civilians were wounded in the attack in the Zawal district.
Scotch whisky, French wine and Italian cheeses are about to become much more expensive, after President Donald Trump imposed some $7.5 billion worth of tariffs on E.U. goods.
The new tariffs of 25% came into force at just past midnight on Friday, the latest salvo in Trump’s trade wars around the globe. They add to tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum imports from the E.U. in place since 2018.
The U.S. is the E.U.’s biggest export market for food and drink, with 16% of all exports flowing there.
The E.U. responded by saying it would impose its own tariffs “in due course” on the U.S. airplane manufacturer Boeing.
Here are some products targeted by the new tariffs
The list of products released by the U.S. Trade Representative runs to 20 pages, and includes very specific descriptions of products targeted. Here is a generalized list of some of them. All tariffs are 25% and apply to the whole E.U. except where otherwise specified:
Single-malt whiskies from Scotland and Ireland
Airplanes heavier than 30,000 kg (10%)
Men’s and women’s clothing from the U.K.
Dairy products, including butter, yogurt, and cheeses including parmesan
Fruit, including fresh fruit, dried fruit and fruit juice
Pork, including prepared or preserved pork
Olives and olive oil from France, Germany, Spain and the U.K.
Wine from France, Germany, Spain and the U.K.
Mussels and clams
Coffee—including decaf—from Germany
Metal tools, including pneumatic hand tools, from Germany
Books from Germany and the U.K.
Biscuits, waffles and wafers from Germany and the U.K.
Clothing and bed linen from the U.K.
The U.K. is scheduled to leave the E.U. on Oct. 31, but because each country is named individually in the Trade Representative’s notice, the tariffs will continue to apply.
(CULIACAN, Mexico) — Mexican security forces aborted an attempt to capture a son of imprisoned drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman after finding themselves outgunned in a ferocious shootout with cartel henchmen that left at least eight people dead and more than 20 wounded, authorities said Friday.
The gunbattle Thursday paralyzed the capital of Mexico’s Sinaloa state, Culiacan, and left the streets littered with burning vehicles. Residents took cover indoors as automatic gunfire raged outside.
It was the third bloody and terrifying shootout in less than a week between security forces and cartel henchmen, raising questions about whether President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policy of avoiding the use of force and focusing on social ills is working.
López Obrador defended the decision to back down, saying his predecessors’ strategy “turned this country into a cemetery, and we don’t want that anymore.”
But Mike Vigil, a former chief of international operations for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration who worked undercover in Mexico, called the violence “a massive black eye to the Mexican government” and a “sign that the cartels are more powerful” than it is.
Streets in Culiacan, a city of over 800,000, remained blocked with torched cars Friday morning, schools were closed, and some public offices asked their employees to stay home. Few buses were running.
Teresa Mercado, who had just returned to her native Culiacan on Thursday, said: “This is worse than what I had lived through years ago.”
Authorities said 35 troops arrived at a home Thursday afternoon to arrest Ovidio Guzmán López on a 2018 extradition request from the U.S. They entered the home, where Guzman and three others were inside.
Heavily armed men in greater force surrounded the house and also unleashed mayhem elsewhere, taking over toll booths and main roads into the city. Men carrying high-caliber weapons blocked major intersections.
Amid the chaos, inmates at a prison rioted, seized weapons from guards and fled. Fifty-six prisoners escaped, and 49 were still at large Friday, according to Sinaloa Public Security Secretary Cristóbal Castañeda. Two guards were taken captive and later freed.
Videos on social media showed a scene resembling a war zone, with gunmen, some in black ski masks, riding in the back of trucks and firing mounted machine guns as smoke rose above the cityscape. People ran for cover as gunfire rattled around them, and motorists drove frantically in reverse, trying to escape the bullets.
Five attackers, a member of the National Guard, a civilian and a prisoner died in the gunbattles, Defense Secretary Gen. Luis Cresencio Sandoval said. He said seven members of the security forces were wounded and eight held captive before being released unharmed.
The government’s security cabinet made the decision to withdraw the troops to avoid greater loss of life.
“The capture of one criminal cannot be worth more than the lives of people. They made the decision and I supported it,” López Obrador said. He added: “We do not want deaths. We do not want war.”
Security cabinet officials said they were not informed about the operation beforehand. They said troops surrounded the house without a search warrant and came under fire before one could be delivered, at that point deciding to enter without the warrant. And they said the troops underestimated the cartel’s response.
Sandoval said that if the security cabinet had known about the operation, it would have gone about it differently and deployed more troops and even sent air support.
“This group … rushed things. It did not consider the consequences,” he said.
It was not clear what happened to Guzmán after the troops left. Federal Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo said he was never under formal detention. José Luis González Meza, a lawyer for the Guzman family, said he was told Ovidio is “alive and free.”
José Reveles, the author of several books on the Sinaloa cartel, said the operation was done clumsily from both an operational and a political standpoint.
“If the government says it did not know anything, that’s absolutely unheard of, and especially for an operation of this magnitude,” Reveles said. “If you’re going to do an operation of this size, you should do it right — guard all flanks, add security in the prison.”
At the same time, he allowed that “doing a surgical operation there is impossible; the strength of the Sinaloa cartel was made clear.”
Vigil, the former DEA agent, worried that the retreat could lead to more bloodshed.
“This is going to set an example for the other groups,” Vigil said. “It sends them the message that if they capture a member of the cartel, all they have to do is go in the city and intimidate the citizenry and security forces.”
The elder Guzman is serving a life sentence in the U.S. after being convicted last February of industrial-scale drug trafficking.
Ovidio is not one of the drug lord’s best-known sons. Iván Archivaldo Guzmán and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán are known as “Los Chapitos,” or “the little Chapos,” and are believed to be running their father’s cartel together with Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.
But Ovidio Guzmán was indicted in 2018 in Washington, along with a fourth brother, on charges of trafficking cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana.
Gunbattles between gangs and security forces are relatively common in Mexico, but this week has seen three notable and frightening clashes. On Monday, 13 police officers were killed in a cartel ambush in the state of Michoacan, and the following day soldiers killed 14 gunmen while losing one of their own in neighboring Guerrero state.
A two-year-old girl is facing deportation from the U.K. even though her parents each hold a British passport, in a move described as “cruel and sadistic” by a U.K. human rights lawyer.
Lucy Dutton was born in South Africa and brought to the United Kingdom by her parents in August 2018, when she was 11 months old. Her parents, both originally from South Africa, claimed British citizenship through their parents, who were born in the U.K.
But British citizenship through descent only extends to one generation, meaning Lucy does not have an automatic right to stay in the U.K. Her child visitor’s visa expired in February, and her parents’ subsequent attempts to apply for a right for Lucy to remain in the U.K. have been unsuccessful.
Laws regarding who is allowed to stay in the U.K. have generally become stricter since the Conservative Party came to power in 2010; the previous laws were “softer and more generous” according to Shoaib Khan, a U.K. human rights lawyer.
In particular, the eligibility criteria for visas allowing family members of British citizens to remain in the U.K. were narrowed in 2012 — the visa is now only available to those who require long-term care, which can only be provided by their relatives in the U.K. But in Lucy’s case, the British government argue that this care can be provided in South Africa if her parents return with her.
On Oct. 8, the British interior ministry, known as the Home Office, told Lucy in a letter that her application had been declined because she had not lived continuously in the U.K. for seven consecutive years. They said Lucy had 14 days to leave the country or appeal the ruling. It was two days before her second birthday.
“When I found about their decision, I broke down sobbing. I was in one hell of a mess at work,” her mother Lindsay Dutton, 30, told TIME, speaking from her home in Swansea, Wales. “I never in a million years expected it to be a refusal. It was the worst day of my life — I’ve cried myself to sleep every night since receiving the letter.”
Lucy’s family are appealing the decision and fighting for her to remain in the U.K, but say they are struggling to make ends meet. Her mother already took out a high-interest loan to pay for £3,052 ($3,938) in administrative and legal fees. But they have to raise an additional (£3140) $4,051 to fund an appeal of the decision, before their case is heard in court in November. Dutton says she is unable to borrow more money, so instead she’s set up a Go Fund Me page to raise the funds.
“It’s devastating what they’ve done to me. It’s cruel. I’m a single parent… and to expect me to come up with about £6,000 is ridiculous,” Dutton told TIME. “I’m doing everything I can. I don’t know why they want to rip us away from our family.”
Speaking about setting up a Go Fund Me page, she said: “It knocks a person to have to basically beg for people to help our because you have no other way of helping out your daughter… She’s the most important thing in my world, I’d do anything for her and I just feel it’s out of my reach.”
Ms Dutton says the situation is already affecting her daughter. “As much as we try to keep brave faces around her, she has picked up on stuff. Since she was one, she was sleeping in her cot. But now she insists on sleeping on my chest and she cries for me,” she said. “That’s heartbreaking as a parent. You would hope that she doesn’t know what is going on, but it’s obviously affecting her that she needs me to cuddle her the whole night.”
Shoaib Khan, a U.K. human rights lawyer, has described the actions of the U.K. Home Office as “cruel and sadistic”.
“This case, while heartbreaking, and probably unbelievable for anyone unfamiliar with the U.K. immigration system, is neither rare nor unusual,” Mr Khan told TIME. “Such decisions are no accident, and are a foreseeable consequence of the government deliberately making inhumane, extreme and cruel laws in order to meet arbitrary targets. Tens of thousands of families have been separated due to these cruel policies.”
“The appeal will cost the family thousands of pounds – all because the Home Office made this ridiculous, inhumane decision,” he added. “This is cruel and sadistic, but has somehow become an accepted part of living in modern-day Britain.”
A U.K. Home Office spokesperson told TIME: “All applications are considered on their individual merits and on the basis of the evidence available. We will be in contact with the family shortly to discuss next steps.”
CULIACAN, Mexico (AP) — An intense gunfight with heavy weapons and burning vehicles blocking roads paralyzed the capital of Mexico’s Sinaloa state Thursday after security forces located one of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s sons who is wanted in the U.S. on drug trafficking charges.
Mexican security secretary Alfonso Durazo said 30 members of the National Guard and army were patrolling in Culiacan when they were fired on from a house. They repelled the attack and inside the house found Ovidio Guzmán López.
The house was then surrounded by heavily armed gunmen who had “a greater force” and authorities decided to suspend the operation, Durazo said. He did not say if Ovidio Guzmán was arrested or went free.
“With the goal of safeguarding the well-being and tranquility of Culiacan society, officials in the security cabinet decided to suspend the actions,” said Durazo.
José Luis González Meza, a lawyer for “El Chapo’s” family, told The Associated Press that Guzmán’s family has said “Ovidio is alive and free” but that he had no more details about what had happened.
Ovidio was not one of the jailed Mexican drug lord’s best-known sons – Iván Archivaldo Guzmán and Jesús Alfredo Guzmán are known as “los Chapitos,” or “the little Chapos,” and are believed to currently run their father’s Sinaloa Cartel together with Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.
But Ovidio Guzmán was indicted in 2018 by a grand jury in Washington, along with a fourth brother, for the alleged trafficking of cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana.
Following Thursday’s localization of Ovidio Guzmán, Culiacan exploded in violence with armed civilians in trucks roaring through the city’s center shooting what appeared to be .50-caliber sniper rifles and machine guns.
Videos published on social media showed a scene resembling a war zone, with gunmen, some wearing black ski masks over their faces, riding in the back of trucks firing mounted machine guns as vehicles burned. People could be seen running for cover as machinegun fire rattled around them. Drivers drove in reverse frantically to get away from the clashes.
“Nothing is working,” said Ricardo González, a worker in the state’s congress who shut himself up in his house after picking up his 15-year-old son from school. “There is a psychosis. No one knows what is going on but everyone is afraid and they have told us to not come in to work tomorrow.”
Sinaloa public safety director Cristóbal Castañeda told Milenio television that there were people wounded but did not provide a casualty figure. He did not rule out that there were deaths.
Castañeda said gunmen blocked streets with burning vehicles, a common tactic to make it difficult for security forces to maneuver. Simultaneously, some 20 to 30 prisoners escaped though some were quickly recaptured, he said.
State officials asked residents to avoid going out in parts of city.
Sinaloa’s soccer club Dorados announced that it had cancelled its game Thursday due to security concerns.
Gov. Quirino Ordaz confirmed that school classes had been suspended but that businesses would open on Friday.
González, however, doubted this.
“There is no public transportation, no taxis, people outside the city remain blocked outside and tomorrow will be the same,” he said, adding that Culiacan had not seen such a scene for almost a decade, when the Sinaloa Cartel was experiencing an internal war.
Sinaloa is home to the cartel by the same name, which was led by “El Chapo” Guzmán. Guzmán was sentenced to life in prison in the United States in July. He has many children.
After Guzmán’s third arrest in 2016, an internal battle for succession began playing out. The battle was resolved with the arrest of Damaso López Nunez and his son Dámaso López Serrano, who led a rival faction.
Associated Press writer Maria Verza reported from Mexico City.
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“In 2018 the average monthly infection rate in mobile networks was 0.31%. This means that in any given month, one out of every 300 mobile devices had a high threat level malware infection,” says Nokia’s Threat Intelligence Report 2019.
There are mobile security apps that help protect your mobile device — be it running Android or iOS. However, it’s not easy to choose one of them because of their varied features, interface, and support for mobile operating systems.
In this write-up, I’ve compiled the best mobile security apps depending on their interface, security features, and their reputation. Let’s check them out.
Note: Since this post details cross-platform mobile security solutions, you may find a feature missing in your favorite solution on your favorite platform.
1. Avast Antivirus
Avast Antivirus is an incredible mobile security solution, which is acclaimed for its performance and security features. According to AV-TEST, it surpasses the industry average by having a 99.8% malware detection rate in Android.
The app, despite having a premium tier, boasts an impressive set of free features. For instance, its Junk Cleaner helps clean cache, residual, and trash files to give you more storage space. Then, Power Save — a battery optimization feature — reduces battery drain by managing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on-the-fly.
The app boasts of useful premium features such as Camera Trap — a tool to capture audio and video of an intruder or thief. Then, its App Lock helps lock apps using a password for safe-keeping messaging or other private apps.
Lastly, its Last Known Location proves helpful if your device is lost or dead.
Photo Vault encrypts your sensitive photos and videos with fingerprint or password protection, making them secure from prying eyes.
App Insights gives you comprehensive information about your app usage habits, as it’s provided by Digital Wellbeing in Android 9.
Wi-Fi Security scans public wireless networks as well as incoming emails to protect you from potential malware or trojan attacks.
VPN helps you to gain online anonymity by masking your web presence and switch your location to access streaming services.*
*4 is a premium feature.
Its firewall only works on rooted devices.
A few users faced battery drain after installing the app.
Kaspersky is another well-known antivirus solution with a superb track record. According to AV-TEST, it handily passes the industry average rate in malware detection — its rate is 100%, which is somewhat better than Avast.
The free edition of Kaspersky boasts a mediocre set of features, unlike Avast. Its Anti-Theft lets you wipe your device if it’s lost or stolen. Then, its Find My Phone helps you locate your phone if it’s lost or stolen. Last but not least, it’s an easy to use the application, thanks to its simple interface and intuitive features.
Web Filter ensures that your web browsing experience remains safe from malicious links and websites spreading malware.*
App Lock lets you lock your apps as well as sensitive data, photos, and videos behind a passcode to keep them safe and secure.*
Find My Phone helps you locate your lost or stolen device and lock it.
*1&2 is a premium feature.
The app does not provide background virus scanning feature in its free tier, but requires you to manually initiate the scans, unlike Avast.
App Lock is quite buggy — it even locks a current app when it’s being rotated or quickly switched, per the reviews given by a few users.
Lacks advanced features like Camera Trap and VPN, unlike Avast.
Norton is one of the original giants in the security market. It provides top-notch malware detection service, which showed a 100% malware detection rate in the tests performed by AV-TEST; and thus, it’s better than the industry average.
It boasts of essential features such as Safe Search, which flags suspicious links and websites in your search results. Then, its anti-theft features help trace lost or stolen devices by showing its last known location and sounding an alarm.
Call Blocking allows you to block unwanted calls; and auto-blocks and notifies you about the calls from spam numbers, fraud callers, etc.
Wi-Fi Scanning protects you from potential malware exposed through hotspot networks in public places such as cafes or public libraries.
App Advisor inspects apps for intrusive behavior, high battery usage, and other potential risks related to the health of your device.*
Sneak Peek captures pictures of the intruder or thief using your phone’s camera if you report the phone as lost or stolen.*
*3&4 are premium features.
Its free tier offers just a few features and misses some essential features like App Advisor and Web Protection, like Kaspersky Antivirus.
A few users reported heavy battery drainage, like Avast Antivirus.
McAfee is another superb security product, which is known for its antivirus and malware protection. It boasts a slightly lower malware detection rate at 99.1%, per AV-TEST, than a few of its counterparts like Kaspersky and Norton. But, it compensates for the rate difference by providing a host of features.
Its free tier has a long list of features, making it highly competitive with the other solutions on this list. For example, its Anti Theft locks down the device after three failed passcode attempts. Then, its Anti Theft Uninstall Protection prevents intruders from removing it in order to get past its safeguards.
Its performance features help boost phone’s memory, eliminate junk files, and prohibit resource-hungry apps from hindering performance.
Safe WiFi Scanner helps protect your data on unsecured hotspots.
WiFi Guard VPN encrypts your online traffic to prevent prying eyes from accessing your online usage and personal data.*
App Privacy Check investigates and reports the apps that may harm or misuse your personal data by collecting or leaking crucial data.
App Lock and Guest Mode help protect your sensitive apps and data from guest users, allowing you to share device worry-free.*
*3&5 are premium features.
A few users have reported heavy battery drain issue, as it’s also been reported by the users of Avast Antivirus and Norton Mobile Security.
A few users reported about a bug regarding its paid subscription — when you buy the app, it doesn’t auto upgrade you to the paid subscription.
Supported platforms
Download McAfee Mobile Security for Android and iOS.
5. MalwareBytes Security
MalwareBytes is less featureful than the other solutions — a lot less if you compare it with Avast or Kaspersky Antivirus. It prioritizes doing one job well rather than bringing a large set of interesting but half baked features.
MalwareBytes is forever ad-free, which is something that makes it special among all solutions on the list. It does, however, have a premium subscription that offers additional features. Moreover, in its free tier, in addition to malware detection, it includes privacy audit features, which helps protect your privacy.
Supports detecting and fighting most types of common malware such as adware and ransomware, like the other apps on this list.
Features privacy audit that checks apps for any unwanted or suspicious activities and reports them to help protect your personal data.
Provides a safer browsing experience by detecting phishing and other malicious links and notifying you to help avoid them.*
*3 is a premium feature.
Features the worst anti-malware engine among the apps on this list with a malware detection rate of just 98.4%, according to AV-TEST.
It isn’t feature-rich in comparison to its competitors. It lacks common features such as an app lock, call blocker, or other such tools.
Supported platforms
Download MalwareBytes Security for Android and iOS.
As it’s told multiple times, Avast Antivirus offers the best free features along with a competitive anti-malware engine offering a 99.8% detection rate. Though a few other apps like Kaspersky and Norton avail a more powerful anti-malware engine, they offer a lot fewer features in their free plans, unlike Avast Antivirus.
So, which is your favorite mobile security solution? Let me know by writing a comment below or messaging me directly at @aksinghnet on Twitter.
When you start designing a new mobile app, it is always wise to begin with a prototype or wireframe so that you as well as your client may have an idea how the final product may look like. But who would want to work on the prototype from scratch when there are so many free mobile prototyping templates available at hand.
Likewise, here is a collection of mobile prototyping templates. These templates include UI, UX kits, vector elements, and screen, etc. that you can easily download and customize for your use. Let’s take a look.
Here is a high-quality Android UI kit for mobile prototyping. It comes with neatly organized layers and groups. You’ll also find a nicely designed "Login Screen" and "Sign-up Screen".
Here’s a template with 16 iOS screens for a finance mobile app with a minimalistic design approach. You’ll also find the most essential set of screenshots in this kit.
Here’s a collection of over 100 individual components to choose from. You can combine these components into one design or choose individual elements. All components can be modified in color by using Sketch files.
A starter kit that contains many Wireframe components, templates and flow elements for building flows and validating your app ideas. The flow elements are well-designed and adapt across multiple screen sizes.
A mobile UI kit for cryptocurrency exchange apps. It features templates for "Contidional Orders", "Trade History", "Order Form", "Change of Price", "Depth Chart", and "Active Actions" etc.
Here is a component-based UI Kit designed exclusively for Adobe XD. In this kit, you’ll find fully-customizable components, including UI elements, colours, and typography, etc.
A beautiful mobile prototyping template design with a modern and colorful style. The designs have been organized in 6 categories and include more than 60 screens.
These in-app starter kits for iOS, Android or Web allow you to speed up your workflow. You can also use these wireframe UI kits for product designs as well.
Create rich and enticing presentations with this set of presentation mockups. The collection offers templates for iPad, iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, Android phone, and some web browsers.
Compatible with: Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, and Figma.
There are various exams and challenges that each of us faces in life. At some point, for whatever reason, that challenge may be the IELTS (International English Language Testing Service), the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examination). These three exams serve their functions and have their particular syllabus and marking scheme.
Regardless of which one, facing any one of these tests would require some form of study. After all, anyone would want to try and get the best score they can. That is why we’ve gathered for you the Top 15 Android apps that can help you prepare for the IELTS, TOEFL, or GRE tests.
IELTS (International English Language Testing Service)
This app will help you prepare for the IELTS by covering all four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The app provides sample exams, practice materials, and interactive tasks.
It contains materials from the best-selling IELTS books of Sam McCarter. You can also test yourself and see your score via an interactive ‘Can Do’ statement section.
Created by British Council for test-takers to enrich their vocabulary. this app assists you by helping build your vocabulary for the IELTS test, to locate your closest British Council test center, and to learn more about IELTS.
This app can help you learn stuff related to IELTS directly via your Android Device. It contains 2000 premade flashcards, slideshows, quizzes, a method to create your flashcards, and much more to make IELTS learning faster and more effective.
This app that would prove to be useful while studying for the IELTS. It has crucial words that you need to remember how to spell correctly, a way for you to calculate your scores, advice from IELTS test-takers, as well as the top 10 tips for listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
This app covers vocabulary for all the areas of the TOEFL test with a clear and distinct explanation for each word. It contains words with audio playback, multiple-choice questions, group choice tests, word choice tests, and much more.
This app contains 1600 premade flashcards from 2 categories (vocabulary and reading skills) for your TOEFL preparation. You can also make your flashcards, slideshows, take quizzes, and much more to learn excitingly.
Visual TOEFL is an app that functions as a dictionary of the most common TOEFL words with their picture definitions. The picture for each word will help you to memorize and remember these words visually. Along with the image, each word is explained in written text with examples as well.
TOEFL Essay is a helpful app while preparing for your exam. It contains 60 TOEFL essays covering different vital topics that will assist you in improving your English vocabulary.
It also gives you an idea of the type and level of language that you should adopt while attempting the writing section of TOEFL.
The GRE Prep & Practice app is designed based on the new syllabus so that you can study and test yourself quickly on your mobile phone.
The app includes essential notes, large sets of practice questions along with their answers and flashcards to enhance and speed up your learning. The app covers verbal reasoning, maths, and the analytical writing skills section in complete detail.
This app contains 1000 of the most important GRE words (in the form of flashcards) picked by an expert GRE tutor. Each flashcard includes the definition as well as an example sentence for each word.
There are various decks of flashcards with different levels of difficulty. You can also track your progress as you study.
GRE Tests is a handy app to prepare and test your knowledge for two particular sections (verbal and quantitative reasoning) of the GRE.
The app has a user-friendly interface, and it allows you to review your attempted tests from the test history function. It provides flashcard support, as well.
The Mnemonic Dictionary is based on this technique of mnemonics and gives you access to hundreds of words with their meanings, synonyms, example sentences, and memory aids.
The GRE Math Formulas covers formulas from all the topics of the quantitative section of the GRE; this means that whenever you have the time, you can have a look at them rather than bringing your notes with you.
Since the earliest days of humanity, people have told stories to each other in different forms. Storytelling has serious traditions in every culture. Myths, legends, tales, poems, folk songs all show the endeavour humans have always had to connect to each other, to people from other cultures and to the next generations.
In our interconnected, globalized world, there’s a more significant need than ever for the kind of human connection and understanding that storytelling can convey.
New technologies such as the big data revolution, data visualization, and data analytics tools allow us to raise the quality of our stories by backing them up with relevant data.
Probably the most popular form of data storytelling is infographics, but more and more websites use data stories and visual data to convey its message more effectively and engage their audiences on a deeper level.
In this post, we will take a look at how data storytelling works in practice and how it can help you to make your writing more persuasive and authentic.
How Data Storytelling can level-up your writing
Data need stories, and stories need data. Data without stories are dull, bare, and it’s hard to make sense of them. Stories without data are less trustworthy and might be seen as if they were just arbitrary made up.
If we use data to back up our stories, we can prevent presumptions of being inaccurate or that we manipulate our data. Well-chosen data can serve as proof.
Data storytelling or data journalism is a new form of written communication in which the author analyzes a large data set and filters out the relevant part.
In other words, data storytellers transform big data into small data to find the accurate and digestible data set that they can use to illustrate their story the best.
In fact, data storytelling is such a big thing nowadays that this summer Google launched a new product under the name of Google News Lab to support it.
Google News Lab explains quite accurately how data-driven storytelling can level up the quality of your writing:
“New platforms and technologies have opened up the playing field for reporting, and journalists and entrepreneurs are developing more dynamic, engaging, and powerful ways to tell stories than ever before”.
Of course, data storytelling is not only restricted to journalists, but everyone who needs to convey a message, such as copywriters, designers, marketers, and bloggers.
How to find relevant data
We are lucky as these days there are many resources out there that weren’t available previously for the public.
Just think about open data, open access publishing, or MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) that ship high-quality and accessible knowledge to all parts of the world. As the world is full of information, finding the relevant data is more and more a “needle in a haystack” kind of problem.
The first task of data storytelling is to find the needle you need (the small dataset) in a vast haystack of data. You need a needle that matches the thread (the narrative) of the story so you can use them together to sew a valid and robust piece (the data story) that you or your client can happily wear.
First of all, the data you find need to be trustworthy. The internet is full of misinformation, so you have to be cautious. Sometimes you can find the right information and useful hints in blog posts and forums, but these sources are better double-checked and backed up with other alternate sources.
The more prominent and more reputable a data source is, the better. University web sites, open access journals, national statistics offices such as the British Office for National Statistics, big reputable organizations such as the American Federal Reserve, or international organizations such as the UN usually serve information and a knowledge base that is reliable and trusted by the vast majority of people.
Google News Lab has several instructional videos about how to use Google’s different tools to find the relevant data you need to be a reliable and exciting data storyteller.
Here we mention three courses that we think are the most useful, but you can find information about many other Google Tools and Courses of Google News Lab.
1. Advanced Search
Google’s Advanced Search feature enables you to research with precision. If you click on the little gear icon on Google’s home page, you can select the “Advanced Search” option that takes you to the Advanced Search screen where you can fine-tune your search query.
You can search for the exact phrase, omit certain words, narrow your search based on language, region, domain, last update and file type, and there are many other options that can lead you to the most accurate dataset.
2. Public Data Explorer
Google’s Public Data Explorer is a handy data research and data visualization tool. It aggregates datasets from trusted sources such as the World Bank or the Eurostat, and lets you monitor change over time, and compare metrics based on region, industry, country, gender, and many other variables.
You can choose from many data visualization options such as line charts, bar charts, map charts, and bubble charts. You can even save the datasets you created in your Google Profile, so that you can return to them later. You can reach Public Data Explorer here.
3. Google Trends
Google Trends lets you explore different topics, and under its "Trending Stories" section, you can see which queries are the most searched on Google at that time. You can use this handy tool to see how the interest for a specific term has changed over time, and you can compare the popularity of different names, too.
You can also find the geographical regions where the given search term was the most popular, and Google Trends even offers the option to take a look at related searches. Google Trends has many cool use cases, for example, The Washington Post used it to produce a Daily Misery Index by analyzing depression-related search terms throughout the year.
How to find the right tools
After you have found the appropriate data, you need to visualize them. Public Data Explorer and Google Trends visualize data on the go, so if you use them, you don’t have to worry about how to present them to your visitors.
Google Maps also enables you to visualize geolocation-based data quickly. We have a great tutorial here on hongkiat.com about how to customize Google Maps to create interactive and information-rich maps that you can embed into your website.
Google has another cool geo-based data visualization tool called Google Earth Pro that was made free by Google. Google Earth Pro is not an online tool; you have to download it to your computer. The software provides you with a 3D interactive globe with sophisticated data visualization, analysis, and drawing tools.
In a rare instance of bipartisanship overcoming the rancorous discord that’s been the hallmark of the U.S. Congress, senators and sepresentatives issued a scathing rebuke to Apple for its decision to take down an app at the request of the Chinese government.
Signed by Senators Ron Wyden, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Congressional Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Mike Gallagher and Tom Malinowski, the letter was written to “express… strong concern about Apple’s censorship of apps, including a prominent app used by protestors in Hong Kong, at the request of the Chinese government.”
In 2019, it seems the only things that can unite America’s clashing political factions are the decisions made by companies in one of its most powerful industries.
For several months protestors have been clashing with police in the tiny territory over what they see as the undue influence being exerted by China’s government in Beijing over the governance of Hong Kong. Citizens of the former British protectorate have enjoyed special privileges and rights not afforded to mainland Chinese citizens since the United Kingdom returned sovereignty over the region to China on July 1, 1997.
“Apple’s decision last week to accommodate the Chinese government by taking down HKMaps is deeply concerning,” the authors of the letter wrote. “We urge you in the strongest terms to reverse course, to demonstrate that Apple puts values above market access, and to stand with the brave men and women fighting for basic rights and dignity in Hong Kong.”
Apple has long positioned itself as a defender of human rights (including privacy and free speech)… in the United States. Abroad, the company’s record is not quite as spotless, especially when it comes to pressure from China, which is one of the company’s largest markets outside of the U.S.
Back in 2017, Apple capitulated to a request from the Chinese government that it remove all virtual private networking apps from the App Store. Those applications allowed Chinese users to circumvent the “Great Firewall” of China, which limits access to information to only that which is approved by the Chinese government and its censors.
Over 1,100 applications have been taken down by Apple at the request of the Chinese government, according to the organization GreatFire (whose data was cited in the Congressional letter). They include VPNs, and applications made for oppressed communities inside China’s borders (like Uighurs and Tibetans).
Apple isn’t the only company that’s come under fire from the Chinese government as part of their overall response to the unrest in Hong Kong. The National Basketball Association and the gaming company Blizzard have had their own run-ins resulting in self-censorship as a result of various public positions from employees or individuals affiliated with the sports franchises or gaming communities these companies represent.
However, Apple is the largest of these companies, and therefore the biggest target. The company’s stance indicates a willingness to accede to pressure in markets that it considers strategically important no matter how it positions itself at home.
The question is what will happen should regulators in the U.S. stop writing letters and start making legislative demands of their own.
Machine learning and AI may be deployed on such grand tasks as finding exoplanets and creating photorealistic people, but the same techniques also have some surprising applications in academia: DeepMind has created an AI system that helps scholars understand and recreate fragmentary ancient Greek texts on broken stone tablets.
These clay, stone or metal tablets, inscribed as much as 2,700 years ago, are invaluable primary sources for history, literature and anthropology. They’re covered in letters, naturally, but often the millennia have not been kind and there are not just cracks and chips but entire missing pieces that may comprise many symbols.
Such gaps, or lacunae, are sometimes easy to complete: If I wrote “the sp_der caught the fl_,” anyone can tell you that it’s actually “the spider caught the fly.” But what if it were missing many more letters, and in a dead language, to boot? Not so easy to fill in the gaps.
Doing so is a science (and art) called epigraphy, and it involves both intuitive understanding of these texts and others to add context; one can make an educated guess at what was once written based on what has survived elsewhere. But it’s painstaking and difficult work — which is why we give it to grad students, the poor things.
Coming to their rescue is a new system created by DeepMind researchers that they call Pythia, after the oracle at Delphi who translated the divine word of Apollo for the benefit of mortals.
The team first created a “nontrivial” pipeline to convert the world’s largest digital collection of ancient Greek inscriptions into text that a machine learning system could understand. From there it was just a matter of creating an algorithm that accurately guesses sequences of letters — just like you did for the spider and the fly.
PhD students and Pythia were both given ground-truth texts with artificially excised portions. The students got the text right about 57% of the time — which isn’t bad, as restoration of texts is a long and iterative process. Pythia got it right… well, 30% of the time.
But! The correct answer was in its top 20 answers 73% of the time. Admittedly that might not sound so impressive, but you try it and see if you can get it in 20.
The truth is the system isn’t good enough to do this work on its own, but it doesn’t need to. It’s based on the efforts of humans (how else could it be trained on what’s in those gaps?) and it will augment them, not replace them.
Pythia’s suggestions may not be perfectly right on the first try very often, but it could easily help someone struggling with a tricky lacuna by giving them some options to work from. Taking a bit of the cognitive load off these folks may lead to increases in speed and accuracy in taking on remaining unrestored texts.
WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann didn’t plan for his family’s control of WeWork to end at his death but instead expected to pass that control to future generations of Neumanns, too, says Business Insider.
The outlet reports that in a speech Neumann gave to employees in January of this year, footage of which it says it has viewed, Neumann is seen saying that WeWork isn’t “just controlled — we’re generationally controlled.” He reportedly goes on to say that while the five children he shares with wife Rebekah Neumann “don’t have to run the company,” they “do have to stay the moral compass of the company.”
According to BI, Neumann even invoked his future grandchildren, telling those gathered: “It’s important that one day, maybe in 100 years, maybe in 300 years, a great-great-granddaughter of mine will walk into that room and say, ‘Hey, you don’t know me; I actually control the place. The way you’re acting is not how we built it,'” he said.
These may sound like more outlandish proclamations from Neumann, who has a flair for the dramatic. (Talking to Fast Company earlier this year, he compared WeWork to a rare jewel, asking, "Do you know how long it takes a diamond to be created?")
But before WeWork began coming apart at the seams, Neumann had every reason to believe that he could pass power down to his heirs. Though many public shareholders may not realize as much, a growing number of tech founders enjoy the kind of dual-class shares that Neumann had extracted from investors, shares that don’t merely give founders more voting power for a while after their companies go public or even throughout their lifetimes, but whose power can be passed down to their children, too.
We wrote about this very issue as a kind of hypothetical last month, quoting SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson, a longtime legal scholar and law professor, who told an audience last year that nearly half of companies that went public with dual-class shares between 2004 and 2018 gave corporate insiders “outsized voting rights in perpetuity.”
Warned Jackson, “Those companies are asking shareholders to trust management's business judgment — not just for five years, or 10 years, or even 50 years. Forever.” Such perpetual dual-class ownership “asks them to trust that founder's kids. And their kids' kids. And their grandkid's kids . . . It raises the prospect that control over our public companies, and ultimately of Main Street's retirement savings, will be forever held by a small, elite group of corporate insiders — who will pass that power down to their heirs.”
You might argue that it’s senseless to worry, that the market will speak as it did in WeWork’s case. But not every company has such apparent flaws, and Neumann could have made himself a lot harder to shake than he did. In fact, the broader question the video raises is whether anyone will step in to stop the broader trend, or if public market investors will be living with the consequences down the road instead.
Neumann wasn’t insane to imagine the scenario that he did. That doesn’t mean it’s rational. Giving founders super-voting shares for some period after transitioning onto the public market, we can understand. Giving founders so much power that their kids call the shots of these publicly traded companies? Now that is crazy.
Despite early-stage virtual reality market and augmented reality market valuations softening in a transitional period, total global AR/VR startup valuations are now at $45 billion globally — include non-pure play AR/VR startups discussed below, and that amount exceeds $67 billion. More than $8 billion has been returned to investors through M&A already, with the remaining augmented and virtual reality startups carrying more than $36 billion valuations on paper. Only time will tell how much of this value gets realized for investors.
(Note: this analysis is of AR/VR startup valuations only, excluding internal investment by large corporates like Facebook . Again, this analysis is of valuation, not revenue.)
Selected AR/VR companies that have raised funding or generated significant revenue, plus selected corporates as of September 2019.
There is significant value concentration, with just 18 AR/VR pure plays accounting for half of the $45 billion global figure. Some of the large valuations are for Magic Leap (well over $6 billion), Niantic (nearly $4 billion), Oculus ($3 billion from exit to Facebook), Beijing Moviebook Technology ($1 billion+) and Lightricks ($1 billion). While there are unicorns, the market hasn't seen an AR/VR decacorn yet.
Across all industries — not just AR/VR — around 60% of VC-backed startups fail, not 90% as often quoted. That doesn't mean this many startups crash and burn, but that 60% of startups deliver less than 1x return on investment (ROI) to investors (i.e. investors get less back than they put in). To better understand what’s happening in AR/VR, let's analyze the thousands of startup valuations in Digi-Capital's AR/VR Analytics Platform to see where the smart money is by sector, stage and country.
Tilting Point announced yesterday that it has acquired Gondola, a company that aims to increase game monetization by optimizing in-game offers and video ads.
Tilting Point CEO Kevin Segalla described his company’s model as “progressive publishing” — usually, mobile game developers start working with Tilting Point because they need help with user acquisition, and then develop a deeper publishing relationship over time.
“With a select group of our development partners, we’ll acquire an IP, and we'll … have them take the engine that they already have and create a whole new game,” Segalla said. “It's really a dual effort between us and the developer.”
To accomplish all this, the company has built artificial intelligence tools to improve user acquisition. But the other side of that equation, in Segalla’s view, is increasing the lifetime value of the users acquired.
“At the end of the day, scaling a game boils down to two simple things, [cost per install] and LTV,” he said. “Strong developers are working to improve the LTV of their players, but there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit that with the right toolset you can use to improve the lifetime values. That’s what Gondola is about … We’ve been following for years, and we said, ‘Let’s bring this in-house.’ ”
Gondola currently offers four modules: Target Optimization (choosing the best offer for a player), Rewarded Video Ad Optimization (choosing the right amount of virtual currency to reward a player for watching a video ad), Store Optimization (choosing the right store items to show a player) and Currency Optimization (choosing the best virtual currency amounts for offers and promotions).
The financial terms of the acquisition — Tilting Point’s first — were not disclosed. As part of the deal, Gondola CTO André Cohen is joining Tilting Point as its head of data science, while his co-founder and CEO Niklas Herriger remains involved as an executive advisor.
As fintech investments soar to new heights, investors are looking at the bottom and top levels of the services stack to find the next billion-dollar startups.
That’s the word from seasoned investors like Andreessen Horowitz’s managing director, Angela Strange, who has invested in a number of successful financial services technology companies. For Strange and Chris Britt, co-founder and chief executive of financial services startup Chime Bank, the best opportunities are in customer-facing financial services and specific infrastructure opportunities that can support those businesses.
For many large companies, financial services are already entering a twilight period. Markets like consumer and student lending, banking and financial management and business lending are becoming more crowded, and companies like Affirm, Betterment, Brex, Chime Bank, CommonBond, Kabbage, Robinhood, SoFi, Wealthfront and many others have raised hundreds of millions so they can take on established players in banking and finance.
Investments into financial technology companies in the U.S. exploded in 2019 with at least $12.7 billion flowing in the first half of the year alone. That figure — a 60% jump in dollars committed — came even as the number of deals remained relatively steady, according to data from Accenture.
Increasing capital commitments were even more pronounced in Europe and the United Kingdom, where a fintech boom has nearly doubled the amount of money committed to startups over the first half of 2019 from a year-ago period.
Alphabet -owned drone delivery spin-out Wing is starting to service U.S. customers, after becoming the first drone delivery company to get the federal go-ahead to do so earlier this year. Wing is working with FedEx Express and Walgreens on this pilot, and their first customers are Michael and Kelly Collver, who will get a “cough and cold pack,” which includes Tylenol, cough drops, facial tissues, Emergen-C and bottled water (do people who have colds need bottled water?).
The Collvers are receiving their package in Christianburg, Va., which is where Wing and Walgreens will run this inaugural pilot of the drone delivery service. Walgreens gets a noteworthy credit in the bargain, becoming the first U.S. retailer to do a store-to-customer doorstep delivery via drone, while FedEx will be the first logistics provider to deliver an e-commerce drone delivery with a separate shipment.
Wing is also working with Virginia’s Sugar Magnolia, a retailer local to the state, and that part of the equation is focused on proving out how Wing and drone delivery can service last-mile e-commerce customers at their homes. Sugar Magnolia customers can get small items, including chocolates and paper goods, delivered directly to them via drone through the new pilot.
Wing was able to do this with a new Air Carrier Certificate from the FAA that clears it for expanded service, specifically allowing Wing’s pilots to manage multiple aircraft flying without any human pilot on board at the same time, while providing service to the public.
It’s a big milestone when it comes to U.S.-based drone delivery, and another sign that people should get ready for these services to start to be a more regular fixture. Earlier this month, UPS also secured FAA approval to operate a commercial drone delivery service, so the trials will probably come fast and furious at this point — though widespread service is probably still quite a ways off as both regulators and operators look to learn from their first limited deployments.
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The Facebook CEO spoke yesterday at Georgetown University, sharing his thoughts on speech and "how we might address the challenges that more voice and the internet introduce, and the major threats to free expression around the world."
Among his arguments: China is exporting its social values, political ads are an important part of free expression and the definition of dangerous speech must be kept in check.
Sydney-based Code Barrel was founded by two of the first engineers who built Jira at Atlassian, Nick Menere and Andreas Knecht. With this acquisition, they are returning to Atlassian after four years in startup land.
Swarm Technologies aims to connect smart devices around the world with a low-bandwidth but ever-present network provided by satellites — and it just got approval from the FCC to do so. Apparently the agency is no longer worried that Swarm's sandwich-sized satellites are too small to be tracked.
Nintendo's North American Switch unit sales have already surpassed the lifetime worldwide unit sales of the Wii U. The company announced Thursday that they had sold 15 million units of the popular handheld console in North America.
WarnerMedia has been on a shopping spree for its HBO Max service. It bought the rights to "Friends" and "The Big Bang Theory," and now it's using its outsized checkbook to bring beloved Japanese animation group Studio Ghibli's films onto the web exclusively on its platform for U.S. subscribers.
The vehicle-maker has already been active in putting autonomous technology to work in various industries, with self-driving projects at quarries and mines, and in the busy port located at Gothenburg, Sweden.
Unity's growth is a case study of Clayton Christensen's theory of disruptive innovation. While other game engines targeted the big AAA game makers at the top of the console and PC markets, Unity went after independent developers with a less robust product that was better suited to their needs and budget. (Extra Crunch membership required.)
Harley-Davidson has resumed production and deliveries of its electric LiveWire motorcycle after determining an issue with charging was isolated to a single vehicle.
Harley-Davidson halted production and delivery of its first electric motorcycle earlier this week after discovering what it described at the time as a “non-standard condition.” Harley-Davidson didn’t recall any of the LiveWire motorcycles already on the road, but it did stop production and deliveries, and began additional testing and analysis.
At the time, Harley-Davidson didn’t explain what the non-standard issue was, but TechCrunch has since learned that it was a charging-related problem on one motorcycle.
“After completing rigorous analysis this week, we have resumed LiveWire production and deliveries,” Harley-Davidson said in a comment emailed to TechCrunch. “Customers may continue riding their LiveWire motorcycle and are able to charge the motorcycle through all methods. Temporarily stopping LiveWire production allowed us to confirm that the non-standard condition identified on one motorcycle was a singular occurrence.”
The company added that this incident shows that its quality assurance measures are working as designed.
The production stoppage put a damper on Harley-Davidson's first foray into electrification just weeks after deliveries of LiveWire began to ramp up. The $29,799, 105 horsepower electric motorcycle was to be the first of a future line-up of EVs from Harley-Davidson spanning motorcycles, bicycles and scooters.
The LiveWire, which is meant to complement, not replace, Harley-Davidson's premium internal-combustion cruiser motorcycles, went into production in 2019. Delivery to dealers began September 27.
Autonomous vehicles are often painted as a utopian-like technology that will transform parking lots into parks and eliminate traffic fatalities — a number that reached 1.35 million globally in 2018.
Even if, as many predict, autonomous vehicles are deployed en masse, the road to that future promises to be long, chaotic and complex. The emergence of ride-hailing, car-sharing and micromobility hints at some of the speed bumps between today’s modes of transportation and more futuristic means, like AVs and flying cars. Entire industries face disruption in this new mobility world, perhaps none so thoroughly as automotive.
Autonomous-vehicle ubiquity may be decades away, but automakers, startups and tech companies are already clambering to be king of the ‘future of transportation’ hill.
How does a company, city or country “own” this future of transportation? While there’s no clear winner today, companies as well as local and federal governments can take actions and make investments today to make sure they’re not left behind, according to Zoox CEO Aicha Evans and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, who spoke about the future of cities on stage this month at Disrupt SF.
Local = opportunity
Evolution in mobility is occurring at a global scale, but transportation is also very local, Evans said. Because every local transit system is tailored to the geography and the needs of its residents, these unique requirements create opportunities at a local level and encourages partnerships between different companies.
This is no longer just a Silicon Valley versus Detroit story; Europe, China, Singapore have all piled in as well. Instead of one mobility company that will rule them all, Evans and Granholm predict more partnerships between companies, governments and even economic and tech strongholds like Silicon Valley.
We’re already seeing examples of this in the world of autonomous vehicles. For instance, Ford invested $1 billion into AV startup Argo AI in 2017. Two years later, VW Group announced a partnership with Ford that covers a number of areas, including autonomy (via a new investment by VW in Argo AI) and collaboration on development of electric vehicles.
BMW and Daimler, which agreed in 2018 to merge their urban mobility services into a single holding company, announced in February plans to unify these services and sink $1.1 billion into the effort. The two companies are also part of a consortium that includes Audi, Intel, Continental and Bosch, that owns mapping and location data service company HERE.
There are numerous other examples of companies collaborating after concluding that going it alone wasn’t as feasible as they once thought.
Facebook just lost a battle in its war to stop a $35 billion class action lawsuit regarding alleged misuse of facial recognition data in Illinois. Today it was denied its request for an en banc hearing before the full slate of ninth circuit judges that could have halted the case. Now the case will go to trial unless the Supreme Court intercedes.
The suit alleges that Illinois citizens didn’t consent to having their uploaded photos scanned with facial recognition and weren’t informed of how long the data would be saved when the mapping started in 2011. Facebook could face $1,000 to $5,000 in penalties per user for 7 million people, which could sum to a maximum of $35 billion.
A three-judge panel of ninth circuit judges rejected Facebook’s motion to dismiss the case and its appeal of the class certification of the plaintiffs back in August. One of those judges said that it “seems likely” that the Facebook facial recognition data could be used to identify them in surveillance footage or even unlock a biometrically secured cell phone. Facebook had originally built the feature to power photo-tag suggestions, asking users if it’s them or a particular friend in an untagged photo.
Nicholas Iovino spotted the announcement today that we’ve obtained and embedded below. When asked for comment, a Facebook spokesperson responded, “Facebook has always told people about its use of face recognition technology and given them control over whether it’s used for them. We are reviewing our options and will continue to defend ourselves vigorously.”
The class action poses an even greater penalty than the record-breaking $5 billion settlement Facebook agreed to over violations of its FTC consent decree. Though that payment amounts to a fraction of the $55 billion in revenue Facebook earned last year, it’s also been saddled with tons of new data privacy and transparency requirements. The $35 billion threat coming into focus contributed to a 2.25% share price drop for Facebook today.
Bloomberg Beta, a San Francisco-based outfit that uses Bloomberg LP’s money to make bets on startups, has closed its third fund with $75 million, according to Roy Bahat, who’d previously run the online media company IGN and who operates the fund as an equal partnership with Karin Klein and James Chan. (Klein formerly ran Bloomberg’s new initiatives; Chan was formerly a principal with Trinity Ventures.)
We talked with Bahat briefly last night about the new vehicle to ask how its capital will be deployed. Bahat stressed that the idea is to continue on the firm’s current path, which is to write checks of between $500,000 to $1 million initially; to loosely target ownership of around 10% in the startups it backs; and to fund companies that are focused on the future of work, which has long been an area of interest for Bahat and his colleagues.
That can mean an instant messaging platform like Slack, in which Bloomberg Beta had and continues to have a small stake, following its direct offering. It also can mean backing a company like Flexport, a San Francisco-based freight forwarding and customs brokerage company that appears to be among Bloomberg Beta’s biggest bets. (According to Crunchbase, the outfit has backed Flexport — valued most recently at $3.2 billion — at its seed, Series A and Series B rounds.)
Others of Bloomberg Beta’s portfolio companies include the augmented writing platform Textio; the insurance broker Newfront Insurance; the continuous delivery platform LaunchDarkly; and Netlify, a cloud computing company that sells hosting and serverless backend services for static websites.
What it won’t back: financial tech startups. Given where its money comes from, it’s “too close to home,” says Bahat.
In late August, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that Bahat would be part of his Future of Work Commission, which will be “tasked with making recommendations to help California leaders think through how to create inclusive, long-term economic growth and ensure workers and their families share in that success.”
As part of his role on that commission, and as an investor in some companies that cater to independent contractors, we asked Bahat what he makes of AB 5, the new California law for contract workers that aims to address inequality in the workplace but has been met with resistance from numerous industries and players. Uber, Lyft and DoorDash are even preparing to file a ballot initiative to exempt themselves from the law.
Bahat suggested he’s not sure what to think quite yet, either. “How workers get classified is one of the issues” the commission will be studying, he said.
“We haven't figured out how to make it all work; this story is still unfolding.”
YellowHeart is trying to solve a problem that should be familiar to anyone who’s ever tried to buy a ticket for a popular concert: Those tickets will often get snatched up by scalpers, who then resell them at a much higher price.
In fact, the startup’s CEO, Josh Katz, said he founded the company because he’s a music “megafan” himself, and he was “just tired of getting ripped off by scalpers.” At the same time, he said this isn’t just a problem for concertgoers. Instead, he painted it as a “lose-lose for the fan and the artist,” because the musicians aren’t sharing in the profits from the marked-up tickets, either.
So YellowHeart can allow a musician, concert venue or other “event initiator” to set up rules for how their tickets are resold. Katz said he’s hoping that some brave artists will simply say their tickets can’t be sold at a marked-up price, but he predicted that many more will set price ceilings and dictate that any resale profits are then split between the seller, the artist and/or a charity of the artist’s choosing.
“No matter where the tickets are sold, they have to abide by those rules,” Katz added. That’s because the ticket sales run on a public blockchain, and “all transactions go through YellowHeart, all the revenue flows through YellowHeart.”
The plan is to launch the ticketing platform in the second quarter of next year. Katz said users should be able to sell their tickets on any marketplace that works with YellowHeart’s smart contracts — but he acknowledged that it will take some time to bring partners on-board and for those integrations to go live.
Katz argued that the blockchain approach has other benefits, like the fact that each ticket will have “a unique key that is tied to a user's identity and sits in their virtual wallet,” which should eliminate forgery. (The ticketing process, by the way, will be “fully digital end-to-end,” except that venues will have the option to print tickets at the box office.)
Katz has a background in the music industry, having previously founded El Media Group, which creates custom playlists for hotels, restaurants and other clients. He founded YellowHeart with The Chainsmokers, along with their manager Adam Alpert, who’s also CEO of Disruptor Records.
“With The Chainsmokers, we've been outspoken about the issue of scalpers for years, and are excited to partner with YellowHeart to provide a smart and effective solution that gives control back to artists and fans,” Alpert said in a statement.
And Katz suggested that YellowHeart’s platform could eventually be used in any other kind of event ticketing.
“I am anticipating this being a great platform for sports and theater as well,” he said. “Myself and Adam and Drew [Taggart] and Alex [Pall of The Chainsmokers] come out of music, so that’s where we're starting.”
Hardware startups are expanding from the world of consumer tech; global hardware accelerator HAX knows this better than most and details the latest trends in its yearly report. One of the most active early-stage hardware investors, the group today released exclusively to TechCrunch its yearly report with insights on hardware startups.
The report highlighted several vital insights: hardware companies are increasingly entering the public market, and more privately-held hardware startups are exceeding a valuation of $1 billion. Of those unicorns, more than 50% are Chinese hardware companies.
Mark Hurd, who until last month was one of two CEOs leading the database software giant Oracle, has passed away at age 62, one month after telling employees in a letter that he was taking a leave of absence owing to health reasons.
Staffers, who were notified that Hurd died earlier this morning, have been offering their condolences on Twitter.
Hurd joined Oracle nine years ago, after spending five years with Hewlett-Packard, where he was CEO, president and, ultimately, board chairman, all roles from which he was pressured to resign in 2010 after submitting inaccurate expense reports that concealed his personal relationship with an outside consultant to the company.
At the time, Allen Lind, a professor of leadership at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, told Time magazine: “People don’t like their leaders to have frailties. That’s just the way it works.”
The very next month, Larry Ellison, a friend of Hurd, named him the co-president of Oracle, the company Ellison had himself founded in the summer of 1977. Said then-CEO Ellison in a statement relating to the move, "Mark did a brilliant job at H-P, and I expect he'll do even better at Oracle. There is no executive in the I.T. world with more relevant experience than Mark."
Indeed, when Ellison stepped down as the CEO of Oracle in 2014 to become the company's chief technology officer instead, he promoted Hurd to the role of CEO, a role he had since shared with Oracle's former CFO, Safra Catz.
When Hurd left last month, Catz, who has been an executive with Oracle since 1999, became the sole CEO of Oracle, though Ellison has indicated that she won’t be operating the company single-handedly for long. Instead, he told analysts last month that though some people find it “weird,” Oracle plans to keep its dual-CEO structure, in part owing to situations as with Hurd where life throws an executive team a curveball.
According to Business Insider, Ellison has already promised the board of directors the names of numerous internal candidates, including Don Johnson, the executive vice president of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Said Ellison at Oracle’s OpenWorld event in San Francisco last month: “I believe in a dual-CEO structure. The normal case would be dual CEO here for obvious reasons. That it’s good to have capacity and good to have specialization. And then, God forbid, if something untoward should happen, you have capacity; you are not incapacitated.”
Hurd attended Baylor University in Waco, Texas on a tennis scholarship and reportedly dabbled on the professional tennis circuit immediately after graduating. He began his career at NCR Corp., where he was promoted to chief operating officer 22 years into his tenure with the company, and to the role of CEO the following year, in 2003.
Two years later, H-P brought him aboard.
Hurd is survived by his wife, Paula, and daughters Kathryn and Kelly.
Ellison released a statement just now about the development. It reads:
It is with a profound sense of sadness and loss that I tell everyone here at Oracle that Mark Hurd passed away early this morning. Mark was my close and irreplaceable friend, and trusted colleague. Oracle has lost a brilliant and beloved leader who personally touched the lives of so many of us during his decade at Oracle. All of us will miss Mark's keen mind and rare ability to analyze, simplify and solve problems quickly. Some of us will miss his friendship and mentorship. I will miss his kindness and sense of humor. Mark leaves his beloved wife Paula, two wonderful daughters who were the joy of his life, and his much larger extended family here at Oracle who came to love him. I know that many of us are inconsolable right now, but we are left with memories and a sense of gratitude…that we had the opportunity to get know Mark, the opportunity to work with him…and become his friend.
Thousands of ransomware victims may finally get some long-awaited relief.
New Zealand-based security company Emsisoft has built a set of decryption tools for Stop, a family of ransomware that includes Djvu and Puma, which they say could help victims recover some of their files.
Stop is believed to be the most active ransomware in the world, accounting for more than half of all ransomware infections, according to figures from ID-Ransomware, a free site that helps identify infections. But Emsisoft said that figure is likely to be far higher.
If you’ve never had ransomware, you’re one of the lucky ones. Ransomware is one of the more common ways nowadays for some criminals to make money by infecting computers with malware that locks files using encryption. Once the Stop ransomware infects, it renames a user’s files with one of any number of extensions, replacing .jpg and .png files with .radman, .djvu and .puma, for example. Victims can unlock their files in exchange for a ransom demand — usually a few hundred dollars in cryptocurrency.
Not all ransomware is created equally. Some security experts have been able to unlock some victims’ files without paying up by finding vulnerabilities in the code that powers the ransomware, allowing them in some cases to reverse the encryption and return a victim’s files back to normal.
Stop is the latest ransomware that researchers at Emsisoft have been able to crack.
“The latest known victim count is about 116,000. It’s estimated that’s about one-quarter of the total number of victims.” Emsisoft
“It’s more of a complicated decryption tool than you would normally get,” said Michael Gillespie, the tools’ developer and a researcher at Emsisoft. “It is a very complicated ransomware,” he said.
In Stop’s case, it encrypts user files with either an online key that’s pulled from the attacker’s server, or an offline key, which encrypts users’ files when it can’t communicate with the server. Gillespie said many victims have been infected with offline keys because the attackers’ web infrastructure was often down or inaccessible to the infected computer.
Here are how the tools work.
The ransomware attackers give each victim a “master key,” said Gillespie. That master key is combined with the first five bytes of each file that the ransomware encrypts. Some filetypes, like .png image files, share the same five bytes in every .png file. By comparing an original file with an encrypted file and applying some mathematical computations, he can decrypt not only that .png file but other .png of the same filetype.
Some filetypes share the same initial five bytes. Most modern Microsoft Office documents, like .docx and .pptx, share the same five bytes as .zip files. With any before and after file, any one of these filetypes can decrypt the others.
There’s a catch. The decryption tool is “not a cure-all” for your infected computer, said Gillespie.
“The victim has to find a good before and after of basically every format that they want to recover,” he said.
Once the system is clean of the ransomware, he said victims should try to look for any files that were backed up. That could be default Windows wallpapers, or it can mean going through your email and finding an original file that you sent and matching it with the now-encrypted file.
When the user uploads a “before and after” pair of files to the submission portal, the server will do the math and figure out if the pair of files are compatible and will spit back which extensions can be decrypted.
But there are pitfalls, said Gillespie.
“Any infections after the end of August 2019, unfortunately there’s not much we can do unless it was encrypted with the offline key,” he said. If an online key was pulled from the attacker’s server, victims are out of luck. He added that files submitted to the portal have to be above 150 kilobytes in size or the decryption tools won’t work, because that’s how much of the file the ransomware encrypts. And some file extensions will be difficult if not impossible to recover because each file extension handles the first five bytes of the file differently.
“The victim really needs to put in some effort,” he said.
The current share of worldwide ransomware infections (Image: Emsisoft)
This isn’t Gillespie’s first rodeo. For a time, he was manually processing decryption keys for victims whose files had been encrypted with an offline key. He built a rudimentary decryption tool, the aptly named STOPDecrypter, which decrypted some victims’ files. But keeping the tool up to date was a cat and mouse game he was playing with the ransomware attackers. Every time he found a workaround, the attackers would push out new encrypted file extensions in an effort to outwit him.
“They were keeping me on my toes constantly,” he said.
Since the launch of STOPDecrypter, Gillespie has received thousands of messages from people whose systems have been encrypted by the Stop ransomware. By posting on the Bleeping Computer forums, he has been able to keep victims up to date with his findings and updates to his decryption tool.
But as some victims became more desperate to get their files back, Gillespie has faced the brunt of their frustrations.
“The site’s moderators were patiently responding. They’ve kept the peace,” he said. “A couple of other volunteers on the forums have also been helping explain things to victims.”
“There’s been a lot of community support trying to help in every little small bit,” he said.
Gillespie said the tool will also be fed into Europol’s No More Ransom Project so that future victims will be notified that a decryption tool is available.
The turbulence of Brexit has left both U.K. and European startups alike wondering about the best path forward. From recruiting to acquiring investment to scaling into other parts of Europe, the challenges seem to be mounting. By December, who knows what will have happened on the Brexit landscape, such is the chaos.
At Disrupt Berlin in December, we'll hear from investor Bindi Karia, who has deep European ties; founder Glenn Shoosmith, who’s expanding his startup internationally; and German-born but U.K.-domiciled VC Volker Hirsch on how to make the right decisions in the face of these obstacles.
Bindi Karia works as a venture partner at large London-based VC Draper Esprit, and has held positions in and around the tech industry for as long as she's been working. She's been a consultant at PwC Consulting, worked in corporate environments like Microsoft Ventures, served within a startup at Trayport and was an advisor across a number of organizations (Startup Europe, Techstars Startup Weekend, Tech London Advocates, European Innovation Council, WEF). She's been a banker with Silicon Valley Bank and currently invests as a partner at a large London-based VC firm, as well as serving on the advisory board for seven different startups. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the conversation and understands the differing perspectives involved in each startup's journey to success.
Volker Hirsch will bring us not only his perspective as a former entrepreneur-turned-VC but also as a German-born citizen living in the U.K. and dealing with Brexit. He is a partner at Amadeus, working on its early-stage funds, whose investment focus is on artificial intelligence and machine learning, autonomous systems, human-machine interfaces, cybersecurity, enterprise SaaS, digital health and medical technologies.
Volker has founded or co-founded a total of six companies to date. He is currently co-founder of Blue Beck, a 40-strong mobile development house, and a venture partner at Emerge Education, Europe's leading early-stage edtech investor.
Prior to joining Amadeus Capital, Volker was amongst the first angel investors in companies like Pi-Top, Bibblio (where he is also chairman), Aula Education and Wonde. His personal investment portfolio comprises about a dozen investments with companies based across Europe and the U.S.
Previously, Volker was the chief strategy officer at Scoreloop, a mobile social gaming platform, which he helped grow from (almost) inception to 450 million users at its peak. When the company was acquired by BlackBerry in 2011, he served as BlackBerry's global head of Business Development – Games.
Lastly, Glenn Shoosmith will bring his perspective as a founder with a substantial operation in the U.K. but who recently expanded into the U.S. Originally founded as BookingBug in 2008, the renamed JRNI (pronounced “journey”) has become one of the market-leading multichannel appointment scheduling and customer journey platforms, helping leading global retailers, banks, central and local governments enhance their customer experience and save costs. JRNI has a team of more than 100 based in London, Boston and Sydney.
Glenn has been a passionate advocate for London and the U.K. as a technology hub within Europe, and in the past has helped shape government policy toward innovation and technology, both as an early advocate for Tech City, and as an advisor and representative of the government nationally and internationally.
On the heels of getting the FCC’s proposal to merge with Sprint, T-Mobile announced a plan to partner with Jeffrey Katzenberg’s mobile streaming service, Quibi. According to statements provided to the LA Times, and confirmed by Variety, Quibi CEO Meg Whitman specifically called out T-Mobile’s “impressive 5G road map” as a good fit for the soon-to-launch streaming service.
The partnership will give T-Mobile’s 83.1 million customers access to Quibi’s premium content, but no details as to how it would be bundled into the carrier’s plans are currently available. It’s possible that Quibi will either be offered at a discount for T-Mobile users, or it could be available as an add-on or available with a special bundle deal.
The deal will present a new competitor to AT&T’s streaming services, AT&T TV Now (previously DirecTV Now) and low-cost WatchTV, as well as its upcoming premium service, HBO Max. Verizon (TechCrunch’s parent company) also dabbled with mobile streaming with go90, but that service was shut down last year after failing to gain adoption.
The news of the T-Mobile deal comes on the heels of a series of rapid-fire announcements about the shows and celebs who will be contributing to Quibi, which will provide a range of programming, including news, lifestyle, comedy, drama, horror, reality, action and more. And all is broken up into shorter-form bits — or “quick bites,” hence the service’s name.
“Quibi will deliver premium video content for millennials on a technology platform that is built exclusively for mobile, so a telecommunications partner like T-Mobile, with their broad coverage today and impressive 5G road map, is the perfect fit," Quibi chief executive Meg Whitman said in a statement run by the LA Times.
“Quibi is leading the way on how video content is made and experienced in a mobile-first world,” said Mike Sievert, president and chief operating officer of T-Mobile. “That's why our partnership makes perfect sense — two mobile-centric disrupters coming together to give customers something new and remarkable.”
Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The companies confirmed the news to TechCrunch, following the L.A. Times report.
Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch's venture capital-focused podcast, where each week we discuss other people's money and what sense their investment choices make (or don’t).
This week was honestly a treat. We had Kate Clark in the studio along with Alex Wilhelm and a special guest, Sarah Guo from Greylock Partners, a venture firm (obviously). Guo has the distinction of having the best-ever fun fact on the show.
We kicked off with Grammarly, a company that recently put $90 million into its accounts. We chatted about for whom it was built, and if we use it today. One thing that felt clear was that consumers are more willing than before to pay for their tooling. And that means that companies like Grammarly may prove strong investment candidates.
Next, we hit on two more rounds, namely Tiger Global’s investment into Lattice and Clari’s $60 million Series D. Starting with Lattice, a performance management company founded by none other than Sam Altman’s brother, Jack. The startup raised $25 million from Tiger Global; read more about that here.
Clari led us to a discussion of vertical SaaS, and Guo’s views on the future of SaaS products (she’s bullish). Alex and Guo had a lot to say on this subject.
After talking over a few rounds, the discussion turned to the Q3 venture market. A few things stood out from the data and projections. First, that early-stage fundraising was a little light in the quarter. It could be a single-quarter wobble, but the data was worth chewing on all the same. And, second, that seed deal and dollar volume were hot once again.
Volvo Group has established a new dedicated business group focused on autonomous transportation, with a mandate that covers industry segments like mining, ports and moving goods between logistics hubs of all kinds. The vehicle maker has already been active in putting autonomous technology to work in these industries, with self-driving projects — including at a few quarries and mines, and in the busy port located at Gothenburg, Sweden.
The company sees demand for this kind of autonomous technology use growing, and decided to establish an entire business unit to address it. The newly formed group will be called Volvo Autonomous Solutions, and its official mission is to “accelerate the development, commercialization and sales of autonomous transport solutions,” focused on the kind of transportation “where there is a need to move large volumes of goods and material on pre-defined routes, in receptive flows.”
Their anticipation of the growth of this sector comes in part from direct customer feedback, the automaker notes. It’s seen “significant increase in inquires from customers,” according to a statement from Martin Lundstedt, Volvo Group’s president and CEO.
Officially, Volvo Autonomous Solutions won’t be a formal new business area under its parent company until January 2020, but the company is looking for a new head of the unit already, and it’s clear they see a lot of potential in this burgeoning market.
Unlike autonomous driving for consumer automobiles, this kind of self-driving for fixed-route goods transportation is a nice match to the capabilities of technology as they exist today. These industrial applications eliminate a lot of the chaos and complexity of driving in, say, urban environments and with a lot of other human-driven vehicles on the road, and their routes are predictable and repeatable.
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FADA contradicts SIAM, says retail sales down 13% in Q2 Both FADA and SIAM source their retail sales numbers from vehicle registration data from the Vahan database maintained by the ministry of road transport and highways.
Reliance Jio records net profit of Rs 990 crore during second quarter Anshuman Thakur, strategy and planning head, Reliance Jio, said that the 6 paisa charge is purely to recover this regulatory cost and does not account for any changes in the tariff plans of the company.
Retail and digital — Two sectors that helped Reliance post record profit in Q2 The fall in petrochemicals segment EBIT was mainly due to weaker petrochemical product margins offset by record petrochemical production and cost-optimisation through light-feed cracking. Petrochemical segment recorded an EBIT margin of 19.7%.