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Top Stories Today

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:55 AM PDT

Top Stories Today

How Graffiti Became Gentrified

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:26 AM PDT

Two decades after Rudy Giuliani tried to rid New York City of graffiti, the art form is flourishing — with unexpected consequences.

Facebook Moderators Break Their NDAs To Expose Desperate Working Conditions

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:26 AM PDT

At Facebook's worst-performing content moderation site in North America, one contractor has died, and others say they fear for their lives.

Australian Cop Abruptly Cuts Off TV Interview To Tackle A Sprinting Suspect

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:14 AM PDT

Detective Senior Sergeant Daren Edwards wasn't going to let a TV interview get in the way of catching this perp, who has now been charged with public nuisance and stalking offenses.

Power Up Your Small Business For Less

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 05:22 AM PDT

Computers aren't cheap, but your small business needs them. Shop the Dell Small Business Buy More Save More Event and save up to $250, so you can grow your business without breaking the balance sheet.

Here's The Correct Way To Set Up Your Desk According To An Ergonomics Expert

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:55 AM PDT

A poorly set-up work station could lead to a lot of pain after eight hours of work. Here are some tips to avoid that.

Deprogramming The Cult Of The Workplace Personality Test

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:26 AM PDT

Introverted, extroverted, thinking or feeling? There's really only one trait the personality-test industry is ever assigning to you: Gullible AF.

'The Hunger Games For Cities' — Inside The Amazon HQ2 Bid Process

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 05:22 AM PDT

How America prostrated itself before one of its largest corporations — and how New York took a stand.

This Low-Budget Daisy Ridley Horror Film Will Give You The Heebie-Jeebies

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:14 AM PDT

"The Force Awakens" star Daisy Ridley appeared in the indie thriller "Scrawl" back in 2015 and it's only seeing the light of day now.

Nearly 71 Million People Forcibly Displaced Worldwide In 2018, UN Report Says

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:26 AM PDT

The figure represents an increase of over 2 million in the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people from the year before, and a near 65% increase from a decade ago. It is also the highest number in the history of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

New York City Subway Car Bursts Into 'I Want It That Way'

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:25 AM PDT

While New Yorkers may come off as cold-hearted and jaded to the outside observer, they're ultimately just people waiting for the right Backstreet Boys song to come on.

A Funny Little Song Completely Destroying Those 'Straight Rights' Activists

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:26 AM PDT

YouTube comedy journeyman Julian Smith made the perfect video (for you) to tear apart those weird people all over your newsfeed who feel "oppressed" because they are straight.

Think $12 Deodorant Is Crazy? Meet Moiz Ali

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 05:22 AM PDT

Startup investor Paul Graham once said he could tell a winner with one simple question: Could you describe this person as an animal? Read how this winner grew Native from $0 to $100m in two years flat.

It's A Winner-Take-All World, Whether You Like It Or Not

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

And a person needs to cultivate particular traits to be successful within it.

Get An MBA Style Education Without The Massive Tuition Costs

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 05:22 AM PDT

Who said you need to go into massive debt to get ahead? An Entire MBA in 1 Course Ft. Chris Haroun is a deep-dive into all things business: from starting out, to going public. You'll learn pro-tips from an expert without needing to pay an MBA tuition for it — in fact, you'll pay just $10.99 if you enroll today.

Young Tiger Tries To Attack Sloth Bear, Things Don't Go As Planned

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:53 AM PDT

A sloth bear might look and sound cute and cuddly, but you don't want to mess around with this bear.

Chinese Students Have Their Faces Scanned Upon Entering And Leaving School Everyday

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

While this technology surely improves security and safety, it also makes us deeply comfortable.

What It Feels Like To Die From Heat Stroke

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Your head is pounding, your muscles are cramping and your heart is racing. Then you get dizzy and the vomiting starts. Heatstroke kills thousands of people every year. This is what it feels like — and how to know when you're in danger.

The Time I Went On A Lesbian Cruise And It Blew Up My Entire Life

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:24 PM PDT

I didn't expect that spending a week with a couple thousand lesbians on a cruise ship would push me to radically reconsider the future I'd planned for myself.

Eight Women Accuse Hollywood Filmmaker Max Landis Of Emotional And Sexual Abuse: 'We're Not People to Him'

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

Eight accusers have come forward against the "Bright" screenwriter and Hollywood scion alleging a pattern of emotional, physical and sexual abuse that spans a decade.

Jet Boat Reaches Face-Melting Speeds Gunning It Down A Small River — And Then Pulls A 360 Degree Spin

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:56 PM PDT

These boaters are playing with fire as they commit to a totally bonkers spin.

Scientists Amazed As Canadian Permafrost Thaws 70 Years Early

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Permafrost at outposts in the Canadian Arctic is thawing 70 years earlier than predicted, an expedition has discovered, in the latest sign that the global climate crisis is accelerating even faster than scientists had feared.

The Most Valuable Brands In The World, Visualized

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:31 PM PDT

The top three brands remain unchanged from last year, while Facebook has noticeably stumbled.

Power Up Your Small Business For Less

Posted: 03 Oct 2018 04:42 AM PDT

Computers aren't cheap, but your small business needs them. Shop the Dell Small Business Buy More Save More Event and save up to $250, so you can grow your business without breaking the balance sheet.

Google Puts Up $1 Billion To Fight Housing Crisis In Its Bay Area Backyard

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Google, some of whose employees must stretch to buy a home in the Bay Area, said Tuesday it will make a major investment to combat a housing crisis in its backyard.

A Bridge Made Of Grass

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:16 PM PDT

Every year the last remaining Inca rope bridge still in use is cast down and a new one erected across the Apurimac river in the Cusco region of Peru.

Apple Is Trying To Save My Hearing After I Spent Years Ruining It

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:16 PM PDT

New tools in watchOS and iOS make hearing health harder to ignore.

Closing In On A Non-Sugar Sweetener — One Without A Weird Aftertaste

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Now, armed with a better understanding of the molecules that deliver a sweet kick, scientists might be getting closer to finding a viable sugar alternative.

Ah, So This Is What Spider-Man Is Up To On A Slow Crime Day

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:34 AM PDT

The newspaper business is not what it used to be.

NBA Free Agents Cluster In Superstar Cities, Too

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Pro basketball follows the winner-take-all geography of America as a whole, with free agents gravitating to New York, LA, and other big cities.

The History Of Chinese Zodiac Placemats In Chinese-American Restaurants

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:16 PM PDT

The placemat is a lingering testament that its initial effect — to normalize a piece of Chinese culture for an unfamiliar audience — worked.

Man Pets A Curious Baby Whale On The Top Of The Head

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:56 PM PDT

With her mom by her side, this little big one says hello to a boat full of bipeds.

This Is Almost Certainly The Most Intricate Paper Airplane You'll Ever See

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:14 PM PDT

Luca Iaconi-Stewart transforms manilla folders and glue into a miniature 777 aircraft with movable components.

Property Auction Winner Learns Why Property Was Such A Great Deal: It's Only 12 Inches Wide

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

The man who "won" the Broward County auction for Parcel 494105-15-1371 is now the significantly less-proud owner of a 1' x 100' strip of land that starts at the curb and runs between the driveways and garages of two villas, under the dividing wall and on to the back of the lot.

The Revamped iPod Touch Is Not Your New Music Storage Solution

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

Music lovers have no reason to care about this device. The iPod Touch has little in common with the beloved iPod Classic (discontinued in 2014), or even the Shuffle and Nano (put out to pasture in 2017).

We Hired Three Fiverr Workers To Write About Fiverr's IPO

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

Fiverr, an Israel-based startup, is a sort of white-collar TaskRabbit — a freelance platform for services like digital marketing and ghostwriting. But financial results can only tell you so much about a company, which is why we decided to hire Fiverr workers to write about Fiverr's IPO.

We're Bad People, And This 'Friends'/'Chernobyl' Mash-Up Is So Funny

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

Is it so wrong to find a glimmer of humor in an incomprehensibly devastating situation?

Gay Hell: US Town Re-Named To Protest LGBT Flag Ban

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

YouTuber Elijah Daniel, 25, is making waves on social media this week after announcing that he's buying the small American town Hell and re-naming it for Pride Month.

Two Centuries Of Rapid Global Population Growth Will Come To An End

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:02 PM PDT

As population growth continues to decline, the curve representing the world population is getting less and less steep. By the end of the century — when global population growth will have fallen to 0.1% according to the UN's projection – the world will be very close to the end of the demographic transition.

Ryan Reynolds Sits Down For A Frank, Freewheeling Interview With The Wall Street Journal

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:46 AM PDT

Reynolds speaks about how he survived growing up with four brothers, trying to stay "invisible" in high school, the battle to bring "Deadpool" to the silver screen and the tribulations of owning a gin business.

What It's Like To Write For Late Night Right Now

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

What's it like in 2019, when things have felt on fire for so long we can't remember what the sky looked like before it was filled with smoke? Was it clear? Yellow? And the moon was at night and the sun not at night?

Cities Start To Question An American Ideal: A House With A Yard On Every Lot

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:02 PM PDT

Townhomes, duplexes and apartments are effectively banned in many neighborhoods. Now some communities regret it.

A New Bride Tries To Survive Her Husband's Relatives Trying To Kill Her In 'Ready Or Not'

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

This gloriously gory-looking film hits theaters this August.

A 53-Year-Old Network Coloring Conjecture Is Disproved By Mathematician

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

In just three pages, a Russian mathematician has presented a better way to color certain types of networks than many experts thought possible.

How The Spanish Language Came To Be

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

More than 1,000 years ago in Spain's La Rioja region, monks made notes in the margins of Latin texts. These are believed to be the Spanish language's first steps onto the page.

A Thoughtful Documentary About Intellectual Disability, Love And Sexuality

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Married couple Hava and Paul struggle to find a group home that will accept both of them together.

Discovering America's Heavenly Kingdom Of Oil

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

On one man's journey through Christianity and crude.

Why Machines Need To Dream

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT

The ingenious neurobiology of mammalian sleep has been mathematically modeled to streamline AI memory and storage capacity.

Three VFX Artists Evaluate The Effects In The 'Star Wars' Prequels

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:34 AM PDT

From "totally revolutionary" to "entirely off," the prequels serve as master classes in what to do and what not to do in visual effects.

The Elaborate Yam Houses Of The Trobriand Islands

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

Years of drought have left them tragically empty.

These Engineering Students Built A Special Pen Just For Cheating On Tests

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:07 PM PDT

"We didn't really need to cheat, because we already had 3.9 GPAs."

Here's 7-Foot Tall NBA Champion Marc Gasol Chugging A Bottle Of Wine

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:02 PM PDT

During Monday's celebration in Toronto, Raptors center and massive fella Marc Gasol wrapped his mitts around a bottle of wine and didn't let go until it was all done.

Inside Backpage.com's Vicious Battle With The Feds

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:35 AM PDT

For years, it was the largest portal for sex on the internet. Now its fate could shape the future of Silicon Valley.

Five Massive Screw-Ups That Wouldn't Have Happened If We All Just Used The Metric System

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:07 PM PDT

Almost every country in the world uses metric measurements. Every country except for the United States that is. It's usually not a big problem. But there have been some close calls throughout history when people used metric instead of imperial, or vice versa with disastrous results.

A Person From Each US State Performs Their Local Accent

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:22 AM PDT

There are so many delightful ways to speak the same language.

Why Game Streaming Will Finally Work

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:24 PM PDT

Services like OnLive have tried and failed. Stadia and xCloud should succeed.

Here Are Nine Picks To Help You Have Big Fun In A Small Space This Fourth Of July

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:39 PM PDT

These nine things will supply your invitees with food, drink, music and a place to sit.

Eating Inside Is Overrated. Go Have A Picnic

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:05 PM PDT

Here are the three pillars of your next picnic — a blanket, a basket, a book.

You Spend A Third Of Your Life Sleeping. Get A Pillow That Keeps You Cool

Posted: 08 May 2019 04:48 AM PDT

When was the last time you had a pillow that stayed cool while you slept? Probably never. Enter the Bear Pillow. It's on sale.

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 03:47 AM PDT

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Tweets For Today

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:00 PM PDT

Picture Of The Day

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:30 PM PDT

Macedonian army helicopter Mi-24 fires during the 'Decisive Strike' exercise hosted by the army of North Macedonia with United States, Albania, Bulgaria and Lithuania's armed forces, at Krivolak training base, North Macedonia. REUTERS/Ognen Teofilovski

WNU Editor: The above picture came form this photo-gallery .... Editor's Choice Pictures (Reuters).

Revolutionary Guards Commander Boasts That Iran's Ballistic Missiles Are Capable Of Hitting 'Carriers In The Sea'

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:00 PM PDT

A 2017 Iranian military drill involving missile test on a carrier mock-up in the Persian Gulf.

Jerusalem Post/Reuters: IRGC chief says Iran's ballistic missiles capable of hitting 'carriers in the sea'

The commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards Corps said on Tuesday that Iran's ballistic missiles were capable of hitting "carriers in the sea" with great precision.

"These missiles can hit with great precision carriers in the sea ... These missiles are domestically produced and are difficult to intercept and hit with other missiles," Brigadier General Hossein Salami said in a televised speech.

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Update: Pompeo To Present Military "Options" To Trump As Iran Threatens Carriers With "Precision" Ballistic Missiles (Zero Hedge).

WNU Editor: This is Iran's way of putting pressure on the U.S. and its allies.

Poll: Venezuelan President Maduro Still Enjoys Wide Support (Update)

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:00 PM PDT

Zero Hedge: Poll Finds Maduro's Domestic Support Stronger After Coup Attempt & US Pressures

A new poll has found that after emerging victorious in Venezuela's recent US-backed failed coup attempt led by opposition leader Juan Gaido, socialist leader Nicolas Maduro commands a popular majority of Venezuelans' recognition as the legal head of the country, even after over 50 countries rejected his January reelection as invalid.

The five-month political stalemate appears to be "subtly helping" Maduro, according to a Miami Herald report of a new Datincorp poll conducted over the weekend, even after dozens of countries have followed America's lead in recognizing only Guaido as the "interim present". The poll found that a majority 41% of Venezuelans consider Maduro the country's "constitutional president" against 36% who recognize Guaido.

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WNU Editor: An interesting analysis on who is popular in Venezuela and who is not.

Colombia's President: 'Venezuelan President Maduro Is Looking For A Safe Exit Before His Army Turns On Him'

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:48 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Venezuelan President Maduro 'no longer feels safe' and is looking for a safe exit before his army turns on him, Colombian leader claims

* Colombian leader Ivan Duque said that Nicolas Maduro's days were numbered
* He said Maduro's family and inner circle know that the military will break away
* Maduro's grip on power is threatened by de facto president Juan Guaido
* On April 30, he rallied the military against Maduro but was foiled by the top brass

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro 'no longer feels safe' and is looking for a safe exit before his army turns on him, the Colombian leader claims.

Ivan Duque said Maduro's family and inner circle were looking to find sanctuary before the eventual collapse of his grip on the military.

Speaking to The Times, Duque said: 'They no longer have the idea that they will have safe haven somewhere else in the world.'

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More News On The Crisis In Venezuela

We need to use persuasion rather than military action in Venezuela, Colombia's president says -- CNBC
Venezuela frees jailed opposition lawmaker ahead of U.N. rights chief's visit -- Reuters
Venezuelan prosecutor: Opposition leader linked to crimes -- AP
Caracas Accuses US of Hatching New Plot to Destabilise Venezuela -- Sputnik
Venezuela's Collapse Frays Its Economic Ties With Russia -- The New York Times
Maduro, still deeply unpopular, finds strength in Venezuela stalemate, survey shows -- Miami Herald
Venezuela's misery doesn't even spare the dead in Maracaibo -- AP

Another Massacre In Mali

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:54 PM PDT

The Guardian/Reuters: Mali attack: gunmen on motorbikes kill at least 41 people in two villages

Attacks on the villages of Yoro and Gangafani 2 compound a dire security situation in central Mali

Unidentified gunmen on motorbikes attacked two villages in central Mali, killing at least 41 people in a part of the country where ethnic reprisal attacks have surged in recent months, a local mayor said on Tuesday.

The attacks on Monday evening on the villages of Yoro and Gangafani 2 compound a dire security situation in central Mali, where ethnic militias regularly slaughter civilians from rival groups and Islamist militants are also active.

The victims of Monday's raids were mostly ethnic Dogons, said Issiaka Ganame, the mayor of Yoro, where 24 people were killed. Another 17 died in Gangafani 2.

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More News On Reports Of Another Massacre In Mali

Dozens killed in new attacks on central Mali villages -- France 24
Gunmen 'kill dozens' in attack on two villages in central Mali -- Al Jazeera
Gunmen kill dozens in 'terrorist' Mali attack, government says -- CNN
Gunmen on motorbikes kill 41 people in Mali villages -- The Independent
At Least 38 People Killed in Attacks Against Two Mali Villages - Report -- Sputnik

U.S. Wants Nations That Import Oil From The Middle East To Partner Up And Protect Oil Tankers Leaving The Persian Gulf

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:30 PM PDT

An F/A-18F Super Hornet makes an arrested landing on the flight deck of the US Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the Gulf of Oman, May 22, 2019. US Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Matt Herbst/REUTERS

Jack Detsch, Al-Monitor: US lines up partners to protect oil tankers after Gulf attacks

The Donald Trump administration is calling on nations that import the bulk of oil from the Gulf to help protect freedom of navigation in the region after the United States blamed Iran for attacking shipping vessels.

The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Paul Selva, said today that the Pentagon and State Department had approved plans to reach out to China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia and other oil importers about a possible response to defend tanker traffic. He did not offer any details about what those nations may be asked to do.

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WNU Editor: I'm curious to know who will join this U.S. led coalition. China? Europe? Japan?

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 18, 2019

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:11 PM PDT

An image the US says shows the Iranian military removing an unexploded limpet mine from the Kokuka Courageous. Photograph: US navy/Reuters

Dan Sabbagh, The Guardian: Method of attack on tankers remains key evidence against Iran

Release of colour images adds more clarity to debate but fails to prove responsibility

The sophistication of the attacks on two shipping tankers in the Gulf of Oman last week had already led most independent analysts to conclude Iran was responsible for the high-profile explosions.

But there has been scepticism from some key countries, including Germany and Japan, after the US initially released a grainy black and white video it said showed Iranian forces removing an unexploded mine from one of the two targeted ships. Iran has denied involvement.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 18, 2019

Iran Seems Prepared for Major—But Measured—Escalation in the Gulf -- Farzin Nadimi, Washington Institute

Iran Has Become Trump's Foreign Policy Nightmare -- Seth J. Frantzman, National Interest

Don't Blame Trump for Iran's Aggression -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg

Iran and Trump -- Here's what's really going on -- James Jay Carafano, FOX News

Q&A: A look at the standoff between the US and Iran -- Deb Riechmann and Matthew Lee, AP

China's tanks are sure to return with Hong Kong protests -- Dov S. Zakheim, The Hill

Blogger Bilal Khan's murder spotlights fragile free speech in Pakistan -- S. Khan, DW

The Tragedy of Egypt's Mohamed Morsi -- Shadi Hamid, The Atlantic

Ebola: 'WHO between a rock and a hard place' -- Cristina Krippahl, DW

Putin's Economy Does Not Grow by Decree -- Filipp Sterkin, Moscow Times

Trudeau and the Gang of Six: A PM undone by his own handiwork -- Colby Cosh, National Post

Donald Trump is launching his re-election campaign. A clear path to victory is forming – with a few roadblocks -- James Glenday, ABC News Online

Do Trump's Polls Matter? -- Hunter DeRensis, National Interest

With virtual money, Facebook bets on disrupting the world, again -- AFP

Facebook's currency Libra faces financial, privacy pushback -- Rachel Lerman, AP

World News Briefs -- June 18, 2019 (Evening Edition)

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:21 PM PDT

Reuters: U.S., China rekindle trade talks ahead of Trump-Xi G20 meeting

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China and the United States are rekindling trade talks ahead of a meeting next week between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, cheering financial markets with hope that an escalating trade war between the two countries would abate.

Trump said on Tuesday that teams from the two sides would begin preparations for the leaders to sit down at the G20 summit in Osaka. China, which previously declined to say whether the two leaders would meet, confirmed the get-together.

"Had a very good telephone conversation with President Xi of China. We will be having an extended meeting next week at the G-20 in Japan. Our respective teams will begin talks prior to our meeting," Trump said in a post on Twitter.

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Iran claims it dealt 'heavy blow' to US 'spy network'.

US, Iran voice resolve in brinkmanship, say war not sought.

EU fights to keep nuclear deal alive amid US, Iran pressure.

Syria says it doesn't want to fight with Turkey.

UN says Yemen conflict is worsening.

Iran, Russia accuse U.S. of bullying, pushing war.

China asks US to 'alter its extreme pressure methods' on Iran.

US Senators to get new round of closed-door Iran briefings amid growing tensions.

Germany says there is 'strong evidence' Iran behind tanker attacks.

Turkey: Erdogan slams Egypt's 'tyrants' as thousands mourn Morsi.

Turkey orders arrest of 128 military personnel over suspected Gulen links: Anadolu.


Trump-Xi meeting planned for G20 raises hope for trade truce.

Xi Jinping's North Korea visit aims to solve 'problems,' Beijing says.

The Trump summit in Hanoi broke down, but Xi's Pyongyang visit is set to give Kim political capital – and tonnes of food.

Chinese state media accuses US of 'manufacturing' idea it poses a strategic threat.

Indian soldier, army major killed in 2 days of clashes with militants in Kashmir.

South Korean officials see momentum in stalled nuclear talks.

New hiking trails in Korean DMZ offer rare access to forbidden areas.

Duterte calls for calm after Philippine boat sinking.

China's Muslim minority seek sanctuary in Kazakhstan.

Man who shared video of New Zealand attacks jailed for 21 months.


38 killed in attacks on Mali villages.

Suspected jihadists kill 15 soldiers at Nigerian army base.

Nigeria villagers in Borno mourn the dead, lament state failures.

Hundreds of thousands flee violence in northeast DR Congo: UN.

Sudan protesters urge night rallies amid impasse with military.

EU: Sudan military responsible for deaths, violence committed against the public.

Those who oppose military are 'enemies of Algeria': army head.

DR Congo's army moves in to dislodge illegal miners.

Egypt's ousted president Mohammed Morsi has been swiftly and secretly buried amid high security — less than 24 hours after his shock death in the middle of an espionage trial.

Porous border could hinder efforts to stem spread of Ebola.


Boris Johnson builds lead in race to be UK prime minister.

Merkel backs Ukraine's Zelenskiy in Russia dispute.

Greece and Cyprus call on EU to punish Turkey in drilling dispute. Cyprus expects 'stronger' EU stand on Turkey's drilling.

US and Russia clash over power grid 'hack attacks'.

West trying to hamper Russian cooperation via hybrid war means — Russian intel chief.

Tory leadership: Counting starts after second Tory leadership ballot closes – live news.

MH17: prosecutors to identify suspects and file first charges.

Macron's government unveils 'tough' reform of unemployment benefits.


U.S. seizes $1 billion worth of cocaine from ship in Philadelphia.

Shanahan drops bid to lead Pentagon, citing 'painful' past.

Trump's Pentagon pick is Army veteran, defense lobbyist.

Trump tweets ICE will begin removing 'millions' of undocumented migrants.

Trump says attacks on oil tankers 'very minor''.

Trump promises 'wild' campaign launch rally.

Venezuelan President Maduro 'no longer feels safe' and is looking for a safe exit before his army turns on him, Colombian leader claims.

Colombia deports undocumented Venezuelans entering Cucuta.

Quebec bans some public servants from wearing religious clothing, symbols.

Ninth American tourist dies in Dominican Republic.


Spain busts gang that helped finance al-Qaeda in Syria.

Trump says 'I think I know' who was behind 9/11 attacks.

Suspected jihadists raid Nigeria military base, town.

Strait of Hormuz: imbalance of forces and guerilla warfare.


Wall Street nears record as mood on trade again turns optimistic.

Trump accuses Europe of deliberately weakening the euro against the dollar to hurt the U.S. economy and turns up heat on Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.

Paris Air Show: Airbus secures over 100 new plane orders, Boeing records zero.

Facebook to launch global 'Libra' cryptocurrency. Facebook plans its own currency for 2 billion-plus users.

Iran Claims To Have Busted A CIA Spy Network

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:00 PM PDT

CNN: Iran claims it dealt 'heavy blow' to US 'spy network'

Tehran (CNN)Iran's Ministry of Intelligence said on Tuesday that the country has managed to "deal a heavy blow against America's international spy network."

In a statement, the ministry said it recently targeted the network, along with its international allies, and succeeded in "preventing American plans from succeeding."

"We have intelligence allies and we exchange information with them. Currently we are engaged in the battle of intelligence with the United States. In this battle we should use ours and our allies capabilities," the statement said.

A US official disputed the ministry's claim that it had recently successfully targeted "a so-called spy network," and dismissed Iran's claim that they dealt a "heavy blow" to it.

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More News On Iran Claiming To Have Busted A CIA Spy Network

Intelligence Ministry identifies CIA network in Iran, region -- MEHR
Iran Says It Dismantled a CIA Cyber Spying Network, Brought to Arrest of Agents -- Haaretz/Reuters
Iran says CIA spy network dismantled -- AFP
Iran claims it uncovered spy network run by CIA -- Haaretz
Iran says it dismantled a 'complicated' CIA cyber operation in several countries -- IntelNews

Germany, France and Spain Agree To Build Europe's Next-Generation European Fighter Plane

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:46 PM PDT

DW: Germany, France and Spain sign deal on European fighter jet

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has described the signing as a "big day for the European defense union." The 'Future Combat Air System' is due to be operational by 2040.

Germany, France and Spain on Monday signed a deal for a next-generation European fighter plane.

The framework was agreed between the defense ministers of each nation with French President Emmanuel Macron in attendance at the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget, just north of the French capital.

The arrangement will include a joint air combat system that could also control drones and satellites.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said it was a "big day for the European defense union."

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More News On Germany, France and Spain Agreeing To Build Europe's Next-Generation European Fighter Plane

European leaders unveil model of next-gen fighter aircraft at Paris Air Show -- Defense News
Next-generation European fighter jet cooperation ready for take-off -- Euractiv
France, Germany sign European jet fighter deal -- FOX News
Spain joins France and Germany in race to build Europe's next combat jet -- Reuters
France Unveils Next-Generation Fighter Jet -- Popular Mechanics
WATCH: Euro Defense Ministers Reveal Sixth-Gen Future Combat Air System -- Sputnik
Europe's 5th-generation fighter jet to get stealth missiles — source -- TASS
Europe's next fighter jet: what you need to know -- Euronews

Does German Chancellor Merkel Have A Health Problem?

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:57 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Fears for Angela Merkel's health after the 64-year-old is seen violently shaking for a minute while welcoming Ukraine's new president to Berlin

* German Chancellor Angela Merkel was seen visibly shaking in the heat in Berlin
* Concerns for her health after the 'trembling spell' next to new Ukraine president
* Mrs Merkel dismissed incident as dehydration brought on by the 28C (82F) heat
* Chancellor seemed to recover after she drank 'at least three glasses of water'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed concerns about her health after visibly trembling at an official ceremony, saying she was just a bit dehydrated in the heat.

Merkel appeared unsteady and was shaking as she stood in the midday sun in Berlin on Tuesday next to visiting Ukraine's new president Volodymyr Zelensky, whom she was welcoming to her office building with military honours.

Mrs Merkel's whole body visibly shook and she pursed her lips as she tried to contain the situation as she stood with Zelenskiy in the 28C (82F) heat while a military band played their national anthems outside the chancellery.

But following the anthems, Mrs Merkel seemed better, walking quickly along the red carpet with Zelenskiy into the building, pausing to greet the military band and taking a salute.

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Update #1: Germany's Merkel says she's OK after shaking at ceremony (AP)
Update #2: Angela Merkel Raises Concern as She Trembles During Ceremony With Ukrainian President (VIDEO) (Sputnik)
Update #3: Germany's Angela Merkel 'fine' after seen shaking in heatwave (BBC)

WNU Editor: She says that she was dehydrated .... Angela Merkel blames dehydration for shakes (The Guardian). I have been dehydrated many times, but I never shook like that.

President Trump: 'I Think I Know’ Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:11 PM PDT

© Reuters / Jeff Christensen

The Independent: Trump says 'I think I know' who was behind 9/11 attacks

'It was not Iraq. It were other people', says president

Donald Trump has said he knows who was behind the al-Qaeda terror attacks on the US in September 2001 and added that "Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Centre".

"It was not Iraq," the president told ABC News. "It were other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also."

Almost 3,000 people died when 19 terrorists - most of them Saudis - hijacked four passenger planes on 11 September, 2001. Two of the planes were crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Virginia and one was brought down in Pennsylvania after passengers fought back.

The al-Qaeda terror network, led by Osama bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the atrocity.

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Update #1: Donald Trump says he knows who was 'behind' 9/11 as he attacks Bush - 'It was NOT Iraq' (Express)
Update #2: Trump 'thinks he knows' who was behind 9/11 (RT)

WNU Editor: He is "bashing" the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

President Trump Calls Alleged Iranian Attack On Oil Tankers 'Very Minor'. But Will Go To War Against Iran Over Nuclear Weapons

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:58 PM PDT

Time: Exclusive: President Trump Calls Alleged Iranian Attack on Oil Tankers 'Very Minor'

Facing twin challenges in the Persian Gulf, President Donald Trump said in an interview with TIME Monday that he might take military action to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but cast doubt on going to war to protect international oil supplies.

"I would certainly go over nuclear weapons," the president said when asked what moves would lead him to consider going to war with Iran, "and I would keep the other a question mark."

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WNU Editor: It is not a minor event. But is it a reason to go to war .... the answer is no.

More News On President Trump Calling Alleged Iranian Attack On Oil Tankers 'Very Minor'

Trump says he'd consider war with Iran over nuclear weapons but calls tanker attacks 'very minor' despite ordering 1,000 more troops to the Middle East -- Daily Mail
Trump says attacks on oil tankers 'very minor' -- AFP
Trump calls attacks on oil tankers 'very minor,' but says he'd go to war with Iran over nuclear weapons -- The Hill
Trump downplays tanker attacks in contrast to his national security team -- CNN
Trump: Alleged Iranian oil tanker attacks 'very minor' -- USA Today
Trump says tanker attacks aren't worth a fight with Iran as the US military prepares for confrontation -- Business Insider
Trump threatens war with Iran if it tries to get nukes -- NYPost
Trump says he would 'certainly' go to war with Iran 'over nuclear weapons', but not right now -- RT

Acting U.S. Secretary Of Defense Shanahan Withdraws As Defense Secretary Nominee

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:00 PM PDT

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Trump FIRES acting Pentagon secretary Patrick Shanahan after defense chief revealed to have been accused of hitting wife in drunken row but claimed he was the victim

* President Trump said Patrick Shanahan decided not to go forward with confirmation
* Trump had yet to send the formal nomination of Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan to the Senate
* Both Shanahan and wife Kimblerly told authorities the other had hit them in a dispute in 2010
* The counter claims are described in years of divorce filings
* Trump announced the nomination May 9
* The holdup was revealed amid increased tensions with Iran as the U.S. sends more troops to the region
* 2010 incident in Seattle ended up with the couple on front lawn of their home after police were called after both were drinking

President Donald Trump announced he is pulling the nomination of Acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan – following revelations about years-old domestic violence claims involving Shanahan and his former wife.

'Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who has done a wonderful job, has decided not to go forward with his confirmation process so that he can devote more time to his family,' Trump wrote on Twitter Tuesday.

'I thank Pat for his outstanding service and will be naming Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper, to be the new Acting Secretary of Defense. I know Mark, and have no doubt he will do a fantastic job!' the president wrote.

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WNU Editor: Apparently this family affair involves a domestic violence dispute with his ex-wife which resulted in her arrest .... FBI examining 2010 domestic fight involving acting defense secretary Shanahan; accounts differ on aggressor (USA). Other reports are saying that the children do not want to revisit this dispute, a dispute that since it is now being reported, would have been brought up in the confirmation process and covered non-stop by the media. Sighhhh .... this is not how you want to end your career. I now understand why President Trump has delayed this process, and why he was asking allies a few weeks ago on who would they support as a Defense Secretary.

More News On Acting U.S. Secreary Of Defense Shanahan Withdrawing As Defense Secretary Nominee

Read the full statement from acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan about a 2010 domestic case -- USA Today
Shanahan steps down to avoid 'painful' family situation -- AP
Shanahan drops out of contention to lead Pentagon, as Trump taps Army secretary -- FOX News
Shanahan withdraws from consideration to be U.S. defense secretary -- Reuters
Shanahan Withdraws as Defense Secretary Nominee -- The New York Times
As Trump's defense pick withdraws, he addresses violent domestic incidents -- The Washington Post
Shanahan out: Acting defense secretary withdraws his confirmation bid amid family issues -- Military Times
Trump says Shanahan out of confirmation process to be defense secretary -- CNN
Trump says Shanahan out as Defense secretary nominee -- The Hill
Shanahan Steps Down as Acting Defense Secretary After Reports of FBI Investigation -- Military.com
Shanahan's defense secretary nomination collapses, leaving another void in Trump's Cabinet -- Politico
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan steps down, withdraws from Cabinet consideration -- NBC
Patrick Shanahan: Trump says his choice for Pentagon chief is out -- BBC
Trump's pick for Pentagon chief has unexpectedly pulled his name out of the running and stepped down -- Business Insider
Trump announces acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan will step down -- Axios

President Trump And President Xi Confirm G20 Meeting And The Restarting Of US-China Trade Talks

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:37 AM PDT

SCMP: Donald Trump and Xi Jinping confirm G20 meeting and restarting of US-China trade talks

* Trump tweets that he and Xi will meet at the G20 summit, while Xi is quoted as saying he will meet Trump to 'exchange opinions' on Sino-US relations
* The two negotiating teams 'will begin talks prior to our meeting', Trump writes

US President Donald Trump confirmed on Twitter on Tuesday that he and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, will meet next week at the G20 summit in Japan, while the Chinese president was quoted as saying he was "willing" to meet Trump at the international forum to "exchange opinions" on Sino-US relations.

Meanwhile, the two negotiating teams "will begin talks prior to our meeting", the US president tweeted.

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WNU Editor: I am not optimistic that these talks will be successful.

More News On President Trump And President Xi Confirming A G20 Meeting And The Restarting Of US-China Trade Talks

U.S., China rekindle trade talks ahead of Trump-Xi G20 meeting -- Reuters
Trump says he'll talk trade with Xi next week in Japan -- AP
Trump says having 'extended meeting' with Xi at G20 summit -- AFP
Trump to have 'extended meeting' with Chinese leader -- The Hill
will have 'extended meeting next week' at G-20 -- CNBC
Trump to meet with China's Xi Jinping at the G20 in make or break trade-war showdown -- Business Insider
Trump Says He'll Have 'Extended' Meeting With Xi at G-20 -- Bloomberg
Trump announces new US-China trade talks ahead of his G20 meeting with Xi -- RT
Trump-Xi meeting at G20 raises hope for trade truce -- AFP

Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam Does A Public Apology After Protests. Says Extradition Bill Is 'Unlikely' To Pass

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:34 AM PDT

Daily Mail: Beijing-backed Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam apologises AGAIN and says the extradition bill is 'very unlikely' to pass after two million protesters demand she step down over the proposed law

* Hong Kong's embattled leader Carrie Lam apologised today, this time in person
* The Beijing-backed leader said she intends to finish her term as chief executive
* Leader reiterated that the extradition bill is 'very unlikely' to pass after protests
* Apology comes after protesters rejected a brief statement she put out Sunday
* Sunday's mass protest against the extradition bill drew nearly two million people

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam today apologised to the public a second time over a controversial extradition law that sparked some of the city's most violent mass demonstrations.

'I have heard the people loud and clear ... I offer my most sincere apology to each and every Hong Kong citizen,' the chief executive said during a press conference. 'This incident has made me realise that I have to do better.'

The apology came after protesters rejected a brief government statement she put out on Sunday following an unprecedented march, which organisers said drew nearly two million people. The statement failed to pacify many marchers who said they no longer trusted her and doubted her ability to govern.

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More News On Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam Publicly Apologizing After Protests

The Latest: Pro-democracy HK lawmakers reject apology -- AP
Hong Kong leader signals end to extradition bill but refuses to quit -- Reuters
Hong Kong protesters slam leader's apology, demand she quit -- AP
Hong Kong leader apologises for extradition crisis but refuses to step down -- BBC
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam apologizes after mass protests -- UPI
Hong Kong leader refuses to step down after mass protests -- DW
Hong Kong's leader 'sincerely sorry' after record-breaking protests, but she's not resigning -- CNN

World News Briefs -- June 18, 2019

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:55 PM PDT

Reuters: Trump says U.S., Chinese teams to restart trade talks ahead of G20

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he had spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping and that the two leaders' teams would restart trade talks after a long lull in order to prepare for a meeting at the G20 summit later this month.

The United States and China are in the middle of a costly trade war that has pressured financial markets and damaged the world economy. Talks between the two sides to reach a broad deal broke down last month and interaction since then has been limited.

Trump has made no secret that, despite his threat to escalate the dispute with more U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods, he would like to meet with Xi at the Group of 20 meeting in Japan next week.

Read more ....


Syria says it doesn't want to fight with Turkey.

UN says Yemen conflict is worsening.

Iran, Russia accuse U.S. of bullying, pushing war.

China asks US to 'alter its extreme pressure methods' on Iran.

US Senators to get new round of closed-door Iran briefings amid growing tensions.

Germany says there is 'strong evidence' Iran behind tanker attacks.

Turkey: Erdogan slams Egypt's 'tyrants' as thousands mourn Morsi.

Turkey orders arrest of 128 military personnel over suspected Gulen links: Anadolu.


Xi Jinping's North Korea visit aims to solve 'problems,' Beijing says.

The Trump summit in Hanoi broke down, but Xi's Pyongyang visit is set to give Kim political capital – and tonnes of food.

Chinese state media accuses US of 'manufacturing' idea it poses a strategic threat.

Indian soldier, army major killed in 2 days of clashes with militants in Kashmir.

South Korean officials see momentum in stalled nuclear talks.

New hiking trails in Korean DMZ offer rare access to forbidden areas.

Duterte calls for calm after Philippine boat sinking.

China's Muslim minority seek sanctuary in Kazakhstan.

Man who shared video of New Zealand attacks jailed for 21 months.


Nigeria villagers in Borno mourn the dead, lament state failures.

Hundreds of thousands flee violence in northeast DR Congo: UN.

Sudan protesters urge night rallies amid impasse with military.

EU: Sudan military responsible for deaths, violence committed against the public.

Those who oppose military are 'enemies of Algeria': army head.

DR Congo's army moves in to dislodge illegal miners.

Egypt's ousted president Mohammed Morsi has been swiftly and secretly buried amid high security — less than 24 hours after his shock death in the middle of an espionage trial.


Merkel backs Ukraine's Zelenskiy in Russia dispute.

Greece and Cyprus call on EU to punish Turkey in drilling dispute. Cyprus expects 'stronger' EU stand on Turkey's drilling.

US and Russia clash over power grid 'hack attacks'.

West trying to hamper Russian cooperation via hybrid war means — Russian intel chief.

Tory leadership: Counting starts after second Tory leadership ballot closes – live news.

MH17: prosecutors to identify suspects and file first charges.

Macron's government unveils 'tough' reform of unemployment benefits.


Trump tweets ICE will begin removing 'millions' of undocumented migrants.

Trump says attacks on oil tankers 'very minor''.

Trump promises 'wild' campaign launch rally.

Venezuelan President Maduro 'no longer feels safe' and is looking for a safe exit before his army turns on him, Colombian leader claims.

Colombia deports undocumented Venezuelans entering Cucuta.

Quebec bans some public servants from wearing religious clothing, symbols.

Ninth American tourist dies in Dominican Republic.


rump says 'I think I know' who was behind 9/11 attacks.

Suspected jihadists raid Nigeria military base, town.

Strait of Hormuz: imbalance of forces and guerilla warfare.


Trump accuses Europe of deliberately weakening the euro against the dollar to hurt the U.S. economy and turns up heat on Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.

Paris Air Show: Airbus secures over 100 new plane orders, Boeing records zero.

Facebook to launch global 'Libra' cryptocurrency.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 18, 2019

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:39 AM PDT

RT: Russian Air Force gets 1st pair of top notch MiG-35 fighters (VIDEO)

The Russian military has received its first pair of new MiG-35 jets. The multi-role fighter aircraft is set to replace the older generation MiG-29 warplanes and may be later shipped overseas, its manufacturer said.

Four more to be delivered this year, the head of the MiG Corporation, Ilya Tarasenko announced on Monday. He added that the jets can be exported overseas, with India being among the possible buyers.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 18, 2019

'Real Men' Must Serve in the Army, Majority of Russians Say -- Moscow Times

Russian lawmakers back Putin on withdrawal from nuclear arms treaty -- The Hill

Russia to Start Delivering Be-200 Aircraft to US and Chile - Manufacturer -- Sputnik

Russian missile frigate passes through Panama Canal into the Caribbean -- TASS

Crimean S-400 teams join large-scale Air Force and air defense drills in south Russia -- TASS

Analyst: New Photos Are 'Smoking Gun' Proving Iranian Involvement in Tanker Attack -- Sam LaGrone, USNI News

The US military is building a case against Iran with clearer images from the latest tanker attacks -- Business Insider

Trump orders 1,000 MORE troops to the Middle East as Pentagon reveals color 'proof' that Iran's Revolutionary Guards attacked oil tankers in the Gulf -- Daily Mail

Here's the Firepower the U.S. Has Moved into the Gulf Region Amid Iran Threats -- Military.com

Trump Weighs Military Options Against Iran -- Foreign Policy

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 17, 2019 -- USNI News

U.S. Commander Says China Tried to Sneak Into American Military Base in Africa -- Newsweek

The Army's Devil Brigade took its Stinger missiles to the Black Sea to practice taking on enemy aircraft -- Business Insider

KC-46 fix months away as more debris found in new refuelers -- UPI

Lockheed WILL Force Down F-35 Flight Costs: Ulmer -- Breaking Defense

Low-cost Valkyrie unmanned aircraft completes second test flight -- UPI

BAE Systems to install vehicle control systems on Boeing's MQ-25 refueling drones -- UPI

US Air Force Successfully Flies its Hypersonic Missile for the 1st Time -- Sputnik

Northrop to build 3D-printed scramjet engine for Raytheon hypersonic weapon -- Defense News

Boeing nabs five-year, $6.5B extension for JDAM guidance kit services -- UPI

Panel Says U.S. Military Recruitment Pool Must Broaden -- USNI News

How the Pentagon competes against Silicon Valley for tech talent -- Yahoo Finance

How Big Tech is helping build the Pentagon's all-seeing eye-in-the-sky -- Fast Company

US Forces Korea is lifting its curfew for 90 days to see if troops can behave -- Army Times

Air Force landlord falsified records to boost income, documents show -- Reuters

Pentagon announces $250 million in military aid to Ukraine -- RT

Critics protest plan for US military to use Galápagos island for anti-drug trafficking flights -- Military Times/AP

US, Turkey remain in dialogue over S-400 dispute: Top NATO general -- Hurriyet Daily News/Reuters

Turkey unveils new stealth-fighter concept as the US prepares to kick its ally out of the F-35 program -- Business Insider

WATCH Polish Landing Ship Suffer Damage to Hull Amid NATO Drills in Baltic Sea -- Sputnik

Under US pressure, Afghan army starts closing checkpoints -- AFP

The Increasingly Dangerous Politicization of the U.S. Military -- David Barno and Nora Bensahel, War On The Rocks

WATCH Su-35, Su-30 Jets’ Refuelling Process From Pilot's Perspective

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:26 AM PDT

Sputnik: WATCH Su-35, Su-30 Jets' Refuelling Process From Pilot's Perspective

Aerial refuelling allows multipurpose jets and strategic aircraft to perform lengthier flights over longer ranges to conduct missions far away from the air bases where they are stationed.

Russian TV channel Zvezda has shown rare footage of Russian Su-35S and Su-30SM jets shot from the pilot's perspective refuelling mid-air. The camera installed in the cockpit, shot the full process of aerial refuelling – the take-off, approach to the Il-78 fuel tanker, connection of the probe to the fuel hose with a drogue and the landing. The whole process happened at an altitude of 5-6 kilometres and at a speed of around 600 kilometres per hour.

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WNU Editor: This is video that the Russian Defense Ministry rarely releases for public consumption.

Chinese Railgun Ship CAught On Video

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:06 AM PDT

Sputnik: WATCH Chinese Ship Test Cutting-Edge Railgun

The gun, which uses magnetic force to propel projectiles, is thus expected to have greater range and power than those firing explosive charges.

Footage published this week shows the Haiyang Shan, a Chinese Navy Type 072 landing vessel, equipped with a railgun.

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WNU Editor: It is a short clip, and you only see the gun in the first second. But the rest of the ship to support this rail-gun is revealed.

Has President Trump Already Won The 'Trade War'?

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:59 AM PDT

Chinese Presidnet Xi.Reuters

Gordon G. Chang, National Interest: Trump Has Already Won the 'Trade War'

American companies are now starting to understand that, deal or no deal, the friction between Washington and Beijing will continue.

n Sunday, the Communist Party's most important journal expounded on Sino-U.S. relations in advance of the anticipated meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese ruler Xi Jinping at the end of this month at the Osaka G-20.

A thirteen-thousand-character essay in Qiushi—Seeking Truth—stated that China wants a "win-win agreement" but is prepared to "resolutely struggle to the end."

Beijing has yet to confirm that Xi will meet Trump in Japan.

Trump has said "it doesn't matter" whether the two of them sit down, and he is right. As a practical matter, he has already won the so-called "trade war." Trump prevailed by convincing the world's manufacturers that they must leave China.

In one sense, the importance of the planned talks is hard to overestimate. As the Washington Post's editorial board stated in an editorial Saturday, "The United States and China are at a hinge point in the most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century."

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WNU Editor: Gordon G. Chang's analysis is spot on. Supply chains are now looking for alternative locations that are more stable and dependable than China, and as a result this trade war is only going to further the deindustrializae China. What also strikes me about this entire story has been China's unwillingness to compromise and/or keep to their past promises on addressing its massive trade surplus with the U.S.. The golden rule in business is that you never make your number one customer angry with you. The U.S. has been (and still is) China's number one customer for its exports, but China is going out of its way to antagonize this customer, even declaring a people's war against the U.S.. Talk about being arrogant and short-sighted.

Beijing Signals To President Trump that He Has To Work Harder To Meet President Xi At The G20

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:39 AM PDT

WSJ: Beijing Slams Washington's Latest "Feeble Attempt" To Set Up Trump-Xi Meeting

With the deadline for arranging a meeting between the two world leaders coming down to the wire, Beijing would apparently like to make it clear to Washington that, if Trump wants a meeting with Xi in Osaka, he's going to need to work a little bit harder.

On an already busy Tuesday morning, Global Times editor Hu Xijin brushed off what he described as a feeble attempt by Washington to ease tensions with China in a tweet, threatening to revive trade fears as markets continue their MTD rebound.

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WNU Editor: They are going to meet. The alternative would be the U.S. raising tariffs even more, a prospect that will cost China dearly.

Report: The World's Nuclear Powers Are Upgrading Their Arsenals

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:19 AM PDT

The world's nuclear powers are upgrading their capabilities, while the number of warheads is down.

DW: Nuclear powers upgrade arsenals as numbers fall: SIPRI

Nuclear-weapon powers continue to modernize their arsenals despite an overall reduction in warheads, a report has found. Reductions may slow if a US-Russia treaty is not renewed past 2021.

Nuclear powers are continuing to modernize their arsenals despite an overall decrease in the number of nuclear warheads, a Sweden-based peace research institute said Monday.

Nine nuclear-weapon powers — the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea — had an estimated 13,865 nuclear weapons at the start of 2019, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) reported. Deployed warheads and those held in reserve or awaiting dismantlement are included in the estimate.

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WNU Editor: SIPRI's report is here .... Modernization of world nuclear forces continues despite overall decrease in number of warheads: New SIPRI Yearbook out now (SIPRI).

More News On SIPRI's Report That The World Nuclear Powers Are Upgrading Their Nuclear Arsenals

World's nuclear arsenal down but risk of nuclear conflict up: SIPRI -- Euronews
SIPRI: Israel has close to 100 nuclear warheads -- Jerusalem Post
North Korea added at least 10 nukes last year: Report -- Korea JoongAng Daily
Here's how many nuclear warheads exist, and which countries own them -- Defense News

The Business Of Providing Private Intelligence Is Booming For This Israeli Firm

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:05 AM PDT

Wall Street Journal: Black Cube: The Bumbling Spies of the 'Private Mossad'

A secretive Israeli investigative firm employs aggressive tactics that sometimes blow up.

In 2017, a private investigator masquerading as an adviser to a wealthy Indian businessman blundered trying to dig up dirt on an outspoken Russia critic. An undercover operative unsuccessfully tried to prod a former Canadian judge to disparage Jews in the same year. Last year, agents were exposed engineering a smear effort against financier George Soros.

The would-be secret agents all worked for Black Cube, a private Israeli investigative firm often referred to in press reports as a "private Mossad."

The firm has helped clients by covertly eliciting damaging information about competitors or legal opponents, among other things. But a number of its cases in recent years have been marred when flimsy cover stories were exposed by bumbling agents and risky tactics, according to a review of past cases and Black Cube internal documents, along with former employees, rivals, targets and clients.

In an interview, Efraim Halevy, a member of Black Cube's advisory board, defended the firm's use of fake identities, saying businesses need these tactics because "documents are becoming less prevalent" and the only evidence is "human sources." He stressed that creating "virtual" situations to gain access and information have "to be done in a legal manner."

Despite some missteps, Black Cube "has to turn clients away because it cannot service all the demands," said Mr. Halevy, a former head of the Mossad, an Israeli government intelligence agency. He said Black Cube has worked on 300 cases since being founded in 2010 by two former Israeli military intelligence officers, Dan Zorella and Avi Yanus. He objected to the term "private Mossad," arguing that the firm specializes in business rather than political espionage.

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WNU Editor: This is a critical report from the WSJ on this Israeli firm. But even though WSJ points out their failings, it looks like this Israeli firm's business is booming. But to me the big winner by far in the world of providing private intelligence has got to be Christopher Steele's Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd.. The fact that he was paid $10 million by a firm working for the Hillary Clinton campaign to produce a ridiculous Russian dossier that is false .... but was still used by former officials in the Obama officials to justify spying on then candidate Trump and later as President Trump .... proves to me how valuable these firms are to clients who want to damage their opposition.

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:26 AM PDT

World News, World News Updates, World News Headlines, Latest World News, Current Affairs

Nearly 71 Million People Have Been Displaced by War and Other Violence, the U.N.’s Refugee Agency Says

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:52 AM PDT

(GENEVA) — A record 71 million people have been displaced worldwide by war, persecution and other violence, the U.N. refugee agency said Wednesday, an increase of more than 2 million from last year and an overall total that would amount to the world’s 20th most populous country.

The annual “Global Trends” report released by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees counts the number of the world’s refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people at the end of 2018.

The figures, coming on the eve of World Refugee Day on Thursday, are bound to add fuel to a debate at the intersection of international law, human rights and domestic politics, especially the movement in some countries, including the U.S., against immigrants and refugees.

Launching the report, the high commissioner, Filippo Grandi, had a message for U.S. President Donald Trump and other world leaders, calling it “damaging” to depict migrants and refugees as threats to jobs and security in host countries. Often, they are fleeing insecurity and danger themselves, he said.

The report also puts a statistical skeleton onto often-poignant individual stories of people struggling to survive by crossing rivers, deserts, seas, fences and other barriers, natural and man-made, to escape government oppression, gang killings, sexual abuse, militia murders and other such violence at home.

UNHCR said 70.8 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of last year, up from about 68.5 million in 2017 — and nearly a 65% increase from a decade ago. Among them, nearly three in five people — or more than 41 million — are displaced within their home countries.

“The global trends, once again unfortunately, go in what I would say is the wrong direction,” Grandi told reporters in Geneva. “There are new conflicts, new situations, producing refugees, adding themselves to the old ones. The old ones never get resolved.”

The phenomenon is growing in both size and duration. Some four-fifths of the “displacement situations” have lasted more than five years. After eight years of war in Syria, for instance, its people continue to make up the largest population of forcibly displaced people, at some 13 million.

Amid runaway inflation and political turmoil at home, Venezuelans for the first time accounted for the largest number of new asylum-seekers in 2018, totaling more than 340,000 — or more than one in five worldwide last year. Asylum-seekers receive international protection as they await acceptance or rejection of their requests for refugee status.

UNHCR said that its figures are “conservative” and that Venezuela masks a potentially longer-term trend.

Some 4 million people are known to have left the South American country in recent years. Many of those have traveled freely to Peru, Colombia and Brazil, but only about one-eighth have sought formal international protection, and the outflow continues, suggesting the strains on the welcoming countries could worsen.

Grandi predicted a continued “exodus” from Venezuela and appealed for donors to provide more development assistance to the region.

“Otherwise these countries will not bear the pressure anymore and then they have to resort to measures that will damage refugees,” he said. “We are in a very dangerous situation.”

The United States, meanwhile, remains the “largest supporter of refugees” in the world, Grandi said in an interview. The U.S. is the biggest single donor to UNHCR. He also credited local communities and advocacy groups in the United States for helping refugees and asylum-seekers in the country.

But the refugee agency chief noted long-term administrative shortcomings that have given the United States the world’s biggest backlog of asylum claims, at nearly 719,000. More than a quarter-million claims were added last year.

He also decried recent rhetoric that has been hostile to migrants and refugees.

“In America, just like in Europe actually and in other parts of the world, what we are witnessing is an identification of refugees — but not just refugees, migrants as well — with people that take away jobs, that threaten our security, our values,” Grandi said. “And I want to say to the U.S. administration — to the president — but also to the leaders around the world: This is damaging.”

He said many people leaving Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador through Mexico have faced violence by gangs and suffered from “the inability of these governments to protect their own citizens.”

At more than 1.5 million, Ethiopians comprised the largest population of newly displaced people — nearly all internally — last year, prompting the head of the Norwegian Refugee Council to decry a “forgotten crisis” in the east African country

“We need a 180-degree shift in attitudes,” said NRC Secretary-General Jan Egeland.” Wealthier nations must share the heavy-lifting, dig deep and support generous countries like Ethiopia to ease the human suffering of millions fleeing from conflict worldwide.”

The UNHCR report noted that, by far, the most refugees are taken in in the developing world, not wealthy countries.

The figures marked the seventh consecutive year in which the numbers of forcibly displaced rose.

“Yet another year, another dreadful record has been beaten,” said Jon Cerezo of British charity Oxfam. “Behind these figures, people like you and me are making dangerous trips that they never wanted to make, because of threats to their safety and most basic rights.”

Xi Jinping Says Pyongyang Is Moving in the ‘Right Direction’ Ahead of His Visit to North Korea

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:31 AM PDT

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Chinese President Xi Jinping praised North Korea for moving in the “right direction” by politically resolving issues on the Korean Peninsula in an essay published in both countries’ official media Wednesday on the eve of Xi’s visit to Pyongyang to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.Xi had nothing to say on the biggest outside worry about North Korea — stalled nuclear weapons talks between Washington and Pyongyang — in the article published on the front page of North Korea’s main newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, and by China’s Xinhua news agency. But experts believe he could use his summit with Kim, which the North is calling a state visit, to endorse North Korean calls for an incremental disarmament process in which every action Pyongyang takes is met with U.S. concessions on sanctions and security issues.

Much of the article focused on lauding the neighbors’ seven-decade relationship. Xi said his visit on Thursday and Friday will “strengthen strategic communication and exchange” between the traditional, though sometimes strained, allies. The nations fought together in the 1950-53 Korean War against the United States, South Korea and their allies, but there has been friction in recent years, especially over the North’s relentless push for nuclear bombs.

Xi, who is locked in a bitter trade war with President Donald Trump, will likely meet with the U.S. leader at the G-20 meetings in Japan. He may try to use his summit with Kim as leverage, by reminding Trump of Beijing’s influence with Pyongyang, which could either help or disrupt the U.S.-North Korea diplomacy, experts say.

Kim also wants to strengthen his own position against Trump and is obviously seeking to cement China, the North’s only major ally and economic lifeline, as a major player in the process.

“China supports how (North Korea) is maintaining the right direction to politically resolve the issues on the Korean Peninsula and supports efforts to find a solution (to serve North Korea’s) rational interests through dialogue,” Xi wrote on Rodong Sinmun.

Lee Sang-min, spokesman for Seoul’s Unification Ministry, said the Rodong Sinmun op-ed wasn’t the first a Chinese leader wrote in North Korean state media. The newpaper also published statements by former Chinese leaders Zhang Zemin and Hu Jintao when they visited the North in 2001 and 2005, respectively, the ministry said. Chinese state media has published essays from Xi ahead of his visits to other countries.

Nuclear negotiations between the United States and North Korea have been at a standstill since February when a summit between Kim and Trump collapsed over what the Americans described as excessive North Korean demands for sanctions relief in exchange for only a partial surrender of its nuclear capabilities.

Kim has said he would seek a “new way” if the United States persists with sanctions and pressure against North Korea. The Trump administration has said sanctions will remain in place until the North commits to fully and verifiably relinquishing its nuclear and missile program upfront.

Kim met Xi four times in China last year during a diplomatic outreach that also included meetings with Trump, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While Kim is trying to leverage his nuclear weapons and missiles for economic and security benefits, there are doubts about whether he will ever fully deal away an arsenal he may see as his strongest guarantee for survival.

Kim during his summits with Trump and Moon signed vague statements on a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula, but the North for decades has pushed a concept of denuclearization that bears no resemblance to the American definition, vowing to pursue nuclear development until the United States removes its troops and the nuclear umbrella defending South Korea and Japan.

Some experts say Kim’s moves to make sure China is a major player in the process have been seen as a sign that the North’s traditional stance essentially remains. During previous periods of tension, Beijing has called for “dual suspension” of the North’s nuclear and missile activities and of the large-scale military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea.

Why Hong Kong Protesters Aren’t Calling It Quits After the Suspension of a Controversial Extradition Bill

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:08 PM PDT

Twice in as many weeks protesters have thronged to Hong Kong’s streets in unprecedented numbers to demand the government withdraw a proposal that would allow extraditions to mainland China. Both times, Hong Kong’s top official refused to scrap the widely unpopular legislation.

The protests, sit-ins and marches convulsing Asia’s financial capital over the past week have forced Chief Executive Carrie Lam to backpedal, but her apology and decision to indefinitely suspend the bill have done little to mollify detractors. The protesters want nothing short of her resignation and a full cancellation of the proposed legislation.

One week after an estimated 1.03 million people joined a June 9 march, defiant protesters crammed back into the streets in even larger numbers for another repudiation of Lam, as well as to decry the police’s use of tear gas and rubber bullets just days prior. Organizers said nearly two million of the city’s seven million residents took part in the march, even after Lam had announced the bill’s suspension the previous day.

The government insists the extradition measure will prevent Hong Kong from becoming a haven for criminals. But critics fear Beijing will use the provision to apprehend its many political opponents in this freewheeling and semi-autonomous enclave.

The snowballing crisis has exposed a deep-seated rift between the former British colony and its sovereign power China. For the second time in five years, young, angry protesters are out on the streets pushing back against perceived meddling from Beijing, and fighting to sustain the freedoms that distinguish this territory from the mainland. As they see it, the autonomy of China’s freest city is at stake.

Here’s why they are unwilling to backdown without a full cancellation of the extradition proposal.

What is the extradition bill?

The proposed bill would amend two existing laws and allow Hong Kong to transfer suspects to countries that it currently lacks a formal extradition agreement with. Crucially, one of those jurisdictions would be mainland China.

The update to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance was proposed in February ostensibly to prosecute a Hong Konger for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend in Taiwan. But Taiwan has sharply criticized the bill, and says it won’t sign any deal that would entangle Hong Kong with China’s opaque legal system.

Under the proposal, 37 crimes would be eligible for extradition on a case-by-case basis. Each arrest warrant would need a green light from Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, who is elected by a small college of predominantly pro-Beijing voters from a list of candidates preapproved by Beijing.

Why are people concerned?

Opponents worry that if the bill passes, anyone who irks Beijing could be targeted and potentially sent to the mainland, including dissidents.

Though the bill excludes political crimes, critics point out that China frequently charges dissidents, including religious leaders and human rights activists, with criminal offenses like “running an illegal business” and “picking quarrels.”

If the bill becomes law, foreign residents and even visitors transiting through the regional hub could also be detained and sent to the mainland, a move that will potentially spook investors and send tycoons packing.

Amid concern over the Communist Party’s creeping encroachment on Hong Kong, the extradition bill is seen as a final blow to the former city’s autonomy, which was guaranteed for 50 years at the 1997 handover to China. If the law passes, critics warn it will end the city’s independent judiciary, and open the floodgates to China’s restrictive political system.

The proposal comes amid a broader tightening of controls across China under President Xi Jinping, who came to power in 2012 and whose tenure has been marked by rising nationalism and intolerance of dissent. Its failure to pass in Hong Kong marks a rare defeat for the China’s strongman.

Read More: Hong Kong Is on the Frontlines of a Global Battle For Freedom

Who opposes it?

Opposition to the law spans socioeconomic and ideological divides, unifying even groups and organizations that do not typically participate in the city’s political sparring.

While the large-scale street occupations this week have recalled the the 2014 pro-democracy demonstrations, hostility toward the extradition proposal has galvanized an even wider segment of Hong Kong society. Business associations, housewives, lawyers, church leaders, trade unions and even horse racing columnists have all vocally opposed the bill.

Many city residents, even if not protesting themselves, have demonstrated support by restocking supply stations dotting the city and handing out “democracy hot dogs.” As the mostly young demonstrators were pushed back by charging columns of riot police Wednesday, dozens of motorists came to their aid, parking cars, buses and delivery vans in the middle of central boulevards to halt traffic and help prolong the street occupation.

More than 100 businesses even declared a rare strike last week “to defend freedom.”

How has the government responded?

Facing mounting pressure and heated street protests, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said Saturday she was halting work on the extradition bill with no timeline for resurrecting it. Rather than appeasing protesters, her sudden backtracking and refusal to fully withdraw the bill drove the largest demonstration in the city’s history—indeed one of the largest demonstrations seen anywhere in modern times.

After pro-democracy lawmakers led a march on her office Monday calling for her to “talk to the people instead of [Chinese President] Xi Jinping,” Lam offered a rare public apology. Protesters derided her contrition as insincere, and vowed to fight on.

Lam has steadfastly denied receiving “any instruction or mandate from Beijing” on the bill, but Chinese officials have spoken out in support of the legislation, and the foreign minister even offered a full-throated endorsement of the embattled Hong Kong leader Monday. Beijing’s flag-waving state media has blamed “foreign forces” for stoking the uprising to undermine China.

The bill is suspended, so why aren’t the protests over?

As long as the bill is suspended and not canceled, protesters fear the approval process could resume. If the bill were put to a vote, it would almost certainly pass as the legislature is controlled by pro-Beijing lawmakers.

What does the international community say?

The protesters were “obviously having a big impact,” President Donald Trump told TIME, adding “I think that they’ve been very effective in their dealings with China.”

Last week, U.S. lawmakers reintroduced a bill that would require an annual assessment of Hong Kong’s political autonomy to determine if it is sufficiently independent from China to retain its special trading status. Nancy Pelosi, Ted Cruz, Ilhan Omar and Elizabeth Warren are all among the growing number of U.S. politicians speaking out in support of the protests.

Australia, the E.U., Taiwan the U.K., and Germany have also expressed concern over the extradition law and its potential impact on foreign citizens living in Hong Kong.

The police have been widely condemned for using what Amnesty International described as “excessive force.”

What happens next?

The protesters have shown no sign of backing down, and have given Lam a deadline of 5 p.m. Thursday to meet their demands, or face further demonstrations.

“The whole of Hong Kong is angry at them—the government and the police,” said a young called Kanas, in a crowd of demonstrators outside the legislature late Tuesday. “Now there is seething public discontent, so she wants to slightly calm everyone down [and make us think] ‘At least she is willing to say sorry, shall we be less radical?’”

The 20-year-old added: “We must not be cheated by these superficial apologies.”

A 1974 Hymn Called ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’ Has Become the Anthem of the Hong Kong Protests

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:41 PM PDT

On a footbridge leading to the Hong Kong’s Legislative Council building, about three dozen people are intoning “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord,” giving barely a pause after the short, four-line verse ends before starting it again.

Around the corner in Tamar Park, by the Central Government Offices, a group is singing the same hymn — and so is another down the road outside the Chief Executive’s Office.

The song is performed as a round. Its minor-key melody is heard everywhere at the mass demonstrations against Hong Kong’s controversial extradition bill and has become the movement’s anthem.

The reason? Religious gatherings are exempt from the definition of a “gathering” or “assembly” under Hong Kong’s Public Order Ordinance and are thus more difficult to police.

The Christian hymn was written by the Indiana-born Linda Stassen in 1974. According to the Complete Book of Hymns, Stassen was a follower of the Jesus People movement and wrote the song as an assignment for a music composition class, with the words inspired by the early Church. The song has since been included in many Christian hymnals, its popularity stemming from its austere, beautiful simplicity.

Protestors young and old have joined in the singing of the song since taking to the streets on June 9 to oppose the contentious bill.

The proposed legislation would allow China to extradite fugitives from the semi-autonomous enclave for the first time. The bill’s detractors say Beijing will use it to apprehend dissidents and critics of the communist regime, threatening the city’s cherished freedoms.

Read More: Hong Kong Is on the Frontlines for a Global Battle For Freedom

The demonstrations have brought the busiest parts of the city to a standstill amid scenes reminiscent of the Umbrella Movement of 2014. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people have marched on two consecutive Sundays in a massive repudiation of Beijing. Organizers say that two million people participated in the last march, out of a population of seven million.

The demonstrations have prompted a suspension of the controversial bill and an apology from the city’s top official, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, in the days after. Police have also retracted their earlier characterization of the demonstrations as a riot.

However, until the bill is completely withdrawn, protesters vow to continue their actions—and their intonations of “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.” Non-Christians have also enthusiastically taken up the hymn.

Sherman Cheng, a 22-year-old protester who works in marketing, says she is not religious. “To me, the song represents Hong Kong people coming together to express the same desires—for our political demands to be met.”

“[The song is] a very good way to express not just an emotion, but our desires in a peaceful, spiritual, religious way,” Catholic priest Cyril Cheung told TIME Monday after leading a round of hymns and bible verses in Tamar Park. He added that the tune spoke to everyone, regardless of their beliefs.

Christians have been at the forefront of the anti-extradition demonstrations. The city’s Catholic diocese has issued a statement urging the government not to rush the bill. Several Christian groups have also voiced concerns about the controversial proposal.

Cardinal Joseph Zen, the Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong, earlier called for people to come out and join the protests.

“I truly in my heart want all people to fight for our fights in a peaceful way,” Father Cheung said. “It’s our responsibility to stand up and fight for the whole society.”

Facebook Unveils Cryptocurrency Despite Privacy Concerns

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:30 PM PDT

As it continues to explore new business models that may work in a world focused on privacy rather than broadly sharing data online, Facebook on Tuesday revealed plans for its own global digital currency, Libra, which aims to allow users to make purchases or send money with close to zero transaction fees.

Facebook said it hopes Libra will make it easier for the estimated 1.7 billion unbanked adults worldwide to access banking services and transfer money electronically. “Just as people can use their phones to message friends anywhere in the world today, with Libra, the same can be done with money — instantly, securely and at a low cost,” Facebook said in a Libra white paper.

Users will be able to make transactions with Libra by 2020, Facebook says, both through a standalone app called Calibra as well as with Facebook’s own family of apps. Unlike bitcoin and some similar offerings, the price of Libra is tied to low-risk assets, which should prevent the speculative behavior and wild price swings plaguing other digital currencies. The currency will be overseen by the Libra Association, a Switzerland-based collective of more than a dozen companies, including Visa, Uber and Mastercard, each of whom have invested at least $10 million in the technology. Users of Libra will pay $1 to use Libra which will sit in a bank account and earn interest which will pay the Libra Association.

Libra arrives at a turbulent time for Facebook. It has made little progress in recovering from the Cambridge Analytica scandal that undermined the public’s trust in the company. It’s expecting as much as a $5 billion fine from the Federal Trade Commission over that and other data breaches. And multiple Democratic presidential candidates have called for big technology companies like Facebook and its rivals to be broken up as monopolies.

A lack of trust in Facebook could be the company’s biggest hurdle in making Libra a success, experts say. “It’s a bold and strategic move that has clear risks as well as opportunities tied to it,” Wedbush Securities Analyst Dan Ives told the Associated Press. “For now, it really comes down to execution, and how comfortable consumers feel around Facebook and cryptocurrency.”

Facebook has promised that Libra users’ financial histories will be kept private and separate from Facebook data. But some experts worry about concentrating all that data in one place regardless. “The whole of point of having an entity like Bitcoin is to exactly avoid one party having all the data on who is paying whom,” says Carsten Sorensen, associate professor at the Department of Management at the London School of Economics. “One possible reading is that this is an attempt from Facebook to try and divert a little bit of all the flack it had for all its invasion of our privacy.”

Others argue that Facebook is wise to relegate oversight of Libra to a consortium. “Facebook is just one of the dozens of members who are going to run it, and so I think that’s how they are addressing the concern,” says Jerry Brito, executive director of the Coin Center, a cryptocurrency research and advocacy non-profit.

Violence in Mali Put an End to a Thriving Tourist Industry. Now the Government Wants to Tap Into China’s Tourism Market

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:15 PM PDT

A dozen Chinese tourists, armed with their cameras, are capturing the sights, standing on sandstone cliffs looking over dusty plains 1500 feet below. The sky is clear: in the distance, hundreds of villages on the plains of Dogon country stretch as far as the horizon.

Behind them, hardly visible, a handful of Malian soldiers wait with assault rifles at the ready. Their military green outfits and flak jackets blend in with the light brown cliffs.

The tourists take pictures of the view and pose with the villagers who welcomed them earlier with a few songs, an activity organized by Mali’s Ministry of Tourism, which says it wants to show visitors “the real Africa.” Then they return to their convoy of vehicles, surrounded by armed men dispatched by the government to ensure their protection.

Just four days before their arrival, an hour’s drive south in Bankass, armed men slit the throat of a nearby village chief before carrying his lifeless body away on a motorbike.

The Bandiagara cliffs, in central Mali, are one of West Africa’s most renowned tourist attractions. Today, they are at the heart of the new frontline of Mali’s 7-year-long conflict. Over 500 people have died in the violence in central Mali in the past six months alone, where the rise of Islamist extremist groups and ethnic militias has turned into deadly violence between Fulani herders and Dogon and Bambara farmers.

In March, 160 Fulani civilians — among them children, pregnant women, elderly people — were killed in their homes in the Ogossagou village by suspected Dogon militiamen. On June 10, at least 35 Dogon civilians were shot and burned alive in their village by suspected Fulani militiamen, only a few miles away from the cliffs.

The trip is part of the government’s latest strategy to revive a once-thriving tourist industry. A decade ago, people came from all over the world to see Mali’s landscapes and monuments, which include four UNESCO World Heritage sites. That industry virtually disappeared after violence surged in 2012, and countries like France, the United States and the United Kingdom warned their citizens to avoid holidays in the country and most major tour operators pulled out. Now, the country, home to more than 18 million people, is hoping to tap into the world’s biggest market for tourism: China. The visitors here in Bandiagara are tour operators and journalists, in town to assess the possibility of offering travel packages to their customers back home. The destination was a hard sell. It is fast becoming an impossible one.

Tireli On The Bandiagara Escarpment.
Insights—Universal Images Group via Getty ImagesThe Bandiagara Escarpment, Mali.

Trouble in Mali’s tourism industry started brewing as early as 2009, with a series of high-profile kidnappings of Western tourists and aid workers that were attributed to Tuareg rebels and Islamist extremist groups. In early 2012, the country eventually descended into full-blown conflict after Tuareg independentists, who had long felt marginalized by the government, launched an uprising in the north. The rebellion was quickly hijacked by jihadist groups, and by that summer, they were ruling nearly half of the country.

Between 2010 and 2013, 40,000 jobs in tourism disappeared, according to statistics from the World Travel and Tourism Council. “By the end of 2012, we found ourselves with heavily indebted tourist companies. Some of them could not even pay social contributions, water or electricity bills,” Sidy Keita, the director of Mali’s Agency for the Promotion of Tourism, tells TIME in the capital, Bamako.

The country’s most famous tourist hotspot, Timbuktu, fell into the hands of Al-Qaeda allies, who banned music, soccer and forced women to cover their heads and bodies with large, black veils. Before all this, the city on the edge of the Sahara desert had been best known as an ancient center of learning, home to hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, a city that countless European explorers had tried — and often failed — to reach.

Timbuktu: Living on the Southern Edge of the Sahara Desert
Andrea Borgarello—Getty ImagesA librarian in Juma Al Majid Centre for the manuscripts conservation and restoration of Timbuktu shows one of the old manuscripts on January 19, 2010 in Timbuktu, Mali.

The Islamists destroyed some of its famous earthen mosques and mausoleums. In 2016, the International Criminal Court in The Hague handed a nine-year sentence to Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, who worked for the morality police as well as the Islamic Court set up by Al-Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine during the town’s takeover, for his role in the destruction. He is currently in prison, his sentence marking the court’s first conviction for the destruction of historic and religious monuments.

A third of hotels in the occupied regions closed down in 2012, according to the Ministry of Tourism. In Timbuktu, the signs that used to advertise eco-hotels are barely readable through the dust, while brightly-painted NGO boards spring up in their place among the desert sands. Ibrahim Ag Hami, a former Timbuktu tour guide, says the only people who ask him to show them around these days are journalists and soldiers, the result of a war that has raged for the better part of a decade.

Despite a peace agreement reached between the government, pro-government militias and rebel groups in 2015, the conflict spread further south, where jihadist groups exacerbated tensions between farmers and herders over resources.

By 2018, most attacks were occurring in the central Mopti region, also home to the Bandiagara cliffs — another favorite on the tourist trail. Before what’s commonly referred to as “the crisis,” tourists would typically stop in Timbuktu, Dogon country and visit the mosque of Djenne. “Today, these are the spots most affected by the crisis,” Keita says. Since 2018, civilian deaths have mounted faster than at any other time during the conflict, and large-scale massacres are becoming more common in the center of the country.

The Great Mosque of Djenné
Andrea Borgarello—Getty ImagesIn front of the Great Mosque of Djenne on January 22, 2010 in Djenne, Mopti region, Mali. The Mosque is located in the old town of Djenné, World Heritage Site by UNESCO, on the flood plain of the Bani River

Desperate to stop the decline, in November the Agency for the Promotion of Tourism in Mali invited tour operators and journalists from China to showcase what the country had to offer. Chinese tourists have become a sought-after clientèle, as the emergence of a booming middle class has turned the country into the world’s bigger sender of tourists abroad. In 2018, Chinese tourists made 150 million trips abroad, spending $120 billion — and both numbers are on the rise.

The Agency partnered with the China Business Network (CBN), a Beijing-based company that also works with authorities in Jamaica and the UAE to attract more business. It translated Mali’s official tourism website into Chinese, posted pictures of Mali’s tourist attractions on WeChat and Weibo — some of the country’s most popular social networks — and promoted them during international travel fairs.

With good marketing, Mali is hoping to shed its recent image as a war-torn, terror-plagued country, following in the footsteps of countries like Egypt and Tunisia, which despite terror attacks have kept the tourists coming.

The government significantly ramped up security since a string of terror attacks in the capital in 2015, most notably at the Radisson Blu, where more than 20 people died. Now customers visiting most high-end restaurants and hotels in the capital are met by two metal gates and guards, sometimes armed. The Ministry’s plan is to deploy more security staff on roads that would be used by tourists.

Michele Cattani—AFP/Getty ImagesAn armoured vehicle of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) patrols during the annual rendering of the Great Mosque of Djenne in central Mali, on April 28, 2019.

But it may not be enough. “Egypt and Tunisia have wonderful tourism infrastructure,”says Peter Marlow, an expert on tourism security who has worked across the globe, including in Egypt. That infrastructure includes upmarket hotels, restaurants, tour operators, and high-quality transport services. “I don’t think Mali can compete as far as infrastructure or reputation,” Despite efforts, both countries “have suffered terribly in the number of tourists […] they get.”

Indeed, Chinese tourism in Mali is far from a reality. In 2017, fewer than 4,000 Chinese people visited the country, and over half were traveling for business, according to Ministry of Tourism figures. At the Lili hotel in Bamako — which calls itself Mali’s only Chinese hotel — most of the customers are on business trips. “With the current situation, it would be hard to convince clients to do tourism in Mali,” Moriba Traoré, the hotel manager, tells TIME. He estimates that out of up to 150 customers who visit every month, 85 percent are Chinese. In total, he sees less than 10 tourists from China a month, he says.

Most embassies still discourage tourists from visiting Mali, including the Chinese embassy — which says it was not aware of the trip. “We discourage Chinese tourists from coming here. But these are individual acts, and we can’t stop people who want to do it,” a Chinese diplomat tells TIME on the condition of anonymity.

Were the war to end, Mali would still be far from ready to welcome thousands of new tourists. Malian officials are keenly aware of the work needed to revive the industry and then adapt it to the Chinese market. There are only two Chinese-speaking tour guides in the country.

For the tour operators who visited in November, the destination will be a hard sell: tour operators, to sell any destination, need direct flights,” says Adam Wu, who heads the China Business Network. Currently, the fastest route from Beijing to Bamako takes around 20 hours of travel, going through Algiers or Paris.

But for a cash-strapped government that has provided few alternatives to now-unemployed former tourism workers — from hotel and restaurant staff to sellers of traditional masks and jewelry — and the families they supported, waiting for the war to be over is not an option.

“We can’t leave hundreds of thousands of people in absolute misery,” says Moctar Ba, APTM’s deputy director. Yet authorities are wary of moving too fast, and the promotion efforts remain shy. It would only take another high-profile terror attack, another kidnapping of tourists, for their efforts to be wiped away completely. “We won’t be able to press the green button and tell people to come to Mali for another 10 or 15 years.”

‘The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Chickpeas.’ Google Celebrates Falafel With a Doodle

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:12 PM PDT

Tuesday’s Google Doodle features a short animation of three falafel balls jumping into an open pita filled with hummus, tomato, and cucumber. As Google itself put it, falafel is “the best thing that ever happened to chickpeas – with the possible exception of hummus, of course.”

Although, as Google notes, the origins of falafel are unclear, it is a treat that has been enjoyed across cultures for centuries.

India is by far the largest exporter of chickpeas in the world, producing over 9 million metric tons of the crop in 2017, according to Statista. Australia is a distant second at 2 million metric tons. Israel has long had a love affair with the crispy chickpea delight, paying homage to the popular street food with its own song: And We Have Falafel.

While some claim the treat has Egyptian roots, Google notes that the nation puts its own twist on the deep-fried balls with their variation dubbed “ta’amiya,” which uses fava beans instead of chickpeas.

Different cultures also use a variety toppings to put their own spin on their falafel sandwiches. Google notes that fried eggplant is popular in Iraq, while mango sauce is popular in India and hot sauce in Yemen.

Falafel is often found in areas with prominent Middle-Eastern or Jewish populations, as well as large metropolitan areas like New York City, where falafel has endured as a popular street food.

And falafel fans should know that the world’s largest falafel was prepared by ten chefs at the Landmark Hotel in Amman, Jordan, in 2012. According to Guinness World Records, the treat weighed in just shy of 165 pounds and the group “followed the traditional recipe of chickpeas, parsley and coriander with mixed spices.”

Exclusive: President Trump Says Hong Kong Protesters Are Having a ‘Big Impact’

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:56 PM PDT

President Donald Trump called the protesters on the streets of Hong Kong “very effective,” but declined to voice support for their specific demands of the Chinese government.

“They’re obviously having a big impact,” Trump told TIME when asked what message he had for the Hong Kong protesters. “And I think that they’ve been very effective in their dealings with China.”

Massive demonstrations have been roiling the streets of Hong Kong in recent days that began in opposition to a bill that would allow mainland China to extradite criminal suspects from the semi-autonomous region. Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam shelved the bill and issued a public apology on Tuesday but has not acceded to all the demands of the protesters, which include canceling the bill entirely.

“It’s been pulled back,” Trump said, “and it’ll be pulled back further.”

When asked during an interview with TIME in the Oval Office on June 17 if he supports the demands of the demonstrators, Trump said, “I’m going to let the protesters speak for themselves. I have our own argument with China, and I think it’s going to work out successfully, but I’m going to let China and the protesters work out their own problem. It looks like it’s going to be worked out.”

Read More: Trump Calls Alleged Iranian Attack on Oil Tankers ‘Very Minor’

Trade tensions have been increasing between the United States and China as negotiations over a trade deal have faltered and Trump has increased tariffs on some Chinese goods. Trump spoke to China’s President Xi Jinping on June 18, the morning after his comments to TIME and ahead of the two leaders’ planned meeting at the G-20 summit in Japan.

According to a readout of the call provided by the White House, the two leaders discussed “addressing structural barriers to trade with China and achieving meaningful reforms that are enforceable and verifiable” and “regional security issues.” The Hong Kong protests are not mentioned.

-With reporting by Brian Bennett, Massimo Calabresi and Edward Felsenthal/Washington

Watchdogs Sue Trump Administration Over Missing Notes From Putin Meeting

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:49 PM PDT

A new lawsuit filed on Tuesday alleges that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo broke the law by allowing President Donald Trump to seize the notes from a key meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and failing to take any steps to preserve records of their other face-to-face meetings.

The lawsuit filed by American Oversight and Democracy Forward, two progressive non-profit government watchdog organizations, says that the Federal Records Act requires Pompeo to preserve the meeting notes prepared by State Department employees.

“President Trump has taken unusual, and in some cases extreme, measures to conceal the details of these meetings, not only from the public at large, but also from key members of his administration,” the filing says. As a result, there is a “total absence” of a detailed record of Trump’s five in-person interactions with Putin over the last two years, even in classified files, the filing says.

Tuesday’s lawsuit comes a week before the next G20 summit, which will take place in Osaka, Japan, on June 28 and 29. Although there is no official meeting planned, the Kremlin has said the two leaders could meet informally.

“On the eve of another meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin, Secretary Pompeo’s actions ensure that our relationship with Russia remains shrouded in secrecy, with the American government left in the dark,” said Anne Harkavy, the executive director of Democracy Forward.

While the lawsuit alleges that Pompeo repeatedly failed to document the president’s meetings with Putin, it focuses on Trump’s actions at the G20 in Hamburg in July 2017, where he met with the Russian president for two hours with no aides present. Trump “took possession of written notes documenting the meeting from the official who created them” and instructed them not to discuss what was said at the meeting with other members of his administration, the filing says, citing details first reported by the Washington Post.

Not only was there was no official read-out or public statement, but the absence of documentation left White House and State Department aides scrambling to find out what had been said. This caused confusion when the Russian side claimed a number of agreements had been reached.

“We aren’t talking about old outtakes from ‘The Apprentice,’” American Oversight Executive Director Austin Evers told TIME. “This may be the only written record of a meeting between two heads of state, and the interpreter’s notes can’t be seized or destroyed just because President Trump might want them hidden.”

Experts say Trump’s efforts to conceal the substance of such key meetings with a foreign leader are unprecedented in the modern era. They warn that it may pose serious problems for the next administration, which will be left to guess what Trump communicated to Russia, what was communicated back, and what promises were made.

“It’s really surprising how far this has gone,” said Douglas Cox, a law professor who specializes in government records law at the City University of New York. “When you’re talking about meetings at this level of importance that involve foreign policy and national security, the idea that they wouldn’t be fully documented and that in the future we won’t know what happened is remarkable and disturbing.”

The new tests presented by Trump’s actions are also exposing the limits of federal records laws, which offer little deterrence or consequences, and have traditionally been interpreted quite narrowly. The organizations are also suing David Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States, for failing to carry out his duties under the Federal Records Act and the Administrative Procedure Act. While the lawsuit notes that the “unlawful seizure of the meeting notes” should legally be referred to the Attorney General, it would be unlikely to result in meaningful action.

“In the vacuum created by the limitations on Congress’s ability to take action and in view of the Attorney General’s unwillingness to fulfill his responsibility, one would hope that the courts might recognize the need to step in and be more aggressive in enforcing these laws,” Cox said.

Democrats have raised the prospect of forcing the interpreter who was present at the meeting to testify, or subpoenaing their notes. Critics have warned that would create a dangerous precedent when it comes to confidential conversations the president has with world leaders.

“It may be unprecedented to subpoena a translator to reveal the details of a private meeting between the president and another world leader,” Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., a New Jersey Democrat, wrote in a letter to the House Oversight Committee last summer when the idea of calling the interpreter before Congress was first raised. “But Trump’s actions are unprecedented in a way that harms our national security.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Says She’s Fine After Visibly Shaking During Berlin Ceremony

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:46 AM PDT

(BERLIN) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared unsteady and was visibly shaking Tuesday as she greeted the new Ukrainian leader in the hot sun in Berlin, saying later that she clearly hadn’t drunk enough water.

Merkel’s whole body visibly shook and she pursed her lips as she tried to contain the situation as she stood with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the 28-degree Celsius (82-degree Fahrenheit) heat while a military band played their national anthems outside the chancellery.

But following the anthems, Merkel seemed better, walking quickly along the red carpet with Zelenskiy into the building, pausing to greet the military band and take a salute.

About an hour later, following their meeting, Merkel told reporters at a joint news conference that they had discussed bilateral issues and the Minsk peace process during Zelenskiy’s first visit to the German capital as president.

Merkel, who turns 65 next month, smiled broadly after a reporter asked whether her shaking was cause for concern. She replied that she was fine.

“Since then I’ve drunk at least three glasses of water, which I apparently needed, and now I’m doing very well,” she said.

She laughed and gave Zelenskiy a smile when he assured reporters the chancellor had been secure at his side.

“She was totally safe,” he said.

The dpa news agency reported that this was not the first time Merkel has been seen shaking under similar circumstances in the hot sun. It did not give a date for that incident, but said it was also ascribed to Merkel not drinking enough water.

And in 2014, Merkel postponed a television interview at the last minute after reported weakness, but her spokesman said at the time she was able to carry it out later after eating and drinking something.

It is not publicly known if Merkel, who has led Germany since 2005, has any health problems. German privacy laws are very strict on that type of information.

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:19 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

US oil giant ExxonMobil hit by rocket attack in Basra, Iraq after US military targeted

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:50 PM PDT

THREE people were wounded after a rocket hit the site of the residential and operations headquarters of several global major oil companies, including US giant ExxonMobil, near Iraq's southern city of Basra early on Wednesday, the country's military has said.

North Korea shock: Fears of NEW weapon tests amid claims rogue state 'never denuclearised'

Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:38 AM PDT

NORTH KOREA has been accused of triggering an earthquake by conducting a fresh nuclear weapons test after a leaked document showed that the rogue state never intended to denuclearise.

Trump Pentagon rocked by acting Defence Secretary's shock departure as Iran tensions soar

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:02 PM PDT

DONALD TRUMP has confirmed his choice for American Defence Secretary has withdrawn following reports of domestic violence, shaking up the Pentagon at a time of rising Middle East tensions.

Trump makes bizarre death joke over Melania love note as he launches 2020 Presidential bid

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:56 PM PDT

DONALD TRUMP produced a bizarre joke about his wife, Melania, during the launch of his 2020 Presidential campaign in Florida.

Melania Trump drops subtle hint as she delivers heartfelt tribute to Donald at MAGA rally

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:22 PM PDT

MELANIA TRUMP has delivered a touching tribute to her husband, Donald at the re-launch of his 2020 Presidential campaign in Florida.

South China Sea: Furious Philippine protestors burn Chinese flags after fishing boat sunk

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:17 PM PDT

OUTRAGED protestors in Manila have burnt 22 Chinese flags in protest against President Rodrigo Duterte's response to the sinking of a Philippine fishing boat after a collision with a Chinese vessel.

Iran-US crisis erupts as Tehran implores world to stand up to 'savage monster' America

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:54 PM PDT

IRAN has launched an incredible attack against the US as tensions between the two countries continue to escalate.

Tourism crackdown: Bangkok’s red light district ‘to be remodelled on Cotswolds’

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:24 PM PDT

BANGKOK'S ancient red light district is to be redesigned on a Cotswold village to try and stop the sex tourism and to improve the area's reputation.

West Nile virus: Foreign Office issues warning - should you avoid travelling to Greece?

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:48 AM PDT

THE FOREIGN OFFICE has issued a new travel warning for Greece, as British holidaymakers are urged to prepare before they visit the country. Should people avoid travelling to Greece?

Christianity crackdown: Church burned down by 150 protesters after iman arrested

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:34 AM PDT

PROTESTERS set a church alight and burned old tyres in the street in Maradi, Niger following the arrest of a prominent Iman.

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:59 PM PDT

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 – JNUEE Result, Cut Off & Merit List Check Here

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:35 PM PDT

JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 Will be available soon. Jawaharlal Nehru University conducts its Entrance Test (JNUEE) annually for admission to its various UG and PG courses. The exam is also known as JNU CEE or JNU Entrance Exam. Those who have appeared for the JNU CEE Examination on 27th May 2019 – 30th May 2019 can check their results from the official website i.e, ntajnu.nic.in. The National Testing Agency is going to release the JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 soon. The Jawaharlal Nehru University has finally released the Question Paper and Answer Key for JNUEE and CEEB on 6th June 2019.

JNU Results 2019 | JNU Entrance Exam Result

The JNU 2019 result will contain the marks and qualifying rank of the candidates who have qualified the exams for the different programs offered by the university. Candidates will be notified about the registration process for admission after the result of JNU 2019 is declared. Candidates can check their JNU result 2019 online through the link mentioned below. National Testing Agency will declare JNU 2019 result very soon in the online mode. We are here to help you out with the JNU Results 2019. Also, here we have given below are the steps to download the result of JNU 2019 conducted for the JNU Admission 2019-20. Apart from this, we have included the JNU Cutoff Marks 2019 and JNU Merit List 2019 from this article.

JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Organization Name Jawaharlal Nehru University
Exam Name  UG PG Courses Entrance Test
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 27th May 2019 – 30th May 2019
Result Date Available Soon – Result Link will be available Below
Official Website jnu.ac.in

Students can download their JNU Entrance Exam Results/Score Card 2019 by following the quick and easy process provided below. Students can check out their Score Card by visiting the official website or by directly pressing on a link provided below. As per the Official announcement, the results of the JNU Admission Entrance Exam is going to reveal on 27th June 2019. Also here on this site, Students may find the JNU Entrance Exam Question Papers for all Exams. For all those Students we have provided latest & Updated University result link and it will work once the result will be announcing it by officially.

JNU Results – Click Here

JNU Entrance Exam Cutoff Marks 2019 is the minimum marks required by candidates to qualify for the admissions to the various programs offered by the university. The University will release two cutoff lists containing the cutoff marks required by candidates from each category as per the different subjects. Students should achieve the equal or maximum Cut Off Marks to get into the Selection list. The Cut Off Marks will differ according to their Category.

JNU Entrance Exam Merit List 2019 | ntajnu.nic.in

Students should get the high score in the JNU Entrance Examination so that they will be selected for the JNU Merit List 2019. Which is essential for the Students to get the JNU Admission 2019. The University officials will announce the JNU Merit List from the official website one or two weeks later from the announcement of  JNU Entrance Exam Result. After the Merit list declaration, the Students will be called for the Counseling process to select the Courses. We advise the Students to keep connect on this page to get the upcoming announcement from the University by officially.

Steps to download JNU Entrance Exam Result 2019 

  1. Visit the official website of JNU Entrance Examination i.e, ntajnu.nic.in
  2. In the home page can view the JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 link
  3. Students should click on the results
  4. It will open in a new page and enter the login credentials
  5. JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 will be open
  6. Download or take a print out of the result for further reference.

Important Links to Download JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019

Download JNU Entrance Exam Results 2019 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

APPSC Previous Papers – APPSC Deputy Surveyor Exam Question Papers @psc.ap.gov.in

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:51 AM PDT

APPSC Previous Papers is available here for the posts of Deputy Surveyor, Assistant Professor, Junior Assistant cum Typist an Other. Applicants who are applying for the given APPSC Jobs 2019 can get here complete APPSC Question Papers Pdf.  Also, get an overview of the examination through the Exam Pattern and start practicing the old question papers given here.

APPSC Previous Papers

Deputy Surveyor Click Here
Assistant Professor Click Here
Junior Assistant cum Typist Click Here
Hydrogeologist Click Here

APPSC Deputy Surveyor Previous Papers Pdf is available here to download. Candidates who have applied can download the APPSC Exam Papers and start their exam preparation. A total of 29 vacancies is released for the Deputy Surveyor posts. Aspirants who are searching for APPSC previous year question papers need not worry as we provide here the updated details for the examination.

APPSC Deputy Surveyor Previous Papers

Organization Name Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)
Post Name Deputy Surveyor
Vacancies 29
Category Previous Papers
Andhra Pradesh Surveyor (Mains) Exam Date 20th June 2019
Official Website www.psc.ap.gov.in

Applicants applying for Deputy Surveyor posts can get here the complete APPSC old question papers. The candidates will be selected based on the written examination. Before downloading the question papers have a look at the exam pattern to get an overview of the examination.

APPSC Exam Pattern 2019 – Deputy Surveyor

Papers Subjects Total Marks
Paper – I General Studies and Mental Ability (SSC Standard) 150
Paper – II Drawing & Surveying 150
  • It will consist of Objective Type Questions
  • For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted

Download APPSC Previous Year Question Papers for Deputy Surveyor

 APPSC General Studies Previous Papers in Telugu Click Here
Download APPSC Deputy Surveyor Question Papers  Click Here

The APPSC Previous Papers for the Assistant Professor is updated here. So, the aspirants applied for the above job role can check the details here. We have uploaded the Last 5 Years AP PSC Previous Year Papers with Solutions. Also, check the old question paper of Assistant Professor Exam from the following section. The Andhra Pradesh PSC Exam Papers can help you to get good marks in the written examination. Hence, go to the following section and check out the AP PSC Assistant Professor Previous Question Papers in the Pdf format. Interested and eligible candidates can also visit the official website of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission @ psc.ap.gov.in for more details.

APPSC Question Papers with Solutions

Name of the Organization Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)
Name of the Posts Assistant Professor
No of Vacancies 1110
Category Previous Papers
Official Website psc.ap.gov.in

AP PSC Assistant Professor Exam Pattern 2019

Paper Name of the Subjects Marks  Questions Duration
I Teaching and Research Aptitude 120 120 2 Hours
II Arts, Humanities, Commerce, Law, Social Sciences, and others 180 180 3 Hours
Engineering, Pharmacy, and Architecture

Download AP PSC Previous Year Question Papers Pdf

Check APPSC Previous Papers for Assistant Professor

APPSC Junior Assistant Question Paper Pdf

The candidates who applied for the Andhra Pradesh Junior Assistant cum typist jobs may be searching for the preparation materials. Because there is a written test for the post of Junior Assistant. And to start the exam preparation, preparation materials like APPSC Junior Assistant Exam Papers are very important. The candidates will get an idea about the level of difficulty of the examination while revising the APPSC Junior Assistant Previous Question Papers. Go through the below section for free download APPSC Previous Papers.

For the sake of the aspiring candidates, we are providing the APPSC Junior Assistant Question Papers here. So download and start the exam preparation to withstand in the heavy competition. Many candidates applied for the Andhra Pradesh State jobs. So every applicant must prepare well for the junior assistant cum typist exam to obtain a position in the APPSC recruitment. Check the below links for free download APPSC Previous Papers Pdf. View the Andhra Pradesh PSC Official website i.e. psc.ap.gov.in for more APPSC Junior Assistant Exam Papers.

APPSC Previous Papers – www.psc.ap.gov.in

Description Details
Organization Name  Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission
Name of the Posts  Junior Assistant cum Typist
Job Location  Andhra Pradesh
Category  Previous Papers

APPSC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern 2019

No. of Papers Subjects No. of Questions Marks Time
Paper 1 General Studies and Mental Ability 150 150 150 Min
Paper 2 Secretarial Abilities 150 150 150 Min
Total  300 300 300 Min
  • There will be an objective type test for the Junior Assistant & CO posts.
  • In the Objective test, there are two papers.
  • Paper I has questions from general studies and is for 150 marks.
  • Paper II has Questions from Secretarial Abilities and is for 150 marks.
  • The duration of each paper is 150 Minutes.
  • And there will be a negative marking of 1/3 mark.

Download Andhra Pradesh PSC Junior Assistant Exam Papers

Refer the APPSC Previous Papers pdf for the Junior Typist exam for better preparation. View the official website of the Andhra Pradesh PSC i.e. www.psc.ap.gov.in for more details about the Computer Operator, Junior Assistant exam. Within seconds you can download the APPSC Junior Assistant Previous Question Papers for free of cost from the below links.

Andhra Pradesh Public service commission Previous Papers – General Studies

APPSC Junior Assistant Previous Papers

APPSC Previous Papers

The Andhra Pradesh PSC is conducting the Written Exam for hiring the candidates in Hydrogeologist Posts. To crack the Written Exam, APPSC Previous Papers are needed. For your preparation, we are providing some sample papers for the Hydrogeologist Exam. These sample Papers/ Solved Question Papers will help you for getting the additional knowledge for the PSC Written Exam. This additional knowledge differs you from the candidates who are preparing well. To make your preparation different from the others. So Download these papers from the following links.

As per the latest Employment News, Andhra Pradesh PSC has released a Notification for 12 Hydrogeologist posts. Candidates who have aimed for the PSC Jobs can make use of this notification. As per the paper Notification, APPSC Online application has already started. As per the official notification released, we have provided the Syllabus and Previous Year Papers for Hydrogeologist Exam. But to get this job you need to have last year solved question papers. So for your convenience, we have provided Exam papers of Hydrogeologist Exam for the past years. Hence make a look at these sample papers & get preparation tips to crack this Written Exam.

Andhra Pradesh PSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern

APPSC Andhra Pradesh PSC Screening Test is conducted for testing the eligibility of the applicants for the Hydrogeologist Posts. Those who are qualified in the Written Test am can move on to the next rounds. To clear the First round of Recruitment, aspirants must prepare well for the written Exam. In this present module, we are providing some sample Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the Driver Post along with the APPSC Previous Papers.

APPSC Hydrogeologist Exam Pattern

Examination Subjects Questions Marks Time
Paper 1 General Studies and Mental Ability 150 150 150 Min
Paper 2 Geology(P.G. Standard)(Including Hydrogeology) 150 300 150 Min
Total 300 450 300 Min

Andhra Pradesh PSC Previous Year Question Papers Pdf

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Hydro Geologist Previous Papers provided here. Candidates can Download PSC Exam Question Papers with Solutions. Here we have some sample papers of APPSC Hydrologist Exam so that you can take these papers as a reference. These are model Question papers which we have provided as the reference. With this reference, you can easily understand the subjects covered under Andhra Pradesh PSC Examination. So, without being late download, the papers are given here. With a just single click, candidates can get these Old papers in your hands. Hence don't waste your time and begin your preparation for cracking Exam.

APPSC Hydrogeologist Papers

General Studies

Mental Ability

Current Affairs

APSC CDPO Admit card 2019 | Download APSC CDPO Hall Ticket @ www.apsc.nic.in

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:09 AM PDT

APSC CDPO Admit Card 2019 – Assam Public Service Commission has updated the Admit Card on the Official Website i.e. apsc.nic.in. Thus, to select candidates who have applied for Computer Operator (Typist), Child Development Project Officers Post, the Board conducts the examination in two phases. A few days back the Board releases the Selected and Rejected list of Candidates on the basis of their Online Application. All the selected candidates can download the Admit Card released by the board. Hence, start downloading from Today 18th June 2019.APSC CDPO Admit card 2019 | Download APSC CDPO Hall Ticket @ www.apsc.nic.in

APSC Admit Card 2019 

Both the Applicants of Computer Operator and Child Development Project Officers can download the Admit Card from the below section. All Aspirants can find the direct link of the APSC Admit Card 2019. Selected and eligible candidates should download the APSC Hall Ticket to attend the examination. Go through the article completely to know more about the APSC Admit Card 2019.

APSC Hall Ticket 2019 – Overview

Description  Details 
 Name of the Board Assam Public Service Commission
 Name of the Exam Phase I and Phase II Examination
Exam Date 23rd June 2019
 Category Admit card
 Admit Card Release Date 18th June 2019
Official Website www.apsc.nic.in

APSC Admit Card 2019

The Higher Authorities of Assam Public Service Commission has released the Official Admit Card. Candidates can download from the direct link given below. To download the APSC Admit Card candidate’s Login ID and Password is necessary. In case Candidates forgot their Login ID and Password then they should reach to APSC CDPO Recruitment and get back your registration ID. For candidates attention, there is very less time to download the APSC Admit Card. So, Hurry to download APSC Computer Operator Admit Card as soon as possible. Enter the below-mentioned details correctly in the Admit Card.

  • Name of the Applicant.
  • Exam Date, Time & Centre.
  • Post Applied for.
  • Application or Registration Number
  • Father Name and
  • Important Instructions.

APSC Phase I and Phase II Exam 2019

As per the notification of Assam Public Service Commission, the board is going to conduct the examination on 23rd June 2019. Similarly, the board announces the Exam Pattern and Syllabus for the exams. Contenders are suggested to go through the syllabus released by the Board. There will be two rounds for the eligibility test. Phase I and Phase II exam will be conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission. Cleared candidates of Phase I and Phase II will be allowed to next rounds of the Interview.

APSC CDPO Hall Ticket 2019 – Download

Download the APSC Admit Card and check for the details you entered in it. make Corrections before the Exam by reporting the Higher Authorities. Take any One of the ID Proof to the Exam Hall for the verifcation process.

  • Aadhar Card
  • College ID
  • Ration Card
  • Driving License
  • PAN Card
  • Voter ID
  • Any Valid ID Proof Issued By Gazetted Officer
  • Bank Passbook
  • Passport

How to Download APSC CDPO Admit Card 2019-20

  1. Click on “APSC CDPO Admit Card” Link.
  2. Assam Public Service Commission Page will appear.
  3. Enter Login details and submit.
  4. Click on the Download Computer Operator Admit Card
  5. Now, the Admit Card will appear on the Screen.
  6. Fill all the details.
  7. Finally, Submit the Admit Card and Download it.
  8. Take a print out and carry with you for the exam.

Direct Links to download APSC CDPO Admit Card 2019

APSC Admit Card Download Here
Official Website Click Here


MPSC Engineering Services Previous Year Question Paper – MPSC ESE 2019 Question Paper

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:44 AM PDT

Free download Maharashtra Engineering Services Question Papers Pdf from the below shareable links. Refer MPSC Engineering Services Previous papers for the Engineering Services Examination 2019 that is going to be conducted in the coming days. For more details regarding the MPSC Engineering Services Exam, view the official website of the Maharashtra Public Service Commission i.e. www.mpsc.gov.in.

MPSC Engineering Services Previous Year Paper

Description Details
Name of the Organization Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
Name of the Examination Maharashtra Engineering Services Examination 2019
Category Previous Papers
MPSC Engineering Services Pre Exam Date 2019 23rd June 2019
Official Website www.mpsc.gov.in

Candidates applying for the Maharashtra Engineering Services Examination 2019 need to qualify the prelims and mains examination that will be conducted under MPSC. The examination is going to be organized on 23rd June 2019. For those aspirants, we are providing here the Maharashtra Engineering Services Previous Year Question Paper in the below sections. Before downloading the question paper pdf go through the MPSC engineering services exam pattern to get an idea of the examination.

MPSC Engineering Services Exam Pattern 2019 | Maharashtra Engineering Services Question Papers

Prelims Exam Pattern:

Subject No of Questions Marks
Marathi 10 10
English 10 10
General Studies 20 20
Engineering Aptitude Test 60 60
Total 100 100
  • The prelims exam will consist of Objective Type Questions
  • The total duration of the examination will be 90 Mins

Mains Exam Pattern:

Subject Paper No of Questions Marks
Relevant Subject (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) Paper-I 100 200
Paper-II 100 200
  • It will consist of Objective Type Questions
  • Each question will carry 2 Marks
  • The total duration for each paper is 2 Hours

Download MPSC Engineering Services Exam Papers Pdf

The available Maharashtra Engineering Services Question Papers are taken from the official website. So the candidates without any hesitation can refer these MPSC ESE Previous Papers for the exam preparation. Follow the official website of the Maharashtra PSC i.e. www.mpsc.gov.in for latest updates regarding the Engineering Services exam.

 MPSC Engineering Services Prelims Previous Year Question Papers 2018 Download Here
Maharashtra Engineering Services Mains Previous question papers 2018 – Electrical (Paper I) Download Here
Maharashtra MPSC ESE Mains Previous Papers 2018 – Electrical (Paper II) Download Here
MPSC civil engineering previous year papers 2017 – Paper I Download Here
Maharashtra engineering services civil question papers 2017 – Paper II Download Here
MPSC engineering services mechanical question paper 2014 – Paper I Download Here
Maharashtra engineering services mechanical previous question papers 2014 – Paper II Download Here

TN TRB Admit Card 2019 | Check TN TRB Hall Ticket – Download @ trb.tn.nic.in

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:12 PM PDT

TN TRB Admit Card 2019 – TamilNadu Teachers Recruitment Board has released the Admit Card for the Online Registered Candidates for Computer Instructors Grade I Post. Hence, Contenders can get the direct link of the admit card from the below section. Moreover, Applicants download the TN TRB Hall Ticket so as to sit in the Examination.TN TRB Admit Card 2019 | Check TN TRB Hall Ticket   Download @ trb.tn.nic.in

trb.tn.nic.in Hall Ticket 2019 

Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board has issued the admit card on the official website. Hence, the TN TRB Hall Ticket has been published on 16th June 2019. So, Candidates download the admit card from the direct link provided below. Make use of the direct link and get the admit card for the exam going to be conducted by the board. For TN TRB examination each and every examiner will be provided with the TN TRB Hall Ticket.

TN TRB Grade I Call Letter 2019 – Overview

Description  Details 
 Name of the Board Tamilnadu Teachers Recruitment Board
 Name of the Exam Computer Instructor Grade I Exam
Exam Date 23rd June 2019
 Category Admit card
 Admit Card Release Date 16th June 2019
Official Website trb.tn.nic.in

TN TRB Hall Ticket 2019

TRB now released the provisional Hall Ticket for the candidates who have applied for TNET Examination. Moreover, the board has received many applications from the Candidates and now the shortlisted applicants with the eligibility criteria will only get the Admit Card. The admit card has been released on the official website i.e tn.trb.nic.in. Check the details that you have entered in the TN TRB Hall Ticket before downloading. Almost all the details about the TN TRB examination will be determined in the admit card. Candidates can attend the exam if they carry the admit card without any mistakes. So, make sure to download the Hall Ticket without making any mistake in the following contents.

  • Name of the Applicant.
  • Exam Date, Time & Centre.
  • Post Applied for.
  • Application or Registration Number
  • Father Name and
  • Important Instructions.

TN TRB Computer Instructor Grade I Exam 2019


Tamilnadu Board decided to conduct the exam for Computer Instructor Grade I examination. Interested Aspirants to join in Tamilnadu Teacher Recruitment Board must attend the exam. The Board had scheduled the TRB Examination on 23rd June 2019. Hence, Contenders should appear for the examination before 30 minutes. However, the examination is going to be conducted through Online Mode.

  • The examination will consist of Single Paper.
  • Time duration will be of 3 Hours to complete the examination.
  • The Question paper will be of Multiple Choice of Questions.
  • Total Marks has been allocated as 150 Marks.
  • The examination covers the main subject of Computer Science, general knowledge, and Educational Psychology.

tn.trb.nic.in Hall Ticket 2019 – Download

From this article, we have provided with the steps to download the Admit Card. We have attached the direct link to download the TN TRB Hall Ticket 2019. Follow the steps to download the TN TRB Admit Card. Contenders must appear for the exam along with any one of the ID Proof. Aspirants should not fail to bring the admit card given by the board. Candidates are strictly prohibited to enter the examination hall without the TN TRB Hall Ticket 2019.

  • Aadhar Card
  • College ID
  • Ration Card
  • Driving License
  • PAN Card
  • Voter ID
  • Any Valid ID Proof Issued By Gazetted Officer
  • Bank Passbook
  • Passport

How to Download TN TRB Admit Card 2019-20

  1. Click on “TN TRB Admit Card” Link.
  2. Teachers Recruitment Board Page will Appear.
  3. Enter the User ID and Password to Login.
  4. Now, the Admit Card will appear on the Screen.
  5. Fill all the details.
  6. Finally, Submit the Admit Card and Download it.
  7. Take a print out and carry with you for the exam.

Direct Links to download TN TRB Garde I Admit Card 2019

TN TRB Admit Card Download Here
Official Website Click Here


DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 Declared – Get Direct Link Here

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:07 PM PDT

DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 Declared – Dear Students!! Gorakhpur University has announced the DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 for UG Courses. The DDU Entrance Exam result has been published on 17th June 2019. Students those who have been appeared for this Entrance Examination to get the admission from the official website of Gorakhpur University i.e, ddugu.ac.in. The University has recently uploaded the Results of Undergraduate Joint Entrance Examination 2019. Students can verify their result just by clicking the link provided below in the table.

DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 | JEE

The DDU Entrance Exam Result of JEE has been announced for UG Courses B.A, B.Sc (Maths), B.Sc (Bio), B.Sc (Ag), B.Sc (MLT), B.Sc(Home Science), B.Com, B.B.A, B.C.A, B.Sc (Nursing), B.Sc (PT). A huge number of Students has appeared for this Joint Entrance Examination. As we know that all the Students may be waiting for the Results. Here we have clearly provided the result link and we advise the Students to click on the below link to check and download the Test Results. Apart from this, we have included the Merit List, Cut Off Marks and Other details related to the DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019.

DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Organization Name Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur
Exam Name  DDU Entrance Exam
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 11th to 14th June 2019
Result Date 17th June 2019 – Result Link available Below
Official Website ddugu.ac.in

The Joint Entrance Examination has been organized by the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. Now, the University has been announced the DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019. Totally 34748 Students have appeared for this Entrance Examination. All those Students can get the results from the official website as well as on this page recruitment.guru. We are here to help you out with the steps to download the DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019. Also here on this page, applicants can get a clear idea about the next process like Cut Off Marks, Merit List, and Counseling process.

DDU University Result | DDU Result – Click Here

The Result will consist of Roll number and marks obtained in the Entrance Exam. the main part of the Entrance Examination is the Cut Off Marks. Students should get equal marks or maximum marks according to the Cut Off setup which will prepare by the officials. After one or two weeks of the result announcement, the officials will announce the cut off marks for all the students separately under their Category. Students must attain the minimum marks of the Cut Off to stay in a safe place to get an admission from their desired University.

DDU Entrance Exam Merit List | ddugu.ac.in

After the declaration of the Result, the candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the Entrance Examination. If the Students will get the high Cut Off Marks in the Entrance Examination, their name will appear for the Meri list. According to the Cut Off Marks, the Merit list will be prepared. This Merit list will be prepared by the officials. Those who have got selected for the Merit list can wait for the next process regarding the Admission Process. The University will announce the details officially from the online portal. We advise the applicants to keep stay on this page to get the latest & Updated information related to the Admission.

Steps to download Results of UG Joint Entrance Examination 2019

  1. Visit the official website of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University i.e, ddugu.ac.in
  2. In the Home page click on the Admission tab which is on the middle of the page
  3. A new page will be open, many links will appear on the screen
  4. In that click on the Results of Undergraduate Joint Entrance Examination 2019
  5. In the New page, students should enter the Test Roll No & Date of Birth
  6. Give Submit button, DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 will appear on the screen
  7. Download or take a printout of the result for further reference.

Important links to download DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019

Download DDU Entrance Exam Result 2019 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

Tobacco Board Recruitment 2019 – 41 FO/TA & Accountant Jobs | Apply Link Inside

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:40 PM PDT

Tobacco Recruitment 2019-20 Notification  – Apply Online for 41 Field Officer (FO)/Technical Assistant (TA) & Accountant/Superintendent Vacancies. Tobacco Board is inviting online applications from B.Sc/Any Degree pass candidates to fill up 41 New Vacancies. The vacant positions are to fill up Field Officer (FO)/Technical Assistant (TA) & Accountant/Superintendent openings. Candidates interested in Tobacco Cultivation & Grading can apply from 18th June 2019. However, direct Online application link is provided below. Applicants must that, 15th July 2019 is the last date to fill up all your Tobacco Board Job application forms. Selected candidates will be posted in Guntur, Karnataka or Andhra Pradesh (AP) with a salary of Rs.9,3000/- to Rs.34,800/- per month.

Read on to know about eligibility conditions – educational qualification, selection process, application fee, salary, application procedure, and others.

Tobacco Board Recruitment 2019   41 FO/TA & Accountant Jobs | Apply Link Inside

Tobacco Board Guntur Recruitment 2019 – Overview

Name of the Board Tobacco Board
 Advertisement No.  Employment Notification No: 01/2019
 Name of the Post Field Officer (FO)/Technical Assistant (TA) & Accountant/Superintendent
Educational Qualification Any Graduate
No of Vacancies 41
 Starting Date to Apply 18th June 2019
Last Date to Apply 15th July 2019
Last Date to Pay application fee 15th July 2019
Last date for printing your application 30th July 2019
 Application Mode Apply Online
 Job Location Andhra Pradesh/Guntur, Karnataka
 Job Category Latest Central Govt Jobs
 Official Website tobaccoboard.com

Important Instructions for candidates applying for Tobacco Board Recruitment:

  1. The posts are purely temporary but are likely to continue.
  2. Present place of posting is likely to be in Andhra Pradesh/Karnataka State and the person recruited will be transferred to any of the existing Tobacco Board's offices or likely to be opened in India.
  3.  The qualifications prescribed are minimum and possessing higher / additional qualification does not entitle the candidate to be called for test.
  4. The Tobacco Board has the right to fix criteria for screening the applications.

Tobacco Board Vacancy 2019 details

Post Name Vacancies
Field Officer (FO)/Technical Assistant (TA) 25
Accountant/Superintendent 18
Total 41

Tobacco Board Jobs – Category wise Vacancy details

Category wise vacancy details for www.indiantobacco.com Recruitment 2019 are listed below.

 Field Officer (FO)/Technical Assistant (TA  Accountant/Superintendent
SC – 02 SC – 02
OBC – 08 OBC – 04
UR – 13 UR – 08
EWS – 02 EWS – 01
Total = 25 Total = 18 
Total = 41 Vacancies

Eligibility Criteria for Tobacco Board Recruitment 2019

Below are the list of eligibility conditions to be fulfilled by candidates applying for Karnataka and AP Tobacco Board Notification 2019.

Educational Qualification for Tobacco Board Jobs

Essential Desirable
B. Sc in Agriculture Knowledge in Tobacco Cultivation & Grading
  • Degree from a recognized university or institution
  • Diploma/Certificate Course in Tally Accounts Software from a recognized institution

Age Limit

  • Minimum Age – 18 Years
  • Maximum Age – 30 Years

Age Relaxation:

  • Relaxation of age will be given as per Government of India guidelines applicable to Group-B for SC/ST/OBC/PwD/ Meritorious Sportspersons/ Tobacco Board Departmental candidates


Field Officer (FO)/ Technical Assistant (TA):

  • Pay of Rs. Rs.35400; 7th CPC-level-6 of pay matrix (pre-revised 6th CPC PB-2; Rs. 9,300- 34,800 GP Rs.4,200/-)


  • Pay of Rs. Rs.35400; 7th CPC-level-6 of pay matrix (pre-revised 6th CPC PB-2; Rs. 9,300- 34,800 GP Rs.4,200/-)

Selection Process

Selection procedure for Tobacco Board Recruitment is as follows,

  • Written Examination
  • Interview

Tobacco Board Recruitment Application Fee

  • Rs.500/-  + GST for all candidates
  • The payment done by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.

How to apply ONLINE for Tobacco Board Recruitment Notification 2019

Below are the details guidelines or procedure to apply for Tobacco Board Guntur Jobs 2019.


The ONLINE application procedure includes 3 steps:



  • Firstly, visit Tobacco Board Official Website i.e. www.indiantobacco.com 
  • On the home page, click on “APPLY ONLINE”  which will open a new screen
  • To register application, choose the tab “Click here for New Registration” and enter your name, e-mail ID, phone no & Others.
  •  A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen
  • An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent.
  • If you are unable to complete the application, click on “SAVE AND NEXT” button.
  • Fill in all the asked details carefully.


  • Click on ‘Payment‘ Tab and proceed for payment.
  • Pay Rs.500/- + GST as your application fee
  • Finally, Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  • The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process to be completed by following the instructions.
  • After submitting your payment information in the online application form, PLEASE WAIT FOR THE INTIMATION FROM THE SERVER. DO NOT PRESS BACK OR REFRESH BUTTON IN ORDER TO AVOID DOUBLE CHARGE.
  • On successful completion of the transaction, an e-Receipt will be generated
  • Non-generation of ‘E-Receipt’ indicates PAYMENT FAILURE. On failure of payment, Candidates are advised to login again using their Provisional Registration Number and Password and repeat the process of payment.
  • Finally, Candidates must take a printout of the e-Receipt and online Application Form containing fee details.
  • Please note that if the same cannot be generated, online transaction may not have been successful.
  • There is a facility to print application form containing fee details after payment of fees.


  • Upload your recent scanned copy of the photograph 
  • Also, upload signature, left thumb impression and hand-written declaration Image.
  • Upload scanned copies of necessary documents


  • Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before FINAL SUBMIT
  • After verifying, hit on FINAL SUBMIT button to complete your recruitment process.


Government of India, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce
G.T. Road, GUNTUR – 522 004 Andhra Pradesh


e-mail: info@indiantobacco.com

Important Dates for Tobacco Board Field Officer and Accountant Jobs 2019

Advertisement Date 17th June 2019 2019
Starting Date 18th June 2019
Last Date for Online registration 15th July 2019
Last Date to Pay application fee 15th July 2019
Last date for printing your application 30th July 2019

Important Links for Tobacco Recruitment 2019

Tobacco Board Official Notification Pdf Download Here
Apply Online Link Click Here
Official Website Click Here
Other Central Government Jobs 2019 similar to Tobacco Board Recruitment:
Notification 2019 Job Details Last Date
BRO Recruitment 778 – DVRMT (OG), Multi Skilled Worker, Electrician and Vehicle Mechanic [Updated Soon] 
Income Tax Recruitment 20,765 -Tax Assistant, Multi Tasking Staff, Inspector & Others [Updated Soon]
Indian Post Office Recruitment 1838 – Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS), Staff Car Driver & Others [17-07-2019] 
EPFO Recruitment 324 – Assistants and Directors [01-07-2019]
Central University Recruitment 507 – Teaching and Non-Teaching [30-06-2019]   
District Court Recruitment 670 – LDC, Office Assistant, Stenographer & Others [29-06-2019]    
DRDO Recruitment 351 – Technician A (TECH A) [26-06-2019]
IOCL Recruitment 64 – Apprentice [24-06-2019]   
ICF Recruitment 992 – Apprentice [24-06-2019]    
AAI Recruitment 176 – Security Personnel (SP) [20-06-2019]    
ONGC Recruitment 107 – Executives at E1 Level [18-06-2019]   
About Tobacco Board:

Council for the Promotion of Tobacco Exports. The Commission, established from July 1 to 19, 1976, opened its headquarters in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Law of the Tobacco Board aims to develop the tobacco industry in the country. The various activities of the commission described in the law for the promotion of the industry are:

  • Regulating Virginia Tobacco’s production and hardening with respect to demand in India and abroad.
  • Constant monitoring of the Virginia tobacco market, in India and abroad, ensuring a fair and profitable producer price and reducing the sharp fluctuations in product prices.
  • Maintain and enhance existing international markets and develop new markets abroad for Indian Virginia Tobacco and its products, and design product-specific marketing strategies, including group marketing with limited brands.
  • Creation of auction platforms for the sale of Virginia tobacco by registered producers and operating as an auctioneer in auction platforms established by it or registered.
  • Recommend to the central government the minimum prices that must be set for exportable tobacco from Virginia to avoid unhealthy competition among exporters. (As part of its Exim policy, the government decided to abolish the fixing of M.E.P. as of 1-4-1993).
  • Regulation of other aspects of Virginia tobacco marketing and Virginia tobacco export taking into account the interests of producers, manufacturers, distributors and the nation.
  • Propagation of information useful to producers, distributors and exporters (including packers) of Virginia tobacco and tobacco manufacturers and other interested parties.
  • Buy Virginia tobacco to producers when it is deemed necessary or useful to protect the interests of producers and dispose of it in India or abroad when it seems appropriate.
  • Promote the classification of tobacco at the producer level.
  • Sponsor, assist, coordinate or promote scientific, technological and economic research to promote the tobacco industry.

HSSC Police Constable, JE Syllabus 2019 – Haryana SSC Constable, SI & Jr Engineer Exam Pattern pdf

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:30 PM PDT

The Haryana Staff Selection has given the HSSC Syllabus 2019. The candidates who have applied for the exam and searching for the syllabus can now easily find the Haryana SSC Syllabus 2019 here. Also, you can find the HSSC Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2019 on our page. Refer to the updated HSSC Exam Syllabus & Test Pattern 2019 for Haryana Constable, Sub Inspector, Craft Instructor, Computer Instructor, Engineer Posts. You can also know more about the Haryana Staff Selection Commission Syllabus 2019 at www.hssc.gov.in.

Haryana SSC Syllabus 2019

Candidates who are applying for the various posts under HSSC like Instructor, Welder, Excise & Taxation Inspector, Group 4 & all other posts can get here the complete details. So, go through the below links and start preparing your examination before its too late.

Name of the Posts No. of Vacancies Syllabus Link
Constable & Sub Inspector 6400 Posts HSSC Constable & SI Syllabus
Junior Engineer 1624 Posts HSSC JE Syllabus
Instructor, Welder, Store Keeper & other Posts 2641 posts HSSC Workshop Syllabus 2019
Excise & Taxation Inspector 120 Posts HSSC Inspector Syllabus
Group 4 18,218 Posts HSSC Group 4 Syllabus
Fire operator cum driver 1646 Posts HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus
Craft Instructor in Various Fileds 1064 Posts HSSC Craft Instructor Syllabus 2019
Computer Instructor, Computer Operator & other Posts 1399 posts HSSC Computer Instructor Syllabus 2019

HSSC Group 4 Syllabus 2019

The HSSC Group D Syllabus 2019 is updated below. However, the HSSC Group D Vacancies 2019 Online application is going to start from 29th August 2019. Hence, check out the HSSC Recruitment 2019 details before going to the Syllabus. Later, here is the HSSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern details for Group D Vacancies 2019. Also, check the Marks and other details in the HSSC Syllabus Pdf provided below. The Haryana Group D Recruitment 2019 is having a huge Vacancies. Hence, there will be a huge number of candidates going to apply, parallel there will be a Tuff competition for the written Examination. So, go through the HSSC Syllabus for Group 4 Exam 2019 Carefully and Start your Preparation.

HSSC Syllabus for Group 4 Exam 2019 Details

Description Details
Post Name Group 4
HSSC jobs 18,218
Category Name Syllabus

HSSC Exam Pattern Group 4 Vacancies 2019

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission Board is going to conduct the written Examination and Consider the Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience in the selection of candidates for Group 4 Vacancies. Hence, the applicants of Haryana Group 4 Vacancies 2019 are advised to check the Syllabus and Exam Pattern details in the table below. Later, don’t forget to download the HSSC Syllabus Pdf for Group 4 Exam 2019. For more details aspirants can visit the Official Haryana PSC Website.

Haryana Group 4 Recruitment is done for a total of 100 Marks. Where the written Exam is for 90 Marks and Socio-Economics and Experience is for 10 Marks. The HSSC written Exam Syllabus and Marks details are given below.

HSSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern – Group 4 Exam 2019

Sections Subjects Marks %
I General Awareness 75 %
English & Hindi
II History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Economics, Culture Etc of Haryana 25%
 Total  90 Marks
  1. Questions Type – Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
  2. 90 Marks for written Test.
  3. 10 Marks for Socio-Economical & Experience.
  4. For more details download the HSSC Syllabus Pdf below.
{HSSC Group 4 Syllabus Pdf}

HSSC Group 4 Previous Papers

Furthermore, check the HSSC Previous Papers from the link below. Also, download free HSSC Group 4 Exam Question Papers with Solutions and Last 5 Years Previous Question Papers Pdf for free. Also, download HSSC Group D Admit Card from November 2nd from our HSSC Hall Ticket Page. All the best for your HSSC Group 4 Examination 2019.

{HSSC Group 4 Exam Question Papers Pdf}

HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019 Pdf

Haryana SSC Syllabus for Fire Operator Cum Driver is updated here. Candidates who have applied for the 1646 Fire operator Cum driver posts can check the HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus and Exam Pattern here. Furthermore, you can also get the download links for Haryana SSC Fire Operator Syllabus and Test Pattern on this page.

Haryana SSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Name of the Organization Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Name of the Posts Fire Operator Cum Driver
Total Vacancies 1646
Category Syllabus
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

HSSC Fire Operator Exam Pattern 2019

S. No Subject Names Total Marks
1. General Knowledge 90
2. English
3. Aptitude
4. Reasoning
5. Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience 10
Total 100

Download HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019 Pdf

Are you looking for HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019 Pdf download links? If yes, here it is. In this page, we have given the direct links to download the Haryana SSC Fire Operator Syllabus and Test Pattern in the Pdf format. Check the HSSC Syllabus 2019 for Fire Operator Cum Driver post here.

HSSC Exam Syllabus 2019 for General Knowledge

  • Geography.
  • Indian History.
  • Indian Economy.
  • Artists.
  • Sports.
  • Famous Places in India.
  • Famous Books & Authors.
  • Rivers, Lakes, and Seas.
  • Biology.
  • Countries and Capitals.
  • Indian Parliament.
  • Tourism.
  • Famous Days & Dates.
  • General Science.
  • Heritage.
  • Inventions and Discoveries.
  • Literature.
  • Civics.
  • Environmental Issues.
  • Indian Politics.
  • Current Affairs.

Haryana SSC Syllabus 2019 for English

  • Sentence Improvement.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Substitution.
  • Error Correction (Underlined Part).
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Active Voice and Passive Voice.
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Passage Completion.
  • Antonyms.
  • Synonyms.
  • Sentence Completion.
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Para Completion.
  • Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).
  • Prepositions.

HSSC Fire Operator Exam Syllabus 2019 for Aptitude

  • Volume and Surface Area.
  • Races and Games.
  • Simple Interest.
  • Probability.
  • Surds and Indices.
  • Square Root and Cube Root.
  • Ratio and Proportion.
  • Permutation and Combination.
  • Decimal Fraction.
  • Height and Distance.
  • Pipes and Cistern.
  • Average.
  • Time and Distance.
  • Numbers.
  • Boats and Streams.
  • Allegation or Mixture.
  • Chain Rule.
  • Simplification.
  • Logarithm.
  • Stocks and Share.
  • Area.
  • Partnership.
  • Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M.
  • Banker's Discount.
  • Compound Interest.
  • Time and Work.
  • Problems on Ages.

Haryana SSC Driver Syllabus 2019 for Reasoning

  • Analogy.
  • Decision Making.
  • Arithmetical Reasoning.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Directions.
  • Syllogism.
  • Number Series.
  • Coding-Decoding.
  • Alphabet Series.
  • Cubes and Dice.
  • Embedded Figures.
  • Data Interpretation.
  • Clocks & Calendars.
  • Statements & Arguments.
  • Non-Verbal Series.
  • Embedded Figures.
  • Clocks & Calendars.
  • Number Ranking.
  • Statements & Conclusions.
  • Mirror Images.

HSSC Fire Operator Syllabus 2019 Pdf – Download here

Haryana SSC Fire Operator Previous Papers

HSSC Constable Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2019

HSSC Syllabus 2019 is out for Constable & Sub Inspector posts!! Candidates who are going to give Haryana Staff Selection Commission Constable & SI Exam can download the complete updated Syllabus with Exam Pattern here. Aspirants are advised to check the below section of this page to find more details about HSSC Constable & SI exam 2019.

Good News for the Applicants who want to get settle under Haryana Government Jobs. Yes, What you heard is right. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission is releasing 6400 vacancies for the Group C Posts i.e. Constable and Sub Inspector. Interested aspirants can apply for HSSC Careers from 12th June 2019 to 26th June 2019. The applicant of HSSC Constable & SI must have basic knowledge of Syllabus and Test Pattern. So, we people from recruitment.guru have updated the complete HSSC Constable & SI Syllabus along with Exam pattern here. Job Seeker can get it for free of cost. Check related jobs like HSSC jobs in Employment News.

Haryana SSC Sub Inspector Syllabus 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Name of the Organization Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Total Vacancies 6400
Name of the Posts Constable & Sub Inspector
Category Syllabus
HSSC Exam Date 13th July to 18th August 2019 (Tentative)
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

Selection Process of HSSC Exam 2019

The Selection Process for HSSC SI & Constable Vacancies is provided below –

  • Written Examination (Knowledge Test)
  • Physical Screening Test (PST)
  • Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  • Document Verification

HSSC Constable & SI Exam Pattern 2019

Sl No Name of the Subject No of Questions Marks
1 General Studies 100 80 Marks
2 General Science
3 Current Affairs
4 General Reasoning
5 Mental Aptitude
6 Numeric Ability
7 Agriculture
8 Animal Husbandry
9 Other relevant fields/ trades etc.
  • The HSSC exam will be in Objective type.
  • The duration of the examination is 90 Minutes i.e. 1 1/2 hour
  • Each question will carry 0.80 Marks i.e. a total of 80 Marks
  • This exam consists of 100 Questions
  • The language of this question paper is bilingual i.e. English and Hindi respectively.

[HSSC Constable & SI Recruitment Notification]

The Aspirants who are eagerly waiting to participate in Haryana Staff Selection Commission Constable and Sub Inspector exam can check the complete syllabus here. Without having proper knowledge of syllabus one cannot get a good score in the examination. Getting qualify in the examination boards like HSSC is not a simple task. We are advising to those applicants who are going to write this exam please go through this article to get notified of HSSC Constable and Sub Inspector Exam Syllabus and Exam pattern. Hence, we have updated all the HSSC Constable Important syllabus here. Contenders can download it at free of cost.

HSSC Constable Syllabus in Hindi 2019

HSSC Syllabus 2019 – General Studies

  • Geography
  • Economical Scenario in India
  • Indian Constitution
  • About Five years plans
  • Indian Culture
  • The Contribution of Haryana in the National Movement
  • History of India
  • Political Science

Constable & SI Syllabus for HSSC Exam 2019 – General Science

  • Principles
  • Technologies
  • The Earth
  • Chemistry
  • Techniques of Physics
  • Competency of Scientific Methodology

Haryana Staff Selection Commission SI Syllabus 2019 – Numerical Ability

  • Allegations and Mixtures
  • Simple Interest
  • Volumes and Surface
  • Time and Work
  • Problems on Age
  • Problems on HCF & LCF
  • Races and games
  • Logarithms
  • Partnership
  • Banker’s Discount
  • Probability
  • Averages
  • Chain Rules
  • Ration and Proportion
  • Stocks
  • Compound Interest
  • Ares
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Square root
  • Decimal fractions
  • Numbers
  • Boats and Streams
  • Heights and Distance

HSSC Constable Syllabus 2019 – Current Affairs

  • Indian Current events
  • Current Science
  • Sports and Culture
  • Technology
  • Important Days
  • Current Affairs of National & International News
  • General Science
  • General knowledge

Haryana SSC Constable & SI Syllabus – Reasoning

  • Similarities
  • Relationships
  • Arithmetical Numbers
  • Analogies
  • Judgments
  • Syllogies
  • Statements and Conclusions
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Clock & Calendars
  • Number Series
  • Arithmetic number series
  • Relationship Concepts
  • Space Visualization
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Space Visualizations
  • Figures Classifications
  • Observation

Haryana Police Constable Syllabus 2019 – Animal Husbandry

  • Livestock farming
  • Animal nutrition and Nutritional Importance
  • Animal Breeds
  • Dairy
  • Diseases and Symptoms in Animals
  • Importance of Animals

Computer Knowledge – HSSC SI Syllabus 2019

  • Operating System
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Internet
  • Computer Basics
  • MS Office
  • Windows
  • MS Excel
  • The Hardware of Computers
  • Internet
  • MS-Dos

Haryana SSC Constable & SI Syllabus 2019 Pdf

Get HSSC Constable and SI Previous Papers

HSSC Excise & Tax Inspector Syllabus 2019

The HSSC Excise Inspector Syllabus along with Exam Pattern available. Download HSSC Syllabus PDF for Excise and Taxation Inspector Examinations. You may also visit the Official website www.hssc.gov.in for more Haryana SSC Exam Updates.

Haryana SSC Inspector Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2019 @ www.hssc.gov.in

Name of the Posts Excise Inspector and Taxation Inspector.
Number of Posts 120
Category Syllabus
Exam Date Update Soon
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

HSSC Inspector Exam Pattern 2019

S.No Type Subjects
1. Objective Type General Knowledge (Haryana & India)
2. General Science
3. Reasoning
4. General English
5. Hindi
6. Mathematics
7. Tax for Taxation Inspector

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Tax & Excise Inspector Syllabus 2019


  • Verbal Reasoning.
  • Analyzing Arguments.
  • Logical Games.
  • Number Series.
  • Statements and Assumption.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Statement and Conclusion.
  • Logical Problem.
  • Theme Detection.
  • Matching Definitions.
  • Letter and Symbol Series.
  • Making Judgment.
  • Verbal Classification.
  • Logical Deduction.
  • Analogies.


  • Sentence.
  • Transformation.
  • Synonyms.
  • Para Completion.
  • Antonyms.
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Error Correction.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Prepositions.
  • Improvement.
  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Substitution.

General Knowledge – Haryana & India

  • Awards.
  • Events.
  • History GK.
  • Sports.
  • Latest current affairs.
  • Geography of General Knowledge.
  • National & International Days.


  • Numbers.
  • Multiplication.
  • Data Handling.
  • Weight.
  • Time.
  • Division.
  • Decimal Fractions.
  • Shapes & Spatial.
  • Measurement.
  • Understanding.
  • Geometry.
  • LCM & HCF.
  • Patterns.
  • Pedagogical Issue.
  • Money.
  • Volume.
  • Addition and Subtraction.

General Sciences

  • Inventions.
  • Botany.
  • Chemistry.
  • Physics.
  • Zoology.


  • Speech.
  • Samas.
  • Sandhi.
  • Verbs.
  • Tenses.
  • Phrases.
  • Jumbling of Sentences.
  • Muhavare.
  • Sentences Transformation.
  • Upasargh.
  • Synonyms.
  • Translation of English Sentences into Hindi.
  • Paryayvachi Shabd.
  • Error Detection, etc.

Download HSSC Previous Papers PDF

HSSC Craft Instructor Syllabus 2019

Haryana SSC Craft Instructor Exam syllabus 2019 is available here for free. Candidates who have applied for the Job are now searching the HSSC Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2019. For those applicants, we have provided the HSSC Syllabus and test pattern. Also, It will help you a lot in preparing for the upcoming HSSC Exam 2019.

Haryana SSC Exam Pattern 2019 – HSSC Craft Instructor Syllabus

S.No.  Exam Type Name of the Subject
1. Objective Type General Awareness
2. Reasoning
3. General English
4. Aptitude
5. Mathematics

Haryana SSC Craft Instructor Syllabus 2019

General Awareness

  • Socioeconomic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on
  • Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
  • Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  • Movement and formation of the Haryana state.
  • Indian National Movement.
  • Current Affairs – Regional, National, and International.
  • Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Haryana.
  • International Relations and Events.
  • Social and Economic Geography, Physical and Demography of Haryana, and
  • Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.


  • Logical Games.
  • Statements and Assumption.
  • Number Series.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Analyzing Arguments.
  • Logical Problem.
  • Statement and Conclusion.
  • Theme Detection.
  • Verbal Reasoning.
  • Letter and Symbol Series.
  • Making Judgment.
  • Matching Definitions.
  • Verbal Classification.
  • Logical Deduction.
  • Analogies.

General English

  • Transformation.
  • Para Completion.
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Antonyms.
  • Synonyms.
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Sentence.
  • Error Correction.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Prepositions.
  • Substitution.
  • Improvement.


  • Multiplication.
  • Weight.
  • Division.
  • Data Handling.
  • Time.
  • Decimal Fractions.
  • Measurement.
  • Shapes & Spatial.
  • Understanding.
  • Numbers.
  • LCM & HCF.
  • Pedagogical Issue.
  • Geometry.
  • Money.
  • Patterns.
  • Volume.
  • Addition and Subtraction.

HSSC Computer Instructor Syllabus 2019

Haryana SSC Computer Instructor Exam syllabus 2019 is available here for free. Candidates who have applied for the Job are now searching the HSSC Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2019. For those applicants, we have provided the HSSC Syllabus and test pattern. Therefore Haryana SSC Instructor Syllabus help you best in the preparation.

Haryana SSC Exam Pattern 2019 – HSSC Computer Instructor Syllabus

S. No.  Exam Type Name of the Subject
1. Objective Type General Knowledge
2. Reasoning
3. General English/Hindi
4. Aptitude
5. Mathematics

General Knowledge

  • Awards.
  • History GK.
  • National & International Days.
  • Geography of General Knowledge.
  • Sports.
  • Latest current affairs.
  • Events.


  • Logical Games.
  • Statements and Assumption.
  • Number Series.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Analyzing Arguments.
  • Logical Problem.
  • Statement and Conclusion.
  • Theme Detection.
  • Verbal Reasoning.
  • Letter and Symbol Series.
  • Making Judgment.
  • Matching Definitions.
  • Verbal Classification.
  • Logical Deduction.
  • Analogies.

General English/Hindi

  • English Grammar.
  • Hindi Grammar.
  • Antonyms.
  • Synonyms.
  • Sentence Correction.
  • Error Correction.


  • Multiplication.
  • Weight.
  • Division.
  • Data Handling.
  • Time.
  • Decimal Fractions.
  • Measurement.
  • Shapes & Spatial.
  • Understanding.
  • Numbers.
  • LCM & HCF.
  • Pedagogical Issue.
  • Geometry.
  • Money.
  • Patterns.
  • Volume.
  • Addition and Subtraction.


  • Time & Work.
  • Loss & Profit.
  • Trigonometry.
  • Percentage.
  • Algebra.
  • Averages.

HSSC Workshop Syllabus 2019

Haryana SSC Exam syllabus 2019 is available here for free for the posts of Instructor, Welder, Store Keeper, Electrician Instructor, Librarian & Other. Candidates who have applied for the Job are now searching the Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2019. For those applicants, we have also provided the complete Syllabus and test pattern. It will help you a lot in preparing for the upcoming HSSC Exam 2019.

HSSC Exam Syllabus Details 2019

 Name of the Board  Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
 Name of the Posts  Instructor, Welder, Store Keeper, Electrician Instructor, Librarian & Other Posts
 Number of Vacancies  2641 Vacancies
 Category  Syllabus
 Official Website  www.hssc.gov.in

Recently, HSSC has released various vacancies as mentioned above that will be recruited on Direct Recruitment of 1007 Vacancies, On Contract Basis 773 Vacancies and for Turner Instructor, electrician Instructor & Other of 861 Vacancies i.e. a total of 2641 Vacancies. For more details go through the HSSC Jobs 2019 given.

Haryana SSC Exam Pattern 2019 – HSSC Workshop, Instructor Syllabus

S. No.  Exam Type Name of the Subject
1. Objective Type General Awareness
2. Reasoning
3. General English
4. Aptitude
5. General Knowledge

General Awareness

  • Socioeconomic, Political and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on
  • Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
  • Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  • Movement and formation of the Haryana state.
  • Indian National Movement.
  • Current Affairs – Regional, National, and International.
  • Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Haryana.
  • International Relations and Events.
  • Social and Economic Geography, Physical and Demography of Haryana.
  • Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.


  • Logical Games.
  • Statements and Assumption.
  • Number Series.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Analyzing Arguments.
  • Logical Problem.
  • Statement and Conclusion.
  • Theme Detection.
  • Verbal Reasoning.
  • Letter and Symbol Series.
  • Making Judgment.
  • Matching Definitions.
  • Verbal Classification.
  • Logical Deduction.
  • Analogies.

General English

  • Transformation.
  • Para Completion.
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Antonyms.
  • Synonyms.
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Sentence.
  • Error Correction.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Prepositions.
  • Substitution.
  • Improvement.


  • Multiplication.
  • Weight.
  • Division.
  • Data Handling.
  • Decimal Fractions.
  • Measurement.
  • Shapes & Spatial.
  • Understanding.
  • Numbers.
  • LCM & HCF.
  • Pedagogical Issue.
  • Geometry.
  • Volume.
  • Addition and Subtraction.

General Knowledge

  • Awards.
  • History GK.
  • National & International Days.
  • Geography of General Knowledge.
  • Sports.
  • Latest current affairs.
  • Events.

HSSC JE Syllabus 2019

Haryana SSC Junior Engineer Exam syllabus 2019 is available here for free. Candidates who have applied for the Job are now searching the HSSC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2019. For those applicants, we have provided the updated syllabus and test pattern details. Therefore, it will help you a lot in preparing for the upcoming HSSC Exam 2019.

Haryana Jr Engineer Exam 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Organization Name Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Post Name Junior Engineer
Vacancies 1624
Category Syllabus
HSSC JE Exam Date 13th July to 18th August 2019
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

The selection of the candidate is based on written exam and Socio-Economic criteria & experience.

Detailed Haryana SSC Jr Engineer Syllabus 

Haryana SSC JE Exam Pattern 2019 – HSSC Jr Engineer Syllabus

Name of the Subjects Weightage Total Marks
General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi & Relevant Subject 75% 90
History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. 25%
  • The exam will be of Objective type questions.
  • The written exam will be for 90 marks and rest 10 marks for Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience.

Haryana SSC Junior Engineer Syllabus

General Studies and General Abilities

  • Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
  • Social Exclusion; Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc.and inclusive policies.
  • Environmental Issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies and Sustainable Development.
  • Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Haryana.
  • Analytical Abilities: Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.
  • Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
  • General Science; India's Achievements in Science and Technology.
  • Economic and Social Development of India and Haryana.
  • Moral Values and Professional Ethics in Education.
  • Basic English.

General Abilities

  • Number Series.
  • Analogies.
  • Coding-Decoding.
  • Number Ranking.
  • Judgement.
  • Non/Verbal Series.
  • Directions.
  • Embedded Figures.
  • Mirror Images.
  • Arrangements.
  • Clocks & Calendars.
  • Decision Making.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Syllogistic Reasoning.
  • Problem Solving.
  • Cubes and Dice.
  • Visual Memory.
  • Alphabet Series.
  • Arithmetical Reasoning.

General English

  • School Level English Grammar: Articles, Tense, Noun & Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs, Modals, Subject-Verb Agreement, Non-Finite, Reported Speech, Degrees of Comparison, Active and Passive Voice, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Conditionals.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms, Phrasal Verbs, Related Pair of Words, Idioms and Phrases, Proverbs.
  • Words and Sentences: Use of Words, Choosing Appropriate Words and Words often Confused, Sentence Arrangement, Completion, Fillers and Improvement, Transformation of Sentences, Comprehension, Punctuation, Spelling Test, Spotting of Errors.


  • Multiplication.
  • Weight.
  • Division.
  • Data Handling.
  • Time.
  • Decimal Fractions.
  • Measurement.
  • Shapes & Spatial.
  • Understanding.
  • Numbers.
  • LCM & HCF.
  • Pedagogical Issue.
  • Geometry.
  • Money.
  • Patterns.
  • Volume.
  • Addition and Subtraction.

HSSC JE Civil Syllabus

  • Hydraulics.
  • Transportation Engineering.
  • Concrete Technology.
  • Environmental Engineering.
  • Soil Mechanics.
  • RCC design.
  • Steel Design.
  • Building Materials.
  • Surveying.
  • Estimating, Costing, and Valuation.
  • Structural Engineering.
  • Irrigation Engineering.
  • Theory of structures.

HSSC JE Electrical Syllabus 2019 

  • Electronics Devices.
  • Utilization of Electrical Energy.
  • Electromagnetic Theory.
  • Electrical Machines.
  • Control Systems.
  • Power Systems.
  • Analog and Digital Electronics.
  • Power Electronics & Drives
  • Power System Protection.
  • Network Analysis.
  • Switch Gear and Protection.
  • Electrical Instrumentation.
  • Power System Analysis & Control.

राजस्थन पटवारी Syllabus 2019: Prelims, Mains Exam Pattern in Hindi & English Pdf

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:28 PM PDT

Are you searching for Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus 2019 Pdf? Then, this is the best place to get actual results for your search. Here we have given detailed RSMSSB Patwari Pre, Mains Exam pattern & syllabus in Hindi Pdf. You can also check for exam dates, cut off percentage, study material, previous papers details in the below sections of the article. However, continue reading the entire article to gather all the information provided.

Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus Pdf

Rajasthan Subordinate Ministerial Services selection Board released a notification for recruiting 4400 patwari vacancies. Many candidates appear for this exam every year. Since it is expected that competition will be high this time as well, applicants need to have proper guidelines & study materials to score good marks in the exam.

Here we have updated the latest RSMSSB syllabus & exam pattern details subject wise. Aspirants can also download official syllabus pdf both in Hindi & English by using the link given in the bottom section of the article.

RSMSSB Patwari Exam 2019 – www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in

Description Details
Organization Name Rajasthan Subordinate Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB)
Post Name Patwari
Vacancies 4400
Category Syllabus
Rajasthan Patwari Exam Date Update Soon
Official Site www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in

The selection of the applicant for Patwari post is based on Prelims, Mains written exam followed by an interview process. Certainly, check for exam pattern and syllabus pdf details below.

Rajasthan (RSMSSB) Patwari Exam Syllabus & New Pattern 2019

This exam pattern gives you a rough idea about the structure of the exam, the number of questions asked, marks allotted and other norms of the exam. The exam pattern is given for both prelims and mains stages in the below table along with the required details of the exam.

RSMSSB Patwari Prelims Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Subjects Level of Exam Questions Marks
General Knowledge 10+2/senior Secondary level 100
Mathematics, Reasoning 10+Secondary level 100
General Hindi 10+2/senior Secondary level 50
Computer Basics Basic Computer Knowledge 50
Total  100

RSMSSB Rajasthan Patwari Mains Syllabus & Exam Pattern

Subjects Exam Level Questions Marks
General Knowledge (GK) Senior Secondary Level 50 100
General Hindi Senior Secondary level 25 50
Mathematics, Reasoning Secondary level 50 100
Basic Computer Knowledge Computer Basics 25 50
Total 150 300
  • The exam will be of objective type questions.
  • There will be 150 multiple choice questions.
  • Duration of exam will be 3 Hours.
  • Negative marking of 1/3rd marks will be there for each wrong answer.
  • Each question carries 2 marks.

Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus 2019 in Hindi Pdf Download9

The detailed RSMSSB Exam 2019 syllabus for Patwari post given here. Below the syllabus is given in the subject wise from which questions will be asked considering both Prelims & Mains exam. Applicants searching for the updated syllabus can go through below list of topics that need to be studied to crack the exam successfully.

RSMSSB Patwari Mathematics Syllabus:

  • Average
  • simplification
  • Profit & loss
  • SI & CI
  • Trigonometry
  • Partnership
  • Percentage
  • Ratio & proportion
  • Field book
  • Mensuration
  • Height & distance etc.

Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus for General Knowledge:

  • Current Affairs of Country and State
  • Indian politics
  • Schemes of state government
  • Literature & culture of Rajasthan
  • Geography and history of Rajasthan
  • Knowledge of District, Local and state level administration
  • Land measurement etc.

www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in Patwari Syllabus for Hindi

  • Idioms & phrases
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Paragraph
  • Error correction
  • Noun-Pronoun Adjective, adverb
  • Punctuation
  • General Hindi grammar etc

Related Links to Rajasthan Patwari Pre, Mains Syllabus in Hindi Pdf

RSMSSB Rajasthan Patwari Syllabus Pdf Download
Rajasthan Patwari Previous Papers Click Here
RSMSSB Syllabus for Various Posts Click Here
Rajasthan RSMSSB Official Website Click Here

Other Patwari Post Related Links

MP Patwari Syllabus Pdf Click Here
CG Vyapam Patwari syllabus 2019 Pdf Click Here
Haryana Patwari syllabus Click Here
Punjab Revenue Patwari Syllabus Click Here

HSSC JE Syllabus 2019 – Haryana Junior Engineer Civil, Electrical Exam pattern Pdf

Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:20 PM PDT

Looking for HSSC JE Syllabus 2019 Pdf? Then read the article to get all the required details related to the syllabus. Here we have given the direct link to download the Haryana SSC Junior Engineer Syllabus & Test Pattern for Civil, Electrical & other streams. So, applicants who were seraching for the latest syllabus & exam pattern can check the details below and download syllabus pdf for referring during the preparation of the exam.

HSSC JE Syllabus 2019 Pdf

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) released notification to fill up 1624 Junior Engineer Posts. Candidates who are interested in this post need to apply before 4th July 2019. after which applications will not be accepted.

The exam is expected in the upcoming months. Thus, to help aspirants in their preparation of the exam to get selected for the post. We have given completely updated Haryana SSC Jr Engineer Syllabus Subject Wise that can be referred and need to practice accordingly to score good marks in the exam.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Exam Syllabus 2019 – Overview

Description Details
Organization Name Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Post Name Junior Engineer
Vacancies 1624
Category Syllabus
HSSC JE Exam Date 13th July to 18th August 2019
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

Before starting to prepare for the exam aspirants need to understand the exam prerequisites and schedule details which are given in the above table.

Selection Process:

  • Written Exam
  • Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience

 HSSC JE Exam Pattern 2019 – www.hssc.gov.in

To help candidates in their preparation of the exam we have given exam pattern in terms of subjects. Check the test pattern given and prepare accordingly to score good marks in the exam.

Name of the Subjects Weightage Total Marks
General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi & Relevant Subject 75% 90
History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. 25%
  • The exam will be of Objective type questions.
  • The written exam will be for 90 marks and rest 10 marks for Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience.

Download Haryana SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Syllabus

Candidates can check subject wise Haryana HSSC Jr Engineer syllabus in below lists. Sy preparing for the exam according to subject wise, aspirants can easily crack the exam and get a job in HSSC as Junior Engineer.

HSSC JE Syllabus 2019 – General Abilities

  • Reasoning
    • Analogies
    • Similarities
    • Space Visualization
    • Problem-solving
    • Analysis
    • Judgment
    • Decision making
    • Visual memory
    • Discrimination
    • Observation
    • Relationship concepts
    • Arithmetical reasoning
    • Verbal and figure classification
    • Arithmetical number series
  • General Awareness
    • Current Events
    • Sports, History
    • Culture, Geography
    • Economics
    • General Polity
    • Indian Constitution
    • Scientific Research etc.
  • English
    • Pronouns.
    • Active and Passive voice.
    • Noun.
    • Subject-verb Agreement.
    • Articles.
    • Direct & Indirect speech.
    • Tenses.
    • Types of sentences.
    • Connectors.
    • Unseen passage.
    • Prepositions.
    • Verbs.
  • Aptitude
    • Discount.
    • Circle and its chords.
    • Graphs of Linear Equations.
    • Averages.
    • Mixture and Allegation
    • Trigonometric ratio.
    • Quadrilaterals.
    • Percentages.
    • Time & work.
    • Regular Polygons.
    • Interest
    • Square roots.
    • Ratio and Proportion.
    • Profit & Loss.
    • Standard Identities
    • Time and distance.

HSSC JE Civil Syllabus 2019 Pdf

  • Environmental Engineering.
  • Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
  • Surveying.
  • Structural Engineering.
  • Water Resources Engineering.
  • Transportation Engineering.

Haryana HSSC JE Electrical Syllabus

  • Power Electronics and Drives.
  • Digital Signal Processing.
  • Electrical Circuits and Fields.
  • Digital Electronics.
  • Control Systems.
  • Power Systems.
  • Communication Engineering.
  • Computer Control of Processes, Networks.
  • Electrical Machines.

Related Links to Haryana SSC Junior Engineer (JE) Syllabus Pdf

Haryana JE Official Syllabus 2019 Pdf Download
HSSC Recruitment 2019 Click Here
HSSC Haryana JE Question Paper Click Here
Check HSSC Official Website Click Here

Other Links relevant to HSSC Syllabus 2019

HSSC Syllabus for Various Posts Click Here
HSSC Canal Patwari Syllabus Click Here
Haryana Police Syllabus Click Here
HSSC Forest Guard Syllabus Click Here

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Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:56 PM PDT

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Amarin Stock Poised for Even More Gains


Shares of the pharmaceutical company have skyrocketed recently, but an ascending triangle pattern suggests additional upside potential.

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Can You Trust Today's Industrial Data?


Manufacturing data dropped the most ever in a single month, but the S&P 500 is still in wait-and-see mode.

What Is Behind Bitcoin's Recent Surge?


The leading cryptocurrency has climbed by more than 150% year-to-date, surging past a $9,000 threshold.

REIT Funds Testing Multi-Year Resistance


Real estate investment trust funds have finally completed round trips into the highs posted before the 2008 economic collapse.

Leveraged ETFs: More of a Good Thing? Or Too Much?


Should investors embrace leveraged ETFs? The answer depends on the investor, but by definition, the use of leverage involves higher risk.

Why 5 U.S. Cannabis Stocks Will Outperform Amid Federal Ban


Lower-valued American cannabis stocks are set to outperform their Canadian rivals as U.S. legal pot sales outpace those north of the border.

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Top 4 Apps for Forex Traders


These are the top 4 most useful smartphone applications that assist forex traders in staying on top of the market and mobile trading.

4 Signs a Penny Stock Is Worth Millions


Thinking of trading in risky penny stocks? Use this checklist to find bargains, not scams.

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Who Are the Owners of Vanguard Group?


Learn about the unique ownership of Vanguard Group. Understand how this ownership structure benefits investors with low expense ratios.

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5 must-have metrics for value investors


In this article, we outline the five ratios that can help value investors find the most undervalued stocks in the market.

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Top 5 Value ETFs of 2018


Value exchange-traded funds can outperform the market if money managers choose stocks wisely. Take a look at these top five ETFs.

What Net Interest Margin Is Typical for a Bank?


Understand what kind of net interest margin is typical for financial institutions, and discover why net income margin doesn't tell the whole story.

How to Calculate the Inventory Turnover Ratio


The inventory turnover ratio is a key measure for evaluating how effective a company is at managing inventory levels and generating sales from it.

How Does Inflation Affect the Exchange Rate between Two Nations?


Countries attempt to balance interest rates and inflation, but the interrelationship between the two is complex and can influence exchange rates.

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How to Spot a Forex Scam


Forex scams are more common than you think, and new ones will continue to pop up. Here's what you need to know in order to spot them.

Why Do People Say September Is the Worst Month for Investing?


One of the historical realities of the stock market is that it typically has performed poorest during the month of September.

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Fixed Rate vs. Adjustable Rate Mortgages: What's the Difference?


Fixed rate and adjustable rate mortgages have similarities and differences, depending on your financial needs and prospects.

Career Advice: Accounting Versus Auditing


Understand the distinctions between accounting and auditing, and learn what each offers new graduates in terms of salary, job security and daily life.

Financial Analyst Versus Financial Consultant Careers


Compare the differences between working as a financial analyst and a financial consultant, and determine which career may be the best for you.

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What's the Difference Between a Financial Plan and a Financial Forecast?


Learn what the significant difference is between a financial forecast and a financial plan, for either individuals or for businesses.

Is there a Difference Between ADR and ADS?


Find out the differences between American depositary receipts (ADRs) and American depositary shares (ADS). Learn how they benefit U.S. investors.

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Mortgage Broker Vs. Direct Lender: What's the Difference?


A mortgage broker is an intermediary who can help you choose the best direct lender for you, and get your loan application through the process.

GICS Vs. ICB Stock Classification: What's the Difference?


The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) and the Industrial Classification Benchmark (ICB) both assign stocks to appropriate sectors and industries. Here's how they differ.

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Getting the Whole Story on Variable Annuities


Variable annuities are another tax-deferred investment option after a 401k and IRA, but you should do your homework before jumping in.

Rules for Having a Health Savings Account (HSA)


Do you qualify? What does it cover? How to see if it makes sense to sign up for a High-Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Account.

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) vs. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI): What's the Difference?


Learn how adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) can make a difference in your tax liabilities.

The Difference Between Bitcoin and Credit Card Transactions


Discover the differences between bitcoin and credit card transactions, as well as the advantages of using one over the other.

Economics Report: Compare and Contrast India vs. Brazil (PBR)


Find out why Brazil and India, two of the largest and most important emerging market economies, appear to be headed in very different directions.

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Understanding Dividend Rate vs. Dividend Yield


Learn how to differentiate between an investment's dividend rate and dividend yield and discover why the dividend yield is the more popular rate of return measurement.

Understanding Buying vs. Renting in San Francisco


Buying vs. renting in the San Francisco Bay Area is a conundrum: Both are pricey. How to decide.

Zillow vs. Trulia: Comparing the Differences


Zillow and Trulia are two of the leading real estate databases, offering property and rental listings, and connect consumers to listing agents. While the two share some similarities, they have key differences that set them apart.

Private Foundations vs. Public Charities


Here's a look at the differences between these types of charitable organizations.

How FIFA Makes Money: International Football/Soccer Events and Licensing


FIFA is best known for its massive World Cup and Women's World Cup competitions, but the non-profit organization has other sources of earnings as well.

9 Different Ways to Find a New Job


Learn how job seekers are becoming more creative and utilizing new strategies in moving their careers forward. If you're looking for new employment or work in human resources, learning about these 9 methods may help you out.

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10 Major Companies Tied to the Apple Supply Chain


A look at some of Apple's top suppliers gives an understanding of how this growing industry functions. By looking at the Apple supply-chain model, along with the benefits and challenges for each component, readers will gain an understanding of large scale, multinational production streams.

Social Security ‛Start, Stop, Start’ Strategy Explained


The ‛start, stop, start' Social Security claiming strategy can be beneficial for some to maximize benefits, but it is complicated.

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How to Make a 401(k) Hardship Withdrawal


You can withdraw funds from your retirement account for immediate and pressing financial needs. But you'll pay a price for doing so.

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Can I use stocks instead of cash to fund my Roth IRA?


Regular IRA contributions must be made in cash or checks. Contributions of securities are not allowed. Exceptions apply to rollover contributions if the same security was distributed.

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What is the difference between a bill of lading and a bill of exchange?


A bill of lading is a receipt detailing the goods being shipped and where they are being shipped to, while a bill of exchange includes payment details, such as an invoice.

What is the difference between the cost of equity and the cost of capital?


The cost of equity is the percentage return demanded by a company's owners; the cost of capital includes the rate of return demanded by lenders and owners.

Money Market vs. Short-Term Bonds


Short-term bonds typically yield higher interest rates than money market funds, so the potential to earn more income over time is greater. Both are liquid, easily accessible, and relatively safe securities.

Residual Income vs. Passive Income


Learn how passive income can help someone keep the bills paid with little work involved. Determine how residual income affects your ability to obtain a mortgage.

Market Cycles: The Key to Maximum Returns


Understand the various phases of the market cycle, so as to avoid market bubbles and make the best possible investments.

Derivatives vs. Options: What's the Difference?


A derivative is a financial contract that gets its value from an underlying asset. Options offer one type of common derivative. Options, like derivatives, are available for many investments including equities, currencies, and commodities.

401(k) Plans for the Small Business Owner


If you own a business, the SBO 401(k) or Solo 401(k) has as many benefits as it has names. Learn what these advantages are they, if they are a good fit for you, and if you are you eligible to open one of these retirement plans?

A Guide to Trading Binary Options in the U.S.


Learn more about binary options, how they work, and where you can legally trade them in the United States.

Top Marijuana Stocks That Pay Dividends


Here are the top dividend-paying stocks in the legal marijuana industry.

Software Stocks with least Risk and Positive Sales Growth


Several fast-growing software stocks are poised to outperform despite heightened risks facing the technology sector.

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Facebook Stock Jumps as Analysts See Crypto Potential


Facebook plans to release a white paper discussing its new cryptocurrency on Tuesday, and many analysts are optimistic.

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3 Discount Stores Crushing It in the Digital Era


Online retail has changed the way consumers shop. These discount retailers have reinvented themselves to thrive in the digital era.

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Summer Travel and Staying Bullish


If you look at your stocks like your kids, you may end up trading less, spending less, and making more in the long run.

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Adobe and Oracle Near All-Time Highs Ahead of Earnings


Adobe and Oracle shares are vulnerable despite trading near all-time highs, suggesting that investors tighten up risk parameters.

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Russell Rebalancing Expected to Boost Recent IPOs


The rebalancing of the family of Russell indexes at the end of June will see a number of recent IPOs added, providing a temporary boost to those companies' shares.

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6 Flying Robotaxi Companies That May Lead the Next Transport Wave


Flying robotaxis are set to hit markets next year with six private companies leading the way.

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Saving vs. Investing: Understanding the Key Differences


The terms saving and investing are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are very different and extremely important to understand in order to achieve security and prosperity.

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Part-Time vs. Full-Time MBA: What's the Difference?


In general, there are two routes a prospective student can take when pursuing an MBA: a full-time or a part-time program. Here are the differences.

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Living in New York City: Co-ops vs. Condos


Buying a condominium involves ownership of the apartment and a percentage of the common areas while buying a co-op involves buying shares in a corporation that is the building.

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Job Hunting: Higher Pay vs. Better Benefits


Focusing only on pay when job hunting may be a mistake. Find out which benefits have the highest payoff in the long run.

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Production Cost Vs. Manufacturing Cost: What's the Difference?


Production cost represents a business' overall expenses while manufacturing cost is solely the expense of making the product. Both are important in calculating profitability.

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How Can the Financial Services Industry Retain More Women?


A Look at Fidelity's Approach to Women's Career Growth and Engagement

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The Relationship Between Interest Rates and Bond Prices


At first glance, the inverse relationship between interest rates and bond prices seems somewhat illogical, but upon closer examination, it makes sense.

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401(k) Plan Vs. Stock-Picking: What's the Difference?


No matter how good a stock-picker you are, it would be tough to beat the outcome of a 401(k) plan over time given the tax advantages and an employer match, too.

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What is the Difference Between LIBID and LIBOR?


LIBID and LIBOR are benchmark rates set by banks in the London interbank market, referring to what banks are willing to charge or pay for loans/deposits.

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Product Differentiation vs. Price Discrimination: Understanding the Difference


Product differentiation and price discrimination, are used in marketing and economics, and there are differences between the two strategies.

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Scalping vs. Swing Trading: What's the Difference?


Understand two trading strategies: scalping, which focuses on intra-day stock price movements, and swing trading, which involves identifying a trend and then trying to profit off it.

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Why would a person choose a mutual fund over an individual stock?


There are a number of reasons why an individual may choose to buy mutual funds instead of individual stocks. The most common are that mutual funds offer diversification, convenience and lower costs.

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How to Achieve Optimal Asset Allocation


Learn how to achieve your ideal asset allocation through a mix of stocks, bonds, and cash that will earn the total return over time that you need.

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Next Housing Recession in 2020, Predicts Zillow


With Fed action weighing on real estate, a recent survey shows that many experts think a housing recession will kick off in the first quarter of 2020.

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10 Questions to Ask Your Estate-Planning Attorney


If you want what's best for your spouse and/or children, it's imperative that you ask an estate-planning attorney the following questions.

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S&P 500 vs. Fortune 500: What's the Difference?


Learn what the Fortune 500 and S&P 500 is, how companies are chosen to be on the lists, and the main difference between the Fortune 500 and the S&P 500.

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What is the difference between speculation and gambling?


Although gambling and speculation both refer to uncertain outcomes, speculation includes taking into account a calculated risk.

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The Differences Between 401(k) and 403(b) Plans


Understand the importance that 401(k)s are offered by for-profit companies and 403(b)s are for nonprofit or government employees. Find out other differences and if it's possible to have both.

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What's the difference between renters insurance and homeowners insurance?


Renters insurance and homeowners insurance offer similar benefits for occupants and homeowners, but in different ways and for different reasons.

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The 11 Worst Retirement Mistakes: Sidestep Them


Learn how you can avoid these 11 common financial mistakes with your retirement savings.

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An Introduction to Capital Budgeting


We look at three widely used methods in capital budgeting to figure out how companies decide on which project to embark on or asset to purchase.

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economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:47 PM PDT

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

How Modi, Trump's bonhomie can iron out Indo-US irritants


It's the person rather than the process who determines policy in the current US govt: President Donald Trump. Actively engaging him might be the best way to get beyond the current rocky patch in India-US relations. Yes, Trump routinely pushes India's buttons on trade. But he is an equal opportunity offender. For the relationship to fasttrack, it's essential that Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi talk and meet frequently.It's been said that the leaders of the two largest democracies must have a summit meeting every year. But they should also use the hotline more often. Japan and Israel do so to their benefit. Established during Barack Obama's government, the hotline seems to have gone cold.Trump and Modi haven't interacted much really. Traditional hesitation on the Indian side not to expose Modi to Trump's unpredictability beyond what's absolutely necessary has been a deterrent. But it may be time to jettison the choreographed in favour of a real encounter where the two can speak their mind, size each other and, hopefully, come to an agreement.Modi can push back against Trump with a comprehensive 'transactional' trade deal clearly stated and bluntly conveyed. The Trump government offers a unique and rare opportunity to resolve differences and disputes, and not merely on trade. When US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo invoked the slogan, 'Modi hai to mumkin hai' (If Modi's there, it's possible) in a recent speech, he was asking for imaginative solutions to the current set of thorny issues. It's time to test the waters.Resolution of trade disputes would take away a constant source of irritation. It would be a good way to 'cultivate America', a foreign policy goal S Jaishankar talked about shortly before becoming external affairs minister.To be sure, India has red lines just as the US. US companies can't expect to call the shots on how New Delhi makes policy, but their input as stakeholders should be welcomed. There's always a way out if all eyes are on the prize — investment, job creation and tech transfer.First, it's not as if India is not buying enough from the US — it clearly is. Just in terms of airplanes, oil and gas, the figure is impressive. But not enough weight is given to the big orders in the US Trade Representative's worldview. The big orders must be leveraged.Second, Trump alone will decide whether to exempt India from the Russia sanctions law, should things come to that. US officials have been making a strong case against India buying the Russian S-400 Triumf air defence system. But theirs is not the final word.Unlike other presidents, Trump is as likely to go against them as with them. The current difficulties — mounting trade disputes, India's policies on e-commerce and data localisation, the potential of India coming under US sanctions, simmering criticism of the state of religious freedom in India — deserve highlevel attention. In almost every case, Trump can make or break things. He has to be convinced to not break but build. Modi can do that.The two are expected to meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, later this month. Another opportunity would be in September during the UN General Assembly in New York. Time is short for turning things around. Trump will go into full election mode early next year, which leaves a small window in August 2019-February 2020 to make things right and for Trump and Modi to set the agenda.Trade is Trump's pet peeve. Apart from that, he is far more amenable to breaking old rules in India's favour than past presidents. Just ask Pakistan and China. Trump's decision to sell India drones — the Obama administration was unwilling to — is a good example of his government bolstering India's defences with real assets.The Trump administration worked hard to make the offer in time for Modi's 2017 visit, and with time approved the sale of the armed version. Now India is finalising plans to buy 30 Predator-B drones, 10 each for all three services, at an estimated cost of more than $2 billion.Then there are private sector deals that are huge. IndiGo airlines is ready to sign an order for 600 jet engines from CFM International, a US-French joint venture between General Electric and Safran. SpiceJet went similarly big with CFM last year.India has also committed to buying $4 billion worth of US oil and gas every year, to say nothing of the Apache and MH-60 helicopters, and other defence items in the pipeline, all of which will further reduce the $23 billion trade deficit. It's a small figure compared to the US deficit with China, which was $419 billion in 2018.It's time to press the case directly with Trump.

Budget 2019: What FM can do for ailing banks


Recently, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das rightly underscored the need for governance reform in public sector banks that are reeling under bad loans. "It is important to enhance the quality and stability (in PSB boards) through further streamlining appointment process, succession planning and compensation. These aspects could be evaluated by bank boards and reviewed by the Banks Board Bureau. We also need to create a pool of independent directors across various areas of expertise, Das said in his recent convocation address at the National Institute of Bank Management in Pune.The govt, as a majority shareholder, should make this happen. Three years ago, it had outlined an ambitious plan, known as Indradhanush, to improve the functional and operational autonomy of these banks where politicians and bureaucrats are said to wield a lot influence. The BBB is meant to stop such interference.But what needs to be done quickly is to vest ownership of all banks in a single holding company, assign BBB as its board and leave it to appoint the PSB boards. Hands length ownership will be good for the holding company. The government can continue to be a majority owner with 51% stake, and the balance can come in as private capital that includes foreign capital. The holding company can tap the market for funds and raise large doses of capital for infusion into banks. This will help banks grow so they can lend more and get the wheels of the economy moving.Such a structure will enhance the functional and operational autonomy of banks that need to take the right commercial decisions. The compensation for senior bankers should also hinge on performance. Large chunks of their salary must be linked to the bank's performance over a longer period of time, and, of course, with clawback provisions. This will motivate them to work without fear.Independent directors in the boards of banks should have domain expertise for sure. But they must also be capable of thinking independently and challenging the management if the need arises.The creation of a holding company for banks should come as a part of the Budget announcement.

World's 'low-cost factory' could hit a snag


By Cindy WangGiant Manufacturing Co. saw the writing on the wall early on. The world's biggest bicycle maker started moving production of US-bound orders out of its China facilities to its home base in Taiwan as soon as it heard Donald Trump threaten tariff action in September."When Trump announced the plan of 25% tariffs, we took it seriously," Chairwoman Bonnie Tu said in an interview at Giant's Taichung City headquarters in Taiwan. "We started moving before he shut his mouth."Giant is part of a growing number of global firms that are pivoting production out of China in reaction to the increasingly hostile trade relations between the two superpowers. Intel Corp. this week became the latest to say it's reviewing its global supply chain, while Li & Fung Ltd., the world's largest supplier of consumer goods, said the trade war is spurring it to diversify away from China."Last year, I noticed that the era of Made In China and supplying globally is over," Tu said. The maker of mountain and racing bicycles closed one plant in China at the end of 2018 and shifted most U.S. orders out of the country. Giant announced last July it is setting up a factory in Hungary "as moving production close to your market is a trend."Giant currently has one plant each in Taiwan and the Netherlands, and still has five remaining in China. The Taiwanese site will be working double shifts to keep up with the relocated orders. The company said it is seeking a partner in Southeast Asia.Not Level"The world is no longer flat," said Tu, borrowing from Thomas Friedman's book "The World Is Flat," whose title in a metaphor for viewing the world as a level playing field for companies and trade. "The concept is no longer affordable in every place."Li & Fung's chief executive officer echoed Tu's sentiments, saying China became the factory to the world because it is so efficient in producing goods. Sourcing became very easy, CEO Spencer Fung said in a presentation in Hong Kong on Monday."They just put all their eggs in the China basket because the Chinese are very capable," said Fung. Now, "the trade war is basically forcing people to rethink their entire global sourcing strategy and to diversify away from China."Giant shares soared 9.8% on Monday for their biggest gain ever, after the company said it expects a quarter of its revenue this year to come from e-bikes. The stock retreated 3.5% in trading Tuesday. Li & Fung jumped 7.3%, the most in three months, in Hong Kong Tuesday.Giant's willingness to quickly steer orders away from China -- long regarded as the world's low-cost workshop -- has been noticed by investors and analysts. The stock, which doesn't carry a single sell rating from brokerages tracked by Bloomberg, has climbed more than 70% this year to the highest level since 2015, after four straight years of declines.Giant's global brand awareness and flexible manufacturing are key to avoiding tariff risks, Daiwa analysts Helen Chien and Anita Li wrote in a June 5 report, in which they initiated coverage of Giant with an outperform rating.Tariffs are adding $100 on average to the price of bicycles made in China and exported to the U.S., compared with those made in zero-tariff areas, Tu said, explaining the rationale for the switch to the Taiwanese site.The switch, however, comes with higher costs for employee payouts, automation and no China-like economy of scale for suppliers. Tu declined to peg the relocation costs beyond saying the company's "bottom line would be better without the U.S.-China trade war."That's why Giant is open to reverting production to its Chinese plants if the U.S. and China are able to hammer out a trade deal. If America "decides to remove the 25% tariff, we will move the production back to China right away," Tu said.

Don't share our goods with Huawei: US to Indian cos


NEW DELHI: The US has warned the Indian government that companies found supplying equipment or other products of American origin to Huawei or its units could face punitive action, said people with knowledge of the matter. The May 27 letter, sent to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), is being seen as part of US efforts to intensify pressure on India to act against the Chinese company.The MEA has in turn sought the views of the Department of Telecom (DoT), Niti Aayog, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Department of Commerce and the principal scientific adviser on the implications of US' curbs on Huawei for Indian firms, a senior government official told ET."Three questions have been posed by the MEA — to examine information provided by the US, including possibility of action against Indian firms that supply US-origin software and equipment to Huawei and also to provide views on the recommendations of a recent 5G security conference at Prague and overall opinion on the matter," the official said.Sources told ET the recommendations of the Prague conference in May had been 'general' and didn't single out any company. 69850501 Call for Robust Security FrameworkBut the latest communication from the US authorities to India had largely to do with details of the recent ban on equipment from Huawei and a list of its units. These included 35 registered companies in China and affiliates such as Huawei Sri Lanka, Huawei Pakistan and Huawei Hong Kong.Crucially, the Chinese were not invited for the conference, which saw telecom chiefs from 32 countries, and which essentially recommended that governments adopt 5G network standards that Huawei might not be able to meet, due to Chinese laws requiring cooperation in intelligence-gathering efforts, sources said.An official said the Prague summit called for a robust security framework."A country's communications system should be designed with resilience and security, and should have its own security policies," he said, citing the summit's key recommendation. It didn't name any company or country. "So, on the issues of privacy and security, we are in confirmation with these principles outlined at the Prague conference that each country's communication network should be safe and secure."However, the matter of Indian companies being possibly accountable and punishable for supplying US hardware or software to Huawei or its associates is not easy to resolve."Huawei has the maximum 5G patents and there is no doubt that they have taken the lead in this technology," the official said. "Now, if we permit our companies to deploy Huawei, and somewhere in the entire supply chain or network operations, if some US software is deployed, the probability for which is high, how would it impact our companies?"While no Indian company was mentioned in the detailed list provided by the US authorities, the communication required careful study and response, said the people cited above.It comes as the Indian government is holding internal top-level discussions to take a final decision on whether to permit Huawei to participate at all in 5G trials, which are expected to commence shortly. The DoT's views have also been sought on the matter, but the telecom department has been divided on the issue so far, said people with knowledge of the matter.One section contends that the country can't depend on just two network equipment suppliers — Nokia and Ericsson — and points out that there are risks from European vendors as well. It argues that Huawei should be given an opportunity in the 5G trials, which will also allow India to scrutinise security vulnerabilities, if any. The other section insists that Chinese vendors are a security threat, given that they have to share information with the government under the law of that country.

GST on electric vehicles may be reduced to 5%


NEW DELHI: India may cut the goods and services tax (GST) on electric vehicles to 5% from 12% to provide a stimulus to the sector that's a high priority for the Narendra Modi government.The GST Council is set to take up the proposal at its June 20 meeting, said a senior government official aware of the development. "There is a proposal to cut tax rates on EVs among other issues," the official told ET. Lower duties are expected to encourage global manufacturers to invest in India's planned shift to electric vehicles in order to try and bring down pollution levels. This comes as Punjab has written to the Centre seeking a review of tax rates.Tackling SlowdownThe state has sought new rates for automobiles, textiles, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and real estate to provide a boost to the economy, which has slowed to the lowest in five years in FY19.Punjab finance minister Manpreet Badal has suggested to union finance minister and GST Council chairman Nirmala Sitharaman that tax rates for these sectors need to be lowered to address the slowdown. 69850547 The automobile sector has sought urgent measures to boost demand, after recording the steepest decline in sales in 18 years. Passenger vehicle sales have been sliding and fell by 21% in May, prompting closure of dealerships and plant shutdowns.The RBI consumer confidence index, based on a survey in 13 cities, fell to 97.3 in May, indicating pessimism about jobs and prices.Electric VehiclesPolicymakers favour incentivising electric vehicles in line with the government's long-term strategy. The Niti Aayog has prepared a roadmap that envisages all vehicles sold after 2030 being electric. The roadmap lays down that all two-and three-wheelers should go electric from 2023 and all commercial vehicles from 2026.Experts said tax cuts would encourage manufacturing. "A reduction in the GST rate on EVs would incentivise global players to set up their manufacturing facilities in India and is also in line with the phased manufacturing programme of the government," said Pratik Jain, national leader, indirect taxes, PwC. Under this, customs duties on EVs are proposed to be gradually increased. However, what needs to be seen is whether such a move would lead to an inverted duty structure, Jain added.Anti-Profiteering FrameworkThe council is also expected to consider a proposal to extend the tenure of the National Anti-Profiteering Authority (NAA) by a year as there are a number of pending cases at various stages of disposal.The meeting is expected to take up several changes to the GST law to check tax evasion.

ED may summon Naresh Goyal in Jet Airways privilege case


MUMBAI: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is likely to summon Jet Airways founder Naresh Goyal for questioning over alleged wrongdoing related to stake sales in the unit that ran the grounded carrier's loyalty programme, said people with knowledge of the matter.The agency is also studying allegations of tax evasion of more than Rs 650 crore made by the income tax department against Jet Airways and its units to see if these violated provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).Jet Airways incorporated Jet Privilege Pvt Ltd (JPPL) as a wholly owned unit in 2012. After Etihad bought a 50.1% stake, it was hived off as an independent entity. Jet Airways holds the remaining 49.9%. Etihad had bought a 24% stake in Jet Airways in 2013. The ED had in the past sent queries to Jet regarding the $150 million stake sale in JPPL but it was only in May that senior executives of the airline were called in for detailed questioning.69850529 FIPB ApprovalsThe Jet Airways stock plunged to an all-time low on Tuesday, a day after lenders decided to refer the airline to bankruptcy court after failing to come up with a viable rescue plan for the carrier that stopped flying on April 18.The central agency is trying to ascertain whether Etihad received the necessary approvals required from the now-defunct Foreign Investment Promotion Board for making investments in the country."The preliminary probe indicates that the deal is in violation of the FDI (foreign direct investment) provisions and Jet Airways classifying it as an 'air transport service firm' — a sector that allows more than 49% FDI through automatic route — was only to circumvent the norms in order to get more FDI," said one of the persons cited above. "Since Goyal was founder and a major stakeholder then, he will be summoned in due course to explain this."The probe will seek to ascertain if this was an arrangement struck between the two in order to get more overseas investment into the airline and if that was in contravention of FDI norms, the person said.In the tax matter, the IT investigation wing discovered alleged irregularities in transactions between Jet Airways and its Dubai-based group firms, ET reported on June 15. The airline was found to be paying commissions every year to its general sales agent in Dubai, which was also part of a group unit. These may have been aimed at evading taxes to the tune of Rs 650 crore, ET had reported, citing people aware of the matter. Details pertaining to those alleged irregularities have also cropped up in the JPPL deal probe while studying the books of accounts."A preliminary inquiry has indicated that this also amounts to violation under FEMA as fake invoices were floated and the monies that should have come to India were routed abroad," said another official aware of the matter. "This transaction will also be studied in detail and a decision will be taken if a case has to be made out under FEMA."Earlier this month, Goyal was summoned by the IT department's Mumbai wing under Section 131 of the Income Tax Act that empowers the income tax authorities to conduct inquiries and summon persons, examine them under oath, compel the production of books of account and documents, and issue commissions.Multiple revenue and enforcement agencies are probing Jet Airways for alleged irregularities. Other than the ED and the IT department, the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) is also investigating the airline for alleged violations of the Companies Act. The ministry's regional office concluded several transactions to be of a "suspicious nature" in a May report.It recommended a detailed investigation into Jet Airways after an inspection of its accounts.Sources added that the government is likely to hand over the probe to the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), the investigation arm of the MCA. Based on a request by the MCA, a lookout circular had been issued against Naresh Goyal and his wife Anita to ensure that they didn't leave the country while investigations were pending. Following this, they were taken off a Dubai-bound plane in Mumbai on May 26.Emails sent to Jet Airways didn't elicit a response.The carrier had previously told ET that it was in compliance with the law.This was in response to a February 26 report by ET that said income tax authorities had discovered irregularities in the airline's transactions with Dubai-based group companies and that the authorities might ask Jet Airways to explain these related-party deals."Jet Airways reiterates that it has always complied with all regulatory and corporate governance requirements, as required by law, with respect to the transactions entered into with related parties," it had said at the time. "Such disclosures have been made by the company in its duly audited and published financials as part of 'related-party transactions'."It was cooperating with the authorities, including the Registrar of Companies (RoC) through the course of a tax survey conducted last year, the carrier had said.

US Fed likely to consider 50 bps move if and when it cuts


By Christopher CondonFinancial markets have gotten used to the Federal Reserve adjusting its benchmark interest rate in small increments. They might want to be ready for a change.While no move is expected as officials gather this week, economists and investors generally agree the Fed is going to cut rates this year.Bets on the Fed's next moves got even more complicated Tuesday amid geopolitical turns. Investors first increased bets on a Fed cut after European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said additional stimulus would be needed unless the outlook improved. That prompted President Donald Trump to tweet that Draghi was "unfairly" weakening the euro.Investors then dialed back rate-cut speculation somewhat after Trump later tweeted encouraging words about U.S.-China trade talks.The last two times the Fed began an easing cycle, in 2001 and 2007, it opted for a half-percent move over a quarter point adjustment.If and when the Federal Open Market Committee decides to ease again this year, its members will seriously contemplate doing the same.Here are the arguments for and against:For: Surprise, Surprise!William Nelson, chief economist at the Bank Policy Institute in Washington and a former senior Fed staffer, said policy makers almost always seek to avoid surprises when raising rates but often approach cutting with the opposite aim."The FOMC is actually eager to deliver an easing surprise, and in fact at times judge the success of their easing actions precisely by the market impact that only comes from a surprise," he said.For: Ahead of the CurveIn their own review of the 25-versus-50 debate, economists at Morgan Stanley pointed out that if the Fed is trying to address looming economic risks, "it makes sense to get ahead of the curve to bolster confidence and leave markets more settled."Failing to do so can leave the Fed needing to act again soon and make officials appear too timid, they added in the May note.For: Gone Too FarFormer Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan frequently argued that the last move in a series of hikes or cuts was often viewed in hindsight as unnecessary."Therefore, when we move in a different direction for the first time, it's probably wise to remember that the existing level of rates embodies one more move than we needed to do," he told colleagues on a Jan. 3, 2001 telephone conference call when the Fed delivered a surprise inter-meeting 50-basis-point cut.Though far from certain, that may end up being true for the Fed's December rate hike. The move, when paired with a signal of more increases to come, spooked investors who had begun to worry about slowing global growth.For: Close to ZeroThe target range for the federal funds rate currently stands at 2.25% to 2.5%, which means the Fed many not have enough ammunition to fight a full-blown recession. That makes it more important for the Fed to be aggressive when it cuts, getting the most impact out of every step downward."Hitting the zero-lower bound is a problem, so you don't want to hold your fire" in the face of deteriorating economic conditions, said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James Financial Inc. "That means you need to go sooner than you would otherwise, and larger."For: What Inflation?With inflation running persistently below the Fed's 2% target, and inflation expectations falling, that means the potential negative consequences of cutting too much are meaningfully reduced. The Fed is less likely to unleash unwanted higher inflation with aggressive cuts.Against: Please Remain CalmThose who argue against a big cut note that a swift move down carries real risks. Most importantly, it could mistakenly convey a sense of panic.In the face of a 50 basis-point cut many investors will inevitably ask, "What does the Fed know that we don't know?" said Raymond James' Brown.Against: Bubbles AheadThe most tangible risk would be the threat of feeding incipient financial market bubbles. Rates have been easy for more than a decade, spurring repeated worries about asset valuations. Corporations are widely viewed as over-leveraged, especially among companies rated below or just above investment grade.If the Fed aggressively eases borrowing costs, that will only add to the piles of debt the Fed already worries will amplify the next recession.

F&O: Options show Nifty range shifts lower to 11,500-11,929


By Chandan Taparia Nifty50 remained highly volatile and hovered between positive and negative territories throughout Tuesday's session, but finally closed on a flat note near the 11,700 mark.The index formed a Small-Bodied candle at its crucial support of 50-day EMA, and has been forming lower highs and lows for past five sessions. Now it has to negate the formation of lower highs by surpassing the 11,727 mark to get some stability and bounce towards 11,761 and then 11,820 levels, while a failed attempt would mean the weakness will continue till 11,600 and 11,550 levels.On the options front, maximum Put open interest was at 11,500 followed by 11,700 levels, while maximum Call OI was at 12,000 followed by 12,500 levels. There was Call writing at 11,800 followed by 11,700 levels, while Put writing was seen at 11,600 and then 11,700 levels. Options data suggested a lower trading range between 11,500 and 11,929 levels.India VIX fell 0.85 per cent to 14.52 level.Bank Nifty traded in a range between 30,200 and 30,550 levels for most part of the session, but failed to test the 30,600 level. It formed an small-bodied candle on the daily scale and has been making lower highs and lows for last five sessions. As long as it holds below 30,600, the index may extend its weakness towards 30,000 and then 29,600 levels, while on the upside, resistance is seen at 30,600 and then 31,000 levels.Nifty futures closed positive at 11,714 with a marginal gain of 0.15 per cent. Long buildup was seen in SRF, PVR, IGL and REC while shorts were seen in Piramal Enterprise, CEAR, Dabur and Indiabulls Housing Finance.(Chandan Taparia is Technical & Derivative Analyst at MOFSL. Investors are advised to consult financial advisers before taking an investment calls based on these observations)

Google Calendar down; firm investigating matter


NEW DELHI: Users across various parts of the world, including India, could not access 'Google Calendar' on Tuesday evening.Navigating to google.calendar.com and the app presented users with a 'Not Found Error 404' message.Google, on its G Suite Status Dashboard, said: "We're investigating reports of an issue with Google Calendar. We will provide more information shortly. The affected users are unable to access Google Calendar".Netizens took to Twitter to complain about the outage. While many referred to the disruption as 'snow day', many others shared GIFs of chaotic workplaces to express how their day was like without the popular scheduling solution.Interestingly, the disruption occurred a few hours after Google G Suite tweeted about 'Scheduling made simpler with @googlecalendar'.

Growth in formal sector jobs: Silver lining in jobs data?


NEW DELHI: Even as unemployment in the country stands at a 45-year high, more people are now part of the formal workforce, and in temporary staffing (also part of the formal workforce), according to a report released by the Indian Staffing Federation (ISF) and research firm IMRB Kantar today.The report attributes this to reforms like changes to EPF (employee provident fund), ESI (employee state insurance) and the introduction of the goods and service tax (GST), as well as demonetization-linked reforms to the growth of the formal workforce. The report, titled 'Impact of Key Reforms on Job Formalization and flexi staffing', used data from the latest National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) to come up with the figures, which showed that the percentage of people who are casual workers fell from 70% to 68% between 2015 and 2018, and consequently, more than 7 million jobs were formalized. E-commerce, manufacturing and the government have been the main contributors to the formalization of the workforce.The total number of formal jobs in the country now stands at 74.9 million, and is projected to increase to 102 million by 2021. Formal jobs are those in which workers get access to benefits like provident fund and insurance.The report showed that the formal temporary workforce in India – also known as the flexi workforce – reached 3.3 million in 2018, up from 2.1 million in 2015.According to Rituparna Chakraborty, president, ISF, reforms like the proposed merging of 44 labour laws in India into four will further drive formalization.The report says that an additional 11 million jobs will move from informal to formal by 2021, while the number of flexi staffers would increase by 2.8 million in the same time period.ISF represents the interests of more than 100 temporary staffing firms – also known as flexi staffing firms – and over 1 million people employed through these firms. Temporary staffing firms act as an intermediary between workers and companies which are looking for temporary workers.

Nitish Kumar greeted with go back slogans

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:56 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Operation cleanup | Govt sacks another 15 officers on charges of corruption

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:54 PM PDT

Operation cleanup | Govt sacks another 15 officers on charges of corruption
Under 56 (j), the performance of an officer who has turned 50 or 55 or has completed 30 years of service (whichever is earlier) is being reviewed to ascertain if he/she is liable for compulsory retirement.

Source: TFE

10,000 SSI units planned, 50 industrial parks under pilot project in Maharashtra

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

10,000 SSI units planned, 50 industrial parks under pilot project in Maharashtra
Considering the job-creation potential of micro, small and medium enterprises, the state said it will set up industrial parks at each taluka level.

Source: DI

Gujarat: Cyclone Vayu brings luck, helps in seed sowing

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

Gujarat: Cyclone Vayu brings luck, helps in seed sowing
Agriculture Department says onset of monsoon likely to be normal

Source: DI

167 talukas in Gujarat receive ample rain

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

167 talukas in Gujarat receive ample rain
As per data provided by the SEOC, state got 28.21mm avg rains until Tuesday morning

Source: DI

Maharashtra: OBC becomes the focal point as state goes for social engineering

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

Maharashtra: OBC becomes the focal point as state goes for social engineering
The state has made a provision of Rs 200 crore for the Maharashtra State Other Backward Classes Finance and Development Cooperation.

Source: DI

Gujarat University to start a certificate course on GST

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

Gujarat University to start a certificate course on GST
The syllabus will be designed by ICAI Western branch, course will be conducted by CAs and experts

Source: DI

Heat curfew in 12 more Bihar districts

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:46 PM PDT

Source: FPJ

Chennai: Students find new way to have fun on Bus Day

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:37 PM PDT

Chennai: Students find new way to have fun on Bus Day
Bus day celebrations are held on the first day of college. They have had a history of creating a nuisance

Source: DI

Maharashtra sets aside a thick slice to douse farm fire

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:37 PM PDT

Maharashtra sets aside a thick slice to douse farm fire
Govt earmarks Rs 16K crore for agri sector, but no complete loan waiver

Source: DI

Ahmedabad: Cyclone Vayu brings both respite & misery

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:37 PM PDT

Ahmedabad: Cyclone Vayu brings both respite & misery
Impedes easy vehicular movement and leads to cave-ins, waterlogging across city; locals rescue cars and strays

Source: DI

Razorpay raises $75 million from Sequoia, others in Series C funding

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:34 PM PDT

Razorpay raises $75 million from Sequoia, others in Series C funding
Razorpay said a large portion of the funds will be used to develop new technologies and scale up its recently expanded product suite, Razorpay X and Razorpay Capital.

Source: TFE

IL&FS scam: Audit firm noted lapses by IFIN but looked the other way

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:34 PM PDT

IL&FS scam: Audit firm noted lapses by IFIN but looked the other way
In emails to IFIN's officials, the audit team noted 17 instances, including a loan of `12 crore extended to a subsidiary of Unitech, which was then used to repay interest on previous loans.

Source: TFE

AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi takes oath in Urdu; ends it with Jai Bhim, Allah-o-Akbar and Jai Hind

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT

AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi takes oath in Urdu; ends it with Jai Bhim, Allah-o-Akbar and Jai Hind
Owaisi had complained to the Election Commission against Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ending his poll speech by chanting Jai Sri Ram at a rally near Ayodhya

Source: DI

Congress gives party baton to Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury in Lok Sabha

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:32 PM PDT

Congress gives party baton to Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury in Lok Sabha
Sources say Rahul Gandhi refused to take the charge

Source: DI

EU to India: How will you double farmers’ income by 2022?

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:16 PM PDT

EU to India: How will you double farmers' income by 2022?
Ahead of a meeting of the WTO's committee on agriculture on June 25-26, countries have submitted questions on various farm policies adopted by India, purportedly with an aim to gauge if these are trade-distorting and can be challenged at the multilateral body. 

Source: TFE

Panel formed to investigate unusually high number of hysterectomies in Beed

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:16 PM PDT

Panel formed to investigate unusually high number of hysterectomies in Beed

Source: TIE

Rs 2,654-cr bank fraud: Gujarat High Court grants three-months bail to DPIL promoters

Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:14 PM PDT

Rs 2,654-cr bank fraud: Gujarat High Court grants three-months bail to DPIL promoters
The brothers are behind bars for the past one-and-a-half years in connection with the Rs 2,654-crore bank fraud case.

Source: DI

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