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MMOGaming News

Four Recommended Mobile Games For This Week


Four Recommended Mobile Games For This Week

Time marches on, the new year is coming. Perhaps you are looking forward to a holiday, but for American TV series fans, this period is a real winter. This week we will recommend you several mobile games to help you spend the series shortage time.

Revelation Online RU Open Beta Starts on Dec. 26th


Revelation Online RU Open Beta Starts on Dec. 26th

The Russian players will be able to enjoy Revelation Online soon with its entering Open Beta starts on December 26th. The level cap will be 69, and the new content update can be expected next January.

Marvel Heroes: Test Center Impressions


Marvel Heroes: Test Center Impressions

How is the latest Test Center in Marvel Heroes? Let's have a look!

Cute Glacein and Leafeon Cosplays


Cute Glacein and Leafeon Cosplays

Here are some cute Pokemon Glaceon and Leafeon cosplays by Chiyo and her friend. Enjoy!

New Mobile MMORPG Lineage 2: Revolution Gameplay Preview


New Mobile MMORPG Lineage 2: Revolution Gameplay Preview

Lineage 2: Revolution has taken the No. 1 spot on the South Korean App Store in less than 24 hours after it launched according to Inven. Different from the dungeon crawler mobile games like Nexon's HIT or Gamevil's Devilian, Lineage 2: Revolution is a real MMORPG, with its quality visuals and detailed actions. Players can do main quests and side missions and more in game.

Lineage: Red Knights First Impressions


Lineage: Red Knights First Impressions

Lineage Red knight is the next in a long line of games in this format. With that said this game maybe the best version. It's actually very cinematic for a mobile game.

Revelation Online 2nd Closed Beta Key Giveaway


Revelation Online 2nd Closed Beta Key Giveaway

MMOsite has teamed up with My.com for a 2nd Closed Beta Key Giveaway of their MMORPG, Revelation Online.

Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMO


Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMO

One last week left for the Readers' Choice Awards first round, now give all your powers to support your beloved games! Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMOs!

Afterpulse iPhone 7 Gameplay 1080p


Afterpulse iPhone 7 Gameplay 1080p

The Pulse has changed everything. The balance of power is unstable. World leaders are deploying elite squads and the time has come for you to enter the fray.

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