
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Protect Christmas in League of Angels II with the Power of the Cursed Scythe!


Protect Christmas in League of Angels II with the Power of the Cursed Scythe!

While the Angels are busy preparing for the upcoming Grand Christmas Party, the forces of darkness have been watching for their chance to terrorize the holidays!

Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMO


Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMO

One last week left for the Readers' Choice Awards first round, now give all your powers to support your beloved games! Vote for the Most Classic MMO, Most Anticipated MMO and Best New MMOs!

VR Invaders Now Available on Steam VR


VR Invaders Now Available on Steam VR

My.com announces that their first virtual reality PC game, VR Invaders, is now available on Steam VR.

Valkyria: Revolution is coming to the west


Valkyria: Revolution is coming to the west

Deep Silver is going to bring the new SEGA game of Valkyria series to Europe and North America.

Durango Limited Beta Gameplay


Durango Limited Beta Gameplay

Durango is a Pioneering Open-world MMORPG in which players from modern ages are sent on a warp to unknown world in the prehistoric era, where dinosaurs and natural wildness are alive; the player is challenged to survive and team up with other players.

Space Hulk: Deathwing First Look Gameplay


Space Hulk: Deathwing First Look Gameplay

A first look at the new first-person shooter set in Warhammer 40K universe Space Hulk: Deathwing.

League of Legends Leona Cosplay by Aoime


League of Legends Leona Cosplay by Aoime

I'm Aoime, a League of Legends lover and coser. Here are my cosplays of Leona and Amethyst Ashe, hope you will like them!

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