Four Recommended Mobile Games for This Week Posted: Hello MMOsiters, welcome to our mobile game collection party. Let me show you the newest amazing mobile game that worth to play for this week. Read below and find out your favorite to take a try, here we go!  |
Oculus Cuts the Price of a VR-ready PC by Half Posted: VR experience is superb but the price of enjoying a fluent VR gameplay is scary. Despite the expensive headsets, a large sum of money should fill the big hole of a VR-ready PC.  |
Bless Online Releases Its Largest Patch 'The Blazing Fire' This Week Posted: Compared with the deficient news on the NA/EU server, the Korean version of Bless Online is in full swing with the new patch 'The Blazing Fire'. The level cap was bumped up to 50 just in time for the addition of the new Burning Desert region, which is aimed at level 46-47 players, along with a lab-themed, five-boss, level 50 dungeon.  |
TERAs Latest Server Merge - What it Means Posted: On the 6th of September, 2016, TERA had its second server merge, this one encompassing a total of three separate ones: Valley of Titans, Lake of Tears, and Highwatch. These were merged into a new server, called Fey Forest, encompassing all three.  |
Dead and Buried will be Playable with Oculus Touch Posted: Gunfire Games has announced their hand in the co-development of Dead and Buried, an Oculus Touch launch title slated for release later this year.  |
Mobile RPG 'CRY' Starts Pre-Registration for Its Global Launch Posted: CRY is a game with stylish actions based on a unique background story fighting against God, and users can use various skill combos up to their own setting, and various contents such as PvP and Raid are ready.  |
Forge of Gods Fantastic Six Pack Giveaway Posted: MMOsite has teamed up with Panoramik Inc for a Fantastic Six Pack Giveaway of their card strategy RPG, Forge of Gods.  |
Bloodline is Unstoppable as it Stomps Towards Its 1st Anniversary! Posted: The ultimate mobile anime action-RPG Bloodline is celebrating its 1st Anniversary with new SEA-exclusive heroes, astonishinggiveaways and in-game special events, and a first-ever offline event held in Singapore!  |
Rift - Starfall Prophecy Open Beta Begins on Oct 13th Posted: Recently, Trion announced that the open beta of Starfall Prophecy will begin on Oct 13th. Here is a Starfall Prophecy preview about Ashenfell. Read on and learn more about it.  |
Spellbound - Next Major Update of TERA Brings Big Chances to Sorcerer Posted: Spellbound is an upcoming major update to TERA featuring a total revamp of the sorcerer class, two new dungeons, and much more.  |
DC Legends Mobile RPG Coming in November Posted: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced today at New York Comic Con the release of a new rpg for Android and iOS feturing all our beloved heroes and villains from DC universe.  |
WoW Legion: Make Gold With Darkmoon Fish! Posted: Start hoarding Darkmoon Daggermaw! If you're the Fishing type of a player, head over to the Darkmoon Isle and fish out daggermaws. If you're not much into Fishing and consider farming a waste of time, check out your Auction House for the fish and make sure to buy cheap and resell at higher prices.  |
Smashing The Battle by Magic Cube Gameplay Posted: To celebrate the release of the game, 80% off for limited time!Masterpiece of Action game! Enjoy the classic arcade action on your mobile device!  |
New AdventureQuest 3D Trailer Reveals Open Beta Launch Date Posted: Artix Entertainment released a new trailer for AdventureQuest 3D, its forthcoming MMO role-playing adventure game. The trailer officially announces the start of Open Beta on Oct. 18th, 2016, and offers an enticing gameplay glimpse of ShadowSkull Tower.  |
Echo of Soul - Paladin Character Creation Posted: Not too long ago, we heard about Echo of Soul getting it's second new character finally after the warlock released first.Here's a character creation video from rendermax over on youtube about the character creation of EoS.  |
Guild Wars 2's PvP - A Look at Default Builds Posted: When it comes to taking part in structured PvP within Guild Wars 2, having a solid build means a lot. Being a great, skilled player has its merit as well, but the build can make or break you in a lot of situations.  |
Revelation Online: Final Flight Tour Posted: I don't really have anything left to show flight wise. That isn't already shown somewhere so this is it. Next will be all game play and fun. Until North American Launch let's have some fun  |
Are There Too Few Promising MMORPGs in Development? Posted: MMORPG lovers have some titles to look forward to, but not a whole lot of them. Games like Bless Online, Lineage Eternal, Lost Ark, Revelation Online, and Soul Worker are exciting upcoming titles for the western regions that are sure to impress, but that's a small number of games when you think about it.  |