
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

10 Tips, Cheats and Tricks for PewDiewPie's Tuber Simulator


10 Tips, Cheats and Tricks for PewDiewPie's Tuber Simulator

Here's our first guide, offering some handy tips on how to be a Tuber super star.

Five Mobile Games You Can Try on Halloween


Five Mobile Games You Can Try on Halloween

Halloween is a perfect time to try spooky things. For those who enjoy curling up under the blanket with scary games going on on the phone, we've prepared some good stuff for you.

Peria Chronicles Unveiled a New Creature Kashimara


Peria Chronicles Unveiled a New Creature Kashimara

A new creature Kashimara has been revealed in the highly-anticipated sandbox MMORPG Peria Chronicles. Kashimara puts his body on fire himself to enemy threat and he is able to swing his wonderful cloak to attack the enemies.

Revelation Online: The Swordmage's Three Elements


Revelation Online: The Swordmage's Three Elements

The Swordmage, other than being a mage that uses swords that get imbued with magic and then thrown at enemies, has the ability to switch between three elements to alter the effects of her attacks.

Fantastic Creatures in Dark and Light Unveiled


Fantastic Creatures in Dark and Light Unveiled

Creatures play an important part in many games. Most of the time, they're dull and stupid, and simply form a part of a task or a way to upgrade. But not so for creatures in Dark and Light. They are smart.

Tavern Brawl - Tactics Android Gameplay


Tavern Brawl - Tactics Android Gameplay

Build up your own extraordinary team! All classical heroic roles are at your calling! Activate them all and prove your strength on the battlefield! DOWNLOAD now and play for free!

Shadowverse Is Coming to PC


Shadowverse Is Coming to PC

According to Twitter Shadowverse is coming to PC via Steam on October 26. For those not familiar with the game Shadowverse is an OCG for Android and iOS very similar to Hearthstone.

Continue reading Shadowverse Is Coming to PC.

Monster Super League Mobile MMO


Monster Super League Mobile MMO

This game made me laugh way more than it should have. In truth this game is a Summoner Wars clone.

Revelation Online CBT1 Moved to Nov.3rd


Revelation Online CBT1 Moved to Nov.3rd

Netease and my.com updated their first CBT1 to Nov.3rd.The original date is Oct.25th. However, players can now pre-download the game's textures.

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