


Chronicles of Elyria - $900k is Not Enough, $2-3M More Needed to Complete the Game

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 07:33 AM PDT

The Chronicles of Elyria KickStarter page has been updated with the news that new fund raising strategies to bring three million more dollars into the development coffers. Soulbound's KickStarter project raised $900,000 but according to the update, the 'reality is" that completing the game will require a minimum of $2M more but that closer to $3M would be better.

World of Warcraft - Legion - The Best Azeroth Has Been in Years

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

In August, Blizzard Entertainment released the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft. Legion, announced at Gamescom 2015 has come with a lot of promise from the development team to bring back the core game play that brought players to WoW in the first place. Does Legion deliver that promise? Let's find out.

Pocket MapleStory to See the Return of Blaze Wizard

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Nexon has announced that Pocket MapleStory has been updated to bring a popular and iconic character from the MapleStory MMO into the game. Black Wizard enters the game after today's update with powerful magic and a fiery attack.

Heroes of the Storm - Zarya Shines in the Spotlight in Latest Video

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 03:57 AM PDT

Overwatch powerhouse Zarya will be heading into the Nexus soon and Blizzard wants to shine the spotlight on her abilities and how she will affect the Heroes of the Storm game field. Devs will also be taking part in a special stream event on Wednesday, September 28th that will focus on Zarya gameplay. The event will take place at 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern in the HotS Twitch channel.

Grim Dawn - First Expansion Teased in New Blog Post

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 03:36 AM PDT

The Grim Dawn site has been updated with a new developer post to tease players with forthcoming content that will arrive with the first expansion to the critically acclaimed title. Players will have the opportunity to adventure through new areas, face off against new enemies including Aetherial Imps, Ugdenbog Spikeshells, and more.

Elder Scrolls: Legends Starter Packs Announced

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 03:34 AM PDT

Bethesda has revealed new Starter Packs to give players a leg up on deck building in Elder Scrolls: Legends. Each comes complete with ten packs of cards with one Legendary guaranteed. Players can get hold of these packs for $4.99, one per account. Players will also gain The Founder in-game title and three premium alternative art cards.

The Division - PC Users Can Check Out v1.4 On the Now-Open PTS

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 01:26 PM PDT

As of today, Monday, September 26th, The Division players can check out the big v1.4 update on the now-open public test server. The PTS is available for PC users only and the development team is interested in player feedback and its assistance hunting down bugs.

Reliving My Childhood Through MMOs

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 11:00 AM PDT

My daughter and I regularly go exploring in the woods not too far from where we live. She's five and on Sunday we were joined by my nephew, who's also the same age. Despite living in the city, where we live is incredibly green and the woods stretch on for miles. We explored for hours, searching under logs, hunting down Goblins that were hiding amongst the bushes and running away from bears. Any tree markers we saw, Lily and Luca were convinced was the writing of Trolls.

Rappelz - Epic 9.4: The Expedition to Go Live on Tuesday, September 27

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 09:15 AM PDT

Webzen has sent word that Rappelz will be getting a big content expansion on Tuesday, September 27th when Epic 9.4: The Expedition goes live. The Expedition will add a new dungeon containing seven new bosses, 'blue-eye' weapons, a new area called The Island of Forgotten Gods, new quests, gear and item upgrades.

Epocylipse the AfterFall - September Updates Include Animation, Textures, Music

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 09:05 AM PDT

The Epocalypse: The Afterfall site has several recent blog posts from the development team that give brief updates on several teams and the work they have been performing over the past month or so. Diaries cover texturing, animation and rigging, music, and modeling.

Oz: Broken Kingdom - Reimagining Baum's World as a Fun, Interesting Mobile RPG

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 09:00 AM PDT

With a nostalgic and fond nod at L. Frank Baum's iconic novels, Oz: Broken Kingdom is a fully-featured mobile RPG that is surprisingly robust with in depth game play, fantastic and interesting character and party development. We spoke with O:BK's developers Nick Bakalos and Isaac Calon to learn more about the game and its background. Check it out!

Paladins: Champions of the Realm - First $150K Invitational Tournament Announced

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 08:56 AM PDT

Hi-Rez Studios has announced the first Paladins Invitational Tournament to be held in Atlanta, Georgia in January 2017. Teams from North America, Europe, Brazil, Latin America, China, and Australia / New Zealand will be taking to the battlefield to compete for a share of the $150,000 prize pool.

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