


ArcheAge - Anniversary Gifts Detailed In New Post

Posted: 24 Sep 2016 08:00 AM PDT

Trion Worlds has revealed new information about forthcoming ArcheAge anniversary presents to be given to players logging in for the second birthday party. Players will receive a nice package of items for one character that include Marketplace Tokens, Merit Badges, Warrior's Medals and Bound Tax Certificates.

Lord of the Rings Online - Producer's Letter Examines Plans For The Coming Year

Posted: 24 Sep 2016 06:00 AM PDT

The Lord of the Rings Online producer's letter has been published on the official site that gives players an insight on what the team is currently working on as well as a peek in the future.

Riders of Icarus - Big Changes to the Alliance System to Stop Exploitation

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 02:38 PM PDT

The Riders of Icarus site has been updated with a new Producer's Letter to inform the community that sweeping changes will be forthcoming to the Alliance System due to exploitation by larger guilds that were trading wins for lucrative boons and for the acquisition of PvP gear.

Worlds Adrift - New Features to be Added for Alpha 5

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 12:55 PM PDT

After a successful Alpha 4, Bossa Studios has taken feedback from the Worlds Adrift community and is preparing Alpha 5 which will bring new and keenly anticipated features into the game. Players will gain access to sails, a gauntlet that assists with harvesting, salvaging and repair. In addition, the shipyard will be overhauled in addition to other bug fixes and much more.

Gloria Victis - Bug Fixes Galore Arrive in Latest Update

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 12:47 PM PDT

The Gloria Victis Steam page has been updated with a comprehensive set of patch notes for the latest update to the game. Most notably, players can look for numerous bug fixes and resolved issues. Specifically, many fixes for character control and combat balance issues have been addressed.

World of Warcraft - Five Essential Add-Ons for Legion (and a Few Extra!)

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 12:00 PM PDT

Now that World of Warcraft: Legion has been out a few weeks and players are once again in the 'groove' of the game, it's time to talk about how to best manage your time in game to maximize your fun and to feel as if you've accomplished something for the day. To that end, there are several game add-ons that are easily installed and that will greatly help players of any type no matter what type of activity they're engaged in.

Good Gaming Sponsoring Call of Duty Doubles Tournament

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 11:09 AM PDT

Good Gaming is sponsoring a Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Doubles Tournament which will be taking place on Sunday, September 25th. Up to sixty-four teams can take part to battle it out for $250 guaranteed or up to $500 if all sixty-four team slots are taken.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift DLC Released Alongside New Trailer

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 11:04 AM PDT

Square Enix has announced the first DLC for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided called "System Rift" has been released as of today. Tthe DLC marks the return of iconic series character Frank Pritchard, Adam's former colleague at Sarif Industries.

Dragon Nest - EYEdentity Games to Take Over Publishing on September 27th

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 10:56 AM PDT

EYEdentity Games has taken over North American publication duties for Dragon Nest beginning September 27th thanks to an agreement made with Nexon. Veteran and new players will receive some rewards when the game transition is complete.

Heroes & Generals - Reto-Moto Celebrates Official Launch Day

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 10:49 AM PDT

Reto-Moto has announced that Heroes & Generals has officially entered full retail release as of today, Friday, September 23rd. Players can download the game client directly from the H&G site or can play via Steam.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is Off to a Promising Start

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 09:00 AM PDT

The highly anticipated sequel to 2014's Divinity: Original Sin has recently released to Steam Early Access. Original Sin 2 has been high on our watch list since it hit Kickstarter last year. Now that the first act is live for player's worldwide, we sent Chris in for a hands-on. Does it live up to the original so far?

Star Wars Uprising to Close in November

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 08:42 AM PDT

Kabam has announced that its ARPG Star Wars Uprising will be closing after only about a year in service. Servers will be turned off in November and the game has already been delisted from both Google Play and iTunes.

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