


Elder Scrolls Online - Group-Friendly Content by Way of Dungeons

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Group play is going to be one of the hallmarks of Elder Scrolls Online when One Tamriel goes live later this fall. Dungeons are key to that goal. We had the chance to speak to Rich Lambert about how dungeons fit into One Tamriel and much more.

Survarium - New Update Brings Events, Improvements for New Players

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 04:47 AM PDT

Survarium has been updated with the largest patch since March. Players can look forward to new explosives and pistols as well as a weekly treasure hunt event and a new AI-controlled bot mechanic to help new players learn the game. Lastly, a robust new anti-cheat program called BattlEye has been added to the client to detect hackers and auto-ban them.

TERA - The Guilded Age Update Now Live

Posted: 23 Sep 2016 04:18 AM PDT

En Masse Entertainment has announced that the latest TERA update has been deployed. Called "The Guilded Age", the patch brings new guild functionality into the game that includes progression, unlockable guild-wide skills and with new weekly GvG events to battle for control of the capital city of Velika.

Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade - The Road to Tomorrow's Release Comes with Lots of New Stuff!

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 02:42 PM PDT

The latest Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade newsletter has been sent out that heralds the Steam Early Access release for the game, a momentous occasion to be sure. Players can look forward to improvements to systems and features that are as a direct result of player feedback, an advanced graphics menu, balance updates, performance fixes and much, much more.

Marvel Heroes 2016 - Gazillion's Massive Plans May Be Worth The Wait

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 01:00 PM PDT

Face it, 2016 hasn't necessarily been a kind year to Marvel Heroes. The year's first few months had the game's dev team tied up pushing out movie tie-in content for Captain America: Civil War and things have been pretty dry since then. As it would turn out, this dry spell was a bit of a gambit on Gazillions part: risk players being bored in the short term in order to execute on some massive plans that would deal with some Marvel Heroes' most significant long term issues.

Destiny - Rise of Iron - Wrath of the Machines Trailer

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 12:19 PM PDT

Bungie has released a brand new trailer to show off the Destiny: Rise of Iron raid called Wrath of the Machines that is scheduled to launch on Friday, September 23rd at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern.

Tyranny - Art, Animation, Music - The Creative Side of the Game

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 11:25 AM PDT

A new video developer diary has been released by Paradox and Obsidian that centers around the music, art, and animation side of Tyranny. Viewers will meet the creators of the game's aesthetics as well as get a chance to see concept art and environments, companions and more. Check it out!

Fractured Space Launches on Steam

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 11:17 AM PDT

Edge Case Games has announced that Fractured Space has officially launched on Steam as of today. The launch client includes a number of new features including AI Captains, solo and cooperative play against bots, pre-match drafting options, new ways to connect with friends, a better Zarek Paragon ship, a brand new UI alongside bug fixes and existing feature enhancements.

Shards Online - It's Like a Whole New Game

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 11:00 AM PDT

Shards Online and Citadel Studios are ready to embark on the next big phase of the game's development by moving from pre-alpha to alpha and then to Steam Early Access not long after. This weekend, players who have had a key at any time in the past will see it reactivated to be able to jump into the game from Friday, September 23rd through early Monday, September 26th to see what's new -- and it is a lot. We had the chance to speak with Derek Brinkmann to learn the scoop behind the latest build.

Destiny - Rise of Iron Review - End of the Road

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 09:00 AM PDT

The final Destiny expansion has just be released. Does it measure up? Read on for what Rob thinks in his review of Rise of Iron.

Elder Scrolls Online - Hotly Debated Crown Crates Arrive on PTS

Posted: 22 Sep 2016 08:18 AM PDT

The Elder Scrolls Online public test server has been updated with an incremental patch that brings, among other things, the hotly debated Crown Crates into the game for testing. This gives interested players a look at how the crates will function and what items may be included in them.

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