


Revelation Online - Know Your Lore: The Seaside Falmari

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 07:46 AM PDT

The Revelation Online site has been updated with a new lore piece that explores the seaside dwelling Falmari, a race favored by the sea god. They are a unique combination of human and fish with an amphibious nature that allows them to spend most of their time in the water.

Sea of Thieves - Spectacular Lighting Means Spectacular Visuals

Posted: 21 Sep 2016 06:03 AM PDT

The latest Sea of Thieves video developer diary has been published. This time, Art Director Ryan Stevenson and Principal Environment Artist Andrew Finch take to the airwaves to talk about lighting and the tips and tricks behind making the game a visual delight. Check it out!

Guild Wars 2 - Legendary Weapons Guide Lands on Official Site

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 04:05 PM PDT

With today's Guild Wars 2 update, a new legendary weapon arrived along with it. In a new developer post by Matt Pennebaker and Mike O'Brien discuss the new method of obtaining a legendary weapon that may be, according to them, a bit short on lore, but also a lot less complicated.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - EU Summer Championships to be Held this Weekend

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 03:36 PM PDT

Blizzard will be broadcasting the Hearthstone EU Summer Championships this coming weekend, September 24-25, 2016. Players will be battling it out for a spot at Blizzcon this year and a share of the $100,000 prize pool.

Dungeons & Dragons Online - Two Updates Before Year's End and Ravenloft in 2017

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 02:37 PM PDT

The latest Dungeons & Dragons Online producer's letter has been published on the official forums. In it, players will be happy to hear that a pair of beefy updates will be coming before the end of 2016 and that Ravenloft will be headed into DDO in 2017!

Riders of Icarus - One Million Registered Players Celebrated

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 02:34 PM PDT

Riders of Icarus has seen over a million registered players since it debuted in July. To celebrate the big news, the team has published a great new video about what people are saying about the game.

Heroes of the Storm - Overwatch's Zarya Now Live on PTR

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:33 PM PDT

The Heroes of the Storm PTR has been updated with the latest build that includes a new hero, Zarya from Overwatch as well as a new Starcraft-themed battleground called Warhead Junction. Chen and Nazeebo have been spiffed up both visually and in Talent overhauls. Other characters have had a bit of fine-tuning applied as well.

World of Warcraft - Blind Player Has Been Challenging Preconceptions Since 2012

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:08 PM PDT

A group of World of Warcraft players on a European server have been challenging preconceptions by making sure that all can participate in raids and other activities, including their blinded war veteran Ben 'Hexu' Shaw. Hexu has an ally in his fight to change the notion that there are some things that are 'off limits' to the blind, including participation in MMO raiding. 'Davidian' serves as Hexu's "guide dog" in raids by calling out directions and generally assisting Hexu in any way possible.

Wizard101 - A Different Perspective

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 12:00 PM PDT

Through most of the game, Wizard101 has players exploring The Spiral and defeating evil doers as a student at Ravenwood. There's nothing wrong with that, but some of the most amazing and memorable game experiences I've had came from dungeons that put me in unique situations. The first two that come to mind are Ghost Avalon and the Chamber(s) of the Mind.

Blade & Soul - Ebondrake Citadel to Bring Spectator Mode to the Game

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 11:39 AM PDT

Blade & Soul players have a lot to look forward to with the arrival of Ebondrake Citadel on October 5th. Most notably, Ebondrake Citadel brings Spectator Mode to 1v1 arenas so players can check out their favorite combatants.

Guild Wars 2 - Playing Through the Rising Flames Update

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Rising Flames just may be a turning point for Guild Wars 2 in the post Heart of Thorns Tyria. There's no mistaking that the expansion was divisive, despite being initially well-received by players, due to how content and its replayability ended up. In the months since launch, the way content in Maguuma is handled has been overhauled drastically, and the first episode of Season 3's Living World was well-received for its new (but small map) and bombshells with the story.

Guild Wars 2 - Living World Season 3 Episode 2 Released

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Guild Wars 2 has been updated with today's release of Living World Season 3 Episode 2 "Rising Flames". In it, players take to the Ring of Fire, a legendary location in Tyria's lore and history straight out of Guild Wars. In addition, a new PvP map called Eternal Coliseum has been added with players fighting to gain the favor of attendees similar to gladiatorial arenas in ancient Rome.

MU Origin Updated with GvG & Pet System

Posted: 20 Sep 2016 08:47 AM PDT

MU Origin, Webzen's mobile MMO based on MU Online, has been updated with a large patch that brings new systems online: The Loren Castle Siege guild vs guild location, the Labyrinth of Dimensions party dungeon, a new pet system, Aether system and more.

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