


Wizard101 - The Maturing Wizard

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 09:00 AM PDT

For as long as I can remember, I was always playing some type of videogame. Some of my earliest adventures were with Pajama Sam, Spy Fox, Putt-Putt, and the Backyard Sports crew. From there, I gravitated towards the consoles of my childhood - the Game Boy Advance, GameCube, and PlayStation 2 to name a few. But it wasn't until I became a new student at Ravenwood that I truly experienced a game like no other.

Crossout - Post-Apocalyptic Title Joins Steam Early Access

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 08:10 AM PDT

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that its vehicle combat title, Crossout" is now out on Steam Early Access. PC players who purchase a Westland Warrior pack will automatically gain access to the closed beta. The Steam version includes all previously release content along with two new missions and one new map.

World of Warships - Steven Seagal Joins WG Team as a 'Heroic Battle Advisor'

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 07:35 AM PDT

World of Warships has enlisted some heavy duty star-power with the addition of Steven Seagal as a Heroic Battle Advisor. "He's a man who's hard to kill, always out for justice and willing to make an executive decision. With numerous victories under his belt (and as the guy who knows a thing or two about warships), Steven is the only man up to the task" reads the World of Warships site.

Sea of Thieves - A Pirate's Life for Me at Gamescom

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Sea of Thieves is shaping up to be a bit of an MMO dark horse from Rare. We got our hands on the PC and XB1 open world pirate multiplayer adventure during Gamescom 2016, and came away mighty impressed.

Heroes of the Storm - EU Global Championship Slots Filled After Fierce Battles

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 06:43 AM PDT

Top EU teams have secured a position at the Heroes of the Storm Fall Global Championships to be held during this year's Blizzcon in November. Team Dignitas took home $25,000 while Misfits and Fnatic duked it out for the second slot with Fnatic ultimately prevailing in a best-of-three fight to the finish.

TERA - Bamarama, Rootstock & Pond Faire Events Begin

Posted: 24 Aug 2016 06:24 AM PDT

From now through September 20th, TERA players have a trio of summer-themed events to take part in: Bamarama, Rootstock and Pond Faire.

Guild Wars 2 - Servers Taken Down to Roll Back to Pre-Update Status

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:27 PM PDT

If you haven't played Guild Wars 2 today and aren't planning to log in until tonight, you won't notice anything different. However, those who played in the hours just after the latest GW2 udpate went live will have any progress gained during their game session rolled back after a seriuos bug without any solution presented itself.

Blade & Soul - Gift Key Giveaway!

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:23 PM PDT

MMORPG.com has been give special gift keys for Blade & Soul that give players really cool items such as Hongmoon Unsealing Charms, Traditional Hongmoon Dragon Soup and much more. Get your key now, get in the game and get your free gift!

Elder Scrolls Online - One Tamriel Headed to PTS Next Week, Release in October

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:53 PM PDT

The Elder Scrolls Online PTR will be updated next week with the One Tamriel update that will go live in October. One Tamriel is an anticipated update that will open up the game without barriers to level. Players will be able to go anywhere and play in any order they wish while simultaneously having their characters scaled and balanced for the area.

Pokemon Go - Daily Active Users & Engagement in Decline

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 01:46 PM PDT

Bloomberg is reporting a steep decline in active worldwide daily users of Pokemon Go. According to Axiom Capital Management, if these declines continue, it could cast a shadow over the idea of Pokemon Go itself, and augmented reality altogether. User Engagement is also showing a steady decline since mid-July and through August 18th.

Blade & Soul - Desolate Tomb Overview & Patch Notes

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 01:07 PM PDT

The Blade & Soul site has been updated with a brief overview of tomorrow's Desolate Tomb update alongside the official patch notes. Desolate Tomb brings a new high end dungeon, a new Whirlwind Valley event, battleground improvements and a significant number of class balance changes.

Five Things MMO Gamers Should Complain About

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 01:00 PM PDT

This week Rob is back with a few gears to grind. There are plenty of things we don't need to whine about in gaming, but there are also quite a few issues we should be concerned about. Read on about his five things he believes should have gamers up in arms.

Aura Kingdom - Characters to be Hidden to Prepare for 'Virtualization'

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:45 PM PDT

In a new letter on the Aura Kingdom forum, 'GM_Mechium' has revealed that it is time to prepare for the "virtualization of US servers" and that to do so, a reduction in data needs to happen. To accomplish this, characters that have been inactive for 90 days and those between levels 1-49 that have not been logged into for the past six months will be deactivated and hidden.

PlayStation 3 Games Headed to PC with PS Now Service

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:33 PM PDT

Sony has unveiled that its PlayStation Now streaming service will soon bring PlayStation 3 games to PC. PS Now allows subscribers to play PlayStation 3 games over the internet, similar, according to VentureBeat.com, to the way Netflix streams movies and television programs. The subscription will cost $20 per month or three months for $45 and includes some of PlayStation 3's most popular games.

Worlds Adrift - Bossa Studios Opens Alpha Sign Ups

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:20 PM PDT

Bossa Studios has sent word that alpha sign ups for Worlds Adrift have started as of today. Potential testers can sign up for the initial round of testing, though the pool will be limited at first. The first play test will be held in September but sign ups will stop on August 29th.

Overwatch - FaceIt & ELeague Teams Revealed for EU/NA Playoffs

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:13 PM PDT

ELeague and FaceIt have revealed the names of the thirty-two teams that will be facing off against one another in the Overwatch European and North American playoffs. The tournament events will begin on August 24th at 8:30 am Pacific / 11:30 am Eastern and will wrap up on August 28th. Eight teams will travel to the North American and European Finals in Atlanta.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - Good Gaming Announces $1,500 Tournament

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:04 PM PDT

Good Gaming is sponsoring a Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft tournament on August 27th that can see players taking home a portion of the $1,500 prize pool. The event will take place on August 27th and there is no fee to enter.

Duelyst - Steam Launch is a Go & Expansion Launch Date Revealed

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:59 AM PDT

Counterplay Games has announced that Duelyst is now available on Steam and that the Denizens of Shim'zar expansion is set to be released on Tuesday, August 30th.The expansion will bring over a hundred new cards into the game and will include new units, spells and tokens.

World of Warcraft - Plan Ahead for Dungeoneering & Raiding

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:29 AM PDT

The World of Warcraft team has released the dungeon and raid schedule for the months following Legion's release. The Normal and Heroic versions of all dungeons will be open from August 30th, Legion's launch day, with Mythic versions coming along the next week after reset.

Crowfall - Gamescom 2016 with J. Todd Coleman & Jess Mulligan

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT

Early Friday morning at Gamescom we sat down with Jess Mulligan from Travian to talk about Crowfall while we waited for J Todd Coleman to find his way to us. It was a lovely informal chat. Jess on the other hand? She's been in the industry a long time. Quite possibly she has more experience in the industry than I do at playing the products of the games industry. With that, we had our rambled on...

World of Warcraft - Legion Pre-Event Mini Guide - 1 to 100 in a Week or Less

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:00 AM PDT

With exactly a week until World of Warcraft: Legion makes its debut as a fully-released expansion to the venerated game, some may be starting to panic as the pre-event that has been running for the past two weeks is drawing to a close. The Legion pre-event is designed for altoholics and achievement hunters. With huge XP gains during the demonic invasions, this is the right time and the right place to dust off those lowbies and get crackin'! Find out how in our mini guide.

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