


Revelation Online - My.com Team Explores Character Development

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:29 AM PDT

The latest Revelation Online developer diary has been posted to the official site. This time, the team takes a look at the way characters develop and how they can be uniquely tailored to individual play styles through a number of different features embedded into the game.

WildStar - Soundtrack Volume 2 Released with New Tunes

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:13 AM PDT

The second volume of the WildStar soundtrack has been released by Sumthing Else Music, a company dedicated to releasing game tunes. Composed by Jeff Kurtenacker, the new album features several never before heard compositions and also features the talents of Los Angeles Opera singer Nicole Fernandes performing "From the Ashes".

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Release Day Finally Arrives

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:04 AM PDT

Square Enix is celebrating the release of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided today, exactly five years to the date from the release of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The game is available on PlayStation 4, XBox One and for Windows PC.

Outward - Blending Fantasy & Survival to Rethink the Genre

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:53 AM PDT

Nine Dot Studios is ready to show off Outward, its current RPG in development. Outward isn't, however, a run-of-the-mill RPG as it combines survival with fantasy alongside features like constant auto-saving to ensure that actions have repercussions, no level-scaling and how the environment impacts, for instance, armor use.

Is the Burning Legion DDoSing Blizzard Servers? Maybe!

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:01 AM PDT

It appears that Blizzard servers are once again suffering from a DDoS attack that began at approximately 5:00 am Pacific / 8:00 am Eastern. It is unclear how many of the company's titles are affected, though Blizzard acknowledged "multiple titles".

Camelot Unchained - Interpreting Completions

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:00 AM PDT

This week Tim Eisen went mining for content and ended up with 7 development completions to interpret (or claim he interpreted) from developer speak to the more common language of us small folk.

Project Genom - Steam Early Access to Launch October 12th

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:46 AM PDT

NeuronHaze Studio has sent word that Project Genom will be entering Steam Early Access on October 12th. Project Genom is a futuristic MMO that features an elaborate storyline inspired by Mass Effect, The Witcher, Deus Ex and Dead Space.

Fallout 4 - On the Fence About Nuka World DLC? Check Out Today's Stream

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:39 AM PDT

Bethesda and Fallout 4 developers will be on hand to show off the latest DLC for the game during a special live stream event. Nuka World launches today but if you'd like to see it in action first, be sure to head to the Bethesda Twitch.tv channel at 1:00 pm Pacific / 4:00 pm Eastern to check out the game play action.

Oceanhorn 2 - An Upcoming ARPG with Badass Bosses & More

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 04:50 PM PDT

Cronfox & Bros. is bringing back the best elements of Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas and pushing things forward into an upcoming ARPG called Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm. According to the team, it's bringing back "classic ARPG gameplay with items, puzzles, battles, and badass bosses and is considered the "fulfillment of a JRPG dream".

World of Tanks - Love Tanks? See the Real Deal Crush Stuff at PAX West

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 04:44 PM PDT

Wargaming is ready to rumble...literally...at this year's PAX West. From September 2-5, a real life Panzer tank will be on hand with a bevy of items to crush. The assembled crowds will vote between two items to crush. The "winner"...if such a thing can be said of the soon-to-be-flattened item...is moved to a special carpet to meet the tank's treads head on.

UPDATE: Oculus Hierarchy Named Directly in Amended Lawsuit

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 01:41 PM PDT

Zenimax has taken the gloves off in its ongoing lawsuit against Oculus. The suit, first filed in 2014, alleges that technology used to create the VR device was stolen from the Zenimax. The amended lawsuit now names CEO Brendan Iribe and id Software's John Carmack directly. The suit alleges that Carmack "copied thousands of documents from a computer at ZeniMax to a USB storage device. He never returned those files or all copies of them after his employment was terminated".

MXM: Master X Master - Alpha Playtest 3 Key Giveaway!

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 01:04 PM PDT

MMORPG.com has been given alpha test keys for MXM that will get you into the next alpha text scheduled for August 25-31, beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific Time and closing at 4 p.m. on the 31st. This test will be the first time players get to check out the Mini Games mode and Guild Wars 2 Ascalon event stage, and will also include the same great PvE stages and PvP modes as previous tests. Get your key now and get in the game!

How Can MMOs Be Monetized Fairly?

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 01:00 PM PDT

What's the best way to monetize an MMO and have it be seen as fair by the players? This is a question that's no doubt going to ruffle a few feathers and create a few competing comments, but our own Lewis Burnell is brave enough to tackle the topic in his column this week.

Elite: Dangerous - Create Your Own Personal People Mover in v2.2

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 12:24 PM PDT

A new feature is coming to Elite: Dangerous that allows players to take on "passenger missions". During these special missions, players can pick up a passenger contract, load up the passengers and transport them to another starport. Considered 'simple work', the rewards for taking on such missions can be lucrative. There is even a special luxury liner ship, the Beluga, that can be used for this purpose.

Overwatch - New Eichenwalde Map a Surprise on PTR

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 12:09 PM PDT

While not officially in the Overwatch Public Test Realm patch notes, it appears the new Eichenwalde map is now available. The large PTR update brings a number of interesting balance changes, a test version of Competitive Season 2 and the new emotes to replace some phrases in chat that have caused some controversy.

Guild Wars 2 - The Latest NCSoft Financial Report Paints a Sad Picture for GW2 Sales

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 10:00 AM PDT

The Q2 2016 NCSoft financials were released a couple weeks ago, covering the period from April to June, and they weren't pretty for Guild Wars 2. In fact, as far as the game goes, they're pretty lousy - if you consider $4.75 million per month lousy.

Pokemon Go - Love that Special Pokemon? Reddit User Can Doodle It!

Posted: 22 Aug 2016 09:10 AM PDT

Reddit user NetWoodle has posted an offer on the /r/ICanDrawThat Reddit page for anyone who may like to see their favorite Pokemon doodled. NetWoodle will draw "real" or imaginary Pokemon. Currently there are 577 posts so it may be awhile before you see your favorite, but why not, right?

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